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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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nationals politically equidistant from each other, who may find certain solutions or be able to contact colleagues from abroad, again to find these joint solutions, in any case, a solution must be found, we are in such a situation that we are actually in the middle of the ocean and have to swim out, well , we should drown, vasily, because the economy does not stand on military rails, so to speak, we have a market economy, we have a democratic economy, but what is expected in the future from the office of the president is already challenges for an economy that needs to function fully. on the military rails, i thank oleksandr, i’m moving on to another topic, i read a woman’s post yesterday, and here i won’t even blame, because someone says: people want to live with some of the joys of life, this person is a friend of mine on facebook, she volunteers, well , she lives the war quite actively, and she says that this year i decided to remember that there are holidays, to make a christmas tree, somehow, at least for a short time , to distract myself from what i am leading to , two years of war, we do not even understand, probably to the end, what happened to us, what is happening to us, where... what is the most important thing about us
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, what, but this is life, a stable psychological, emotional life, we still need to support it, for this art, and communication, and various moments are suitable, which many are deprived of, but which must be sought, and now we will look at material from natalka didenko, how to find something other than war, in order to help ourselves to stand and move further. the russians are not waging a war of extermination only with ukrainian. people, but also with our cultural assets, under random and targeted strikes, monuments of national importance, historical buildings, art objects, religious buildings, libraries, museums and nature reserves. the first year of the full-scale invasion, on february 27, the historical and local history museum in ivankovo, along with the works of maria prymachenko, burned down. on march 7, the slovo building in kharkiv came under fire.
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in march, bombs hit the dormition lavra in donetsk region. on march 16 , a powerful bomb was dropped on the dramatic theater in mariupol. on may 7, a targeted attack on the hryhoriy skovoroda museum in kharkiv region. the second year of the great war. on june 7, as a result of the explosion of the kakhovskaya gez, water destroys the poliniraiko museum building in oleshki. on july 6, russian warbirds fly to the historic center of lviv. a unesco world heritage site. on july 23, rockets hit the central altar of the transfiguration cathedral in odessa. and these are only fragments of all the disasters committed by the russians. since the beginning of the large-scale aggression, they destroyed or destroyed more than 1,750 cultural objects infrastructure. however, in spite of everything and in spite of the threats, many ukrainians are very passionately trying to preserve our heritage. people,
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to preserve the memory of outstanding compatriots, the memory of their achievements, the memory of our common history. thus, in july of this year , 100 unknown works of the legendary artist maria pryimachenko were shown at the ukrainian house. her paintings became a symbol of ukrainian indomitability. among fantastic creatures and flowers, the folk artist showed how good triumphs over evil. a museum of vasylkiv majolica was opened in an ordinary kyiv school, somewhat forgotten, but very you'. educational milestone for ukrainian aesthetics and style. on april 22nd, such a ceramic rooster from a decrepit closet in borodyanka assured everyone that even in the midst of devastation, it is possible to persevere. in december , the exhibition and educational project "eyes of flowers" began. the works of hanna sobachko shostak, the first ukrainian avant-garde artist, an artist who inspired ekster and malevich with her work, and who was recognized as a full-fledged artist in soviet times, are on display.
