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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EET

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made a visit to the united nations general assembly in new york to keep the focus of world attention on russia's war against ukraine and went to washington. unlike the visit in december of last year, the president's schedule did not include a speech in congress, which is why a number of media wrote that this reception turned out to be colder than the previous one. however, at a joint press conference, joe biden announced powerful military support, and behind the scenes, the transfer of long-range missiles also took place. atakams, which later successfully worked on russian targets. i approved the next tranche of us security assistance to ukraine, including an increase in artillery, ammunition or anti-tank weapons. however , already at the end of the year, the clouds in the allocation of the next military and financial aid still began to thicken. in october , the biden administration asked the parliament for $106 billion for ukraine, israel and the indo-pacific. partners, 61 billion was supposed
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to go to ukrainian needs, both budgetary and defense, but they stalled because of american domestic politics. republicans refused to vote for aid to ukraine before they reach a compromise on migration policy on the southern border with mexico. america is gradually moving into election mode, and it is increasingly focusing on its internal problems. and in fact , at the end of the year, i would say that, compared to the front, we have entered the minefield of american politics, the most important thing now is to make sure that we do not harm ourselves and our partners. it was for this purpose that volodymyr zelenskyy again arrived in washington on december 11. at a joint press conference the presidents of the usa and ukraine heard two key phrases of the american leader. the first is ambiguous. biden says the us will support ukraine as much as it can.
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will be able to, while as before we heard as much as it will take, we understand that the administration is still limited , they are dependent on the republicans in the congress, they are not 100% able to give us a guarantee that there will be that much help and at such a moment. at the same time, when asked what the us strategy is to protect ukraine or help it win, biden answered clearly and transparently. we want ukraine to win the war. one way or another, but after numerous discussions in the congress, the issue of allocating funds to ukraine was postponed to the beginning of the 24th year. despite the fact that the trump wing in the republican party is dispersing some kind of anti-ukrainian, ukrainian-skeptic wave, this wave is constantly happening, still america does not turn away, the white house does not turn away, there is bipartisan support for ukraine in the congress, this is very important. one of the most significant
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events this year was the nato summit in vilnius. ukraine had from him from the very beginning the highest expectations that the alliance would make a political invitation, but it did not happen. we can state that the results of the summit are good, but if there was an invitation, they would be ideal. the white house on... the compromise to the invitation was the cancellation of the membership action plan for ukraine, which had been hanging over it since 2008. this will change ukraine's membership path from a two-stage process to a one-stage one. in addition, it was from the summit in vilnost that a new format of cooperation between nato and ukraine began, the establishment of a joint council as permanent. what
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body if you look at the decisions of the summit, they were historic. ukraine is already an equal partner with nato and can itself initiate meetings of this council. other decisions were also quite significant. the facts of the week analyzed them from the scene. no less important on the sidelines of the summit was the discussion on security guarantees for ukraine. this topic was discussed several weeks before it started. these are not security guarantees in the classic sense, like a nuclear umbrella over japan, but it is a good security cushion for ukraine, in relation to which. negotiations are currently underway with almost 30 countries. at the same time, this is not an alternative to joining nato, volodymyr zelenskyy emphasized at the time. during these two days of the summit, we removed any doubts and ambiguities about whether ukraine will be in nato. it will be next year , nato's 75th anniversary summit will be held in washington and will take place on the eve of joe biden's election campaign. therefore , experts assume that ukraine's invitation to the alliance could have come at the right time. for the 24th year,
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many significant decisions for ukraine were made here in brussels, itself... in this building of the european council, a historic the decision to start transitions to join the european union. in fact, this is a very important stage for ukraine, which lays a solid foundation for future eu membership. this decision was preceded by a real political blockbuster. hungarian prime minister viktor orbán, known for his support for russia, began to put sticks in ukraine's wheels in just a few weeks, declaring that he would veto the decision to start the transition, apparently trading preferences for himself. before the day of the summit , the european commission unblocked 10 billion euros for hungary, which had been frozen due to the lack of reforms in the rule of law. however, despite this, the hungarian prime minister continued his game. we have set seven preconditions and three hundred have not been fulfilled, so there is no reason
