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tv   [untitled]    December 30, 2023 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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russia, they considered russia there to be a state with which one should have friendly relations, but at the same time they were ready to enter the russian security sphere, i am not even talking about the peoples, but about the elites, the belarusian elite, the pro-lukashenki and kazakh elites, they believed , that they should turn to moscow for this security guarantee for themselves , by the way, it worked, as you know, in 2020 for lukashenka, huh, and in 2022 for... the kazakh elite, where tokaev already fought with nazarbayev , but it's still, you know, the same eggs only in profile, this is one and the same elite, so it turned out that russia is even ready to send troops there when it comes to kazakhstan, just to save this elite from some problems, but this, if you like, is also a nuclear umbrella, when we talk about nato, and the nuclear umbrella, when we talk about the csto, or the shanghai cooperation organization, wherever possible. to somehow
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appeal to china, which the countries of central asia are doing very actively, ugh, this is also a strength, and where we turned out, we simply adored our multi-vector foreign policy, this, if you ask, we are nowhere, therefore we are nowhere, that's what i said then, i said in the 90s, that this general-vector, multi-vector foreign policy means that we are nowhere . i apologize that this is also the result, and now, when we are told again that the condition of our survival and agreement with russia will be our neutral status, then this is what russia has always sought from us, so that we would be nowhere, because if we we'll be nowhere, sooner or later we'll be nothing, it's a simple, simple relationship, but unfortunately, i'm always reminded that it was accepted by society, the ukrainian susp
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of crimea, if, if it were not for the tragedy that happened in donbas, how far our compatriots were ready to realize the real danger. i want to remind you that when viktor yushchenko was still president, and when such a real conversation about the holodomor began, many people did not perceive it as such. vision towards russia, almost the entire faction of the party of regions voted against this decision. now, when we talk about the legacy, the political legacy of yushchenko, we understand that it is possibly one of the most important moments in the political history of ukraine that we were able to realistically look at our own history of the 20th century. at that time, it was not significant for many, for me it was a huge mystery, why is it so, you understand, khrystyna, because i knew about all these stories from... my childhood and generally believed that this was one of
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the most important moments in the history of ukraine of the nation, the one that always has to be talked about when we think about what was going on in these lands at all, but no, but no, it took a whole president to start a whole campaign to bring back at all the politics of national memory to some unconscious beginnings, so that we can talk about it again, we are still building, as you know, until now, let's talk about the fact that when probably ... the country, at the end of 2023, almost the most, and this after all, the fact that we are hostage to the political realities of our extremely important partners, for example, the united states. in general, the history of our relations with the united states during 2023 was full of many events, including the visit of joseph biden to ukraine in february 23, although we we understand, a rather hot military situation, this... and the visit of the ukrainian,
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ukrainian president, and not one to the united states, a speech in congress, and communication with the representative, representatives of both parties in the united states, and definitely communication with the american president, we understand that the turbulence in the states is hardly related in any way to us, but at the same time we find ourselves in a situation where we depend on it. and whether the democrats and the republicans will come to some conscious compromise, from this, on alas, our existence depends on it for the whole next year, that's no exaggeration. mr. vitaly, can we say that in the united states there is also a certain sobering up of it, and now, in fact, the administration of joseph biden, realizing what political realities they have encountered, is forced to look for some alternative ways, financing us. at the end of the year, i'll just remind you. the united
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states began to convince the g7 countries that there is a perfectly normal legal mechanism for the transfer of confiscated russian assets or frozen russian assets for the benefit of ukraine, well, that is , there are some, you know... inventive thoughts in this direction, but all this comes out of the crisis, well, you are absolutely right, khrystyna, if you look at the year 2023 from the point of view of the logic of the ukrainian american relations, then here we will see the transition from triumph to disappointment, this visit of the president of the united states in february, which seemed to be a completely incredible historical event, it was the first time in history that an american president visited a zone of such obvious danger, when the president the united states has to travel by train in... in such, i would say, a classified situation from the polish border to kyiv, and you can imagine how difficult this decision was to make in the white house at all, and before volodymyr zelenskyi's visit to
