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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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the start of his work. it was this influential politician, known for his pro-ukrainian and euro-atlantic views, who was to form a coalition and become prime minister. president wid pis andrzej duda could have given donald tusk the right to form a new government back in november, but he used the formal reason that pis won the first place in the elections, and therefore entrusted it to the acting prime minister mateusz murovecki. it was a temporary government for two weeks, and it was obvious that on december 11 , the newly elected... parliament would not give morvetsky a vote of confidence, because peace, although won first place, but lacked the mandates to form a majority. the far-right confederation, with which they hoped to form a coalition, won far fewer votes than pollsters had predicted. when peace lost the elections, he began to act according to the principle "the house burned down, let istodola burn." they directly supported the terrorists on the border. this was announced by prime minister muravetskiy at the time, although the poles themselves also suffered from such an irresponsible policy. according to
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the chamber of commerce and industry of ukraine, last year poland imported from of ukraine by land transport of goods with a total value of more than 3.1 billion dollars, at least 3/4 of which went to other countries with a large margin for polish entrepreneurs. such inaction cannot be excused, because in this way we endanger polish-ukrainian relations and do not care about polish interests. this government is putting us all in a very difficult situation. the peace party, moravetskiy and kaczyński played the ukrainian card fatally, very unprofessionally, unprofessionally and, moreover, cynically. donald tusk, november 29, 2023. but the poles will somehow figure out who is to blame for the dramatic situation on the border. we should be concerned about why our government is just as inactive. at the end of december, president zelenskyi repeated the same thing he had already said in november. he hopes for the new polish government.
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he did not have any plans or proposals for this month, zelensky did not even convene the national security and defense council, as if nothing had happened. i will believe that the new government will unlock this whole blockade, it is artificial. what should volodymyr zelenskyi have done? first of all, to turn to his friend andrzej duda and offer to convene a meeting of the national security council of the two countries. this could be done directly at the border, if it did not give any result, then he could turn to the ukraine-nato council and convene it. the ukraine-nato council was formed at the last vilnius summit to establish cooperation between ukraine and nato structures, because what is happening on the border directly harms the national security of both ukraine and poland, as well as nato itself, because the eastern borders of nato some unknown people control all military cargo, if earlier, when... i was driving
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a car, for example, from warsaw to kyiv, i saw a huge number of cars, and convoys with military equipment were lost among these cars , now, when the cars are blocked, it will be determined that the military equipment that is moving does not pose any problem at all, but our president never addressed either nato or andrzej duda. previously, zelensky was very proud of his special relationship with the president of poland, the servant of the people faction in the verkhovna rada even organized a political against the provocation, they demanded that the problem on... the diet, although at that time the government of law and justice was still finalizing its term. think about what we are doing, we appeal to the newly elected senate and diet, which does not have its prime minister, prime minister muravetsky, president duda, they run the government, they are responsible for blocking the roads, they do nothing to unblock it , and we entrust the responsibility for the future to the newly elected diet and senate. the prime minister will be tusk, and
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obviously this will be perceived as our unfriendly step towards poland. poland still remembers the visit of mr. stefanchuk and the vice-president. we communicated only with the authorities, the opposition came to power, wants to help us, and we want to turn them into enemies with our own hands. i watched with pity how the ukrainian authorities, with their passivity , actually lost any chance to resolve the conflict, because the conflict is necessary. had to be decided as soon as it started. back in november, i appealed to the ministry of foreign affairs and the ministry of infrastructure. i understood what to delay further nowhere. this is the ministry of infrastructure of ukraine. and this is my appeal, which i sent to minister of infrastructure kubrakov and minister of foreign affairs koleba. this appeal concerns the blocking of the ukrainian-polish and ukrainian-slovak border. i asked the honorable ministers what the ukrainian authorities are doing to ensure that there is a border.
