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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EET

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those for humanity before christ, in our case it is a prayer for the fallen ukrainian soldiers. we inscribed these names in icons, they are inscribed forever, and we placed these icons in sophia of kyiv, in our central church of our country, and now there is a church on the territory of the national reserve where priests will pray for the dead. it is very important for us, because we show, we show, relatives, show. to the whole country that our brothers who died for the country are very important to us and very important to the country as a whole, the military a psychologist from lviv to the border sumy oblast, retired major volodymyr belyy dedicated his life to military affairs, which is more than 25 years of service, so when a full-scale war came to ukraine, he could not stand aside. service for volodymyr bily began in the distant 9'. year, when he became
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a cadet at a military institution of higher education, he faced real war in 2014, when he participated in the anti-terrorist operation as part of the 24th separate mechanized brigade. in 2020, he retired and two years later again became a commander of the armed forces of ukraine. although he was a military man a pensioner, but i remained a military man, and this is my duty, a military oath. they say, no one has canceled, and secondly, these are my personal convictions that the enemy cannot be allowed to invade our land. the 33rd rifle battalion was formed in lviv, and now performs tasks in the sumy region, konotop district, as well as in the city of putivl. the situation on the border is tense, as it is daily shelling, danger and work in... enemy drgs.
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volodymyr's main task in such conditions is educational work and mental support of personnel. in particular, it is used to solve social issues, provide support and communicate with military families. such support and help is extremely important, because the war lasts a long time. distance and separation from relatives exhausts people. the most important thing for everyone, it is clear that this is a family, maintaining a stable connection with him. it is always clear to a soldier that he is dragging him home , here, but on the other hand, they too, patriots of their native land, they know why they left, why they left, what they are doing here, here, and one way or another, somehow connect these conditions, well, with these conditions connect their life with that. the man himself has a son who is waiting for him at home, so he knows.
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the pain of separation is not unheard of. volodymyr admits that as a psychologist, he passes through the stories and experiences of everyone and emphasizes that the real panacea for the military is the love and understanding of relatives. encourage constantly. to brighten the mood. let's put it this way, for wives to always say that wives, wives love their husbands very much. loving children, that's why they knock on their dad, it has a very, very great effect, they promise from their side to take care of the festive mood of the soldiers, those who will not be able to attend the holiday at home will definitely receive greetings and taste kutya, we organize a holiday, no matter what, it may not be of such a massive, let's say, kind, but what is a holiday, fighters will definitely feel that they have a corner, that they have.
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there will definitely be kutya, kutya in the trenches, well, what? despite the tense situation at the front, volodymyr bely believes that changes for the better await ukraine in the new year, i hope that our western partners will help our army, i believe, i hope that there will still be an advance and the liberation of our territory, somehow it must still happen, we... started this war, this is the truth, and god is with us, with the ukrainian people , and he will definitely help him, the ukrainian people will be patient and long-lasting, and what i forgot to say is that they definitely need faith in victory, it will be mandatory, we thank the defender for his work and for these... hopes and faiths
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are attached to yuriy fizer's conversation, world about ukraine, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, in particular about such serbian. maidan, israel is demilitarizing the gas sector, and putin is asking lukashenka for eggs. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well, let me start with this: whoever believes that the russian war in ukraine has reached a dead end is very much mistaken. about it today on his page in the x microblogging network. this is the former twitter. wrote the minister of defense of great britain grand shaps. according to him, today's airstrike and the destruction of the large russian amphibious ship navocherkask in the port of feodosia - this is ukrainian crimea, proves that kyiv continues to destroy the russian armed forces in general and
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the navy, in particular. at the same time, mr. minister added for those who are not convinced by direct language. they failed to notice that 20% of russian was destroyed in the last four months. black sea fleet russia's dominance in the black sea is now being questioned and a new coalition of naval capabilities led by great britain and norway is helping ukraine win on the sea well, thank you for this help, and most of all to vasyl, you know it will be laughed at by the posts in the russian public, about the fact, especially by some such high-ranking officials, about what kind of damage was done to this large amphibious ship. they write and we will restore, we will complete something there, we will patch the hole, and this photo , which appeared after dinner, showed that there is no, that there is no ship there that needs to be restored, so this is a very good gift for today, for christmas. russia will be left without south korean cars
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and not only that. the country's government will transfer itself south korea will stop supplying another 600.82 types of goods to the terrorist country, as well as to belarus, the south korean ministry of trade announced. the restriction will come into effect on january 1. in this way, the number of goods prohibited for export to russia and belarus will increase to 1,559 . in particular, limited supplies of heavy construction equipment, rechargeable batteries , components for aviation equipment of passenger cars with an engine displacement of more than 2,000 cc . motor cars less than 2,000 cubic centimeters, so that in general the russians drove only on the frets and made some electronic chinese things, and they also made it, so it seems
