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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2023 2:30am-3:01am EET

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to which he said, of course, come, thank you for that, wanted more than just to serve in the position assigned to him. kirill wanted to prove to himself that he was able to withstand the load, as before, and this desire was supported by the commander. it was, let's say, my desire, but to be honest , i was very worried about this, what should i do, where can i go with that leg, but again viktor salich sikoza said stop. the serviceman recalls, it was one of the most difficult and at the same time the most emotional moments his services. our lane was very interesting, because we were in the last group, here is our last group with me, without a leg.
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they caught up with the group that was in front of us, yes , so we did well there, it was difficult , but there were still people there with injuries, but we naturally, well, this is the feeling when you are already climbing up, with slight resistance from the instructors, and take in hands, then a flag, then you already understand that it was not in vain, but at the finish there were tears, tears of happiness, tears from the fact that everything is over. marines! he is a happy father of two sons and first of all precisely for their sake, kirill is in the armed forces, so that my children do not deal with all this, well , even if it happens that i do not become, for example, which i do not want very much, i do not want my two sons, well, now or later picked up a weapon and did what he did in the 20th year, or now that's the whole story, of course, the loss of a limb... could
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n't help but be on the list of tasks that a marine should perform, but you can protect your home in different way, advises his wounded brother kirill: don't be surprised that you can do it all right more than you could before your, shall we say, inferior life, that is, you can be in line with the absence of limbs, you can be in line, the main thing is that the dragon works. the nature of the war after february 24 is significantly different from the fighting before the start of a full-scale invasion. only one thing is constant: understanding who the enemy is and what needs to be done for the sake of peace in ukraine. they just need to be destroyed. i don't call ferrets. i believe that they should be specifically called russians, so that in the future our grandchildren, children, will know who exactly does all conditional weather, but the relations of our country. and the best. destroy the enemy precisely in the
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marines - a convinced serviceman. we are always faithful, we are rebellious, do not try to pressure. brotherhood, tradition. well, probably, after all, some kind of lively romance. this is marine. press. infantry! surviving clinical death and miraculously surviving is about a soldier of the 128th brigade of the dnipro teroborona with the call sign odesa. after a serious injury, he is still in a hospital bed, but even in spite of this, he is already rushing into battle. the guy has a good sense of humor, as well as a cherished desire to win and walk around odessa again. the story of an indomitable warrior in the plot. meet, this is
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konstantin, a fighter of the 128th brigade of the dnipro tro. without any military experience or training, the boy went to the military for the first time on the day of the great war, and it was not so easy to join the army - the soldier recalls. i had to stand in a huge queue and convince the military more than once that he was needed by the army. you don't fit, you don't fit, the next one. the next one was rejected, rejected, but i said, i 'm never going anywhere until you take me, and the man is like, "oh, it's cold, let's get him to the backwater, let's take him." well, that's how i got to the tro, well, it was civilized. then there was training in military affairs, they learned the projectile's flight range , well, the radius of damage, there, and it was so, so fast. time flew by quickly , we
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didn't even have time to recover, and we are already on the battlefield. for the first six months of the 22nd, odesa defended his native land in donetsk region, held positions, and went with his comrades in reconnaissance , received his first wound on the eastern front, was blown up on a stretcher, went as a unit and i blew up together with kostya, with my brother kostya, the main one the blow went to my legs, it only hurt a little, but what i remember, when i was blown up on the stretchers on the grenade, i didn't make a sound, because there were enemies nearby, i understood that, i didn't scream... well, i silently delivered , well, he began to remove the tourniquet, then there was the hospital, almost two months of treatment, and immediately after the suffocation , konstantin returned to the front again, he says, without his family, that’s how he calls his comrades, he was no longer able to, but soon the soldier received another
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wound, came under mortar fire , i lost my balance, i fell, and then i look my heel with my knee. i was very upset, so damn it, my leg again, this kind of military black humor helps konstantin to hold on, because the wound was very severe, the man lost a lot of blood, and he also experienced clinical death, the doctors of zaporozhye literally pulled him out of that military world, well, everyone knows, five 5 minutes, there can be a fatal brain injury, or well , disorientation, well, this is... oxygen starvation of the brain, you understand, it is without oxygen, if 5 minutes is a lot, then i had 10. currently , the soldier continues his treatment in dnipro, a metal fragment, from a projectile, crushed two bones on the left leg, according to the doctors, there was a threat of amputation, the soldier had already performed 10
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operations, the limb was saved. now the defect has been replaced with special cement. with a medical cement spacer with an antibiotic in order to fight a local infection and the next stage we will do bone plastic on him, it will most likely be in an external fixation device, we will grow his bone, and with a special method. ahead of kosta is long-term treatment and rehabilitation, on sick leave he actively studies ukrainian in bed, before the great war he communicated in russian, he dreams like everyone else. about victory, do athletics and walk around odesa, because he is odesa himself. guys, honestly, i'm trying, but it's still hard. wait a little longer, i'll be back. i really want to go back. from dnipro with faith in
