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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EET

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so now it's news time and khrystyna porubiy is ready to share information about the most important thing at the moment. congratulations, colleagues, thank you, well, it continues to explode in russia, where exactly, i will tell you more in detail in a moment, as well as about the situation in the regions of ukraine, so don't miss it. 10 o'clock on the clock is the time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. two victims of russian attacks on zaporozhye: a 54-year-old man and a 63-year-old woman died in the village of plavni due to being hit by an art projectile.
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a 76-year-old resident of orikhov was also injured - yuriy malashko, the head of the regional military administration, said. the occupiers raided the region 134 times per day, shelling 23 settlements. one injured due to russian shelling of kherson region. the occupiers shelled the region more than 120 times per day, - reported the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. damaged quarters, medical and educational institutions, building administration, a library and a station in the kherson district, as well as a factory in berislavsky. destroyed school and water supply. the russians had previously attacked kharkiv with s-300 missiles the night before. one of them hit an educational institution in osnovyansk district. the head of the region oleg senigubov reported. part of the two-story building collapsed. in... houses,
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the windows of which were shattered by the blast wave. in one of the apartments, rescuers found a man locked in his home. emergency personnel unlocked the front door. at the point of impact , a hole with a diameter of about 10 m was formed, which quickly filled with water, so the rescuers assume that the underground water supply was damaged. the number also increased victims of yesterday's mass attack on the city. 62 people were injured, including six children, two more people died. but it is restless in russian belgorod. at night , explosions rang out there, an air alarm roared. the local governor, vyacheslav gladkov , said that on the way to the city, they shot down, as it were, nine aerial targets. there is destruction in the private sector, as usual, with no casualties. according to the governor, on december 2, belgorod was attacked three times, and this morning in the city of...
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an air alert was again reported, and in the neighboring kurdish oblast announced the alleged shelling of an electric substation and the blackout of several settlements, due to voltage drops , the heating line broke, there are problems with heating. explosions rang out in crimea as well, local media reports about an alleged attack on the belbek military airfield. there seemed to be two explosions. at the same time, the occupation governor... of sevastopol was amused, announcing that a missile had been shot down over the black sea. and the number of victims of the russian missile attack on kyiv on december 29 has increased. another person died in the hospital from his injuries. in total due to the attack that day killed 30 people, another 29 were wounded, the kyiv city military administration reported. let me remind you that the russians fired more than 30 rockets at the capital. all destroyed our defenders. however, debris damaged the building. in several districts of the city and
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lukyanivska metro station. 130 wounded and five dead. such are the consequences of the massive russian attack on ukrainian cities on january 2. the enemy launched almost 100 missiles of various types, and the trajectories were calculated by the enemy to cause the most damage, president volodymyr said in his evening address zelensky it. completely conscious terror, and in just a few days of these last days from december 29, and until today, russia has already used almost 300 missiles and more than 200 shaheds against ukraine, no state has yet repelled similar strikes, combined with drones and missiles, and in that including aeroballistic ones, 10 daggers were shot down today alone, i thank...
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every soldier of our air forces, armed forces of ukraine, all fighters of mobile fire groups, every anti-aircraft gunner, all those in the world who are already helping ukraine with weapons. to protect the sky. us secretary of state anthony blinken and british foreign minister david cameron discussed aid to ukraine in a telephone conversation, the us state department reported. the conversation also discussed the safety of navigation in the black sea and the improvement of the humanitarian situation in the gaza strip. deliveries of chinese high-precision machines to russia. increased tenfold, this makes it possible to quickly produce complex components for defense production, writes the financial times. by according to the data of the russian customs, only in july of last year, pokin supplied machines worth 68 million dollars, while in february
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2022, only 6.5 million. at the same time, moscow imports machines from taiwan and south korea. in november, washington tightened sanctions against such companies. they may affect some chinese manufacturers. another 680 russians destroyed the armed forces of ukraine in a day, and in total , the occupation army of russia was reduced by more than 361 thousand soldiers since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. in addition, our defense forces burned seven bmps, 15 an artist and three means of enemy air defense. they will no longer serve the invaders. 40 units of cars and special equipment, and ukrainian air defense forces destroyed 73 cruise missiles and 36 russian drones. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. our military advanced
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in the verbovoy region of zaporozhye and forced the russians to retreat from some positions. in addition, our defenders repelled an enemy attack near the robot. and also... they improved their positions further south-east novobakhmutivka in donetsk region. the situation in the avdiiv direction remains very difficult. the occupiers continue their assaults. they also tried to attack nine times on the left bank of the kherson region. during the day, 57 combat clashes took place at the front. our aviation and missile forces hit 14 enemy concentration areas. three anti-aircraft missile complexes, two control points, an artillery and radar system of the russians. as well as the composition of fuel and lubricant materials. master small arms: grenade launchers and uavs. civilians were taught in poltava. the school was dedicated in memory of the defender and hero of ukraine, vitaly hrytsaenko, who died last year at the front.
