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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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on a bribe, it was the final digest of the judicial control program, we will meet in exactly one week. 18:00 in ukraine, for your attention news broadcast on espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. it was loud today in the temporarily occupied crimea, the sounds of explosions were heard in balaclava, yevpatoria and sevastopol. at least a dozen of them were heard in the last one. the local so-called governor, razvazhaev, assured that their air defense had worked successfully. they allegedly shot down over the peninsula. all 10
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rockets, however, there is a casualty due to falling debris. meanwhile, users write that after the explosions in sevastopol, smoke is clearly visible in the area of ​​cape fiolent. there is a preliminary arrival on the territory of the military unit. also, in yevpatoria, a column of smoke rose near one of the radars used by the russians. ambulances rushed there. also according to the report of the mayor ivan fedorov, claps are heard in occupied melitopol. we are waiting for statements from the occupiers. the main directorate of intelligence released a video of the destruction of the su-34 bomber, which burned down at the shagol airfield in chelyabinsk, russia. the video shows how an unknown person attaches explosives to the fuselage, sets it on fire and gradually moves away from the plane. and about the situation in different regions. of our country, one person died
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and two more were injured in stanislav in the kherson region. the enemy shelled the settlement with artillery, the regional prosecutor's office informs. a 62-year-old local resident was fatally injured. one woman came under fire in a car. she has a contusion. another wounded man refused hospitalization. also, according to the regional military administration, the occupiers attacked the village tyaginka, as a result of which a 52-year-old woman was injured. she was taken to the hospital. during the last attack on kropyvnytskyi , our air defense forces worked successfully. information about the victims and the destruction is being clarified, the head of the region, andrii raykovich, said. meanwhile , a man was killed and eight more people were injured during the morning attack on the city. previously, the occupiers hit the regional center with a kha-59 missile. damaged energy object. sna
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eliminated the consequences. strengthening mobilization is an objective component of war. and if not to do this, there will be no one to defend the state. the minister of defense and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine substantiated the expediency of adopting the relevant draft law during its consideration by the specialized committee in the parliament. rustem umyerov and valery zaluzhnyi also added that they are ready to finalize the document and make certain changes. during the discussion. deputies will consider the government draft law on mobilization for several days in separate blocs. there, in particular, it is about changing the conscription age from 27 to 25 years, cancellation fixed-term service and changing the rules for serving summonses. in bukovina, border guards detained a minibus in which they found the evader and the driver who was supposed to ferry him to romania. he was driving alone in another car. the organizer
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of this criminal scheme. he and the driver turned out to be local residents. they charged a resident of dnipropetrovsk region €6,500 for their services. the arrested violators were handed over to the law enforcement officers, the organizer and his accomplice face criminal liability. almost 900 criminal proceedings on the facts of evasion military conscription has already been violated by law enforcement officers, the minister said. of internal affairs ihor klymenko. a third is already in court. the minister explained that if the mobilized person did not respond to the summons, the territorial recruitment center must first draw up a protocol on an administrative violation. subsequently, if a person changes his place of residence and evades mobilization, the conscript turns to the national police. a resident of cherkassy who told the enemy about the location of the ukrainian military and... will spend nine years behind bars
