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tv   [untitled]    December 30, 2023 9:00pm-9:30pm EET

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and khrystyna yatsky were with you throughout the year and will be with you in the future. the most massive shelling of ukraine in a year. that the bill on mobilization is passing, which caused criticism and controversy in society, about the great loss of the russian fleet. about this and much more in today's issue. they beat almost everything they have in their arsenal. the most massive russian attack from the air. inhumans, they killed and injured peaceful ukrainians in homes, a hospital and a shopping center. additional mobilization. the government has submitted a draft law to
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the verkhovna rada, society is outraged, commander-in-chief valery zaluzhnyi will be happy with any way of involvement in the lavse, and the ministry of finance does not yet know where to get funds for such plans. from as much as ukraine needs to as much as we can. changing the rhetoric of the countries of the world regarding the provision of aid to our state. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and this is the news, the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. we have not seen how many targets on our monitor at the same time, - said the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, yuriy ignat, on the morning of december 29. russian federation carried out the most massive shelling of ukraine in the past year. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny also wrote about the situation in the country on friday morning. he noted
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that the enemy attacked critical infrastructure, industrial and military facilities. in total, the russian federation launched 158 aerial targets over ukraine. air defense forces shot down 27 drones and 87 cruise missiles. unfortunately, at least 37 people were killed in several waves of attacks. more than 160 civilians were injured, but... in addition to military facilities, the enemy targeted a maternity hospital and a shopping and entertainment center in dnipro, to a hospital and residential buildings in kharkiv. in a number of civilian objects, in particular, the homes of residents of kyiv, zaporizhzhia, dnipro, odesa and lviv. in 5 hours, the enemy army released almost all types of missiles on the territory of ukraine. in addition to calibers, well
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, traditionally, when striking ukrainian border towns, russian weapons fly into nato airspace. and on december 29, one of the missiles fell on the territory of poland, the polish general staff reported. this attack cost the country terrorists 1 billion 270 million dollars. according to serhii zgurets, a military expert and director of the defense express consulting company. the last months. russia bombarded ukrainian cities with s-300 missiles and shahed missiles, meanwhile , it was stockpiling cruise missiles, so the enemy still has the strength to repeat massive attacks. if we are talking about kilati missiles in particular, then the average rate of production of these missiles is about 40 per month, when we are talking about missiles of the x101 type, and if we count there, then in general both daggers and... and ha
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101, and calibers, then on average they are produce together within the range of 110-120 missiles, so i think that the total indicators of the accumulation of missiles by the russians now remain within the range of 500-700 missiles, which means that in fact russia will have, if possible , at least five or six similar attacks with so many missiles, i think that the enemy will now have to... prepare for a long time, realizing that simply using such precious missiles is quite difficult for him. hard conscription or encouragement to serve. personnel problem, along with deficit ammunition, is gradually coming to the fore for the armed forces of ukraine. so, this week, heated discussions were caused by the draft law on mobilization. such a document with its proposals of the cabinet of ministers.
