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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EET

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and the least i can do for this is to share my blood. i do this very sincerely and with only one note. thank you, hero. hospitals need donated blood every day. one donor can save three lives. donate blood, save the hero. according to statistics, almost 50% of children are not at all. share their experiences with their parents. imagine what a big percentage that is. children have developed mistrust, mistrust of the world. before, they were always told, everything will be fine, yes, everything will be fine, everything will be for the best. and they believed, and then the war came, a war that destroyed that trust. it intensified in her, the fear of the dark, because, well , it wasn't there before. even such an urgent
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problem, the war started, then my grandfather called us and said that we were going to the village, well, the village, by the way, was also close to kharkiv, we heard explosions there, then we decided to go to lviv, then from lviv in ivano-frankivsk, here i stopped being afraid of the dark, well, now i'm also a little... but not so much when it's dark, it seems to me that there are some prices there, well, i still have a pulley opposite clothes, it's generally very terrible there, as if there is a tree or some kind of monster, i don't know, i told about it, well, two months ago, i don't know why you didn't tell about it before that.
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i didn't feel guilty there for what i missed, no, on the contrary, i had the feeling that i noticed all this very early on, and now we can work with it, and she can not be afraid to talk about it, and it is very important that children talk about their feelings to adults, they should not be on each other with their fears and with their feelings, what this fear of the dark was about, it was... a fear of the dark, which said that i want support, i want my mother or father to be with me, a stable adult, so that it would be easier for me to go through the experiences that are within. currently, the most common fears are fears of the dark, these are fears of being alone, and these are fears of loud sounds or unexpected even sounds, and even there are still fears of air alarms and ... how
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to react, panic attacks, in addition to fears, they remain relevant today, this deterioration of parent-child relations, and this smoothly follows from the fact that children do not know how to express and share their emotions with their parents, this is, you know, a very delicate issue, first of all, you need to pay attention to the extent to which it is generally accepted in the family... to talk about feelings so that the child can to express their feelings, to begin with, parents should also express these feelings to their children , show by their example what their reaction is to that other event, do not hide it, then the child will learn to express these feelings too, it is necessary to talk about emotions in general, which is not important , these are good emotions or bad emotions, there is no such thing, because they are all very... important,
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i would recommend paying attention if your child is in such a depressed state for a long time, this state is so prolonged, depressed, or there are conversations about the futility of life, this is such an important flag: if the child begins to sleep badly, sleep is disrupted, complains about night terrors, if the child's appetite changes, this is a must, if the child withdraws... to himself and stops communicating with parents, friends, environment we must pay attention to self-harming behavior, if you see that your child damages his skin, a hair, or tears off his legs, bites them, in adolescence it can be various scratching, scratching, you must pay attention to this, and these you know, such markers, yes, proportions,
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they don't directly say that she wants to hurt herself, no, she doesn't need to, the child is trying to survive the pain inside, in some ... way, and it signals to the parents: turn, please attention, pay attention, because to me we need your help, when for a very long time we do not pay attention to various manifestations, changes in behavior, some atypical behavior that the child had before, then it can become such a chronic condition, the child can really start to self-harm, suicidal thoughts can appear, because it may seem that i am completely alone, no one understands me , no one hears me, i have already done this, and i have done this, i am already doing this, and still i am not heard, and here it is important not to blame the child who it does, and to understand the reason behind which it falls
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this behavior we cannot delay, because it signals that the child needs help now, the child... to help stabilize, return to a normal state, to live his emotions correctly, and for this, an adult is needed by his side. chevrons approaching victory. you are not born a marine, you become a marine, you become one thanks to constant training, thanks to the support and help of your comrades and commanders. join the friendly family of brave in spirit and faithful to the oath sons and daughters of the motherland, beat the enemy
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together with the best cossacks of our time, contact the representatives of the center of equipping and recruiting of the marine corps in your rtcc and sp, or call us at the number on the screen. greetings, friend, i am marichka padelko, a tv presenter and mother of three children. i'm sorry i don't know your name, i'd like to know what kind of work you did before the full-scale war, what coffee, drank and what you dreamed about, but i know something else: one day you went to defend what was dear to you and to all of us, our ukraine. the man is also at the front, and i understand how difficult the trials are war forces to pass every day. your wound hurts me, i really want you to get well, and the least i can do for that is to share my blood. i do this very sincerely and
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with only one note. thank you, hero. the hospital needs donor blood every day. one donor can save three lives. donate blood. save the hero.