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there is someone to be proud of in the country, there is someone to remember and whom to respect and despite the genocidal war of the russian federation, we continue to protect our own. the descendants of nomads, murderers, some strange, strange people, which is russia, are destroying what the people who have always been on their land have. what do you feel when we watched these footage and when you read these news, when you were in these places, you know these... you see the destruction, eh i feel so much - some such strong pain, even these places in which i was not, well, i think, in general for any conscious person when collapsing a temple, uh, when there's a fire in a museum, uh , when some sculpture breaks, uh, when paintings burn, it, well, reverberates with such rejection that it just... maybe,
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well, it shouldn't be, it, i think, yet it is so unnatural to human nature, though i say that man is also a destroyer at times, but just in our situation. it is very clear who the destroyer is, and it seems to me that it is very telling in this regard, that although the war is still going on, and as yet no one knows when it will end, and any destruction on the part of the aggressor responds to our construct, that is, museums are revived, er, saved, some repairs are made, and with such incredible efforts, and people cannot know whether... for example, as they say, bombs in one and you don't get the same vomit twice, but it happens that it does, so it seems to me that this whole situation with their destruction just makes us stronger against their background, because we still
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create something, we are still constructive , and it seems to me that in this context, well, no at all, well, culturally, of course, it is very important to show. and to feel like a person, and it seems to me that ukrainians remain people in spite of everything, and this is the most important thing, not only there for culture, not only for any industry, economy, today we are talking about international politics, well, about everything, about everything, and the fact that we, it seems to me that today such a conclusion is very important, that we remained human, and this is very, very important, in general, in connection with this plot, i want to say, well, in advance, maybe some the question why i do not tell about the weather, how? was observed last year, but i would not like to turn it into some such list of dry facts, the only thing i can say is that october was the hottest month in the entire history of meteorological observations, that is, after all, we are heating up, we are warming up, but premature
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conclusions i won't either, i don't like predictions at all, despite the fact that i 've been doing them all my life, but still , it seems to me that this is about ... predicting humanity, it must necessarily come true, and we are we show due with such a topic that i have chosen, i want to recall from the many lists of incredible actions , cultural events that have taken place and are taking place, and will take place again, i want to tell about one ordinary physical education teacher, who at one time was simply fascinated by vasylkivska ceramics, which, until things, unfortunately, well, almost destroyed, because the factory is not working, which was long before the war. by the way, and he literally piece by piece collected this collection of incredible, incredible authors of ours, and he is an ordinary kyiv school made a museum, and believe me , it is a museum of a very high level, there are fantastic collections, i was lucky, i got to know him, they invited me to the opening of this museum, and i believe that on
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such examples, we should also stand, so that in front of us, of course, are the military, this is our main wall, and we are infinitely grateful to them, but we are the ones behind... with their backs, well , anything can happen, so it is very important that culture, to remain human, to be empathetic, that , which we must fulfill, and this is our contribution to the future victory, yes, indeed, the key point here is that the war does not win, because let's say, if we talk about russia, as the heir of the soviet union, it may have won, well, as one of those who won in the second world war, but the war won the soviet union itself, that is why it craves war. always the most important thing in this war is for peace and the good that is in our hearts to prevail and to remain human, indeed, even after such terrible and difficult trials that we are going through and it is not known how much longer we will go through, this is how serhiy has a question, serhii, please, well , i would like to ask, mr. nako, what about military meteorologists, i know you communicate with them,
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what do they do, how do they forecast the weather and whether this year there will be an option that there are wells in the area will the dnipro freeze and... it will be much easier for our marines to fight the enemy? about military meteorologists, thank you very much for your question, because everyone knows forecasters, meteorologists, and there are other wonderful related professions, such as aviation meteorologists, agrometeorologists, in our time, the importance of military meteorologists in particular has increased tremendously, well , i cannot reveal all their secrets, and i do not know them either, but it is clear that this is a very special direction and certain meteorological phenomena, for example, such as fog, like wind speed. they acquire special importance and special, especially accurate forecasting, forecasting, the only thing i want to say is that there is only one university in our country that prepares military meteorologists, it is odessa, it used to be called the hydrometeorological institute, well, when i was still studying at university, now it seems to be called odesa ecological university, if i
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am not mistaken, well, it seems so, that is where military meteorologists are trained, by the way, this is a terribly interesting specialty, because as i have already said, in addition to such general knowledge, well, meteorological, they also receive such a very specific, and always the most interesting, it seems to me, professions are always at the junction in some way, so adjacent, therefore , special attention should be paid to military meteorologists, and i urge everyone. er, well, schoolchildren, high school students who have not yet decided, to pay attention to such a profession, despite the fact that now, for example, there is a war, it will always end someday, but this profession will always be important, please, thank you, i just want to remind my colleagues that natalka sings in our choir barokovo, none of you got there except me, look, i got there very recently, in sofia kyivska, first of all, all the concerts in sofia kyivska are there. concerts are organized, it is always just incredible, because there is such an atmosphere that makes even people who are not interested
