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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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now, thank god, talks about the confiscation of russian sovereign assets in the west have intensified, and this is not 60 billion, it is 50 billion for four years, and this is more than 300 billion. and if finally this decision, a political decision will be made, first at the level seven, and then it will definitely go, so to speak, and cover all civilized countries, then this is... that reservoir of money that will help us very, very seriously, you know, hit the russian army with russian money, in my opinion, it is higher diplomatic aerobatics, i really hope so with the joint efforts of both ukraine and the west, we will demonstrate that we can do such outstanding diplomatic things. well, this arrest is 300 billion or more than 300 billion.
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what will this mean for russia and for its assets not only arrested in these countries, because we are talking about european countries, we are talking about the united states of america, will it be painful and painful for the putin regime, because we see that 12 packages of sanctions from the european union, we see large sanctions about... against the russian federation from the united states of america, great britain, well, that is, we see how large organizations, large powers work against russia, and russia still finds opportunities to sell its oil, its gas, it still finds opportunities to exchange goods or import these goods from third countries, fourth countries, which and solve all your industrial issues.
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production, if these assets are taken away in russia, and obviously, the next logical step would be a complete embargo on the supply of energy carriers from russia, this could in principle finish off russia or not, well absolutely, and you you know, mr. serhiy, well, i'm just following the reaction in moscow to the appearance of these conversations, which in the west already has... they are already agreeing on the nationalization of these assets, and it's hysteria, hysteria, starting with nabiulina, who is considered the savior of the russian economy by of these circumstances, and she really, as economists say, i trust their, their opinion, so far more or less skillfully guided the russian economic machine along these very difficult reefs, which have been instructed. but she already says that
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we have to prepare for very unpleasant ones times, that is, she also understands that in the case of the nationalization of these assets of russia, there will be seams, that is, the russian economy will lose a lot, well, and let's not forget that now there are positive changes in the context of sanctions, look, americans, well... well just recently they introduced sanctions against oil, additional sanctions against the fact that oil for oil is not traded above these same 60 dollars and around that, let's say there are companies that are engaged in the gray transportation of this oil, and let's not forget that now the americans began to press and... the topic
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of liquefied gas, which russia still uses and uses very well, so you know, the economic boa constrictor, it exists, the only question is how to use it in order not to harm, well, the world itself oil and gas prices, so that they do not jump when russia simply stops supplying the world market with its products, this would also be wrong, so this is a step-by-step ... well-thought-out logic and policy, and it seems to me that russia is simply being given another signal, there's more a little, and well, it can be quite bad, so think, dear russians, do you need it, or will you still crawl away and do so that finally this adventure will end more or less normally for you, otherwise there will be a collapse, what
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lukashenko said about ukraine, i think, should be directed at russia with absolute one hundred percent confidence, a little more, and with the fact that there are sanctions. will be strengthened, holes will be patched where they can be bypassed, russian, russian money will be confiscated, and aid will be provided, that's when i think this sub-state has very, very bad prospects, well, i think it will happen, on this optimistic note, mr. volodymyr, we will end our broadcast, thank you. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime . two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite
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presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in... there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. monday, tuesday, thursday at 17:15 on the espresso tv channel. good evening, this is the verdict program, the results of the year, with you i am serhii rudenko and my colleagues olga len,
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antin barkovskyi and roman chaika, ladies and gentlemen, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you. so, the year 2023 was... extremely difficult for ukraine. we survived large-scale attacks on the energy infrastructure of ukraine, lost, unfortunately, bahmud, hoped for a counteroffensive, and also witnessed an environmental disaster after the destruction of the kakhovka hydroelectric plant. actually, there were many events, there were many statements, there were many hopes and there were many victories, in particular in the foreign and political sphere. how do you, my dear friends, evaluate this year, how was this year for you personally, olya? well, you know, on the one hand, we can say that this year we are here they really endured, especially last winter, when
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, well, remember last winter, by that time we didn't have electricity there, well, there were almost always some problems, which now don't even exist, but on the other hand, you know it, it's such a year... to a degree of disillusionment, perhaps, that you can win a war in one fell swoop, or that you can afford to rely heavily on outside forces, so i think the lesson that we've learned from this year is that we have to be self-sufficient in very many spheres, and we must strive for it, but if we are this... let's do it, it will be what will determine our victory. thank you, antina, well, olya lenin just said an extremely important phrase, it was, i think, i’m paraphrasing my colleague a little, it was a farewell to illusions, yes, because at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, when everyone lived on
