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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EET

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to actually strengthen the border, we have the longest border in ukraine, and in fact , each and every community feels its responsibility and understands that the security of our region, our region, and ukraine will depend on the strengthening of the border, on the protection of the border itself in general, because when in the first months of the full-scale invasion, well , actually , the enemy was very actively moving through the sumy region, that is why today the border continues to be strengthened, one of the strategic tasks of the military administration announced is to strengthen the defense border by forces and local budgets, including with the allocation of funds from the state budget, is also happening. certain training,
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certain, certain work on training the population, as well as territorial defense. i wanted to ask you, mrs. adriano, about this checkpoint, the pokrovka checkpoint, well, it was very surprising during all those months of the war that we still have a working checkpoint in sumy oblast with the aggressor country, but we see, vice-prem erka vereshchuk says that almost 200 ukrainians were kidnapped in 5 months the children were returned through this checkpoint. first, tell us how it looks in practice, and secondly, since you are engaged in social research, how rewired for russian standards are these children returning? well, maybe it looks strange that such a point works, but frankly i want to say that it is very... it is necessary that
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such a point is under control, the possibility, the point under control should be in order to be able to return, and really kidnapped children, it is possible was to return people who are still either going to visit, to visit their own relatives, by the way, if you look at the contingent that crosses this control point, these are two categories of the population, a significant category. the population is people who live in the occupied territories or close to them, well, in principle, in the occupied territories, in the non-controlled territories, and go temporarily to the territory of ukraine to solve some of their household issues related to certain personal issues there property, or with e-e execution of certain documents, or even just to visit relatives, further. they most likely will
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to return to these territories, i.e. a certain part of the population, well, such a shuttle migration, and they do not go through european countries, they do not go, but there is an opportunity for them to cross the border of the sumy region, and a certain part really performs such an important humanitarian function, this point this is also the return of the children, this is also in principle the people who want to leave, do not have the opportunity and funds... to cross the resources in other places to somehow leave russia illegally or semi-legally, they have this opportunity, therefore the work of such an item is very important, that it concerns the actual moods, political moods, public moods, this population or children, well, it must be said frankly that access to people is very limited.
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who took advantage of this point, they have the opportunity to receive humanitarian aid , they have the opportunity to plan their further trip, because such a temporary shelter point has been created in krasnopil, then logistics are planned for the part of the departure through the city of sumy, to other regions of ukraine to kyiv, drives, drives daily. train yes, but on the other hand, well there is no such access to people, because some part of people even need elementary protection, because when they cross this checkpoint, they can find themselves in a situation, well , such a danger of a dangerous situation on the part of the russian authorities, we understand that people can simply be scared, some can simply and does not dare. thank you ms. andriano for.
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all that you say and do, andriana kostenko, doctor of political sciences and head of the center for social research and member of the board of the ge intellect of sumy oblast, was on our airwaves, and now the conversation will be very interesting. because we will be in touch with the mayor of skadovskoye, who, perhaps, did not even plan, but came into contact with the most dangerous machine of hell, that is , a person who is burned by the hot intellect of quarter 95, oleksandr yakovlev, the mayor of skadovskoye about those about whom said petlyura, about ukrainian tyrants? yes, as a matter of fact, we will talk about them now, mr. oleksandr, congratulations, congratulations, mr. oleksandr, you probably did not plan. my mother ran, flew to the crimea, now she is a crimean mother, she says hate was organized on me, on a cheerful quilter from the quarter, we watched this
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apology video, it would have been better if it had not been there, it seems to us, all the promises given to the people of skadov... in your face, channel 1+1 and quarter 95 also look somehow funny and cynical, or it seems so to us, and you can tell more and in, let's say this, is this whole cringe story finished for you, i think that the story will not be finished, that is, there will be no return to the state that was before , if earlier... the quarter afforded a lot, and so did we we remember those jokes are inappropriate, and they were repeated, so i hope that after this scandal, when the whole of ukraine spoke out against such jokes, i think they will definitely draw conclusions, and we can already see from the reaction that
