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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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ms. oksana, i'm sorry, but we have to finish with you, unfortunately, unfortunately, we don't have much time. oksana savchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, and it's already time for news on spresso, iryna koval and the news editor have already managed to prepare a fresh, topical news issue, so iro, we give you the floor, and tell me what will be in this issue. thank you, marta, well, in just a moment i will tell you about the situation in different regions of our country. in ukraine, at 3 p.m., a news release on the spresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval is available for your attention. greetings to all viewers. and again in the sounds of explosions were heard in kropyvnytskyi and kryvyi rih just an hour ago during the threat of use. permanent armament.
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the air force reported a missile over kropyvnytskyi at 2:20 p.m., and after that, public relations correspondents reported the explosions. so we are waiting for details. in the morning , the occupiers already hit kropyvnytskyi, fired a kh-59 rocket, as a result of which one person died, eight more were injured - informed the head of the regional military administration andrii raykovich. energy facilities were damaged there. over the consequences. dsns teams are working. the survey of several partially destroyed buildings is ongoing. investigative teams continue to work and search for debris from rockets. the resistance of the 35 kv power line was also damaged. due to the rocket attack, there were supply interruptions in some microdistricts of the regional center.
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electricity and water, now everything has been restored, we are monitoring the situation. one person died and two others were injured in stanislav in the kherson region. a few hours ago, the enemy shelled the settlement with artillery, the regional prosecutor's office informs. a 62-year-old man received fatal injuries local resident one woman came under fire in a car. she has a contusion. another wounded man refused hospitalization. in stanislav through the enemy. the impact damaged two private houses and the lights went out. occupiers injured two men in nikopol, dnipropetrovsk region. in the morning, the enemy covered the residential sector of the city with fire - serhiy lysak, the head of the military administration of the region, reports. both injured have leg injuries, one of them is in serious condition. the occupiers want to hide the real ones. the situation at the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant
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station, therefore they did not allow magat specialists into the reactor halls. this opinion was expressed by petro kotin, the president of energoatom. he emphasizes that only the return of the station to the full control of ukraine can ensure its nuclear and radiation safety. let me remind you that yesterday the russian troops forbade the experts of the international atomic energy agency to check the reactor halls of three power units of the plant. this happened for the first time. even after the russian occupation of energodar. the verkhovna rada's committee on national security today began consideration of the draft law on mobilization, the head of the servant of the people fraction davyd arahamiya said. the meeting was attended by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zalozhny and the minister of defense rustem umyerov. deputies will consider the document for several days in separate blocs. let me remind you that the government submitted a law to the parliament. on the improvement
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of certain issues of mobilization and military service, in particular, it is about changing the conscription age from 27 to 25 years, canceling conscription and changing the rules for serving summonses. in cherkasy region, law enforcement officers discovered an underground a tobacco factory that produced up to 50,000 packs of cigarettes per day. production was arranged by several local residents on the territory of the former. parts in order to hide the consumption of a significant amount of electricity, the perpetrators installed a diesel substation there, and to avoid unwanted visitors , they used video surveillance cameras around the perimeter of the territory. finished products were sold under the guise of domestic and foreign tobacco companies in bulk and retail in several regions of ukraine. law enforcement officers liquidated the activities of the underground workshop and removed an industrial line for the production
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of cigarettes, drying equipment, 150,000 packs of cigarettes, as well as packaging containers. the total amount seized reaches uah 20 million. are held further measures to collect the evidence base to bring the organizers and participants of the underground business to justice. thousands of animals are injured or left to their own devices as a result of the war in ukraine. many of them are helped by the team of the ula animals foundation. since 2016, the organization advocates humane treatment of animals and protects them from exploitation and bullying since the beginning of the full-scale war, all efforts have been concentrated. to save animals from the war zone. for me, personal motivation is the salvation of the earth, from where we are all headed. daniil koval joined the ua animals team in the summer of 2023. since the beginning of the great war, the boy wanted to do
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an important job, so he started delivering feed for animals in kyiv and the region. eventually , help became unnecessary, so daniil returned to his normal life. i got used to it again. to the normal life that was, work, and then they blew up the kakhovskaya gesture, i wrote whether they need my help, they said they really need it, they found a car with a driver, we went there with my friend, we stayed there for five days, took out animals, also distributed fodder in the villages, returned to kyiv, and i realized that i was not i want to return to a normal job again, i want to stay in volunteering, since that moment the guy has not been able to return to his former... job in kyiv. danyil was in the hottest spots of the front line, avdiyivka, bereslav, orihiv. according to his own calculations , together with the team, he saved more than half a thousand animals the most difficult thing in all this is that the animal does not understand what you are doing with it, some animals have never seen
