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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, please welcome and sports news, review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. big ether. village in winter, a project for smart and caring people in the evenings with espresso.
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you are watching the ukrainian voice of america program chas time, my name is maria ulyanivka. congratulations. the year 2024 has just begun, world leaders have already made loud statements that will shape the coming year. us president joe biden called assistance to ukraine one of the main achievements of his administration in 2023. he called on americans to continue to stand in defense of democracy both in the us and around the world, which includes providing support to ukraine in 2024. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy noted in his new year's address. that the new year for ukrainians will be
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the way they want it and will make it. he urged citizens to live by the rule either you work or you fight. wars don't end by themselves, wars do. and victory will not be received, it is not given, victory is won. zelensky also promised that this year ukrainian enemies will feel. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhnyi said. he shared a video with greetings from ukrainian soldiers, who called on ukrainians to rally around a common goal, victories of ukraine. with a year that will definitely make us stronger and bring our victory closer. after all, we know not only who and what we are fighting against, but also for whom and... what? president biden
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told americans that he is optimistic about the fate of the united states next year, and his main new year's resolution is to return to the presidential chair. biden also emphasized the importance of us leadership in the democratic world. we are in a better position than any other country in the world to be leaders. and we come back it's time," said the american president. contrary to such statements from the united states, the leader of the dprk, kim jong-un. ying stated that north korea no longer seeks an armistice and reunification with south korea. he verbally threatened to destroy the usa and south korea if they resort to provocations. in his turn , chinese president xi jinping said in his new year's address that the reunification of the people's republic of china with taiwan is inevitable. he stated that this is the main national interest and the people themselves want it. at the same time, the president taiwan called for peaceful coexistence with beijing. chancellor of germany. olaf scholz
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urged the citizens of his country not to lose confidence in the future in times of global crises, and french leader emmanuel macron said that 2024 will be a year of french pride. in turn, the idf forces in israel predict that the war with hamas will most likely continue in 2024, but will no longer be as intense, reports the times of israel. in the first weeks of january , the american congressmen... have a painstaking job of approving the state funding and little time to complete it before the looming deadline. among the draft laws is a request for additional funding for ukraine. 65% of americans believe that the us should continue to support ukraine in the war against russia. this is evidenced by a december survey by the center for american political studies at harvard. however, the majority of us citizens do not support a new aid package for ukraine and israel without resolving the issue. border of the usa
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with mexico. opinions on new financial aid to ukraine and the need to support it kyiv for residents and guests of washington, asked iryna shinkarenko. while the us congress is on vacation near the christmas tree next to the capitol, many tourists from different states of america, not all of them know about the still unapproved aid package for ukraine. i don't know what it is, can you tell me what package it is? yes, this package includes money for ukraine, as well as money for israel and money for border security. okay, why not? to be honest, i wasn't really interested, so i can't comment on it now. however, many people do not only in the know, but also have their own opinion on exactly how congress should pass a new aid package, combined with funding for israel's defense of taiwan and us border security with mexico, or separately.
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i think the combined package should be divided, these are all different issues, and if they are combined, it may be difficult to pass. i think it should be separate, we should consider them separately, because they are not one and the same, the security of our border is very important, but also the security of ukraine is important, and we should evaluate them separately, because in different issues, what are they offer, there are different problems, they cannot all be under one umbrella. i think it should be together because we have to open the border and it's also very bad for us. people are arriving and sleeping on the streets, so i think it should be along with the border stuff. of course, there are so many things happening in the world that are causing problems, and we have to help israel, which is fighting a terrorist organization, we have to help ukraine,
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which has invaded its sovereign territory, and we are also a sovereign state, so we should not allow such an influx of migrants without verification. to approve that 's it, that's what we're here for, that's what we spend our taxes on, that's what we want to spend our taxes on, to protect those who can't protect themselves. i don't know anything about the details of the merger, but everything must be done to get it approved. a december survey by the center for american political studies at harvard showed. 51% of americans are against the new aid package for ukraine that he is asking for. presidential administration. 65% of americans want to delay aid ukraine and israel until the issue of additional funding for border security is resolved. at the same time, 65% of americans believe that the united states should support ukraine in the war with
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russia. we have to help ukrainians, judging by what i see in the news, the ukrainian people are suffering, and when people are suffering, it is our task. come to the rescue it would be good if we could protect people who are suffering and have problems by simply protecting ourselves properly . this is what we are about, what our country is about. our country is for helping others and to be with those who cannot defend themselves. that's what we're here for. it is tiring to support ukraine, but i believe that the war between ukraine and russia is very important for western countries. for our democracies, it is in the interests of the ukrainian people first of all, and secondly, we need to fight this terrorist putin in russia, the world must unite and expel him from there. they need help and we can help, we are
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a powerful country and have the resources to help and we must. i think we should, we should support ukrainians in 2024. because they should have rights, not just anyone can come and take your country, that's how we think here. among the main challenges of the next year polled by voice of america, us citizens name the security of the southern border, gun violence and the presidential election. however, they say that ukraine will be mentioned in new year's wishes. we are praying for you, friends, we are farmers, milkmen, i know that farmers in ukraine have many problems with the changes and are just trying to support.
