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tv   [untitled]    December 30, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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then i would think that we are forgiving the year 2022, when indeed the polish aid, especially the polish society, reception of refugees, the provision of huge aid by the polish state in tanks, in other means, in other weapons systems was absolutely unprecedented and large, and it was possible to talk then about this unprecedented fact, unfortunately, in 2023, somewhere from the month of april, and then it accelerated, unfortunately, in july. the next peak was september, and then in november, unfortunately, relations between our two countries worsened, much to my dismay unfortunately, it resulted in a systemic crisis of these relations, taking into account the fact that now poland does not supply weapons to ukraine, poland did not join the declaration of the g7 group on providing security guarantees to ukraine, this situation was not...
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understood at the time, well, it was not understood conditionally an external observer, on the other hand, internally in poland it became a unfortunately clear fact, because the current prime minister donald toust declared that here is this mr. andrzej duda, who enjoys the well-deserved great support and trust in him in ukraine for the fact that was made in 2002, unfortunately, did not live up to those expectations in the year that is passing, and donald tusk even stated that during the election campaign, the current opposition, i.e. the law and justice party, used and shamefully played the anti-ukrainian card, i hope that this page will be turned, and first of all, the border will be unlocked, because you know, i already obeyed those declarations about good neighborliness and strategic relations. there is so much in life
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that at that moment actions are needed, i.e. the border must be unblocked, all economic issues related to e-transfer rights of carriers, access of polish carriers and so on, can be resolved in working order, and i do not see any problems here, we must be aware that the cancellation of licenses for ukrainian carriers took place within the framework of the solidarity corridor of everything. of the european union, which all the states of the european union agreed to in june 2022 and fished it out in june 2023, unilateral cancellations in the form of blocking, because blocking is actually the responsibility of the polish state, should be simple stopped, in view of the fact that it causes huge losses to the ukrainian state, which is under fire, rockets cause huge losses from the russian federation, adding to those... also from
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poland, well, is simply an unacceptable step, i as a citizen to poland, i express , i do not stop before expressing absolute indignation at the non-acceptance of this fact, that is, first of all, unblock the border, and then we can talk about the entire spectrum of bilateral relations and not only bilateral relations, cooperation between ukraine, ukraine and poland, in the process of ukraine's integration with the european union, preparations. to the washington nato summit, in which nato should invite ukraine to become a member of the north atlantic alliance? mr. miroslav, that is, but there is a feeling, i understand what is going on in prime minister tusk's head, no one knows, but here is a feeling, some accents, some hints, these are the issues of unblocking the border, guarantees of joining the j7 security guarantee, weapons, that's on his chairman's agenda. he understands, and whether
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he has the authority, whether he has the ability, everything to do it in such a way that it would be beneficial for both poland and ukraine. well, what is happening in the head of prime minister tusk is more or less known, because during his presentation, when he presented the government's program, 5 minutes of this presentation, he devoted a lot of time only to ukraine and said very positive things , he was at the meeting. directly from the fact that, as he was elected for the oath, because his government and himself as the prime minister took place, he went to the meeting of the european council, which decided to open negotiations on ukraine's accession to the of the european union, he there expressed very clear support from the side of poland at the beginning of this process, he also said on wednesday at the press conference that he is very well acquainted with... the issues of the situation on
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the border, and he said that from kyiv he hopes to come back with proposals from the ukrainian side, which can satisfy the demands of polish transportation. i hope that it will be like that, the minister of foreign affairs was recently in kyiv on his first foreign visit, which should be noted radislav shikorskyi, who also spoke about guarantees of security, which is polish, here he is, here we see him, that poland will study this issue, as well as military aid to ukraine, the restoration of this military aid, he said one more key phrase, in the first half of 2020, poland will lead the european union for six months, and then he said on the agenda in the activities of poland that
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he is aiming to accelerate the process of european integration of ukraine as a priority in the european union. that is, there is a plan, what is needed at that moment is simply political will and this is to unblock the situation on the border, as the situation on the border is unblocked, i don't see any problems between us, so that relations return to friendly, good-neighborly, warm relations. societies, both societies are absolutely ready for this, the russian missile flew by provocatively, we understand that it got there deliberately, and not by mistake. well, when you fly 40 km abroad, then everyone who observes that process sits somewhere in moscow and looks at the computer screen on the computer screen, then he understands that he crossed the border with poland, demonstratively
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spent 3 minutes in polish airspace, returned, that is, it was a provocation, while demonstrating that poland is in danger, and this is how the absolute majority understood it. polish society and polish political forces, that the war has not gone anywhere, that the war in ukraine is terrible, russia continues to pursue its goals, the goal of destroying ukraine, but also conquering other countries of central and eastern europe, as putin stated in half of december 2021, when was preparing for a large-scale invasion of ukraine. mr. moroslav, the last question , this is not a question anymore, a question, but this is an explanation. for our viewers, probably , first of all, when you say the presidency of poland in the european union, why is it important, it is because it is presiding, the country that presides, makes that agenda, that agenda and offers it to everyone, that is, when poland says , we will discuss it, then no one
