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tv   [untitled]    December 30, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EET

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most importantly, respect in adolescence is an extremely important factor. greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. another night attack of the shaheds. the russians launched drones over ukraine from the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea. explosions rang out in the khmelnytskyi region. this was reported in the air force. racists
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shot kherson that night. the occupiers struck the city from the left bank several times. a fire started as a result of the attack. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. information regarding the victims is currently being clarified. the us revealed the cunning plan of the kremlin. at the evening meeting of the un security council, us adviser john kelly condemned the large-scale shelling by russia. territory of ukraine, the us representative called the un security council meeting organized by russia two days ago absurd, during which the events of the revolution of dignity and their impact on the situation in ukraine were discussed. kelly called it a cunning plan, because during this meeting in moscow, the largest missile attack on ukraine was being developed. this is exactly what russia was distracting the council's attention this week as it planned its biggest air attack yet. on ukraine, its
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cities and critical infrastructure since the beginning of the illegal full-scale invasion. a restless night in russia as well. belgorod was attacked by drones. one of the shells allegedly hit the house, killing the man. another four people were wounded, the governor of the region , gladkov, said. explosions thundered in other regions of erefiya, over the bryansk, moscow, oryol and kursk regions. it was reported that 32 drones were shot down the russian ministry of defense. law enforcement officers exposed more than a hundred fraudulent call centers with billions in turnover. the network operated in 16 regions of ukraine. from 50 to 200 operators worked in each office. everyone had instructions on how to trick a person. according to the investigation, the attackers offered their victims to make money on the stock exchange, to invest in cryptocurrency. whether to place bets in the gambling
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business, they also made up stories about a car accident in which a relative got into, or offered to move from the frontline regions. they deceived not only ukrainians, but also citizens of the european union and the united states. fraudsters face up to 12 years in prison. in order to win the trust of the victims, the fraudsters conducted phone conversations with the last ones for several days using the number change function and only then began to act. in the case of investments, citizens were offered to contribute their own funds to profitable projects. obtaining a quick profit attracted citizens to bet even more, after which the fraudsters stopped contacting. to stop the criminal activities of fraudsters, law enforcement officers conducted more than 150 searches throughout the territory of ukraine. in kyiv, the national team of ukraine took part in the fourth winter youth olympic games. the president supported the juniors with welcoming words.
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vadym gotsait of the national olympic committee and the ambassador of the republic of korea to ukraine kim hyonkhtem. this year , south korea will host the winter olympics for two weeks from january 19 to february 1, 2024. almost 2,000 young athletes aged 15 to 18 from 80 countries will take part in the competition. ukraine will be represented by 44 olympians in 12 sports disciplines. we we want the best results in general, we have prepared for them, all of us very fruitfully, the entire ukrainian national team, i think that we will be able to surprise you with our results, as this victory will be not only for each of us, but also for all of ukraine. our team will represent this discipline at the children's olympic games, er, it will now be represented by two athletes for the first time, that is, our team.
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is developing, we are moving forward, despite the very difficult circumstances that we have in ukraine, we have a war, and indeed for sports it is very very hard, like all other people, we always hope that our country will win and we will also represent our anthem in korea, our anthem will be played. they carol and collect money for our soldiers. in the lviv region, an amateur theater performs with a nativity scene. new motives about the war in ukraine were added to the traditional scenario. young and adult actors organized a christmas theater performance to glorify the newborn jesus and the fact that we are one step closer to the victory of ukraine, more, see further. rivers, buckwheat. the goat recovers from collaborationism, and the evil herod
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goes to the kobzon concert. such an innovative script for the nativity scene was written by the head of the meta theater, zoryana hryhoriychuk. kinya has been staging original christmas productions for the 25th year in a row and has published her own collection of nativity scenes. every year, what i've already written, that i won't write anything better, that that's it. and i put the next vertept, i think, and last year was probably better, i already am, but i look, no, not better, different. well, the manger, he is generally alone since his time emergence, he always responded to contemporary events. it's just that we now take antiquity... scenarios and there are relevant characters, such as a cossack, a jew, and a pole, a ukrainian , that is, these people who were present at this time, who were in reality, and i also, i introduce those characters who are relevant now.