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unblocked, how many protesters are there blocking the movement of ukrainian transport, which associations are these, what are the reasons for the blocking, the ministry of foreign affairs responded promptly and comprehensively, instead in the ministry of infrastructure... decided that instead of the stipulated five days , they needed as much as 30 for an answer, they had nothing to say, a strange situation, i decided not to wait, and the very next day i went to the border with the correspondents to see for myself see what's going on there. we came here to ravorusk to the ukrainian-polish border, you see, there are almost no trucks, because all ukrainian trucks, that is, trucks, are standing on that side, they are blocked by unworthy polish politicians and polish carriers. they absolutely do not care that ukrainians are going bankrupt at this time companies, ukrainians don't get fuel, ukrainians don't get products, where will these businesses that go bankrupt go, where will these people go, they will be another refugee and go to the same poland and the same europe, but polish carriers and polish politicians don't care. a free tooth,
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my grandmother was sick, ate the teeth, recovered. when he learned about the inhumane conditions at the border, he collected 10,000 zlotys, bought groceries and went to dorogus. good tooth, ukrainian kulyash, with ukrainian restoration from warsaw. it was november 19, she was standing here queue for 40 km, people did not have food and water. since then, david has been at various points, he came to dorogusk for the third time.
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here are wet wipes, which men use instead of a shower, 8 days today, 8 days, some stand for 18, there are closer to the border. in december, strong frosts hit, at night it dropped to -15, volunteers began to lead to the border against colds. ukrainians living in warsaw joined the poles. here , we mainly have painkillers, anti-inflammatories, we also have topical steroids, nasal spray. from frowning, drivers complain about the constant deterioration of their health, two people died , the police do not respond to requests for help, well, people's blood pressure rises, and i saw it with
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my own eyes today. the insulin tablets have already run out, says the person , let me pass, yesterday a person was driving, er ... tiron with a woman, i don't know what, somewhere they had an operation on him, and she drives him the whole way when, at what time, well periodically, i understand that he was operated on , i don't know, and they didn't let him go yesterday neither the police nor this one, no, well, no protesters, drivers who managed to leave for ukraine say that it was as if they escaped from hell, 9 days, everything in the car was gone. some fuel, food, everything, yesterday, where was his birthday, the man was breathing in the cabin, and life came, meanwhile, taras with a car loaded with chickens is still on the polish side,
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showing his simple life, the kitchen is gas, on disposable cans, such bolonchika somewhere there is enough time for a week, but the kettle is literally so that you can eat some kind of sandwich to warm up with warm tea, the refrigerator is already empty under your feet, what time is it already, because the food is already all the products have been used up for a long time, polish cars go to this company angela, this is some kind of lublin company, special cynicism: the strikers took our drivers hostage, and the police also issue them fines , because they left the territory of poland prematurely, i can't even show them the documents. a mandate of 1,000 zlotys was issued for overdue delivery of the customs declaration, this is the situation, i was already shouting, take away the car, take away the goods, i i'm going home, i'm just saying: people,
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i'm transporting products, dairy products, i 'll show you the documents, please, yogurt, cheese, temperature +4 +2 storage i'm at a loss for words. i'll tell you, i'm afraid, because i'm going to beat myself up a lot now. ukrainians say that if it were not for the police, they would have scattered those fifty strikers who occupied half a thousand kilometers of the border a long time ago, but first of all, they see that the one who breaks the law and terrorizes two countries and the entire european union is protected by the authorities . meanwhile , the government changed in poland, the cabinet came to power donald tusk. among his priorities, he named the resolution of the border crisis and emphasized that this crisis threatens the national security of poland itself. we have a hot situation on the ukrainian-polish border. there is a war there, it is a strategic place for poland. to find a solution that will satisfy polish carriers, but also we will not
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tolerate any situation that would threaten polish security, regardless of who inspired it. it was during these days that i went to warsaw, i wanted the ukrainian voice to be heard there, it is called inter-parliamentary diplomacy. unfortunately, our government very often ignores this tool, although many deputies have constant and productive connections with parliamentarians from around the world. such informal relationships are not ... dependent on protocol, and therefore often more effective than formal channels. we are in the polish diet, it was here on december 11 that the electoral revolution took place, so to speak. muravetskyi's government did not receive a vote of confidence from the parliamentarians, and the parliament voted for the government of donald tusk. all these days i was here, we had fantastic meetings, we met with the president of poland andrzej duda, had a meaningful and deep conversation with the head of the polish senate, malgjata kidawa blonska. vice-speaker michal kaminsky was congratulated. worked with the entire committee on foreign affairs and its head pavel koval. everyone promised that