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the cages that we transport, they are always stressed and start, well, many start to aggress when they see a new person, who in a hurry wants to take her away, put her in this cage, it is difficult. one not only because of this the boy worries, but also for the life of each tail. the road is also an important component of animal evacuation, constant shelling in every direction adds stress, and the guy is not going to stop. in the new wants to save even more four-legged animals this year. i believe that animals are more important than us on this earth. we are taking away their home, not theirs. but it was not always like that. before the beginning of the great war, ua animals were more defenders of animal rights, initiated. the circus without animals bill also, thanks to negotiations with people's deputies, managed to achieve the adoption of a law that provides for increased responsibility for cruel treatment of animals, and dozens of ukrainian designers refused to use natural fur. opened charity fund and the story of
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donations and their conversion into a wide variety of aid began, that is, before we did not buy feed, now we started, we did not buy medicine, now we started, we did not evacuate animals. now they started from the front, everything has changed accordingly, and it has been like this for two years and it has been going at such a very, very, very, very high pace. calculating how many animals have already been helped is very difficult, animal advocates emphasize, because all help is different. over, over, over, over, i don't even know how many animals, it's hard to say exactly, a lot, it's just that this help is also very different, we... take part of the animals directly from the front, we sterilize some of the animals right there on the spot and do not take them out, but we also help shelters a lot. it is not an easy job to take animals from the combat line, in order to give the animals, people fill out applications with all the information about the four-legged friend. the yua
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animals team builds optimal routes to pick up as many animals as possible, then sends the tails to shelters and rehabilitation centers across the country. then to these shelters we help with feed, medicine, if we need to pay for operations, we pay for operations , that is, it is such a barter, they agree to take care of the animals, and then we stably support them with various resources that are needed. currently, there are more than 50 people in the ua animals team, they are evacuation teams, managers, communicators and lawyers, some of them are also engaged in the international direction, so that the whole world knows about the crimes of the russians and stops them. the team is not going, in the new year there is also someone to save. dmytro didora, polina karnasyuk, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. the triumph of love. the only woman released from captivity the day before. combat medic halyna fedyshyn got engaged to her
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lover, marine of the 36th brigade, mykola gretsynyak. the commander of the brigade and their comrade serhii volynskyi told about this touching event. he noted that par. together she went through the battles for mariupol and withstood the trials of captivity and long separation. let me remind you that halyna fodyshyn was the last girl marine who was captured by the occupiers. such was the news at that time, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch us on youtube. my colleagues antin borkovskii and marta oliyarnyk continue the broadcast of the espresso tv channel, and we will see you at 4 p.m. the informational marathon on espresso continues
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its work, we are adding petr olyschuk, a political scientist, associate professor of the taras shevchenko university of technology to our ether, say the editors, who are preparing for the inclusion of petr oleschuk. i will remind you that the white house announced the lack of money for new aid packages to ukraine, this was said at a briefing for journalists, the coordinator of strategic communications of the national security council of the white house, john. kirby is reported by european pravda, and in fact, kirby is quoted. we have already given ukraine the last package of security assistance that we have funds for just before the new year and after christmas, and we must get the support of congress so that we can continue to do so. we are adding petro olyschuk to our broadcast, mr. petro is already in touch with us. mr. peter, glory to ukraine, welcome to espresso. glory to the heroes, congratulations. you must have heard. what i read just a few seconds ago that the white house has officially announced that there is no money for
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new aid packages and they are awaiting congressional approval. what is your assessment of all the events currently taking place in washington, should we hope that soon the congress will be able to pass this draft law that will allow ukraine to allocate the next aid packages. it is difficult enough to predict, there are certain facts that we can rely on. the facts are as follows, that in principle all the main political players of the united states have repeatedly stated that they support the provision of aid to ukraine, but they did so as representatives of the ruling administration of the white house. in particular, during the last visit of the president of ukraine to washington last year, relevant statements were made. the president of the united states , joseph biden, made similar statements , and speaker johnson, who represents
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the republican party, made similar statements. at the same time, we see that the issue of aid to ukraine has been drawn into the internal american political struggle, which intensified on the eve of the presidential elections. and under such conditions, they tied this issue to the issue of changing the migration policy. which at the moment significantly complicates the consideration of this, again the issue of aid to ukraine. therefore, i personally expect that the issue will be adopted and will be resolved positively, the issue is only in terms of timing, because we understand that every day of delay is something that is not very good for ukraine, and i hope that american politicians also understand this , and after exiting. they are from the new year holidays are intensifying negotiations in order to reach some kind of agreement that