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air defense systems. the prosecutor general's office reports on the court verdict. for several months, the man collected intelligence and transmitted everything through messengers. employees of the russian fsb. to each message, he added the exact coordinates of the objects of the armed forces of ukraine on the map. poland will not open the border for ukrainian food and will not lift the embargo on their export to poland. this ban will be indefinite - said polish minister of agriculture czeslaw sekerski. after meeting with the representatives trade unions of farmers and agricultural organizations. it. despite the fact that the european commission officially called on warsaw to lift the embargo on ukrainian grain. the government official emphasized that it is necessary to help ukraine, but in such a way as not to harm the profitability of its own agricultural production. support for
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the ukrainian army, european and euro-atlantic integration, economic development - this is the formula by which the european solidarity faction in the verkhovna rada works. in place. and international platforms. it became one of the priority directions in 2023 support of the ukrainian army. people's deputies made numerous trips to the front, demanded an increase in the financial support of the military and countered the russian narrative in the humanitarian sphere. we do not underestimate the enormous work that was our responsibility to do everything to ban the activities of the russian church in ukraine. in no way did we claim and do not claim to limit social freedom... on the contrary, we protect it. any church in ukraine, independent of its narrative, as long as it is independent of moscow, has the right function, work in ukraine. but if this is a branch of the russian church, the leader of which, gundyaev, has been sanctioned not only in ukraine, in ukraine he has also been charged,
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but also in many other european countries, obviously such a church should not harm our society. the racketeers were detained by law enforcement officers in the zhytomyr region, according to the national police, a group of criminals demanded fictitious debts from the residents of the city of korosten. in addition, they provided services for the so-called settlement of financial conflicts. money was demanded by force and intimidation. if the threats did not work, the bandits took property from the victims. investigators collected evidence of the racketeers' involvement in eight crimes. they were detained together with the leader by a criminal authority. the amount of the debt always depended on the financial condition of the victim, if 500 dollars were demanded from some, then this amount could reach 5 thousand from others. the process of extortion was always accompanied by threats of physical violence, damage or destruction of property. and when the method of persuasion or seizure
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of the victims' property did not work, the perpetrators moved to physical violence. he demanded a bribe for winning the tender. the security service of ukraine kidnapped the head of the housing and communal services department. economy of one of the cities in odesa region. the official promised the entrepreneurs victory in the construction tender, which is financed from the budget, and demanded 10% of the total cost of the works. in case of refusal to pay the kickback, the official threatened to create artificial obstacles for the businessmen during the approval of the contractor. the police detained the official while handing him the entire amount of the bribe. in the united states man under during the session, the judge attacked, the incident happened in the city of las vegas, the judge handed down a delona, ​​a red sentence in the case of beatings with significant bodily injuries. the court refused to release the man on bail, after which the criminal suddenly jumped from his seat and, jumping over the bench,
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began to beat the judge. the guards tried to drag him away, as a result of the incident, the judge and one of the law enforcement officers were injured. hack tetris: a 13-year-old american, for the first time in history, played the popular game to the end. willis gibson, from oklahoma, posted a video on his youtube channel where he reaches level 157, after which the game crashes and crashes. at the same time, only a few years ago , tetris fans believed that it could only be played up to level 29. a lucky rescue in the kyiv region
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, the state emergency service workers freed a wild roe deer from a metal fence, the incident happened in the village of makariv , buchansky district, the animal got stuck between the reinforcement of the fence right in the middle of ryativ street. expanded the iron bars with the help of an opener and released the roe deer from the trap on freedom opa, gone, little one, gone, gone , beautiful, that was the news for this time, you can read more on our website espresso tv, subscribe to us on social networks, and also watch us on youtube, i am iryna koval, i tell you, goodbye and goodbye until tomorrow, and literally in a moment meet my colleague vasyl zima.