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submitted to the verkhovna rada on christmas day, december 25. it was announced a long time ago. at a press conference on december 19 , president volodymyr zelenskyi noted that he offered the military command. to mobilize up to 500,000 people. the draft law has not even begun to be considered in the session hall, but it has led to panic and, in particular, among ukrainians abroad. men massively began to submit documents to replace foreign passports and driver's licenses. so what does the draft law proposed by the government provide. let's see further. as indicated in the explanation. according to prime minister denys shmyhal, who is formally the author of the draft law, the adoption of the document will create conditions for the proper staffing of combat units, improve the process of staffing the armed forces of ukraine, and contribute to the restoration and development of society based on the values
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​​of patriotism and devotion to the state. separate the proposals in the draft law have already caused considerable resonance and even criticism. in the document. propose to lower the conscription age from 27 to 25 years and abolish the concept of limited serviceability. at the same time , it is proposed to significantly limit the right to postponement, to leave it not for all conscripts with disabilities, but only for the first and second groups. another proposal is to exclude conscript service as a type of military service and release all conscripts into the reserve. the procedure for serving a summons is simplified. it can be given as in person, as well as through an electronic cabinet or e-mail. innovations concern students. according to the new rules, only those who obtain a higher level of education than previously obtained, for example, bachelors who want to obtain a
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master's degree, will receive a deferment, which has shaken ukrainians and the base of evaders. they will be entered in the register of debtors and sanctions will be applied, it is proposed to prohibit... abroad and carry out transactions with property, limit the right to drive one's own vehicle and obtain a driver's license, dispose of one's own funds, securities and take out loans, as well as suspend benefits and services from the state. as for the mobilization of women, the draft law clearly states that women who are not on the military register and decide to serve in the army, sign a contract for military service. services this is done only at your own will. and even earlier , the president declared that he would not sign the law with the forced mobilization of women. the government also proposes to strengthen responsibility for violations of legislation on mobilization, defense, military duty and military service. thus,
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the document proposed by the cabinet, if adopted in this form, may make life somewhat more difficult for ukrainians abroad who have left their native country. illegal ways. for the first time, the bill envisages demobilization for those who have been in the army for a long time. those who have been released from captivity and those who have been continuously in the military during martial law for the past 36 months will be eligible for it. in addition, the initiative contains many proposals for additional vacation or recreation military, and soldiers who served during martial law and were released in... pas will not be called up for service for two years from the day of release. if the proposed option is adopted without changes, then conscripted citizens will have to register the electronic account of the conscript of a conscripted reservist. those who
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were previously recognized as limited fit for service will have to undergo a medical examination again within six months. through lively discussion in society, a document about... perfection mobilization and military accounting promised to be finalized until the new changes come into effect, the mobilization process works in the usual format. on december 26 , the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhnyi, commented on the bill on mobilization, who for the first time during the full-scale invasion of russia appeared to ukrainian journalists. he admitted that he was not satisfied with the work of the territory. procurement centers, said that he would be happy for any way of involvement in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. however, he noted that the mailing electronic subpoenas and inclusion of evaders in the register of debtors is not a proposal of the general staff or the armed forces of ukraine. so,
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today we asked oleksandr musienko, director of the military center, to comment and clarify several important points in the document. legal studies. mr. alexander, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. so, perhaps one of the most painful issues is demobilization. not every week in different cities of our country , the wives and mothers of those who have been at the front for 22 months go to rallies. they repeatedly appealed to the country's leadership and urged not to make a decision about 36 months, because in their opinion it is impossible, how long to fight. instead, 36 months appear in the new draft law. mr. oleksandr, it is generally a real term of 36 months to stay at the font. can we say that there is simply no substitute, and that is why such a term appears? 36 months in
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terms of being on the front line, of course not, and that term can't be, you know , being on the front line at all, i mean, at zero, at position zero, that what is called, it should be limited and there should be rotations, accordingly, if we are talking about 36... months of service in general - this is one thing, because the conditions of service are different, there are combat brigades, there are non-combat brigades, you understand, that is being on duty and performing tasks, important tasks, but in the rear is one thing, and being in advanced positions is another, so here it is necessary to apply a combined approach, in my opinion, when we envisage the rotation of combat units that are at ground zero, and they can be there from 45 up to 90 days. well, there are different, let’s say, conditions and it is proposed in different ways, you can see, and