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one side, in such a huge neurosis, yes, experiencing every day, there almost every hour, then everyone got such a punctured lung. stovych region and certain hopes appeared, which were multiplied by one or another hope that the americans were about to press down, that the european union was finally will press on berlin and berlin will find an opportunity to highlight the taurus, well, this 23rd year was a year, on the one hand, a year of saying goodbye to illusions, on the other hand, it was the laying of such a hard, slow, but civilizational perspective, as we speak , for example, about... the deepening of what is called european integration hopes, that is, when we move to concrete negotiations, it means that we are moving to new rails, to a new status, well, but the key story, of course, is the huge number of dead, that is, the huge number
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wounded, a huge trauma that our society experienced during the 23rd year, yes, because people on the one hand hoped for certain fairy tales from. good and generous political scientists about the fact that the day after tomorrow we are about to cross the border, on the other hand, people saw something a little different, or completely different, so the 23rd year is a meeting with... the expected and real, real is not a big ghoul, it 's difficulties, blood, well, the 24th year it will be a deepening, a continuation of certain processes, we will definitely talk about it on the 24th year, roman, what kind of year did you see, and what was important, what was secondary, and maybe whether this year lived up to your expectations, absolutely not, and this is a very tragic year, and antin already mentioned this. we again have a skewed depopulation
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in connection with the war, we see how many millions of people we lost, we lost the most active part of society and will continue to lose it in the 24th year, because these are the most motivated defenders, we get a skewed pyramid, and we now have a transition from one illusion to another, that is, if this year was when we buried the illusions from... i don't know, bodanov also said that he wanted to drink coffee in the fall in yalta, but we are not just an arrestee , that is, not only an arrestee, we are these illusions from the point of view that this is a war, this is for a long time, this illusion was lost, but now they started to play with a new illusion, rapid european integration, joining nato, as if in a world in which international law has been destroyed, there is simply no answer to the question, but how to integrate ukraine, the largest state is , when foreign troops are stationed on its territory and there is a war, they are not have answers, and now they are trying
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to quickly spoon-feed us with new illusions, well, i will personally tell you about my impressions about the year 2023, because it seems to me that the 23rd year has become the rubicon of what put, put the dots in our, let's say so . firstly illusions and secondly hopes, well strangely enough i agree with antin because we may have lost the illusion of a quick end to this war and unfortunately we were losing those illusions with the best people and many people, unfortunately, died during this war, this is the first thing, and secondly, putin, i think also loses the illusion that he can... take all of ukraine for himself, because ukraine is given
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a green signal regarding european integration , which means that it will also be euro-atlantic integration, it seems to me that this is an eternal question, russia or europe, that was decided in 23, because for several centuries and, especially during the last century, ukraine faced elections for quite a long time. is it russia or europe, it seems to me that ukrainians and ukraine and europe are the main thing, decided that after all ukraine will be with europe, and now we will talk about it, because in fact, it is very important the signal the europeans gave to the ukrainians at the end of 2023, they opened negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union, it is clear that this will not solve these problems of ours. but it gives us an answer to how e civilization
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treats ukraine and how civilization wants to see ukraine. on december 14-15, the summit in brussels put an end to the issue, which many ukrainian politicians have apparently been working on since the mid-90s, regarding european integration. antin, can... we can say that this is the question already it is finally decided, that is, that ukraine will definitely be with europe, and that there will be no more attempts to drag us there into eurasian economic cooperation, into a customs union, or into a union with russia, as has already happened many times in our history, well, to a great extent it's a pity, well, on the one hand, i would like to be an optimist. yes, a non-optimistic scenario, it should have sounded like this, of course, never ukraine, no, no, no, no, no, but
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there were tragic periods in ukrainian history, yes, and we understand how it ended, for example, the period of ivan mazepa, he ended with a rather unpleasant hundred, second, third elite, i am so ironic, yes, how the ukrainian national revolution of 18-20 years of war and occupation ended, but now there is a huge... chance for ukraine, because civilized humanity, the westernized world perceives ukraine as a part of themselves, that is, they do not perceive us as some, i don't know, remote islands that are there where it happens. is it known that somewhere within the russian empire? no, they saw political formation, economic benefits, and they saw community. on the one hand ukraine needs to return to what is its own ukrainian history, that is, in particular , we are talking about a certain civilizational foundation, a certain civilizational base, in which ukraine has always been europe, a part of europe, that
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is, the history of the commonwealth of nations, the grand duchy of lithuania, i don't know, the stay within the boundaries of the polish crown. and so on and so forth, and when what is called ukrainian identity was being built even within the russian empire in the 18th century, that is , ukraine is returning to itself, how brave and ready will financial europe be for us to attach and how quickly, the key story is that we got this green rocket from brussels, so where we put the signatures and started a serious process, this is a huge plus, how much it will be supported by money, because european integration - it is not only about the flag of the european union and not about beethoven's ninth symphony, which is the anthem of the european union, it's about money, it's about transportation, it's about the agricultural market, it's about transit, it's about labor force, it's about ukrainian land, who will take care of it, or ukrainian traders , or traders, for example, german and so on, that is, this is
