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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

10:30 am
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espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion at the expense of the day using a telephone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every weekday from 20:00 to 20:00 . espresso in the afternoon. 10:32 we return and join our conversation serhiy zgurets, director of the information and consulting company defense express. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy. verimoslav, good morning, i congratulate you. well, let's start with the far east. the americans have already stated, ours denied it, but nevertheless, the information is that north korea handed russia a batch of... ballistic
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missiles and launchers for them, and it seems these missiles have already been used during russia's extreme shelling of ukraine, the americans also write that these missiles are one of the most difficult targets for ukrainian air defense. what do you think, mr. sergey? well, to be honest, i did not see a clear denial from the ukrainian side, i know that on the fourth there was a briefing by the spokesman for the national security council of the white house, john kirby, who stated that on the 29th and 2nd of january on the territory of ukraine, there were missiles that were transferred to the russian federation from north korea given slide, regarding the launch directions and there are certain images of these inlets. installations
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of north korea, we have a detailed analysis of these missiles and these slides on our website, in any case, we can talk about the use of these ee samples of kn-23 weapons, this is actually a korean copy of the russian iskander, which has the range there is 460 km, the warhead is within 500 kg, in fact it is... a modified or copied russian iskander m. and in fact, the white house slides show that the strike was delivered to zaporizhzhia, and right here at me there are nuances, because our communication with certain specialists and officials indicates that there are fragments of a missile that can be identified as the north korean kn-23 of this complex. in kharkiv, we are currently preparing
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such a small publication on this matter, and this indicates that russia is really using these missiles, how... they are difficult to intercept, that's when we begin to raise the bar again there to the capabilities of the north korean military equipment, which is actually not true because the analysis of the wreckage and even the effects of the hit shot down of this missile suggests that in fact it is not as technological as the north korean propaganda itself declares, and even the conclusions that the americans draw are also somewhat in favor of ... that is, these missiles are shot down, the question is that russia is trying to use all countries to support their capabilities, and by the way, on january 10, the un security council is meeting to discuss this issue, on the 10th there will also be a meeting of the ukraine nato council, which will be
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directed at strengthening our anti-aircraft defense, so in any case we are saying that the facts that speak of the use of these... north korean missiles in view of the debris are there, and here i will recall my own column of the second issue, which was posted on the expresso website, where in in a conversation with a representative, more precisely , the head of the institute of forensic examinations of the ministry of justice, which actually analyzes all the locations of missiles, the fall of certain samples of russian weapons on our territory, he said that there are... examples of missile missiles that had not been used by russia before federation for strikes on the territory of ukraine , this was written on the second day, then we did not want to name the type of missiles and so on, but in any case we see that the situation
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is starting to change a little, but i repeat, these e missiles are ballistic, they go astray by our air defense systems, but it is not excluded... that in the course of the strikes on ukraine, russia will start using other types of weapons, i will not say which ones yet, but we have certain assumptions that some types of weapons that were adopted on weapons of the russian army, but have not yet been used, they will try to test there again or for the first time, our military knows this, in principle, conclusions are now being drawn from this history, and this should be another impetus for strengthening. aid from the united states and other countries to ukraine itself, we are talking about anti-aircraft defense systems and long-range systems, the impression that will actually be brought to the meeting of the ukraine-nato council. north korean ballistic missiles are
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one type, and the wall street journal is catching up you say, you are referring specifically to the american military, political officials that , in fact, russia and iran... are on the finish line for the purchase of ballistic missiles, including short-range ballistic missiles, with delivery starting already this spring of the 24th year, eh, this is a continuation of this story, but now really these two posts, they coincided in time, but when we talk about north korea, we almost have some debris to analyze, and the iran-iranian missile threat as well, it's well... really speaking exists, i think now ours partners will take measures to prevent this from happening, because such information about the possibility of supplying iranian missiles was available last year, and then the possibilities and methods of countermeasures were also analyzed, these missiles were never delivered,
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and now i think such an extremely important point, i repeat, for ukrainian diplomacy, to still push this certain there... the expectations of our european american partners regarding military assistance in the direction of supplying us with more long-range systems, because the best way to fight such missiles not only in the air, but also on the ground, and these launchers are either korean -made or iranian-made, they must be destroyed on the territory of the russian federation, using long-range systems and intelligence information from the united states, so that the issue of taurus attacks... even more long-range cruise missiles, i think, should also be on the agenda in the negotiations on our official factors with our foreign partners. mr. sergey, one more threat, about which the center of national resistance reports that they have come up with the idea