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accordingly these combat units, they go through rotations, that is, they served from one and a half to two to three months, which are then changed to other units, this is an ideal formula, well and during a certain period of time, it is in relation to combat brigades, units, this is an ideal formula that we would like to arrive at, and no one here has any global objection to this... but from the point of view of practice, from the point of view of what is happening, you see that both the military leadership and the command is not against achieving such goals, but there are realities that arise on the battlefield and say that it is possible to do this only gradually, not with, let's say, without risking the fact that we can remain uncovered at all in certain areas of the front, so even subject to a better ideal formula of adoption and proposals... in this bill or another, it will still take time, it will not happen
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all at once, as much as many would like it, i understand. mr. oleksandr, well , probably caused the biggest storm of emotions a figure of half a million people needed at the front. commander-in-chief valery zaluzhnyi commented on this figure at a press conference he gave this week, noting that the military command has formed the required number of mobilized personnel for the entire next year. in my speech , i did not say the number 500 or 400, i am talking about the general need, and i already asked one of the girls, i already said that this need, of course, is divided into certain periods, of course, that is, someone will be mobilized in january, some even in december, and i will tell you what about the fact that we don't talk about the fact that we need all this need now in order to ... to give clothes and shoes and weapons, no, that 's not true at all. so, the general said that
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he cannot divulge the number because it is a military secret, as well as the forecast of our losses that we may suffer during the year. so the figure of 500,000, where did it come from and can it even be considered relevant today? well, let's face it, we still have some uncertainty here, because... that the president of ukraine talked about 500,000 and let's say this, this is this figure, it it is the same, in general it seems to me that the needs arise from what you see, the numbers may scare someone, but i will explain very simply how it happens: there is a strategic goal, a goal and a statement of tasks, which is set: deoccupation of the ukrainian territory, liberation in between the borders of the internationally recognized borders of 1991, when the corresponding... tasks are set, plus there is a logic of events of how the situation at the front is developing now, now i want to remind you that
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we are not talking about the liberation of territories yet, we are talking about as of now , specifically, i emphasize, as of now, it is about defense, about active defense, we are not attacking now, we are defending and restraining the enemy, in order to restrain the enemy there are current needs, further in order to prepare forces, means for the possibility of conducting offensive actions, to carry out those tasks that are set strategically, the military... develop a plan and say that in order for us to achieve these strategic goals, we need so many weapons, so many people, everything is very simple, it's simple, when we start... to speak honestly that the liberation of the territories sometimes demands such a price, well, that's how they start to mention money, already count and so on, well, maybe it's unpleasant for someone to hear, but such are the realities, and the fact that now the discussion is also about this, i believe that it is so it is also important, and where to get funds for additional mobilization, because the internal
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potential for financing military needs is exhausted - said the minister of finance of ukraine. serhiy marchenko in an interview for the forbes project. it is impossible to artificially increase expenses because there is no money. therefore, the ministry of finance is waiting for decisions from of the general staff and the ministry of defense on cost optimization. marchenko noted that his department needs information on the scale of mobilization and terms, as well as the necessary costs. the official believes that the previously announced amount of funding of uah 500 billion in the case of the draft of 500,000 people is quite correct, if we need to find them, we need to understand in time, these funds need to be found already today, or it is possible in march, april, may, maybe the second half of the year, that is, i need a picture as the minister of finance, and how will i have a picture, you can then we will talk about the provision of these
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needs, we do not rule out that we will have to look for additional opportunities regarding... additional revenues, additional sources of financing, internal, again, i emphasize, but it is still too early to talk about numbers, because they have not been formed , first of all , understanding the needs of the responsible structures, and this wording about optimization in general is very interesting, and is it realistic to find these funds for financing in the current situation? well, listen, let's do it, we remember what our situation was, you remember, with the change in the payment procedure and with the reduction of combat positions, not combat positions, well, how much further can we optimize from the point of view of the financial support of fighters, well , if we are talking about additional motivation for mobilization, now the question that is pressing, let's we admit, it is obviously motivated