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to sit with music and just listen to it all , because it’s fabulous, in any location you don’t take it, on the street, in a kindergarten, i was at this concert, all the participants have it, i liked necklaces, necklaces are called in one style , in the same way, the craftswoman made it there, tell me, first of all, what kind of choir it is, more like a baroque choir, and why do you need it, what, what? does it give you, is it your hobby, what does it fill you with? well, this is actually the existence of this choir, this is one of the answers to the questions we were talking about, who is vasyl put about this, well, such psychological support and preservation of our, well, mental, psychological health and generally normal existence of us, well , people who are not directly involved in the war, this is very important, because well, we must not allow wasteland, especially in culture, and this choir is ama... the choir is people from completely different professions, no one has a musical education, and he got together, and he performs complex, sometimes very
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baroque music, and we perform there the works of doletsky, many other composers, well, foreign western baroque, and i think that it is so important, by the way, we recently had a final christmas concert, and then we gathered for such a discussion, thanked each other for the past year, and almost everyone said that this one... is so important for him that when , for example, there should be a rehearsal on saturday, family members do not move anyone from the choristers at all, because when someone says: i go to the choir, it is simply holy, that is, it brings up a kind of systematicity and obligation, and filling with beauty, and some such development, so it seems to me that the existence of amateurs collectives, now it is the development of such a culture that comes from below, as it were, this is one of the manifestations of formation. and the cementing of civil society, which we like to talk about so much, because such collectives
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, which are created not from above, yes, not for money, because we ourselves even pay for these rehearsals, and not someone pays us there, it seems to me , that it is very important, including for help, as they say, how can you not help yourself, you should never rely on someone, first of all you should keep back straight, and to think that with your psychological health, your inner peace, you can do a lot to... help the same soldiers, well, that's my opinion. soot, please, natalochko, but i have a question, it is clear that when the kakhovka hydroelectric power station was built, over the years, these territories, which were located next to the reservoir, changed their climate, the temperature changed, the temperature regimes changed, not so much it was a frosty and snowy winter, as before when this hess was built, but after how... blew up a hydroelectric power station, that now with the climate in these territories of kherson oblast,
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zaporizhia oblast, dnipropetrovsk oblast, will there possibly be certain, well, weather changes, will the winter be colder, will there be droughts in the summer, on the contrary, how will it affect, perhaps on the agrarian sector, because it is an agrarian region, i think that the tragedy with what happened to the kokhov reservoir, of course, that it is a tragedy, first of all because, well... people died, this is primarily what concerns the consequences ecological, well even specialists are not yet ready to talk about , well, for example, some irreversible or incredibly dramatic consequences of this phenomenon, here too there is such a balance between such hurrah-hurrah, saying oh, how wonderful it will be, it will be again, like the cossacks have a big meadow, a big meadow , yes, well, there may be a big meadow, but the times were different, so... at the expense of the impact on the climate, i would not, i would not rush to say that it will somehow affect the climate, because
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in general, all these conversations climate change, we know that there are very different opinions, and most for example, believes that it was human activity that led to climate change, well, we understand climate, it is not the weather, it is a long-term regime of meteorological conditions over a certain territory, so i, for example, adhere to the opinion that human inaction can affect the climate, a person can to harm, to offend, obviously and... by the way, as with the example you mentioned, but precisely in the global context, after all, my opinion, it is more such higher forces, i do not mean e. higher forces, about what did you think, but about solar activity, about the influence of space, because when climate changes have been happening for a long time in general, well, i don’t know, millions of years ago, and man didn’t do anything bad like that then, so this is a question for experts and for specialists, in general , of course, this situation with the kakhovsky reservoir, i hope that
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after all after victory, we will use this territory very positively. thank you very much, ms. natalya, and now let's move on to culture, let's say, professional, or to, globally speaking, a factory that produces a cultural product, which is actually very important at the time war, well, probably the brightest, most in-demand cultural product now is cinematography, let's look at yelena chuschenina's story about this, and then we'll discuss. the beginning of 2023 was marked by several ukrainian films... whales at the box office. the films pamphyr and luxemburg-luxemburg have become the very films that are not only watched, but also heatedly discussed in social networks. and it seems that we have come a little closer to the search for a national film hero in cinema. at least the characters of both tapes managed to summon sympathy from the audience. if it is him,
