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tv   [untitled]    December 31, 2023 4:30pm-5:00pm EET

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there is no such type of military command, well , i don’t have it, that’s why i don’t want to predict or say that it will be a terrible battle, maybe everything will be in the best possible way, but regarding the crimea, i often, well, that is, i don’t i really liked it, looking at it now, i liked how i lived there, how people live there, probably even now, but... but i would go back to the mountains, which i miss a little, and maybe there was some vineyard that you didn't like , when you lived in the crimea, which you still lacked, you know what a scoop, well then sit down, you know, i once traveled a little through the former yugoslavia, here on an elephant, and here you go , for example, through... there bosnia-herzegovina,
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montenegro, albania, you go, well, class, well , europe, well, roughly speaking, you cross a bridge in all of serbia, the koltsov bridge in crimea, in simferopol, well, here it is, not everyone understands, but my god, well, a sleepy, sleepy soviet district, i wish you health, and here on these counters, well, there i am. but somehow, well, i felt uncomfortable there, ugh, but that in no way means that a person who i grew up there, i don’t want to go back there, i just want to change everything, to modernize , but what am i talking about? please , you don't have any internal, you already said that you are not one of those who take offense, but an internal question to
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many residents of the peninsula for 2014 is why so, why, why did it happen, or why was it like that actually support for the russian occupation? i wouldn't say i was straight support for the russian occupation, well , there are a thousand degenerates who directly took an active part in it, 500 of them for money, ugh, here, well...
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ugh, i didn't need to land such a huge number of troops, block units, if the parts were for them , as they are now, they still crossed over, yes, why did you block the part, yes, why did you block the fedosian part, why, what was the problem with the part in the pass, the part from the headquarters marines in simferopol, which held out for four days in almost complete surroundings. today the way they are trying to rewrite this history now, and the most important thing is that those people who at that time tried to do something wrong in ukraine, after the victory of the maidan, it is very profitable for them to support this idea, because they spread their bows, that's how they supported everything there , that's it for me, that's exactly what happened a little bit, because everything was wrong, well, gentlemen, well, really everything. it wasn't like that, it's just
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that it's profitable for you, in order not to hang yourself, to not take responsibility, although it is the direct duty of a politician to take responsibility, yes it is beneficial for them to support this russian interference, that everyone there supported them, look, in one of your comments or interviews, i don't remember if it was a journalist or if it was the voice of crimea a little earlier in the 15th year, you assumed that ... the russian military in crimea, they were probably the best and most well-equipped of all that they could have, and it was unlikely that they were, there was some real combat power, i remembered, by the way, i am talking a little about on the other hand, i was talking about the fact that it was a show to the world, well, that is, they howled, they were just then switching to new weapons,
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well, the army was switching to the newest things, including uniforms, bulletproof vests, protective equipment, and weapons. they threw it out for the world to see, ugh, that is, it is not enough that such beautiful landing planes and helicopters arrived, but also that they are all the same, such a show, such everything else, i thought then and in principle that i do not have any there are other theories about why they walked around the cities like that, they were all so beautiful, that was their face. uh, special forces, right there, a real military man, i don't know, but anything can happen, well, if these are the same guys who later came here, near kyiv, then it was quite serious, uh, eh, if we talk about, in general, 2024, already
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the next year, what would you ask now from ukrainians, maybe from the world. and what would you wish for yourself and for your brothers, specifically, i am not one of those people who wants to ask something, to ask someone there, well, everyone lives their own life, if we are talking about our partners, so-called, yes, and if they still don't understand that if we lose, then it's their time. 5 years will come it will take seven years for russia to restore the military potential that they lost here, and it will be a short battle, well, that is, there, if you count how many territories ukraine lost there in the first three
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days, it is about one and a half or two elephants of the european union , this is for a day, well, this is my personal opinion, that's why. everything is on their conscience, well, what kind of expectations, what kind of expectations are there for the next year from someone, i don’t expect, well, look, the world is currently in such turbulence, election processes in many countries, the united the states, including the presidential elections, and the issue of help for us and funding, including weapons, support also now remains suspended, er... aren't we in a shaky and shaky position now? i believe that the biggest mistake is always a person, it is planning your life, when you rely on someone, we should plan a complete release to our territory, relying
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only on our own strength, if we will be helped, it is very good, it makes us very will strengthen, but the very plan that bezugla really wants must be taken into account only us here. on ourselves, and every citizen of this elephant must understand this, we can only count on ourselves, because only what you have and what you can, only this can be sure, you know, i will be angry exactly, because it's mine, and i'll do it if they give me something, it's no longer a plan, it's already a theory, uh, how do you see your life after, i'll talk about... after, well, i'd like to generalize survey, well , that is, as for the military, this is all that happens, there is no such survey, no who in the world has this war, well, i can