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a huge, huge problem case. on the other hand, we understand that the european union is currently full. headquarters invasion and war, which is not known when it will end with our victory, in what format, whether putin will be, whether putin will lie in the grave and some patrushev shoigu will come, what will be done with our system of power, europe always tries to delay the decision of such global things, i.e. for this they also have that protocol number 57/264 of the maastricht charter amended on... after 10 years and so on and so on so on, that is, they have a powerful bureaucracy that allows them to drag out the process in time until they are ready, but for us the key story is to get legal, predictable and stable funding from the european union, so we understand that the war is consuming resources
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not only, not only human, not only financial , but also development, and the european union will not directly... completely cover all our needs, well, we hope that the americans will help us, but the european union will make those mechanisms , who work in in spain, in italy, in germany or in poland, so that they work and apply to our financial realities, that is, i think, the europeans are no worse than the americans, they counted who took how many digital billions, so to speak, to the cayman islands or somewhere else there, that is, they understand the whole matter very well , and they can also catch, but rather... they will not do it, that is, it does not allow that we may have this, like the turkish scenario, that we will forever go to europe? i hope not, well, but considering moscow's intentions, i.e. moscow is interested in a war as long as possible, i.e. their question is that no one can build certain or other horizons of such final planning, so, i.e., as was the case in the polish version,
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poland fulfills certain conditions, joins the european union, this extends over a couple of years. everyone understands plus-minus, so with ukraine and with the russian-ukrainian war, it’s not like that, but you know, even if there is a cloud that was also going to europe all this time, and whether it was bad for turkey on the way to europe, turkey became as a regional leader on the way to europe, she built a fairly good economy and that 's all on the way to europe, so she hasn't reached there yet, we don't know if she'll get there, but the way has appeared. for her, it is quite successful, so i am not saying that in general , you know what is achievable there, unachievable there after how many years, you have to understand that sometimes progressing somewhere in general is self-sufficient, because moving towards the eurasian space, well, it is to a certain extent advance into such a dead end, behind which nothing, which nothing, and in
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they tried to drive us to this impasse 10 years ago, when the euromaidan and the revolution began. dignity, actually, it was a civilizational choice of ukraine to go to europe, and in principle we have already reached the threshold of the european union, and this threshold, i hope that we will cross, 27 countries, great negotiations, olya, what do you think, well, will it pass ukraine is in a state of war and, well, personnel is the first thing, i think, because these negotiations require quite a lot of personnel resources in order to carry out all these procedural issues in order to carry out negotiations, and then the european union will decide whether we are worthy of being a member of the eu or not? well... "i'm absolutely sure that we have all the opportunities and all the negotiators and all the necessary personnel who can do it, we don't have a problem with that, we have a problem with how wide a range
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of people are involved in some processes now politically, we have, well, enough, we now have such a closed circle of people who make decisions, rather opaque decisions, sometimes, on the one hand, during the war, this is important in security issues, but in the issue of the movement itself to europe, it should be an open process , it should be a very inclusive process, and there would be strength in this, if the largest sections of people, politicians were involved in this, because today this is the whole story, when there is someone somewhere i'm tired of ukraine, and there he talks about how some countries could get tired, excuse me... well , first of all, no one is shooting anything at them, their economy has not deteriorated, they are all growing, continue to grow, for example in the same
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united states states, we are not talking about europe now, c in the united states, for the first time, the lowest level of unemployment in the last, i don't know, 10 or even 20 years, that is, there are no problems there at all, there is no connection with this war, these are not such problems that should be talked about. they have other problems, but they are not structural problems, and in this case , they can get tired of that war, which is going objectively far from them, only in one case, when we do not work on it, when we do not work with them enough diplomatically, informationally, it is not enough for them, well, we open our some things there, this you understand, this is not only some kind of belief, this is a bigger and... such a sphere, these are some cultural influences, these are some actions, this is something that not only you know, it is formed on the fact that here we come and ask, give
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, give, give, but where can we show that we can give ourselves, we have to offer, we have to offer, we can give, we have enough, in the end, we also have eurovision showed that we have a beautiful culture that is beautifully consumed , it's not about culture, we have... sorry, it's pop culture, after all, it's pop culture, ukraine has itself to show how important the transit territory is, as a security territory that would form what is called the security policy not only of the euro-atlantic community, but of the european union, that is, cooperation between lithuania, latvia, estonia, poland, the czech republic, slovakia, hungary and romania. hungary is not for nothing, that is, ukraine should be one of the flagships of the formation of what is called security. and already actually proposed, this does not