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to discuss anything because the preconditions have not been fulfilled. when the negotiations with the hungarian prime minister came to an impasse, german chancellor olaf scholz suggested that orbán simply leave the hall for a while. voting, so as not to interfere with the unanimous adoption of the decision, and it was adopted. this is a historical moment that shows the reliability and strength of the european of the union we start negotiations with ukraine and moldova, and georgia gets candidate status. it showed that brussels had come up with an unusual way to deal with such one-man vetoes. however, at the vote on the allocation of 50 billion euros to ukraine, orban did exercise his right. hungary always blocks decisions to get something from the european union. it has now managed to get 10 billion to ensure the expansion process. so the eu probably has to give her something again. it is a shameful process, but unfortunately it is probably the only one that allows you to make really
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important decisions. they promise to return to voting on aid to ukraine in brussels on february 1 during the next summit. however , the situation with orban... the potential threats that are gaining momentum inside europe are the coming to power of politicians with anti-ukrainian views, among them the newly elected leader of the slovak government, robert fico, and the winner of the parliamentary elections in the netherlands, geert wilders, who is called the dutch trump. i also did not understand how the situation would be to develop in great britain, you know that there will be elections there too and sunak's position as prime minister is not strong enough. i understand that it is more comfortable. go to the baltic countries, tap on the shoulders and get positive emotions, but you have to work primarily with uncomfortable countries. in addition, such changes in the political community open up new opportunities for russia, which will obviously be interested in establishing new contacts in the west. despite declarations of collective
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action fatigue from the war in ukraine, world leaders emphasize that their support will continue and in the future, and many political decisions made this year, as from the side. the usa and the european union are a clear confirmation of that. artem kulya, facts of the week, ictv, only news. next year, several events will take place in the world that will definitely affect the situation in ukraine. 2024 will be a record for the number of elections in different countries of the world, and this will mean turbulence, a change of elites. for example, parliamentary elections may be held in great britain. voices have already begun to be heard there about the return to power of boris johnson, who we have, for an active position was called kozak johnsonyuk. for the first time, will the european parliament elections be held without britain? this is important, since the european parliament itself
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was more than once the locomotive of many decisions on aid to ukraine, which were then implemented by the eu member states themselves. and it is interesting how it will be now, when a lot of eurosceptics have come to power, and we see... the positions of hungary, slovakia, austria. then there are the elections in russia, well, which ones are actually a pure fiction, the tsar rules medals, but for putin this is the time to pump up society with new narratives. now this is an application for victory in ukraine, and precisely under this idea, putin can start a big mobilization after the election. in fact, in order to simply last until the us elections. the kremlin is very much hoping for the arrival of the radical donald trump. who, by the way, in his christmas greeting wished his opponents to rot in hell together with his ukraine and russia, so that you and i would understand what he is up to. however, whether trump will become president is still a big question, given
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the steps that are actively being taken in the american political olympus. and all this is not the definition and variegation of the picture the world tells us about the main thing. next year is fate. once again, the front and our successes there will be the first to determine what the war in 2024 could be, all possible scenarios were analyzed by kostyantyn pa. the war of 2024, as it will be, is such an endless chase, just whether we should expect a miracle from the appearance of the f-16, and it carries american missiles and some other things that will definitely unpleasantly surprise the russians. for what combat operations is the tank fist of the savior preparing, the situation may then play in completely different colors, will the crimean bridge stand next year? beat dzhanka, and whether the armed forces of ukraine will move from defense
