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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EET

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for the same reasons, it is forbidden to publish hits by enemy missiles or drones, you cannot publish how much equipment you saw and how many rocket launches you heard. do not approach the windows, if you are in the apartment, take the safest place, between two supporting walls, it is better to go down into the shelter. well, we are monitoring the situation, as soon as it changes, we will immediately go live, that is, leave it. with us, stay with the marathon and you will know everything until the last second. it is worth noting that recently the world is actively starting to go crazy. essequibo - our. under this slogan, venezuelan president nicolas maduro announced the annexation of the disputed region of essequibo, to which neighboring guyane belongs. in recent days, the yemeni houthis launched a series of attacks on western vessels in the region. kander. conducted the first test in 5 months
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of an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching the usa, and all this madness cannot help but affect ukraine, and what can be done to deceive in many situations has a negative effect. the us senate will not vote on aid to ukraine this year. in accordance democrats and republicans issued a joint statement. and the olympics are full of blood, the kazakhs against kadyrov. secret supplies of weapons by poland. lukashenko begs sidzin ping. and hatred for everything muscovy in europe. we begin. now it is possible to say that the t-90 breakthrough is the best tank in the world. recently , the osce council was held in macedonia, where a delegation from bolit was invited for the first time in two years of putin's cowardly all-out war. such a move by the osce caused some surprise, to put it mildly. how to discuss european security the state, which is ideologically aimed at the destruction of this security. lithuania, and
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now poland, is boycotting the event due to the expected presence of russian foreign minister sergey lavrov. us secretary of state antony blinkin made a short stop in the capital of north macedonia, but flew to israel before lavrov's arrival. the most interesting thing in this whole story just happened during the delivery of putin's carcasses from the mzsrf to macedonia. the bulgarians had a great time. the story is not about one specific person, this story is an indicator of what is happening, as it was repeatedly over the past 2 years , the russian delegation failed to take part in a number of international events, including those organized by the united nations, only because flight documents were not given. this is what happened this time, in short, the plane can fly, but maria zakharova cannot be inside the plane. let's be honest, the main sycophant
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of the moskovych ministry of foreign affairs was shocked. the official wording of zakharova's refusal to fly over the territory of bulgaria sounded like this: maria zakharova is under eu sanctions, but we know the real reason. here is one of the last statements. an attempt was made to convey russia's decisive role in liberating bulgaria from foreign oppression. in bulgaria, there have been recent acts of vandalism against the monuments of our common history with this country. the bulgarians, like all of eastern europe, were deprived. of the soviet heritage, including from the monuments of the soviet army. for the baltic countries, the so-called warsaw pact countries, the red army was like both liberating and occupying at the same time, i.e. liberated from the same and occupied at the same moment. after many years of disagreements and protests , the dismantling of the monument to the soviet army began in sofia, the capital of bulgaria. moscow sees the dismantling of sofia's monuments as a hostile move by bulgaria. in general, zakharova said a lot of unpleasant things about bulgaria. what a hideous face, and
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bulgaria was not ashamed to show off her testicles. marie vladimir, it should be noted that because of you, not only people are now heads they are losing, but the planes are turning around, they have banned the flight of the plane. vladimir rudolphovich, they allowed the plane to fly over bulgaria, and it was a non-stop flight, on the condition that there would be no one on board. as a result, the journey of lavov and his company increased by one and a half hours. the kremlin plane had to fly around bulgaria through the airspace of turkey and greece. absolute stupidity, it's some kind of, i don't know, it seems to me, stupid interpretation, i don't even know the norms of international law, my own russophobic ideas, ideologies. why this is done is completely incomprehensible. how it lives is unfortunate and unpleasant. we didn't expect that you would be treated like this,
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but with the gopniks, which are the entire leadership of the non-dederation, you need to talk accordingly. either from a position of strength or as a spiter courtier. well done, bulgaria. the muscovites' northern neighbors took a similar position. the baltic countries have recently taken up the stale russian peace at home very actively. there are also bans on the entry of cars with russian license plates and an exam on knowledge of state conditions for residence permit holders. most likely , i will not pass. they are generally elementary, maybe even simple, but since i already have... if you are studying, cramming at this age, you need time, firstly, secondly, there was no ego, i think that i did not pass , because there, well, i don't have much of a vocabulary, and something there might be correct, and something, well, i only wrote three essays there. according to the decree, those who fail
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the exam twice will be deported to their native swamps. such a tough latvian policy of the state caused a storm of anger on the part of both kremlin propaganda and the kremlin itself. vvk even decided... a hostile state that did not confirm loyalty to this state and did not learn its language. knowing the language is a sign of loyalty. a similar situation with insufficient loyalty to erefia is observed in estonia. here is a survey on the streets of tallinn, the possible closure of borders
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with the murder. i have a negative attitude to this. and you often visit russia, so will it be a problem for you or not? well, yes, i have it there relatives will there be problems? i am negative. and why?
