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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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we will observe a minute of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war that started it. russia.
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greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel. we start the information day with news. khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. two people died as a result of the russian attack on the kherson region. the enemy targeted the residential quarters of several settlements. an educational institution in the kherson district and the territory of an enterprise in beryslav were also damaged - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. new victims
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the bloodiest russian attack on kyiv. during the examination, the bodies of two more people killed in the attack on the capital on december 29 were discovered. a total of 32 dead and 30 injured have already been reported in the city's military administration. let me remind you, then russia carried out one of the most massive attacks on ukraine. the enemy launched 158 drones and missiles, among which were five dagger aeroballistic missiles. the russians hit nikopol that night. families were left without electricity due to a damaged power line. this was reported by the head oblast serhii lysak. also, as a result of shelling, four private houses and three farm buildings were damaged. a fire broke out in the garage. rescuers extinguished the fire. fortunately, people were not
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injured. large-scale destruction in kurakhovo in donetsk region, as a result of a russian missile attack, a kindergarten, a school, a preventive clinic and a cafe were destroyed. high-rise buildings were also damaged, the head of the regional military administration , vadym filashkin, said. information about the victims is currently being clarified. not more. exchange prisoners of the first full-scale russian invasion. ukraine returned 230 ukrainians from russian captivity, including 224 military personnel, including some of the defenders of mariupol and azovstal. also, six civilians returned home - said volodymyr zelenskyi in his evening address. there was a long pause in the exchanges, but there was no pause in the negotiations regarding the exchanges. we use every opportunity,
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we try all mediation options. i thank each of our soldiers on the front lines. who takes the occupiers captive and replenishes our exchange stock. the more russians we capture, the more effective the exchange negotiations will be. the new rules for importing humanitarian aid have changed the work of volunteers. how they affected the activity. charitable funds and whether they help fight corruption, our correspondents found out. roman horbach, representative of the modern ukraine charitable foundation. the foundation provides humanitarian goods for residents of frontline regions, implements cultural projects and purchases ammunition for the military. on december 28, roman drove a four-wheel drive suv from france. the vehicle will go to the 14th separate brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. today at the checkpoint. hrynivhobuchy
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had to stand for more than 5 hours from the moment he approached schleckbaum from the polish side until the moment he left. the volunteer drove the car. this is an electronic system. of the humanitarian account, which became operational on december 1, 2023, digital declaration makes it impossible to steal goods, but complicates the work of volunteers, explains the president of the charity fund modern ukraine, volodymyr havrysh. first of all , in order to arrange all this, you need to type professional accountants, lawyers who will be able to do it, and this is a big problem, because the costs of wages. to increase the staff, this burden goes to charitable funds, i would like to remove these restrictions for funds that actually do the work within the framework of the war. the new rules oblige volunteers to declare customs cargo in electronic format,
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distribute aid within three months after its import and submit reports by the 15th of each month, but these changes negatively affect the amount of aid from foreigners it. a large load and to a greater extent it is foreign donors who refuse this declaration, the question is still quite important, precisely what, if we, for example, import some things in the winter period in the summer, there is no request for them, how should we distribute them in the 90-day period term this humanitarian aid. the authorities agreed to certain concessions. on december 21, 2023 , the president... signed the law on simplifying the rules for the import, accounting and distribution of humanitarian aid, the innovation concerns the import of imported cars, from now on , servicemen can receive vehicles as well as individuals. from january 21, the 911 law comes into force, and charitable
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foundations that import cars for themselves can transfer them not only to military units, as is happening now, but also to individuals, military personnel who need this help. as long as volunteers register in the automated system, the cabinet of ministers allowed the import of aid based on paper declarations, until april 1, 2024, the electronic declaration procedure will remain voluntary. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. on the day of hypnosis, our defenders permanently hypnotized another 780 occupiers. and in general, never. more than 362 invaders who have died in ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion will not come to mind. also, during the day, the armed forces of ukraine eliminated 12 tanks, 28 tanks, 21 bmps, two rocket launchers and
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a pporog weapon. 38 units of cars and special equipment will no longer be useful to the occupiers. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. to operational information from the general staff armed forces of ukraine. 58 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the fiercest ones are still near avdiyivka, where the defense forces repelled 32 enemy attacks. another 14 were repelled by ukrainian defenders in the mariinsky direction. at kherson, the russians tried to storm our positions nine times. during the day, the ukrainian aviation made 12 strikes on the concentration area of ​​the occupiers, and rocket launchers and artillerymen struck. the personnel concentration area, three artillery systems and the same number of enemy air defense systems, as well as destroyed the rep station and two control points of the muscovites. russians prohibited the magathe from inspecting the reactor halls
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at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. it is about the premises of three power units, in one of them the active zone of the reactor and spent fuel are located, the international atomic energy agency reported. they also said that experts have been hearing regular explosions near the station for several weeks. the us did not find any abuses in the military aid provided, said the coordinator of the national security council of the united states of america, john kirby. according to him, kyiv constantly provides reports on the use of weapons. in addition, specialists from america work in ukraine and monitor the situation. the white house is hopeful. that it would help convince congress to allocate aid money for this year. the prime minister of poland called on europe to arm itself in order to be stronger against russia. donald tusk announced that his government is creating a committee on border security.
