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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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65 years after his death in independent ukraine, for which bandera fought, when streets and avenues are named after him, opponents are sued, and some of those citizens who survived the soviet occupation still prefer, if not to condemn, at least avoid mentioning the name of stepan bandera out loud. the first way to this discredit is a word combination, everything is not so clear. the story of truth and lies. 90 years long, so why was the leader of ukrainian nationalists during the second world war hated so fiercely in moscow? if we saw bandera with you, he probably wouldn't have made an impression on us purely visually. he was a small man, 1 m 59 cm tall. also, the son of a greek-catholic priest could not go to school since childhood, he studied at home. as a matter of fact , the priests, greek-catholic, it was... a stream
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of intelligentsia in galicia, so the former chaplain of the ukrainian army taught his son himself, and not only literacy. the ideas of the ukrainian state, they always lived in the families of priests in these families. from the age of eight, the boy becomes himself witness first the formation of statehood, and then its loss. the generation that remembered independent ukraine in the 17th year from their parents, they heard about the fact that ukraine was independent, they lived with that... idea of ​​restoring ukrainian statehood, bandera takes up political affairs from a young age and soon finds himself on on the docks in the then polish state, and the fame of the young activist is spreading through ukrainian cities and villages. he became known for several such powerful actions against the polonization of schools, yes actions related to protests with an attempt to help starving ukraine and... to spread
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information about starving ukraine, and this is , accordingly, the destruction, liquidation of the minister of internal affairs of poland, bronislaw piracki. bandera was released in 1939, when the germans occupied poland, and the prison administration fled, forgetting about the prisoners, and the hitlerites will put bandera behind bars again. in 1941, he and his followers proclaimed the restoration of the ukrainian state in lviv. this act of hitler. germany did not recognize, was in sagsenhausen, he survived all the repressions of the nazis, behind the bars of the nazis, neither bander nor his followers were physically involved in the events of the war of the 1940s in ukraine, when the derivative of his surname , the banders, was born, although bandera himself was never in ukraine. those residents of ouniv who were free, they went underground and at the beginning of 1943 began to organize. you partisan army, and
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which grew into such a formation that earned the name of the ukrainian insurgent army, stepan bandera himself has no relation to this army had, but his organization was small, in the heat of the second world war, nazis from the soviet army were tearing ukraine apart, so in order to survive, ukrainians had to fight both occupiers at the same time. this is a method of armed struggle, and the main slogan of the bander wing was not with the moskals. the germans and i will build our own independent ukraine. thus, bandera becomes a murder target for the kremlin, both physically and in the information field. they said that they were there, agents of hitler, there were various enemies of the ukrainian people, and that all ukrainians, they say, should rally around communist party. in order to turn the local peasants against the rebels, the soviet occupiers oppressed them, and at the same time hung their crimes on them. after 1900.
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the war in ukraine did not subside until the 1960s. now we will also destroy the myth that the upa fought only in galicia and volyn, the forests of chernobyl remember the steps of ukrainian rebels, the forests of zhytomyr region do the same, when in the soviet union the people of bandera were accused, at the nurban trial they acted as witnesses in the case against the nazis, and on behalf of the ukrainians it was hidden throughout the soviet period. there , it seems, 20 or more volumes in the original in the soviet union were published only in russian, only up to 10, and of course such documents did not get there, well, because this information, this truth was not beneficial to the soviet leadership and soviet propaganda. since the maidan of 2013, bandera's name has once again become a trend of kremlin propagandists and invaders. before bandera there was petliura, before petliura there was mazepa, who? who russian propaganda will name after
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bandera, that is also a question now. every state has characters in his story, personality. as people without whom the state could not be realized. bandera belongs to the cohort, to the group of those people who made ukraine ukraine. and he also foretold the future when he insisted that the time would come when millions of slava ukraine would respond to slava heroes. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. inna gorynenko, yevhenii zuzulya, dmytro kobzar, vikna stb, single news marathon. she traveled halfway around the world, worked in one of the largest us banks and had ambitious plans in the field of business and finance, but when in her native the great war came to the country, then 22-year-old victoria honcharuk realized that she was needed at home. the girl left a prestigious life on wall street and went to the front. now vika is