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wait, do you support russia's actions in ukraine? hey, i'm answering the original question, i sent an email. well, removing all the questions, will you support russia's actions in ukraine? well, will you let me answer to the end or not? can you answer this question? i answer the first question. will you support russia's actions in ukraine? so you what? he torments, because he knows that for this you can receive a large fine, in some cases, even deportation. and later... this money can go both to the aid of the armed forces and to the restoration of ukraine. by the way, lithuania has already introduced such a law. lithuania will fine for non-compliance with international and national sanctions, and will send the proceeds to ukraine (lrt). this amendment to the law will be valid for 10 years until january 2034. according to the ministry of foreign affairs
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of lithuania, lithuania will contribute to the restoration of ukraine on its own, without waiting for eu or international decisions. by the way, about not waiting for eu decisions, in due time. polish journalists claim that this is exactly what their government did. 10 mig-29 fighters that blocked the usa and nato, poland secretly handed over to ukraine in may 2022. polish journalist parafynowych in his book "poland at war". the poles disassembled the fighters into spare parts and threw them to the border. after that , kiev was informed that there were stray parts, to which the ukrainians quickly reacted. as they say , to live with the wolf after the wolf's howl, because jumping on the border is a purely kremlin tactic. remember what happened on the border of belarus and poland, when thousands of migrants from asia tried to take the european union by storm. europe owes us help, none of us wants to go to belarus. we
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want to go to europe, germany or another country. today, something similar is already happening on the border of the russian federation and finland. over three autumn months , more than a thousand asylum seekers crossed the border between finland and russia. for a country with a population of 5.5 million, this is a huge number, because before there were only a few of them. the finns did not react immediately, but this reaction was radical. initially, four main border crossings were closed. transitions between countries, after and all others. checkpoint raya iosepa was the last place where it was still possible to cross the land border between finland and russia. not everything is so happy in countries that do not have a common border with morder. for example, a store was discovered in belgium, where various paraphernalia with zet symbols are freely sold. the center of lezh is for sale. it's like a symbol of killing ukrainians, if i'm not mistaken.
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and this case, which happened in munich, very well illustrates the entire culture of skrepnaya nad
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ukraine. the patriot of the holy russian, of course, living in germany, decided to carry out defecation on the grave of stepan bandera. a representative of only one country could do this. it 's called when he left the dump, but didn't forget to shit on the street. your mother, well, a calculated toilet, a toilet. and how will you learn here, if... progress is a matter exclusively for the bourgeois. in front of you is a photo in which a woman is looking at an autotative sony tv. japan 1963. six years remained before the start of toilet paper production in the ussr. not only that, the current russian federation has entered a very active process of devolution, i.e. the reverse the move from man to ape. i bought myself three pairs of gucci shoes. ruble each wonderful somewhere in the same china, it must have been sewn up , i hope that we have it, fake, of course, i now buy only fake,
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remarkable, advanced communication technologies in the swamps are also useless, the bank of russia officially forbade employees to use them in apple technology works, the order on this was signed by the head of the central bank of russia, elvira nabyulina. from december 25 , employees cannot use apple mobile devices in official activities. the bank of russia will also not buy smartphones and tablets of this firm. we think that soon a similar ban will be announced in all state structures, how many upset faces will immediately appear, and he is not a demon and an eternal mudozvon, and even the head of the communist party, gennady zyuganov, an american spy in his pocket, what iphones can we talk about, if for people eggs, like chickens have golden ripples, so are ordinary chicken eggs, someone must have eggs, we have a problem with eggs in our country, why is it a problem at once, these are supposed to...
