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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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protect, except checkers, well, a large list of such means and forces that are manufactured on our territory, this is one of those, we provide as much as possible with everything a guy needs, and each of us in the territory of kryvyi rih, you know, opens such a direction of the hub, which works to win, and to list everything you... without a job, he can quickly find a job in kryvyi rih, i understand correctly, if there is a desire, a person who wants to work, of course, he will find a job, we have all enterprises for today, which have been on the territory of kryvyi rih since the beginning of the war, industrial, powerful, all work, and today they are increasing their power, we know that there were such obstacles from the raschits and light. we were cut off and the water
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was cut off and there were such problems with the work of the enterprise, but today we are thanks to our president, who controls all these areas of work, water supply, electricity, heat, everything works here, we are completely autonomous, and the enterprises are increasing their production and thereby increase jobs, then the trend is for improvement, i am sure the 24th year will be difficult for all of us, but victorious and effective for ukraine. mr. yevgeny, regarding those enterprises, we do not ask to name anything, nor what they produce, anywhere, but we understand that all over the country something is being produced for our military industry, and this number, we hope, is increasing, how reliably protected these enterprises are , and from the point of view of protection in general, air defense that works, and on the other hand, informationally, yes.
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yes, how thoroughly are those people who are admitted to these enterprises, who may have somewhere there, be vetted access, i don't know, it can be from drivers who deliver goods, to cleaners who take care of cleanliness there, of course, all the critical infrastructure that must work and ensure the smooth functioning of our territory of the district, there the workers pass uh... . certain control and selection regarding, you rightly say that access to information, whether it is necessary or not, all the last moments are also checked, and today the war in the state requires its own, so to speak, changes to employment, to all other directions, control is carried out, all measures are taken, but i want to say that our people also... have a different attitude to
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this situation, there is no need to check them one more time, uh, unfortunately, just at this moment we lost contact communication with mr. yevhen, and mr. yevhen, if you can still hear us, because we lost video-audio communication with you for a moment, please continue like this, yes, yes, people are very responsible about this, and now , you know, after these two years of almost war, there is no need for one more time... that's why, what to say, don't talk , don't film, no one films the work of air defense, no one says once again where you work, even acquaintances, but where you work, i work there, i do something, we already have such, you know, scouts, as they say, every resident of kryvorizhye, who manufactures what, 3d drones print there, everything, no one will tell, and you will not know, in terms of security, first of all, the most important thing is the location. and no one will say it, our
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air defense defends our territory very well, and we are sure of this and everything, sir, i wanted to ask, but we understand that it is very easy for the russian-fascist occupiers to attack marganets and nikopol under the cover of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant from the occupied energy center, they are pounding there with everything they can, from mortars and even artillery, no matter how far beyond nikopol. they can still work with this artillery, because they have unlimited supplies of shells, eh, how far, how close to kryvyi rih can they finish with such standard means of introducing fire? well, recently there was shelling on the territory of the kryvorizka district, a settlement near the settlement maryanske, and they took out barrel artillery from the left bank as well. kherson region,
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they can still reach our territory, unfortunately, but i hope that in the near future the armed forces of ukraine will push them to the sea and they will be there. in that sea and will end its existence, it is clear, mr. yevhen, thank you for the conversation yevhen sytnychenko, the head of the kryvorizka district military administration, was with us, he told us how the crooked horn survives attacks and works for victory, but now we will be able to learn more about the situation in kherson, there unfortunately... the russians managed to break through the anti-aircraft defenses and we will communicate with those of us who are in touch serhiy nikitenko , editor-in-chief of most slava ukraine , mr. serhii, i congratulate mr. serhii, as of
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the latest, it was already reported that at night, when they were pounding with shakheds , the modular city suffered in particular. chko, yes, people were saved by the fact that they had time to run to the shelter, it is wonderful that people react, how many such places are there, we understand that a modular town is probably not the kind of construction that has very strong walls, where it is worth counting about the fact that you can hide somewhere between the walls , away from the windows, how many such objects there are now in the kherson region, where you cannot hide, where you will not be able to save yourself, well , you understand, we are talking here... unfortunately, about communities that are considered to be those where there are no longer active hostilities, therefore, although bomb shelters are being built there and there, well, we cannot tell where to call these communities, unfortunately, because it is security, and in principle, as far
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as i know, such well, there are two such places in the kherson region, but this is very conditional, and the military does not say much about... yes, just here is the story with the shaheds, yes , there were seven or nine of them according to different data, and therefore, well, you see, here it is the center of kherson, it is the center, the center of kherson, and one and the second frame, this was already one of the sleeping microdistricts of kherson, huh, but it is close to the dnipro, here... we are not talking about kherson, but about one of the communities that was considered, well, safe, for example, we have been there in the summer already, well, since the spring, everyone in the neighboring communities already worked without bulletproof vests and without helmets, because they considered them safe, or is it what you tell me, it is about this night
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attack, i even had to look at the map, because we don’t know much about small settlements by memory, but we read that during the night of today , three shaheds hit... you mean that this particle is exactly that, high , just right, just right, the tyagin community, the entrance to the settlement where hostilities are taking place, it is in the red zone, journalists are not allowed there, it is forbidden to work there, although our a colleague from channel 1+1 was recently there and worked, there was a story on tele er, very often in high places, cabs also fly here, we see shaheds also fly there, this is, well, a rather dangerous settlement, although it is located far from, well, you can see on the map, far from the dnipro, but it's dangerous there,
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but when we read about these massive attacks on the right bank, sometimes the question just arises, well... what are they beating there day after day, like boryslav and so on, because now we can't to verify whether there are, for example, any units of the defense forces of ukraine or not, but we know for sure that when they even show, even the russians, when they show how they successfully bombed boryslav, it can be seen that there are no military facilities and soldiers there, well, i have, well, the version on beryslav, they are probably afraid there...
