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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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putin and putin's policy of splitting the european union in very different directions, and that's why orban will play this putin game, well, putin can be forever, first of all, he can't be anymore, let's not exaggerate, well, like lenin , he can lie in the grave and only on his behalf they will scroll there to always be putin up to 300 there in the 80th year putin will always be young like leni. and this virtual reality has long been described by the same moscow muscovites, so pilevin about the collective putin on tv, which exists, he wrote long before the invasion, so in this case i am not talking about the miracles of medicine that can keep this dictator, during that time in europe two or three will have already passed about computer technologies that will to generate, well wait, at this press conference they generated the last image of putin and showed everyone that if suddenly... this one sitting here in
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the hall bends, yes, we have a replacement, you don't need it, don't worry people, you will still see, your face will be a beautiful meme appeared on the internet during his annual press conference, where there is a mausoleum and lenina, and next to it there is a refrigerator, like the dnieper, putin is written, that is, with a hint that he is in the refrigerator, well, as professor solovei said, and that he is no longer a runner, and he is just like that... judging by what putin said, he is basically nothing new, well, the putin that was shown, he did not say anything new, he is aggressive with us, what other policies can no longer see, that is, the policy of permanent war or military. or the never signed peace treaty
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agreement, we have north-south korea as an example, only there is no hot confrontation there, but there is no peace agreement either, confrontation can happen at any moment, just put it out, but speaking, for example, about russia, putin’s stories, it’s 23 years a story about prigozhin, in russian terms this year was prigozhin, that is, who managed to do the almost impossible. yes, that is, at least to posit and drag the whole story on yourself, well, if you remember, the morning of prigozhin, the way everyone began to exchange their hopes in messengers, that is, it is rapid was on the agenda, pluses and minuses for us, plus the fact that we no longer believed that a senseless, merciless russian rebellion could still exist in the cemented czech state, it turns out that it can, and this... and
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the minus is that that when prigozhin calmly walked into one nuclear facility, and no one contradicted him, it so scared those useful elon musks, who all the time, ay-yay-yay, lie down under russia, write a peace treaty, otherwise they will get to the nuclear button , some duty officers, you know, i think that the fact that prigozhin went there, it seems that he was afraid of this and prigozhin himself, because in fact, in fact, it was also. you know, there really are pros and cons here, the plus is that we saw that in fact the power in russia will change precisely with a palace coup, and everyone else will just sit and wait until it ends, that is, there will be no ottas, that's right , as everyone imagines, everyone ran out into the street and started smashing everything there, some republics, nothing will happen, there will just be some kind of visible or invisible riot, someone will change someone, or well... but there is another thing, as
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a result, that this coup did not happen it must be said that, at least today , today's situation, putin's personal power has in principle strengthened, because now his word is the only and the last one, if after the unsuccessful, let's say, offensive against ukraine in the 22nd year, he had to somehow coordinate with some groups of influence, something, that was all, the priguzhyn actually grew out of this, from the fact that inside this kremlin, well, let's say there were some constant discussions, debates and rivalries, so the result of this rebellion is that there are no discussions, putin one, his word is the only and it is the last. and
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no agreements work, nothing works, because he does not negotiate with anyone else, but this is their story, 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. it is a good tradition to carol with the picardy terc during the christmas holidays. tickets on the concert ua website, media partner espresso tv. the spirit of christmas will definitely come to your city. picardy tertia. good health to good people. live sound. turn on well - it's when
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9:37 pm
gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about what happened during the year at the front, olya, you followed the situation at the front quite carefully and commented in the program chronicle of the war and in the information chronicle of the war, what in your opinion was the most important thing this year, because it is clear , that there were hopes for... an offensive, everyone was waiting for a counteroffensive in the spring, then information appeared that this counteroffensive was not going as expected, then the foreign press wrote about it, then already in ukraine they started talking about the fact that the counteroffensive somehow went wrong, and the peak of all this was the absentee confrontation
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between the supreme commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zelenskyi and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, or rather teams or, let's say so , people related to zelensky, who tried to torpedo zaluzhnyi precisely because of the situation with the counteroffensive. how do you assess what happened at the front in the 23rd year, and what does it say about the future of the front, about what can we wait on the 24th? the 23rd year showed exactly one thing, which was actually understood even in the summer of the 22nd year, that is, if everything we received in the 23rd year we... in the summer of the 22nd year , today there would simply be no russian soldiers on the territory of ukraine was , but time matters, that's what the 23rd year showed: time matters, if you give something late, then you give it when it can no longer play,
