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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2023 7:30pm-8:00pm EET

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songs, new christmas compositions and favorite super hits. on january 8, the stage of the lviv opera. tickets on the website of the organizer big information partners are espresso tv channel and radio fm halychyna. live sound. problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are bags with collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. dolgit. joints contributes to the normal functioning of joints and has a positive effect on bone health. stretching the joints improves motor functions. stretch your joints, move freely. wow, i went for a walk. water ordinary water is not enough here. drink reo. i'm saving myself. reo. you are ready, dear. finished. took reo. rheo - water for special medical purposes. the sensation of tingling and crawling of ants occurs spontaneously and... helps in normalizing
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the functioning of the nervous system. dolgita anti-neuralgia helps to return to usual activities without tingling and numbness in the limbs. capsules dolgit antineuralgia help your nervous system. good evening, we are from ukraine. let's return to the conversation, and now it's time to talk about economics. bags of the week oleksandr morchivka poly with me, oleksandr , please welcome the audience, thank you vasyl, there is a lot of interesting news this week about international aid, about pensions, whether there will be money and what taxes ukrainian businesses can expect next year, all about it in detail at wait a moment, i'm oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i'll start with an important figure, this week the world bank gave...
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1 billion 340 million dollars to the ukrainian budget, this is money under a project called support for public expenditures for software stable state administration. according to the ministry of finance, these funds will be directed to partial compensation of expenses that are not related to security and defense, in particular, on pensions, payments to civil service employees in emergency situations. this time, the world bank lent us the lion's share of funds under the guarantees of the government of japan. the rest came from norway, the united states and switzerland. well, the european union announced that it is preparing a backup plan for financing aid to ukraine. we are talking about the amount of 20 billion euros. it was announced this week the financial times newspaper. she refers to officials who know the details of this plan. hungary will not be able to block the funds - experts say. a specific term. payments are not yet
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discussed, but this scheme is similar to the one used in 2020, when the european commission provided 100 billion euros of funding to eu countries to overcome the consequences of the covid-19 pandemic. and about money for development: the food and agricultural organization of the united nations announced the start of the second cycle of the grant program for ukrainian farmers. it is implemented on a financial basis support of the union, therefore, the institution encourages business owners of lviv, zakarpattia, ivano-frankivsk, and chernivtsi regions, applications from entrepreneurs are open through the state agrarian register until january 31 of the following year. it is this initiative from the un food organization aimed at supporting the recovery of farms that have various problems due to the war. and also ongoing support. from the international monetary fund,
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we know that there is a certain program of cooperation, and this year the fund actively listed several times the share under this program to the state budget, however, the imf is focused on supporting the work of the ukrainian state, fulfilling social obligations, but insists that ukraine itself continue to earn money, the director of the european department of the imf said in an interview with voice of america. alfred kemmer, i would like to remind you that the government has already presented the national income strategy until 2030, it is such a structural beacon that the cabinet of ministers implements at the pleasure of our main creditor, the imf. this strategy is based on increasing tax and customs payments. indeed, vasyl, you and i discussed this strategy with the expert environment this week, which really appeared, as they say, like a scotch -crush, in fact, no one is under the christmas tree.
