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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EET

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prospects are very, very unclear, the breakthrough was made by the revolutionary ukrainian development of the seababy drone. sea babies radically changed the situation in the black sea. thanks to them , two more ships were hit - suvorovyts and alenigorsky hornyak, and not anywhere, but even in novorossiysk bay. this operation of the ukrainian defense forces proved that the occupying fleet cannot feel safe even on its own territory. the ship was on the external raid novorossiysk 5 km from the base point, and at night, this strike showed that we can already deliver, carry out strikes, project force at a distance of up to 750 km from our coast. in general, our sea season was fruitful, because as of now , as many as 13 ships of the black sea fleet of the invaders have been sunk or sunk. as of today, 2/3
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of the black sea fleet is in sevastopol, one, well, about 20%, 25 are in novorossiya, and the rest of the black sea fleet is in other bases, both in crimea and in the krasnodar territory. this made it possible not only to open a new grain corridor, but also to protect it from russian attacks, to eliminate the threat of a russian... amphibious landing in odesa and to drive away the submarines that attacked ukrainian cities with caliber missiles. as for the provision of a landing force, there is no question about it now, that is, in fact, the black sea fleet of the russian federation is now deprived of the functions it should perform as the black sea fleet thanks to our actions. another important object was captured in 2015, the so-called boyko towers, pine platforms near the coast of crimea. operation occupied gur fighters who went to the storm simply
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in light rubber boats, one of the fighters even ended up in the open sea and spent 14 hours there, after which he was rescued by his comrades. the cotton season continued another powerful blow to the temporarily occupied territories. yes, explosions, explosions, explosions began in the center of the city. several powerful explosions occurred in sevastopol in september of this year, destroying. at the headquarters of the black sea fleet, while the leadership was holding a meeting there, a highly complex crab trap operation destroyed more than 30 officers of the black sea fleet, the leadership that is so hard to renew. since the second world war, there have not been such violations of the military infrastructure, especially the headquarters of the black sea fleet.
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another russian defeat was the second strike on the crimean bridge, which finally proved that this structure is in the access zone of our systems, just look, the crimean bridge is on fire, it just blew up 2 minutes ago, even putin's lair, the kremlin, turned out to be an insufficiently protected object. the fact that he can be hit with a throne became a real sensation in may this year. the drone also swept through moscow, striking even elite complexes, moscow city and even flying over the russian ruble line. one of the ukrainian drones was shot down only 25 km from the residence of putin bachar vruchey. just like the so-called crimean bridge, it showed that now even in moscow, russians can feel at ease. thanks to the armed forces , russians do not feel at ease now even on the left bank of the dnieper. operations with... the exploitation of the river
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began back in october. our military conducted a series of successful attacks, setting up bridgeheads in three points there are approximately 20 times more russians than our troops, that is, with a small number of people, we force the russians to hold a large number, and not to transfer to other areas of the front. therefore, this operation can become an important element in the liberation of the occupied south, because the way to crimea can be opened further. according to the latest information from... not only are they successfully repelling the numerous attacks of the russians, but they are also expanding the bridgehead. when we will make a bridgehead there, at least 20 km along the coast, at least 20 km deep, temporarily occupied territory, then it is such a conditional square of 20 by 20, then a larger number of troops can be moved there, and it is quite possible, because this year it was possible to break through not only the russian defense, but also the russian border. having united, such operations were carried out. organizations of the legion of freedom
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of russia and the russian volunteer corps, entering bryansk and belohorodsk regions of the russian federation. rdk who are still connected to ukraine in one way or another, although they act on their own behalf and consider themselves to be fighters against the regime putin, but one way or another we know that they still have a certain connection with ukraine. officially, the purpose of these campaigns was to create a so-called security zone to protect ukrainian civilians. simply put, to prevent russian artillery from shelling border settlements. in the deep rear of the russian federation, it was possible to conduct two more. incredible operations, this time the security service of ukraine was engaged in it. at the end of november , several explosions will be heard on the important logistics branch of russia, baikal, in the amur highway. one is just in severno-muisky railway tunnel. the russian federation
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has very few railways, in fact there are one or two that connected the european part with the far east, siberia and those remote areas. of the russian federation, from where they are now delivering ammunition, including from north korea, because it was some kind of logistical route that was connected to china, to north korea, but this was only one part of the operation, to continue the movement, the russians began to use a detour passing through the so-called devil's bridge. it is there in the train, which was carrying as many as 40 tanks with fuel, was also detonated by an explosive device. this, i think, had a very significant impact on the russian military and aviation. management, i think they were in shock, this means that there is no territory in the russian federation that our hands would not reach. according to official information, this year the armed forces of ukraine liberated about 250 km of ukrainian land. the russian army, on the other hand , did not achieve any of the military goals