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a paramedic with the call sign tori, saving the lives of fighters on the front lines. we meet victoria in a coffee shop. there were several girls in uniform. that's why she returned from the front line to kyiv, her job is to save the lives of defenders. i'll just process it, he doesn't bleed you. but this is definitely not what the 23-year-old paramedic with the call sign tori has dreamed of since childhood, the age of zhytomyr region, and she began to implement her big plans from school. learned english perfectly, won a grant to study abroad and already finished the 10th grade in the american state of texas, then there was a university in lithuania, to go to gain experience abroad, to see the world, because yes, my parents, my family, we they traveled across the border, and
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to come to ukraine and do it right here, to understand what is wrong with us now, and how to develop ours in a small country, then still a young country, to do everything right, vika later got. free opportunity to study at one of the best universities in the usa, it was the same university of her dreams, this university is based in california, but in general, their whole idea of ​​studying is to travel to different countries, in each country you live for a semester, and you gain some cultural and there work experience in that country. i lived in san francisco for a year, then lived in korea, india, and britain. received two degrees in computer science and statistics and business and finance and soon got a job in one of the best banks in the usa. this is one of the biggest investment banks in the world, one of the big three, they are called in new york,
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that is, on wall street. my dream was to work as an analyst for two years and then to go through venture investments and later to bring venture investments to ukraine. directly. start-ups in ukraine, then it seemed to the girl that she was a few steps away from fulfilling all her wishes, but the russians began a full-scale invasion of ukraine, my sister went to submit documents to the military unit in which she is now, my dad did the same, my mother came also in teroboronu, that is, my whole family decided. that they will help, except for the grandmother, the grandmother did not leave, the grandmother also fed all the soldiers. in the first months of the great war, vika volunteered to help her relatives and the units in which they served. at the end of 2022, she returned to ukraine, traveled with volunteers to hot
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spots, helped foreigners with translation, and eventually joined the medical battalion of hospitalists. at first, there was work in the zaporizhzhia and avdiiv directions. the boy is such a young guy, 18 years old and they couldn't come out to meet us for a long time, he had a wound in his arm and he had a tourniquet that will be applied for 18 hours, after two hours the probability that your arm will be amputated is very high, he just starts crying, a fighter, and that's what i say will cut off her hand, so say no, i’m not... emotional began, the last six months of tors in the very hell in the bakhmut direction, she was seconded to the third separate assault brigade, in which her sister serves, the girl is the head of her crew, their task - to do everything to bring them out alive
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stabilization point of a wounded fighter, sometimes you have to work under heavy enemy fire and without a special armored car, do you hear me, friend? everything is great, in general everything is perfect, just a little bit more, there will be a wreath, obisbol, vika says, the hardest thing is to lose people who have already managed to become a real family there at the front. but the war taught me something, to live truly, here and now. we had a close friend, call sign melon. and this, by the way, is from his shevronchyk department, which he designed himself. 21 years old. he unfortunately died in august of this year. and he was always such an example that you should live one day at a time and you should not think there, sometimes in advance, what will happen, if you want something, you should do it now. many of her american friends. they did not understand why she returned to the country where there is a war, and the mother is angry and worried,
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because now both daughters are risking their lives at the front, but the girl herself does not regret her choice. currently, the paramedic is working on a project that creates artificial intelligence for drones, and also wants to purchase a ground drone for for the evacuation of the wounded, it is necessary to collect 500,000 hryvnias. i used to build for myself, but i had a career plan for 10 years ahead, i... knew clearly what i would do, now i really want all my loved ones to live to live, to a good life, peacefully. olena ruvenchuk and maksymilian ilchenko, stb windows program, single news marathon. without a leg, a high-level amputee, he does the impossible, balances and squats on one leg, boxes, amazes physical therapists and motivates other seriously injured defenders impossible to do this soldier is vasyl hrytsenko, a fighter of the vovka davinci battalion, one of the founders of the honor patriotic movement, and currently