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i know it is probably very difficult for ukrainians, i am originally from south korea, and during koreans went through very hard times during the korean war, so after this ordeal, i hope ukrainians can prosper like south korea did. we wish them success in everything they do, to continue to be strong and plant many sunflowers. our hearts are with you, our thoughts are with you, we love you and we really, really want this to be over and for you to come home. may god
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bless you in your struggle. we are with you and i hope that in 2024 you will win this war. iryna shankarenko, vyacheslav filyushkin, dmytro savchuk, voice of america. here are such warm wishes. from the americans here in washington to the ukrainian people. we are moving on to another topic. in 2023, the armed forces of ukraine saw many new types of weapons from the us, from patriots to tanks and long-range atakams missiles. however , the ukrainian command says that the number of these weapons was not enough to break through the defense lines of the russian army in the south and east of ukraine. how much military aid has the us already provided to kyiv last year and what to expect from it 2000. on the 24th, our correspondent at the pentagon, ostap yarysh, will tell. in 2023, the united
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states provided ukraine with about $25 billion in military aid. weapons were transferred either directly from us warehouses, under the program of presidential powers, or they were ordered from manufacturers under the initiative of promoting the security of ukraine. so, what exactly did ukraine receive from the usa in 2023. first, it is the strengthening of air defense. last spring , the united states together with germany and the netherlands transferred two systems to ukraine patriot. subsequently, germany announced the transfer of another such system. the patriots helped ukraine significantly strengthen its air defense. together with them, ukrainian forces were able to shoot down russian ballistic missiles, in particular hypersonic daggers, which, according to the kremlin, could not be intercepted by any air defense system. in addition, the united states helped build a multi-layered system of ukrainian protection. of the sky, handing over to kyiv air defense systems, nasams, avenger and hoak, as well as machine guns for countering enemy
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drones, radars, ammunition for air defense and other equipment. now the ukrainians have patriot air defense systems from the usa, germany and the netherlands on their side. and ukraine accurately and skillfully shoots down russian missiles. patriot saves lives. and also has air defense systems such as ayist and nasams, which were also provided by this group. "we helped ukraine protect the sky and we will not give up. russia has not been able to dominate ukrainian airspace. another element of assistance from the united states last year was the transfer of armored vehicles to ukraine, in particular the bradley and stryker armored vehicles, as well as armored vehicles m-113 and mrab. subsequently, the united states announced the transfer to ukraine of 31 abrams tanks, which entered service with the armed forces of ukraine in the fall. the decision to strengthen the armored colic of ukraine was supported. and european partners: germany, poland, the netherlands and others, having given leopard-2 tanks to ukraine, as
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well as britain, having provided its own challengenger tanks. another important step in 2023 was the supply to ukraine of american cluster munitions for artillery of 155 mm caliber. such ammunition contains instead of one large projectile dozens of small ones, so one bomb can destroy many targets. the usa decided to transfer such shells to ukraine to... compensate for the lack of conventional ammunition. however, such a decision caused a lot of controversy in washington. some have argued that unexploded cluster munitions can lie in the ground for a long time, threatening the civilian population. however, the pentagon has repeatedly emphasized that the united states is confident that the armed forces use such shells skillfully and responsibly, and that they are necessary for the liberation of territories occupied by russia. ukrainians responsibly use cluster
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munitions on the battlefield, they monitor where these munitions end up. this is what the ukrainians are doing for their own security, so that when they start to take back their territory, they avoid further civilian casualties , and that there are no cluster munitions that fail. this is also for their own safety. the russians also use cluster munitions on the battlefield. the decision, which has long been insisted on in kyiv and which the us has been delaying for a long time, is the provision of long-range atakaps missiles. last year ukraine eventually received them, albeit in small quantities. unlike announcements of other capabilities, such as the patriot or tanrams systems, the united states delivered atakams in secret, and confirmed such a transfer after the fact, after the armed forces of ukraine successfully used them on the battlefield, the attacks became an addition to the long-range missiles storm shadow and scalp , which ukraine previously received from britain and france. such