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to a russian in some university that this is a pure electric car in general, but an electric car, yes , they can only talk there haha, ha so it is becoming more and more real in serbia. and maidan against election fraud. supporters of the country's opposition again blocked the entrances to some administrative buildings in the country's capital, belgrade, the day before. they demanded a recount of parliamentary votes elections that took place last week. according to official data , the presidential pro-presidential party won a clear victory. however , oppositionists do not believe these data. on the eve of the protest for... it was peaceful, but the leaders of the protest movement had already promised to gather at a mass protest until the authorities agreed to their demands, but the authorities, it seems, are not going to do this, they continue to accuse the event of inspiring the protests and thank russia for
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warning about them. some experts already they say that the president of serbia, aleksandar vučić , is seriously threatened by the maidan. well, he is probably afraid of that too. this is because the prime minister of the country , anna bernabich, meets with the russian ambassador, and also thanks the russians and the fsb. yesterday i spoke about this, about the fact that some kind russians warned us in advance that these protests would happen, well, of course, that there will be protests if people know that their votes are not taken into account, that the country's authorities are faster than she messed everything up and showed the wrong results of her will. well, of course there are protests in case, i'm sorry, i will say only one thing that the serbs are very lucky that they do not border the russian federation, and there is no exit to the sea either, so nothing will come up there unexpectedly, and this is a great hope that the maidan can fly up, but it can fly up maybe , well, but there are nato countries on the way, so i think,
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well, in any case, it is much easier for them than for us in that situation, well, fortunately for them, not fortunately, for us, this russia is near us, in fact it is already in almost us two years, but we will fight her back. in case of victory in the presidential elections in the elections scheduled for november next year, the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump. is preparing a change team in quotes, reuters reported with reference to sources close to the ex-owner of the white house. according to published information, trump would like to bring people loyal to him to the american government, in particular to key positions. this includes the department of defense, the pentagon, the state department, and the cia. according to sources. such actions would be allowed it's easier for trump to make decisions that he has hinted at several times this year.
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in particular, regarding the position of the official washington towards the russian war in ukraine. and what is most important? according to sources, donald trump is not going to repeat the mistakes of the past term. then he also brought people loyal to him into the government, at least he thought so. now they say that these will be real trump loyalists. well, really, if you look at donald trump in 2016-2020, he really put the minister defense, he appointed the secretary of state, well, then he praised, this is the best person who can occupy this position, then he fired them, then he appointed new ones and they said, this one will definitely be what is needed for the united states of america, for me in particular , that is, for the president, then he dismissed them again, that is, he could not find a person who would listen to him fully. 100%, these people came but did not do as president trump likes, although they may have done
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everything for the benefit of the united states of america, i i think so, but now they say that he will most likely put those dogs that will bark the way he wants. well, let's see, for us it's, i've already emphasized many times, it's bad for us, because trump has repeatedly said that the taxpayers of the united states of america should not give their relatives for... for ukraine, which is fighting somewhere very far away across the ocean with russia, this is a matter between ukraine and russia, let them agree among themselves, and by the way, the judges of the supreme court of the american state of colorado, who decided to remove donald trump from the presidential election, and i talked about this last week, by the way, in several other states such decisions have already been made, threats from unknown persons have begun to be withheld, the american tv channel cnn reported. and now the fbi and the police are dealing with these phone calls and letters that
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come to the mailboxes of these judges, in order to somehow secure them. who is sending all this is still unknown. the destruction of the hamas movement, the demilitarization of the gas sector and the deradicalization of the entire palestinian society. these are the three conditions on which israel is ready to carry out hostilities on the territory of the gas sector, prime minister of the jewish state benjamin netanyahu said this in an interview with the wall street journal. at the same time, he added that the palestinian society must be transformed in such a way that it fights terrorism, and not finances it. mr. netanyahu also emphasized that the idea of ​​destroying hamas is supported by the usa, great britain, france, germany and many other countries. to realize this goal. the israel defense forces, i.e. tzahalo, needs to dismantle the military potential of militants, and