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you let the enemy dig in, you give the invading army, we broke in the 22nd year, and as a result, because of all these delays, because of... that we had nothing to fight for, they let putin gather practically another army, which we can no longer destroy so quickly with the same resources, this is what the 23rd year showed, what else he showed, and it is also really important, that some such a conditional war for a long time, the war is something like that, it cannot go into those paradigms that ukraine is bombed, while russia has indestructible ones. supply channels, it has an intact economy, it works for itself and nothing, in principle they have no problems. that's what the whole problem is for us. therefore, if we want to fight the widow, and if someone tells us how we should fight a widow, then this war means that we should
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fight in such a way that the russians bear exactly the same weight of the war as we bear it, to the same extent. yes, of course, the war must be moved to the territory of russia, absolutely, it must go there, not to our territories, moreover, i will tell you that... roughly speaking, for the victory of our war, in general , one big blackout in russia will be more important, let's say, for russia's desire to calm down, than 25 offensives under bakhmut, under there in the south or cutting someone off somewhere else from somewhere, this is one thing, and the second is another, after all, it is necessary to correctly set the goal of the war, not just to push the russians back to their borders, not just to enter into some negotiating positions. you see, we have to fight in such a way that the russians simply, you know, so that it would be
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night terror for them to even remember that they once attacked us, so that they, you know, tell their grandchildren how terrible it is to fight with the ukrainians, and how this is to make oil in such a way that they write to the distributors that god forbid it gets touched, look, that is, you know it there war plan from olga len, but resources from olga len. should be for this , that is, in particular, it is going to strike in the depth of the strategic deployment of russian troops throughout the territory of russia, we must have technologies, long-range missile systems, buy, buy, buy, but they are not sold, this is not vintorh, this is not voentor , it is to produce for this, for this we have diplomacy, for this we have to conduct an information policy, they do not give, well , the decision lies at the foot of the white house, oly, well , it lies at the foot of... during the 22nd year, we so many people told us that they won't give us another time, that we saw that everyone
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won't give it today, tomorrow it will change what we will give, so let 's understand, let's understand, we finished the 23rd year without aviation of the promised f16, that is, the story drags on, no one said that they would give it in the 23rd year, they said 24 , but if at the beginning of the 23rd year we were told that in the 23rd for this, then we have next year, unfortunately, it won't be like we will directly advance, advance, nor like we will be to have the opportunity to somehow break it there , all we need to do in the 24th year is essentially, i say once again, to establish, well, not such, well, opportunities for the supply of weapons, so that we are not dependent on political decisions, it is very important. if for this it is necessary to go in some very non-trivial ways, then
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for this it is necessary to go in non-trivial ways , look, we have the 23rd year from this point of view , a year of lost opportunities: first, nowhere in the world do politicians instead of military leaders engage in promotion, announcement and pr counter attack six months of concert activity, here we are going to start a counteroffensive , means that... the moscow occupier builds three or even four lines of defense, pouring them with concrete, never in a country in which there is a responsible military-political leadership to dig the second line of defense and trenches by order of the commander -in-chief only in the second year after the full-scale invasion, and then in separate areas, in the khupian or donetsk directions, nowhere in the world... they raise champagne, say how well done the israelis are, for one, for one
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days, the government of national unity was made, and everyone went to the defense as one, we also lost this opportunity in the 23rd year, having what we have, as one kravchuk said in his time, we never started the war economy, and the moscow the occupier started in three shifts, if we need very high-quality and technological things. we have partners, we could produce it on the territory of poland right under the border, on the territory of nato, and having quietly transferred there a very important production, by the 23rd year we would have at least sufficient share of these weapons, when we don't have to depend on whether or not the trumpists win over the rest of the republicans across the ocean, so this 23rd year is very difficult in terms of lost opportunities, on.. . on the horizon of this 24th year, it is not
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yet visible that these lessons have been learned, these are illusions, that you can fight with someone else's weapons, that you can completely rely on someone, no matter how close your allies are, you should think about whether are you autonomous of at least some of your greatest needs, listen, no one is autonomous, there is no country that does not need some kind of military technology, it constantly needs them, even though they shout how they are provided, it is all wrong, but the question is that there are countries and there were countries in a much worse condition than us, in which there was an embargo on supply in general. and they built arms supply networks and arms production networks all the same, we just need to finally start not just thinking about it, doing it, understanding that a certain autonomy is important, there just wasn’t such a scale of the war that exists now, this is, first of all, secondly, it is unclear but we are tied to our partners and it is not clear what the partners put into the concept
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of the defeat of russia, because for us, the defeat of russia is our victory, that is, that... it does not happen on our territory, and it will be their defeat, and what is , what is the concept of biden or just one moment , you very correctly used the word partners, partners, to broadcast to them our vision of our victory, our vision of victory, i think it is quite simple for the russians to sit quietly in the borders that we will draw for them, with someone, i don't know, maybe even... they don't want to take on additional responsibilities, these are allied relations with a country that has undergone full-scale aggression, these are allied