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capabilities have proven effective in hitting long-range targets, in particular the black sea fleet of russia in crimea. one of the most anticipated announcement for ukrainians was the agreement of western partners to transfer modern f-16 fighters. ukraine insisted on this from the first months of the full-scale invasion of russia. in 2023, the so-called aircraft coalition included 11 countries, led by denmark and the netherlands. later , the united states also joined the training of ukrainian pilots. ukrainian pilots are currently training on the f-16 at a military base in arizona. the first party. eyes from the netherlands, the ukrainian air force expects at the beginning of 2024, but some observers assume that the f-16 could have been delivered to ukraine already without disclosing such a decision. in general, in 2023 the armed forces saw many new types of weapons from the us and western partners. however , the ukrainian command says that the pace and quantity of these supplies
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were insufficient for the ukrainian counteroffensive to break through the multi-shore defense lines of the russian army. in the south and east of ukraine. many western military experts also agree with this. they say that there is a problem with not enough the production of weapons in the usa and its partners, as well as with the unwillingness to provide ukraine with everything necessary for the final victory over russia, due to the fear of a possible escalation. the united states and our allies must say: "we want ukraine." won, and when this becomes our policy, then there will be no more excuses for supplying the attacks with abrams tanks or f-16s. we are determined to win, that's what we have to do. however, perhaps the biggest challenge facing the future of us military aid to ukraine is the controversy over new funding in congress. in 2023, democrats and
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republicans could not come to an agreement and did not pass the request of the white house for close. 61 billion dollars for ukraine and partners. before the new year, the pentagon announced another package of weapons for the armed forces. the last one before american lawmakers consider the necessary funding for ukraine. so the next aid packages will depend on how quickly the house and senate can resolve this issue. these were the results of the troops. aid for ukraine from ostap yarysh. and already this year, ukraine should finally receive the long-awaited f-16 fighter jets. currently, everything depends on the results of the training of ukrainian pilots - stressed the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi. last week, the first group of six pilots completed basic training in the uk and moved on to practical training in denmark. we will remind that
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ukraine received the green light for the f-16 in may of last year. and rushiino. the ukrainian pilot andriy pilshchikov with the call sign jus is named as the force of providing them to kyiv. the talented pilot came with his colleagues to washington to convince partners that ukrainian pilots are capable of quickly mastering the f16. a few months after the country promised such fighter jets, jus was tragically killed in training. this material is from maria prus and kateryna lisonova. we dedicate it to his memory. joos was a phenomenally talented pilot, in over three decades in aviation it was very easy for me to see real talent right away. he was a very quick learner, which is why i think he was trying so hard to get these f-16s
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for ukraine, and because he knew that most pilots like him get the hang of it very quickly. he was open, sincere and at the same time full of many ideas about how to improve things. he knew everything, he knew a lot about the plane in advance, it was obvious that he was preparing, that he did not succeed the first time. he had his vision corrected, he graduated in 2010, but he was unable to because of his eyesight. the strongest person who saved his dream was his mother. she did everything possible to save his sight, she took him to kyiv, if i'm right i remember taking him to kyiv, and
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they corrected his vision so that andriy could enter the air force university, and thanks to his mother, he became what he became, he had such preferences in childhood, - first he made models of airplanes, he knew their construction, he was interested, then he already photographed airplanes and saw how they fly and, let's say, knew more about real airplanes. i participated in the partnership program between the state of california and ukraine. and so i made many trips there over the course of eight years. juice was one of the pilots with whom we immediately got to know. he was young, very passionate about the ukrainian air force, and he wanted it
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to change. and he was also a very friendly person, so we got along very quickly. since then, i was one of the main people responsible for training in ukraine clear sky in 2018, he was one of those with whom i communicated the most while preparing for these trainings. it's very rare for junior air force pilots... to be the focus of such a large-scale training exercise, and andrew was one of the main planners and pilots during the clear sky of 2018 and he showed his professionalism, he was really the shining star of those exercises. i know a few of our f-15 fighter pilots came back from training flights with him and said, wow, this guy is talented, he's really skilled, so this is a real american standard. an important role for their air force at a level far above his rank. he was a lieutenant or captain at the time and only a captain at the time of his death. one of my
