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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2023 1:30am-2:01am EET

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gives an important achievement, for example, in september, the first e-ships with metal went through the temporary sea corridor, in november , the overall growth of exports by sea by as much as 70% was recorded. the eu is preparing a backup plan for financing aid to ukraine. we are talking about 20 billion euros. this was reported by the financial times, citing officials who participated in the discussion. this is what the sources of this publication reported, but it is interesting that hungary will not be able to block these funds in the future, the specific terms of payment are still being discussed, the scheme is similar to the one which was used in 2020, when the european commission provided up to 100 billion euros in funding to eu countries to overcome the consequences of the covid-19 pandemic. oh, and oleg penzyn, executive, is in touch with us.
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the director of the economic discussion club, we will talk with him about the mobilization economy, or the economy for the mobilization of the future, or about the mobilization law and whether there is money for it , that is, i congratulate you, mr. oleg, now it is quite difficult to understand whether there is funding, because the consolidated , as i understand it, the government's bill on mobilization submitted to of the verkhovna rada, and there should be a signature of the ministry of finance, however, already in the morning on... there was an interview with the minister of finance serhiy marchenko, who says that we still need data from the ministry of defense, and then we will calculate something. it seems to me that this legislative initiative is being rapidly transferred from the department to the ministry, from the ministry to the parliament and elsewhere. well, listen, you and i listened carefully to the press conference of the president of ukraine, mrs. zelensky, there... there were several figures
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that, in my opinion, are decisive about of this whole discussion, about the mobilization of 450 thousand people. first, mr. zelenskyi said that in order to mobilize 450,000, half a trillion of money in the state budget is needed, that is, the 1.7 trillion that are available now, which have already been allocated. for every penny, this is the money that is needed for maintenance, for appropriate equipment, of the 100 million that are currently mobilized, an additional 450 thousand will require an additional half a trillion, or, as the president of ukraine said, 3 million additional taxpayers. i want to remind you that on
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today, there are about 10 million people working in ukraine, 3 million are civil servants, that is, state employees, and about 6.5 to 6.8 million people who work in business, who actually create added value, which actually forms this cash flow of revenues to the state budget. well, here i am, that is, to find another 3 million people somewhere , it is necessary to create 3 million jobs first, that is, i quote the words of mr. olezh, minister of finance serhiy marchenko, from the youtube channel of forbes, that i have not yet jumped ahead and given the opportunity to the general staff together with the ministry of defense to find approaches to this issue and propose solutions, as they see it, as they see the optimization of the expenditures of the active, because, here i quote even more deeply, we have exhausted our internal.
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the potential for financing military needs, this year's potential, i understand, the potential, we are not talking about next year, well, look, this year's, this year's potential is 1.6 trillion, for next year 1.7 trillion, that is, there will be nothing additional if take into account the inflation index, then we actually have the same money, that is, we are talking about why, we are talking about the fact that there is no additional money in the budget, and if you and i want to hire additional people, and mobilization is essentially hiring additional people... who need to be clothed, fed, armed, we need to find additional money, well that is, moreover, i would like to draw attention to one more point, today we heard from ms. sveredenko that if there are delays in macro-financial assistance, then there will be delays in social payments, if delays in social payments are long enough, then the government will have an alternative, or to finance... the war or to finance,
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excuse me, pensioners and state employees, i give you a hundred percent guarantee that the government will be forced to give money to pensioners and state employees, that is , the amount of 1.7 will decrease, mr. oleg, i first of all, i want to note that the imf said that ukraine should be financed in the first quarter, they called on our partners who are financing, and secondly, i read taras zagorodnyi today, i am not a strong specialist in economics, i will say right away that i other specialized education, but he offers certain things, i'm just interested in your opinion on this matter, where can i find money, well, first of all, he says, of course, to reduce the number of doctors, but officials, but that's it, to limit the import of goods that are produced in the country, for example. and only the import of alcohol gave approximately pumped out a coffer of a billion dollars, pressure exporters on transfer pricing, customs, effective vat and so on, that is, is it possible, i am leading to the conclusion that there are some directions, i do not understand how effective they are, but are there some directions that you can look, look, i saw what taras
