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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EET

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from the desire of the person who is going to this position , yes, that is, well, you understand that nothing can be done, and by the way, taking this opportunity, i can announce that we actually just filmed the project 450 within the information slot of the rada tv channel in nationwide marathon, actually about how the ukrainian valkyries, the girls themselves, master these skills, come to the training ground themselves, actually, well, with instructors, of course, under their close supervision, they train, study to become professionals. but, of course, men and young people also join guys, continuing on the topic of snipers, in particular, we have already emphasized several times, and this is a big event for this evening and for this information day, regarding the return of our citizens, our military and civilians, have you ever come across cases when, for example , it is possible that your acquaintances were taken prisoner by their comrades, they were returned, can the enemy really determine or, well, by some physical, physiological signs, that this is a sniper? if there are no documents there, or
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the elementary rifle was not found there, so what with that, have you come across such cases in your work during your service? well, i will tell you frankly, of my acquaintances who were captured, unfortunately, no one returned, that is the first thing, to identify, well, if from the side that takes prisoners, our serviceman, and he is a sniper, then a specialist from one can easily... identify whether this person is a sniper or not, that is, there are certain, let's say, chips, moments by which you can easily identify, i won't voice everything else, that's it, unfortunately, that's how it goes , what machine gunners and snipers, well, they don't last long in captivity, well, in the end, then we will finish, but what about the girls, who are conventionally 18-20 years old mastering the skills of snipers? this is positive, by
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the way, we already touched on this topic with you, did you prefer it to be, you know, such a powerful, let's say, physiologically, man, so that now both men and women equally serve in the army, and in principle, well , there is no practical difference between them, i will tell you, i know experts in this matter are men and experts in this matter are women, in my opinion... women are better at teaching, they are more, you know, more, well, they take the opposite from the people they teach, but, well, you understand, i know them as professionals, and believe me, women are in no way inferior to men, there are even moments when they are better at work, well, but at the moment war, that is, it is such a thing, you understand that a bullet or a projectile, it does not distinguish , man, you are either a woman, therefore... so this work is important
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and well, if there was gender equality here or a woman or man, if she has talent, she should, well , use herself and her skills as intended, this is my personal opinion, and who is better, you know, maybe after the war there will be this question , who was better, at the moment, everyone who defends with weapons is better motherland , it's about gender equality and how girls master the skill of sniping, we will certainly... talk about it in our programs, such a project has already been filmed, thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the opportunity to participate and comment on these and other issues so thoughtfully. oleksandr, the commander of the sniper platoon, was with us on the occasion of the presidential ceremony. well, let's talk about the mass attack by russia on ukraine later. russia spent about 620 million dollars on a massive missile attack on ukraine on january 2. forbes writes about this with reference to the data of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine and its own.
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calculations during the first wave, the invaders attacked shahedam. air defense forces destroyed all 35 attack drones. then the enemy launched at least 70 cruise missiles kh-101, kh-555 and kh-55, as well as 10 kinzhal air-ballistic missiles. in addition, the russians attacked from the sea with three caliber cruise missiles from the north and 12 iskander m, s-300 and s-400 missiles. also applied. four kh31p anti-radar missiles, ukrainian defenders destroyed all daggers and calibers, as well as 59 out of 70 kh-101, kh555, kh-55 cruise missiles. according to forbes, the cost of the x101 rocket is $13 million. kh-55 is worth 2 million. kh500 55 - 4 million. caliber - 6.5 million. iskander - 3 million. and one mineshaft costs
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about 50 thousand dollars, well, one way or another, but we can already discuss the consequences of the enemies. of the last massed ones, in particular in the capital with ruslan kravchenko, the head of the kyiv regional wax administration, we congratulate you, i congratulate you, finally, at what stage of the work on the analysis of rubble, when they will conduct an examination about the condition of the most damaged buildings, what about the neighboring houses , is there electricity, water, gas, heating there, because earlier the minister of internal affairs, mr. klymenko, noted that more than 200,000 subscribers were out of control there, tell us about it. yes, at the moment it is known about damage by fragments of russian rockets that fell on residential buildings, as of today , at this moment, 14 apartment buildings, 39 private houses are damaged, at this moment