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will ultimately unlock aid for ukraine. well , this situation has now developed as a result of the internal american political struggle, this is the weakness of democratic systems, which has been repeatedly used by various non-democratic regimes in the world against democratic states. well, in general, against , let's say, civilized countries, the system of civilized countries of the modern world, civilized democratic legal states, because now, and we don't say this anymore, not only we, all the people in the civilized world are talking about this now, about the formation of the so-called axis of evil, which is already turning from a corresponding rhetorical reception into a reality with which... all states are dealing, accordingly, all states
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are actively cooperating with this axis of evil, already there was information in the united states that russia is starting to receive ballistic missiles from the dprk, it previously received a lot of missiles from the dprk, the cooperation of russia with iran is also widely known, but they should also understand, everyone in the world should understand, that neither the dprk nor iran is a charity. do not engage, they receive something in exchange, and everyone understands that it is not only money, well, if we talk, for example, you mentioned iran, well , information has arrived that... it is possible that the russian federation may receive from iran in the spring ballistic missiles, that is, the united states managed to contain such a barter for a long time, not a barter, because i think that this is a device, it is not really about money, well, but in any case , information came, well, and prospects, so to speak say, to prevent the ayatollah from
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handing over additional weapons to russia to kill ukrainians, that's how you did it. correctly said that it is most likely a barter, and that both they and the dprk can get from russia. it is obvious that they are primarily interested in nuclear technologies, missile technologies, and aviation technologies, that is, with a high degree of probability, we can note that as a result of this cooperation, not only, for example, russia will receive additional resources for waging war against ukraine, but iran and the dprk will itself get them and it will become. much stronger, stronger, and accordingly increase their military potential against whom? against the main allies of the united states, because it is clear that iran is building up its military power against israel, and north korea against south korea, japan, very much all of these states are strategic partners of the united states.
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and here we see, again, what consequences it leads to. the situation with the fact that the issue of the continued existence of the putin regime in russia is not radically resolved, the axis of evil is strengthened, cemented, connected closer economic, military-technical, and technological ties, and in the end this is such a synergetic effect that will significantly strengthen not only, for example, russia, but the same regimes of iran and the dprk. mr. peter. er, we would also like to discuss with you the statement of our minister of foreign affairs dmytro koleba, who stated in an interview with cnn that ukraine believes in plan a regarding military support of western countries and there is no alternative to plan b in case of its termination. we see such a difficult situation in washington now, congressmen cannot
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so far to reach a certain agreement, and we also see that they are playing along with all this... republicans, in particular, member of the house of representatives kat kemack from the state of florida, said that for republicans, the priority of the security of american borders over foreign aid is not subject to discussion. in the case of such a protracted situation with help from the united states, we understand that this plan b is needed. and in your opinion, it so happened that an official of the state, the minister of foreign affairs, tells the western media that we do not have plan b, and our only one the plan is plan a and western aid? well, i think that in the case of communication with the western media - this is an absolutely fair point of view, which fully corresponds to the situation and the moment in which it was voiced. it is clear that
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ukraine has different options for action, and there is also a plan b. but, if we, for example, say that we have a plan b, then this is an excellent argument for various detractors of ukraine, who will say, well, friends, we should hurry with this help, everything is fine in ukraine, they will figure it out there themselves, and we will be for now resolve their issues, maybe we will return to the issue of aid one day, but the problem is that no matter what plan b options ukraine has, there are still absolutely obvious facts, and the obvious facts are the following: russia and ukraine are a state. disproportionate in size, both purely geographically and in terms of population. russia and ukraine are countries disproportionate in terms of their economic potential, simply because ukraine does not have such an incredible amount of natural resources that can be sold, and even if you sell them for half price, you'll still get a lot of money with which to wage war.
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actually, what is russia doing now, and sanctions have not been effective enough to undermine. russian capabilities, how to sell their resources , on the one hand, and on the other hand, in order to, for example, receive some components for these resources, which russia continues to buy through various gray schemes and states that cover this very so-called parallel import . accordingly, ukraine needs help from western partners, because russia continues to destroy the ukrainian economy. continues shelling and shelling the entire territory of ukraine, and this is an obvious fact, but at the same time, this does not mean that ukraine should exclusively rely on western help, that is obvious, but for the west, we must support those formulations and those messages that it puts forward , for example, for its own audience, the administration of the white house.