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the event was organized by relatives and friends of the hero. anna morozova will tell how everything happened. kateryna works in the section of tactical medicine. it will work here. first, the girl practices on others, and then she stops the blood circulation on herself, it hurts when it doesn't work, but you want to live, you have to twist, the hardest part is pain, it should be more than the pain of a wound, only then it will be the effect of tourniquets. at the next table, the girls look carefully weapons, but the instructor pushes to practice and encourages to try. take a machine gun 30 people joined the training, where the public organization voroskol shows basic combat skills and tells how to save life. my friends, everyone, well, almost
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everyone is now fighting, now at war, and this event, it is now dedicated to the memory of our fallen soldier vitaly hrytsienko. first of all , we must be involved in this, we must remember about them, we must remember that we are still in the full-scale second year of the whole 10 years. because the ukrainian army works with drones, and the civilian population is also trained to fly unmanned aerial vehicles. in fact, controlling a drone is not super complicated, it can be mastered by anyone. without exaggeration, the brain adapts to the fact that the finger does one thing, the drone does another, and it literally does not take much time. this school was named gogol in memory of the fallen defender vitaly hrytsienko, he not only defended the country, but also trained young soldiers in military
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affairs. the man was the deputy commander azov regiment, and he was engaged in the training of all the azov soldiers who came , as we called them, recruits, cadets, we took them to... who underwent training, and whoever passed this training, he became and received from the commander chevron azov himself, therefore, such events, which are held today, are necessary for our youth. the school is charitable, the organizers wanted to transfer the funds to the soldier's family, but they wanted to direct the funds to azov's urgent needs. we have those who, let's say, are our fallen comrades, friends, we plan to arrange regular memory schools. such memory studies will continue in 2024. anna morozova, bohdan proskorov from poltava for espresso tv channel. as a result of a powerful earthquake in the central japanese prefect'. at least 64 people died. according to the xinhua news agency,
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the region was shaken by two powerful earthquakes in the evening and in the morning . the extent of the destruction remains unknown, as debris and damaged roads hamper search and rescue operations. the local authorities continue to receive information about people trapped under the rubble of buildings. and with this i conclude the issue. see you at 11 o'clock. we are back, thank you for watching spresso, we welcome everyone who joins us at this moment, we also remind you that we are collecting uah 5 million to buy drones for our defenders, for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar, we remember drones for... there are not many, they are always not enough, join us, bank number,
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card number and qr code, you can find it on our screen in a moment, you can also see it on our all this is available on the page, its goal is ambitious , but we really need to buy these drones, so let's work with the following strategy: here you go for coffee, spent 100 uah on coffee and donated 100 uah, went to the theater for 300 uah per ticket and donated 300 uah and ... i think that then the meeting will go faster, and it will be a little easier for our boys and girls at the front. and we are going further and will talk about international security, about how to work further for ukraine, in particular with our international partners, we are talking with taras zhovtenko, international security expert of the democratic initiatives foundation. glory to ukraine, mr. taras, glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. mr. taras, let's start with the correct statement made by the minister of foreign affairs. excitement
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and waved a finger that in the distant future russia or something will be responsible instead of it, he himself clearly said that it is enough to make silly sanctions that still allow russia to mass-produce weapons of mass destruction, it is necessary to... provide long-range weapons, and i understand that he spoke in particular about the atakamsa and about taurus, missiles with which you can destroy these workshops, launchers and in fact in this way save ukraine from massive missile strikes, because we are the first in the history of the world, a country that repelled a mass hypersonic attack, this has never happened in the entire history of warriors and the world, in this case, to what extent is the voice of the polish minister of foreign affairs heard in the countries of the european union that have these
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weapons? well, actually mr. sikorsky voiced absolutely correct things that should be said, it is clear that one statement will not change the situation, but it is important that these things were discussed at the level of individual member states of the european union and at the level of groups of member states. of the european union , with mr. sikorsky, i think, the representatives of the baltic countries, the representatives of the scandinavian countries and so on are absolutely in solidarity and in their statements congruent, that is, the more such voices there are in the european union itself, the faster those processes will move in the middle of the eu itself, which would actually allow those right things that mr. sikorsky talked about to be practically implemented, and well, in a big way account, we see that there is movement in these two key directions, in fact, that is, so to speak. about the sanctions policy, we see that already the 12th package of the european union
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, it pays much more practical attention to the issue of secondary sanctions and the issue of creating such an international mechanism so that those sanctions that were introduced by previous packages and those that, in theory, should limit russia's access to technologies, including those that can be used in the military-industrial complex, in order to the participants... of the previous packages, well, had the opportunity to directly punish those of their companies that bypass these sanctions, because in fact the problem here is that for the european union, at the level of the eu itself... there are no such generally accepted established mechanisms that would well, they performed exactly this function, that is , relatively speaking, they would punish those companies, those member states that allow their companies to circumvent these sanctions. the european union has always reduced it to the level of responsibility at the national level of each specific state, and therefore the situation
