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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine - enable me of ukraine. yuliya pavytska, the head of the sanctions direction of the ksi institute, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mrs. yulia. well, we would like to talk to you about the sanctions directed at the russian federation. in your opinion, where are the main ones now, so to speak? holes, well, these are huge black holes, yes, which allow you to feed the russian economy, and who, in your opinion, currently violates the sanctions regime the most, well, if you can, name these beautiful countries, and in general, in your opinion the opinion will be influenced now by the inclusion of the russian alrosa in the list of sanctions, that is, one leader in the diamond market, well, you have a very complex question, so let's ask it. in several parts, if we
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talk about the circumvention of sanctions, then it really reached a very large scale by the end of the year, and the key focus that we and our partners are now following is, first of all, energy, because it is important for us to renew the pressure on russia continued to lose its income from the export of energy resources, as well as their access to key critical components that are then used in weapons. against ukraine, and precisely here the circumvention is the most critical and dangerous for us, so now the attention of partners is also on focusing on improving the already existing mechanisms and adding new mechanisms to stop this circumvention. if we talk about the biggest violators of sanctions, the biggest violator is objectively russia, because it is the main driver of these violations. if we are talking about a satellite. country, it is a big problem if we
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are talking about the supply of components to weapons and microelectronics, it remains china. also , turkey remains a major violator in terms of helping to circumvent trade sanctions. we see that recently, russia has actively cooperated with the arab emirates in circumventing financial sanctions and energy sanctions, and generally smaller sanctions. on which russia still has influence. if we're talking about kazakhstan, there's been an interesting dynamic going on there lately, and we have to monitor now for a change, and how changes are happening in their trade flows, because kazakhstan is gradually giving up its dependence on russia and is also strengthening its export controls. and the last part, right? yes, yes, yes, ms. yulia. yes, and the last part. talked
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about sanctions on alrosa, i want to note that this company has finally come under sanctions, this is a logical continuation and addition to the sanctions restrictions that were introduced in the 12th package, namely, we finally received an import ban on diamonds from russia, and also with a transition period and the development of an appropriate mechanism , a gradual ban on imports. from third countries in order to limit the entry of diamonds of russian origin into the g7 countries, accordingly, it is logical that we have the largest supplier and exporter of a state-owned enterprise, which accounts for 90% of russian diamond exports, is subject to sanctions, whether in general diamond sanctions will be painful for russia, it will really depend on that mechanism from the coordinated g7 to prevent russian diamonds from entering the g7 rin market, because we have been pushing for the adoption
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of this sanction for a very long time, and during this time, while the countries of the european union, in particular belgium, sought ways to reduce our dependence, how to develop an appropriate mechanism, russia has already adjusted very significant flows to india and, in particular, the united arab emirates, and therefore it is very important that we have this mechanism, so that we simply do not change the trajectory of the entry. these bloody stones to europe and other countries. mrs. yulia, i would like to ask you in more detail whether there are any certain legal and legal levers of influence on countries that help russia circumvent sanctions? the same kazakhstan, the same turkey, azerbaijan, the united arab emirates and further down the list, well, we understand that these countries frankly help the russian military-industrial complex, in particular and further. list, respectively, how in general in such
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conditions and is there such an opportunity to somehow punish these countries so that they do not want to help russia? in general, there is a mechanism. secondary sanctions, which have usually been used by the united states of america, are when third countries are held responsible or companies in third countries. now, in general, there is a cautious attitude towards secondary sanctions, and, for example, the same the european union, for a long time , it did not recognize the application of extraterritorial such secondary sanctions at all, but in the 11th package, if i am not mistaken, for the first time they laid down a mechanism that they ... could limit the export of certain critical categories of goods to countries that were proven , that they help russia circumvent sanctions, that is , they laid down this mechanism, legally it already exists, and also they finally laid down a mechanism and began to use it, regarding
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the sanctioning of companies in third countries that help to circumvent sanctions, so we we expect that there will be a lot of increase in number at first. cases where companies in third countries are sanctioned directly, and we will continue to pressure our partners to use the mechanism they have already done to limit exports to these third countries that help russia circumvent sanctions. if we are talking about such offending countries as iran, then sanctions are constantly imposed and expanded on iran, as well as on their legal entities, but here it is worth noting that in general we... we need to expand the coalition, we need continue to communicate with partners in countries that still take such a gray position and help russia, for example, very cool examples that can lead, progress,