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, work continues to eliminate all the consequences, the most affected are 11 apartment buildings in the city of vyshneve, at this moment. the lights have already been restored, the heating, the water supply has been restored, we have closed all the windows with temporary shelters, so that the houses do not lose heat, and we have already connected the international gem foundation, which has agreed to insert all the windows, for the moment do you know about 14 houses that need replacement and insertion of new windows. we have already measured the windows today, and the first windows will be installed and delivered on saturday or sunday , we are speeding up production so that people can insert the windows as soon as possible and return to their homes, we have also organized
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temporary accommodation, comfortable with provision of hot meals 24 hours a day. and to what extent can people count on it temporarily? living yes, because we saw videos after this attack, when people lose practically everything in one blow, both the garage and the car and an apartment, and it is clear that they need quite a long-term support, how long can they live in these temporary housing, after the last attack, there is no such need, that is, people have not lost their housing, only there is damage, window damage, broken windows, we will organize temporary living with... as long as it will be necessary, in this case we organized up to a thousand people, because about 700 people lived in this micro-run, we are fully provided for, but people did not take advantage of this offer, because they went to live with relatives
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or to friends, today only eight people spent the night and took advantage of this opportunity, but if we have a person in ... housing after the russian missiles and it is necessary to provide temporary accommodation, while there is reconstruction through various programs or regional programs, we will give the person his housing back, then we will provide this opportunity as long as it is necessary, we do not leave a single person in trouble, and i would also like to ask you briefly about the condition of the wounded, there are unfortunately many of them after the last attacks, in particular... december 29 and january 2, tell us what is known about this, are there people in critical condition, those who are in the hospital, in the kyiv region after the last attack, there were people with injuries and physical damage, there are 16 people, these are light and
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medium injuries, there are no critical ones, all medical assistance was provided immediately to those who needed treatment, treatment was provided, people were recovering. and unfortunately, two people died in the kyiv region after the last attack. of course. thank you for participating, for sharing information ruslan kravchenko, the head of the kyiv regional military administration is in touch with us. yes, well , we emphasize once again that ukraine has returned 230 soldiers and civilians from russian captivity, volodymyr zelenskyy announced this. among them, 225 men and five women, 130 representatives of the armed forces of ukraine were brought home. 55 of the national guard, 38 of the state border service and one of the national police, part of the defenders defended mariupol and asovstal, in addition , they released six civilians who were illegally deprived of their liberty. for ukrainians, the aggressor country received 248 of its citizens,
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225 military personnel and 23 terrorists of a private military company. volodymyr zelenskyy thanked everyone involved in the return of ukrainians to their homeland. and here too... note that this exchange of prisoners was the largest since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, i will quote further: a difficult exchange after a long pause is the result of a great effort of the team. we continue our work, we have a clear task from volodymyr zelenskyi to return everyone, this is how the leader commented on the exchange office of the president andriy yermak, the return of ukrainians to their homes was handled by the main intelligence department, and it is also said that the state leadership asked world leaders to force the kremlin to unblock the exchange process, well, actually , these shots that you just saw are now circulating on
