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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2023 7:30am-8:01am EET

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in the end, this is the situation, and i don't know, the truth is, who was on the bright side in this situation, who was on the dark side, and why the secretary and the mayor fought in the end, well , the law enforcement agencies are already figuring that out. ms. andrian, i will also ask you how the draft law on mobilization is being discussed in sumy oblast, it will touch literally many aspects, how do you think about mobilization in general, including the economy, what are your thoughts on this matter? well, first of all, in order to give an objective assessment, you need to have full access to everyone amendments to the draft law, and we understand that it may radically differ from the version that will be voted on, may be voted on in the verkhovna rada, here, but in fact there are a lot... on the one hand, there are certain fears,
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from on the other hand, there are a lot of gossips, rumors around this bill , there are horror stories on social networks and about the fact that a large number of men will be imprisoned today, and in a certain way those who do not want to go to the front, they will in a certain way hide, yes, if you can say , yes, from... will have the opportunity to receive a summons through electronic media, the question arises as to what fines are possible, yes, but i want to say once again that to a greater extent, due to the lack of this normal communication with society, when it was not explained today by the main faction of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, which actually will have preferences when solving. when
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voting on this issue, if this issue is not voted on and communicated normally enough, then see that the story with the romani people does not turn out, but only on a higher scale at the level of all communities and even at the level of the verkhovna rada, it is very important that today the authorities find opportunities to properly explain to society the basic norms and laws that should ... rights, human rights, and actually in a normal, not in a turbo regime, this important law was still adopted, but again with respect for civil society, with compliance with all the necessary norms of european law, and... well, i ask
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also, how did the christmas holidays pass in sumy oblast, did the majority of sumy residents still celebrate the 25th, celebrate it, that is, it is such an important, i think, so to speak moment of self-identification, including the new year is more important, and maybe even the seventh number, well, in fact, we... see that it is not only this year, already last year, the people of sumy, the residents of sumy oblast actively began to celebrate christmas on december 25, this year we saw carolers, who greeted december 26, greeted residents on december 25, that is, christmas started to celebrate christmas with the whole world,
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they have returned to their traditions, and it seems to me that we will slowly move away from those traditions that the soviet authorities tried to impose on us, in principle, sumy is a very european region, a pro-european region, this could be observed and during all the years, as our o... oblast votes, especially the oblast center, pro-european political forces have always received a majority here, and european values, traditions of europe are close to the residents of supshchyna, so i congratulate merry christmas to everyone and happy upcoming holidays, thank you very much, ms. andriyana kostenko , doctor of political sciences, head of the center for social research, member of the board of the ngo intellect sumshchyna was with us, thank you for this conversation, and now we... we will
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move to occupied berdyansk , where they are preparing for the new year, there, for example, radio liberty journalists inquired a little about prices in advance. new year for the main course, so to speak, for the main soviet kutyu olivier this salad, which in the soviet union was thought of as cheap, about 300 hryvnias, on average, but there i see that their eggs cost 74 hryvnias, a dozen, so it's somehow not so good... apparently i've already made a decision with the eggs putin is all, well, putin recently called on lukashenka to give a strategic product to eggs in exchange for nuclear weapons, he said don't be greedy , share the eggs, well, this is actually a quote from putin literally, and so i think that help is coming from north korea, shells are being sent from belarus
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, eggs, yes, somehow russia survives holding on float overcomes all the sanctions of western countries, so to speak. so what will lukashenko be without eggs now? they will now be identical twins, they shared eggs, you understand with putin? viktor dudukalov, deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, is already in touch with us, mr. viktor, we welcome you, congratulations, congratulations, mr. viktor, there was some cotton in berdyansk the day before, and the occupiers are silent about it, they do not say what it is, where flew in, can you tell us any details, or do you know anything else, the occupiers traditionally say that they have a glorious air defense system, that’s all knocked down and everything is fine, well, it’s with us, our song is good, it starts from the beginning, they always have this story there, but this time it’s about drones with a high probability, those that flew to berdyansk, and accordingly, well,
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the locals say about the fact that there were five or six explosions that were heard, we do not deny that there were certain ones shot down by the occupying anti-aircraft defenses, which shot them down with a supercar. by the way, the danger was simply unimaginable for the locals in neighborhoods, and they fell there their wreckage on the private sector, but that nevertheless, after several of these flights there was a detonation from one of the settlements near berdyansk, because the ammunition was most likely located there, and accordingly it was clear that we were very hopeful, but today there is no confirmation that... there was a hit according to their location within the settlement of berdyanska, wherever there was equipment, today i cannot confirm it one hundred percent , unfortunately, but there is such preliminary information, very, very preliminary and very careful, that is, we understand that drones and