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victory olena meneliuk, yaroslav zasoba, details, intermarathon tv channel, single news. our next story is about a combat medic. liberated kharkiv oblast from the occupiers and fell in love with those places so much that after demobilization she moved from kyiv to the village of balaklia, she found a job to her liking there, teaches local high school students tactical medicine, and also dreams of building a rehabilitation center for fellow citizens to get them back on their feet and return to a peaceful life after injuries. a few years ago , bozhena grynko could not have imagined that... she was a military medic, lived in kyiv, was a dentist by profession, engaged in business, opened her collection points for raw materials in the capital, and when the great war began, she went to the military , and i came there, they saw that i was a doctor, and they said, that's all, stay, that's how my military
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career began. then there was bakhmut, where bozhena saved the boys, one of the fighters still calls her mother, after the woman saved him a year ago. i came to the bakhmut hospital. he was already lying in the reception room, his hand was lying like that , i approached him, i said, sled, how are you, but he looks like that, says, that’s all, bullshit, most importantly, he says, it’s a pity that his hand will not be there, because he is 27 years old, not a wife, not a girlfriend, no one, and if he came back disabled, and i left, my colleagues were standing, i started shouting at them. chat, swear, and in my opinion, at 12, yes, at 12 o'clock at night, i get a photo table on viber, where sashka is holding a sewn-up hand like this and showing, oh my god, she remembers
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how kharkiv oblast was liberated during the counteroffensive, and it was like such a short film, quick , cool and flamboyant, the raisin definitely remained in my memory. and he was all beaten up, they told about one family that was hiding in the basement of their house, and the orcs came and fired from a tank at the house until the house fell, that is, the whole family died. in donetsk a year ago bozhena was wounded, she does not want to mention it, spent four months in the hospital, after which she was demobilized. the family bought a cozy house near balaklia, and already here bozhena realized that she wanted to be useful, she started going to school, teaching children to provide first aid. this is important , you know, probably every person carries some kind of mission
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in this life, and if it turned out that way, yes, that i am not with my boys, although they continue to fight in the donetsk region, i periodically bring food to them, then at least i will be able to carry my knowledge , and maybe, god forbid, they won't need them, but if some situation happens and... someone saves someone's life, it will probably be a big thank you to me. bozhina tells the students what mines can happen and how the enemy disguises them, teaches how to apply a tourniquet. in this lesson, we were told how to help a person, and at least save a couple of minutes of life until adults come and help. it was very interesting. to observe, i think it is very important for our life.
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requests for such lessons are already coming from other schools in neighboring villages and even from employees of the village council, and bozhena's biggest cherished dream is to create her own rehabilitation center for fellow citizens, that is , from therapists to prosthetics, it is limbs, ectoprostheses, that is, facial prostheses, adaptation of the military after. combat operations, and psychological support, this idea appeared when we were looking for a place to rehabilitate a wounded comrade, and wherever we turned, there near kyiv, for example, yes, there is also a rap center, there are 3,500, 5,500, this is a day, no each serviceman, for example, with a pension or with ubd can afford to stand on its feet. after some kind of injury, and that's why i got this idea, i also wanted
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it to be free of charge at first. but the main thing, says the medic, is that the fighter can get all the help in one place. so that he does not stand in line for 350 hours in the electronic one, when the neurologist can accept him in time, they could conduct physical therapy here and have speech therapists and psychologists work with them. so that they could, oh my god, put prostheses on them, make new ones, so far it's just a plot of land near her house, and open now the center for the military in the front-line zone is dangerous, so while bozhena is studying where to attract funds and specialists, and dreams that in the future she will be able to put her wounded brothers on their feet and return them to a full life, with faith in victory and the armed forces, svitlana shekera, oleksandr yanovsky, details tv channel inter. only news marathon. only 10% of shelters in ukraine are in good condition,
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minister of strategic industry oleksandr kamyshchin said. he emphasized that it was restored this year more than 7 thousand bomb shelters. and this number will grow every year - the minister emphasized. next year, kamyshchin noted, a significant increase in budgets at all levels for the arrangement of the greeks a vivid example, dnipro, the city of millionaire. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, about 200 shelters have been set up in educational institutions. in addition, more than 100 mobile storage facilities were installed in public places. are they really capable of protecting dnipro and under what conditions do people wait for air strikes. our film crew checked the shelter of different types. our school is designed for... 800 students, that's our capacity, right? we study in two shifts, why? because we
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cannot place all the children who study in a mixed form in a shelter at once. currently , only the teachers at the school are on vacation. when an air alert is announced, our administrator gives three short calls. and this is not an educational alarm, there is something in the air. enemy planes are heading for the shelter and we are on our way, mrs. nataliya says: the shelter has several entrances and exits. the path from the classroom to the schoolchildren's storage takes no more than 5 minutes. of course, no one leaves. the school was built almost 35 years ago, the shelter here is 500 square meters, now it can be safely called a storage, because the director says, two years ago it looked like a warehouse. in the beginning, it was just a basement, where we stored all the used things that we no longer needed.
