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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, and we have a news release on a tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. the rashists reduced the number of infantry attacks in the taurian direction. over the past day, 25 combat clashes took place there. instead, the enemy is actively carrying out airstrikes - said the commander of the tavria military group oleksandr ternovskyi. in total, our soldiers eliminated 386 occupiers, four more surrendered. also, the armed forces of ukraine destroyed 40 pieces of equipment, including three armored combat vehicles cars, six art. systems of 14 drones and
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ammunition storage. a man died as a result of russian shelling of the village of sadove in the kherson region. this was announced by the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. one of the enemy shells hit a residential building. a local resident died under the rubble. rescuers found his body. and the number of injured people in the capital as a result of yesterday's rocket attack has increased to 54, according to reports. in the city military administration. most of the victims have mine-explosive injuries. in addition , there are two dead. in general in ukraine, five dead. it did not cause critical damage to the energy industry. one of the largest russian attacks on ukraine, which took place on january 2. as reported by the chairman of the board of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi. emergency crews were busy. liquidation of local
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consequences, and the power system was working in a balanced way all the time, so it was possible to fully restore the current within a few hours after the shelling. ukrainian energy once again passes the test of strength, although the last attack caused damage to energy facilities in the kyiv region, the damage is not critical, the power system remains balanced. there is no power shortage, schedules of planned outages are not applied. electricity supply in kyiv region has been restored for all families. they tried to enter hungary illegally. transcarpathian border guards detained 12 evaders. the organizer of the scheme took the men to the border with his own transport. for this, i received uah 12,00 from each. the driver and the offenders were detained together with the police.
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administrative offense reports were drawn up on them. they return home. 99% of ukrainians who left in 2023 have returned, the digital service for analyzing state data reports. therefore, last year more than 32 million border crossings were recorded, and only 42 thousand did not return to ukraine. and this is 15 times less than. in 2022, the peak of returns to ukraine was recorded in spring and summer. emergency officials in ternopil region created a corruption scheme. the security service is investigating more than ten civil service emergency officials. according to the investigation, the suspects received a 20% kickback from each contract for the opposite service, fire service, and for this they... registered enterprises
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that perform these works for their relative. during the searches, law enforcement officers found 250,000 hryvnias, as well as bank cards and documentation. ex-sbu general andriy naumov was released from prison in serbia. his documents were confiscated and he was banned from leaving the country, the bbc reported. naumov's lawyers filed a complaint against the decision on the ban on leaving. however, the court did not satisfy her. let me remind you that a former official headed the office of internal security of the security service of ukraine from 2019 to july 2021. a few hours before the start of the full-scale invasion, he left ukraine. to escape, he used minibuses with cash and jewelry. in shevchenkivsky district. kyiv judges today
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heard the case of the ex-head of katyvna isolation denys kulikovsky. our correspondent tetyana golunova, who is now in direct contact with us, was present at the meeting. tanya, it's me. i congratulate you and await the details of the verdict, announced to the accused. greetings, colleague, i congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. denys kulikovsky, the main executioner of isolation, was sentenced to 15 years in prison. today , the shevchenkiv district court sentenced him to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property. i will remind you that... that he was found guilty of torture, of organizing and personally participating in the torture of ukrainian prisoners of war, and in particular, kolikovsky personally gave orders regarding the brutal torture of prisoners of war. and i suggest now to listen to the comment of the lawyer,
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the representative of the injured party. for me in general, it is very important that at least in some form this sentence exists, and that it will delay. of this person kolupovsky was extremely resonant, we, i think, the whole society knows that he was in kyiv for two years, and for me, as a lawyer, it is still important that he be brought to justice, and there is already a verdict. kolikovsky personally confirmed his participation in the torture of prisoners of war, during the interrogation, the video recording was published. i will remind you that isolation is a russian torture chamber in donetsk, which was formed after the occupation in 2014, and the sentences handed down by isolation are handed down by illegal judges of the dpr, and it is also well known
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about numerous cases of torture, and i also want to say that the beginning of the execution of the sentence of the main executioner kulikovsky will be counted from november 9, 2021. that's all for me, so, colleague, i i give you the word. thank you tanya, it was our correspondent tetyana golonova from the capital. and we move on to the following news: elderly people were attacked, law enforcement officers were exposed by a criminal group in odesa. criminals broke into women's apartments at night, stole money and valuables items, so they were caught red-handed during an attempted attack on the home of an 85-year-old odesa woman. group organizer. turned out to be a citizen of moldova, as well as an employee of the charitable foundation. she collected data on victims who received cash payments. all those involved were arrested and face up to 15 years behind bars. in russian belgorod
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, it was reported about the successful operation of anti-aircraft defense, but for some reason , all shopping centers were closed for two days. eyewitnesses reported that at night in the city. had powerful explosions. according to local authorities belgorod was allegedly attacked by six missiles of the operational-tactical missile complex point. in and vilkha rocket salvo fire system. as usual, all targets were knocked down. there is destruction in the private sector, but no casualties. and in the neighboring kursk region , they announced the alleged shelling of an electric substation and the destabilization of several settlements. due to voltage drops, a breakthrough occurred. heating lines have problems with heating. additional sanctions were introduced by the council of the european union against russia's largest diamond company and its general director. the organization published the relevant decision on its website. therefore, the alrosa company accounts for more than 90%
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of all russian diamond mining. therefore, the ban on their import should deprive the refiya of a significant source of income. i will remind i grant that since the beginning of this year, a complete ban on the import of natural and synthetic diamonds from russia, as well as diamond jewelry, has been in effect in the eu. as a result of a powerful earthquake in the central japanese prefecture of ishikawa , at least 64 people died. as reported xinhua news agency, two powerful earthquakes rocked the region the previous evening and morning . the extent of the destruction remains unknown, as debris and damaged roads hamper search and rescue operations. local authorities continue to receive information about people trapped under the rubble of buildings.