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with a single, stubborn and uncompromising struggle, we showed the world that ukraine exists, that its people live and... fight for their right, their freedom and state independence. supreme commander-in-chief of ukraine troops of simon petliura. glory to ukraine. history
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repeats itself, just one after the other. 100 years ago, just like today, russia attacked ukraine, began the occupation of ukrainian lands, just like that. like today, it started from the east and even reached kyiv, and here we all experienced it, had this experience when the russian army was there. on the approaches to the ukrainian capital 100 years ago, the russian army invaded and captured the ukrainian capital, how did the ukrainian authorities try to sway the west in support of ukraine under those circumstances, how did they counter it then lies of russian propaganda? i am tina persunko, a researcher of the history of cultural diplomacy of the ukrainian people's republic. when i found all these materials in the archive, it was actually a scientific discovery.
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central archive of higher authorities of ukraine. the most important state documents are stored here, starting from 1917. one of the funds numbered 3965 has not been seen or investigated for almost 100 years. about 20,000 pages. laws, orders, newspaper clippings from around the world that have preserved a unique history for us. ukrainian republican chapel of the ukrainian people's republic. what was so bad about it? to the people's chorus that it was so carefully hidden, this story began on january 1
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, 1919, at a time when, after centuries of occupation by tsarist russia, the independent ukrainian people's republic of with its power, language and culture. in the young theater on prorizny street in kyiv, there was a sumptuous evening in honor of the poet mykola voronoi. voronoi's anniversary fell just at the happy time of the liberation of ukraine from the oppressors. so, something unheard of in recent history happened, the poet was welcomed people's government vynnychenko was also there, petlyura was there, the entire state political elite was there at this concert. les kurbas
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read the poems of the jubilee, the kyiv choir sang songs by mykola leontovych, oleksandr koshyts conducted. at that time, in the 18th and 19th, and even a year earlier, košice was truly a star, a phenomenal conductor, a very visible artistic phenomenon,
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the concert made a strong impression on simon petliura. before becoming the head of the ukrainian state, petlyura was a journalist and cultural expert, wrote theatrical and literary criticism, so he knew art brilliantly. he was responsible for a very interesting combination, the ministry of war and the ministry of arts, well... that's how much the importance of this combination is still preserved, that is, we still have a hybrid front, it consists of this, the military front and the cultural front. that evening with choral singing led petliura to an unusual and bold idea. art affects human souls directly. and petlyura could understand this as a theater critic, and he knew the power of music. the next one petliura day called to him the composer kyryll stetsenko, who headed the musical
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direction at the ukrainian national people's republic, and the conductor oleksandr kosyts himself. at the audience, petliura, addressing me , said: "in a week, it will be organized for kapela's trip abroad," and then, he added, laughing: "i will shoot." the urgency of petlyura's order was easy to understand. there was a war on ukrainian territory at that time, the russians were advancing, the world was not too favorable to ukraine. the international situation for ukraine was very difficult. the first world war has ended. war, and germany and austria-hungary, which were allies of ukraine in this war, lost. at that time, ukrainian independence was recognized only by the states defeated in the first world war, the rest of europe officially did not. any diplomacy is a pragmatic thing. those who benefit, he recognizes, those who do not benefit,
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he does not. well, england, america and france, they focus on the entente, on russia. russia... part of the entente, if they recognize ukraine, they enter into, let's say, a confrontation with russia. as of january 1919, russian troops already occupied a significant part ukrainian territory, their units were approaching kyiv. europe did not like the bolsheviks too much, but the europeans were in no hurry to support the unrecognized ukraine in order to fight them. europe then was not on the side of independent ukraine, it was on the side of the good russians, the bad russians, those were the bad bolsheviks, the good russians were the white army of russia, led by kolchak and denikin, who actually came from zagrabast in kyiv. on january 18
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, paris started in france. the conference at which the post-war division of europe was established. the key the floor at the conference was for france, great britain and the usa. the big three decided the fate of humanity, drew a new map of the world and a new map of europe. it was crucial for the future of ukraine that the international community recognized its statehood. ukrainians hoped to receive. independence, because the previous preliminary speeches of the heads of the country, first of all wilson, the american president, said that those countries, those peoples that made up the austrian empire, should get their independence, and the ukrainians of galicia were part of the austrian empire, but
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russia, the main contender for ukrainian territory , did everything. to discredit ukrainians as a nation and a subject of international politics, separatists, traitors, little russians, an integral part of the russian people, this is what europe heard about us, russian propaganda and the bolshevik and white movements, it was extremely powerful, and it was, and both, it was fundamentally anti-ukrainian. in these circumstances, ukraine had to put forward a convincing argument for the measure. to prove: ukraine is not russia. with such force for petlyura's idea was to become a ukrainian song performed by the ukrainian republican band. simon petlyura felt that this would be a great reinforcement of the ukrainian diplomatic mission, which was currently in france.