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by the fact that the financial support can still be reduced somewhere, i don't think it will be ... an additional bonus, on the contrary, we should consider ways to increase the funding of those payments that are provided, and let's say so , what many of our fighters even today spend even their own earned funds to find solutions for themselves for better equipment, equipment, and volunteers work, who also help with a lot of everything, so i definitely think that it is not about optimization, but in general, this discussion is for me, you know, well... i don't understand it, because when we talk about some strategic things and planning, it all has to be laid down, or it has to be known about it and obviously certain things are not brought up at all, they can be discussed absolutely at the level of the supreme commander , on the government, ultimately between the military, between
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the ministry of finance and so on, well, i just want to remind you again, maybe someone about... doesn't understand somewhere or in political circles or among people what i'm going to say, well, maybe it's rude for someone, but the truth that war needs people, but war also needs money, and you need to have this money, you need to afford this money, i expect, of course, and i understand that our partners should get involved, and of course, that they should be hope in this sense, mr. alexander, and i thank you for this truth, o center was with us military legal studies, and we are moving on. the large landing ship novocherkask followed the flagship of the russian black sea fleet, the cruiser moskva. on the night of december 26, the air force of ukraine destroyed
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the russian landing ship novocherkask with cruise missiles in the area of ​​occupied feodosia. after powerful explosions began. fire in the port. in social networks, there were reports about the wreckage of the ship, which was found in different parts of the city. the russian authorities recognized only the damage to the vessel. later information appears from the press service of the black sea fleet that 74 russian sailors were killed during the attack, 27 more were wounded. the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine yuriy ignav also informed about the destruction of the crew. but he did not specify the details. a few hours after the defeat of novocherkassk, two more russian ships left feodosia bay. according to the editor-in-chief of defense. oleg katkov express russia will be able to replace a vessel of this type no earlier than 2035-36.
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the ministry of defense of great britain reacted to the destruction of the great landing ship by ukrainian forces. minister grand shabs reported that over the past four months, russia has lost 20% of its black sea fleet. and the destruction of novocherkassk significantly weakened russian logistics. according to him, this proves that those who believe that the war in our country has reached a dead end, are wrong. he also noted that now russia's dominance in the black sea is being questioned. shaps is confident that the new coalition led by britain and norway will help ukraine win at sea. 22 months of full-scale war. not now. for whom it is no secret that everything will not end tomorrow, the enemy is not going to give in and wants to destroy our nation. the russian federation has a huge advantage in human resources, our
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victory at the front depends on the help and support of western partners. if we take dry statistics, the countries of the european union are increasing the amount of military aid to the armed forces of ukraine. but this is not enough, as they often lack power. for production, so, for example, in november 2023, the eu sent less than a third of the promised supplies of ammunition. as for the americans, the latter sociological polls show that the level of support for ukraine is decreasing. analysts cite economic problems in the united states, information fatigue from the protracted war, and loud statements by individual american politicians as reasons. and the rhetoric of the president... and joseph biden has changed somewhat. thus, in december, during president zelenskyi's visit to the united states, biden first voiced a new formulation of support. earlier, the head of the white house
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said that we will support as much as necessary. this time, biden said: we will continue to supply ukraine with the necessary weapons and equipment as much as we can. despite everything, the usa is in a coalition with more than 50 countries. countries that provide military aid to ukraine while supporting us in the fight against and containment of the enemy. president volodymyr zelenskyi announced that in 2023, america provided ukraine with 34 packages of military aid worth more than $24 billion, and thanked the united states for such support. he also expressed gratitude for the military aid package announced on december 27 in the amount of two. 250 million dollars, additional missiles and components for air defense, anti-tank weapons, ammunition, demining means and other
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equipment, as well as for the historic decision to provide ukraine with f-16 fighter jets. so how did the event sustain us through the second year of a full scale invasion. see further. on february 20, 2023, the president. joseph biden of the usa is coming to kyiv with an unannounced visit. cameras record how he and president zelenskyy leave the st. michael's cathedral to the sounds of an air raid alarm. the visit was longer than symbolic. at the beginning of the year, the west united in support of our state. german chancellor olaf scholz finally. gave permission for deliveries of modern leopard-2 tanks to kyiv, and ukrainian servicemen have already mastered american patriot systems in the state of oklahoma. it seemed that support for ukraine