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social networks, there are many comments, there is already a lot of information, because this exchange of prisoners became the first in 2024, it started, it is already the 49th exchange, and now, during these almost two years of full-scale war, it was possible to return 2828 defenders of our state. and one more an important topic at the very end of this hour, regarding the inevitability of punishment for committed crimes. the former commandant of the isolation prison of donetsk, denys kulikovsky, also known as the stick, will sit behind bars for 15 years. the shevchenko court of kyiv found him guilty of the cruel treatment of prisoners of war, participation in a terrorist organization and illegal armed formation, but the prosecutors could not prove human trafficking. kolikovsky is known as palych and it's collaborator. from donetsk helped russia occupy donbas and led prison, ukrainian civilian and
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military prisoners were decontaminated. in 21, he was detained in kyiv by the sbu counter-intelligence. taras semkiv, deputy head of the department of combating crimes committed in conditions of armed conflict of the prosecutor general's office, is in direct contact with us. congratulations, mr. taras. good evening. in fact, tell us how you, as in the office of the prosecutor general,... rema assess this sentence, how fair it is, and whether an appeal is planned , given that one of the facts, namely human trafficking, is not failed, on it is a pity to prove, today the shevchenkiv district court passed a verdict, by which the head of the so-called kotivny isolation was found guilty of violating the laws and customs of war. as well as participation in a terrorist organization and participation in armed formations not provided for by law, he was sentenced to 15
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years of imprisonment with confiscation of property, which are the maximum punishment for the articles incriminated against him, and regarding human trafficking, i can say that none of the episodes of criminal activity the accused was not excluded by the court, but these were crimes against 22... victims, at the same time, according to the court , human trafficking is completely covered by another part of the crime, that is, part one of article 438, it is a violation of the laws and customs of war, namely, torture of victims, improper treatment of them, failure to provide medical aid, that is, it is a violation of the geneva convention on the protection of the civilian population. during the war, which are fully taken into account by the court, the only thing is that under two articles
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incriminated, the accused was given a single qualification, and in connection with that, the court excluded article 149, e, as it is not required under the time of this qualification, yes 15 years, is this a sufficient period, in your opinion, is it the maximum period provided by the relevant articles, er, at the same time. er, this sentence is still being studied by the prosecutors, for this the prosecutors have 30 days to appeal it, and in the case of establishing, er, some violations of the requirements of the procedural law, it will be appealed, but for now we cannot say what we are ready to contribute with these grounds of appeal are premature. well, look, life, it came to replace the death penalty, in principle it is, well, the sentence can also be, but the only thing regarding the appeal, there is... already a statement to the magazine by the lawyer of the journalist stanislav asiyev, who stated that they, in principle, will not, do not
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plan, at least for now, to submit this self-appeal, who else can do it, well , besides them, let's say, and how likely is this scenario? this verdict can be appealed by the participants in the criminal proceedings, that is, the prosecutor, the accused, who has already been convicted by the court, and the victims, whether any of these participants will appeal the verdict. we do not know yet, while we are ready for an appellate review, the prosecutors have indisputable evidence actions, they are condemned, and we are not afraid. reviewing the court decision. well, thank you for joining us on the air. taras semkiv, deputy head of the department of combating crimes and armed conflict of the prosecutor general's office. the ministry of environmental protection and natural resources has information about the destruction of unique species of animals after the destruction of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant. this was announced by the head of the department, ruslan strilets, in an interview with rada tv channel. he also
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reported the preliminary amount of losses that were caused the ukrainian ecosystem by its actions. terrorists, in fact, kakhovka is really the biggest act of ecocide since the first day of the full-scale invasion. at the moment when the rashists committed this act of terrorism, we calculated the losses, and they already exceeded uah 146 billion. at the time of this crime, it was more than 10% of the total amount of damages that were calculated at that time. watch the full version of the interview with the minister of environmental protection and natural resources ruslan strilts after 9 o'clock. yes, so what importantly? ukraine is constantly working on the issue of confiscation of russian assets in the west and their transfer to our state and expects positive results already this year. prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal announced this during the government meeting.