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unrest there and everything there, you know, for the occupiers in the benches it is good, for us it cannot help but make us happy at all, well, we are rubbing our hands on this matter, we will... keep an eye on it, maybe even more information will appear, in the meantime i see , that information is spreading on the network that a meeting is being organized in berdyansk , as if disaffected residents unhappy with the nationalization of the so-called governor balitsky are being called to it, is this really a demonstration of will, or is it some kind of attempt to expose the occupiers? those people who are dissatisfied, and then, i don't know, maybe they can be tricked somehow or something, because there was even such a special application that so and so, we are organizing a rally on the territory of schmidt park, here is this document, or you do you know anything about such
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protest moods and who they benefit from, but first of all, this is based on a preliminary assessment, it is fake due to... several reasons, because, well, the first reason, in my life , there have never been rallies in berdyansk where park schmitt, well, those who demanded something seriously, the most that i remember, it was a march in the 13th year, freedom of the honest, freedom of pavlyuchenko, it was there, but it was a march, we did not rally there, the maidan gathered in another place, secondly, the rally gathers supposedly some resident of muscovy, who is from... soviet, who came here for half an hour literally on this day and asks and offers to get together. and thirdly, the topic for the rally, well , it is not quite true, if we say that this rally is being announced at all, it is not quite true, because they they say that it is as if housing is being taken away from
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citizens of the russian federation and it is citizens of the russian federation, that is, those who have received passports, that are being collected. well, today those who have just received passports have the least problems with housing, the most problems with... those who have not received them and those who have not registered in their occupier registers, so i support many berdyan journalists who conducted this follow up and analysis and they say it is very similar to real to fake and i support that no you don't need to go there it could just be a trap and we i remember when the maidan began in the occupation in berdyansk at the end of february, i was there from the first days, then the occupiers, when they took people to the basement, they said: and you were on the maidan a year later and more than a year later, they tracked everyone from the first of the day, who comes out on the maidan under the ukrainian flags, and we remember how those rallies ended, they ended
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with the arrival of the russian guard and amon, and they simply destroyed that maidan, and still two priests in the gcc and certain activists are in captivity, in prison, and all the rallies there, well, what can it be about now speaking, nothing has changed there , there are no more freedoms, rights, well, i see that they continue this practice of surveillance, because they installed some more cameras there, which have such a high resolution and can recognize people's faces and numbers cars, why such a system for tracking people? and the fact that there is no panic, well, they seem to have everything under control there, well, in general , you know, it’s about priorities, because it’s not just that they set them, it’s the bosses from tver, it seems, and the bosses from tver within the framework the chief's help was brought up by these ka... and not me , i don't understand why not just clean up the city thanks to the chiefs or someone or themselves, their
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priority is control, it's terror, their priority is real intimidation of the population so that it did not raise its head at all, and now i will also mention the rally, including what might be some kind of general phenomenon there, and they have such tasks, they have the task of controlling, because remember not so long ago... we discussed that they installed radar stations, stationary and mobile, to to track mobi cellular communication and the internet, now they are talking about cameras, well, they just want to see this entire territory occupied on the screen 24:7, that's all, and for people to know that big brother is watching you, and that's it it is a great pity, it simply constantly accompanies the lives of people in the occupation, i don’t know, well, i don’t know how... they still survive there, but, but many people there still keep ukraine in their hearts, i am a hero
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of the night , but we understand that the occupiers have tightened the screws to the point that i can't at all, well, here i am i read that our colleagues from radio svobodi asked residents, of course, on the right of anonymity, about the mood before the new year and what the prices are, people say that in principle everyone has a job, they somehow get money there, but here is the mood of some there is no holiday? because it's not quite the holiday and it's not quite the people they want to celebrate it with, so in principle life seems to be more or less normal despite some kind of nationalization, and you know, it's not about prices and not about money, the mood before new year, the mood is really about freedom and about the life of a normal person, today in the occupied territory, people may have money , but where can they spend it, on what... something serious, no one buys anything, does not buy, does not acquire, does not save, there