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there are 10% discounts on laktiale in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. turn on well, it ’s when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and around the world of cinema, then, oh, what is needed, megogo, turn on hundreds of channels thousands films and sports, a special performance by the legendary dead rooster band with an orchestra at the lviv opera with the christmas and selected program. early lyrical songs, new christmas compositions and favorite super hits. tickets for the stage of the lviv opera on january 8 are available on the website of the big show ua organizer. information partners are espresso tv channel and live sound fm radio. there are discounts on paracetamol darnytsia 10% in psylsnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. good
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evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is the velikiy eter program, my name is vasyl zima, and i, and my colleagues, are with you today for the next hour and 48 minutes, we will talk about many important things. and discuss many things that now have a request for answers, i see in social networks, well, how about, say, reorganization or bankruptcy, or what is there with the luch design bureau, ukraine without american help and many other things that, again, require professional answers, we will try to give you this answer, and also inform you about everything that happened today in ukraine. let's start with the announcement of the collection espresso tv is calling for kamikaze drone fundraisers for the 93rd separate mechanized league. kholodny yar gendarmerie brigade. these soldiers have been actively protecting ukraine since 2014 in the hottest
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areas. this is also the battle for donetsk airport, ilovaisk, sumy region, kharkiv region, soledar and bakhmut in donetsk region. currently, the cold ravine warriors need kamikaze drones. in sufficient numbers, they can in a matter of minutes stop almost any attack and any assault of the enemy, both with armored vehicles and without armored vehicles. there, where there are no drone wings. the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost, and we do not want our soldiers to lose their wings and us to lose our hopes, let the occupiers lose their wings, and we will be able to do it, suma, well, as they say, this is such a big challenge, 5 million hryvnias, such a tribute background for us, but we will be able to answer this challenge with our entire large community of espresso viewers and readers and listeners, and we will do it, well, now let 's talk about... the situation in chernihiv oblast, rarely so we are talking about chernihiv oblast, and we decided today that it is necessary to give the word to this same
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heroic region as the heroic kholodny yar brigade, because many things are happening there and now that are worth discussing. oleksiy maslov, chernihiv journalist with us. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. glad to see and hear. as usual, i will ask about the security situation in the region, but i won't say. for the last day, maybe for the last such period of time, how difficult it is, how often the enemy tries to attack, by what means, is there a threat of the drg there, how is it, say, happening in sumy oblast, please, if we really talk about the day, the fact is that the military reports on the previous day, when the day has already ended, and it is possible to publish some data specifically from the side of the military, so let's say, if we take the previous day in particular. yesterday 's is well and it is indicative, as in principle, on average
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, so to speak, from the point of view of the insolence and aggression of the enemy, in the previous day there were nine, according to the official reports of the military, nine shellings, more than 30 arrivals, explosions, enemy used mortars, barrel artillery and was also, as the army assumes. a tank was firing from the side of the enemy across the border, that is, there was shelling from a tank, if we talk about the last time, the last few weeks, then a tragic... unfortunately, an accident happened, or rather it was not an accident, but this is an enemy strike, it happened 30 december, it was a shelling, the enemy shelled from rocket salvo systems, shelled the town of semenivka, this is the center of the community, precisely the border community with the russian federation
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and the center. the connection is a little lost, but we will restore it now, because we need a few more answers to hear important questions. i will remind you that not long ago the head of the chernihiv regional military administration noted that the enemy could form sufficient forces within a few weeks, well, we will get to that now. yes, please continue, finish your opinion on the security issue, please, mr. oleksiy, the connection is disappearing again, but we are patient, let's keep going, that's what the head of chernihiv was saying. administration, that no one has canceled the threat of a repeated invasion on the territory of chernihiv region, so we understand that there are a number of regions, bryansk, kursk , well, belgorodsk has already gone down there, that’s where the same can come from bryansk, and from belarus, i don’t know how, but russian troops can also enter, and the head of the chernihiv regional
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military administration said something like this that the enemy can several weeks to form sufficient groups. for invading the territory of ukraine, again, peace, and therefore it is worth building fortifications, better fortifications, more fortifications, more barriers, mine barriers, again, infrastructural ones, let's say, barricades, we mean ditches, nets, there and other devices that are used by the armed forces of ukraine, we said, mr. oleksiy, please, unfortunately. today, you see, we talked about it with serhiy zgurets, because a lot of people started discussing it, like why the head of the regional military administration is talking about what the enemy can form, he is talking about what is related to military art and of military affairs, well, at least because he is the head of this region, and he is also for it replies, mr. oleksiy, let 's try again, please, please, mr.