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can say, no, we won't, well, it's just that in six months another state will propose its own agenda, and then no one will can say, please explain. a little bit wrong, you explained the first part very well, it forms the agenda, what the european union will primarily do during this six-month period, on the other hand, of course , most decisions in the european union are made on the basis of consensus, but the process of determining the priorities of this presidency is very important in the european union, that is, we come and say, we want to do the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh. we have prepared the following projects for this, here are the projects of our solutions, starting or continuing the process , or stopping it, and so on, that is, this is a very important matter, and it is not only, it has not only a symbolic meaning, because i will recall
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the eastern partnership, we once forgot there in 2013, it was an initiative of poland and sweden , radyslav shikorskyi and karl bild, as minister of foreign affairs. of the affairs of sweden, so that the eastern partnership, that is, the special partnership of the european union with its eastern neighbors, among others, ukraine, moldova, belarus, azerbaijan, armenia, and moldova, i apologize, and moldova, was initiated, and it was a very important step for obtaining ukraine in the association in the european union and the european union, so it has its significance very practical, this is the chairmanship and establishment. the agenda of this presidency, that is, defining the priorities, what we want to achieve as the country that is presiding, and what the european union has to gain from it. thank you very much, myroslav cheh, polish politician, public figure, journalist of ukrainian origin,
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devrat of the sejm of the second and third terms of office, the sejm of the polish sejm. now we will have it again small advertisement, after the advertisement we will talk about the military-industrial complex. the complex of ukraine, that's what we're going to talk about, but now it's still advertising. there are discounts on the forest where plantain in pharmacies, save money. the traveler knows what helps, the tingling and crawling sensations arise spontaneously and disturb you. the dolgit antineuralgia complex helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to usual activities without population and numbness in the limbs. dolgit capsules anti-neuralgia - help for your nervous system. the 93rd separate mechanized brigade
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kholotny yark has an urgent need for active drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier in order to bring the victory that the whole of ukraine is waiting for, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. new year's eve with the broadcast of your favorite tv channel. let's sum up the year with top espresso presenters. top journalists will talk to top ukrainians. and top ukrainian performers live. let's meet the new year together, happy holiday, victorious new year act, unite, feel the power
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of responsibility, interact, share stories, become part of history. since 2021, the responsibility award recognizes civil society organizations that act responsibly and change ukraine. laureates of past years: come back alive, let's build ukraine together, friends of the community of svyato. egidia showed how responsible actions create change. in 2023, we will celebrate stories of responsible partnership. projects are implemented by civil society organizations in cooperation with representatives other sectors. responsibility is interaction. the award emphasizes the importance of common values ​​around which we unite. responsibility award 2023. 10 finalists, three in... nominations: local, all-ukrainian and international level, financial reward, authoritative jury members,
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learn the details and fill out the questionnaire by qr code, share stories of responsible partnership, become part of history. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to... keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and those who care, in the evening for espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self- titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who reflect and comment. the most relevant public discussions, what news will be to analyze the guests of the project this week and
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actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. so, this program about the military industrial complex of ukraine continues, oleg aviryanov, general director of poshbashyn, is in touch with us, good health, mr. oleg, thank you for finding us. and i have a question for you, here it is written that the ukrainian factory mick has announced a temporary stoppage of work, why are you can you explain to us in general about all these relationships between e. ukrainian volunteers, in fact, engineers, designers, weapon manufacturers, auxiliary
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various points, and now you are just seeing all these explanations regarding the termination of temporary work, and i have a question for mr. oleg , and why do you believe, i just recently spoke with your colleagues, who also produce for the ukrainian army, and they say, we have long forgotten to trust, we do not trust anyone... we believe, we know that the state can fail at any time , and we have our own fear, fear and we take the risk, and we do, and we do, and and and we try, maybe even bypassing state institutions. supply all this to the front and we are thanked and so on, that is, we should hope for the state, it seems that in two years of almost war, the state has let down someone from the manufacturers so many times that maybe the manufacturers will get together and say, well, let's spit on the state, we will act in a different way, on the other hand, i understand the financial point, if