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cities, and already there was a flurry of criticism both on social networks and on the air that this document will actually put pressure on ukrainian business, which is already having a hard time. well, even more so, knowing under whom such phenomena are actually left in ukrainian structures, such as the bureau of economic security, it is different there, to what extent it will be centralized to be managed from the office of the president, we perfectly understand why this is being done, well, so far they are not going to do this, in particular yaroslav zheleznyak wrote that the cabinet is trying in every possible way to slow down the reform of the economic bespela bureau under the fact that explosions here people are dying under this noise they submitted a bill to the verkhovna rada, which is from the government, which, as they say, reduces all this to... just a handful, and, vasyl, really, ukraine needs money now, well, like water, because , well, more , let's be honest, in the government themselves feel that the future funding is not determined, specifically, i am talking about
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specific funds, funds from the united states, and about specific funds that have been pledged by the european union for ukraine, maybe it will be from march, from april, at least. that's what they say in the eu, and funding is needed as early as january 1, well, well, world leaders said that ukraine needs to be financed now, that 's clear, there's still a limited time for this, and here we need to offer, probably to our partners, programs like we we will earn money, maybe involve them in it, offer it some options, some even investments , even in conditions of war, well, show that you need it, and not just us sitting and waiting, well , it won't be for long, listen, for the leaders, yes, this is democracy, this is a struggle for ukraine, but this and investment when you see that there are no prospects. people are just waiting for you to give them all the time, but sooner or later you just give so that they don't die? well , there was shocking information this week from the minister of economy, then a little reassuring information from the minister of social policy oksana zholnovich, that is, in essence, what has already been heard from the representatives of the cabinet of ministers, that
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there may be a delay in pensions, a delay in indexation, which is included in the state budget for the next year, may also be, this is already a signal, of course, then they started a little... you can't calm down the society before the new year, well, so to speak , scare and spoil the electoral mood, vasyl, well, it's true, that's why various statements from officials, i'll just announce today's information, also reassuring, pensions and salaries of teachers and doctors will be paid on time in 2024, assures the head of the government denys shmyhal, he also promised that the indexation of payments will be carried out as planned. deadline in march, next year our country will need more than 37 billion dollars of external financing, it is counting on the support of international partners. currently, the authorities have agreements with 11 countries on multi-year cooperation programs, this also
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involves the head of the government and the imf, and various international institutions, as i understand it, we are talking about the world bank and the european investment bank, well, maybe until delay and with money from the eu and the usa, these funds will finance social expenses. let's listen to the direct speech of denis shmigal. despite all the difficulties and challenges, during almost two years of the war, we never delayed social payments. these are our obligations to our people, and we will do everything to fulfill them in the future. and naftogaz has completely completed the integration of regional gas companies, which... belonged to businessman dmytro firtesh, the head of the state company, oleksiy chernyshov, said. he says that operational control over regional enterprises made it possible for the country to ensure uninterrupted gas supply and put an end to various schemes due to which
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the state budget did not receive billions of hryvnias. chernyshov also noted that according to preliminary calculations , deductions to the treasury by operators of gas distribution networks in the next year will amount to more than uah 5 billion. the government is working on the launch of insurance for marine metallurgical exports, the minister of economy yuliya sveridenko announced. branch has always been the foundation of the economy. before refia's invasion of ukraine, the complex accounted for about 10% of the gross domestic product and brought in about a third of foreign exchange earnings. according to yulia sveridenko, there is something important in this direction. achievements in september , the first ships with metal left the temporary sea corridor, in november , the overall increase in exports by sea was recorded by as much as 70%. and from now on, new housing can be purchased for
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restoration certificates. the certificate can be used by ukrainians whose property was destroyed by the enemy, the head of the ministry of statistics said mykhailo fedorov. anyone who has such documents can submit... an application for money reservation, however, first you need to choose the housing itself, agree with the seller of this property, he will receive the money in 5 days after the purchase agreement. sale, if you chose a more expensive home and do not invest in the amount of state compensation, you can pay the difference yourself. for the first time in 20 years, ukrposhta delivered international parcels by rail. three wagons with almost 80,000 shipments arrived this week. now blockades of trucks on the borders with poland and slovakia will not affect the delivery of orders to ukrainians. still. the solution was implemented in cooperation with the national post office of estonia and the slovak company interport. unlike