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is with the same kazakhstan that i just mentioned, that they have changed their rhetoric, and we see, because the trade data, they are published with a lag, so we still have to monitor how much... they changed the format of their trade with russia, and also recently there was a very big and loud news, regarding the arab emirates, because after the round of sanctions of the states precisely for violation price cap on russian oil, the arab bank in the arab emirates refused to open an account for the russian supplier, and accordingly it blocked trade on this transaction with... with india, and this was almost the first case when a third country, due to the risk of sanctions, precisely , because of the bypass, oil restrictions, she blocked, this transaction and did not allow to open an account,
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and we hope that there will be more such cases in the near future, ms. yulia, we just have two minutes, i want to be in time, just will there be political will, because on december 7 there was information that tankers... and again the russian brought nuclear products, you know, not somewhere there to kazakhstan, but to the naval base of the united states, and we are surprised, so about turkey, about azerbaijan, here we see a situation where the naval forces of the united states receive russian, russian oil products, and in this matter i also want to touch on the confiscated assets of the russian federation, because the united states in this aspect also from... play an important role, and i want to combine these two aspects: will there be political will to strengthen sanctions, taking into account all this, and confiscate russian assets arrested? i sincerely believe that the political will is there, we see it from our partners and we hear it, regarding energy sanctions
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in the last weeks before the new year and in the last months, the rhetoric of the united states itself has changed very much and they have come out with a number of new sanctions restrictions and... in the coming months , we expect the extension of this sanction pressure, because it is critical for us to continue taking money from russia, regarding the confiscation of russian assets, we also expect that an appropriate solution will be found, especially against the background of the complication of the situation regarding financial support for ukraine, both in the european union and in the united states , that is why we also see a radical change in rhetoric, because previously our partners... were very cautious in general about the discussion of finding a mechanism for such confiscation, now against the background of the complication of the possibilities of financial assistance to ukraine, this stimulated them in a certain way to react more actively and aggressively to such a story and
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to more specifically look for a correct legal mechanism to confiscate russian assets and transfer them to the benefit of ukraine. thank you, yulia povytska. the head of the sanctioning department of ksi institute has been in touch with us, now we will take a short break and return to the espress studio to discuss important informational reasons, so stay with us. wow, i went for a walk, water, there is not enough ordinary water here, drink reo. i'm saving myself, reo. you are ready, dear, ready, took reo. rheo is water for special medical purposes. a special performance by a legendary band. the dead rooster with the orchestra at the lviv opera. on january 8, the stage
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treason and decisions against defense capability. judge doljko called the ministry of defense of ukraine a private company. which of the judges distinguished himself last year. cars are constantly changing on it. on thursday, january 4, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. this is a truly intriguing film, a film about the life and career of the first female prime minister of great britain. where there is disorder we will bring harmony, where there is error we will bring truth. margaret thatcher, the iron lady, did everyone love her or support her reforms? i don't admire her intellectual method of not being able to think she could be wrong. but there is no doubt that it was the reforms that thatcher instituted. the foundations of the welfare of the state for many years to come. she was the prime minister who truly eradicated
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to our marathon now oleg synyutka, people's deputy of ukraine. we will talk about the events in the verkhovna rada, literally from minute to minute oleg mykhailovych will join us. so, well, the news is so-so, people's deputies may not be allowed abroad if they have not received, attention, briefing at the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. this is about it. at the disposal of the leadership of the verkhovna rada, which was published by people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak, and the document came into effect on january 1. glory to ukraine, mr. oleg, we congratulate you, glory to the heroes. well, they won't let you out now, if you don't receive instructions from the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine that this is generally such a story, as far as we remember, and yes, people's deputies had to take a mandatory visa for a business trip, so to the head of the verkhovna rada councils there is also a mandatory briefing at the ministry of foreign affairs, well, maybe it should be strengthened with briefings at
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additional state bodies, well, i don't know, in the sbu, for example, i don’t know, the ministry of internal affairs, well , we have a lot of different bodies there, in nazk, there , what, there, i don’t know, there, there are some land stories, oleg mykha, you are young people, you don't you remember those times when, before any soviet person went abroad, the kgb introduced a briefing about... do you have any intentions, and do you have any relatives, and this whole story with today's stefanchuk and his order, exactly reminiscent of the soviet times of the kgb. when it was necessary to conduct training, this is a flagrant violation of the current law legislation, starting from the fact that the very ban on people's deputies to move freely within the country and outside the country is a violation of the constitution of ukraine, it is a violation of the law on the status of a people's deputy, which says that even in wartime no one