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according to him, the cabinet of ministers expects to finance priority items in the budget at the expense of this money. russia must pay for everything, in particular , the aggressor must compensate for the damage caused. therefore, in 2024, one of the key tasks is to direct the assets of the russian federation frozen in the west to ukrainian restoration. the united states, the european union and other countries have come close to solving this issue. there are already the first precedents for changes to the legislation providing for the mechanisms for the transfer of funds. at the moment, it is important to reduce it to... a clear system in which the eu and g7 countries will be involved. literally, in a few moments, a news release from andriy sinitsyn, well, right after it, we will add to our broadcast a representative of the general, actually the main intelligence agency of ukraine and we will talk about the details of the exchange of prisoners of the largest since the beginning of the full-scale war that took place today. so
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wait. helping the military is the best new year's gift. mr. ruslan, probably the most dramatic event of 2023 was the destruction of kakhovska ges by the occupiers, a tragic event for many residents of the south, for the flora and fauna of this region in particular, but i would like to know if there is at least some understanding of approximate amounts. damages and are any lawsuits currently being planned in international courts to compel the occupiers to compensate for the environmental damages? i i will start with the fact that since the first days of the full-scale invasion, such a track has been launched, which helps us today to record all the crimes of the rashists against our environment,
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to date , more than 3,300 such cases have already been recorded. we understand that we have even more information, but it is still needed to process, issue in the appropriate manner, this is all calculated taking into account and using the seven new methods that we use, these methods change every month, appropriate changes are made to them, because we already have such the pool of experts and international partners who have joined this process, that we no longer have the right to just stop... on what we have done, yes, we are constantly, constantly making them better, and i am sure that this track is also will continue, and we will really have those methods that will be recognized not only by europe, but also by a large number of countries in the world. regarding the kohovka, in fact, the kohovka is really the biggest act of ecocide since the first
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day of the full-scale invasion, the moment the rashists did. this act of terrorism, we calculated the losses, and they have already exceeded uah 146 billion. at the time of this crime, it was more than 10% of the total amount of damage that was calculated at that time, but just talking about the numbers, it doesn't really reflect the whole picture of what really happened there, other than the colossal destruction of the facilities infrastructure, a large number of simply destroyed... and lives, and the fate of people, and well, lives in general, we have information about the potential destruction of endemic species of animals, that is, those animals... that lived in a single place on planet earth, and they were potentially simply washed away by water. in addition,
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it is incorrect to consider this act of terrorism as an exclusively, local impact there on the kherson region, because we must understand that a huge amount of garbage, waste of destruction, a large amount of pollution was washed into the black sea, which was washed from the fields, from the adjacent territory we have to remember that during the blow-up of the hydroelectric power station, a large amount of oil products got into the water and it potentially got into the black sea, and we have to remember about the desalination of the black sea, so that 14 cubic km of water is the volume of water that is enough to drink the entire civilized world for two days. rushists, this volume of water, which, for example, some african countries can only dream about, they simply drained it, the impact on the black sea water area, the impact on
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the environment, will have to be assessed for many years. in general, when talking about this crime, you used the term ecocide, and i am interested in how things are going in this direction now, namely the recognition of ecocide as an international crime, see, criminalization. ecocide in general, it is needed not only from the point of view of the need to bring someone to justice for such crimes against the environment. the criminalization of cocide is also important from the point of view of the fact that today we have a colossal anthropogenic burden due to human actions, sometimes someone takes some steps every year, i mean the same industrial enterprises that have an impact every year little by little. on the environment, in the end it leads to corresponding changes in ecosystems, and this is also an ecosite, we must remember this and must remember that there will be liability, and it will not simply
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be based on the polluter pays principle, yes, that is, he paid for what he destroyed, it will also be criminal liability of the highest degree, i want to remind you that on january 25, 2023, the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe accepted accordingly, the resolution, during the adoption of this resolution by ukraine , a number of amendments to this document were also submitted, they were all adopted, but it was the beginning of 2023, it was less than a year before the beginning of the full-scale invasion. on today, discussions are still ongoing, primarily due to the fact that the proof of ecocide as such is an ongoing crime. who else had a certain intention there, it is extremely, extremely difficult, therefore, to this day , these discussions continue in the european union. what is important to us?