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delivery by car by rail, parcels cross the border in just one day. from january 1 , the cost of a driver's license will increase by nine. this was announced this week in the cabinet of ministers. starting from the new year , the price of taking a theoretical exam will increase sharply from uah 13 to uah 250. the cost will also increase. passing a practical exam up to uah 420, and registration with the issuance of a certificate in electronic form and assigning numbers will cost 350 hryvnias from now on. and to the economy of the aggressor country, the central bank of russia reported this week that they are preparing for sanctions against the moscow stock exchange, which may lead to the suspension of trading on the largest stock market, both dollar for dollar with... the usa and the euro. this was said by the head of the central bank of moscow , elvira nabiulina. she says that the government
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has a certain plan for this case. however , the introduction of restrictions against the exchange may lead to a sharp drop in the prices of russian stocks and bonds, and from russia will continue foreign capital to flee. and international shareholders suspended their participation in the largest gas project of the russian federation this week. affected by sanctions, we are talking about the plant for the production of liquefied natural gas arctic lng 2. this is reported by a russian merchant. this essentially undermines the plans of the aggressor country to increase its share of the world liquefied gas market from the current eight to 20%. experts write that the situation may lead to the fact that, in general, the arctic lg2 will lose long-term contracts for the supply of energy resources, and companies. what is the new tek owns the project, will have to increase its spending on this field. well, this is how i
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saw this economic week, these were the results from the world of money. i will say goodbye to you. i wish you safe holidays, be in the family circle, gather together, remember our defenders. i say goodbye to you, but i don't say goodbye to the big broadcast, there will be more to come. see us. we would like to thank oleksandr morshivka for summarizing the economic week, the financial week, and now i will invite serhiy rudenko to the conversation and he will tell what will be discussed in the verdict program, which will start in 20:00. sergey, good evening, please. good evening vasyl, in the verdict we will talk about the foreign policy results not only of the week, but also of the whole year, because we will be visiting. valery chaly, diplomat, politician , former ambassador of ukraine to the united
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states of america, let's talk, of course, about the current attack by the russian occupiers on ukraine, the most massive attack in recent times, because this attack has already caused a reaction, a healthy reaction in the western world, in particular the minister of defense of the great britain's grand sheps said that britain after what happened in the night. on december 29 will do everything for ukraine to receive hundreds of new missiles for air defense and to protect its skies from russian missiles and shaheds, well, of course, there is a reaction and the ambassador of the united states of america in ukraine, she says that it is absolutely necessary to help ukraine, and the ambassador is not just saying that i am here. or outside kyiv, she was in the capital during this terrorist
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attack, another terrorist attack by the russians, by the russian occupiers, she says that she knows for sure that ukraine needs and will convince its leadership, and not only its leadership, but also the leadership of partner countries, countries that are part of partner organizations in order for everyone to help ukraine fight putin, well, in the meantime, eh... in shahed or in rocket , well, an unknown, unidentified object, as they say so far in poland, flew into the territory of poland 40 km deep from the side of ukraine, the poles think that... it is a russian missile, the russians say that they are here as always, nothing to do with it, but the very fact that the poles again turned to of the north atlantic alliance and reported the very fact of it, because in fact this is an attack on a country that is a member of the north atlantic alliance, will there be a reaction from nato, let's
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see, because there have already been such stories, all that i am talking about now will of course be in the comments and in ... according to the estimates of the well-known and experienced diplomat valery chaly, in literally 14 minutes we will be on the air, vasyl azima's big broadcast continues, well, we will meet at 8:00 p.m., wait, vasyl, you have my word, thank you very much serhii, so at 8:00 p.m. 00 program verdict with serhiy rudenko, well, we are going further and now we will listen to what happened in the world of sports, yevhen pasthov will tell us in detail. victor kobzisty, a former ukrainian basketball player, coach, master of sports of international class of ukraine, died in lviv on december 29 as a result of russian rocket fire. he was 44 years old, during his playing career in ukraine he played for azov-mash, a builder and dnipro, becoming a champion country in 2011,
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kobzyst defended the colors of the ukrainian national team at two european championships, in 2001 and 2005, most recently, he was the head coach of the dynamo kyiv women's team. ukrainian tennis players will compete for a place at the core of the tournament in brisbane. yuliya starodubtseva and dayana yastremska will meet in the qualification final. in the first round of selection, starodubtseva beat the host of the competition, australian madison engles 63-26-64. yastremska defeated shuvaise from taiwan. 6:2-6-2. now the ukrainian women will play in the face-to-face final. december, it will be their first meeting at the international level. the main part of the brieman international starts on december 31, before the final angelina kalinina and marta kostiuk were automatically selected for the grids. ruslan rotan was left without one of his assistants. oleksandria announced the end of cooperation with coach volodymyr yezersky. the 47-year-old specialist worked in