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set by its own leadership in 2023. kateryna pavlovska, facts of the week. it will obviously become the most popular query on google in december the word mobilization. at christmas, the government finally submitted to the verkhovna rada its proposals on how to improve conscription. when there will be demobilization, what to do with the evaders, and a bunch of other innovations that have been discussed in the country in the last six months, and this document, as expected, caused a stormy reaction. and in social networks, they immediately began to complain that the draft law is not motivational, but punitive, because, in particular, it provides for draconian fines for those who ignore summonses, as well as a bunch of restrictions for such ukrainians they will prohibit buying and selling movable and immovable property, withdraw money from accounts, deprive them of benefits, but on the other hand, how to motivate those who ignore subpoenas? well
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, you know, bankers, lawyers, even some people's deputies are already panicking that this will have a bad effect on the country's economy, because in order not to be subject to fines, restrictions, some part. people who currently work officially and pay taxes will simply start to be laid off, take money from banks, go to the bottom, and simply start hiding. well, but now the war is not for saving the economy, and for the survival of the country. and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces valery zaluzhny directly said that the army needs people, and general marchenko, who led the defense of mykolaiv in an interview, admitted that the recruitment centers had run out of volunteers for the war. and this is very stressful for those who are now. who is on the front lines, because the draft law supposedly provides for demobilization, but after 36 months in the army, that is, those who went to protect us from the beginning of a full-scale invasion, they will be able to be released only after february 25, and this
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also, if there is no aggravation at the front, well, this norm was supported by our head, but some deputies still propose to reduce the term, for example, for those who spent six months at zero, what do you understand? such swings, they do not contribute to the unity of society and, unfortunately, play into the hands of the kremlin, the most important task for russia next year is to disrupt mobilization, well , how to do it best, well, to fuel panic, to make fakes, even the facts of the week were tried to be used , took a fragment of our old program, dubbed me, they put such a scary text about summonses at roadblocks, friends, don't fall for such cheap provocations. but it is worth noting, oksana, that the draft law on mobilization will still change, both president zelenskyi and the people's deputies themselves are talking about this. but it is certain that some provisions raise questions to which there are no clear answers yet. for example, the situation with electronic subpoenas or men
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abroad. artem kulya, together with experts , analyzed the norms that cause the most lively discussion. sharp corners of the draft law on mobilization how can an electronic draft work and what is now the case in the tcc? people will really be fired, withdraw money. what will really change for conscripts abroad? but why it is proposed to call up people with disabilities, we analyzed the most resonant points together with lawyers. the war with russia dictates its own rules: losses, replacement of soldiers who have been defending us at the front for two years, reserves that must be formed. ukraine is in such conditions, when mobilization in... is necessary, it is recognized as international experts, as well as the ukrainian military command, we take into account, including
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the tasks that will be performed in the next year, this does not mean that this figure should be set tomorrow, of course, it is all broken down into certain periods. this week , the website of the verkhovna rada published the text of the draft law submitted by the government, which can be called one of the most resonant of the first full-scale invasion. we will analyze the most controversial points. minister fedorov has said more than once that there will never be any subpoenas, even for electronic ones the subpoena found another way: the conscript's electronic account, everyone must create it so that the subpoena arrives there, but if the person does not do it on his own, and where do you think the tcc can get the e-mail data there, if they are in military service, of course they don't have it themselves will provide perhaps one of the options is an independent transfer or an obligation to take such actions
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regarding the transfer of this information, the second option is a possible exchange of databases with other government institutions that may have this information, but this is contradictory the law of ukraine on the protection of personal data, and how to establish that this mail, for example, we already represent that it will be so, this mail belongs to this particular person, it is impossible to do. in addition, updating this mail may have been done once, but now the other however, even if the email is up-to-date, how do you check that the owner actually read the email, that it didn't get lost in spam? but the question arises how this can be regulated, for example, if a person there changes the phone to an old-school push-button one, then it turns out that he will be issued a fine for violation of the mobilization order. the fact is that the legislation of ukraine does not provide for an obligation. for citizens of ukraine, to have mobile means of communication or e-mail.