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funniest stories is about how i first met flew with it there were two f-15s and two mig-29s, and each f-15 had to practice a fight with a mig-29, but we were all on the same radio frequency, and for some reason i thought i was in a fight against juice because i kept hearing him on the radio so i was responding to all his signals on the radio and it wasn't until we got back to the ground that i found out that i wasn't actually supposed to be fighting juice, i was supposed to be fighting another mig-29, and that's why all those pictures of us we laugh with him and from the summer strip, it's about those maneuvers, because when i landed, he asked: why do you constantly talked to me, we didn't fight with you, and i then it sounds logical, he was a wonderful person, cheerful, attracted to him just a wonderful guy. joos was committed to improving the air force and his mission to get the f-16 for ukraine was focused on just that. he believed that providing ukraine with western aircraft of the fourth generation
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will help to better protect the country and its fellow citizens. it will take some time for people to fully realize how much he gave his life for his fellow ukrainians, and this is a sign of the hero he really is was he spoke with fox news. cnn, voice of america, bbc. he did this after a long day of painting, sometimes between missions. i helped him arrange interviews with certain publications, i said: "juse, they are ready to talk to you at three in the morning tomorrow." sometimes i'd text him, "juice, they're ready to start recording, and he'd say, 'i've got to take off because the rockets are flying.'" it was crazy. he was literally doing interviews from the front lines. so he was doing all these interviews across the ocean , but i just felt that it wasn't working. he was begging for modern airplanes. but i didn't feel that in something is changing in america. you know, the president had his position, the secretary of defense, no one was changing the position, they were rejecting these records,
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even though juice was doing everything he could, but one day i said to him, what if we did something to change this? when you sit down with someone face-to-face, it's a very different interaction than talking to them 800 miles away , wearing a helmet or wearing a mask. and i said what if we brought you to washington? tona, would you do that, he had to think a bit because juice didn't like it to be the center of attention. i myself flew sorties from an aircraft carrier during the persian gulf war and had the opportunity to talk to andriy and his commanding officer about what was going well, what wasn't going well, what they needed. we speak the same language, and i don't speak ukrainian, and i don't mean english, it's... the language of aviators, combat pilots, and of course, for me it was the highlight of the week, the month, to meet two pilots, one of whom was andriy . he described their... tactical and
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strategic advantages for the ukrainian army. he did a great job of saying, yes, i can't fly right now, but i can totally fly an f-16, and that's going to help us a lot against this guerilla war of vladimir putin and the russians. so the pilot clearly knew what he was talking about and that was very powerful. unfortunately, it took too long. and suddenly we see that senators are writing these letters, going to ukraine. which had not been done before, and i was told that senator sullivan went to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and the secretary of defense almost every week after that and asked what was going on f-16? it was a year ago, but we are finally seeing the results. you know, when they spoke for the f-16, as many people said, i have seen a lot, we have achieved, finally we have achieved, there is such a saying, there is a lot of success. that of the parents
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, and the failure of the orphan, i understand, everyone did their own thing, put in some kind of advocacy work, not advocacy work, some kind of meeting and so on and so on, but still i think that it is necessary to give credit to andrii, that i think that still mainly the driving force, still he was, he went and he, he, he i did a lot, i can’t tell about everything, but there are such and such projects that in fact... there are not very many nato countries that we have either already implemented or are trying to implement in the process, this will be told someday, this very, very unique systems, and all kinds of devices and so on and the like, he did a lot, he was involved in this, that, he was aware of everything that was happening, it was a story about
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a ukrainian pilot, a hero of ukraine. and part of the legend about the ghost of kyiv - jus, who chose to provide ukraine with f-16, but died a few months after kyiv finally got the green light for modern fighter jets. the full version of this material, almost 20 minutes about the life of this incredible ukrainian. watch the ukrainian voice of america on its youtube channel. on this we will say goodbye. thank you for staying with us in the new year, read breaking news and analytical materials on the voice of america ukrainian website, see our youtube channel and subscribe to the voice of america ukrainian social network to always be in courses of current events. good night, good morning, see you soon. download the voice of america mobile application. the application allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. read news, watch informative programs and videos, as well as listen to podcasts of the ukrainian
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service of "voice of america".
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we are asking for your help in finding this girl, her name is nastya tymoshenko, she is 17 years old and she disappeared in the city of svitlodarsk, this is the donetsk region, bakhmut district. svitlodarsk was occupied on may 24, 2022 year


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