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relations that provide for the possible introduction of contingents, taking responsibility for striking. on russian territory, at the moment we don’t see any too much aggressiveness on the part of ours, but in a year we have advanced far enough in this direction, remember the beginning of the 23rd year, when we were afraid to even squeak that, my god, something would fly to the side russian girl, now something is flying in the direction of russian girl and flies, and who pays attention to it, no, something flies, it does not fly, you understand, etek? and as a result, during the year, we talked a lot with our real experts, who do not study the war on the couch, they simply analyzed very correctly in order to
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overthrow saddam hussein with his large army, before which 1,500 attacks flew. not counting tamagavkas and everything else, and then aviation flew, and only after that the war began, we are not on such a scale, even in the perspective of the coming years, that we will be given such a number of volleys that in moscow, a decision was made in the center , at least somehow felt, you know, most likely it will not look like this and that, well, no war is the same as the previous one, and now we have a completely different war plan, so most likely that ... the way we will act will also be sufficiently hybrid methods, and it is necessary to think in this direction, and not to think that we will somehow sit on the defensive, and maybe somehow, at the same time, russia is not yet they will destroy us, because they will supply us with several air defense systems, well, you know, that's not how it works also, colleagues, let's leave all these matters to the military, because we are all
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civilians at this table, we can express our opinion, but we have a supreme commander. roman, i want to ask you about, you already mentioned about the communication between the government and society that it was unsuccessful in 2023, to say the least, because they talked about a counteroffensive, a counteroffensive didn't happen, they said more than, than as a result we received it, we see certain problems in communication between the civilian leadership and the military. management and deny it at the highest level , that it does not exist, but those western journalists who have written in respectable american and british magazines, in principle, talk about it, and we see that there is a confrontation , an informational confrontation, and quite a serious one, what can you say about
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this communication, as it is now, well, let's put it this way, it is not as... strong during the war, as it could have been between the state leadership and society, well, nothing has changed in our philosophy of communication, she is further remains at the level of an e-mail operator who serves the video reports of the kvn team in various streams and resources, that is, the e-mailer looks at how many likes we got, how many dislikes, how many reposts, absolutely all... communication is based on this logic, we survived for 23- and year several special information operations against the ukrainian population based on the principle, well, let's see, are they ready to hand over the territories, not ready? are they ready to play elections during the war? not ready, more dislikes than likes, so this is the same peacetime game we saw, which, in principle, those who are engaged
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in communications, spied in another series of black mirror, this is the netflix series, where there is a bear, who is voiced by an actor behind the scenes, and he begins to influence this bear then on the real flights about the first series of black mirror. so far , the prime minister's pig, i'm still more about communication, and this horror, it continued, er, the result is failed budgets, numbers and influences, for example, the so-called single information of the infomarathon. i am not talking about the foreign language that is for us communication with the whole world is very important, has turned into the mastering of millions of russian-speaking houses of freedom and others. idiots, it's just terrible communication that no one in europe watches, it causes irritation rather than communication as such. next, we see that the bubble
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surrounds the office, and this is an institution in our country that is not written in the constitution, but is the main one, because we live in an office-presidential republic, in the office i do not know how many circles of disinformation to the supreme commander, we can judge after communicating the so-called... meeting of the supreme council took place, they finally communicated the issue of, for example, the second line of defense there, maybe engineering tanks and excavators will come and start digging something, that is, we understand that now the whole country becomes a hostage of such communication, and unfortunately , the armed forces of ukraine are also hostages of communications in the rear. for us it is catastrophic due to the fact that at the same time we have more than one united nation gathered into a fist, which lives according to the principle of you either in the armed forces or for the armed forces, we have exhausted human resources
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resources and money, this is a small number of people, and a huge number of people who live optional with such communication, she lives optional, mastering the war in the form of there 5 minutes of scrolling through the telegram in the evening, and at the same time, the hope that it can be endured, what is it, i will look again that's all, and it's terrible, because in this case. we did not get the phenomenon where every defender of israel rushed, regardless of whether he was in australia on vacation or he went somewhere to study there on another continent, everyone rushed to protect the country, we have a different entropy and for the 23rd year you are a constant failure of communication, when double standards are highlighted everywhere, well, in our country, for example, in our country, remember, diani panchenko received a criminal case as a traitor. the sbu got it, and max nazarov and the other shariobrazny got a score for double standards, yes, that is, we see these double standards all the time, for some reason