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get it and sign up, they say that in some regions there is even a limit of no more than three dozen in one hand, and even at exorbitant prices, 300 rubles for a dozen is about uah 125, it goes all the way there and there and there, i don’t even know where it ends, and therefore it is not surprising. this is the history of the russian federation
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from nishok bush to erdogan's eggs, 30 years of getting up from the knees, a shame that once again demonstrated that muscovites are not capable of anything but murder and theft on their own. dictator vasal lukashenko is not far behind the landlord in begging. during the trip to china, the self-proclaimed person was almost on his knees in front of xi jinping. and i only wanted to say that china would give us a picture for the independence palace, which will be in the center, 希書中國能夠給我們國公一副這樣,
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to flatter another master, such as the same kadyrov. soon , the 16-year-old son of the head of chechnya won't be able to hang the orders and medals on his chest. kazam raisa of the republic of tatarstan. adam ramzanovich will be awarded the order of duslyk kadyrov for his significant contribution to the strengthening of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional peace. on unlike the head of tatarstan, who sold his honor and pride, some other turkic-speaking peoples do not seek to bend to kadyrov, but openly challenge him... на чимаева вырубает сын ramzan kadyrov, and i want the fighting movement to be a fair fight, for example , kazakhs , you saw it on tiktok now, yes, where is the sparring, yes, khamzat organized a fight for me with the son of ramzan kadyrov, purely sporting interest, he was able to knock out
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khamzat timaev, will he be able to knock out an ordinary boy from the sogzhar district of saul? but the bloated gnome of chechnya does not know what it is courage and honor. he already sent his bearded men according to the usual scheme to threaten the boy's family. after this call , people contacted me, he says and says, with this call i insulted the entire chechen people. and after that, they started threatening me, my family, for them it's normal. for kadyrov, this is even a very common thing. he, like his children, got everything through murder, theft, intimidation and lies. look at the...
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pretty obscure to be honest and anyone else wants to talk about some honor and justice, but the kazakhs did not leave their boyfriend alone with the sheep lovers, they sent me a video of one of our kazakh guys apologizing to the kadyrov bastards, eh, kadyrov bastards, what are you threatening our brother, what are you all screwed up, and here is yours adam kadyrov and the entire chechen people, if you want something, come to kazakhstan and meet with me. meet me, i live in pavladar, kadyrov, damn you, hell, if you want, let's sort things out here, come, it's possible even to say that a kind of flash mob has started, this video is dedicated to ramzan kadyrov and adum kadyrov and the rest of the kadyrovs, kazakhstan is just coming to almaty, make me apologize, and we kazakhs will not apologize to anyone, we fear only almighty allah, jackals,
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the devil is not worth it to be afraid, as one should not be afraid of orc cattle. ukraine proved to the whole world that the devil is not as scary as it is portrayed. we thought in the early days of the war that kiev would be taken by russia. and these are the words of the press secretary of the white house. the price of this uncertainty and evacuation - the lives of ukrainians, and in the worst perspective, the lives of many europeans. poland has 3 years to prepare for a possible confrontation with russia. therefore, the entire western world must ceaselessly help ukraine with weapons, if it does not want to become a textbook. moreover, it is economically beneficial for donor countries. a few more words, mostly for the american audience. if you look at the capital investments that we made for the defense of ukraine, it will become clear that 90% of the military aid that we provided was actually spent here in the united states, with our manufacturers. and this led to the creation of a greater number of american jobs and
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the growth of our economy, so it is beneficial for us and them. we need to continue this. during the two years of the full-scale war, the usa sent 27 of the 44 billion dollars to replace already produced weapons that were in warehouses, but were also transferred to the armed forces. 17 billion was allocated for the purchase of new equipment, as the old, which was stored in warehouses from the reserves of the us army, was sent to ukraine. us support for ukraine provided a defense and industrial base the country by orders in a way that has not happened in the last 40 years. in short, hello everyone, we are in the maldives. the position of the maldives, bahamud, we want to say hello and thank you to everyone, everyone, everyone who donates for our heroes, who is cold, who helps, and we love you. we love, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, that is why it is necessary to continue to help ukraine in everything possible, every civilized inhabitant of the planet is obliged to fight for
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his future, and his future is inextricably linked with the war in ukraine, give ukraine what that she needs, but otherwise the zsu does not will rust give thanks, give and pray. on the armed forces, because they are the shield that protects, at least, europe from a global catastrophe, and i would like to advise the orcs to look around more often. there should not be a single russian who goes to bed without wondering if his throat will be cut in the middle of the night. american general mark milley. victory chevrons marines
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are not born, marines are made, they are made through constant training, through the support and help of comrades and commanders, join the friendly family of brave-spirited and sworn sons and daughters of the motherland, fight the enemy together with the best cossacks of our time, contact the representatives of the marine corps recruiting and recruiting center in your rtcc and sp, or call us at the number on the screens. finding yourself in new circumstances is a challenge that thousands of defenders are overcoming. to help them in this process, the state created a grant program for veterans and their family members, which is implemented by the ministry of economy of ukraine. application for the veteran's grant is submitted easily and conveniently. through the action, apply and receive up to uah 1 million to start or develop your own business.