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washington in december, which was also unexpected, but still everyone believed that it is a huge event when the president of ukraine arrives in washington. because we all knew that previously all the proposals of the ukrainian side about organizing a meeting between the presidents of the united states and ukraine were matched with explanations from the united states that there is no sense in such meetings now, and the president planned, as we know, to come to the forum of defense strategies, but did not come, representatives of the ukrainian leadership came without zelensky, and this is such an important moment that i would like to say that after all, that visit was the last, it was also to some extent a visit of disappointment, because everyone talked to zelensky in the senate and the house of representatives, and representatives of the republican political establishment they said yes we will support you, but it's not about you at all, but on the other hand,
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it's true, but maybe because we don't know, it could be that the republican elite is using the story with the border to keep us from giving money , we will make sure of this next year, but the other important thing is that... that the very fact that no one in the united states, with the possible exception of donald trump , wants to say out loud that he does not want to give aid to ukraine, is rather a positive than a negative signal, because in because 2024 will be difficult in terms of aid, we knew in 2022, and everyone said that we should do most of what we can do in 2020. in the third year, because 2024 is a campaign year in the united states, and a campaign year is never easy, and there is another very important point that i want to say that this year 2024 actually started in 20203, why? because
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american legislators in the house of representatives for the first time in many years elected the speaker of the house with a completely strange regulatory procedure. because the speaker of the house of representatives is a serious figure, he is a person who in his actions should be protected by a certain immunity, so this speaker is given this immunity for a certain time, so that he can rule the house calmly, so that he can not look back at the views of individual legislators , so that he can rely on the majority, and the impeachment of such a person can be determined solely by the common will there, it seems to me a great ... lost his political career, because at the end of this year he leaves the congress altogether, this imprudent decision, he so wanted, you know, a person really wants, there is some desire, i really want to be
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the speaker of the house of representatives of the us congress, i can understand that, it is a good job and a historical job, but it is important not to fall into history, not to get caught in her this is also, by the way, this year when people got stuck in history, remember how kevin makartsev entered history as a short-term speaker, and remember the letter of tras, who was prime minister for several weeks, prime minister the minister of great britain, he has her, too, probably always wanted to lead the british government, but if you go down in british history as the shortest -serving head of government, that's exactly what you wanted in life, hence the question. you see, so this speaks of turbulence absolutely, and here kevin mccarthy becomes the speaker, he actually can't really run the house, and then the representatives of such a radical circle in the republican party, who are even more zealously than their
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colleagues are oriented towards former president donald trump, they put forward mistrust, and this speakeriad and a new one begins. and the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, he perfectly understands from the experience of his predecessor that he is much more dependent not on congressmen, not on pro'. of the political situation in the country, but from the will of one person, because donald trump, as we have seen, could block the election of anyone who seemed to him to be too independent a candidate, those whom i called republicans only by name, although in fact trump himself is a republican in name only. and johnson, whatever ideas he had about his own political future, he is forced to target trump because if he stops doing that, he will face the fate of mccarthy, and if you want to ... remain a significant figure in american politics, you need to at least until before the election until
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november 2024 to remain speaker , yes, because it is not known what the majority will be, whether there will be a majority of democrats, whether there will be a majority of republicans, no one knows what will happen after the election, but that is why 2024 has begun for us, unfortunately, 2023, if it were not so, khrestiv would be the speaker of the chamber representative. i would absolutely calmly put to a vote the budget for 2024, which i remind you has not yet been adopted, and the military budget, which was adopted only at the end of the year, and the proposal of the president of the united states for aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan, all of this would be and so, we faced this turbulence, right up until the... until the decision was approved to give us this 61, it seems like
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a billion dollars, by and large, as it should be, we should have gotten this 61 billion, and then the turbulence would begin, well, that's ideal, it should be like that, that 's what the white house planned, and what would happen in 2025 , no one knows at all, because everything there would still depend on the outcome of the election of the president of the united states, what it will actually be... nobody knows this result today. america is such a country. we are now looking at the ratings. here's trump ahead of biden, biden behind trump. but we know that in america, first of all , it does not matter who is ahead of whom, who is not ahead of whom. hillary clinton won trump's presidential election by a million votes, it seems to me, a gap, if not more. ugh. yes, by a huge margin. and what? who became the president, the calculation system is completely different. it is necessary to see what will be the mood in difficult states. just in time for voting. and it's nobody's... can predict, i remember we were looking at these states right when