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to sevastopol, hit saka, hit offensive, several records will be set for the destruction of russian human resources. the facts of the week analyzed all possible scenarios for the development of hostilities in the 24th. one, 2, 3, 4, 5, that's how many russian planes there are. in two days, the air force of the armed forces of ukraine is shot down. the kremlin snakes are silent, but their warlords are hysterical in public, say a wandering patriot, because at once three su-34s take off negatively into the kherson land. another one in mariupol direction, and the su-30 crew is feeding crabs at the bottom of the black sea. did the strengthening of air defense announced by the president work before the new year? i will not say the number. several new patriot systems will be in ukraine, but i want to thank the partners and patriot and nasemsa, a powerful
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new package, yes, and this is important. in order to understand what ukraine's war strategy might be in the 24th year, we need to remember what we have and where we are now, what weapons our partners will give us next year, and where exactly is it best to hit the enemy with these weapons? 24th year he is not simple. will be different, it should be different from the 24th year to the 23rd year, for almost the entire 23rd year, the russian occupiers terrorized our military and the civilian population with guided air bombs, launching them 40-50 km from the combat line. enemy carriers of cabs, dry trucks were out of reach for our anti-aircraft defense, but on the 24th the situation may... change. in addition to new deliveries of patriots
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capable of countering aerial bombs, the first f-16 will enter the arena of combat. if you use systems like patriot or your s-300 or other systems. and let's say one of of these systems should be turned off because it is vulnerable to attack. the f16 then gives you the ability to close that gap so that you don't have any holes in your air defense network. why is it important, because the kremlin? and continues to bet on cabs, planning to produce more than 200,000 such bombs in the 24th year . of course, the f-16, especially in the previous number of 18 units, will not give ukraine the opportunity to patrol the entire border or front line, but it will allow drive away the russian bombers as far as possible. radar in the su-35. this is 30-year-old technology. the f-16's radar is much more advanced and gives you much
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more ability to hit long range targets, not just one but many targets, as many targets as you have missiles. but while western aid comes to us drop by drop, ukraine is betting on its own production of attack drones. the ambitious goal is one million drones per year, but will it be enough? this is, in principle, the number that will allow us, at least, to keep up seriously with russian federation. it is obvious that 2024 will be the year of the war of drones and means of radio electronic warfare of the rebs. and in this competition, it is necessary to win not only with numbers, but also with intelligence. they've saturated the front with fpv drones, we've saturated the tactical reb means, they're now starting to migrate across frequencies, we 're starting to overlap those. frequencies, it's just such an endless chase. but where ukraine
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prevails over refia is in the development of naval strike drones, which have driven the russian black sea fleet into a dead end. true, the russian defense industry is trying and here they will catch up with us by starting the production of their own marine drones. unfortunately, i must state that the enemy is not far behind us. it lags, you see what, well, what happens. especially there, in recent days , we have such a powerful confrontation at the level of technology application. another long-awaited goal of all ukrainians in the 24th is the crimean city. sip baby drones have already proven their deadly effectiveness this year by hitting bridge piers, severely cutting weapons supplies to the occupied peninsula, now it's the turn of the new naval uav, mamayu. in this way , we will deprive the enemy army operating in the crimea and sevastopol of logistics. it will be cheaper to attack
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the enemy from crimea than by using ships. provide everything to everyone. another weapon that can help us liberate the crimean peninsula is missiles with a range of 300 km, ex-commander of the us army in europe ben hodgers is convinced. according to preliminary forecasts, they should appear in ukraine at the beginning of the new year. ukraine must be able to make it unusable for russian forces. beat on sevastopol, beat on saka, beat on dzhanka, in all these places. so that the russians could not stay there. while the russians were rejoicing over the single german tanks burned in ukraine, experts from the oryx project, which tracks the losses of equipment during the war, calculated that ukraine can count on more than 95% of all weapons systems supplied from the west,