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he will deal with strengthening the protection of the airspace and the eastern border. tusk is convinced that while russia's economy is working for military support. the european union remains far behind, so it is necessary strengthen military capacity to protect european borders. on this. completes the issue, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, then welcome my colleagues, oksana vasochanska and roman chaika, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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good morning, congratulations, thank you from espresso, don't forget to donate, support zsu and be with us. our current, current collection is a collection for kamikat drones for uah 5 million, we want to collect for the 93rd separate of the kholodny yar mechanized brigade for their accounts of the donetsk airport, ilovaisk, sumy region, kharkiv region, soledar, bakhmud. we all know these important and really terrible places, so we help qr codes, card numbers you see on the screen, keep it for yourself and every time, ideally every day, donate some small, let's say, but consistently the same amount so that we can close this collection for our defenders. meanwhile, we want to remind our viewers of the most important shots of the past era. yes, if we have the opportunity now, one of the largest exchanges
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of prisoners took place unexpectedly yesterday, among our prisoners of war are those soldiers and officers who defended, including mariupol, and there are also among them those of our defenders who were counted in the category of missing, almost 40 people out of more than two hundred, these are those people who - well, between the living and the dead, as they say, were on the lists, let's look at these shots. glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, glory, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes,
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ukraine above all, ukraine above all, ukraine above all. and without these people, there will be no victory for us, too, you can watch these shots and immediately you can watch parallel frames as it turns. rotten-green in his uniform, russian captives , fattened mardakhs, but look , you don’t want to watch this video, i say sincerely, these shots , despite the fact that they bring you to tears, but you can watch, watch and watch, because in fact, it is very important that , that we can return, that it is possible to return ukrainian defenders already 2,828, even in such a war, ukraine supports and adheres to geneva, that's why they. returns to its swamps with built marmiz, russia violates the rights of prisoners and leads
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their actions are criminal, even with prisoners, not only on the battlefield or in the rear, which means that this organization must disappear, so we have the opportunity to transfer our viewers now to the most dramatic and tragic part of the ukrainian front, but at the same time heroic, this is avdiyivka. the head of the avdiivka city military administration is in touch with us, mr. vitaly, good day and glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations, tell us how it looks with your eyes, because we look every day, but as of today, avdiivka looks like this yes, and here we are mr. vitaliy will tell, but what can i say, the new year did not bring any... er, new good, let's say, achievements, yes, the city was both
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destroyed and is being destroyed, well, for example , january 1, 22 aerial bombardments, january 2 31 aerial bombardments, january 3rd 19 aerial bombardments, this morning already four, and we understand that... most of these bombings go to the central buildings of the city, yes, of course, there are also hits in the old part of the city, unfortunately, yesterday... our family was hit by an aerial bombardment, the man died at the age of 72, and the woman at the age of 73 year of birth in a very serious condition , evacuated, the doctors are trying now , well, in fact, they have been fighting for her life for almost a day, she is in a very serious condition, i hope that everything will be fine with her, this is the family that helped us in the old part of the city
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to distribute humanitarian aid help, that is, they were not, let's say, involved in... a large-scale war in, let's say, in the self-organization of the local population, we have, let's say, such people of ours, well, people who helped us were always full-fledged, they simply volunteered and they said, we are here, we have transport, we will help take humanitarian aid to the old part of the city and deliver it to people in the old part of the city, but yesterday a man died, a woman was seriously injured. i hope that everything will be fine with her, well, such things happen every day, and in the last week or two, maybe we notice that our evacuation is not very good, people do not go very much, mostly evacuation takes place either 200 or 30 times a day, on it's a pity, well, yesterday two of us managed to take out people who volunteered to evacuate, but
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unfortunately, not many people have been going lately, and the fact that literally on the eve of the new year was the main thing did not affect it. komanovych zaluzhnyi said that the situation is difficult and it may be so, no, they do not exclude the fact that it is possible that in a few months the ukrainian troops will have to leave the city, because the lives of our defenders are much more important than to stubbornly stand there until the last, as the local did you react? well, you know, unfortunately, the local population does not have the opportunity to hear these calls, even people, yes. from the highest military and political leadership of our state, because there is no light in the city, accordingly, there is no television, and the radio that is there, for the most part, it is from donetsk, well, it broadcasts, and there are all these radio waves from the dnr and kotsap, unfortunately, ours does not achieve anything there, they jam everything, and