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ruslan rotan's coaching staff since january of this year and was responsible for the training of defenders in the team. previously reported. that yazersky has signed an agreement with the lviv carpathians, where he will become an assistant to the head coach of the lions , myron markevich. collective opposition to the super league. the italian football federation approved a new club licensing system for the next season. as reported by the media, the representatives of the a series will be obliged to compete against the super league in order to receive admission to the championship. according to the text of the document, the teams must perform by the deadline of june 4 next year. a number of requirements, including undertaking not to participate in competitions organized by private associations not recognized by fifa, uefa and the italian football federation. failure to meet these requirements will result in a license not being issued for the 2024-2025 season. that's how they were
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sports news, now we have a story for your attention: be careful, children. with this title , a new documentary film about a child who had to grow up dramatically after the beginning of the full-scale vile invasion of the russian federation was presented in kyiv. how was the shooting and how long did the work on the film last? let's find out. and the hair did not appear. filming of the picture has begun. at the beginning of the great war, when the team was in okhmadity, the idea to document the lives of ukrainian children appeared there. we met there with vova karavanskyi, who is now the main character of the film, and we began to follow his life, how he recovers, we became very close to him, to his mother, and when he was already evacuated
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to poland and continued treatment there, we continued to communicate with him, and when additional financing was found, the shooting of this film continued. in the film, the director collected a kaleidoscope of eight children's stories, and the film team assembled them into a mosaic of childhood realities. among the heroes are small ukrainians who were injured or lost loved ones, children, volunteers, and children who have to constantly live on the front line. when i thought about why the russian military does such things to children in general, i came to the conclusion that it is to deprive us of our future, and when you see... that these children, having gone through hell, survived, have not lost hope, then this is probably the most important thing to show. throughout the project, the team collaborated with psychologists. the specialist advised the film crew and helped when working with the characters, these are really complex stories, and perhaps the most difficult part of the work was to explain that we are making a documentary
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film, why this film is important, is important and how we work, that our goal is not to manipulate the characters in any way, not to hype their difficult stories, but convey them namely in an important and correct way and that we do not retraumatize our heroes. the team is starting to present the film at festivals, and the film will be seen on big screens by careful children as early as 2024. dmytro didora, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. well and we to our event, today's large-scale shelling of ukraine. i literally told you at the beginning of the ether that another body was discovered in kyiv. and already. eight dead, but now there are nine dead , unfortunately, as of 18 , eight victims were rescued from the rubble of a warehouse in shevchenkivskyi district and nine bodies of the dead were recovered, the search for people under
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the rubble continues, but before that there was information that 31 the deceased, i won't lie here, because i have to count, well , you can't talk about people like that, i just counted, no i just want to talk about people, count the dead, but unfortunately, russia killed ukrainians, and here... we have such a terrible number as of this evening, and now we will find out what the weather will be like this weekend, mrs. natalka didenko already from by us, good evening, please have a word, congratulations to vasyl, congratulations, dear viewers, let's talk about the weather, about the coming new year literally in a second, i want to tell everyone right away that the current one is also the same. which we all observe, and the nearest weather, it's no secret, everyone has gadgets, everyone is watching the weather forecast is personal,
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the temperature is high, and now the air is sometimes very spring-like, so i decided to talk today, we talk about animals, the environment, national parks from time to time, and today we will talk about the marmot, which very often heralds spring, so we must learn a little about him. more to know this whole story already in the spring: the steppe marmot or baibak is a species of rodent of the marmot family, the marmot, it sounds very nice, it is a large rodent from the group of hunting species, and this species is the first time systematized by the german zoologist philip ludwig statius müller. well, the very interesting fact is that in the luhansk region the groundhog is an animal symbol of the region, it is depicted on the coats of arms of the luhansk region and the milovsky district, as well as the luhansk nature reserve. academy of sciences of ukraine. he lives in burrows, lives with typical vegetation. in ukraine , marmots have survived in velikoburlutskyi, valkivskyi, and shevchenkivskyi districts in kharkiv oblast, bilovodskyi, and milovskyi,