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mean that this formula was adopted there, no, well, we have lithuanian, polish, ukrainian brigade as a model, to show how it is, a sample, a model, but from the point of view of whether europe is ready to consider scenarios, for example, how do we do this one, let's call it the european... eastern bloc, so from these states, not having an answer to the question of how much to do with these territories, which will remain, for example, occupied at the end of the war, we understand that nothing will happen until there is some piece of paper, and it will not be a victory for cinema and the germans there, you know, that is, with reystags and everything, this can definitely be the end of the war, there are many scenarios that may include, including occupied territories or the presence of the enemy on ours, which part is integrated, what is offered , for example, on the returned territories, they have the same legal status as the rest of ukraine, which was not occupied, is not in europe answer models, so we can't
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, we can now guess on champagne bubbles, no, well, we can watch as he doesn't want, for example, the same, well, i think orban is a political blackmailer, how he doesn't want ukraine to be a member of the european union, because he does not want his state. received less subsidies from the european union than ukraine, because he understands that ukraine is a bigger country. the question here is that , you, you mentioned the americans, that we need to have a dialogue with the americans, to explain to them what we are like, and so that they know more about us, we need to explain to our neighbors who we are, and first of all to hungarians, because if orban is there for a long time. the head of this state has such views, so there is no question, well, in hungary they trust him, so we have some problems with hungary,
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and if they don't want us to be. members of the european union, so what kind of neighbors are they in general, i will tell you this, looking at hungary, looking at hungary, in general, i believe that there can be no claims against us, neither in terms of democracy nor in terms of corruption, a priori, because against the background of hungary, we are angels in general, but if you say that we can, you know, strangely enough, i remember physiognomy from our political school and think that we can still compete there. i am asking you, i can tell you about those, i can tell you so much physiognomy to tell, i just don’t want to waste time on it, not only, well, along the entire perimeter of our border, angels and about bad hungarians, that’s right, but i’m up to what you know, strangely enough, but even russia’s attempt to block the export of grain from ukraine suddenly showed the whole world how much ukraine has become a globally important country, that is
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, it turned out... we always thought that we were somewhere in uzbekistan, that we were somehow integrated into something there, here it turns out that if there are no normal supplies of grain from ukraine, then it turns out that the whole world is suffering suddenly, me i think that if you look at how many different minerals we have, how much we have a sufficiently literate population, as it turned out, who come abroad and are not a burden for other countries, then... the european space, which indicates that we are, as they say, an ancient baroque european nation, even at the bottom, and even those people who at one time accepted the russian measure and soviet standards, even they are beginning to change during these one and a half years of being on the territory of the european union, but here now . there is
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again the same question about the hungarians, not in vain they listened very carefully here, mr. rudenko very correctly says this is the story of the hashish , let's remember what švejk said, this is a story that has been going on for quite a long time in europe, the problem is of a specific and specific nature of the hungarians' conduct of neighborhood policy, so in my opinion they have not broken the pots, i don't even know they only penguins of antarctica are territorial to everyone else. other claims, we will not remove both this and this syndrome, because the hungarians love fidesz and their orbán in their party, they deceive him, we will have to search with them, i don't know what the argument is, because we need to look for models, models of cooperation, there is one simple model of cooperation, it's called, do you want to do something there with your ukraine, give me 30 billion, okay, tonight i agree to 10 billion, this is blackmail, in our country there is no such money, we...
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there is none, i can tell you that we will not buy the problem, that is why i believe that with us so far orbana is not only a problem of ukraine, it is a problem of europe, it is first of all, it is a cr... a test that the european union has not yet passed, that is, the european union is forced to flirt with orban, instead of putting him in a clear framework, because they don't have a mechanism, there is no precedent, well, they don't use it, they only make one mechanism, they send it for now in order to vote later. for ukraine for the start of negotiations, come out somewhere, and we will decide by consensus here, because you are here at the meeting anyway, well, well, if it is only orban, yes, if there was more than one, he is like that, they have not yet appeared, the same fitso and others, i think that our friends, but sergius, you touched a lot the right topic, look, that is, the story about orbán, it's not really about orbán and not even about orbán's european union, the story is about, it's a story about putin and putin's
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politics. the circle of the european union in very different directions, and that's why orban will play this putin game as long as putin is around, roughly speaking, putin can be forever, lenin can lie in the grave and only in his name they will scroll there , it can always be putin until 3 there in the 1980s , putin will always be as young as this virtual lenin. reality has long been described by the same moscow muscovites, as pilevin wrote about the collective putin on tv, which exists long before the invasion, so in this case i am not talking about the miracles of medicine that can keep this dictator, during that time in europe two , three about computer technologies that will generate an image, wait, they last generated an image of putin at this press conference and showed everyone that if suddenly...


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