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spoke about this and wrote several points, point one, import restrictions are an automatic reduction of taxes on imports, which... is today the main formative source of our budget, it is a value added tax, it is the relevant duties, that is, it is this block, simply it must be understood, you reduce imports, you reduce taxes. the second point, taras also drew a question there, to immediately print money, that is, to issue domestic state loan bonds and for the national bank to buy them back. listen, you and i had that picture in the 22nd year, 400 billion national bank. printed, let's remember, inflation is 27%, the exchange rate is 40 out of 26 and impoverishment of the population -25% of real incomes, we are ready for such a step today, let's print, tomorrow inflation
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will skyrocket, what will happen to the population, it is already poor, it and so he barely lives, let 's raise his prices by 25-30%, by 40% and... inflation is just an index of the growth of consumer prices, we are aware of the consequence, so we will find situationally money to finance it, well , say er, the same mobilized ones will be found situationally, but what will happen to the population, where will the pensioners get money from in order to cover this inflation, will we continue to print money, what will be their pensions, let us remember for today what is being done sometimes in those countries, which by the inflationary spinning of the flywheel bring the situation to a complete absurdity, it is necessary to approach such things and such proposals extremely seriously, with all due respect to mr. taras. mr. oleg, very briefly, and what a way out, he has soon the world economic forum will be held in davos, maybe it will be possible to talk to
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certain people there, that is, we need to act somehow, the war is going on now, so look, look, look, well, we are absolutely aware of you, i have talked about it more than once. this is how you can increase the revenues of the state budget, elementary, please completely, absolutely all taxes are local to the state budget, bring to the local level only what is necessary for survival, such as financing doctors and teachers, which sit on the local budget and minimum funds for housing and communal services, i.e. the first step is complete, complete centralization of state finances in one place, we are immediately with you... higher revenues of the state budget, well, here i support you, a really good idea, if you need to find money, transfers there will not be tiles for sure, because there will be nothing to do it with, and everyone dear, yes, i can talk about this topic for a long time, sorry, but you just need to understand that the transfer of the economy to military rails
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begins with the consolidation of funds in the state budget, it is not means that we we completely put an end to decentralization, we suspend it in case of war. the next step, please excuse me, one more moment, to tell people about the freezing of social standards, you just showed us beautiful footage about the need to invest money in the ukrainian economy, minus all the expenses related to business support, minus all the expenses on mortgages , minus all the things related to the restoration of housing, there is no money, well, that is, all this that we talked about with you now, about what was so beautifully shown, these are actually additional income to the state budget, which is needed to raise the army. well, look, that is, you can find money, but is society ready for such steps today? if so, then you need to be conscious. well, really, it seems to me that it is impossible to avoid, as mr. oleg says, the transition
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of the economy to military rails by such harsh and unpopular, but necessary steps. thank you, oleg penzyn was the executive director of the economic discussion club in connection. i keep talking about... money and the border blockade didn't stop it. ukrposhta found one a way to bypass obstacles and sent international parcels by rail. our correspondent found out how it happened. what are the logistics costs, how does the new logistics hub for parcel delivery work, let's see the plot. christmas shopping abroad managed to be delivered to ukraine, even despite the blocking of three checkpoints on the border with poland. for the first time in 20 years, ukrposhta transported international shipments by rail. domestic and foreign partners helped in this. we delivered these parcels from europe for airports to slovakia, namely košice, in košice our other partner is interport, this is