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the signal from donetsk very powerful , and there is no television, well, what they tell... the police, what we tell them, what volunteers tell people, unfortunately, this is all the information that reaches them, it is only from us, yes, let's say so, and that's why they mostly don't even know about these things, that there's something useful there said or declared, ah, you know, well , looking at all these shots, yes, we were there on the 31st, we were there for the new year. in the city, uh , let's say so, we celebrated, if we can say so, yes, the new year in the city, well, on the 31st, we drove into the city, drove through it, it was one place, the first we left the city closer to in the evening, it was a completely different city, it really changes, well, on the first day , i said, there were already 22 aerial bombardments, and
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the city really changes there not by days, but by hours, of course, because there is a general headquarters building. it can be seen that recently the enemy, well, for several days in a row, almost does not use equipment in our direction, the assault actions became a little less, but the work of aviation did not decrease, the work of artillery, both barrel and reactive, in positions, in the city, er, did not decrease most likely, they are waiting for weather conditions that are more favorable for going again by vehicle, because yesterday it froze a little during the day there until the evening... it was -5 -6, it rained at night and it warmed up again, let's put it this way, well it went, and the ground went, and accordingly, that the enemy could not use equipment, and they try to compensate for this with the amount of work of aviation, artillery, on average we record the last week, maybe 10 days already more than 40 shellings
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on the community, if it was before... there were 30, more than 30, now less than 40 it doesn’t happen, 45 , 46, there are up to 50, well, in terms of positions, of course , they are there around the clock, and there it is many times more, it is counted in the hundreds there , due to the assault actions, well, i repeat, they have become fewer, that’s all but they try somehow, let's say, to keep the entire line in tension defenses around the city, sometimes from the south, then from the north, on the flanks, then in front, somewhere, well, they are constantly trying in small groups... let's say, to keep our boys in suspense, communicating with the commanders, well, we understand that they are the fastest of all are preparing for some kind of, well... to say that the third wave has already ended, well, it seems that it has not ended, but most likely there will be an exacerbation, another exacerbation, if the soil freezes, then they will go again with equipment, yes, well, the guys see and
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intercept, there is a certain regrouping going on in them, they will accumulate strength, most likely there will be , well, let's say, some kind of aggravation again, mr. vitaly, they see that the line and the gray zone around avdiyivka have also changed somewhat, but you say that it is possible that this is some kind of finalization of the third wave. and there will surely be something further, and what does it mean that they then pushed through and went to promka, the industrial zone of avdiyivka, whether they stay there or not, that’s what the guys from the front line say, and i see that with all the desire to move along the road along novobahm to novobakhmutivka, they were pushed back, and the gray zone changed, and in the steppe area too nothing had changed, no matter how many times they had screamed in recent weeks that he was completely taken. here are three points, if you can comment, yes, of course, at the expense of the promka, well, there is nothing on the promka, there is a gray area, they are trying to go there,
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ours, well, conditionally, if so for the understanding of ordinary people to say, yes, they are her promka they sealed it and don't let them pass any further, they just go there on the spur of the moment, our charters just multiply to zero there, as for the typical, well, even 30... the first time we drove into the city and they, well, too they very actively tried to carry out their assault actions there on the steppe, there is no , let’s say, they have control over the steppe, so what will they say there, that they have already taken the steppe, then they control some part of the steppe, they do not control it, the guys are completely there ours keep everything, even when they were going back, they stopped with the boys, talked, they did a certain rotation of the steppe. well, they keep our guys in the steppe, as for the direction of novobakhmutovka, so the guys gave them a little bit there, you can’t say that we are talking about
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there are some serious successes on our part, it just pushed them a little , let's say, their old positions are kept under control, everyone is reasonable, that's what everyone thinks, if the deepstate drew something there, it's all wrong, well, always well in reality. it all doesn’t look like that, yes, the guys from deepstate are sitting , something is there, i don’t know where they are physically located in kyiv, they are drawing something, well, i don’t know, i have questions for the founders of these stories in general, especially when they they write about some kind of comments, yes, about the local population, zadviivki, well, what are you talking about tell me, if you do not understand what is happening at all, tell me, mr. vitaly, sometimes we have the opportunity to communicate with analysts and those who... draw the map of the war, then tell me what we should ask them on your behalf and say? war