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relations between ukraine and poland would be completely reset. i worked in poland for almost a week. i was convinced again how weak our communication with the poles was. even journalists have always known about the real reasons for the provocation at the border. i was invited to television and radio, i did not refuse, because i understood that only the truth destroys russian plans. a large number of meetings with polish politicians , each of whom had to... deeply explain why we suffer from this blockade, a huge number of interviews and conversations, private conversations with journalists, all this is real diplomacy, which every ukrainian politician should engage in . the posipaks of the kremlin got nervous and even tried to counterattack. tomas buchyk, an activist of the confederation, wrote a post that the strikers blocked my private yacht at the border, although in fact it was a patrol boat sbots, part of the american military aid. i don't care about... such manipulations, the main thing that i managed to achieve was that this protest became toxic,
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its organizers failed to internationalize it, who supported it, the four slovaks, and what hopes did they have that the ukrainian trucks, trucks will be blocked in all countries, from estonia to romania. the ambassadors of lithuania, latvia and estonia in warsaw announced a demarche at the ministry infrastructure of poland, due to the blocking of the ukrainian border, saying that this undermines its ability. resist a full-scale russian invasion. at the meeting of the european transport council on december 4, 2023. moravetsky's government was supported only by representatives of orban and fitso. instead , the representatives of estonia, lithuania, latvia, germany, the netherlands, sweden and denmark declared categorically against the cancellation of the solidarity corridor. profile european commissioner, romanian citizen adina velian, named herself. the situation at the border completely unacceptable and accusing the old government of inaction, peace said: "the entire
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european union, not to mention ukraine, which is currently at war, cannot be taken hostage by blocking our external borders. this is a body of culture in warsaw, a gift from stalin to poland people, from the russian empire to the polish people. we know the price of these gifts, the price of these gifts is the independence of nations, what is happening in the polish-ukrainian region." the border is also, so to speak, a gift from russian the empire of both poland and ukraine. after my return from warsaw, the minister of foreign affairs of poland, radysław sikorski, came to kyiv. it was his first visit. he spoke with our authorities about blocking the border and many other topics. the results of the negotiations are more than modest. before christmas , one checkpoint was unblocked, where a group of farmers were standing. they were assured that they were getting help from the state, although their demands were in no way related to with ukraine, but the farmers have threatened to resume the blockade if they fail.
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the blocking of three other checkpoints continues, at the largest of them, yagodin dorogusk, this blocking is even strengthened. on the eve of christmas, the polish minister of infrastructure came there. he promised the blockaders that he would force ukraine to agree to the restoration of licenses, that is, he completely sided with the organizers of the blockade. and thereby only emphasized what was clear from the very beginning, it is not... people who are blocking the border, but the state authorities, the minister shared the armor with the organizers of the blockade as a sign of reconciliation before christmas, they were there 10 people, on the other hand, in line at three checkpoints... ukrainian trucks, but the minister did not approach the drivers of ukrainians in order to share the equipment, although we already celebrate christmas together. 30 days have passed since i wrote a parliamentary request to the ministry of infrastructure, and on christmas itself i finally received their answer, here it is: it is clear from this answer that
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the ministry does not have any action plan, and the government and the president also do not have one. therefore, based on the results of my trip to poland... i officially addressed the president and the speaker parliament i made specific proposals on what should be done to ukraine. first: address the president of the government and the parliament of poland with an explanation that the situation at the border is a matter of national security of ukraine. the second is to hold a meeting of the national security and defense council and, based on its decisions, convene a joint meeting with the national security council of poland. the third is to initiate a meeting of the ukrainian-polish interparliamentary assembly. to find a way to unblock the border, the fourth is to convene a joint meeting of the foreign affairs committees verkhovna rada of ukraine and the republic of poland. and the main thing that the government should do is to finally realize that blocking the border is a special operation of russia, it directly undermines our defense capability.