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that was the news for this time, we will see you at 15 o'clock, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch. literally in a moment your daytime broadcast my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin barkovskyi will start on the espresso tv channel. the information day of the tv channel in rozpol 10 is for the second time live in the studio of marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskiy and we remind you of our tv viewers. about the collection for drones, which the espresso tv channel is conducting in order to help the 93rd separate
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mechanized brigade of the cold ravine, these soldiers have been actively defending our state since 2014 and have visited such hot spots as donetsk airport, ilovaisk, battles for sumy region and kharkiv region , soladar and bakhmut, and currently the defenders need kami-kaze drones in sufficient quantity, they can stop almost any offensive and any assault actions of the enemy in a matter of minutes, well , we know where there are no... the wings of a drone, the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost, therefore , let's do everything possible together to preserve the life and health of our soldiers. now you see on the screen your own link to mono and private bank, the qr code is available for you and there are also card numbers. our goal is uah 5 million. let's do everything possible together to close this collection. let's do everything possible together to close this collection. thank you martha. well, dear tv viewers, if you have the appropriate opportunity, then you have seen the qr code, so join
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the meetings of the tv channel, with your support it was possible to do this more than once. i am now joining our marathon with vladyslav seleznyi, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 14-17 years. glory to ukraine, mr. colonel, we congratulate you. friends, i congratulate you. glory. well, i'll start with the message of the ministry of defense of the great. british, there believe that russia has, at least temporarily , changed its approach to striking ukraine from a long distance, targeting defense capabilities rather than energy infrastructure. the recent strikes were most likely aimed primarily at the defense industry of ukraine, according to british intelligence officers. this contrasts with last winter's major attacks, which prioritized energy infrastructure. on the other hand, we understand that the enemy. constantly changes its tactical approaches, well , in general, if we are talking about the big one
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the strategy of the enemy, in particular with the use of missile weapons, how, how does it all look? looks like this: you should not underestimate the enemy, his capabilities , in particular intelligence are quite powerful, a network of spies, i think, operates directly in those territories that are under the control of the ukrainian authorities, and the latest large-scale missile and drone attacks... absolutely rightly noted towards the objects of the military and military infrastructure, therefore it is very important for the enemy to weaken the combat potential of the ukrainian army as much as possible, for that he kisses, kisses on military facilities, on facilities of the defense-industrial complex of our country, on facilities that are related to the ukrainian defense forces, and unfortunately, due to the massive use of missile and drone potential, quite densely, such attacks are reported, there is already public information. that one of the largest manufacturers, accordingly, of equipment for
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the needs of the ukrainian army has suffered relevant damage, not all information is public, but we must understand counterintelligence measures, or rather their strengthening on the territory of our country is one of the important, perhaps even the key factors that will allow us to block any attempts by the enemy to find out exactly where, in what volumes production is taking place for... the needs of the ukrainian army, because to transfer all production outside the borders of our country is an extremely difficult mission, connected primarily with the complication, the serious complication of logistics itself. it was always believed that kyiv is the most protected region of our country, a powerful air defense system, as we see, they did not fully protect the city, and it is obvious why, because the enemy used a huge number of drones, used missiles that are capable of... up to hypersonic speed and used different types
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of sea, land, and air missile bases in order to spy on our air defense system, and although general valery zaluzhin notes that if we had not managed to shoot down the same shkkinzhals the consequences and destruction would have been catastrophic in scale, nevertheless, even what flew to the designated targets, it is terrifying. we you understand that the enemy has considerable potential at the beginning of a full-scale missile attack, as recently as a week ago, it was noted that about 870 rockets were stored on... together with enemy drones, and we know that the enemy managed to localize the production of the same shaheds, shaheds 131 -s, the shahedov 136th on the territory of the russian federation, and therefore the missile and drone attacks will continue, and again, regarding the timing, the spokesman
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for the air force command, mr. egnat, says that once every four days... the russian army will be on preparatory, regulatory documents are still available 30 years ago it was predicted that 16 hours maximum is exactly how much time it takes for the russians, well in our case we are talking about the russian pilots, to be fully ready to do the next one in 16 hours, we heard you right, 16 hours, yes, so i to which point, in fact, it is not fundamentally that important here, whether in 4 days or in 16 hours, the organization will be ready to engage and implement the next plan of missile terror, we must be ready all the time and in no case neglect the signals air alarm, by the way , the president of ukraine urges us to do this, when addressing our community he insists that these days, at least, we cannot negate the air alarm on alarms, because as you can see,