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the conclusions will be precisely before the work of the quarter , that is, accordingly, i think people will think about how to work further, or? for me personally it's over, well, to be honest, i 'm being offered a lot, they say, let's go to court , but i think that's not wrong, because today there's something to do, today's not the time, when we can spend our energy trying to convince someone in court to do something, i will definitely not do that, but definitely the apologies we heard, they are especially that lady... iryna, they are not apologies , but simply show that she tried to say something, but said and did even worse in my opinion. i still hope that the promises made by 1+1 media and kvartal 95 about viewing this material from the air, from
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the concert program, will be fulfilled, and we will see some news on their pages or websites, in general, according to the law on information, on the media, the apology must be in... the same way as those statements were, that is , at least one of the officials of the quarter must come out and say something on the air, then it will be fine , what if, that would be the right thing, from the point of view of journalism and ethics and things like that, let's see, we're going to show a photo now, this photo was taken more than 100 years ago, and in this photo, in this picture... four girls, there are four, here she is, the four daughters of serhiy skadovsky, the founder of the city of skadovsk , we can already see from the photo itself what kind of outfit these girls are in, it is obvious what kind of upbringing they had, and the tragedy is that none of them,
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none of those daughters, survived the arrival of the muscovites to ukraine in ancient times, their they were all killed when they tried to escape from those so-called liberators that... in january of the 20th year, four sons were also in skadovsky and two did not survive the russians, in fact, out of eight children, only two survived because of the russians, as today in the city reacts to things like that, well, it's not a joke, but to things like that video, to such statements and attempts to somehow expose the local population, why do we show it, we simply understand the whole... the tragedy of several generations in skadovsk, how they were forcibly russified through genocide, coercion and murder, so we understand that today's generation, which has come under the new occupation, yes, it has an even more hypersensitive feeling when they
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are crowded together in such a way that the 95th quarter did, yes the photo really is. it is interesting, it is stored in the skadovsky museum, i personally saw it in that photo, and here it is once again says that the kherson steppes never existed. russian, and the villages remained ukrainian-speaking all the time and still remain today, yes, in the cities, a large number of people were russian, spoke russian, and maybe someone there even spoke ukrainian poorly, but clearly that was not the case, what was shown in that skit, yes , today the people of skadovsk are clearly outraged by that number, and this one... as i said, people who are also in the free territory, turnovers at the border, and those who, i already have feedback from
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occupied territory, people support and say that, unfortunately, we cannot speak openly there, but unequivocally, it is not about us and it is not us, so they, thanking us, we started this, well, forced to apologize quarter, and they are not satisfied. because it is really dangerous for them to express their pro-ukrainian position today. simon petliura talked about moscow lice and ukrainian nits, and in this case , it's somehow not so scary that a girl in a russian cap who travels to occupied crimea jokes like that, but how does she think she's joking? as the faces of the audience are more frightening,
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it is difficult to call them the audience, well, you are not frightened, but those who are in the hall, and not those who are on the stage? well, listen, i think that after all, they don’t always joke like that in the same quarter, after all, they probably have some funny numbers, i myself don’t look, legal ones, i don’t know if there will be legal consequences again, in fact, it is very difficult, but
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the main thing is that there is condemnation from the public, i think that it is more important and more effective today in our time, the audience, they will always be, and it cannot be said that all the audience there are like that, well they don't deserve respect, i don't know, i won't discuss it, because i don't know who goes there, because i myself have never been to such concerts, but it is an assumption. that you have lost a little, mr. oleksandr, i will also add, because on our airwaves we communicate very often with residents of the kherson region and the temporarily occupied territories and territories controlled by kyiv, and i personally am always fascinated by the language of the residents of the kherson region, it is always very beautiful, actually ukrainian , beautiful, as you can and should admire, not what was shown, obviously, the authors and screenwriters have simply never been there, or have