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has the right to deprive a people's deputy of the opportunity to move. and communicate, i understand this story with thailand, with kolya tishchenko and similar stories, which actually despise the status of a people's deputy, and this is such a very unfortunate story of the entire ukrainian parliamentarianism, but we, unfortunately, we also have the reverse story, the reverse side of the coin, when the negotiations with our about funding, about weapons, about other things are at a dead end, including because the president's office has created a very narrow throat communications , that today, even the head of the specialized committee on european integration, mrs. klimpustensadze, has no opportunity to move freely and communicate with our
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european partners, that petro poroshenko, who arranged meetings in the united states of america, does not... has the opportunity to leave outside the country and communicate with the leaders of the political elite of our western partners, so this is not a problem about stefanchuk's creativity and a problem not about breaking the law, it is a problem today that the country is not given the opportunity to integrate into the free world, and in fact this is a great harm to our victory. mr. olezh, now... in the specialized parliamentary committee , debates are going on, let's say, about what the law on mobilization should look like, and actually this whole process is accompanied by constant scandals, misunderstanding on the part of the ukrainian society and some absurd proposals, as, for example , tymofiy mylovanov, the former minister of economy
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, said that let's hold a lottery based on the passport number and determine who can go to the front in this way... so, for example, what he wrote about forbes, in the office of the president, considered the possibility that those who pay 600 hryvnias per month in tax will have armor against mobilization, and here are such, you understand, such swings are happening, and i would say that the hysteria of society is growing from all those statement and we have what we we have, as they say, umyerov and zaluzhnyi came to the committee today, and actually said that it would not happen. strengthening, then there will be no one to defend our state, what do you think this process of agreements and understanding between society and the government should look like, that the situation is difficult and unpopular steps should be taken? you know, the painful statements of boys who held high positions but never grew up, just like the earlier
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painful statements of girls who never matured despite their high status. i i don’t even want to comment, because it seems to me that this draft law on mobilization simply brought excitement to society, because when after that, as the draft law was registered, the deputy head of the servants of the people faction speaks and says that no, no, we are not this we will draft another bill, then the question arises, what and why did you introduce it, it seems to me that a priori... everything started wrong, because such a bill should be introduced by the president of ukraine, the supreme commander-in-chief, why? because this is what is written in the constitution of ukraine: article 106, responsibility for mobilization of the president of ukraine, because this is what is written in the law on mobilization, that all decisions
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made regarding mobilization must be made by the supreme commander-in-chief, the president of ukraine, because the plan. of the country's defense is signed by the president of ukraine, because the strategic plan is signed by the president of ukraine, because the plan for the implementation of the country's defense plan, measures for the implementation of the country's defense plan, is signed by verkhovna holomokomovych, the president of ukraine, because he and only he should possess the largest amount of intelligence, statistical, analytical and any information. if this draft law is not introduced by the president of ukraine, then it seems that it is only to break our unity, to excite the society and cause no one. unnecessary discussions, well, as for lotteries , well, give it to the evil one, and i don't even want to comment on it, because i think that these are such things, not even worthy of
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comment, let alone the fact that people talk about such things, which occupied high positions in today's government, well, rather , these are some kind of informational throws in order to divert the attention of society, or vice versa, so to speak, to raise the degree. of public discontent, which would be directed in some, possibly other, other direction, yes, distracting from some basic things that could be, well, i confess, i have not read the draft of this law, because there may be several more versions, speaking about the procedure, oleg mykhailovych, tell me, please, how this whole thing should look like, well, they said that the draft law will be considered at the committee for several days, there are three days, as far as i understand, and after that , for example, if the committee says no, it must be rewritten, or vice versa, if the committee says no, we can adopt, but with such and such amendments, tell me , be kind, how will this whole thing look
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procedurally, it should be very simple, clear and responsible, this project, which was introduced in violation of the current legislation, you know it is so stupid in the execution of the cabinet of ministers, it should be returned. by the decision of the committee, and this is the only correct one decision, after that a draft decision should be brought to the meeting, which would talk about all aspects of mobilization and the author of which should be the president of ukraine, this draft should be discussed at the national security and defense council, there should be a discussion with the involvement of absolutely all parties and the minister of defense. and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, and everyone who owns and has permissions to discuss issues of this level, and after discussion at the national security council, the president
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of ukraine, the supreme commander-in-chief, has to submit such a draft law to the verkhovna rada for adoption, this is how it should be from the point of view of legality, logic and responsibility. mr. olezh, look, i would still like your assessment of the application. minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba, who gave an interview to cnn and said that ukraine has a plan a, which it believes in, and accordingly, there is no alternative to plan b, because in the event of the cessation of western weapons, they do not plan such a thing at all, that western weapons will not be supplied to us, but they expect that western support will also be provided in the future, but military experts evaluate this statement in different ways, someone says that his statement was directed at a western audience. it was right to say that we only have plan a, so that our western partners understand that we are counting on them, and on the other hand, there are ukrainians who read this, and they are actually shocked, because well, any