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you were ordered, and then they do not buy it, then it is not known what you will work for next, words to you mr. oleg. yes, thank you, have a nice day. well, in fact, well, in fact, our company , and we also belong to the federation of employers of ukraine, and there are many companies that systematically, every day, well, constantly help, free of charge, to produce machinery and equipment for the armed forces of ukraine, in order to , well, our armed forces were. more had the opportunity to be more, let's say, effective and destroy the enemy, and if we talk , if we talk about our volunteer activities, well, on our example, our company over the last year provided aid, free aid
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to the armed forces, about uah 50 million, we paid uah 350 million over the last two years in... taxes, salaries, wages, about uah 200 million in taxes, and about uah 50 million we helped various people there, there with drones and equipment, well enough , we do it quite systematically, and other members of the employers' federation also do it, but with regard to orders from the state, well, it is so impossible, let's say this, to spit on the state and... leave, because, well, here we are, we manufacture fire equipment, and there are many defense enterprises of the complex, which manufacture defense products, the main customer of which is the state, and in principle, well, we are still today , as you said, today it happens that there is a complete lack of systematic
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planning in the state, that is, the customers are the ministry of defense, state emergency service. and other power units there, well, they are, well, people in general, people who are responsible for orders, for planning, for conducting tenders, for allocations, for the purchase of equipment, they generally removed themselves from the implementation of their functions, and today manufacturers do, as you said, we make products, we understand the need, and how, well, it's not a secret that there in december. it is november , december, they start holding tenders, there is the identification of budget funds, they are running around the entire market, looking for equipment that is available, because they are worried about the non-fulfillment of the budget, and in principle, but ukrainian manufacturers do not have the opportunity to work like that, well, we, understanding this, we work in warehouses there, and if we are lucky there, we
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we implement our equipment, in principle, well , in order to produce something, well... this is a minimum production cycle of 4-6 months, that is, well, these are constantly normal countries and where normal production is carried out, where government orders have been placed since the beginning of the year, these government orders three-year, five-year state orders and manufacturers very clearly and systematically understand their production and increase production volumes, increase the number of jobs, increase taxes, but it's not about our customers, it's not about our state, because actually... that is, the lack of effective state planning, that is, the people who, well, in our case, there is the state emergency service, there is the ministry of defense, people who are responsible for procurement, well, in our case, it is the state emergency service, well, who are paid by taxpayers’ money, who go to work, they just
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, well, i’m sorry, go to work and there, well, they don’t perform their functions, that is , they wipe their pants, and... there in november they start planning, there in december they conclude contracts and say: what if you have there is no technology, okay, we then we will buy imported equipment , and in this way they destroy ukrainian production, and in principle, what the mick company faced there, what our company faced, and what it is facing, many such examples, well, hundreds across the country, and what is there, well, i hear there, the government is there somewhere. uh , let's put it this way, it reports that the volume of production has increased, this is all untrue, nothing has increased, production in the country is being closed today, because that's the way to work, well... of course there are some individual manufacturers of weapons there today there that, what is shooting there, c in principle, they work, they are loaded, but
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there is no systematic systematic planning of production in our country, and mr. oleg, mr. oleg, who, who is responsible, is there some authorized representative of the cabinet of ministers from there, or authorized representative of the verkhovna rada from which... questions, whether authorized by the president, that is, when you say that there are such, there is such an institution, which will be, which coordinates it, and at least knows how many plants, how many factories, what is the possibility and so on and so forth, there is such a thing somewhere in ukraine coordination of this in fact, before that it was the ministry of industrial policy, which was, let's say, annulled, and today the ministry of strategic industry was created there. well, this is a ministry , it is trying to work, but it works only within the framework of ukroboronprom, that is, on the basis of ukroboronprom, let’s say that there are some
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orders, and it generally, and in principle, this ministry should be engaged in the systematic development of the industry of ukraine, but well as far as i know, the ministry of strategy and industry also does not have such powers, and as you know, it used to be... let's put it this way, it is clear that under the soviet union there were a lot of inefficient things, but there the government plan was there , yes, in our case it is the state state defense order, that is, someone has to form it, and there even on the example of our the employers' federation, which includes 800 industrial enterprises, we are two years from the war, well, this is the entire industry, well , the employers' federation is gathered all the industry of ukraine, we are two years from the war. no one ever collected and said, look, let's distribute, there is an industry mechanical engineering, there is a branch of chemistry, there is a branch of light industry, there is such a need, a need