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they are criticized, some are grabbed and criticized , and maybe even a criminal case is opened, for example, zhenya shevchenko, i not anymore i'm talking about maryana, there are no questions at all, it's also communication, it's communication of representatives of the authorities, alas. country, and this representative of the government is attacking the commander -in-chief of the armed forces at this moment, when we have moved to active defense on the entire front, and not to a counter-offensive, and neither the office of the president, nor the commander-in-chief, nobody is reacting, so maybe they are reacting , but they just don't merge, we don't have much time left, let's talk briefly about communication, about what i... what kind of communication was between the government and society, and let's move on to forecasts for the 24th year, because literally 5 minutes remain before the end of the program, well, the key story is communication,
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communication must be rebuilt, that is, the age of the information marathon, you know, in pink tones, when they tell how we are the day after tomorrow, so to speak , let's drop a star from the kremlin from the spasskaya tower and so on and so on, well, all of this is the end of history, that is, it was a certain period, you know how it ended... the phenomenon of aristovych the great prophet in the pubic hair, that is how this information should end history, the government's attitude to society, to real needs , must be restructured, sociology must be rethought , geopolitical challenges must be rethought, because the 24th year, this year will in particular be about money, not only about sacrifice, but about summing up certain financial indicators, and we we understand that if we did not want to be beautiful and completely independent, we are not in that situation. we need as many resources as possible, material, i don't know, financial, human, technological and so on, this is one point, the year 24 means that we are entering a long time. the war
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which acquires existential significance not only for us, but also for the russian federation and for the kremlin, that is, this is a war that will be called a war in russia, that is, they have found an enemy where they can channel all their hatred, all their destruction and then try to sell it to their impoverished population as some kind of global victory, it will not be a victory for them in any case, but... there is such an intention, and i see how the russian discourse is becoming more and more fazeous, that is, the transformation of an aggressive, but of a limited war against ukraine into an existential war, a long, protracted, bloody war that in general shapes the meaning of russia's existence, it will be about the 24th year, there are great positives, so that the european union is being rebuilt, rather slowly, but faster than we would like, and we have...
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the shadow of trump, which has already fallen on american politics, and this shadow of trump, it will all just begin, that is, in ascending order, month by month until the elections, and here is the fall of the 24th year, or there is late autumn, early winter, and then we get a certain big summary, i'm afraid on the one hand, well, on the other hand, i hope for the best, because old biden, well, he survived more than one brezhnev. well, you can't change communication if you don't change real politics, because communication is actually a derivative of your political goals, from what you do politically, and you know , well, i guess i agree here, yes, it's a rethinking, but not only communication, this rethinking of politics should be internal in general, because it is also a rethinking of what you really involve in order to, well...
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win in general, really win, not just to sit through, not just wait, but to win, cannot be broadcast on through state resources, for example, as i heard it recently, people over 45 years old should fight, because what did they bring to this situation, a beautiful story, that this the fact that the state ukrinform broadcasts it is a good idea, yes, but is it possible to win in such a... story, no, it is impossible, when you start dividing your own population into groups, they broadcast it based on the voter, that is, whether the younger voter it is a voter in power party, i think we've come to the point where we have, you know, well, there are really existential notions of devotion, and it's not just about, well, walking around waving something and being in ecstasy, no
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dedication is... you have to do something because the threat is bigger than your life and it really requires all the strength, not only the ones you are willing to invest in order not to get too stressed, no, this is not an option not at all, and you know, sometimes it seems to me that we in ukraine have enough of that a difficult path, because some higher powers may require us to, you know, two things, that is... self-respect, it seems to me, on the one hand, and in the principle of responsibility, two key things, and self-respect, it does not consist at all in therefore, to run away or evade, it is to, well, respond to the challenge, and look, and the responsibility is also absolutely not to think that someone else can, and let's choose now the one
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who will not... no about the elections, if at least two things happen to us next year, the first is a really technocratic government war and a war economy will be created, and after that, non-imitation of political and european integration processes will appear, and their implementation, and then communication will appear, because so far we have communication, and it is impossible to build correct communication on imitations. everything ends, this will not be a year of imitation, the 24th year will be a year of real ones, you understand, you are talking about the fact that this is false communication, because false politics is going on, that is, zelensky wants to be the president of victory, well, he is now the president of war, although he wanted to be the president of peace well we remember this story, well he survived these few so, so he wants to be, he, he really wants to be the president of victory, he wants to win, but the question is that he doesn't...


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