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the meta amateur theater has trained more than one generation of actors and directors, it was founded in lviv in the late 1970s. now this work of their grandfathers and parents is continued by small and young artists, who perform not only in the lviv region, but also throughout ukraine. themselves the participants of the christmas event say that with this nativity scene they not only glorify jesus christ, but also encourage them to support our soldiers. with this year's nativity scene and in general, we can say with every year's nativity scene, we want to convey that even if it seems that dark times have come, evil times, that evil can... could, in fact it is not so, and good always wins in the end, with with the christmas event, the vertepniki have a special mission, because they are collecting funds for drones for our military in order to defeat the enemy with joint efforts next year all ukrainians celebrated christmas in the circle
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of their relatives, so that we all glorified god, and so that we all joined the drones of ukraine, so that ukraine won. a caroling evening was organized with an uplifting song for immigrants from all regions. together with bandur player nadia medvid, children and adults performed 13 ancient carols and congratulations. such an event took place within the framework of the shelter friendlyy lviv project. i will present ancient and little-known ballads with the use of bandura, i will sing them on the bandura, and finally we have also selected well-known christmas carols so that we can feel the spirit of christmas together, because
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when you don't carol, you don't experience christmas like that. thanks to viewers' donations and daily support, we managed to close the fundraiser . 93rd separate mechanized brigade cold ravine. tv channel spresso together with the public organization baza ua handed over atvs for the evacuation of the wounded. thank you to everyone who joined natom, we wish our heroes a speedy recovery and low praise to those who don't get tired of pulling them out of the other world. thank you very much. and the tv channel for this brigade, because... we really need it, because it is muddy and very problematic to deliver personnel to the contact line, therefore a huge thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes
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, we can convert the anger and anger for the russian attacks into donations, we are opening a new collection to help the military artillerymen who will later go to defend our country the east is not. a pickup truck to quickly and efficiently perform combat tasks, unfortunately, at the front, these cars often turn into scrap, it is a kind of waste, so we ask you not to be indifferent and join us. before collection in general, our goal for the pickup is uah 250.00, and the account already has uah 109.00. remember that every hryvnia is important. let's make a joint contribution to victory. you can now see all the details on the screens. for now, this is all the news for this hour, you can find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks , join in, put your preferences. more on you on the air. my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting. don't switch, see you.
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good morning, dear friends, glad to see you on the espresso tv channel. klesya vakulyuk , we are working in this studio for you today, fortunately we have a morning without alarms and requests, although an air alert is now announced in kharkiv oblast, i just opened the map, so please, friends, those who are in kharkiv oblast, do not neglect the announcement of an air alert, after all , you yourself know very well what needs to be done, well, we are now starting our roll call in... the country, various cities, occupied and ukrainian under ukrainian rule, we will ask now how things are there, and
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we will start with the occupied severo-donetsk, we will find out what the city is like and what the russians are doing there now, is oleksandr steryuk in touch with us, please let me know if he is, mr. oleksandr, good morning, good morning, who... news from severo-donetsk, what is happening in the city, or is nothing happening at all? well, the city continues to survive, the occupation authorities continue to restore it, it is possible to simply repair it and make news material out of it, campaigning activities have also intensified, they go around the villages, register people, prepare for the so-called elections they show their propaganda videos
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about how people believe, how people changed their minds, that is , the propaganda machine is working at full speed, i don’t know, people believe and change their minds, i read in the news that in north donetsk, people are without heating , most of the city is cinema. december, and even a woman from tsyarod, i understand, she runs a blog, it’s good that she runs it, because that’s how we have some testimonies of ordinary people from the city, well, she is like that, you know, she told her impressions, we can listen, actually her the impression of living in apartments without heating and without light, and all that, but the most interesting thing, i will now tell you what is happening on saturday. at night they turned off the lights, i’m waiting for 10 in the morning, just
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imagine, the house is cooling down, there’s just no heat at all, there’s no heat at all, there’s no light and everything is cold around, it’s really hard to find words, then at 10 they turned it on, then at 12 they turned it off again, but at least i warmed up a little during these 2 hours, because you know, first of all, i have a child. in my room, and i'm this night, it's not only that i have a temperature, i'm running around looking for them, god forbid opened up, because under the blanket, of course, it was warm, but a little bit opened up, everything around just seems to me, you know, the refrigerator is generally very heavy, very difficult, but we got the christmas tree, we certainly didn’t decorate it yet, we hung it in the hall only lights, but still there is no light, now there is no light either, now again under the blankets. in a sweater, because the apartment cools down very quickly, but there is no light
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, there is no heat, that's all, the only salvation is of course to heat water, pour it into a bottle, water is good, that's how it is, that's how yes, and then she says that there is not even anyone to complain about everything that is happening, and that's how they are freezing, who can't, because the city is oversaturated with military personnel, star workers who have arrived and are trying to quickly use those funds, which were allegedly allocated for restoration, and as for... basic living conditions, well no, despite all the promises, the city is actually freezing, neither the sanitary situation nor the situation with basic communal services has improved, given the lack of heating, people are heated by electricity, there is not enough power, accordingly, electricity is turned off,