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the clinton-trump contest was going on, and on the one hand they, clinton's results kept going up and states kept going down, and all ska: oh you see how it can be because trump has figured out how they have to campaign, he generally worked only in these states, and clinton did not pay such obvious attention to them, and now everyone understands this for sure, and the same applies to the 2024 elections, how the pre-election ... companies will be built, what the american economy will look like, in in any case, it is a positive thing for me not only that various alternative points are now being sought, which are related to the aid to ukraine, but that the political elite in the united states itself is still looking for results, that they were ready to continue, at least senate on christmas eve days and discussing all this, that they were looking for some compromises related to the border and everything else, and it seems to me that... one way or another, we have some hopes that this issue will be resolved, i would like to
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hope so, because i will tell you right away, without this money it will not be easy , to put it mildly, very diplomatically, and if we are talking about political, political changes, movements, in general, political life here is a little closer in europe, well, we understand that in a number european countries have changed governments. approaches have changed, parties have changed, which in the end are in power, and this is extremely important absolutely everywhere, what is the main trend you would notice here? well, there really isn't any obvious common trend here, because the elections look enough and the prospects for the elections look too different vectorially to talk about trends, on the one hand we can... talk about an obvious right-wing trend, huh, but when we talk about
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an obvious right-wing trend, we rely primarily on what happened in the netherlands, the triumph of geert wilders' freedom party, but christina, the victory of the freedom party, but italy is a little earlier, yes italy is a little earlier, it 's true, but in any case, there vitalia is a complex multi-party coalition, in which she is just in first place. prime minister giorgi melani's party, brothers of italy, won the favor of the right-wing electorate for the simple reason that other right-wing parties have already tired theirs. but by and large the right-wing electorate in italy in terms of the number of votes cast by voters has remained fairly stable, just berlusconi's party and matteo salvini's league, they appeared in the right-wing
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camp as outsiders compared to their italian brothers. it is not known how it will be next time, but the very tendency that some people vote for the right, others vote for the left, this is a traditional story for italy , there is simply no such right-wing party as the christian democratic party of the previous republic, but this party has always been the leading party, there has always been a real competition in italy, let us not talk about it like that for a long time, between the christian democratic party on the one hand, and on the other hand between the communist party of italy, it was the second political force in the country and... by and large , only the joint efforts of the vatican and the mafia managed to stop this party from forming the italian government in the post-war years, so popular was it after the collapse of fascism, but this does not mean that it was not there were people who were supporters of binito selini, we understand, this split was always there, it remained, all this simply remained, and here i do not see for italy this is a standard situation,
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imagine if salvini had won, and not meloni, this league won , it was always the strongest, we would not see any serious changes, by and large, well, because now the right has won, the democratic party, the next election may bring victory to the centrists, no, not even talk about that, talk about, why did i mention geert wilders, because here is this success of the freedom party that happened in two weeks, it is largely due to the events in the middle east, and everyone knows that, and if it were not for the events in the middle east, in the middle east conditionally they say that... hamas would not cut the throats of women and children, they wouldn't have been raped and they wouldn't have been raped there in israeli kibbutzim, geert wilders' party in the netherlands would have won the place it should have taken according to the results of previous sociological polls, fifth-sixth there, so again- yes, on the one hand, there is an obvious trend of strengthening the far-right forces, so this is
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an alternative for germany, it was also the case before hamas. it grew in ratings, it is the swedish democrats, who have a good position in sweden, it is the strengthening of the right-wing ultra-right forces, the true finns in finland, can this trend to continue, it is on the one hand, on the other hand , even slovakia, it is also, by the way, a good example, it is the right-wing parties, obviously, on the other hand, there is the victory of the democratic coalition in poland, the party of law and justice is not allowed. to be called ultra-right, it is just a classic right-wing, right-wing force, but the ultra-right confederation suffered a serious defeat, it did not strengthen its capabilities. spain, where many believed that the right would definitely come to power, but associated with this, not even so much a triumph in the traditional rights, that they would be able