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even mr. colonel, we will not neglect that, i wanted i would like to clarify the quantitative measurement by volume. possible russian attacks, you are very good that you warned about 16 hours, which are prescribed in russian military protocols 30 years ago, we will, well, we understand that they could correct them now, but if we talk about quantitative measurement, that is , they are currently producing about 100 units, that is, it is about missiles and drones of various types, respectively , can they, for example, raise the number to 200 units at a time, aa to the maximum. capabilities at the beginning of a full-scale attack , the enemy used by launching missile strikes on the territory of our country up to 150 missiles per day, if at such maximum capabilities the enemy will add several dozen shaheeds, then we can imagine the volume, the volume of the same missiles and drones, which are simultaneously directed at different
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military and other strategic objects on the territory of our country. colonel yuriy already. notes that during the missile and drone attack that occurred on december 29, the number of red markings of enemy targets was simply amazing, it was a record, and now taras chmut, the head of the charitable foundation of returning the living, says that for the first time in ukraine, for the first time in the world, it faced such a large-scale missile attack, in particular with the use of hypersonic weapons, that is, here we speak. the first to repel such attacks repel quite effectively with a high level of efficiency, but this not a 100% level of efficiency, and we see the consequences, but how to improve, in fact, here i would also like to discuss with you in more detail, because yesterday's attacks and previous attacks, they actually appeared in the western media, for
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example, the bbc writes that the attacks russia is demonstrating how critical the continuation of western aid is for kyiv, and many western politicians have also spoken out in support of ukraine, in particular, rodosław sikorski, the head of the polish foreign ministry, says that we should respond in a language understandable to putin by increasing sanctions, and actually giving ukraine has long-range missiles that will allow the destruction of launch sites and command centers. the head of the foreign ministry of the czech republic, jan lipavsky, says that we should help ukraine, and so on. the president of latvia, edgar rinkevichs, also said that... ukrainian air defense forces are working well, but they need to be strengthened, and these statements are actually very pleasing to us, yes, we understand that it is very good when the world reacts to these things, but you know, declaring and doing it are slightly different things, and i would like to ask you whether you think you that the western allies of ukraine are now intensifying their efforts to
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strengthen our air defense, especially considering the fact that the russians can even increase the number of simultaneous... launches of a certain number of missiles. you raised a very important topic, because in fact now we hear such encouraging statements from our highly respected western partners, but these are statements, then words, we need real steps, which will increase the number of launchers, the same patriots who demonstrate their incredible quality and efficiency under time of application anti-aircraft missiles and other aircraft. we need rockets to the same patriots, nasams. and other missile systems that help us to carry out all enemy attacks, but this is only part of the problem that ukraine is facing, and the second part is that we need to find ways and possible. regarding the destruction of enemy aircraft directly at their base points, the distance from ukraine to, for example, letova aleniya in the territory of the murmansk region
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is 1600-1800 km, depending on the point from which we lay the route, but this distance must overcome, overcome for, and in order to overcome this distance, to destroy enemy aircraft directly at the bases, so that the enemy had nothing to send into the sky over ukraine. its missiles, we need to look for opportunities, be it drone or missile systems, but again, ukraine at one time was a country that carried out and implemented very ambitious plans, including in matters of space conquest, that is, the rocket construction industry in our country is quite powerful, the corresponding capacities of our enterprises and specialists, i am sure that there are... country, and it is only a matter of state management of this process in terms of finding an opportunity for missile or possibly drone damage to enemy targets directly at
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the bases, because we may have a sufficiently large number of anti-missiles, but if the enemy has the resources and, in particular, the means of delivering those missiles to the territory of our country, this is hardly a radical change in the situation, but variants of destruction. aircraft, in particular strategic bombers of the tu 95 mc, namely they are deployed, in particular in the momansk region, this may change to some extent, the situation on battlefield, the scales will definitely shift in our favor. in any case, we must look for opportunities and we must look for options to counter enemy aircraft, enemy missile systems operators, because otherwise, for the next three months at least, we will be constantly under enemy missiles. and drone attacks. yes, colonel, the situation is very serious. yes, on the other hand, we are also aware that certain brakes are being put by our western friends,