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only compare it to some medieval wars, well, to get out, alda came and got out of the whole city just under zero, well, this was not the first time. not in the second world war, even, here, and such battles, then i can, that is , no one has such a survey, and god forbid no one will have it, but this survey will need to be somehow, as it is called, catalyzed, to chronicle, put everything on paper and possibly include it in some books, or textbooks, statutes, i would be interested in doing this. uh, well, me i think that building an army on the anatov model is what we want, and it is quite a long process, are you ready to join it, as well as yours in the end for me, you know, here i am, this is the stage where i am not a volunteer ,
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well, i can't do anything, i spent 10 years talking rudely either in the war, or in structures similar to the military, well, i'm fine, what do you care about me. well, why, if there is a really huge layer of work that i can take on, why should i go somewhere and retrain there at 38 there at 40 years old an aitishnik, for example, well or not. determining the extent to which the state provides for the military even after active
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hostilities, this will be one of the tasks, well, in order for this to happen, well, in my life , everything always happens, what do you want, for example, for the state to keep you there respected, he is starting to do something, because she will not be, well, it is extremely rare, when something is given to you as a gift, you need to make some effort, those who will follow you, they will already be better off, oh... oh and well, it is the engine of progress whenever you want yours to be there children, your descendants there or the children of your friends there, and they will follow you, they will follow you and everything will be better for them already, ugh, this is how you feel about the thesis that the military will come, restore order, well, they will go into politics, they will go to the economy, they will go everywhere, and here we sit in the back like this, but no, our military is cool, they will do everything for us, the military, when they return, if they solve their problems the way they know how, they will all be put in prison, that is. this is, firstly, well that's why it won't happen, secondly, we return to the same
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element that we can calculate only on their own, and if the people, the people, who will stop turning on the guard or simply talking rudely there, chattering with their tongues, and will do something, every day a military machine on its rails, then there will be no need for the military to come there and do something, this is a transfer of their responsibility on someone, if a person believes only in himself, he knows that only he himself can do something, and there are 40 million of them, we will see a developed and blooming elephant, but i want to give about nato standards, what you said, here i'm just not here about the occasion, again but relying on the survey of this war, i believe that they will be needed, well, we are now trying to the right. into a system that is no longer working, it once worked, for example,
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it even worked in the ato zone, when there from the 14th to the 22nd year, it could work, because it was originally under such a war, that is what well, the whole world has been leading there all this time there since the second world war, it is not suitable for this war, and all the other military personnel there understand this. an interesting opinion, that is, nato standards are not a panacea at all, moreover, they may not work in such conflicts as the russian-ukrainian war, the panacea of ​​relations, we need to break this relation to the military and internally. of the military, this is the soviet relationship , when there, i read a good phrase,
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the kukanistic chain, when every lugdluga, this is the most important thing in the army, this is to arrange chase, find a problem, create it from scratch arrange chase, a soldier must be always tight, here in nato, the soldier will also be drawn, but he will be drawn with skill, because he is disciplined, not drawn, that's it. that is, the relationship is the same as the relationship there roughly speaking, nato envoys or partners ' envoys, this should be implemented in my opinion, well, this is the most important thing from what is there, and the experience of this war is already the empire's implementation of them for themselves, not for us, well, and for sure, now finally, i just promise, and we understand that the third oshb and other brigades where... which have simply colossal combat experience in this conflict,
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are you specifically ready and will you specifically go and teach the world about this, is it necessary to do this, or is each conflict different from the previous one and there is no sense , well look first of all, it's up to me there whether you want it or not, like, for example, if i'm a civilian there, i'll retire and they 'll give me a job there for good money. then i will want to do it, that is, if it is necessary, if i remain in the structure, and the structure will need it, that is, it will be some kind of exchange of information, experience of the conference. it's just that we will need to go there, it will be a combat order, an order, i will go, i will want to do it, that is, here again, nothing here depends on whether i want, i don't want, this is a pure factor that we i believe that this should be done, all this should be done now, why did i ask , it is no secret for anyone that from 2014 to about the 22nd there were certain
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reservations in the world regarding, for example, people with azov experience. azov did not very often get the opportunity to learn about certain weapons, did not receive professional support from the military there from other countries, and so on, but it proved to be extremely combat-ready and very effective. actually, is something similar possible and in your opinion now, is it possible that a conditional ukrainian military officer in the world they will start to be afraid, to be afraid that this is such a combat-ready unit that oh-oh-oh, it's better that we are somehow alone. well, look, this is a deep question , which can be, i think, quite long, i ask briefly somehow explain, they are afraid, it is just a position, i know that no one in the world thought, did not want, but just as i said, they closed glaza, that there could be such a situation that they could
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come, well, people, what kind of people... they are ready for anything, they will lobby with you all they want, yes, people just like that, it doesn't happen like that, well, that's nonsense, it doesn't happen like that, and that's why people like us, they didn't want to see us, they didn't want us to exist, because we were scared, so they came up with different canopies for us there, all kinds of climates, in fact, we have sold them for now.