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a patient of the nezlamni national rehabilitation center in lviv. iryna zaslavyts will tell about the truth of nezlamny, his path and amazing recovery. and yes, for several months. vasyl is perhaps the first patient of the nezlavni center who is not the same. that he once used this punching bag in the rehabilitation hall, and he does it every day, even more often than before the war, the injury and the loss of his leg, almost lost vasyl hrytsenko is 29, he is from the village of ivankiv in the kyiv region. in his youth, together with his friends, he founded the youth patriotic movement honor. we had four friends and we just gave a name to our friendship, we called it honor, and then it grew into different stages. in motion and we did various useful things. among useful tasks, the fight against
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pro-russian forces, illegal constructions, before a full-scale invasion , honor becomes one of the organizers of the unity march. in less than two weeks, the enemy is on the offensive, and the boys are ready for it meet. the war began, we arrived at the place indicated in advance and began to perform the task. they receive combat tasks directly from the general staff and fight as volunteers for more than a month, and then... receive an order that if they want to fight further, they must join one of the units of the armed forces. we chose such a person for ourselves, his name is dmytro kotsyubaila, he is davinchi, a hero of ukraine, we heard a lot about him with the boys, we understood that he is completely our man and that we want to fight under his leadership. honor becomes an assault company as part of da vinci's wolf battalion. three months after he died. wolf combatant dmytro kotsyubail and
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vasyl's two best friends bow their heads on the battlefield. look, yevgeny is on one crutch, quiet is on the other, it's like my close friends, since i'm on crutches every day, i decided to have them by my side. and vasyl himself was wounded in that tight shooting battle , applied a tourniquet and continued the fight and was evacuated in just 3.5 hours. i was taken in an armored car to... an ambulance to our ulf, the spartan is driving, the door opens, and i see vasyl, he is so earthy in color. i saw alina mykhaylova there, she is my friend, and i got a second breath, i realized that i was in good hands and that my life would be saved. our last battles of the battalion already. without the command of davinci, this is probably, not probably, this is the most difficult day,
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in my opinion, in the life of our battalion, we lost a lot of worthy fighters and warriors at that time. the battalion medical service saved vasyl's life, but the tourniquet was on his leg for too long and the surgeons, after a day after all, they had to amputate her. when a fighter gets to lviv in the nezlamna center for prosthetics rehabilitation, at first he doesn't even want to get up. it is hard to forget when vasyl came to us, because it was august 24, 2023. i came to his ward and he seemed very passive and unmotivated. he was lying on the bed, plus... he was moving in an electric wheelchair, he came to the gym in a wheelchair for classes, she said: come on, get up, kick, take the ball in your hands and throw the ball here and there, i say , but i can't do it to do, the physical therapist manages to stir up the fighter and so that she ca n't tear him away from the gym anymore, he uses every opportunity that
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is given to him here, when the guys were demotivated, he said, well take it ... jump rope, go jump, go do , i can do it and you can do it, and for a while he played such a strong role as a motivator for others. what makes vasyl go crazy in the rehabilitation hall motivates the wounded and captivates everyone who sees his training. i am sure that for many people there, today he is a certain leader and mentor, we are not only talking about the physical sphere, yes, because it is not about that at all, it is about will, it is about endurance. vasyl works hard at every training session, just look at how he balances and squats on one leg. vasyl, hello. good afternoon, you look very cool, but i'm not sure that even i with two legs could repeat them. let's try. come on, but i want
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to say that vasyl even reassures me, and you understand that... no physical defects and injuries are worth anything, if a person has willpower and can balance on one leg, run, jump, squat, do anything, and because if you have a huge desire and motivation for it, as this guy has. vasyl's motivation is both simple and complex at the same time, because it deals with both the living and the dead. i am motivated by my friends who died, this is the first motivation, the second motivation is... my son, this is all for his sake, for the sake of his wife, son, so that the son understands that his dad is strong, that nothing has changed, he is like that , as he was, had a dream three days in a row somewhere that i was standing with my child holding one hand, it was somewhere in italy, very high stairs and there is no other way, only up, and i have an iron leg, and i understand that i cannot take this first step, so now , in reality, the dream is to really take his hand and