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was such that each government of each state could make the appropriate decision there. whether to punish your own company that works on its territory and pays taxes, or not to punish the fact that it circumvents these anti-russian sanctions there through third countries, it is obvious that the european union has begun to pay much more attention to this, that as regards the issue of weapons and the issue of providing ukraine with long-range systems, well, not just as a fact, but we perfectly understand that we are dealing with an enemy that outnumbers us prevails, so the quality and quantity of these weapons are important here, and... well, actually , the european union will obviously have the biggest problems with the quantity in the medium term, because we see that the countries of the european union are trying, so to speak, to move away from of their practice of the last several decades, starting from the 90s, when they paid a lot of attention to their military-industrial complexes, let's say, and
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they focused all the main resources primarily on the civilian economy, now they have to as quickly as possible, turn everything around by 180°, and here we must understand that in reality this is a colossal problem for our western partners, because all our western partners are, firstly, democracies, and secondly, developed countries market economies, and there in a manual mode, since the russian führer regulates it, yes, that he transferred money from one pocket to another and at the same time absolutely did not care that his population would be barefoot and hungry without eggs, excuse me and sit too, well, no one cares at all, our... western allies have to spend much more time on this, because , after all, the market economy is regulated a little differently, but we see that this process has also started, and here we are also moving in two directions, on the one hand building the potential of the military industry by the eu member states themselves, and accordingly their ability will increase to help us with the weapons that we want and that we need to win and to respond to
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such terrorist acts of russia. on the other hand, we are also negotiating with our western partners. on the joint production of weapons, about the granting of licenses, technologies, and so on, and accordingly, this increases the opportunities of the ukrainian military industry to produce the weapons that we need in order to respond in a mirror manner to such and such massive shelling, which the putin regime allows itself. mr. taras, what about the air defense system, we have decided whether europe is ready to share air defense systems with ukraine in order to protect us even more, because we see that they are testing different methods. and enter the cities from those sides where they hope that a little less works and is capable to train our air defense against their missiles, and the second question, the second part of this question, when a russian missile flew into the territory of poland, flew at a distance of 40 km from the border, then turned around, returned to ukraine, why, and their air defense followed it,
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why they didn't shoot down that missile, well actually. with air defense, we also saw such a rather positive dynamic and reaction from our western partners, it seems that the netherlands immediately announced that they and britain , in parallel with them, would provide ukraine with several hundred additional missiles to those of the anti-aircraft missile systems that we use and that, among other things , defended the ukrainian skies during these latest russian terrorist attacks. and i think that in parallel with the increase in the supply of missiles to ... air defense systems, the supply of additional launchers and additional batteries to these anti-aircraft missile complexes will also be considered, because in fact these are the modern western-made air defense systems that we use, they are, so to speak , created according to the principle of modularity, yes, that is, we can add to a specific complex
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additional radars, additional launchers and, accordingly, in this way to increase the potential already if only of those systems that we have in operation, that we have deployed, and returning to the question of the poles, well, in fact, it is clear here with the reaction of nato, yes, that is, there purely such international legal points did not allow the alliance to react in this situation at the level of the fifth article, because , let's say, the fifth article was written absolutely not for such incidents, and the russians, when they program the courses of their strike systems, and which fly through the territory of ukraine, so that they violate the airspace of the country. nato members, the russians perfectly understand what they are doing at the same time, yes, that is, well, this is a deliberate provocation that does not allow the alliance, well, to put into effect this fifth article of the washington treaty, but nevertheless, nato member countries individually. levels can react, and the question of why the poles did not react, here are several component answers to this question, the first component is that, well, obviously the polish air defense system
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was not ready for such a situation, because you remember back in the fall, the poles received several petrio complexes from germany in order to strengthen the defense of their eastern border, and the poles operated these complexes, it seems, until the beginning of december of the 23rd year, and at the beginning of december, the germans were punctual when they finished. expired, if this particular agreement, they took their patriots to their home in germany, it is obvious that the polish command did not have time to react correctly to this situation and did not strengthen the defense of the eastern border with its own anti-aircraft missile systems, that is, it is one part of the answer to the question, the second part is that, in the grand scheme of things, in order for the poles to be able to shoot down such russian missiles that fly into their territory as quickly and as reliably as possible, they still need as close coordination as possible with ukrainian forces the air force, because we see the full course of this missile, which