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which we mentioned in luhansk oblast, where there is a marmot reserve, striletskyi steppe. and in acclimatization of marmots is successfully carried out within the boundaries of the dykansky park, on the territory of the fesenkovi hills nature reserve. dear marmots, have a good winter. sit in the warm holes and be sure to tell us about spring later, well, we will move from groundhogs to the higher layers of the atmosphere, so to speak, and talk about magnetic storms, now for your attention, as always, a forecast chart and from it you can see that tomorrow there will be certain oscillations, now you see, well, sometime in the next night -early morning, these magnetic storms will be, well quite small, so to speak, the magnetic activity is rather sluggish, but nevertheless... some dust will be observed, so you should also observe the dust of your body. well, let's move on to the weather forecast for december 30, the new year
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is almost here, and we will not miss a single date and see what will happen tomorrow, december 30, in each region of ukraine. we traditionally start with the western regions. so, tomorrow in the western part of ukraine, most of the day will be dry, but in the evening, in the second half. there is a possibility light rain and at a fairly high air temperature from 5 to 9, and even up to +10°. it will also be quite warm in the north of ukraine, in zhytomyr region, in kyiv region, in sumy region, in chernihiv region, weather without precipitation is expected tomorrow. now we will see a map of the northern part of ukraine. please show. here, thank you, and the air temperature is also quite high, as you can see, from +4x in... sumy oblast to plus eight in zhytomyr oblast, and kyiv oblast and chernihiv oblast will also be clearly not cold, considering, of course, the season. in the east of ukraine, in kharkiv, in luhansk. in
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the donetsk regions, no precipitation is expected tomorrow either, i would say, even the weather is anti-spell weather, there are even possible clearings, sunny in places, +6 + 8°. in the central part, which is so large-scale within the borders of ukraine, dry weather will also prevail tomorrow and it will be quite warm, + 5-8°, which is true, there may be a gusty wind from the western direction. the southern part of ukraine will traditionally be the warmest, the air temperature there will fluctuate tomorrow, from 5 to 9° in the crimea to 10-11 and there are also possible clearings with the sun, and in kyiv, the capital tomorrow, december 30, the weather is expected to be rainless, the maximum air temperature will be up to +7°, well , there is not much left until the new year, so i want to say that december 31 will also prevail the weather is dry throughout ukraine, only
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until the evening of the 31st... rains will appear in the west, the air temperature will not change significantly, and on january 1 these western rains, which will begin on december 31, will spread to almost the entire territory of ukraine, i.e. the nearest day, the end of the old year and the beginning of a new one in ukraine will be quite warm and humid in most regions. well , this is the weather forecast from na'. grandfather, for these days, i will immediately say that in our place, we will meet with you, this is when it will be december 31, this is the day, the last day of the new year, and at 6:10 p.m., i and my friends, colleagues, will accordingly meet with you at 18:10 in such a final, conditionally celebratory air, because now everything is conditional at this time, definitely only our victory, to which we are going, so in such a conditionally festive air
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, we will summarize the results. year and we will try to understand what to expect from the coming year, that is, december 31 on new year 's eve, i hope that there will be no enemy attacks, although it is useless to hope here, of course, believe in air defense, you need better ukrainian, and me and my friends, we are waiting for you on the air espresso tv channel, these are the final ones, such a new year's big broadcast of vasyl zima and everyone who is with me. yes, well, once again, sincere sympathy and indescribable pain. due to the loss of the dead today, the enemy killed 31 people, if we consider that one more dead person was found in kyiv, then at 32, condolences to relatives and loved ones and incredible pain because of what happened , the enemy will not stop, he, let me remind you, spent more than the budget of the kurdish region for 2023, a larger amount than the annual budget of the kurdish region, the enemy spent on one attack on to ukraine, to understand that for him money
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at this stage, in this... sense, does not matter, what matters is his meaningless rage, and this crazy, completely inadequate , some kind of diabolical, you know, putin's people and the desire to achieve his goal despite everything, until he is still alive and inhaling our air with his nose, his disgusting nose, he wants to destroy ukraine, because this is the goal of his entire shameful life, and in our hands, in our... unity is only a guarantee that this disgusting man named putin cannot do this. let's take it to the armed forces, donate, support, don't give up, stick together and support each other, everything will be ukraine, well, next is the verdict mrudenko program, let's watch it together. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is
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the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, congratulations everyone and i wish everyone good health. today we are talking about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory, today in the program. in fact, everything was flying, a massive attack on ukraine, revenge or a planned operation and what consequences of russian terror, should europe prepare, or really? russia is planning a large-scale war against nato. foreign policy results for ukraine, whether western aid will cover the budget deficit next year. we will talk about this and other things over the next hour with diplomat and politician valery chaly. however, before that to start


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