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the administration of the white house says that it is necessary to make an appropriate decision regarding aid to ukraine, otherwise there will be consequences critical i think we need to support this official rhetoric coming from the white house, and that's basically the main strategy. in the case of communication with the western audience, so that the western audience understands the seriousness of the moment, and the fact that, well, this is, in fact, what is really needed, but it is not only necessary for us, it is necessary for them, because now the fate is being decided in the same way of the entire world order in the future, if this world order undergoes critical destruction, then it cannot but affect the lives of the citizens of the west as well. the european union, the united states, other, shall we say, civilized democratic and legal states. mr. peter , don't you have the feeling that our western allies, well, we understand that
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intra-american processes, intra-european processes are ongoing, but sometimes there is a feeling that they are trying to communicate in such a way, for example, with kyiv, that is, perhaps they put forward some additional homework or, for example, ask to retake it. some things we may have promised them to do, though we understand that the question is, well, actually the existential survival of the ukrainian state, so we understand that we may simply not have time to re-plan if there are no appropriate funds, so that macron does not say that everything will be fine and so on and so forth, we will help ukraine to switch to self-sufficiency, we understand that this is a long , long process, but such a hitch may indicate some additional... things, or is this some kind of conspiracy? you know, i don't believe in such reasoning for a long time, because i don't believe that western players are one hundred percent rational and consistent in
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their policy, if they were one hundred percent rational and consistent in their policy, many things would simply not have been allowed, let's just remember, for example, the history of relations between ukraine and the united states in the 90s, later, when actually under the leadership of the united states served. disarmament of ukraine, while no effective mechanisms were created to prevent a major war, the largest war in europe after the end of the second world war. despite the fact that you and i, i think we perfectly understand that no one from the civilized world needs a big war in europe, because it destabilizes the market, for example, of grain and food in general, it is the issue of refugees and other movements of citizens, it is the violation of logistical... relevant arteries, contacts, which have a very negative impact on the world economy, and therefore create corresponding additional economic and other
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threats, that is, it all creates a lot of problems for them, but they did not warn about these problems due to a whole series of circumstances, because they very much wanted to make friends with russia, as we remember, how they supported yeltsin's regime, which by and large was absolutely no different from putin's regime, the only thing was that it was much more c'. kish and he was much more disorganized, but he was just as undemocratic, he also carried out genocide, suppression and the like, but then they treated him like a great democrat and tried to get along with him in every way. so i don't overestimate in this situation, you know, their ability to foresee some consequences, some appropriate next steps, especially since they already joined in supporting ukraine, and for putin. this is already an appropriate signal of their hostility, and we can also say with you that , for example, the hitting of russian missiles
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during the last massive shelling of the territory of ukraine towards poland is a coincidence, but i do not believe in such coincidences, it is a signal for the west that they say, look, here we will deal with ukraine now, then we will come to you to take revenge, and then what will they do in this situation, i am interested, because this... will be quite a serious existential challenge, and it will also raise a lot of questions about the ability to make decisions and respond to those decisions, so of course some relevant issues can be discussed, various demands can be made and so on, but not at the moment of existential challenge, when the question of existence is decided of ukraine, about the existence of nato, about the existence of the world order, about the existence of world... security and the like, these are not some, you know, issues that can be resolved for decades and will be resolved decades, but the question of really.
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existential challenges and threats for the whole world. and again, i would like to note that today kirbiv once again emphasized that the united states has not recorded any serious facts of embezzlement of american aid, that is, this is the official position of the white house. obviously, they voiced this position not for us, but for their own politicians, for their own congressmen, that is, in order to form the appropriate background, so that the necessary decision would be considered in the near future and. adopted, i hope that, nevertheless, in critical conditions, they will be able to overcome certain intra-party, contradictions, inter-party contradictions, internal political contradictions and proceed to adoption, thank you, mr. peter, an extremely interesting conversation , we look forward to your qualified analysis, well , as they say, very clearly , strictly, even without populism. petro oleshchuk, political scientist,
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associate professor of taras shevchenko kyiv national university, well, now we will take a short break and after it we will return to our studio, we will discuss important topics, so be with espresso, a few minutes and we continue our ether, there are discounts on tosmai, 15% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings. there are discounts on citrik, 20% in psarynyk, vam and ochadnyk pharmacies. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the compact and powerful strong saw from unpack tv is just for you. now you can easily trim trees and bushes. the strong saw is so convenient to use for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included. cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood. you will do all this in one movement with the strong saw. only
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the judicial control program with tatyana. on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast. a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. verdict with serhii rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day by phone survey, turn on and on.


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