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rules of a warm country: kitchen. thank you for using the dishwasher every year. washing dishes by hand is a family tradition. let's beat the winter together. facts of the week. in the single news marathon, traditionally at 8 p.m. today we will sum up 2023, front-line, political and look into the future, we will discuss what awaits us in 2024, and of course, we will analyze the hottest points of the new draft law on mobilization, so that it will be adopted after all. big summaries of 2023. combat victories at sea and special operations on land, not since the second world war, the disappointment of the counteroffensive and the destruction of the logistics of the russian federation, i
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think they were in shock, what have we managed this year at the front? and what have we achieved in the political arena? this is a historical moment. the open doors of the european union and the indecision of nato members. the results of the summit are... good, but if there was an invitation, they would be perfect. polish trap on the border and immovable joe biden. we want ukraine to win the war. what international events influenced the war in ukraine? and what will affect the next year? what will the war be like in the 24th? then the situation can play completely different colors. what will the transition to defense give and how will the f-16 change the situation? other things that will certainly unpleasantly surprise russians, our forecasts with professional experts, as well as vanga's predictions for 2024, about the death of putin, our future and
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the fate of the world. and the hottest topic of recent days is mobilization, all the most controversial moments the new bill, how it will work, when and who will be affected. these are the facts of the week with oksana sokolova and... good evening, our indomitable country, i congratulate you, invincible ukrainians, today the facts of the week summarize the results of 2023 . to analyze the key events and figure out what awaits us in the next year? a year of great hopes, a year of victories and disappointments, a year of change. thinking. such, in a nutshell, was 2023, which is currently coming to an end. the second year of the war, which began with a general uplift
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due to the victories of the previous year. hopes for a counteroffensive, which became one of the key goals not only of the military, but also of the political, and not only of ukraine, but also of the western democratic world, which promised to provide weapons and participated in planning. in autumn, we began to understand that everything is not happening as we would like, and this actually determined what we came to the end of this year with. in that event, the slowdown in aid, the need for mobilization. we did the work. 90% of the mistakes were worked out - said commander-in-chief valery zaluzhnyi, who made his first press conference this week. over the course of a year, we have become more mature and are ready to hear the truth about the state of affairs, but we definitely shouldn't sprinkle ashes on our heads, because what are these fireworks in feodosia worth? against the background of talks about the transition to the defense of the armed forces, the large amphibious ship
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of the russian fleet, novocherkassk, is being destroyed. and also loaded with an arsenal of weapons and invaders. the black sea fleet of the russian federation is not overflowing, and this is one of the victories of this year. the following will add f-16s, which are already entering ukraine, such latest pre-new year's news. during the year there were many unique special operations and heroic breakthroughs, and as we celebrate this 2023, we want to remember what we should be proud of... the main achievements of this year kateryna pavlovska. combat victories of ukraine 2023. taming of the occupation fleet. a bridgehead on the left bank of the kherson region. there are approximately 20 times more russians than our troops. the destruction of logistics, the reef, an attack on the kremlin. in moscow, russians can feel at ease.
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how complicated. our military spent this year, it has not happened since the second world war, and what an opportunity this is for us opens for further actions, a small fire that in a second became a big explosion, a wave swept away even people a few kilometers from its epicenter, the 112-meter -long russian amphibious assault ship novocherkask burned so brightly this week in fodosia, a column of smoke from which rose tens of meters into the air , the area of ​​fire around more than a square kilometer. our military managed to overcome enemy air defense thanks to special tactical techniques, and stormshadow and scalp missiles probably worked on the ship. thus, he became 34 in the list damaged or destroyed russian ships
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since the beginning of the war. and here... a video from another successful ukrainian special operation at sea. the drone, which is rushing despite the shots around it, just hits the reconnaissance ship of the black sea fleet of the russian federation - ivan khurs, another second and the target is hit. may of this year, two months after russia withdrew from the grain agreement and attacks ukrainian ports, and i don’t even expect to receive a blow in return, it will be... one blow was the use of cruise missiles and drones on the dry dock of the sevastopol marine plant were very serious the amphibious assault ship minsk and the submarine rostov-nano were damaged, now they are allegedly trying to restore this minsk, but the prospects were very, very unclear. the breakthrough was made by the revolutionary ukrainian development of
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sibebi sea drones. the little ones radically changed the situation in the black sea. thanks to them , two more ships were hit: suvorovets and alenihorsky gornyak, and not anywhere, but even in novorossiysk bay. this operation of the ukrainian defense forces proved that the occupying fleet cannot feel safe even on its own territory. the ship was on the outer raid novorossiysk is 5 km from the base point and at night. this blow. showed that we can already deliver, carry out strikes, project force at a distance of up to 750 km from our coast. in general, our sea season was fruitful, because as of now , as many as 13 ships of the black sea fleet of the invaders have been sunk or sunk.


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