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also put an end to its political rule in the gas sector. that, by the way, was a quote from benjamin netanyahu. and i also want to tell you that a poll was released last week or the week before last, which showed that about 70% of residents of the gas sector support the actions of their country's leadership, that is , they support the fact that the leader of the country allowed his militants to attack on october 7 of this year civilians of israel and kill about 100,300 civilians. well, yes, but israel is under attack from seven sides. the minister claims defense of this country, yoav galland and further his quote. we are at war in several arenas , we are being attacked from seven different sides, from gaza, lebanon. syria, israel, iraq, yemen and iran. well, according to the minister,
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the israeli armed forces responded to the attacks from six fronts. the seventh is from israel, they don't answer because, well, they can't, because it's inside them. iran continues, unfortunately, to enrich uranium, and has even increased its production. this is reported by the western mass media. something based on the data of their sources. this the information was also confirmed by the international atomic energy agency. in particular , it is known that, firstly, official tehran refused to comply. this is an obligation not to enrich this element of mendeleev's table to the level required for the production of nuclear weapons, although he has already enriched uranium to 60%. now, instead of three, tehran produces 9 kg of uranium enriched to 60% , close to weapons grade. well, this production
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is carried out at two sites in ford and nattanza, and in order to create nuclear weapons, uranium must be enriched to 90%. but experts they say that the allocation of purer quality is only for iran and its leadership, it is a matter of time, well, you see, with this uranium, iran continues to blackmail not only israel, but also the whole world, it plays with it, it constantly walks on such a fine line, let's say at some point he makes concessions and negotiates with western countries, then quietly starts again at his plants... to enrich this uranium, well , let's hope that the west knows how to respond, respond to this, but lukashenko speaks again about peace in ukraine, but for this, according to the self-proclaimed president of belarus, the leaders of ukraine and russia, that is, president volodymyr zelenskyi and putin, need to sit down
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at the negotiating table, hryhorovych said this in advance. suitable during the meeting of the leaders of the member countries of the so-called eurasian economic union in st. petersburg, he confidently added, as always, that the ukrainian leadership simply has no other chances, but the next, i.e. the 24th year, opens up an opportunity for negotiations, followed by a short quote from lukashenka . we will be with them, that is, with ukraine should somehow work harder so that they understand that this is the only chance, if they do not take advantage of it, there will be a total collapse. this is the end. at the same time, lukashenko spoke a lot of what he thought were wise things, in particular about the economy, he spoke in such a way that even putin became envious, we will hear the self-proclaimed and main terrorist of the world remark in direct speech, a high level of food self-sufficiency has been achieved, which, for example, in belarus is
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almost 100%, at the expense of our own production , we cover our... they have, but in russia they are actively creating the illusion that the chicken eggs have not lived up to the freedom of choice, to participate in the presidential elections, which are scheduled for march next year. as many as 33 candidates registered, this is confidently reported by the central election commission of our north-eastern, unfortunately, neighbor. this was announced today by the deputy head of the department nikolay bulayev. all major parties will nominate their candidates. the most interesting thing is that the just russia party, which has the second largest number of deputies in the duma, decided not to
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nominate your candidate. they said that they support putin's course. well, that is, 33 candidates, but putin is still the first, and putin is the president. well, in conclusion, i 'll be honest with you, i've been getting the impression for a long time, the impression that they're all behind bars, really mentally ill. even in the russian republic of adygea, which is part of the krasnodar territory, about a month ago, although we started writing about it a few days ago, a pioneer camp for adults began to operate, and this is not a joke. kaminno-oskom village, adults aged 35 and up 75, who continue to be nostalgic for their childhood, became members of the pioneer camp forward to the ussr. even this name was invented just like in the usual soviet camp red ties, drum marches, laying flowers at the monument to lenin, retro discotheques. people who take part in it explain such
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a change in phase with memories of their youth. in such cases, i, i, vasyl, we need to make a tradition, you know, like in this meme, like knocking yourself on the head, like knocking, because it's just, well, you understand that it's not is not explained in any way. well, that 's all i have for today in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more and there will be more in our further broadcast, so don't switch. thanks to yuri fizera, i have a plot for your attention: a traditional carol festival, new year's decor and fundraising for the army in ivano-frankivsk. christmas and the new year will be celebrated without loud celebrations, and our prikarpattians will tell you about the atmosphere in the city. new year's fair, christmas shops, a symbolic christmas tree in the color of khaki and festive deer in ivano-frankivsk, they are preparing for
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the christmas and new year holidays. a green beauty was installed in the city center for children. holiday souvenirs and other products can be purchased nearby. christmas carols sound softly. however, the mood of the locals is mundane at the moment. the people of frankivka say that there is a war in the country. and this is the main reason why this year will pass. without loud celebrations, as usual, with relatives or friends, we have not decided yet, we are now thinking about how to celebrate christmas together, not about the new year, we still have to live to new year, now we are planning for christmas, i want to go somewhere to the second and born together in the circle of a friend, to relax like this, well, the truth is without discos, without all this, because now is not the time, we have already switched to the new one since last year, and the new i will not celebrate the year in particular. i don't know, i'm not in the mood because of events, something is very sad, no, i won't celebrate, i 'm not in the mood to celebrate the new year, the situation is like this in the country, well, what's the mood,