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the company that did the customs clearance of our postal wagons, they used ukrazaliznytsia wagons, freight wagons. koshytsia, uzhhorod, lviv, kyiv. a test train with such a route arrived in ukraine precisely at christmas. he brought 80,000 shipments. it was possible to cross the border in less than a day, some of the parcels are undergoing customs clearance, and where... those are already waiting for the recipients in the branches. this logistic model showed its effectiveness, because we crossed the border itself in less than one day, and then there were several more days when we were moving on the territory of the transportation, already on the territory of ukraine itself. before the great war , ukrposhta actively developed aviation logistics and sent up to 50 flights from boryspil to the region. however, international passengers have not been accepted by rail since 2002. however. delivery by trains in the current conditions turned out to be an effective solution, both
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economically and operationally. ukrpochta has a unique opportunity to access railway platforms. that is, our sorting center is located in the immediate vicinity of of the railway station, so the arriving wagons, even these cargo wagons, did not arrive at a special freight terminal, they arrived directly at the passenger platform, were fitted to the ukrposhta platform. e, there is a specially equipped customs area. the tandem of ukrzaliznytsia and ukrposhta began at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. since then, mail has been delivered by passenger wagons. in this way , six ukrainian cities are connected daily, and during the period of cooperation it was possible to deliver 15 million shipments across ukraine. nor is international logistics lags behind ukrposhta is serviced by 70-20-tonne trucks in international traffic. constantly between different european airports, 12 european airports are involved in our model, the main concentration is on
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five, which are london, frankfurt, warsaw, riga and chisinau, and in this way we connect 192 countries in the world, international departures are extremely important for migrants, and as well as the development of ukrainian business, thousands of domestic entrepreneurs export their goods around the world and strengthen our economy with taxes, besides... ukrposhta is already working on another format and announces a new delivery method based on passenger transportation. kateryna galko, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. a really great decision from ukrposhta. the only thing is that behind this beautiful story there is still an economic problem, the blocking of the ukrainian-polish border, and it is not known when it will be solved. i follow it. will finish issue on money during the war, but the big broadcast is going on. more will follow. watch us, and now
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let's bring to your attention sports news from yevhen postakhova watch and listen. yaroslava maguchykh, the best sportswoman of ukraine in 2023 according to the version of the national olympic committee. she became the champion for the first time from the tribune in height. of the world, and also defended the title of winner of the diamond league and won gold at the indoor euros. tetyana stepanova, who works with a 22-year-old athlete, was recognized as the coach of the year. the best young athlete of the year was awarded to swimmer oleksandr zhaltyakov, a two-time world and european champion in junior swimming. lesya tsurenko and marto kostyuk plan to take part in the tournament wta 500, which will be held in adelaide, australia. both tennis players are in the alternative list of participants of the event.
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tsurenko is second in line to participate in the main seeding. kostyuk is in the eighth position. in the main application of the tournament: first racket of ukraine - elina svitolina, as well as angelina kalinina. the competition in adelaide will take place from january 8 to 13 next year. the australian open will also be held in january. in addition to svitolina and kalinina, the list of participants in the main session of the event included. and kostyuk. in the alternative list on the ninth position dayana yastremska is staying. an outstanding achievement of luka doncic. slovenian defender dallas mavericks crossed the mark. 10,000 career nba points. the basketball player reached such a number in the match of the regular championship against the phoenix suns. before the christmas game, the slovenian was 11 points away from the anniversary indicator. doncic needed less than a full quarter to cross the historical mark. the player finished the game with 50 points, and the mavericks won
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128-114. no basketball player since michael jordan scored 10,000 points. it's faster in the nba for doncic. he has been performing in the usa since 2018. overall, that's the sixth-fastest mark in league history. now we have a plot for your attention. military journalists. it is thanks to them that we learn operational information from the front line. this is how taras gren works at the front. how he sees war. let's see further. taras gren, officer of the armed forces of ukraine, military journalist and photographer. since 1994, correspondent of the newspaper of the western operational command of the army of ukraine, served in military service in various positions in military press units. later he went to ranks of the armed forces in 2014. when the maidan began, even earlier, i was one of such