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no idea at all how to speak in half-tone, which is not surprising when they showed, for example, the inhabitants of transcarpathia or the hutsuls, it was the same cringe, which shows that if the scoop goes into the head, it will not come out, even if the second russian-ukrainian war begins. mr. oleksandr, thanks again, we are also watching carefully to see, because even on youtube they have not removed it, how it will look like. give at least an apology to the ukrainian people from the side here are these residents of the neighborhood, it was the mayor of skadovsk, oleksandr yakovlev, and we are adding to the conversation, the commander of the 92nd anti-shock beplyaad separate assault brigade named after koshovoy taman ivan sirk, yury fedorenko, in contact with us, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, sir commander, let's go to the temporal ravine right away, because there are very disturbing news from there to us. there are rumors that they are coming from bakhmut in the direction of the time ravine and apparently quite
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intensively, please tell me how it is in reality? the situation looks current moment as follows: the enemy had minor tactical successes at the end of last year and is trying to build up his sisters-in-law in this aspect, but at the current moment the defense forces in titanic work, coordinated work... managed to stabilize the situation and prevent the loss of position in recent days, i.e. the situation managed to occupy, stabilize. we had a similar situation in the spring of the 20th of the third year, it was then that the unit entrusted to me and like many other organisms, fought for the road between the chasm of time and bakhmut and also managed to stop the enemy, as a result, during the summer and autumn offensive campaign, it can be significantly pushed back by 1.2 km, depending on the direction. at the moment, it can be said that the situation has been stabilized and
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the enemy's further advance has not been allowed. there are round-the-clock battles, tough battles are enough. and i think that the defense forces will be able to fully overcome this situation, completely buy it, as a result, then improve their position, which means that to throw the enemy off the road, from the positions he is currently occupying, from the north the frosts are coming in general the front, that is, in general, how does the weather look now in your country and with the onset of frost, will the muscovites, in your opinion, try again... a huge amount of heavy equipment on the frozen ground, for example, the battles around bohdanivka now show how they will be, how to act according to yours, of course, the enemy, when there will be frosts, and the frosts will already be in the coming days, the communication routes will become objectively more passable for lightly armored vehicles, heavily armored vehicles, the enemy will cover his
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assault groups, as with fire from these armored vehicles means, and use them as a high. equipment for transporting personnel for the front line, but at the same time 70, maybe even 80% of the enemy's equipment, which is in the zone of impact of our artillery means, as well as fv drones and strike means of bepal, in general, it is either damaged, then finished, or is completely destroyed, so one way or another, the enemy is still, despite the weather conditions, forced to use accumulation tactics in most areas, it is meant when they are a certain distance... the number of kilometers to the front line marches on foot, in small groups, one, two, three people at a time, until they reach the position they need, accumulate, and from there they begin to attack the assault aircraft, but of course, the worse the weather, it is meant rain, snow, fog, strong gusts of wind , the smaller the presence of our bepils in the air,
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the smaller the presence of our bepils in the air of reconnaissance-type actions, the worse we see, and the worse we see, the worse we can strike at the expense of... means , despite the fact that other means of intelligence in the defense force works effectively enough, despite the fact that other firepower, such as cannons, have ammunition and are actively working now, the bopla has brought to both the reconnaissance and the strike part of it, such a distinct, distinct improvement in tactics as a whole conducting hostilities, therefore, with frost, i think that the enemy will not receive any significant change. the only thing worth noting is that of course our guys at the positions will be very, very cold, so if you know, someone who needs personal help, there is chemical vodka or whatever otherwise, be sure to help if possible. mr. yury, i hear that you hoarse and your voice is hoarse and, well, there is a virus running deep in the rear, and oksana and i also