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climb somewhere on the stairs with him, but this dream will not come true it's so simple, even to vasyl , they say... the specialists of the center are unbreakable, a small section of the bone remains, and it is a very small lever for controlling the prosthesis , that is, it is difficult for him to control the knee, it is difficult to control the prosthesis in general, but vasyl confidently steps towards his dream, he every day masters the modicum on the prosthesis, improves it and together with prosthetists are looking for all possible technological solutions that can facilitate the management of an artificial leg, and it seems that it is not pressing, and also vasyl... really wants to go back to his da vinci wolves. vasi is a very professional fighter, that is, he is a person who must pass on the experience that he has. i would like to be useful to them , that is, as much as possible, they would ask me as vasya's friend and, probably, how i would visit him there, as a good friend of his wife
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kateryna, then of course i will tell you that i would like vasyl to stay at home , brought up son and what... he gave as much as he could to this war. iryna zaslavets, karina shvets and maksym musiyan, stb window program, only news marathon. more than 60% of ukrainians celebrated christmas this year on december 25, along with the rest of the world. however, a significant part still considers the new year as the greatest holiday. and this is not surprising, because during the times of the soviet union, the authorities tried to destroy ukrainian religious holidays by replacing them with parties. and they wanted to send christmas into oblivion altogether, instead creating a cult of the new year, and replacing nicholas with santa claus. ksenia pavlyshyn will tell why it was so important for the imperial authorities to erase the traditions and cultural manifestations of the ukrainian nation and whether the new year will lose its weight by giving it back to christmas, to which it rightfully belongs. the shevchenko family
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celebrated christmas for the first time this year on december 25. last year it seemed unusual, but in two years. war, says anna, i wanted to have nothing to do with russia even in this holiday, i don't want to be brothers for a long time, i also want to have our own history and traditions, and well, before we celebrated our prashory christmas on the 25th, it is correct and logical that we now want to return to these traditions and celebrate in... from the russians anna's sons stepan and platon prepared for this year's christmas more responsibly than usual, learned christmas carols and prepared a christmas stolen independently. anna says she wants to make christmas a more important holiday than the new year, at least in her family. this year, we already gave up the celebration as such in the traditional sense, as it
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was for the new year, that is, we agreed with the children that they receive new gifts on nicholas and at christmas, but without a new year, because you know, well, we can't live. as before. this year, according to marketers' survey, more than 60% of ukrainians celebrated christmas with the entire western christian world. last year, this share was less than 40%, and in the near future of 2021 , there were only 11% of ukrainians. christmas is one of the most important, if not the most important holiday in western society, we celebrate together with europe. undoubtedly, such cultural unity. is currently important for us, such a massive transition, the expert is convinced, is another one step away from moscow, which actually once tried to steal christmas from ukrainians and plant new traditions with proletarian
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holidays. the last ukrainians celebrated christmas on december 25 in 1917. in 1918, the gregorian calendar was introduced, and christmas was moved to january 7. and since the 20s , the policy of liberating the working masses from religious superstitions began. actually, ukrainians were banned from celebrating christmas. the soviet authorities tried to destroy any manifestations of national identity among enslaved peoples, traditions - this is a vivid such cultural manifestation. the soviet authorities understood the power of religion, which performed not only some religious, but also ideological functions, that is, through the church you could influence people, and the soviet authorities faced the fact that the influence of the church was greater at the beginning than the influence of the communist party. at the same time , the soviets faced the task of creating... a new soviet man and imposing his ideology, worldview, values, and even holidays and symbols. after active anti-religious propaganda and the ban on christmas, sovoki in general
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created the new year cult led by santa claus as the number one holiday. and the rest of the religious holidays were replaced by six revolutionary and 10 special days of rest in order to fill the religious ritual with a new revolutionary meaning, for example, in 1922, on january 7, the bolsheviks held another congress of the rcp. this is how defender of the fatherland day appeared, march 8 - soviet women's day, may 1 became workers' day, and the new year became the country's largest celebration, delaying christmas and attracting one of the main christmas attributes, the christmas tree, st. nicholas, as a character, the soviet authorities tried to push out of the culture, replacing him with santa claus. of course, the unification of the population, due to the fact that it renounces the religious traditions that distinguished it. among different peoples and among different representatives of different confessions, was also the task of the soviet authorities. the authorities tried