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since they have not yet been used in a counteroffensive. we understand that, yes, not all of us received all the support there, so if all this is concentrated, well, maybe everything will go completely differently, we are talking about 170 german leopards and about three dozen american abrams that arrived in ukraine in the fall. it is this tank fist during a counterattack that can break through the russian defense line, but where exactly and when? in 1024, the defense forces of ukraine will mainly be on the defensive. this is 100%. to refer entirely to the first quarter, we are talking about the lumano-kupyan army, the donetsk and ughlodar areas, because that is where the enemy throws all his mobilization reserves, but will we really only defend ourselves in the 24th. the most promising direction of movement of the defense forces
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this winter, military experts consider kherson oblast, which is on the left bank, near the wells, to be incredible. our defenders are holding their positions with efforts, from there, only 60 km to the occupied crimea, and it is this bridgehead that can become decisive during a counteroffensive. i do not rule out that the left-bank kherson region will be an exception, and our bridgehead is there, it will not only maintain its presence, but also be able to expand to some area of ​​liberated territories. but how to do this, because while on the left... on the shore of the kherson region, we have neither an advantage in manpower, nor in the air, nor in armored vehicles. it is necessary to make a crossing on the parton, to fix it, to fix it, to prevent the influence of the current, and it is quite powerful in the dnieper, well, then the question arises, how to protect it from the influence of enemy aviation and enemy artillery. it is for this that ukraine desperately needs f-16s and
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long-range missiles. they will create a security puppet over the left-bank bridge. then there is another difficult task: 60 km to the peninsula, it would seem, is not much, but the russians mined this entire territory, so here we again depend on the equipment of western partners. if we we'll get long-range missiles, we'll get airplanes, heck, there's a helicopter, we'll be able to mine these fields safely enough, not 100 m a day, yes, much more, and move accordingly. spring is the best time for us. offensive, because after the end of putin's so-called elections , another 350 thousand occupiers can be mobilized into the russian army, instead of those who are now dying near avdiivka and bakhmut. it will indeed be a difficult period for the russians in the sense that they will suffer great losses. several destruction records will be set
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human resources of russians. true, and our soldiers, on whose shoulders the defense rests. ukraine has a serious problem - shell hunger. due to the acute shortage of ammunition, ukrainian gunners are forced to count each shot. first of all, heavy infantry weapons, automatic grenade launchers, grenade launchers, anti-tank equipment and equipment are needed. despite everything, ukraine is successfully gathering resources for a new counteroffensive. this is what both our and western generals say. by what forces, when and exactly where, of course, we know... a very narrow circle of people. it seems that the task of the defense forces for the 24th year will be the maximum targeting of the enemy in the east, the destruction of the kerch bridge and a total blockade. konstantin, facts of the week actv, only news.
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chevrons approaching victory. strength, will and endurance. passed down from father to son for centuries, and i am the one who carries cossack strength and cossack glory engraved on my heart, i am the one who carries the glory of freedom-loving ancestors, whose unyielding will lives on to this day, i am the one who... during centuries carries the spirit of struggle and ideas, the one who never will bow before the enemy, i am a fighter of ukraine
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, indomitable and unconquered, i will defend the land given to me by god, and always believe in my invincibility, i will get there quickly, i am already buying a ticket, oh... to the dnieper, please, thank you, my country is not will fall to my knees, in my heart you are forever the only one, and no one will hinder us, 5 uah from each bus ticket goes to the restoration of ukraine, we will rebuild the country together with ukrpas ua and dobrobat, join us, the rules of a warm country, healthy care, thank you. we assume that you adjust the heater and follow at a sufficient temperature without spending money on the wind. let's beat the winter together.
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the european union supports ukrainian small and medium-sized businesses. russian aggression is trying to destroy the ukrainian economy, but we must be strong. only together we stand. small and medium-sized businesses are the key to a sustainable economy. fine. that we are true friends and partners. the european union has mobilized more than 90 million euros to support ukrainian entrepreneurs. together visty, together we are europe. finding yourself in new circumstances is a challenge that thousands overcome defenders. to help them in this process, the state created a grant program for veterans and their family members, which is implemented by the ministry of economy of ukraine. application for a veteran's grant. submitted easily and conveniently through the action, apply and receive up to uah 1 million to start or develop your own business.