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that is, we understand that they oppose the destruction of certain military facilities in depth, the strategic depth of russian territory. and if we talk about our southern front, there are certain advances, extremely fierce battles in the area of ​​the willow robot, and at the same time. we understand that there are ongoing battles near the wells, and not only the wells, but generally speaking about the left bank of the dnieper. i would like to ask you to evaluate the southern front now, so that we are not only, so to speak, analyzing, conducting a grand strategy. hell, hell, and hell again, in fact , you can talk about every section of the front where hostilities are taking place, precisely in this format, the situation in the krynak area, and also in the area of ​​the avtonivskyi zaliznychny and antonivskyi automobile bridges. is very difficult, and this difficulty is connected with the fact that difficult weather conditions, difficult logistics to ensure the action of our soldiers, who hold at least three bridgeheads on the left bank
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of the dnieper, and quite powerful artillery work of the enemy army. the enemy is now in a certain way redeploying, reformatting its units and units, which before that were well-armored ukrainian artillery, and i am sure that the enemy, having carried out this reformatting, reinforcement of ukrainian assault units will happen again. train your soldiers in the hells of war with the support of armored vehicles, trying to push ukrainian units out of the three bridgeheads that we still hold. the situation in recruiting is no less difficult, because we are holding at least part of the first line of defense of general armageton suravikin, despite the frantic pressure of enemy artillery and enemy personnel, who are trying, having a numerical advantage, to push our troops as far as possible from those positions, to return them. our assault units in the first line of defense of saravikin closer to rabotino and in the area of ​​rabotino to the west, the enemy is also constantly trying to counterattack in order
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to push back the ukrainian army as far as possible, to eliminate the same 10 by 10 km pazdarm that we created during the large-scale a very difficult summer offensive campaign, but in any case we must understand the situation on the battlefield, regardless of which part of the front we are talking about, whether it is the left bank. dnipro, or the situation in the region verbovoy, it directly depends on the resource capacity of the ukrainian army, it is impossible, it is physically impossible to fight enemy tanks without artillery, without drones, without powerful powerful electronic warfare systems, we must understand that war is resources, a huge amount of resources , they seem to be calling for ukrainian soldiers to protect their lives and health, so that they have the opportunity to increase... destroy the enemy's personnel, and while the resource capabilities allow us to effectively turn into sweat and enemy armored vehicles and enemy personnel contribution , but the enemy still has a lot of those resources,
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and he... constantly pulls to rotate units that are tattered in the course of hostilities, and therefore the hell of war continues, and in this hell, unfortunately, talk about the absolute superiority of ukrainian weapons is impossible, because critical resources are not enough, our commanders who work directly on the ground emphasize this from time to time . to close, but how long such a situation can continue, no one can say, we do not know what resources the ukrainian army has, and how quickly we will receive full material and technical support against the background of rather combative processes taking place in the united states of america and the countries of the european union, it is quite difficult to predict, but the key thing is that it is impossible to fight head-on with armed tanks, you need weapons, you need ammunition for those weapons. thank you, vladyslav seleznyo, military
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expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine and... the spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine was in touch with us in 2014 and 2017. now we will go for a short break, after that we will come back to you. i, marta ulyarnyk and antin barkovskyi. there are discounts on paracetamol darnytsia, 10% in pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and oskad. there are discounts on citrik, 20% in psyllium, vam and thrift pharmacies. attention, an incredible novelty from razpak tv. super warm and very comfortable alaska stayle boots. perfect fit. water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. boots alaska stayle have a universal design and practical black color. therefore, they will fit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46. therefore, take two pairs at once. to myself and my husband. furnace zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on
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glory to the heroes, glory. the espresso information marathon continues, we are adding oleksandr skoryk, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, to our broadcast, we will talk about the situation in the city, we know that the city suffered a lot from yesterday's attacks. actually, mr. alexander, welcome to espresso. glory to ukraine. i congratulate you, glory to the heroes. i would like to ask you. in general, what is the current situation in the city and the region, how far are the citizens recovering from the latest rocket attacks and what are the results of those consequences as of today, how many people have been affected, because there were previous figures and i would like to understand what the situation is as of now. literally a minute ago, we drove by that city in the center of the city, where there was yesterday's caliber flight, until now our ritual ones. and
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the special service i am sorting out.


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