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a military journalist team that predicted the invasion of russia. before that, and we saw simply from information leaks, from information work, that russia is very strongly pursuing an aggressive policy and washing the cities of its citizens. today, the profession of a military journalist is extremely important, because thanks to its representatives, we learn quickly and verified information from the front. i have served in the army since the very beginning of the creation of the ukrainian state, and here it is better to say, what... motivated me not to leave the army, because, frankly speaking, until 2014, the ukrainian society simply wiped its feet in its army, no one paid attention to the problems of the army. taras hryn brought unique artifacts collected by his colleagues at various points of hostilities. the journalist accumulated them in order to transfer them to a museum or
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a scientific library so that future historians could study the history of the war on the basis of these documents. now, with my new place of service at the military medical and clinical center, i see guys who, with their health, themselves, in fact, they closed us off from this russian scourge, you know, i have no moral right to stop before them, i have to show and explain to people that the war is not so far from us. according to the military journalist, during the great war, the structure of weapons and the power of the armed forces of ukraine will be significantly... and this will allow the ukrainian army to defend the country. they were able to switch to the training of non-commissioned officers as well as to open many more such faculties where retraining and improvement of knowledge were carried out, which made it possible to quickly switch to new types of weapons. this is what the russians could not understand in the 22nd year, how the ukrainians could so quickly master the samples of weapons that
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came to them. taras gryn believes that our victory is possible thanks to we have to get used to the fact that we are members of a great , beautiful, strong, ukrainian nation, and our state is our state, not someone else's state, that we rule here, we dispose of our taxes, which we have paid, and the money which we earn, and with our freedom, where we are we will live, we have to understand it, good words, correct. a good soldier who defends ukraine. well, here is such political and cultural news. the tradition of a generous evening in ukraine is planned to be included in the unesco world heritage list. we know that this list includes intangible heritage, let's say there are others, well let's say ukrainian borscht, for example. that is why it is very important, because in fact
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it is a unique celebration, generosity , generosity, nativity scene, all that is happening in ukraine for a long time. evening, of course, now it's war and that's all it goes, you know, under such a peculiar light, we see it all and from a peculiar angle , it is understandable, of course, but in any case , even during the war, ukrainians are generous and caroling, and that is why it is very good if it becomes a world heritage, a part of the unesco world heritage natalka didenko will tell us what the weather will be like tomorrow in ukraine, let's listen and watch. synoptical hello to all, you and i, as always , talk about the weather that is expected for the next day, but first we will talk about the viburnum, well... such a beautiful viburnum that it is sung a lot in songs, well, in general , almost the whole world is singing about red viburnum, and we will talk, of course, about its
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useful qualities, and maybe even harm, so viburnum, well, its useful qualities are written that there are practically no analogues , because they are very rich in vitamins, and vitamin c is even more in viburnum than in lemon, please remember this, organic... acids actually give juice and berries such a characteristic sour taste that they are recommended, or rather, which diseases are can overcome the use of viburnum, help, at least with a cold, lowers the temperature, prevents the development of allergies, now a lot of people with allergies have appeared, by the way, as a hemostatic agent, lowers blood pressure in hypertension, removes from the body. toxins, to be honest, i don't know about all of them, they write about all plants that they remove toxins from the body, let's hope, have a beneficial effect on the work of the liver, calm the nervous system,
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normalize digestion, strengthen the heart muscle, blood vessels, and normalize pulse with arrhythmia, but there are also contraindications for indications, for example, it is not recommended to use viburnum during pregnancy, and people who have kidney disease should, well, at least limit it a lot. the use of viburnum or juice or jam or in general fresh berries and long-term use of viburnum can contribute to the formation of blood clots , so of course, as always, everything is in moderation with reason and wisdom and of course it is advisable to consult with specialists, and we go further and talk about magnetic storms, er magnetic storms will be observed tomorrow, there is a certain activation of the earth's magnetic field, so please listen to yourself to your... well-being and be, as they say, on your guard. well, actually, we move on to tomorrow’s weather, we start, we traditionally go from the western