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the poles do not see, and, for example, in order to avoid a situation where the poles launch an interceptor missile on their territory, so to speak, somewhere near the border shoots down a russian missile, but this russian missile falls on a supposedly ukrainian town and destroys civilian objects, so that this does not happen, we have to constantly. to exchange information with our polish partners about what is happening, well , at least near the border in the airspace, and then it can be done as efficiently as possible, you are talking about the importance of information exchange, we know that our partners in europe and in ramstein and in everything else, they also carefully monitor such and by the way, i am talking about one information leak, which was also surely noticed, well, since yesterday it has been accelerating... including this information that the us ambassador to ukraine bridget brink has declared that now the command of the armed forces of ukraine will be
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independent to make decisions about the range of strikes on the territory of russia, from salvo fire, let marsiv and so on. well, such information was also tracked, it was dispersed since yesterday, it turns out that this is a very interesting thing, it appeared in the news feed of the blocked drain tank, but its they are watching on vpn, this is one of the criminals of guzhva, who escaped and his kryukova, she is the one who performs these roles, a girl who often went to moscow during the war, this is, well , it is better known in the people as stranaua, so they launched this infomercial yesterday at 18:35 in the news feed, and it's so classic. manipulation bridget bring said this phrase at a briefing on june 2, 22, i.e. 19 months ago, it was just an opinion, but when
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this information wave is thrown in, by such agents as srana ua and kryukova, how about it how do our partners react to such special operations and why do you think such subversive and dangerous activities of such people continue in ukraine. site users, i will start from the end to answer your question, but in fact, the kremlin uses a lot of hybrid tools in the fight against ukraine, and we must not forget that this war, which the putin regime is waging against us, is not only on the battlefield , it also goes in the information space, so your comment about the fact that this is actually the hybrid toolkit with which russia acts both against ukraine and through us, against our western partners, it should not... it should be removed, well, in the end, it should be done, not only a move in response like this, but , as they say, it is necessary to throw the appropriate toolkit at the russians , and use
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it against them. in this particular case, when we talk about this alleged statement and the fresh ambassador of the united states of america to ukraine, ms. brink, we must remember that the russians are preparing, and the further, the it will happen more actively before... the american presidential elections, yes, which will take place this year, and similar statements, which, although they appear in the ukrainian information space, but nevertheless they should be considered primarily as such, which are directed against the current administration of president biden, because, well , in this broader context of the struggle between the democrats and the republicans, in the broader context of the fact that it is much more profitable for the putin regime for the democrats and biden to lose this election, instead of his place in he took the office. uh, donald trump, well, these are the statements, uh, that are already later in the american media, by such american characters as the same tucker carlson, will be transformed into what you see, this is
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the administration. biden was completely defeated there, they don’t control the situation, they can’t at all, well, nothing can be done about the way the ukrainians use the weapons provided by the americans, it provokes war even more there and so on, these are all the narratives, and what too loves this trumpist wing of the republicans, that's exactly what they will feed on we can only confirm the veracity of your words with the information that the russian first of all drops through our sources, that's where papandopolos left the stage, and andryusha should leave today. derkachyts, what new investigations are there, in a word, this is exactly the kind of thing that will happen, and we simply once again call on the security service of ukraine to act in relation to enemies, such as this site, in the same way as to enemies on the battlefield. taras zhovtenko, we thank taras zhovtenko, international security expert, dem-initiative fund, we will make a small pause, then we will return, and serhiy zgurets will be in touch with us, we will talk,
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in particular, about yesterday's attack. to kyiv , which means that some of the missiles we fired at kyiv were manufactured in the fourth quarter of last year, so does this mean that the russians are running out of stock, or are they mixing something up, wait, there is a 15% discount on aquamaris in drugstores plantain, save money, there are discounts on tosmay, 15% in drugstores travel. bam and savings do you want to wake up rested and full of energy, but the old mattress constantly hurts the whole body, how can you turn around on the sofa, can't find a comfortable position? you need to improve your sleeping place. meet the stoper casper ortoollight mattress from the experts of mattress tv. an instant solution to the problem of an uncomfortable sofa or an old mattress at a good price. only 999 hryvnias. even with the possibility of free delivery. old sofas, uneven mattresses,
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presenters, presenters who have become many. like others, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on malice. by telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. we are back, thank you for watching espresso, we welcome everyone who joins us at this moment and such a diplomatic, elegant moment leaders.
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china and the united states of america exchanged.


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