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managed to experience similar things, coughing and losing your voice, do you also have a virus now? it's just because of the cold and whether there are enough medicines and well, we've already heard about insole heaters, let everyone who watches us hear it , but with medicines and viruses, tell me what the doctor said to me: well, you know, i've never heard of someone is chronically sleep deprived, as well the hypothermia was beneficial, because i was very indignant at how it happened that i got sick, but in fact, friends, the military are definitely the same people as all ukrainians, and most of those who are fighting now are your neighbors of yesterday, who lived with you in the same house, worked at the same job, or went to the same gym or club, it does n't matter, of course, all the diseases that are in the title conditions, they are also in combat work, but it's just objectively sick there is no time, so the methods of treatment, they are completely different, here
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there is no time to recover from the illness for a day or two. very medicinal drugs go ahead ugh, it’s really a shame to hear all this, because i would like you to have just such an opportunity, because it’s a little easier for us in a warm studio to deal with all that and with hot tea, mr. yuri, one more question, actually as for the front, maybe you too actually, when you work with drones and in some other way get information, how do you think it all looks, they are determined to take some short steps there, that's how they now want to attack chasiv yar. they attack bohdanivka, are they ready for any such big leaps, like, for example, to kramatorsk, to sloviansk, what are they preparing now, what kind of campaign do they have, what plan? the enemy 's plan remains unchanged throughout this period of time, the last, probably a year, after the kharkiv-kherson
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counter-offensive operations were carried out by the defense forces, the enemy intends to completely buy up and occupy the luhansk region, the donetsk region, as well as renew its state and situation in the kharkiv region. as a result, if we are talking about bakhmutsky vytonok, step number is important to them one: to regain all the lost positions that were retaken by the forces. step number two - to occupy the necessary bridgehead for the assault of the ravine, step number three - to develop success in the direction of konstantinivka, druzhkivka, kramatorsk, respectively slavyansk, and the enemy will continue to do this, the only thing that can disrupt the enemy's intentions is the unity of the ukrainian nation , and the strength and will of the armed forces of ukraine and defense forces, in general. this is the only thing that can save ukrainian statehood, this is the only thing that can... protect the ukrainian nation, because if anyone doubts that each of we will be destroyed, let him just look at the events of 22, 23 and remember how
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it really was, and in particular those who occupied most of our territories abroad, and now returning to kyiv, which plus-minus is the same as was there before the war, despite the rocket attacks, i feel very sorry for the people, but he also starts talking in the rear, how to fight properly, you don't have to do it. addressing the ukrainians, the only thing i still asked for is the ability of the enemy to launch missile strikes, despite our anti-aircraft system defense, unfortunately, the enemy has this opportunity, so please do not neglect the safety rules, if there is an air alert, take care of your children, your parents, yourself, because the more of us, the more alive we are, the more disabled we are to knock out the enemy with the god of daniz, mr. yuri, that we, what we want to say to you is to thank you.
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of a separate assault brigade named after koshovoy taman ivan sirk about the situation in bakhmutsky on... the direction of yarv times and other settlements, such as bohdanivka and in the south, klishchivka, andriivka, now in the epicenter of the attacks of the offensive forces, and it has not yet been hit by frost, that is what we have a picture for today, and actually now we will try to summarize everything, what the front line of the russian-ukrainian war looks like, our colleagues have prepared extensive thorough material about it. let's see together how the battle map looks like. map of hostilities for the period
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december 27-january 3. the russians conduct an audit of the counteroffensive of the armed forces, but suffer record losses. during the last week of the 23rd year , the occupiers advanced on all areas of the front, especially focusing on those areas where the ssu had success in the summer. these are bahmuts and robots. the rate of destruction of the russians increased significantly. due to the fact that the whole of december was spent in meat assaults, it became a record for the destruction of the enemy's manpower and equipment, so in a month almost 30,000 occupiers were eliminated, which is the largest number since the beginning of the war. another absolute record is the destruction of the 931st unit of motor vehicles and another 140 units of various special equipment. 49 tanks, although not an absolute record, but the second result from at the beginning of the 22nd year, 715 destroyed combat armored vehicles complement the picture of the elimination of the enemy's wheeled vehicles. revision of the results of the counteroffensive in the tokmat direction, the russian paratroopers increased the pressure