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is a maximum that can move, they are vehicles that are bought and sold, and believe me, the prices there, well, they have dropped a little recently, but the prices of cars there are simply inadequate, it is a bargain paradise for today for, well, automotive, there is no normal clothes , there is no normal service, no normal food, no at all. nothing that is available from the goods is normal, and we understand that there, well, there you cannot order and buy something in two clicks, and no one does this, so yes, people really have money, that is, as of today, they have more or less normal life, but ask people what they have, what they expect tomorrow, they don't know what they will have tomorrow, even though they have money, so about the new year, yes, there is money , there is no mood, unfortunately yes, and about dignity. mykyta khanganov and tegranovesyan are two teenagers who, while remaining in the occupation
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, did something for ukraine and died because of it . the boys were 16 years old, and for six months they have not given the bodies of their children to their parents, their parents cannot bury them. what are the details of this story, mr. viktor? well, here it is obvious that the occupiers continue to be afraid of them, even these... situations, and even because, rather, despite the fact that they have total control over everything there, and these families, and all this so-called investigation of theirs, and i will remind you that they, well, the occupiers seem to have persecuted them and were detained for committing acts of terrorism, but we understand that where there are 16-16-year-old boys, and where there are so-called acts of terrorism on the railway, there are detonations of some circles and so on, they simply hanged these so-called crimes on the boys, and accordingly, this this is not an isolated case
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, there are a lot of such cases, as with the boys, and then they also brought the boys to the point that... the boys began to show such obvious resistance, and today, well, in my opinion, they do not give up their bodies, and in general, the occupiers are afraid of this history, the occupiers are afraid of tigran and nikita, because that if they hand over the bodies, it will be clear to the relatives that they didn't just liquidate them there as part of counter-subversive or counter-terrorist measures, but they simply killed them, and i think this is the most obvious answer to this question, because it was just about the murder, they... cleaned it up, because the boys represented a young ukrainian who did not surrender in the occupied territory, and this is about heroism, of course, these are our new modern heroes, but as we can see, they are not only afraid, they were afraid not only alive teenagers, now they fear them dead, since they do not give the body to their parents, so that the parents were able to say goodbye to them normally
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, mr. viktor, thank you for the conversation, have a peaceful day, we wish you, deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council , viktor dudukal, was in touch with... it's funny that we have a bot here in the comments on youtube, when it was about eggs, he said that we 'll figure something out with eggs, i understand that the kremlin is very angry that we talk about their eggs. and what they surrendered there with their eggs, ours and theirs that's enough, we need to deal with them, dear friends, let's take a break, then we'll go back and visit kherson, we'll ask how the city is recovering after the russian shelling behind... the night station, we'll talk about it later, stay. there are discounts on porostamoldarnytsia of 10% in podorozhnyk pharmacies, for you and for savings. the traveler knows what helps. attention, an incredible novelty from rozpak. super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots. perfect
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7:50 am
hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping area of ​​the inclusion live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on, in the new two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko,
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every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. resumption of the investigation into the attack on the espresso journalist in ternopil. he fought with me for the phone. but which of the unworthy judges has already been weeded out by the supreme court of appeals? i don't know if any of us are sinless in this hall? on thursday, december 28, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. well, gentlemen, we continue our broadcast, and we are joined by ms. oksana pogamiy, a deputy of the kherson city council,
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we will ask how the night passed in kherson itself, in the region, here, as well as how kherson oblast is coping after the shelling of the train station. oksana polmiy is already with us, mrs. oksana, good morning to you, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to you. last night, please tell me, well, compared to last night, it is calm, of course, it is being restored, i know for sure that both the light and life in general, in kherson, made public, by the way, yesterday, the head of the military administration, the consequences of the shelling of the railway station, which happened, i will remind you in the evening of december 26, and we can actually. to see that as a result of the strike there , shops were destroyed and the building of the shopping center was damaged, and in the station itself windows were broken
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, the facade was damaged, these are the consequences of the strike, which was definitely not accidental, for sure, ms. oxano, what do they say about this cynical act of firing on people , which were supposed to be on the evacuation train. 100% is not a coincidence, because it is the kherson-kyiv train, who goes in the evening every other day, we have one day he enters in the evening, the next day in the morning to kyiv, and they hit at such a time, when people were gathering and we gather people separately, to a room and then quickly release them to the pier, so that there are literally 5-10 minutes to sit... but they entered the train, because it is dangerous, they hit at the time when there was the largest crowd of people, so i am sure that this is not a coincidence, and we