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oleksiy, so we... our communication was interrupted by the fact that i was telling the tragic outcome, there was enemy shelling on december 30, the city of semenivka was shelled, and a 32-year-old man was killed there, due to the fact that the enemy used rocket systems of salvo fire, and this happened in such a way that there is no doubt that the enemy saw perfectly well that... the shelling was carried out in fact there were no and no military objects and well, accordingly, there are none excuses, even formal ones from the enemy, that it was as if these strikes were aimed at military facilities, it was purely a frank terrorist shelling of the city center, at a time when there were people on the streets,
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accordingly, a man died, unfortunately, and that's just it ... proves once again that the border enemy, when they fire at chernihiv oblast, they are constantly operating there, unfortunately, they are constantly operating again, their aerial reconnaissance, i.e. drones, are operating, they are watching, they see where they are going shoot, accordingly they fire simply peaceful streets and peaceful people are killed, if we talk about the results, for example, of the year, because it is natural that the results take place. some conclusions are drawn now , here is the information that during the 23rd year , the enemy shelled the border communities of chernihiv region more than 1,700 times, more than 1,700 shellings, and there were approximately 14,800 flights and explosions, if you count, it turns out
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that more ammunition was spent by the enemy , than there are now people living there, that is, per capita of our population. there are about 13 00 people in this in the 30-kilometer stretch along the border , the most threatened, and therefore more ammunition was spent than just people, even there lives, this is meant, if you take into account the number of shells, mines, rockets and everything else that the enemy used, this is the current situation and about safety or danger, mr. oleksiy, i want you, knowing what you can talk about, what you can't talk about, without leading some people there of course. secrets and those engineering works that are carried out on the border, nevertheless reacted and explained the concerns of the head of the chernihiv regional military administration, who last week, i think, if i am not mistaken, said that the enemy needs a few weeks to form the groups necessary for a second invasion on the territory of ukraine, in particular on the territory
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of the chernihiv region, so he called for more prepare and do everything possible to prevent offensive actions from the enemy. we talked about this with our expert serhiy zgurets, he said that the enemy in these three regions near the borders has up to 19 thousand troops, this means bryansk , kursk, belgorod there, down there, well , but in any case for... there is, ah, is there really such a threat, and how would you comment on the concerns of the head of the region, please, well regional military administration? yes , i can comment at this point in the sense that i was personally present at this briefing when these words were spoken, and i would now like to emphasize, to bring to the attention of the entire audience, all of our viewers, that these words were taken out of context at this time , i mean reporters taken out of context, it is very important, why? because in fact it was said in such a way that the head of the regional military administration, vyacheslav chaus
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, drew attention to the fact that he emphasized that it is necessary to be more careful, more careful with any forecasts and generally with information about a possible attack, because when journalists asked how much, how great is this threat now, vyacheslav chaus emphasized that, understand, that's right, i'm quoting close to the text, that now, if i say, for example, it was the leader who spoke directly of the regional military administration, if i say that, for example, we are fully prepared, then again, the enemy, the enemy constantly, the enemy can constantly resort to some new steps, that is, he meant that we must be careful and that in in principle, theoretically, the russians can... transfer, for example, within a week or two, transfer some forces from one area, say, of their territory to another, so theoretically one should assume
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to be ready for anything, but it was not at all about the fact that , for example, a manager of the military administration gave forecasts that the enemy is planning to invade chernihiv oblast, because it's simple, well, now there is no such objective, no such information, but that's another matter, what, what you have to be ready for. for everything, and such readiness is constantly increasing, this is exactly what he emphasized, that work is being carried out in several directions, meaning fortification, combating enemy airstrikes, because air defense is constantly operating on the territory of chernihiv oblast, as well as everywhere in the territory of ukraine, mobile phones are constantly operating fire groups that repulse the enemy strike, thank you very much for clarifying, first of all, these words, it is very important, and thank you for your information about the situation in chernihiv oblast, oleksim maslov, chernihiv journalist was with us. in touch, and now we will talk about a different topic, and the topic of cyber security and capabilities and threats, the capabilities of our