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the reason for bringing to responsibility in the draft law is formulated quite vaguely: for non-fulfillment of duties. and here the question arises, what would be considered a violation in this case, because the document contains a rule according to which all conscripts must register or update their data. which means that anyone who doesn't automatically will be considered evasive? are we talking only about those who... most likely , the responsibility will be that which they indicate in the code of ukraine on certain offenses, article 210, note-1, regarding the violation of the legislation on military duty, military service, and there already new fines for us, all conscripts, in a special period, a fine from uah 153 to uah 2,040. to punish evasion. it is proposed to attract tougher economic sanctions, for example, to limit their ability
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to use banking services or to dispose of real estate, this point alarmed the bankers for a reason, people will really be fired, withdraw money, do something else and go into the shadows, well, this will be a very, very, very strong blow, including to the economy, but on the other hand, what there may be other ways to mobilize people for war with the aggressor, it is very appropriate to convey. collection centres, say electoral roll lists, because it is the most accurate, it clearly shows who lives where, and it will reduce the stress of, say, hunting people down. we we have to take into account the main factor that putin , russia will want, or will, or will mobilize, after their presidential elections, to carry out large-scale mobilization , and so that this mobilization again... in russia does not arise for us madly threatening or did not really create
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a threat on the front line, we must be prepared, the more we have a ready population, ready to put up professional resistance, the fewer the chances of the russian army. another item that causes fierce disputes is the limitation of consular services to the military. those obliged abroad who do not specify their data, it is indicated that men of conscription age will do abroad, can make passports only upon presentation of the troops. accounting documents, i.e. they have to apply either by e-mail or call the ccc, and what are the risks we can assume here, people will have more and more questions, they should probably look for the state where these questions will not arise, so the question is enough controversial because
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it would be quite difficult to forcefully return or confine people given that there is current legislation of the state in which... you are, and it will not limit people there at certain moments. footage of huge queues near ukrainian consulates abroad has already appeared on social networks. like, men began to make documents en masse, until the new law did not limit them. all this was actively picked up by russian propaganda, for which the breakdown of mobilization in ukraine is a strategic issue. they actually invested the so-called 1.5 billion this year on negative propaganda. in relation to ukraine, actually in ukraine to create, first of all, public distrust of the authorities, to impose a theme on the division of society, that some will be taken and those will not be taken, and here is treason, and here they will die. russian propaganda began to play on the pain points of society, to throw in theses about the constable and the restriction of rights. experts see
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the risks here, that instead of solving the key problem of mobilization, the crude draft law may aggravate the situation in society. i think that, after all, there are a lot of provisions in the bill that i would say are somewhere on the borderline, and questions of constitutionality, expediency, and so on. i am convinced that both bills submitted to the verkhovna rada of the cabinet of ministers require very, very thorough work. another point that causes fierce disputes. mobilization of people with the third group of disabilities, how much are they needed at the front? the same instructors at the training grounds, the same workers, let’s say at the level of the recruitment centers there, or at the level of civil servants, or at the level of the recruitment centers there of clerks, that is, those positions, which by and large will not be connected with direct participation on
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the battlefield, but how to combine it with the existing legislation on the disability of a person with poverty of a certain group is the presence of signs that a person is unable to work, or the state cancels the third group of disabilities as such that it does not exist in ukraine, and ukraine does not recognize it, we have the first and second, the third does not exist, then mobilization and so on, it really does make some logical sense. currently, consideration of the draft law is scheduled for january, but the president has already declared the need public discussion, so obviously individual provisions of the law will still... be adjusted more than once. artem kulya, ictv facts of the week. the only news. and we're back with a release, a special news release. in most regions, setbacks and alarms have already sounded. currently, the air alert continues in kyiv, cherkasy, luhansk regions and crimea.