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are not the first to do this, but for such a force, then this is the first time that such a weapon has been fired with mortars, there were two times before that shelling, but there was such a force the day before yesterday , but just at the moment when the evacuation train was standing, that is, someone told about the fact that at this hour there would be this train, people would get on it, look, we do not have such a train as an evacuation train , let it be called that, it is a kherson-kyiv train, but there are seats for people who want to leave, for them it is free, for others they buy tickets, and it is every day, or rather every other day, at the same time, that's why they know when the cat is leaving, all of kherson knows, that's it clearance operations were specially planned. i am sure of this. ms. oksano, how many people actually use the evacuation train as evacuation? few, in fact, these are already people,
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those who remained, they sit in their homes until the last. and those who are evacuating as much as possible are from the region, because the right bank is suffering a lot, there is already a force in which there is practically no possibility to live. let's say this, i went to kyiv two weeks ago, there were two or three families, well, it doesn't matter, it's still people, 10-20 people are leaving, i know that they left after the shelling of the train station, those who returned to kherson, some families left, they said, well, well, well, well, we left at least for the holidays, because we are afraid that rusnia will be very much a holiday shelling the city, and... and here the publication most , which was founded by kateryna handziuk, writes that a number of kherson volunteers, who were given permission to leave, in particular, the head of
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kherson ova oleksandr prokudin, left with the help of the shlyah system, but did not return returned including, by the way, such a people's deputy also left in the past, oleksandr zats, who was a regional representative, voted for draconian laws during yanukovych and the revolution of dignity, so he went to hungary on june 27 and will not return. that's right, he's already been seen in berlin, and in munich, and in krakow, by the way , lvivska go, ukrainian national patriotic youth, helped him leave, as the publication writes, this is the first time i've heard of such an organization, well, you see , it turned out that if it weren't for him, if it weren't for her, maybe this mr. zats wouldn't have left, well , here's a story about these volunteers that you say about it, we have a tejon. headquarters
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, we are definitely not going to leave even the women, but i will say that this man, like this man, 100% will not take up arms and go fight for ukraine, so they were just looking for ways to leave and forget about their country, but what don't go, why don't you go to russia , well, i would go to russia and live there for myself, well, no, no, well, listen, berlin is one hundred percent better than russia, i 'll wait in berlin, ours will reach berlin sooner or later, and by the way, about good russians, we but yesterday they literally showed a map with almost a very small number of transitions to the ocu, the so-called ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, although it is precisely in the kherson region, it seems that four such parishes have moved since the beginning of the great war, but nevertheless the absolute majority of the mp is so-called.
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mps remain, but in the occupied left-bank territory of the kherson region, yesterday the synod of the russian orthodox church decided that all of them are now officially called the russian orthodox church, and a new one was formed diocese in skadovsk, that is, all those priests of the moscow patriarchate who shouted that they are the ukrainian orthodox church, now they are already officially the russian orthodox church, well, i don't know, maybe now there will be mass cases of harakiri. a refusal from there to transfer to the underground service, which the moscow patriarchate still wants, but ukrainians , i don’t know what will happen, they will all switch to the ukrainian language in the services, yes, we have protests, we celebrated christmas from the churches, i just don’t know actually how many are left here now on on the right bank, but celebrated christmas, only 17 stars, let's see who will celebrate the som
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of january, this will be an indicator, in fact, we have a very difficult time with this issue of churches, because the moscow patriarchate simply flourished here, well, it was just their parish, and even before, literally before the great war , before the invasion, salda tried to pass the question in the city council to give land to one of our churches in kherson for life, and only when we insisted on a roll call vote, only then were we able to to... fight for this one the land was not given for life use, what is the doubt about that, what is the doubt about the fact that those moscow priests, who, excuse me, the uoc popes of empov, who remained on the right bank, they are very different from those who ended up on the left bank, are they suddenly very loyal to ukraine, but they turned out to be just some bad ones, but i have some doubts about this, that they are very different, big doubts, they held their services here when there was an occupation, they still
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hold... services in russian , but they hung a flag near their church, the only thing is, how are they now similar to ukrainian churches, in fact, ms. oksana, thank you very much for the conversation, oksana polemiy, a deputy of the kherson city council, was with us, and we wish the kherson region a peaceful day, it is almost an unfulfilled wish, but nevertheless, all the same, we are rooting for this day to pass peacefully, but now kateryna is a broad belt, which means that we are watching the news program, what happened there. and the world in the last hour , kateryna will tell us. greetings, colleague, in a moment i will tell you about the powerful night explosions in crimea and when ukraine plans to start serial production of 155-caliber projectiles.


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