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i don't have a new year's mood, i don't know i don't care, but i'm like, how can you celebrate? it's just that there aren't even such plans for a christmas tree, but no, well, maybe for the sake of the child, maybe we'll hang some lights at home, on december 25 in ivano-frankivsk , the 15th international festival of christmas carols will start. traditionally, the best carol groups from all over ukraine will gather for the event, and ukrainians from different parts of the world will join online. during the christmas season, we will continue collecting in support of our armed forces of ukraine, because practically all our efforts have been directed for these two years, not only culture, all conscious people, this is to support our, our, our warriors. our angels who protect us. meanwhile , frankiv schoolchildren have already gone on vacation, which will last until january 29, but they are offered the so-called winter school. children
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can also attend classes on their favorite subjects in extracurricular education institutions during the holidays. last year, educators say, about 5,000 students attended the winter school. understanding that it will be difficult for parents to stay home with their children. we decided to somehow dilute them to... so that the children are not in gadgets, computers, etc., they have the opportunity to devote their time to some activity, one or various activities, for almost a whole month. from prykarpattia, ivan haruk, volodymyr voloshchuk, espresso tv channel. it is a good tradition to carol together during the christmas holidays. the spirit of christmas will definitely come to your city.
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picardy tertia to good people for health. live sound. 93 separate mechanized brigade cold yar is in dire need of fivi drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces the occupier to get closer to the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine. glory be to the heroes. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities, but we know that only
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together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get any. information on disability, medical services and relocation, free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, specialist in employment, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together we grow. join us. stand up with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine.
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good evening, mez of ukraine. well, therefore, i immediately want to make an announcement that today at 21:00 we will broadcast the press conference of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general valeriy zaluzhny, which he today... gave mass media, being there together with the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. well, now the money is on the way. oleksandr morchuvka is already with me. alexandra, please. i congratulate the audience, thank vasyl for his words. in the next few minutes, you will learn about the blocking of the ukrainian border, as well as whether the sanctions are working, in particular, whether the kremlin is losing income from energy resources? everything is in the details, i will tell you in a moment. wait. i am oleksandr
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morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the time war, i'll start with an important figure, so the ministry of finance announced today the expenditures on security and defense for the past 11 months of the current year, so it is 1.560 billion hryvnias. the funds were directed to financial support of military personnel, food, and purchases. weapons, ammunition, products for various defense purposes, this is the figure of 1,560 billion hryvnias, the ministry of finance says, there used to be such a state budget, even smaller, it was smaller, it was a little more than a trillion, so count, in fact, the pre-war budget goes exactly to needs of the armed forces, but for the first time in 20 years, ukrposhta delivered international parcels by rail, three wagons with almost 80
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thousand arrived. we have different shipments, now truck blockades at the borders with poland and slovakia do not affect the delivery situation. such a logistics solution was implemented in cooperation with the national post office of estonia and the slovak company interport. unlike delivery by car by rail , parcels cross the border in just a day. well , by the way, ukrposhta can even become a pharmacy operator the authorities are considering the possibility of creating a mayor. of numerous drug sales points on the basis of the national postal company, the cabinet of ministers allowed the operation of mobile pharmacies in villages and front-line territories , the ministry of reintegration informed vasyl, indeed, ukrposhta has a number of its mobile branches that serve small villages where such stationary branches have long been closed, well, if they really deliver such broad-purpose,
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non-prescription drugs, which ukrainians need in the front-line territories, this is only plus, a nice feature, oh yeah. but the time for trucks to cross the border at the dorogusk-yagodin checkpoint is now more than 30 days. this is all due to increased protest from polish carriers. the customs administration in lublin informs about this, and the polish carriers themselves say so. according to the calculations of the department of local officials, as of today, more than one and a half people are in the queue. thousands of trucks, they have to wait a month, imagine a month, to cross the border. well, in transcarpathia, due to the blockade and queues at the borders, the production of the largest is under threat factories in the region, reported the transcarpathian regional military administration, well , enterprises are cutting jobs, reducing production capacity, this is exactly what we are talking about, the name of such factories, according to the head of the transcarpathian ova viktor.


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