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threats from the enemy, how to live on, andriy shapovalov, acting as the head of the center for countering disinformation at the national security council and defense, mr. andrii, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, let's probably start with the news that appeared this morning that the enemy was, if we are talking about cyber security, and of such national importance, even private companies, if we say about the kyivstar company that the enemy has actually been on the network since the spring of this year, despite the fact that the attack took place there sometime in the fall or winter, in the winter, in my opinion, this year, and what does this indicate, this is a new revelation, well or not new information about the capabilities of the enemy, about the weakness of the defense, about... traitors somewhere in some links, please, well, all these factors that you name, they take place, and they can take place, most importantly,
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but it is necessary to measure the effectiveness of countermeasures not by the presence of the enemy, not by the presence of the enemy, in certain networks or presence in these or other companies, and if possible, repel these attacks and be as effective as possible in a short period of time. time, it is clear that the russians are investing crazy money today, both in cyberattacks and in attacks on our information space, i would separate these two such components of digital warfare, because when we talk about cyberattacks, in most cases we are talking about interfering with processes, and when we talk about informational terrorist attacks, we have to understand that we are talking about... in the context, and these are actually very complicated things , there are no such simple answers here as we would like, well, that is why this war is called
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hybrid, because... counteracting this hybrid that the russians are creating today, this frankenstein monster, is conventionally difficult enough to get a quick and unambiguous result, but we advise and how you see these attacks are fighting back, well, it definitely shows this, and the petition to block whether telegram should be banned in ukraine, today many people get a lot of information thanks to telegram channels, some telegram channels... are so influential, it is obvious that they are even accredited as means for some reason mass media for the president's press conference, although again it is not mass media, but on the other hand there are also threats, how do you think we should act here, should we block the telegram, or still take certain sanitary measures in a certain way , which would make it safer for ukraine and leave less opportunity for
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the enemy. well, look, look, it’s like treating a headache there, with a guillotine, well, in principle , it’s effective, the head won’t hurt, but today, again, there is no clear answer to the question, i think the steps of the ukrainian authorities there in the 14th were very correct , in the 15th year regarding the ban on classmates there, contact, all russian channels there. dissemination of information, today telegram is a conditional news aggregator, and in principle it is necessary to promote the idea of ​​media literacy among people, that is, today telegram should be perceived as such a platform that gives you the opportunity to create
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the information space there... the information bubble in which you are comfortable. here it is very important to understand the extent to which the russians interfere in the processes of influencing your consciousness when creating this information bubble. and if we talk about the key thesis, then it is not necessary to replace the means of mass information with means of mass communication. any social network is a means of mass communication. said about the authenticity of the information presented there, or about the authenticity of some theses that are being promoted, and appeals and anything else, is possible only when you read a verified channel, because there is a verification procedure on all these platforms, and if we, for example, if we're talking about the counter-disinformation center or the president's page or the page of the ministry of defense, then we can see a blue check mark there and ... we have
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to have confidence that we are reading an official source, if all these sources are approximate, relatively speaking, the anonymous source warns, well, we know for sure, well, most likely this is the first signal that they are trying to push you not where you want to go, from this side, for example, tiktok is even more scary than telegram, absolutely, there is so much information that in fact, people who can't verify it or don't have critical thinking, they can simply suffocate like under an avalanche under it and never grow out of it, it just tears them apart, especially since we know very well that tiktok is chinese company, and that's why it's here there are understandable risks, and informational and psychological operations, which the enemy conducts quite actively, tries to create such an upheaval in society, well , they try a lot, and by the way,
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with the help of tiktok in the same way as... ipso russia attacks ukrainians in social networks, well, now , let's take the end of that year and the beginning of the year of the 24th, what are they aimed at first of all? today their key ipso is to incline ukraine to peace negotiations, and here all their opportunities, which exist only, are involved, to incline ukrainians today to pseudo of the peace talks, is to give putin the opportunity to ... concentrate his forces, draw up as many troops as possible in order to strike ukraine again, but already, as he believes, with a devastating blow that would destroy ukraine completely. therefore, for the sake of this, today they include in the process all their canned goods, which are spread around the world, supposedly as experts, but in fact they are pseudo-experts who promote the ideas of russian peace, which need to be talked about, need to be breathed out.


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