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but everything can change at any minute. air defense forces continue to repel another russian. an air attack on ukraine was announced in kyiv as an alarm, according to the reports of the kyiv city military administration, our defenders of the sky have already shot down several shahedzis over the capital. falling debris was recorded in at least two districts of kyiv, desnyansk and holosiysk units of the state emergency service went to the scene. currently , there is no information about the victims. let me remind you that the mass attack by drones in the eastern and southern regions began at night. shahediman. lied, changed course and later returned to kyiv region, and then to the capital. in addition, the telegram channel of the air force also reported that previously nine tu-95 strategic bombers took off from the elenya airfield in the southeast direction. estimated departure time of the aircraft to the cruise missile launch line in the caspian sea area is 4:35 am. in the case of
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cruise missile wastes, the air force will provide additional information. well, the air defense forces worked in mykolaiv, the mayor oleksandr sinkevich said, there is a fire in the city due to the fall of the wreckage of the drone. rescue services are working on the spot, details are promised a little later. well , let me remind you that bodies are still being found in kyiv dead from the russian attack on december 29, it is known about 29 victims of the missile strike, it was the shelling of the capital with the largest number of victims since the beginning of the war. invasion mourning was announced the day before, but the russians terrorized ukrainians from the air on the first day of the new year. there were three alarms in the capital in the past day, and this is already thursday. the night before, drones were flying over kyiv region, fortunately nine out of 10 air defense forces were shot down,
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there were no hits to critical and residential infrastructure objects, and two districts were damaged as a result of falling debris four private houses and four cars. shock drones also attacked kharkiv oblast, and even earlier, a russian drone flew into a residential building in the osmansky community in sumy oblast. people found themselves under the rubble, unfortunately, two... died. rescuers retrieved the body of a 40-year-old man from under the rubble, a 52-year-old woman died of her injuries in the hospital. in the east, the occupiers fired one kh-59 guided air missile, which was destroyed by air defense forces. and we remind you of the safety rules from the state emergency service in the event of a missile attack. if there was an explosion in your house leave the building on your own as soon as possible. the door will be left open. then the rescuer. you won't have to cut them with benzolysis for a mandatory check. if you stay in an apartment, the safest place is the bathroom, if there is no gas boiler there, or
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the space between two blank walls. during an air raid , the top floor of the building is the most dangerous, because there is a high risk of being hit, and the basement, which does not meet the requirements for shelter, because there is a risk of being under rubble. prohibited during a missile attack. remove the work of our air defense forces, especially to publicize it in social networks. such photos or videos can play into the enemy's hands, because they reveal the positions of the ukrainian military and allow them to adjust subsequent strikes. for the same reasons , it is forbidden to publish hits by enemy missiles or drones. it is not possible to publish how many vehicles you saw and how many rockets you heard. do not go near the windows. if you are in an apartment, take the safest one. the space between the two retaining walls, or even better, go down into the shelter. well, i will remind you that tu-95 aircraft are still in the air, we are monitoring
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the actions of russian military aviation. in the event of a rocket launch, we will definitely inform about it. stay with us. runes approaching victory. departs from the first.