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i will pay for everything. and you set it on fire. something pulls all boys to problems since childhood, it's me, kolya, and i work in the field of logistics, passenger transportation. this is my brother vaska. well, the cartoon mavka, forest song and in general exceeded all possible expectations. first, he broke the record for the highest-grossing ukrainian film "i, you, he, she". just in the middle of the election campaign, the comedy starring volodymyr zelensky managed to collect 71 million hryvnias at the domestic box office. or maybe in i have accumulated plates for 10 years, yanochko. maybe you should go to the doctor and get your brain worked up, maksymochka. the court does not see valid reasons for divorce. mavka, on the other hand, very
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quickly collected more and then began to even surpass the successes. hits from famous studios. back in october, the authors reported on uah 156 million collected only in ukrainian cinemas, and if we add collections in other countries, then we have 20 million dollars. what prevented you? squirrels, butterflies, or maybe a forest evil? i am not a forest evil spirit, i am a monkey, the soul of the old forest. also in... ukrainian cinema brought 31.5 million uah to the state budget this year. well, as for his future, there are small problems with it. during two years of full-scale war , it was practically not financed. next year, the state cinema plans to once again hold competitions among cinematographers and is preparing to determine the themes of films, and they will probably
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start financing, or rather continue, tv series. i briefly looked at the cinema, which film touched you the most, and would you say that it is a great work, exactly ours this year, i would call two films the main ones, this one is pamfir, because it was long awaited, dmytro sukholitky sobchuk, we had such a great director who once made short films, they were very cool, everyone sat waiting for god, what will he do with full meter and he shot and it really turned out to be a move, well and the second... of course it 's luxemburg-luxembourg, because i love antonio lukic's films, i can say that now we've reached a super mega victory in cinema, that for the first time in 2023 we got a film, finally, which became the highest grossing in to the ukrainian box office, as they say ever , that is, mavka became the highest-grossing film in the ukrainian box office, in principle, of all films, that is, it became cooler than
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pixar films, than world hits, that is, it collected the most money than any other. another hollywood film in particular, that is, they did not believe in it at all, that it was possible at all, but it happened, and - and another victory is that our colleagues from another channel showed on christmas eve and on or on new year's eve they showed my thoughts are quiet, again antonia lukych, and it's just such a long way, when we walked and talked about the fact that we constantly watched soviet comedies. for the new year, and now we will already watch ukrainian films, thank god, we have such films that could become new year's and christmas films, here, but in the end i want to say that of course we... um, at the beginning of the war , i mean the year 2014, a huge advance in cinema, it started with the fact that we went to the cinema, and well, ukrainian cinema, well
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, somehow, well, we will definitely not go, then we will go to the ukrainian cinema to support it, then we went to the ukrainian cinema to support it and it turned out to be not bad, and now we already have hits, where they go, they are discussed simply because it is a rumor, everyone is talking about it, posting on social networks, and... second the thing i wanted to say about is music, because music is probably the most important thing, because it is done quickly, it reacts very quickly to various events, and serhiy, you talked about the fact that you were excessive waiting for a counteroffensive, and our show business was very involved in these processes, because our musicians, many musicians began to pick up on all these conversations about the fact that we will have coffee already in august, get ready to drink and... what did our musicians not produce, those bodies announced their concert in yalta in 200, well they are not taras topolya said that he does not give up
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on this idea, he thinks that it is cool, that it supports people, that we will understand, they are selling tickets for a concert in yalta in august 2024, and these tickets are said to be sold out, and he is criticized a lot for this , well group of antibodies, they say no, this on... normally supports the fighting spirit, and many musicians began to speculate on this topic, began to write songs, again, about how we are now imposing on the russians, and also in august we will be preparing, preparing, lying on the beach, but unfortunately, it did not come true, and many people who had, some from the crimea, here are my acquaintances, some from the crimea, who succumbed to these attitudes, in particular, those formed by musicians, they were, to put it mildly, a little upset after ... the fact that our counteroffensive was not as magical as it was promised, but still if we talk about positive things
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, first of all, we have a book boom, if you look at even kyiv, bookstores are opening, some bookstores are constantly opening, a lot of people come, take selfies, make stories, it's all fashionable, ukrainian writers are discussed, ukrainian writers have become stars, and one of the signs that they fall. scandals, for example, i am all for scandals and shit, because this is a sign of the market, of an industry that lives, that is not dead, and people are interested, people discuss, people argue, kurkov met with masha hesen, oh my god, let's discuss this, let's then read the stories of andriy kurkov, let's then watch some films, screen adaptations, books of kurkov, we want a super mega scandalous star, it has become something that is already being discussed personally. life, i dreamed that the personal lives of our writers, artists were widely discussed, because this is again a sign of such a living, living industry, which is truly massive, which