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was stronger than ever. we have created a coalition of countries from the atlantic to the pacific around the world. more than 50 nations are helping ukraine defend itself with unprecedented military, economic, and humanitarian support. we will be with you for so long. how much will be needed only a few voices were raised against arms deliveries at that time, the loudest of them being the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, who never tired of calling for so-called peace, even if ukraine had to give up its territories. if you look at the truth, if you look at the numbers, if you look at the fact that nato is not ready to send its troops to ukraine, it becomes obvious that the poor ukrainians do not... at the beginning of june , the ukrainian counteroffensive in the south finally began, it did not reach
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kyiv was waiting for quick results and already at... the nato summit in vilnost the first disappointment. allies have clearly stated that they are not ready to invite ukraine to the alliance. we must take a sober look at the current situation. the ukrainian authorities themselves recognize the impossibility of becoming a nato member while the war continues. our goal is stable military support for ukraine, in particular, with modern western weapons and strengthening of ukraine's economic stability during defense against. russian aggression. towards the end of the summer, it becomes finally clear that the results of the counteroffensive are more than modest. the international coalition is beginning to show cracks. in the spring six months before parliamentary elections in poland, the right-wing government of mateusz morovecki banned the supply of ukrainian agricultural products. kyiv and warsaw exchanged a number of harsh statements. and in november, polish carriers began a large-scale blockade of the border with
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ukraine. on the 30th in september , the party of ex-prime minister robert fiitso, a categorical opponent of military aid to ukraine, won the parliamentary elections in slovakia. one of our largest allies in the region has stopped sending weapons to the armed forces of ukraine. in november, europe was stunned the results of the parliamentary elections in the netherlands. the far-right freedom party led by geert wilders won the first place there. he is also in favor of limiting military support. and the attention of the world from ukraine. was distracted by a large-scale war in the middle east, which flared up after a fierce attack by the islamist group hamas on israel, but the biggest problems awaited kyiv in the united states. the american congress de facto plunged into the election campaign and refused to support the aid package for ukraine of more than 60 billion dollars. republicans made a categorical demand to first strengthen security on the border with mexico. for three months, volodymyr zelenskyi was
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forced to give the united states a surprise, but he never convinced the congressmen. at a joint press conference with the ukrainian leader on december 12, president joseph biden used completely different wording than in kyiv at the beginning of the year. ukraine will emerge from this war strong, proud and firmly anchored in the western system, if we do not leave it. americans should be proud of the role they played in supporting the success of ukraine. and we will continue. provide ukraine with the necessary equipment and weapons as much as we can. problems with aid also arose in europe. the same viktor orban blocked the adoption of a four-year aid package for ukraine worth 50 billion euros. military support for kyiv by the international coalition has fallen to its lowest level since the start of the full-scale invasion. statements about the need to seek a diplomatic solution to the conflict are increasingly heard in the west. so in 2024, ukraine
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enters into... in conditions of deep political, military and economic uncertainty, despite this , zelensky made optimistic statements at the final annual press conference. i believe once again that our partners will not let us down, they know the details, what is needed, how it will affect, they know how the postponement of certain dates affects us, they know about our persistence, that it is not artificial, that it requires stability for of our defense, whether there are grounds for... optimism will become clear at the beginning of the 24th. on january 8 , the american congress returns from vacation, and already on february 1, the leaders of the european union countries will gather at a special summit in order to try to approve the aid package for ukraine in a second attempt. the year 2024 will be difficult, we will have to go through a lot, and in order to win, we need to unite, fight corruption, come to
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a constructive confrontation and change the approach to international cooperation. i urge you to take care of your own safety and not to ignore air alarms. and also, like every ukrainian, i wish one thing: victory for us in the new year, and heartfelt thanks to our soldiers. this was the last edition of the program news, summaries of the week in 2023 year tomorrow the world meets a new one. our editorial office has prepared a lot of high-quality content for you on new year's eve. vasyl zima's team will present their view on the key events of the year. you will also see special projects with vitaly portnikov, serhiy rudenko, olga len, roman chaika and antin borkovsky.


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