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in order to take something out of here, we had a queue in the yard, and they came in and took it out. parents helped a lot in clearing the basement, how many tons of garbage was taken out, they didn’t even count, then a subcontractor arranged everything here: walls, floor, ventilation, lighting, fire alarm, all the requirements for the shelter, they were fulfilled, it was also the state security service , our epidural service, and the emergency services, and the fire department our part, more than 400 people can be accommodated freely in this shelter. during last year's blockades, the shelter also served as a security point, there is also a generator and wi-fi, access is available 24 hours a day, the order is monitored here by security guards, they are now
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responsible for ensuring that it is safe all the time open, so that there is... access, they are responsible for , well, i guess, discipline for adults, you don't really use this word, yes, but they monitor order, how adults behave too, they monitor that all material values, which were here, or are here, must also be preserved. to date, more than 200 shelters have been organized in educational institutions in dnipro, their arrangement cost the city budget almost uah 500 million. be careful, one of the main new year's locations, where hundreds of dnipro residents and guests of the city gather for the holidays, and in case worries, they were safe, here they were a shelter. this is a reinforced concrete mobile storage, the walls in it are 20 cm thick. fragments, protect the place from fragments, shock waves.
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how many sections are here, how many people can find here. look, there are sections, eight sections and up to 40 people. there is a light, a bench to sit on, posters on the walls to raise spirits, but, say the managers, such mobile shelters are often vandalized, criminals topple the benches, we have people who are just break these wooden ones, break or they burn, then they steal lamps, or they remove doors, locks, or in general they pick up keys and... deliberately lock them , the utility workers have already invented a way not to close the vault with a key, it opens, the lock works, well, these are your secrets, and what they will tell, yes, and this is changing
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the bio-toilet, it was standing here for only a few days, but the vandals broke the lock. in order to repair all the damage in shelters, utility workers spend almost 300,00 uah every month. 123 units were installed in the city, of which 20 36 units were installed in the 22nd year, 87 units were installed in on the 23rd and 36th, military positions were established. mobile shelters will be installed around the city in 2024, the number is not disclosed, they say. everything depends on the requests of the citizens. from the dnipro. olena medalyuk, yaroslav zasoba, details, intermarathon tv channel single news. quarantine, occupation, shelling. schoolchildren from mykolaiv have been on distance learning for more than three years. and in some communities, it is still impossible to restore classroom education.
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maryna mykhaylovska knows whether there is a way out to support the processes of children's socialization and education. cold in her paws are burning somewhere six-year-old masha specially learned a poem about winter before christmas morning, this is the first joint celebration and class for pupils of the inclusive resource center. we had the opportunity to spend a christmas fairy tale together for our children and parents. for the collectivization of children, so that they feel more collective, since they only work individually. today and yesterday they had their first acquaintance. during the war in this community , it is impossible to fully engage with children, educational institutions because of the danger of shelling, they still work remotely here. before the war, we had 2,600 students in the community. during the occupation there were 1,300, today 1,930 students have returned to us and are studying in general secondary education institutions, that is, we have a trend and such
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statistics that children are returning. thanks to philanthropists, a digital educational center called the beehive was opened in the city, and now preschoolers and students of the community will be engaged and spend their leisure time here. such training centers, 18 of which have already been created by the foundation in the mykolaiv region, are a key point, firstly, in providing education. socialization of the opportunity for children to communicate with each other, to work with a computer, to join modern computer digital technology, to participate in activities of preparation for educational processes. anti-radiation cover was chosen for the project in the only intact school. this is how all these premises looked, they have not been repaired for many years. the benefactors equipped the shelter in accordance with all safety standards, made modern repairs, delivered high-quality furniture and the necessary equipment for... training, in addition, thanks to funding from lithuania, they started replace windows in the school premises, make it comfortable and safe for children to be in the educational center.