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, like banking, love silence, that 's the main thing, sometimes you have to keep quiet, and it will be much more correct, and first of all, if you think about the guys who are on the front lines, and all these treasonous moods, you know, well , well, i personally have a lot, but someone saw something there deepstate the whole zone has changed everything and they are starting to write to me some of my acquaintances there, friends, everything is gone, the car was sleeping , and it starts, i say, guys, well , it’s not like that, well, i say, don’t watch that bullshit, i’ll be honest , i don’t watch it at all, i was previously subscribed i unsubscribed from him on their telegram channel, i'm not interested in it because , well, it really doesn't correspond to the reality that they write at all, everyone understands how they do it, and to be honest, i personally have a lot of them. questions for what do they do and who do they work for, well, it’s probably not my story to comment on such things, but we heard you, mr. vitaliy, we
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will discuss and tell them at the opportunity, in the nearest conversation with them , in conclusion, please tell me that we are getting at least some footage from avdiivka, and thanks to you , in particular, to at least see the scale of the strikes, the destruction, and what these settlements in front of avdiivka look like... er, how big is the destruction there, more, less , than in the oldest place, i am about berdychi, semenivka, orlivka, and also the steppe , well, the steppe has already been erased, probably there is no steppe, there are no bordychi either, ah, semenivka - great destruction, orlivka - even more destruction, lately they are hitting the reeds a lot , they are hitting the more rear villages of novoselivka first, zhelana , well, there is a military man there... no, they are hitting the civilian population there, but the village of novoselivka first is actually my native village, i am from there, in general, everyone once when for... in
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avdiivka, i drive through the village, stop in, look, what is my father's house there , well, to be honest, the villages are being dismantled, it hurts to look at all this, because these are really my native lands, and when you look at all this, well, it's just terrible, in reality, they have been dismantling all the villages of the ocheretyn community a lot lately, you you mean break up, that is, so that our people understand that such a word is the term disassembled, that is, this. yes, this, this, yes, they are hitting the artillery, this is called, they are taking it apart, mr. vitaly, thank you for this conversation, hold on, vitaly barabash, head of the avdiiv city military administration about the picture on the most tragic, dramatic part of the front, where the city is held by the armed forces of ukraine, and i don't even know what to call people for about 50 years, this is a sufficiently active person, they could evacuate, they don't want to evacuate.
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as you heard, in the regime of the two hundredth or the third, i will briefly summarize with the words of oleksandr musienko, the head of the center of military legal research, that the defense of avdiyivka is actually very important, and several important goals, thanks to this defense, were achieved by our military, the first of which destroyed many russians, respectively theirs the offensive potential decreased, decreased , they pulled back the russian reserves, and thanks to this, they did not allow those reserves to be redundant somewhere... scattered across the front, strengthened other russian positions, and the third thing is that our defenders are working so well on avdiivka that we did not have to to attract additional ukrainian forces from the same wells from the same platform in kherson oblast, and for that we thank our defenders, now we are going to sumy oblast, andriana kostenko, doctor of political sciences, head of the center for social research and member of the board of geintelekt of sumy oblast. already in touch with us, see you, ms. andriano,
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welcome to our airwaves. congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, tell me there in sumy oblast and in sumy, about these fortifications, how intensively they are being built, how close or far they are from the border? well, if we talk about the security situation and the shelling situation in general , sumyshchyna, like the whole of ukraine, has been suffering from terrorist attacks from russia for the last 24 hours, in particular over the last 24 hours. about more than 100 there were air raids on the border communities of our region, unfortunately , the krasnopil community, the medrodob community, the bilopol community, i.e. those that are directly close to the border with the enemy, are constantly suffering, we have casualties, a civilian resident died in one of the communities, there is
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a devastating . private estates, also getting into schools, getting into critical infrastructure, well, that is, the new year, and here after the new year, every day, in fact, the local population meets such and such greetings from a terrorist country, if we talk about protective structures, which today are very actively and... in principle, during the last two years , are being actively built on the border with russia, then indeed, on the one hand, this is such a targeted policy of the state, and it allocates targeted funds for this, as well as territorial communities actively join in the context of the adoption of new budgets for 2024, in fact every community of sumy... region
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allocates funds to actually strengthen the border, we have the longest border in ukraine, and actually each, every community feels its responsibility and understands that from the strengthening of the border, the security of our region, our region and ukraine as a whole will also depend on the protection of the border itself, because when in the first months there was a full-scale... invasion, well , actually, the enemies were moving very actively through the sumy region, that's why it actually continues today strengthening the border is one of the strategic tasks of the military administration, which announced that it is to strengthen border protection with the help of forces and local budgets, including those allocated.


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