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historically it was before they built the kakhovka hpp, there was a crossing in beryslav , it’s between kakhovka... it’s at the thinnest place, let’s say, the dnipro, i don’t know how it is now, yes , it was like that until 1953, er, that’s probably why apparently. because of that, yes, well, that's my guess, why, it's one thing, why are they bombing small settlements like vesely there kozatskyi, it's hard to say, there is nothing there anymore, they represent it, well , if you've seen footage from maryinka, this is roughly what cheerful kozatsky looks like, it's a small town, well, it's not known what we remember, you remember it, was from vynarnyatskyi, it was located in veselmo, ugh, mr. serhiy, we... well , looking at the map, we can see where all these settlements are located, that in fact
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you can fly there from the left bank very quickly, and unfortunately, this happens often as much of the population remains in the coastal area zone, on the right bank, in the territory where they reach, so about me about the artillery, not about the shaheds, now not about the rockets, actually about the shelling from the other bank, well, i will tell you that these are coastal villages. not only that, mortars, artillery and hail, yes , now there are very frequent cases of dropping explosives from drones on civilians, there were cases in one of the villages, i will not say where, but there is a very wide, well, a long distance, there are already several sometimes even half-drones flew in, and unfortunately, a person died, there are injured people, they just attack cyclists, yes , well, that is, even if they are confused, yes, there are some people there... well, with a military man, to imagine that a ukrainian military man will move around the village on a bicycle, well, i can’t imagine it,
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how many people it is difficult to say, if in kherson we have approximately a figure of 60,000, and it is articulated by the authorities with reference, as far as i understand, to the data of mobile operators, they say that during the last six months this figure has more or less become, then in these coastal communities, well something very difficult. to say, well, first of all, we are not allowed there, me i already said, yes, it's impossible to go there , it's impossible for us to work there, it's forbidden, uh, we rarely communicate as locals, well , first of all, there's no communication there, once we tried to break off in the summer, just this tyagin community, which today there was a speech, we drove through it, even, well, without stopping, but then the police still turned us around, so there is no mobile communication there, only russian radio catches there. uh, we were listening to some fm news there, people don't have electricity there, so
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it's very difficult to contact these communities, so in some, well, for example, in darivska hromada, there are three to five villages located along the dnieper, there we know approximately that 10-15% of the population in these settlements remained, but people, unfortunately, continue to live there, and very often there are tragic reports about wounded and... say the military, does the presence of civilians in these territories not interfere with the military, so actually what do they say, are there no requests from the armed forces of ukraine, the general staff, to evacuate deeper for a little while, to let the military work? the military does not articulate it, therefore that for this they have special bodies, military administrations, yes, these are former village councils, and in principle they should take care of this, and the military has a plus... there is a division of civil, civil cooperation, of course, in private
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conversations they they say, and we constantly say that people who stay in coastal settlements, in kherson in the korabel microdistrict, they endanger not only themselves, but also those who will save them, including the military, well not so often military, yes, most likely this the police, these are doctors, these are firefighters, yes, who heroically leave under fire. faking fires, it is obvious that the authorities are articulating, trying, yes, well, now they have evacuated almost everyone, all families with children, and this, well, at least this, yes, you know, after the death of a boy in kherson on december 31, a little 11-year-old, at first it seemed to people some kind of, well, stupidity, yes there is a forced evacuation, but we see that it is... there is no way to forcibly evacuate other people, unfortunately, and it is not clear
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how to do it, but people who are already living over a year under shelling, well, it won’t be enough to just take them by the skin, excuse me and pull them out of there, and people live everywhere, even in antonivka, that is near the antonivsky bridge, yes, it’s just that people live right in the palm of the hands of the russians, and even there they live under hailstorms. there is no living place there anymore, i was there last time in the summer, it 's simple, well, it's hard to imagine how you can live there, but people live, mr. sergey, i have two short ones, absolutely. a question of a different kind, first, these are simply fantastic places, and i, as a professionally sick fisherman, because fishermen, they are people who are a bit mentally retarded, i just understand that for a huge number of people these are fantastic places, both on the left and on the right bank, especially around the mouth, there is such fishing, but it's just, well, if it's a lifestyle, as it is now it looks like people there were just