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healthy, adult a person still in difficult situations thinks about solving different situations with different plans, you know, i don't know if it is due to unprofessionalism or perhaps as a result of incompetence, or... as a result of the fact that random people have taken very high positions, our high officials start making statements that are diametrically opposed to each other. you mentioned kuleba's statement, but before that, senior officials of the highest level said that in addition to plan a, we have plan b. we are talking, for example, about social protection, social payments. first vice prime minister, minister of social policy declare. the fact that there will be no money for social benefits, after that the prime minister declares that even if there will be no help, there will still be money. please tell me what is going on in
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the heads of these people, and what they are sowing in the heads of ukrainians. it seems that these people are purposefully working so that there is an instigator in the heads of our people, so that instead of unity and trust, our people begin to doubt. this is very dangerous. process, i say once again, i don't know, not professionally, specifically or for what purpose, but it is simply unacceptable for high-ranking officials, with the highest statuses, to act like this. mr. oleg, look, i would like to ask more about an extremely important story, well, due to a lot of information irritants, taking into account the situation at the front and so on and so on, somehow it was given undue attention, in particular, spert. in january of the current year, they introduced, so to speak , the possibility for legal entities to buy, well , not a lot, well, 10 thousand hectares, i can’t even imagine how many 10 hectares it is
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, well, but it sounds quite convincing, well, accordingly, i would like to ask you about the realities of implementing some control mechanisms so that just big land traders through bogus legal entities, they did not engage in anything, buying up what was not bought up during the previous political cycles. you know, in our country, after the start of full-scale aggression , a very dangerous process took place, this is... the process of privatization of state property, and we in the verkhovna rada advocated that it is not possible to engage in privatization, small, large, deep, broad, during the war , because it is very dangerous for the future of the country, and so far this privatization does not bring any dividends, and so far this privatization serves only in order to make a profit for those who
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are close to the authorities. cabinets, and this is unacceptable, we believe that the privatization of state communal property should be postponed, because war, full-scale aggression, is definitely not the best time for privatization, for redistribution of property, we need to unite society, we need to look for opportunities for our entrepreneurs absolutely free development of your business, support business, you look at... the government adopts a national revenue strategy, well, it is an anti-state document, because with this with the document, they want to destroy small and small business, which today is already on the verge of survival. you know, today during the report of the european solidarity faction on the year's work, our co-chair of the faction panigryna gerashchenko said a very clever and colossal phrase: it looks like it is necessary
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to create a government of national unity, which we advocate, which would have unite society, and the government of national salvation from weak, primitive and anti-ukrainian decisions. mr. oleg, we have two minutes, but it is also very important in the context of the fact that from this year we are finally witnessing to the whole civilized world and we have one big problem in our state, this is the moscow patriarchate, which continues to work, whether there will finally be votes in the verkhovna rada to vote for this law, because the first reading has already passed. second reading, not sure when? at the next session, we demand that this bill be introduced into the second reading. i remember very well the statements of the speaker of the parliament stefanchuk that he did not see the votes to support bill in the first reading, there were more than enough votes, despite all the opposition of the fifth column. and this bill must be introduced, and we will advocate at the conciliation council that...
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the verkhovna rada should adopt this bill in the second reading. we had to do it in the second half of 2019. we had the opportunity and have the opportunity to do it after the conclusion of the constitutional court. there should be no moscow fifth column in ukraine. this is the same hostile structure and the same danger as racist cruise missiles, martyrs and other things that kill ukrainians. because they kill. life, and this kills the ukrainian soul. thank you, oleg senyutka, people's deputy of ukraine, was in touch with us, and now we can see 16:59 minutes, in literally half a minute there will be news on espresso, but antin and i are already finishing our work in the espresso studio for today, well, and we are actually passing the baton to our colleagues, in this studio tomorrow we will see each other at the usual time, so it's all good, today we say goodbye to you and
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see you. tomorrow, it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio. iryna koval, just now about the most important events. loud explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied crimea. residents of sevastopol and yevpatoria heard them, local media reported. according to their data, there were at least 10 explosions in sevastopol alone. the local governor , razvazhaev, assured that their air defense had successfully worked it out. he also claims that several aircraft were shot down in the area of ​​the city...


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