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to form a coalition with the far-right fox party. this did not happen. fox suffered. a serious defeat in the elections, it was this party , the people's party of spain that won, everything happened as planned, it won the first place in the elections, as, by the way, the party of law and justice won the first place in the elections, these right-wing parties won on elections, but they did not have enough votes to form a government both in spain and in poland, and in spain the democratic left-wing coalition in power, led by prime minister pedro sanchez, and in poland, a center-left woman. the coalition in power headed by donald tusk, that is, but also law and justice in fact and the popular party in spain were hoping for the success of the far-right, as you said, you see the trend, the far-right is gaining votes, and we will be able to rule together with them, this did not happen, now let's see what
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will happen next year, let's say in austria, where again, the austrian freedom party is now the leader of pre-election sympathies, but how successful will it be? to be not just a leader, but to form a government, we will see, because we do not see anything like that even in the netherlands, we see a party that won, like, by the way, the people's party in spain, like the law and justice party of poland, but here the question arises, by how much it is possible to form a coalition, because we find ourselves all the time in these trends in a situation where the party that wins, it cannot form a coalition because it is politically isolated. right-wing parties, in their effort to gain power, try to fight for the far-right electorate, if they like it, will ultimately destroy the chances of the far-right and they themselves have no chance. agree with other political forces, look, labor, law and justice, if she didn't behave like this all the time, lately, i would say, it was obvious for polish-ukrainian relations as well, she
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would definitely have several coalition partners , close to her, with whom she can easily form a government, let's say the polish peasant party is close to her in terms of ideology, but these parties simply behave like that when they in power, which then everyone else says, we will not be your partners, we will, conditionally speaking, negotiate... although with the devil from our point of view, but not with you, because you are arrogant, because you are a traitor, that you are bastards, you monopolize everything , you destroy everything, law and justice had to go through it , popular parties in spain had to go through it, because it turned out that it had all the opportunities to form a coalition with various regional parties, but all the catalan ones are basque parties said: listen, your whole ideology is this the fight against so-called separatism. you don't want to negotiate with us, you want the police to act, instead of seeking a political agreement with us, you call us separatists, take us to court,
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persecute our political leaders, well, sit in the opposition for another four years, which the difference, agree with your neo-fascists that there are not enough votes, well sit in the opposition, who needs you idiots, and this is the result of the collapse, and by the way, when i followed the ... referendum on the independence of catalonia, so-called, which was not legitimate absolutely, and i said that i am not thinking about what is happening with the independence of catalonia, because it is unlikely that it will be independent in such a situation, but i am thinking about how the prime minister of spain at the time asnar from the people's party is destroying with his inability to dialogue, the chances of his own political party to ever be in power in the country, because these measures that he has implemented, in principle , leave him no chance. turn a blind eye to what is catalan, so you can turn a blind eye to what is, turn a blind eye to what is basque, to think that the police and the supreme court will deal with them, and then the parliamentary elections begin, and it turns out that without
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these political forces, in general theirs, well, there is no chance for you to return to power, that then you simply give this power to the left forever, not because the left is generally capable of agreeing on some kind of catalan independence. not able, but because everyone just acts to keep you in the opposition for punishment, even the right-wing catalan parties, uh, don't want to do business with you, because you're anti-catalan, because you the castilian chauvinist, the castilian chauvinist should sit under the bench, and what is happening now with this story, it reminds me a lot of the soviet union, you know, when they pushed so hard that then everything fell apart, in the end, to pieces, that you know that after parliamentary elections in spain have already introduced a solution, again, so that this left-wing government can maintain that it is now possible to speak castilian, catalan, basque,
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galician languages ​​in the spanish parliament, and when the deputies from the right say, what the hell, well, we all we know spanish and castilian here , that is, why can't we speak the same language in the parliament, if you come to madrid, no one prevents you from speaking as you want in bilbao or barcelona, ​​why here in madrid and... colleagues they say, put on your headphones, please , we're going to answer you now in bastian, so you put on your headphones and listen, but all this couldn't be, that is, it couldn't be, if there was a capacity for dialogue, and that 's when we talking about trends, why me i am talking about this in such detail, the far-right and the right-wing conservatives in general have no ability to dialogue, and by the way, another trend that will be next year is the collapse of the conservatives in great britain, well, it is already absolutely obvious. that they have no chance to remain in power, increasingly sunok is simply leading the funeral team formed by our beloved boris johnson, who actually