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water disappears, heat disappears, more or less. if acceptable, living conditions are acceptable in those old purpose-built buildings with gas heating, but this percentage is, well, much less than those suitable living quarters that remained in high-rise buildings and were heated centrally, so the living conditions are quite difficult, the same applies not only to utilities, it also applies to... drugs and medical care, er, well, what can i say, in principle , the city is a phantom city, after three or four o’clock there is no one in the city anymore, it is practically empty, there are no people to work either, since not a single industrial enterprise has been launched, with the exception of
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some production lines expropriated by the occupation authorities. , where they somehow miraculously survived and... and allegedly resumed work, but this is an extremely artificial tv plot, and in general, speaking, i understand that there is a curfew in the entire territory of the luhansk region, but i see that with on the 31st and at eight o'clock number including the curfew will be lifted so that people can celebrate the new. here is christmas according to the moscow calendar, or is it? well, i was just watching that on the 22nd they were opening, they were opening the christmas tree in luhansk and people, well, there are really a lot of people there, the whole square is full, that is, the city lives a life of its own,
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it is imperceptible that they were summoned just there under the guns automatic machines, well, you know, eh... maybe, since there are more or less signs of civilization there, given the rather long time of occupation of the capital luhansk oblasts, severodonetsk, rubizhne , lysychansk, well, currently they are in a slightly opposite state, yes, a christmas tree was put up in severodonetsk, too, but they put it up, they removed the plot, and it stands, unbounded, as they say, in general, it’s a new year, you, me i understand that it is currently being used as the main holiday for local residents, for russian propaganda, and a lot of things are happening, that is , a new christmas tree is brought somewhere from russia, santa claus from ustyug opens it, i don’t know where it is, but i
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i understand that some russian city, governor kurgan region brings a gift to a girl from krasnodon. schoolchildren from the village of yelimbetovo send gifts to their peers from the so-called lpr. the tyumen region handed over 10,000 new year's gifts. next, irkutsk participants of the threads of good campaign knit for the children of kirovsk. kirovsk is what, is it luhansk? whether this is such a settlement, i simply do not know for sure. warm things, minister of ovska. can you hear us, mr. oleksandr, we lost a bit of communication, the last phrase was inaudible, and what buryats are written in the bored language greetings to the people of kirov , the people of kirov, the people of luhansk or whatever, they interpret everything in their own way, they bring them to the territory of the luhansk region in severo-donetsk, people there choose
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their own housing, there are a huge list, like all the regions of the russian federation, have to do something for the occupied luhansk region , that is, there are some gifts, greetings , etc. maybe, well, but it seems that all these benefits from all the residents of russia do not reach severodonetsk, because i read that in severodonetsk... the city is strengthened with some decorations, the city palace of culture, with those decorations that are left over from neglect, yes so to speak, from the ukrainian authorities, well actually. they use what they know, what survived the bombings in the shelters, and they use that, trying to show it as a great good that the townspeople
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did not see, well, in fact, they create what they know how to constantly create, a permanent kind of complete fake. well, thank you very much for the conversation, oleksandr stryuk was with us, the head of the severodonetsk city military civil administration, by the way, i think that if the curfew has now been canceled for a whole week... day, then it is, it is a super time for to carry out various partisan actions of sabotage, that is, at night you can walk like clockwork, we got married under grandfather , but in donetsk it was not canceled, no, no, they did, but in luhansk, in luhansk, i am waiting for news that 150 santa clauses with m16 assault rifles were seen in the building of this occupation administration. well, something like that. by the way, i like this video about santa clauses and snow maidens. lesya litvynova,
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a volunteer, was caught yesterday. well, now the defender found this video, and she says: now i know how to explain to my children that santa claus and the snow maidens have disappeared to where. well, this is for those ukrainians who , for example, say, well, what if santa claus and snow maiden used to come to our children, how are we supposed to take away this fairy tale from their childhood, what should we do? so, after yesterday's shelling, uh, i understand that it is after that, eh, although i think that this one has no connection to the russian shelling. the snow maiden sends greetings to the ukrainians, who still miss her terribly. i think that after this video, your sadness will be lifted like a hand, if not removed, then. there's something wrong with you, let's see, happy new year,
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lol, that's it, such a greeting for the new year, lol, the moscow snow maiden, the moscow snow maiden gives us, so, dear friends, draw conclusions, we are now going on a short break, then we return and let's ask about how nikopol lives, a city that is constantly under russian shelling, a city that the russians chose for themselves as a point in the dnipropetrovsk region, which they simply systematically destroy, stay with us, turn on well - that's when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and around the universe of cinema, then on the good o... what is necessary! megogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. events, events that are happening
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right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary understand. antin borkovskyi and invited experts. perez evaluates events, analyzes them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also from... you can express your opinion at the end of the day using a telephone survey , turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every
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weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. new year's eve with the broadcast of your favorite tv channel. let's summarize the results of the year with the top ones. top journalists will chat with top ukrainians, and top ukrainian performers live, let's welcome the new year together, happy holiday, victorious new year. act, unite, feel the power of responsibility, interact, share stories, become a part. history responsibility award from 2021 recognizes civil society organizations that act responsibly and change ukraine.