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it was quite an adventurous decision to create a hurray, having a war on the approaches to the capital. of course, not everyone understood and supported him. why does she go abroad, so that the bourgeoisie of vienna, prague, paris, london, slumped in their chairs, clap their ears, listening to a song filled with the blood of ukraine, forget the pitiable situation with your song, you will not make any politics with this. nevertheless, petlyura's order was carried out. a draft law on kapela was prepared in a week, and it was already approved by the council of people's ministers in three. considerable funds were earmarked for the upkeep of the chapel in the treasury of the ukrainian people's republic. this is how we
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prepare for eurovision every year, we hold such artistic talent shows, competitions, qualifiers, everything. these tours, and at that time there was also a selection, there was a commission, the music department of the ministry of culture was convened, then it sent an announcement to all regional newspapers, its departments, that recruitment was underway the best singers, necessary conditions for joining the chapel: an outstanding voice, good knowledge of notes, ukrainian consciousness and activity, you must have certificates from ukrainian organizations. about work for the benefit of the ukrainian people, a certain minimum of intelligence, in addition, it would be desirable to know foreign languages. selected an expert commission with the participation of košyts, he was approved as the chief conductor of the chapel,
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oleksandr kushyts became the cultural promoter, head and missionary of this project, who at that time, which was january 1919, he already the most famous, the most professional ukrainian conductor, who felt the stage very well. knew, was in love with the ukrainian repertoire, exactly 100 choristers were selected, rehearsals began in the last days of january: these basses can rule the world, choir member kyrylo mykolaichuk described his first expressions. we know that there were six octave players in the koscza chapel, these are unique six voices, basses that sing extremely low notes, that is, inaccessible to a normal person. all hurists were enrolled in
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the civil service. that is, according to its status, the chapel was a government institution of the ukrainian people's republic. the choir had a state seal, singers, official certificates. it was before. the state project of cultural diplomacy in the history of modern ukraine. the rapid advance of russian troops on kyiv put the foreign mission at risk of disruption. oleksandr koshyts himself lost hope. on january 26, he evacuated to ternopil, and as he himself said. in allegro mode hit. the story could have ended there, if not for the head of the music department, kyrylo stetsenko, who
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risked evacuating the chapel to kamianets podilskyi. february 4, 10 am, standing carriages without a steam engine, they are teeming with people in and on them. for some reason, everyone believes that these cars are sweat. and that he will leave, although everyone knows very well that there is no longer any administration at the station and not a single steam train under steam, somewhere behind the station guns are slowly rumbling. the republican chapel left on the last evacuation train. on february 5, kyiv was captured by the russians. it just literally echoes in these days of the end of february and the beginning of march, remember the kyiv station, what was done, so i
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understand my grandfather very well, how much he responsibility to the pill and ukraine was enough not to run away from kyiv, to continue to fulfill the tasks of the government, it is surprising that about a third of the selected hundred choristers decided to go on the road. in their memories, they called it a cursed journey: a broken railway, fighting, blizzards and blizzards. the trip from kyiv to kamianets lasted two weeks. zhmerenko station, february 8. everything around is covered with snow so that it is impossible to get out of the car. we are starving. grechany station, february 11. at 10 o'clock in the evening, a train caught us and took us, but it didn't take long. got up a terrible blizzard, the train stopped in the middle of the field,