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is developing, which interests people, not just as something intellectual to show there in the company we are smart, no, it's just sincere people are interested, and then after this interest they go and buy the book, read his poems, read his prose, it's very cool, and in the end, the theater boom also took place in our country after... or rather, it has already gone beyond its bubble and people in those on social networks who were not interested in the theater also began to see various events and participate in them, they did not watch various performances, but still , it is not necessary to watch us in order to express something there, and we can see how, for example, quite recently, the audience crashed the site ivan franko theater, because everyone rushed to buy announced tickets for the konotopsk witch , which became a super... mego-whale of some kind, for which it is impossible to buy tickets, and here franka promised that we will sell tickets on such and such a date at 10:30, and everyone woke up,
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threw everything and went to buy them , the site collapsed, it is also almost impossible to buy tickets for the scandalous performance of the landlords in the theater in podil, it is the same director, ivan uryvskyi, he staged both the witch of konotop and the landlord, i was blown away by eight. i was only able to buy tickets in february and i am very happy about it, in general, this is a process of progress, when we had a theatrical life, we had great directors and directors, this is the young generation, they gradually, gradually increased their professionalism, their courage, learned to experiment, to do, to make great performances, and finally it reached a critical point where quantity finally turned into quality, and that's why we 're seeing this theatrical boom. why i am very happy and in general the book, film, music boom, we absolutely have, we can already to replace our informational and cultural space with this russian product, because
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we have had it for a long time. dominated, and many people argued that how should something be contrasted, now we can finally say for sure that we have something, we have something to contrast and watch our own, listen to our own and read our own. i just remember how, when the korofeiv theater in ukraine operated zankovetska and all this wonderful galaxy, that the mounted police were sometimes called to disperse people, because there were huge queues for tickets and skirmishes , fights began, i think that well skirmishes and fights are not necessary, but what has appeared... a theater that arouses such great interest of the audience is wonderful. ms. nataliya, do you have any questions, please. i remembered such a well-known saying about the role of the individual in history, and i want to disprove such a false stereotype that in the journalistic environment everyone drowns each other and does all sorts of tricks. i just want to say that i, for example, am proud that i work in the same team with such a cultural columnist as lena chechenina, and this is
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absolutely objective. this is despite there, for example my personal sympathy, because chechenina raised it to such a normal level, before there was culture on television, it was something not that secondary, something tertiary, it was bows, bows at the end of the story, yes bows, so on the level of pandas , and i, liana, am very grateful to you for this, and i know that olya somehow manages to make it to all kinds of premiere events in an incredible way. exhibitions and very always covers them professionally and competently, and not only in a complementary way, obviously with some shortcomings, but i want to ask whether, for example, i was personally afraid, so that it ends with lazy chechens, is lina chechenina herself thinking about, for example, passing on her already existing experience to the younger generation of journalists, or have you thought about, for example, well, i don’t know
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some master there class there is some youtube channel, some special page like that, well , in general, in terms of pedagogy, have you thought about doing something? well, i have already started to be invited to various lectures, i am happy about it, because it is starting to interest the teachers of the journalism faculties and the students we kept up with cultural journalism, which before was of no interest to anyone at all, except some fans there, there were three of us in the country, i exaggerate, well, maybe a dozen such cultural journalists for the whole country, who deal with this topic all the time. now i see that we have such a situation with the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the topic of culture, as well as history, many other issues, a surge of simply incredible curiosity, simply incredible, we can see a vivid example of vladlen marayev, a historian who, even before his the youtube channel was visited, but now it just became a superstar, and i can see.
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what is needed, we have such a situation that people have a request for cultural information, and we do not have so many journalists who can satisfy this request at the level that viewers and readers want, so it really needs to be fed, fed and to prepare some new personnel, i see that the younger generation is interested, and the younger generation is journalists, our colleagues, from about 25 years old, they are very cool, they. they are oriented in everything, they are interested, and they really understand the value of culture, for them it is not something so secondary, but rather fashionable , mainstream - it is something that is cool to write about and do it prestigiously, and therefore i hope that in a few years we will expand, let's say, the number of my colleagues and we will already inform our viewers, listeners and readers more widely about all these booms that will happen in the future, and separately, natalka, thank
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you for the compliment. thank you, thank you len, well , really, culture must satisfy internal demand, must signal to the world about ukraine, the stronger, clearer and the more expressive this signal is, the greater the chances that it will be heard and, as they say, tracked, but it is very important for us and for the world, probably also sports, because for us, ukrainians living in ukraine and outside ukraine, it is also we need things, victories, we are waiting for it, it is also a kind of impetus for us, a kind of support for us. and it hurts a lot when something is unfair. this year in sports there were painful moments, and very happy moments, and disappointment and anger, everything was there. this is how this year passed in the world of sports, ukrainian sports. let's see. ukrainians will continue to have to compete against russians on sports grounds. these are always psychologically complex and intense confrontations. one of them is


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