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doing it every day, are there any fishermen on the water? well, i will say this for the first time, but i have already tasted fish caught in kherson, i will not say where, but within the borders of kherson, there are, in principle , places where i once fished, even there is one place near kherson, where has been standing since 5 in the morning queue, as soon as the curfew ends, a crowd of fishermen rushes there, it's very dangerous, huh, but they continue to catch, and i still have. one last short question, because we just spoke with the mayor of skadovsk yesterday, i am talking about the resonant story of the 95 block and all the abuse of all ukrainians, and the residents of the occupied temporary skadovsk, in particular in kherson, somehow reflected on it, that your colleagues somehow had
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some kind of reaction to it, well, it's obvious that it was discussed everywhere, yes, as a rule, on facebook more, yes, but... well, to be honest , it seems to me that the story is not made up, this is my personal opinion, although it is obvious that kherson itself was very ukrainianized, the surrounding settlements were always, if not completely ukrainian-speaking, then surzhy-speaking, yes , kherson was more russian-speaking, but in recent years , even before the invasion, more and more ukrainian was heard, now ukrainian is spoken, well, everywhere, even if someone talks to you there, well with... the saleswoman in the store talks to you in russian, yes, you speak ukrainian with her, she instantly switches, instantly, without anyone there, well, that is, well, i don’t see this problem at all, it’s obvious that many people are talking, that’s how this acto is, i had to listen to what it was about, yes, many people can talk and yes, in in principle, i even know one person , a lawyer from kherson, who is an ethnic russian himself, but
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after the invasion of the russians, he began to speak ukrainian in such a broken way, but i still in... i think, well , i heard him do it several times, and i think well, i'm proud that this person, in principle, despite his age, is no longer young person, but he takes it like that and you know, broken, broken, but speaks, so i don’t see a problem in this at all, i myself studied in a russian-language school and mastered ukrainian already, let’s say, in adulthood, so i don’t see it at all some kind of problem, mr. serhiy, thank you, the editor of the most publication, you see , it is perceived differently, well, in different regions of ukraine, this level, bullying, cringe, and the level of reaction to it, maybe because there are so many other problems in kherson and the danger that this one simply goes to another level, we have fresh information from
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of the air force, about night attacks, they say that several dozen shaheds. flew to ukraine, many were killed, the danger, the air danger continues for the khmelnytsky region, there were explosions recently and there is still a threat of shaheda in the air, so remember this and do not neglect the safety rules, and we are going to the kharkiv region, kupyansk we will now discuss the direction with nadiya zamryga, major, head of the public relations service of the 14th. mechanized brigade named after prince roman the great. glory to ukraine, mrs. nadiya glory to heroes. we are always glad to see you, and please tell us about what is happening now in the kupinsky direction. senkivka, of course, yes, where it is hot all the time and they are constantly trying to attack somewhere there. yes, they are trying to attack,
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let's say, we have already conducted such a small statistical analysis for ourselves and... which tells us that for a certain time, let's say , a day or two, the number of so-and-so is more than 10, 15, here, then, when the enemy suffers significant losses, the owl, the equipment, retreats, regroups, replenishes its reserves personnel, a bull, and these days, when he does it, we have... attacks that do not exceed 3.5, well, now this period actually exists, because we inflicted significant losses on the enemy. and now we expect the replenishment of their forces, and accordingly, an increase in the number of attacks on the positions of units of our brigade and
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our neighboring military units. a cold cyclone moved from the north, how does it look now on the battlefield, what is the weather like today, january 5, what is under... feet, can the enemy or the defender of ukraine use heavy technology today? well, the weather gave us such a big surprise at the epiphany, minus temperature, in fact , it is raining now, accordingly, everything is covered with ice, iced up, here, accordingly, it is cloudy, accordingly, fog is making it difficult. aerial reconnaissance, but we understand that as our aerial reconnaissance becomes more difficult, so does the work of the enemy's aerial reconnaissance, so, well, the conditions on the front line, yes, they are,
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let's say, even in the warm season, are not acceptable, in this they are even more difficult , well, but you understand that in order to to fight, to defend my country , i did not choose the weather... ugh, mrs. nadiya, but there is just such a thing, we and some military personnel in some areas see that there is a lack of these so-called chemical insoles, elements that warm the limbs, hands, there are for gloves, the same things, there are heaters, gasoline and others, with which you can warm up, because it is 24 hours, as they say, under such weather conditions, you can guarantee to freeze your hands. is this enough in your direction now, you know, this is such a consumable, which, let's say, to make, considerable you won't stock up, because it is constantly