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drifted by snow. i'm writing this at three o'clock in the morning because i can't fall asleep, it's blowing terribly through the broken window. in the middle of a clean field in the snow, february 12. a terrible headache, and a runny nose does not allow to live. in the morning, we were pulled out of the snowdrift and returned to the grechany station. thursday, february 13. they drove for a short time, again got stuck in the snow behind the greeks. friday, february 14. we almost drove into the other world, somewhere around 7 o'clock in the morning , a disaster happened. the train hit the snow and derailed. for two weeks they suffered in these wagons, it's all evacuation, the russian army is forever chasing them, who... of course wanted
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to get all the promised millions and all this state protectorate from the government, and where was that simon petlyu rejoicing, where all these ministers ran away, well, it was all very difficult , in approximately the same spirit , oleksa prykhodko, the representative of the chapel, brought in the state money promised to the choristers. she was already carried in bags, in suitcases, in some kind of bags, do you understand? it was not electronic money, it was necessary to collect cash and so on, so that it would not be stolen on the way in conditions of war and banditry i get into the cattle car , which is full of soldiers, i hear that this civilian wants here, it is a military train, what to do with it, i am ready to be thrown out, but how will i really be thrown out, and i decide as soon as the train
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stops, immediately. .. i jump out, i jump out, it's dark all around, but i see lights in the distance, obviously a station, i jump over some wires, wet snow is falling, i'm walking on the lights. everything ended well. when both the choristers and the money were in the treasury, rehearsals could begin. oleksandr koshyts was generally surprised that the choir left. but special ones the singers did not expect professional apologies for what they had experienced. at the first song, the band made a terrible impression on me. i have not seen such a choral rag in my life. the parties are out of proportion, they don't know how to sing, they howl like wolves, a mass of voiceless people, it was hard to watch. he was very strict.
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but he was terribly loved because he was not angry, he demanded, he was harsh often, but very convincing as a musician. for more than a month, the choir stayed in kamianets podilskyi. here, singers were selected for the chapel and taught repertoire and the french language, which was then the basis of diplomatic communication. during this time, the ministry of foreign affairs sent out in official letters with a request to contribute to the chapel. from kamianets, the choir goes to ivano-frankivsk, then to stanislaviv. it was there that their first joint photo was taken. conducting the chapel, the commandant of stanislavov , teodor rozhankovsky, delivered a symbolic farewell speech. go, dear sisters.
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brothers, to the tumult of the whole song on the happy path to complete victory, lift up and carry high that red viburnum, let the world marvel, let native ukraine will rejoice in the family of free cultural nations. in april 1919 , the republican chapel left the ukrainian people's republic and immediately felt what it was like: to be with ukraine forever. the authorities of czechoslovakia and the local intelligentsia treated the kapelians with hostility, and the gendarmerie initially decided that they were bolshevik agitators. the city gendarme, suspecting us of bolshevism, ordered all the chaplains to be caught in the city and sent under escort to the police. it was very interesting to see all the chaplains together with košice in the same room
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at the position. arrested, all of course joked, but at the same time, everyone had some kind of bad feeling in their hearts. they searched , then, when the ukrainians declared that we are not, not that we are not bolsheviks, we are not even russians, we are ukrainians, we are citizens of the independent ukrainian people's republic, and the czechs say, what is this, what other independent ukrainian people's republic , we know about the only indivisible russia, the tsarist mother, not the bolshevik one. they put us in a huge room with portraits of austrian emperors. they read to us from the top of the russian mono-nidilim ideas a lecture about pushkin, gogol, tolstoy and the great and deep russian culture. but when these good men, apparently offended, raised.


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