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on our soldiers, who stopped the attack on the robotin ledge and went on the defensive. the occupiers managed to push back our troops from the once lost first line of defense to the west and north of vervovoy. also, the armed forces had to retreat from the areas east of novoprokopivka and west of the work. the occupiers continue to encroach on the works, trying to occupy the village again. at the same time, they attack to the north of kopan, creating a threat of retreat to our troops on this bridgehead. in this way, the enemy focused on the complete elimination of the results of the zes counteroffensive in the tokmat direction. if successful, they will probably take over the de-occupied territory in the berdyansk direction. meanwhile, the zso managed to expand the zone of its control by several square kilometers near. that in the melitopol direction. the russian offensive slowed down in the vicinity of donetsk and avdiivka. our soldiers managed to stop the rapid advance of the rashists near novomykhaivka and
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pobeda. despite the fact that novomykhaivka was semi-surrounded, its defense will allow the armed forces of ukraine to prepare new defensive redoubts to restrain the advance of ugledar's trenches, which the enemy is actively planning for the second year in a row. despite the actual loss of maryanka, the russians do not manage, as they claimed, to break through to kurakhovo with a marching step. currently, they are stuck in the ruins of the destroyed city and in futile attempts to advance on georgiivka. occupiers suffered the biggest losses suffer near obadiah. which they have been trying to surround for the third month, but to no avail. their main attacks are concentrated to the north of the city, where the rashists are trying to move away from the railway embankment near the villages of stepove and berdychi. despite certain local successes of the enemy in this direction, the armed forces of ukraine carry out regular counterattacks and again push the russians back to the railway, and mostly simply eliminate them when they try to escape. the village of spv has moved into a gray area that no one controls, but
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the rashists cannot fight against it either. because they fall under crossfire of our defenders. on the southern flank, the russians managed to advance several hundred meters north of vodyanyi. meanwhile, along with the attacks, the enemy is trying to regroup its units, probably the rashists will change their tactics. the battle for bahmud and the times of yar. as at the end of the 22nd year, in december, the occupiers activated their offensive in the bakhmud direction. the main targets are the villages of ivanivske, bohdanivka and klishchiivka. success in these areas will allow them to come close to the ukriprayon in chasovoy yar. the most difficult situation is currently in the bohdanivka area, derashists were able to break through to the northern outskirts of the village, but fighting continues here with variable success. a separate 11th brigade of paratroopers was assigned to take ivanovske by storm. so far, they haven't made any progress in a week, the situation in klishchiivka is similar, where the zsu has occupied the dominant heights and regularly repels waves and waves of the russian
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onslaught. however, their offensive continues and the situation is steadily difficult. missile terrorism has failed. in 5 days, the terrorist country launched more than 350 drones and missiles over ukraine. our anti-aircraft defense shot down 159 cruise missiles 173 shahedis. the rashists did not achieve any strategic goal, instead, their reserves at this rate will be enough for two or three more massive shellings. for example, by the end of december, russia was able to accumulate about... 230 kha-101-555 missiles, 152 of which it has already launched in ukraine, there are still about 190 calibers left, but before that terrorists did not launch more than 20 of them at the same time, and this winter almost do not use them at all. the reasons are unknown, because despite the flight of missile carriers from crimea to novorossiysk, they can launch this type of missile from there, however they don't do it en masse, maybe there were
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some contingencies. problems, more than the enemy of predictable and unpredictable problems. we win daily, death to enemies. thanks colleagues for this material. meanwhile , the air force of the armed forces of ukraine reports that the missile is now heading for kryvyi rih, and accordingly, they are asking to take cover. they also warn about the danger for kropyvnytskyi, ask residents to be careful, and in case of what. do not neglect the safety rules, now it is approaching 10 o'clock, time to learn about the most important, and my colleague khrystyna parubiy already has a selection of the most important and freshest information about what is happening in the world and in ukraine. christina, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, thank you, in the issue we will talk about the work of our air defense this night and about the situation in the regions of ukraine,
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wait a moment. it's 10 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world. at this time , khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. four people were injured, including a 12-year-old girl. the russians fired s-300 missiles snighorivka in the mykolayiv region. the projectile hit the territory of the enterprise and a residential area. a fire broke out with an area of ​​95 m2. this was announced by the head of the region vitaliy kim. already in the morning, the occupiers fired at a critical infrastructure facility in ochakiv. there too.


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