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the question is that these , well, the country's defense capability should not depend on the opinion of such people, unfortunately or on the contrary, fortunately, that's what there are generals and teams for, which, if, which, if they need me, they we will be called, we will come, we will share the survey, this is what you
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said, that every conflict is really, well, it is peculiar, but there are some... standard things, which will be needed, even now the situation at the front changes steadily every three months, it changes so much that it is necessary to adapt to this story, there are a whole group of people there who conduct some analyzes there based on the information they receive from lands, that's what they see and even make some predictions, well , that is... a modern war, and all the same, they are all based on some standard principles, so why not exchange this survey with the fellows. thank you very much for the opportunity to discuss these important things, as for me, an officer of the third separate assault brigade with the nickname beard, joined this marathon interview on
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espresso. i wish you military success. thank you. yes, because to be honest, civilians also very often can't find the right words, but to wish you the best of luck in whatever you 're doing right now, right? military luck is probably something that, well, actually gathers everything in one expression, and well, of course, i hope that next time we will also meet in this studio or somewhere on the road. i won't be there, great thank you, thank you to all colleagues, thanks to whom we were able to do so. to carry out this conversation and record this interview, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, see you soon. turn on well - this is when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and around the world of cinema, then,
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need of flow drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier to bring closer the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. new year's eve with the broadcast of your favorite tv channel. let's sum up the year with top espresso presenters. top journalists will talk to top ukrainians. and top ukrainian performers live let's meet the new year together. happy holiday. happy new year. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western
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intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names from myroslav. barchuk. sunday: 17:10 for espresso. the war created a lot challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable my ukrain. it. the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations
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of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support one one, we share useful information and teach. new, together, we are growing, join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family, with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine.
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christ was born. dear brothers and sisters in christ, another great, difficult, painful year of war is coming to an end. the year is 2023. each of us experienced this
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war tragedy in our own way, survived it. he brought her into his personal life. we ended this year with the celebration of one of the greatest feasts of christ church of the nativity, our savior, our lord and savior jesus christ. this year caused us many wounds and destruction. but looking into the face of the new-born savior. it is in him that we see our future. looking into god's light and peace, which was brought to us by the incarnate, born lord jesus christ, we feel that our pains and sufferings, our wounds are not empty, not meaningless, but filled with god, filled with god's love, his power, that power that... heals, rebuilds,
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changes, renews heaven and earth, man and the world. on the threshold of the new year 2024, we look into the future as christians, our future is our lord, jesus christ, so we are not afraid of the new year, it will be... not easy, not easy for ukraine, europe and the whole world, but we see that this year will be full of god 's presence among us, his power, therefore we ask, lord, bless us this new year, renewed, but beloved by god, ukrainian land, christ was born, we praise
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him. it's news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i congratulate all the viewers and simply now to the most important thing. the russians killed a child, the enemy shelled kherson again. at that time, there were children near the store. a 14-year-old boy died on the spot. the nine-year-old is in serious condition. he has a brain injury - said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the occupiers also injured two more women, aged 32 and 65. both were hospitalized. and four s-300 missiles.


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