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you can find any teacher to work with your child, but unfortunately, it is not safe in the house, and thanks to the center, it is a safe place, so this is only a big plus, it is primarily that there is an opportunity for this particular room, in the plans continue. in the entire basement of the institution, or make an underground school in it. maryna mykhaylovska, pavlo tkachenko, details, tv channel inter marathon only news. ivan heidei from bukovyna cannot fight in a soldier of the armed forces, chained to a chair, but despite his health problems, he helps our army, manufactures turbo stoves. the man has already sent almost 20 such roughs to the front line. the soldiers ordered another dozen from ivan. how long does it take to make stoves, our correspondent olga luchyk followed the boy's work. 22-year-old ivan gaidei lives in
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lomachyntsi and has been in a wheelchair since childhood, but he says that this does not prevent him from supporting the country in difficult times. the guy makes turbo stoves for ours military we are making such little houses for boys, the drawings were found on the internet. we took a look, well, as you said , the drawings are not very good, we made most of our own initiative, our own dimensions, we tried a lot of nuances that did not work out, this is the most optimal option, as i said, both compact and practical, ivan dreamed of becoming a car mechanic, but there was no opportunity to acquire a suitable profession, he learned everything on his own from his father, a turner by specialty, and now almost everyone turns to the boy for help surrounding villages, he repairs motorbikes. blocks, scooters, there is a trike in the yard, ivan built it himself, he also takes the manufactured stoves to volunteers on it, he says that everyone does it on conscience.
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firewood is placed here , light it, there will be a towel, a handle and a place to put a kettle , a direct fire is already coming out of here , i ran to a favorite seat, gathered a twig, you don’t need those, let’s say, healthy firewood, threw it, set it on fire and you are already warming yourself, that you don't need an ax, that's all. carry around, are compact and heat up quickly, such metal stoves for soldiers i like them, ivan has a lot of orders, now he is preparing another shipment to the front, there are fire-discs and trench candles nearby, ivan says he makes them at night when he is awake, he also receives parcels from the defenders, they give thanks, this is a thanks from the ten-thousand mountain brigade, well, chevrons, who smelled the smell of life, the flag with the sincere ones... they were also sent by the soldiers as a thank you to ivan, his boyfriend keeps him safe. for me, this is a very big thank you from them. in the current unjust war, ivan had to lose several
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comrades. a friend of the family died, my friend, from who i grew up with also died, well, a lot of my acquaintances and friends died, in their memory i help. that's how the time passed imperceptibly during the conversation and one turbo stove for our defenders is almost ready, ivan says... the soldiers will prepare a five-liter pot of borscht within an hour, we will try to protest the group and we will fire wood in the furnace, mother and leave, in a day ivan makes several such stoves, it depends on the availability of materials, the guy buys metal for processing with money earned by repairing appliances, and also collects donations on social networks, and in a few minutes the water boils, metal. ivan gaidei serves well both for cooking and for heating the soldiers, and the master works constantly, because he knows very well that the soldiers need turbo stoves very much, with ukraine in his heart and faith in
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victory from che'. the marathon continues, colleagues will continue the broadcast, we will see you next year, take care! shohorons! that bring victory closer. you are not born a marine, you become a marine, you become one thanks to constant training, thanks to the support and help of your comrades and commanders. join the a friendly family of brave-spirited and sworn sons and daughters of the fatherland. beat the enemy together with the best cossacks of our time. contact the representatives of the center of acquisition and recruiting of the marine corps
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in your rtsk tsp or call us at the number on the screen. finding yourself in new circumstances is a challenge that thousands of defenders are overcoming. to help them in this process, the state created a grant program for veterans and their family members, which is implemented by the ministry of economy of ukraine. application for a veteran's grant delivered easily and comfortably through the action. apply and receive up to uah 1 million. to start or develop your own business. rules of a warm country: kitchen. thank you for using the dishwasher less often. washing dishes by hand is a family tradition. let's beat the winter together. one, two, will you go with us? no, no, no,
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we will go, they are leaving here, and why? and because we were born here, we lived and we will die here, i have animals, chickens, sheep, i have a household, i say, i will not, i have a household, i finished his house, at the moment when they left, to the place where the car was parked, where people were being loaded, that's where they had to be hit. projectile, endure dear and prove that we will stand, let death pass away, we will live.
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chevorony! bringing victory closer. departs from the first circle. do you hear that symphony? it is created by railway workers to lead you to your dream. dear passengers,
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we are waking up. ukrzaliznytsia. works every day so that all holidays come on schedule, we congratulate you on christmas and the new year, don't worry, i'm never a friend side by side, we will do everything for our native faces, we will increase the good, we promise let's throw it into the furnace, we will win together, when shoulder to shoulder, take part in all-ukrainian school leagues side by side. win in basketball, volleyball, futsal, cheerleading, orienteering, register on the sclgoa website, shoulder to shoulder, together we will win.


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