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do you hear this symphony? it is created by railway workers to lead you to your dream. dear passengers, we are waking up. ukrzaliznytsia works every day so that all holidays come on schedule. greetings, friend, i am marichka padelko, a tv presenter and mother of three children. i'm sorry i don't know your name, i'd like to know what your job was before the full scale war, what kind of coffee drank and dreamed about, but i know something else: one day you went to defend what is dear to you... and to all of us, our ukraine. my husband is also at the front, and i understand what difficult trials the war forces to pass
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every day. your wound hurts me, i really want you to get well, and the least i can do for that is to share my blood. i do this very sincerely and with only one note. thank you, hero. hospitals need up to... blood every day. one donor can save three lives. donate blood. save the hero. our purpose is to be the best. we prove it every day it is in practice. our job is to destroy enemies. it is our duty to protect our people. our operations change the course of war. where we work, the enemy has no chance of success. we are sso. of ukraine. glory to the special operations forces of the armed forces of ukraine. help your child not
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to fall into a trap on the internet. the first and most important rule is to talk to your children about cyber safety. do not be a controller and do not forbid, be an adult who helps the child and protects him. the prohibition method does not work, trust is effective. read more tips in cyber ​​security section on the dovidka website. info. let's go together. the world continues to support ukraine. this is actually the main international summary of the year, which we end on a major note. the european council's decision to start negotiations with ukraine on joining the eu is historic both for us and for the european union. even hungary did not spoil this holiday, although orban did not calm down. at the end of the year, his
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in... the government launched a survey among hungarians, whether we should take us to the european union, there is no doubt what the result of this so-called referendum will be, given how the question has been formulated, listen, do you agree that ukraine, which is at war, should become a full member of the eu and bring the war to your doorstep. in a word, morban will still drink our blood, either by dancing to the kremlin's trumpet, or by blackmailing him. some preferences for yourself, but you can play around. the patience of eu bureaucrats is not limitless. it is not for nothing that at the end of the year they mentioned the option to revoke the right to vote. against this background, the thaw in relations with poland is pleasing. after the elections, a new government was created there, which is determined to resolve the situation with blockade of the border, and not simply take the side of the protesters, as the predecessors did. under the christmas tree, one of the four checkpoints
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from or at least the holidays, but prime minister tusk said this week that his government is nearing a decision to unlock the entire border. obviously, we will also have to make some concessions to the poles, leaving our emotions in parentheses, because good relations with our neighbors are the key to our survival next year. as noted by the former representative of ukraine in the eu, kostyantyn yelisyev, 2023 ends an era emotions and that of ukrainian diplomacy. regimes, they should be replaced by systematicity and pragmatism, but we believe in our diplomacy, which this year gave ukraine a lot of good news from international platforms. artem kulya will remind you of the brightest. key international events of the year. many significant decisions for ukraine were made here in brussels. what victories did ukraine win on the political arena of the world? if you look at the decisions of the summit, they were
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historic. but where did they take place? diplomatic troubles. it is necessary to work primarily with uncomfortable countries. how the international climate changed in the context of ukraine, the facts of the week discussed everything with experts. this year was full of international events significant for ukraine. which of them can be called successful, and which caused skepticism? let's figure it out. on the morning of february 20, kyiv woke up to news about joe biden's unannounced visit. almost a year had passed since the russians threatened to take kyiv three days before the moment when the us president strolled through mykhailivska square. it is very important that president biden visited us this year, it is powerful a symbol of support. the next meeting between the ukrainian and american presidents took place six months later in the united states. volodymyr zelenskyy paid a visit to the united nations general assembly
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in new york. to keep the focus of world attention on russia's war against ukraine and went to washington. unlike the visit in december of last year, the president's schedule did not include a speech in congress, which is why a number of media wrote that this reception turned out to be colder than the previous one. less so, at a joint press conference, joe biden announced strong military support, and for behind the scenes, the transfer of long-range atakams missiles took place, which were later successfully deployed. on russian targets, i approved the next tranche of us security assistance to ukraine, including an increase in artillery, ammunition or anti-tank weapons. however , already at the end of the year, the clouds over the allocation of another military and financial aid still began to thicken. in october, the biden administration asked the parliament for $106 billion for ukraine, israel and the indo-pacific.


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