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format with even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts. from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day using the telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. this is a truly intriguing film, a film about the life and career of the first female prime minister. great britain where there is disorder, we will bring harmony. where there are errors, we will bring the truth. margaret thatcher. the iron lady. did everyone love her or support her reforms? i do not admire her intellectual method. which consists in the inability to think that she can be wrong. but there is no doubt that it was thatcher's reforms that laid the groundwork the foundations of the welfare of the state for many years
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to come. she was the prime minister who really eradicated socialism. from the system , the modern world is sorely lacking leaders of the caliber of margaret thatcher, all the more interesting to take another look at the extraordinary life and times of this formidable woman. come back if you want. the lady only goes forward. thatcher documentary. only forward. january 7 at 10:10 and 22:00 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. a film about the blocking of the border tomorrow , polish farmers plan to resume the blocking of the medicashagini crossing point, we will film it, show what will happen there, so we... you will find out everything, and today i will once again inform you of really cool, happy news, especially for those families who have waited, as ukrainian ombudsman dmytro lubinets wrote, 230
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ukrainian soldiers at home, the president spoke about it, the head of the president's office, and the president said that among those released from captivity were soldiers, sergeants, officers, soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine , the national guard of ukraine, the naval forces of ukraine, border guards, part of the defenders mariupol and... azovstal, among them there are people who saved chernobyl, people who defended zmiiny island, this is a great return, in total there were 4,337 ukrainian citizens in captivity of the enemy as of november of this year, including 3,574 military and 763 civilians, now it is 230 less, we will wish success to those who are engaged in exchange, and now for your attention the weather from natalka didenko, let's watch and listen. synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers, today, of course, we will, as always, talk about the weather for the coming day, what will the temperature be
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air, whether there will be a cooling, or a possible warming, we will definitely talk about it, and now we will sum up, we already have a full right to it, the results of december in kyiv are synoptic, of course, and the month, december and the year have ended, so let's take a look . on the results of the central geophysical observatory named after boris sreznevsky. so, i take a look: the annual average air temperature was 10.8°, which is almost 2° above the norm. for the whole year, only april did not break the temperature record. all the other months showed an excess of temperature, especially august and september. and such data for the whole year are very interesting. i said it was about goruden. i mean, the whole year is climatic for kyiv, the lowest air temperature was -10° in february, well, obviously, the highest air temperature was last year, i
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don't even remember it +35.9° in august, 673 mm of precipitation fell, which exceeds the climatic norm, this was the synoptic climate situation in kyiv last year already in 2023. we move now to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field and now to your attention a prognostic chart, as always, it can be seen from it that no such special fluctuations, aggravations, or powers are foreseen, so we turn to the actual weather forecast, tomorrow in ukraine is expected after such a short-term warming, after a short-term trend of warming, but, for example, here in the west, from which we always start our forecast, and today it was not... very cold and tomorrow the air temperature will also be +3 -9° and the precipitation will of course mainly be in the form of rain, maybe sleet in the carpathians. in the north
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sleet and snow will also turn into rain, because tomorrow and in the north after such a severe frost, when, for example, in sumy oblast last night it was -18 -20, and tomorrow in the north it will be +2 +6° during the day, except that on in the far north it is close to zero. rain and sleet in the east, daytime. in the central part of ukraine it is cloudy, in some places small precipitation, +2 +6, in the southern part, cloudy, without significant precipitation, +6 +12°, well , it will warm up significantly in kyiv tomorrow, the air temperature is expected to be within 5° of heat, and in it will rain in the capital tomorrow. well, actually, interestingly enough, i have just read that more than 40 have been released from captivity,
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as a result of this great exchange of prisoners of war 48, if they were not mistaken for the missing, imagine what joy this is for wives, mothers, fathers, children, who found out that the father, son, husband, who was not there, all disappeared, he was alive, i am sincerely happy for these people and very much... that all our soldiers and civilians who were captured return home as soon as possible. good evening, we are from ukraine. you want to wake up rested and full of energy, but the whole body constantly hurts from the old mattress, how can you turn around on the sofa, can't find a comfortable position? you need to improve your sleeping place. meet the kasper ortolight mattress stopper. matrac tv experts. an instant solution to the problem of an uncomfortable sofa or an old mattress at a good price. only 999 uah with the possibility of free
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presenters. presenters, who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can. express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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