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regions in a clockwise direction, so we start: western regions, tomorrow no precipitation is expected, possible, except for fogs, the air temperature is quite high, +5 +9 °, sometimes even up to +10. the west, by the way, will be almost the warmest in ukraine tomorrow. in the north, too, eh... this rather anticyclonic nature of the weather without significant precipitation, but it is cold, only +1-4° maximum in day. in the east of ukraine, there is no significant precipitation and the air temperature is also low -1 +3 +1 +4°, at night there are slight minuses. dry weather will prevail in the central part of ukraine with a maximum daytime air temperature of +3-+8°. a changeable cloud is expected in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow. in some places even the sun will peek out from the clouds, the air temperature is +6 +10°. and in kyiv, in the capital tomorrow , significant precipitation is not expected,
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the air temperature will be a little lower, maximum during the day only +2 -4°. in the future , there was no rain in ukraine for several more days it is expected that the anticyclonic nature of the weather will be observed, but on january 31 in the northern part of ukraine. i said the first one is on december 31, and on january 1 there will be more precipitation, but when, where, how, in which regions, of course, keep a close eye on the weather forecasts on the espresso channel. thank you very much, mrs. natalsa didenko, for the information about the weather, i want to say that here is this large russian landing ship novocherkassky, which was simply transformed. russia will be able to restore underwater ash by the armed forces of ukraine only sometime in 2035 or 2036, that is, in this way, russia was deprived of the opportunity
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to carry out amphibious operations in the waters of the black or azov seas, and this is important , because this ship novocherkassk was laid down in gdańsk in the 80s of the last century, not even in the soviet union, in poland, and ... today russia does not produce such a quality of ships, what it does is significantly inferior to the novocherkask ship in terms of technological characteristics, so we congratulate the air force and thank them for this, we are waiting for the f16 in the sky of ukraine, well, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, good evening, we from ukraine, there are discounts on valeriana bulgarska, 15% in pharmacies of the trip. you and savings. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. resumption of investigation.
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attack on the espresso journalist in ternopil. he fought with me over my phone. such an unworthy judge has already been weeded out by the supreme court of appeals. i don't know if any of us are present in this hall who are sinless at all. on thursday , december 28 at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. it is very. that there is a training course and a basic one, and a professional, because a person can reveal his potential and benefit as much as possible in the defense of the homeland, this is such an important decision, and everyone makes it independently, but i think that everyone should decide where he wants to go and in which country he is wants to live, so, for example, in our corps, many people doubted whether to go, not to go,
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were mobilized, but... when they came here, when they came to combat coordination, when they learned, thanks to our instructors, revealed their potential, this already completely different people, they are already much more motivated people, much more professional already military, who can protect both themselves and their brothers, and this reveals a lot of human qualities in a person, because 24 hours a day he walks on the border and... happens himself.
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i would like to draw attention, once again, saying that the motherland faction supports the unconditional ratification of these three agreements, to the unfortunate fact that as of the end of this year , the process of denunciation of bilateral and multilateral agreements with the russian federation and within the cis has practically stopped. i want remind that such agreements are with russia. which federation, including bilateral interdepartmental agreements, is about 300, cis 200 with belarus star. i want to understand why the ministry of foreign affairs, the government, the cabinet , to your two letters, answering that yes, we will do it, as of the end of this year did not do it, how many more years will the ministry of foreign affairs need to prepare a package so that ukraine
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came out from treaties with the russian federation within the framework of the cis. thank you for attention. dear colleagues, we have completed the discussion of these three questions and proceed to voting. i ask the people's deputies to take their seats. these are important international ratifications and accessions. so please, i am asking. oleksandr serhiyovych, please, yes, colleagues, while we are meeting, i would like to add just one more minute about the importance, especially the ratification of the treaty regarding southeast asia, we were there as a parliamentary delegation, and this is indeed one of the platforms where ukraine can to be not just presented, but also quite successful, we have very serious trade and business relations.


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