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there for military uniforms, there for equipment, there for spare parts, there in the production of some food products, and there they are distributed, there those enterprises can work for these ... no one is planning this at all , well, you know this, such sloppy, sloppy truths, well , without it, it is impossible to build any economy, i don’t understand at all how it is possible not to understand this, well, there are whole ministers, there is a whole cabinet of ministers, like you can't to understand, well, with such and such a policy, well , we are patriots, we will do everything to win, but if there is no such and such planning, well, it will be very difficult to win the war, honestly. you, mr. oleg, here i am now , you, you used different words and you used the word tender, and i sit here all the time and think, well , you know, well, first of all, you say tenders,
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well, fire engines, well, what we have 155 enterprises, what is the tender, and it is me, if i start studying tomorrow, believe me, the day after tomorrow i will know how many factories produce these or that machines, and the day after tomorrow i will say, this most. the most experienced , the most armed with what to do, and i entrust because this is a six-month tender, a war, in six months it is not known what will happen, and on the other hand, my fellow journalists will raise a cry that without a tender, it is not it is possible, and how to get out of this situation, i, for example, the word tender in wartime, it is very difficult for me, and in peacetime, i understand, in wartime i am lost here, i can... understand people who do not want to buy eggs for 100 hryvnias, but there are a lot of eggs in ukraine, an agricultural country, but what kind
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the number of fire engine manufacturers , there are two, three, five, maximum, i think it is absolutely correct, in fact, you guessed very well that in ukraine there are about five fire engine manufacturing industries, our company is not a monopoly, as it is there, well, in principle , it is accepted there, many say, there are about five enterprises that manufacture fire equipment, and these five enterprises are in principle fully capable of providing, well, for the sake of, let's say, information, the need for fire engines today there in the country about 90% of the fleet of fire equipment has wear and tear, and in numbers it is about three thousand fire engines to be replaced, to be bought in a year. about 200-250 today, that is , in order for us to re-equip our fire protection units, it is necessary
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to work for at least 10 years, and if they buy 100 cars there, then it is 20 years, and well, the question is, let’s put it this way, well, there are specialists , there are no questions, calculate the costings, there are market prices , you are right, we are not against actually working on tenders, uh, that is, but, well, no one conducts these tenders either, well, now it’s like the mick company, eh, stopped production, ours the enterprise also stopped production today, because we have ready-made leftovers. machinery, products, there are about 50 cars, and in principle they were not bought this year, because, well, they said, and ours, let's say this, also other enterprises, er, fire engine engineering, today have leftovers, well, in general, somewhere more than 100 cars, and the state emergency service says, no, we, you know, did not need the equipment this year, and they made a decision, returned a billion to the budget, and made a decision not to purchase this year
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equipment, well, in general... for reasons that are not clear at all, because the last, last question, mr. oleg, is very important, and you said, well , if you don’t have one, well, i really liked that, well, in quotes, i liked that how in the soviet union, november and december are the main months when everything suddenly starts to run, but i have a question, you say, if you don't have it, we will buy it abroad, abroad, and there is no corruption component there, because here are your eyes, my , we look, and if i say about... "i don't buy from you, i buy in belgium, conditionally, yes, i sent something there, it’s not a bank account here and there, i received a refund, everything is fine, as far as it can be, as far as i can be right, that it can also be an element of corruption, when the order is not placed in ukraine, in fact it is happens because we analyzed the last years there, and when they go there for
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purchases in december, and..." they tell us there, yes, you don't have it in stock, that's all, we will buy there abroad, and they buy at the prices, well 30-50 percent higher than that of ukrainian technology, that is, ukrainian technology much cheaper than imported analogues, our wages are cheaper, our production costs are much lower, there are no european salaries, but they simply buy there 50% more expensive than. could purchase from ukrainian enterprises, and these are also inefficient actions, actions for which specific people with specific names and surnames are responsible, and why does the state not pay attention to this? well, you know, we are not ending our program on an optimistic note, oleg avriyanov, general director of fire engines, pozhmashina, such an enterprise, and we even know, thank you for the broadcast,
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we are here... it is written that many, not very many, but relatively many enterprises stop working because the state first orders something, then the executors fulfill this order, then the state it does not redeem, and as we just learned from mr. oleg avriyanov, it happens that this is done specifically so that we don't buy here, let's buy abroad, it will be more expensive, but the returns are bigger and our lives. it will be wonderful, as i said, now there will be news with anna eva melnyk, then there will be mykola veresen again, but this time with les poderevyanskyi, and i have already talked about it, which means that we offer you to meet this new year with such humor, despite the war, you have to keep smiling , it's putin who wants us to cry from morning to night, but we won't, so after that it will be
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mykola verez again. and now the news, i 'll say goodbye to you until after the news, and then i'll say goodbye, see you in the new year, good luck, happy holidays. will hungary extradite the suspect to ukraine murder of aminyakuyeva, and not only the news team will tell about it in this issue, but i will start with this: the number of victims of the russian attack on odesa region has increased. a 77-year-old man died in the hospital today. he was injured when an enemy rocket hit a three-story building, the head of the region said.


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