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it is important for us that ecocide is indeed recognized as such an international crime. it is important for us that such a crime appears in the rome statute, and it is important for us to raise this issue at all as crimes against the environment as a result of war, because... er, according to our according to estimates, the damage caused to the environment by this war, they can potentially exceed even the damage from the destroyed infrastructure. if we also add here the losses from lost ecosystem services, then this figure can simply increase tenfold . yes, we are, we are doing it today together with the attorney general's office. yes, we do it together with a partner. this is how we communicate it on all international platforms and within the country, and i am sure that the involvement of more and more partners in this track, it
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really inspires me with confidence that we will reach a logical conclusion, and let's not forget that in fact this is what we are doing for the first time in the history of mankind, due to the occupation of part of donbas and the constant shelling of the occupier... our energy infrastructure has been observed for two years consecutive years of record firewood consumption, and so how has this affected our forests, how much has the area of ​​our forest plantations changed over the years of full-scale invasion? uh, you know, i wouldn't say that we have some records for consumption there, in 2022 last year, we needed about 3.5 million cubic meters... a meter of firewood is the kind of firewood that the population buys at special prices, at social prices, and i can say that despite the requests
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of regional troops... administrations, that this volume could potentially increase to 4.5 million, objectively , only 3 million cubic meters have been realized to date. first, the volumes that were bought by the population in the previous year, they still remain, people actually do not have them no, they bought the amount they needed, but cannot simply physically consume more than they can potentially... because there is a corresponding rate of consumption, there is a corresponding consumption habit, uh, where, we have, where the occupied settlements are in the first place, that's where it is today, for today kherson region, kharkiv region, e, and other regions, where there are problems with gas supply, with electricity, then this is not a large percentage that will greatly affect the increase in consumption volumes, in terms of
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how it will affect the forest. see, actually forestry, or forestry, it is very planned, there are appropriate materials and plans, like where the forest is planted, where the forest is cut, and these plans are approved for 10 years, and accordingly, the volume of wood harvesting has actually even decreased a little, because today business activity is decreasing and to date ... there are actually volumes of wood harvesting, certain difficulties in terms of logistics, therefore , they have decreased a little, accordingly , the volumes of firewood harvesting have decreased, because the tree is not cut down and not used for firewood, there is a corresponding percentage of fuel wood, which is formed as a result of cutting down the forest, which is used as business timber, well, you mentioned energy.
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regarding this and industry in general, mr. ruslan, the peace formula provides that post-war recovery of ukraine should be based on the principles of green reconstruction, i.e. with compliance with high safety standards in the field of the environment, and are there already any concrete developments, about possible projects in this direction , we have a large number of international technical assistance projects operating today, and we have a large number of those projects today. international, to which already ukraine is included. the first such step back in 2022 was the joining of ukraine to the live program. only a country that is a full member of the european union could be a participant in this program. we were the first country to join without even having candidate status. this is the merit of the european commission, our friend, a great friend of ukraine, commissioner virginijus
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senkiewicz. next. last year , ukraine joined the phoenix initiative, it is also an opportunity for communities to take part in appropriate financing of restoration and green restoration projects. we also have several initiatives from such an organization as, which today gives appropriate grant funds to those enterprises that are ready to switch to the best available technologies, the amount is relatively small, it is 2 million euros, but this is the first step, and i am sure that the quality realization of this resource, it will show that ukraine is capable, ukraine needs it, and this amount will be increased. i will make a small spoiler about the fact that already in february 2024 , another very important agreement is being prepared, which will be signed between ukraine and japan, which
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will also give us access to such climate finance, and separately i want to say that in december of this year at the cop-28 conference , we presented our climate policy, the climate policy of ukraine, and today we are setting ourselves a very ambitious goal, this the introduction of the emissions trading system in ukraine in 2026, for this we need to change the relevant legislation in 2024, in the 25th year we can launch this system in pilot mode. the 23rd year became, one might say, a milestone for us, in terms of our european integration, we were given the green light regarding the beginning of negotiations with eu accession, and obviously this path will not be easy for your ministry of environmental protection.


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