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buried the conservative party of great britain with his populist actions, his support for brexit, and so on, and in it gives me great joy, because i believe that historical justice should work, what if you lie, what if you deceive people, what if you create. the opportunity to vote, which will lead your country into a dead end, then you should disappear from the political scene yourself and i am very happy with the fiasco of boris johnson, i hope he will never be a politician again, well, not in the ukrainian trend now, if anything, no in the ukrainian trend, of course, but i'm just glad, and i hope that there will be a punishment for conservative party of great britain, i am absolutely not interested in the ukrainian trend, i know one thing, if great britain would remain a member of the european union. we did not need viktor orban to leave the meeting hall during the vote for ukrainian european integration, do you understand that? there was nothing to it,
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he would simply be from britain... if now orban orban managed to convince georgie maloney, who cannot be compared to the prime minister of great britain in terms of her influence, then imagine if he had just been the prime minister of great britain, who was a supporter of european integration, he would have been, britain would have been what it is, once, military aid would have been much greater than europe, the question of financial aid would have been much more serious. we are talking about how great britain helps us by itself, says: oh, how good, great britain has left the european union and can help us independently without all these agreements. well, of course, it's just a geometric progression that works in the other direction. it is not very big a country that can help us, also taking into account the economic situation in which it found itself as a result of brexit, if it were part of the european union, the european union
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would not help us with 50 billion dollars, but... because it would be one of the flagships, she would be one of the and in order to, you understand , in order to keep hungary in the trend, but simply to tell viktor orbán how to give more money than putin in general, or to give more money than putin, but in order to get great britain because the prime minister of great britain: "look, you don't want to to help ukraine, you are against integrity, but we will leave you in general, go away, well, and this immediately causes, you remember, until great britain..." they were teasing everyone that it would come out, everyone was ready -what are their whims to fulfill, and their whims were pro-ukrainian, and this is the fact that this year the last prime minister of the time when great britain was still a normal state from the european point of view, part of the european union , david cameron, was returned to the government of great britain, and how things have changed since the point from the point of view of the pressure of great britain in foreign policy immediately, because david cameron,
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unlike those... many politicians who came to power in the country as a result of brexit, it must be said right away that this is a change in political elites, immediately returned great britain to this foreign policy , which we all remember, to the policy of cooperation with europe and pressure on europe and the ability to talk with the americans in an appropriate manner, as part of this common space, and all this was lost, so i understand that ukrainians are very pleased when is... someone arrives there in kyiv , which is under surveillance, speaks beautiful words, but before that this person does everything possible to cause the situation in which we found ourselves, because she could realize it at that moment, and the lust for power, lack of political intuition, unprofessionalism , by and large you understand that when you leave the european union you create in moscow the impression of the west's weakness, so by and
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large... the birth of putinism and the inspiration for putinism, and it doesn't matter that after that, boris johnson says, because the decisive step that led to the creation of this situation has been taken, it's a huge tragedy, well, there's nothing you can do, so to speak, we're about, these are just my emotional reflections, you know, but they are very valuable , the end, excuse me, the middle of december and we have a very optimistic decision for us, which sets the stage. negotiations on our accession to the european union, the eu summit rushed to this decision despite the position of individual european leaders, orban and hungary have already been mentioned, but let's not get carried away, the way can actually be to be extremely long, and on this path of negotiations and not only the implementation of agreements, we will be, perhaps even for decades, historical examples of this also exist, together with ukraine certain euro integration.
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assets were received by moldova, georgia, bosnia and herzegovina , bosnia and herzegovina may get the opportunity to hold negotiations if it meets the terms of the negotiations, so it is a step forward in the case of each individual country , of course, but there is a trend and there is a signal, a political signal from of the european union, which they are ready to accept into their ranks countries, some of which are very traumatized by the russian federation, well, simply for reasons of territorial integrity or not... this is an important remark of christina, because let's be completely frank, if it were not for russia's attack on ukraine, the european integration of ukraine, georgia and moldova could only be discussed after the process of european integration of the countries of the western balkans has ended. by the way, i have always said for years that when we talk about our european integration, first of all.


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