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to deprive the religious holidays of their importance, even after resuming the activity of the church, stalin forced it to speak to the people in the language of the communist party and to follow the soviet ideology. then there was a completely artificial structure was created, the so-called patriarchy was restored, but this was all by the decision of the central committee of the party. ussr, because of that, and now there is no reason to be surprised why this church is still in such a close connection with the state, and in fact performs servile functions, as we say, that is, servant functions. however , in the western regions that became part of the ussr, only in the 1940s, christmas was celebrated more brightly than the new year, lyudmila filipovych says. ivan malkovich comes from the kosiv district of ivano-frankivsk region remembers how the father dressed up as st. nicholas every year and greeted all the children of their village with gifts, and we all had such a pious fear of him, because it
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was a whole performance with nicholas, but in him once again some native features appeared, and we too my sister realized that he is very similar to our dad, and i think that i can still hear how these little hearts... you know, are beating in my chest from this pious fear that nicholas will come now. ivan malkovich is convinced that christmas will soon become much more meaningful for ukrainians, rather than the new year, because it is primarily based on traditions, traditions form national identity. if , you know, all this was revealed to the easterners, then they, then, then, well, these are real people who somehow ended up there on st. nicholas or on christmas on... or on easter, then they became the same even then , you know, very zealous, supporters, because they saw that it exists, that it lives. despite careful attempts to replace in...
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ukrainian holidays with party holidays, to unify the identity with the rest of the enslaved nations, the soviets never succeeded in this, although the new year still remains a significant holiday for ukrainians. however, according to ludmila filipovych, with the transition of christmas celebrations to december 25, along with the entire western world, ukrainians realized its true value. therefore, it is quite likely that in a few years , traditions will win over imperialism, which the soviets have been cultivating for decades. ksenia pavlyshyn, ihor shatailo, oleksiy yevchenko, yevhen zozulya, viktor. this is the end of our issue, thank you for your attention, i wish you peace and have a peaceful evening and night and glory to ukraine.
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chevorony, approaching victory. you can be whoever you want. you can be whoever you want. you can be whoever you want. you can become whoever you want. thanks to them , minefields become offensive routes, bridges and crossings appear on rivers, reliable barricades grow on combat positions, thanks to them we can effectively attack and defend ourselves. they destroy enemy equipment and
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save. the life of the infantry: they go ahead of the first, to break the way to our victory. glory to the engineering troops of the armed forces of ukraine. strength, will and perseverance. they have been passed down from father to son for centuries, and i am the one who carries the cossack strength engraved on my heart. and cossack glory, i am the one who carries the glory of freedom-loving ancestors, whose unyielding will lives on to this day. i am the one who for centuries carries the spirit of struggle and ideas, the one who will never bow down to the enemy. i am a soldier of ukraine. "unbroken and
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unconquered, i will defend the land given to me by god, and always believe in my invincibility. searching for myself in new circumstances, a challenge that overcome thousands of defenders. to help them in this process, the state created a grant program for veterans and their family members, which is implemented by the ministry of economy. of ukraine. applying for a veteran's grant is easy and convenient through actions. apply and receive up to uah 1 million to start or develop your own business. privatization is important for industry because it is the creation of the new from the old. look, the state has inactive industrial sites, so it sells them to an entrepreneur who will create their base is new production, and with it, jobs, profits and benefits.
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privatization from the state fund. property of ukraine, we have, we take care of it, we develop it, i am a russian warship, i propose to lay down our weapons and surrender. ukraine, neither glory nor god. king, we still have to take it, and fate will smile at mologina, our witches will change like cross-country in the sun.


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