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being used up, but the guys have everything they need , and there are supplies, and volunteers help, and guys, families help, well, that is , let's say, there is no such critical shortage in these things, in the magic triangle. which we always hear, well, that is, shells, fpv drones , what is the third one, we mostly hear the option, well, in a word, bc and drones, here in your direction has improved the situation, well, you know, i wouldn’t say that, well, i i will not talk about the direction, i will talk exclusively, rebbe fundergrounds and projectiles, actually, which... concerns, i will say, our brigade, because i do not have the authority to analyze the situation on behalf of others, and this is again consumable material that is constantly needed,
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well, as for the bc, well, that that thing of which there is never much, here, and which is used, we are well aware that we cannot afford to work the way the enemy works, without a purpose simply to create a fire, shall we say, defeat, psychological pressure, here , we use all our bc, from automatic cartridges and ending with large artillery weapons, well, exclusively on target so that every shot hits the target. ms. nadiye, but with regard to the russians, are they... increasing their presence, or does the same number of troops constantly remain along the front, we were talking about 100,000 plus personnel who
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are concentrated somewhere in kharkiv oblast, in the north of luhansk oblast, along the line the front and a little further, as the reserves, as they are now, do they fit closer to them, does everything remain stable as it was before, well, you know, in the fact that well, i don’t know about 1000, but... that there are quite a lot of them, and i will say that in one, in one day, in fact, units of our princely brigade sometimes destroy up to 35 people, that’s more than 603, that’s it. then this indicates that significant losses are being inflicted, but believe me , there are still reserves, and they are wave after wave... they go on the offensive, they die, but they go again, after a week or two they replenish their reserves, replenish mostly with people , who
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are mobilized... from places of deprivation of liberty, there are a lot of them, here and again they go, what is this the total number, believe me, it is difficult to judge, but the fact that the human reserve does not regret, does not think through, let's say, tactical actions, and it just goes swarm after swarm, wave after wave. ms. nadiya, but those people , you say, maybe several dozen per day, you can simply neutralize, to what extent... how quickly they replenish them, replenish these reserves, these reserves send new ones, and what is the quality of the personnel we are talking about are we talking now? how fast? well, quite quickly, believe us, we wish it was more stretched out in time, but they replenish very quickly personnel with their reserves. the quality, it's a little difficult to judge the quality, um, it's a little bit difficult, but , it's basically infantry, ah, who... mobilized
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recently at the end of last year, who went through a little training there, literally up to a week to two weeks of training in the training centers, in them there are some training grounds, and they already find themselves on the front lines, that is, such a concept, let’s say, how we have coordination, individual training, coordination in the composition of platoons, divisions, battalions and so on, eh, apparently, that... there is no, it just a conveyor belt in order to replenish infantry losses. mrs. nadiya, how often do they aim over your heads in the direction of kupyansk, kupyansk nodal, how often do arta and her salvo rocket strikes fly over you into the depths? very often, very often we observe this, and if it happens at night. it
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's quite so spectacular, rockets are flying, s-300s are flying , so, well, under artillery fire kupyansk and the surrounding villages are so, quite often, almost constantly, that is, they do not lack projectile hunger, which so decided his of prigozhin's time , you can't even see that anymore, but if you see it often, it's hard to say whether it's a projectile hunger among them, well, but there's still enough, and you can be happy that there are no rockets and a bull for artillery systems , i think this is a futile matter, we need to work on the fact that with our military cunning, our
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skill, our motivation... we could, with what we have with bc, with this equipment, make it so that we can stop the enemy and push back, well that is, this task is to go to kupinsk, to take the kupinsk node, to go to the oskil river, and bring all this to putin before the elections, they will theoretically, theoretically be able to complete this task before putin's spring elections, i don't know what they have planned. this rematch, they write about it every day, you know , i don't waste my energy at the last moment to analyze in great detail what they write, because there are a lot of imperial schemes, fabrications and so on, that's it , that we are doing our work here, every princely soldier, gunner, tanker, signalman, believe me, it is difficult, but it gives. hope that
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the imperial plans of our enemy will remain just plans and wishes. mrs. nadiya, thank you for your service, thank all our defenders, the defenders too. nadia zamryga, major and head of the public relations service of the 14th separate mechanized brigade named after prince roman the great. newspeak? newspeak. khrystyna parubiy already has a selection of the most important, freshest information for this moment and is ready to share it with us. listen christina, carefully. greetings, colleagues, thank you. in the issue , we will talk about the situation in the khmelnytsky region, there explosions were heard, and what will happen with the help from the us, don't miss it in a moment.


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