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laureates past years come back alive, let's build ukraine together. friends of the community of st. egidius showed how responsible actions make a difference. in 2023, we will celebrate stories of responsible partnership. projects are implemented by civil society organizations in cooperation with representatives of other sectors. responsibility is interaction. the award emphasizes the importance of common values ​​around which we unite. responsibility award 2023. 10 finalists, three nominations, local, all-ukrainian and international levels financial reward, authoritative jury members. find out the details and fill out the questionnaire using the qr code. share stories of responsible partnerships. be a part of history.
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well, dear friends, we are back on the air, lesya vokulyuk, andriy saichuk, we will continue our marathon and, from yesterday, they say, yesterday, i wanted to show you, in fact, that in luhansk, what the opening of the christmas tree looked like, i don't remember i don't know where she brought it from, from which region, but it is now established there that the christmas tree is there in kherson, in kherson, i say, my god, phew, the kherson region , i mean yunichesk, and they are bringing another christmas tree from st. petersburg, this is a christmas tree in occupied luhansk, in fact , people have gathered like this last year, and everyone is taking pictures there, and santa claus came from ustyug , there's a word snigurenko, i don't remember if it was the same one with the machine gun that you showed, well, she also probably said hello to the khokhlas, well, gentlemen, okay, okay, you remembered everything,
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well, well, ah. .. we are moving on. dmytro bychkov is with us as the head of the nikopol district council. mr. dmytro, good morning. good morning. how the nikopol community lives. and do you also have the mood to put a christmas tree there? i think that people always decide on their own in such matters. and, of course, children continue to live in the territory of the nikopol district, and parents usually give such joy, but this joy takes place in houses and... apartments, there are no such christmas trees in the city centers, of course there is no such thing today. unfortunately, the enemy continues to terrorize the nikopol district. yesterday, during the attack on the city of nikopol, three people were injured in margantse and marivska communities. unfortunately, a 23-year-old boy died during the shelling of the city of nikopol the day before yesterday. the kingdom of heaven belongs to him and we accept it, we express our condolences
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to him. who lost their child at such a young age, that is why, unfortunately, the enemy continues to terrorize the nikopol region, continuing to fire at the enterprise, many buildings, houses, terrorizing the civilian population of our city and district. mr. dmitry, how about you, how can you explain what the russians are doing with nikopol, what is their purpose, it is simply, simply to take a quiet life. in the residents of nikopol and the district, i think that what they did yesterday across the country, when they hit the streets in the country's largest cities in order to simply eat up new year's holidays, certain moods, just to make the appropriate terror, in fact they do it in nikopol and the area , they do it constantly every day in order to just terrorize the population,
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because when that drone flies... and falls down the central street, when it crashes into a high-rise building, of course, it's there for sure there are no critical infrastructure or military facilities , i.e. it is just terror for people to leave, for people to be psychologically worried, and we are of course that the people who live in this constant shelling, they constantly think about it. there are consequences, people die, are injured, houses , houses, are damaged, so of course this terror, it is like that, and this is probably the main goal, the coastal areas of nikopol are the part of the city that probably suffers the most, and here are the people who remain there to live, they say that there is probably no house that has not been destroyed by the russians.


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