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we sum up monday's informational summaries. oksana in the studio. good evening, i wish all viewers a happy new year 2024. we believe that this year will be victorious. we thank the armed forces of ukraine for the fact that we live and work in the most beautiful country in the world. today is the 677th day of the great war. and in our issue you will see. new year's attack. the russians launched a record number over ukraine. from drones, direct inclusion from odesa, which suffered the most. battalion siberia. who are they? russians fighting for us. they sow despair, how
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russian propaganda works and how not to become its victim. and the time will come when one will say: glory to ukraine, and millions will respond to the heroes with glory. birthday of stepan bandera. in the ussr how the soviet authorities imposed the new year holiday on ukrainians. two dead on sumyshchyna in the afternoon , a 52-year-old woman died of injuries in the hospital as a result of shahed's impact on a two-story building in the esman community. this was reported to the ministry of internal affairs. one more person died under the rubble. this is a 40-year-old man. in addition, another woman was injured as a result of the attack. three residents of the house from under the rubble... emergency personnel provided them with medical assistance, two more enemy drones over sumy oblast, our defense forces managed to shoot down, this was reported in the regional
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military administration. also, enemy drones were recorded in the kyiv region, there were reports about the work of air defense, as reported by the head of the regional military administration, ruslan kravchenko. debris of downed drones fell in two districts of kyiv region and damaged four private houses. and in dnipropetrovsk region, our defenders destroyed the kh-59 guided air missile. this was reported in the eastern air command. and the number of shaheds launched by the enemy on new year's eve became a record. 90 strike drones were announced in the air force, of which our military shot down 87, air force commander mykola oleschuk noted. ukrainian border guards posted a video showing how they destroy enemy drones in odesa and mykolaiv regions. it's above us.
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in addition to toro, the enemy hit the kharkiv region with four s-300 missiles, three kh-31p anti-radar missiles and one kh-59. new year's eve was difficult for the southern regions of ukraine. there, our air defense forces shot down 51 attack drones, 28 of them in odesa region, the enemy laid a bed in the infrastructure of the sports sector, and it was also damaged due to falling debris. several high-rise buildings in different areas of the city, a 15-year-old teenager died, three people were hospitalized. with us on our own correspondent oleksandra chenkova is in direct contact. alexander, i congratulate you on the fact that the consequences of the night attack are now known. congratulations, oksana, most odessa residents spent new year's eve in corridors and bomb shelters. the russians
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used several waves. attacks by strike drones, the most massive half an hour before midnight, when people were gathering at the festive table. our air defense forces shot down 28 shaheds over odeshchyna, but a 15-year-old boy died due to falling debris. neighbors say that the teenager was on the balcony at the time of the attack. three people were also hospitalized, doctors assess their condition as serious. when she came down, she screamed and was covered in blood, flying, flying, well... in total, three multi-story buildings in different districts of odessa were damaged, and fragments of enemy drones also fell into the private sector, mostly people's windows and doors were knocked out, here grandmother was sleeping and woke up, probably this explosion, she
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was sleeping here. she was lucky because all the fragments, everything, everything around her was there, the frames were taken out, the windows were taken out. also that night, the enemy targeted the port infrastructure, a fire broke out, however, it was quickly eliminated by rescuers. the defense forces of the south say that the enemy's priority remains the coast itself. the enemy is looking for anti-aircraft systems as well. and tries to strike at granaries and harm the functioning of the navigation corridor as a whole, they are trying with all their might to discredit the air defense systems, which work quite effectively against enemy attacks. let me remind you, this is already the second mass attack in odessa in the last 3 days. on december 29, he was killed during russian shelling
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two people, three. people, two more later died of their injuries in the hospital. the defense forces of the south say that there is still a fairly high level of missile danger in the region, because there are currently three surface-to-surface missile carriers on combat duty in the waters of the black sea. 24 calibers can be used at any moment, so residents of odesa region are asked to be cautious and respond to air alarms. oksano. thank you alexander. take care and i wish you a quiet and peaceful evening and night. it was oleksandr chenkov about the consequences of the drone attack on odessa on new year's eve. in the lviv region , during a night attack, russian martyrs destroyed two objects of national memory. debris of one of the downed drones fell on the building of the roman shukhevych memorial museum in bilogorshchi on the outskirts of lviv. in this ancient building was the last headquarters of the apartment.


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