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of ​​equipping cruise missiles with cluster units, accordingly, the area of ​​damage will be much, much larger than any missile, in your opinion. how quickly can this be implemented, if they say that in october , engineers received such a task in october of the 23rd year, three months ago, and what power can it be, that is, how many missiles can they have? can be equipped with this, well, i think, here we rely on information that was already in open sources based on the data that received reports that one of the enterprises of the russian federation, which manufactures x20 and x32 missiles there, i.e. modernizes the 22nd missile in the kha-32, received a technological task there to create 14 transition blocks there in order to... uh , to be able to use
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cluster warheads on x32 missiles, uh, theoretically, this really increases the impression area there, relatively speaking, compared to the high-explosive tank warhead, which is already powerful enough on these missiles, because on x- 22 there is a combat unit within one ton, that's it that the most powerful combat unit, which actually... should compensate for the low accuracy there, because the kh-22 was actually created for attacks on aircraft carriers, the kh-32 was already a modernized version, which is now being processed in the russian federation in limited quantities , in any case, the trend is clear, there are no transitional blocks yet, there are no tests yet, we understand that the enemy will try to create such widespread combat capabilities. for existing missiles, which we can intercept this time only with the patriot complexes and the pti itself, because the kh22 and
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h-32 is actually, well, supersonic missiles, and here we have, well, a limited number of air defense systems that can fight them, but in any case , this is still another reason to create an integrated air defense system with our partners, where we can also use the potential of avax aircraft to detect the takeoff of enemy aircraft there. and planes in the 16th, which should arrive sooner than they write in some publications, because the urgent need for this requires, well, actually, once again, the strengthening of air defense systems and the expansion fleet of long-range means of impression in the arsenal of the ukrainian army. mr. serhiy, we have the last minute, but looking at how comprehensively the temporarily occupied crimea was worked out this night and the black sea fleet. base in novorossiysk, it is obvious that it is not only about drones, whether it was air from our
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planes, or ground, air from missile troops, and to the extent that we are able to build up, this kind of strikes, we have just the reflection of an important trend that will be important this year because it is about completely, shall we say, minimal. of the enemy's ability to use crimea as a springboard for the transfer of troops and the minimization of the enemy's military power on the territory of crimea, this is exactly what the president of ukraine said when he recently gave an interview to the economist. in any case , there were strikes on sevastopol , a high-level command post, on feodosia, a block that provides. rotational observation and strikes on novorossiysk there, i think that feotsia
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and sevastopol are definitely stormshadow, the issue is a new russian one, i think that it is not exclusive that it is about our new long-range drones, which actually already, well, will now, well, significantly create significant problems for russian objects already deep in russian territory, even where the enemy is trying to keep their ships that could potentially threaten our... there using their calibers, so it's a good trend, it's only going to spread this year, it's going to be one of the important components of our military campaign this year. in the triad, which is not the first time, but the former commander of the us forces in europe, general hodges, very clearly voiced, well, all the time he speaks precisely atakamsy, taurus and a huge number of powerful and different rebs, that's the trio. in this trio, where do you see a chance for the situation to change from a standstill? the issue
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of the reb is now being solved more by our capabilities in cooperation with individual partners, long-range systems are included in our number of state programs, there is an expectation that their production will be increased, that's about oops , mr. serhiy, we don't hear you, we don't see you. we don't know if the internet is coming back, it is, it is, sir mr. serhiy, the internet was down for a while , actually, let me remind you , we asked you about the triad you were talking about... i guess, you said we will do the work ourselves, and then it stopped, and when we talk about long-range systems, there is actually hope here on the one hand, on our partners, because there is a question of tauruses, there is a question of atakams, especially against the background of conversations that they are going to dispose of a certain number of cassette atakams there, they gave us about
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20 pieces, several hundred are to be disposed of there, i think that if it is safe to do so analysis... of those remnants that the americans have , which they believe, with the terms that have sprung up, you can find a few dozen more that can be safely used against the enemy, i think that this discussion is currently ongoing, and the actual creation of national long-range systems, this is foreseen by our missile programs, and here i think that there will be an important emphasis of efforts on the part of ukrainian officials, especially since... american partners also emphasize that we should expand the capabilities of the domestic defense and industrial complex, we of course with completely agree with this, understanding that financial and technological assistance is needed in certain directions for the creation of certain samples. mr. serhiy, thank you for the comment, professional and analysis. serhiy zgorets, director of the information and consulting company defense
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express, in particular, including about the wreckage of the missiles that are being investigated. ukraine on december 29 and last year on december and january 2. yes, and now we will be able to talk with andrii yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, in connection with our studio. glory to ukraine, mr. andrii. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. we cannot help but start with the successful operation in chelyabinsk. let me remind you that yesterday it became known that the russians have a minus su-34. and yes, if we look at the map, we can see that cherlyabinsk is really very, very far from ukraine, in the depths of the siberian ruts, so it is really far, a little above kazakhstan, but the central territories somewhere there are russian, as far as we understand that why it is necessary to eliminate drying, how important it is to work somewhere in those regions, it is just a sign that we are getting there or something
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more, is it really the transport that... is stored there, maybe some more dangerous, better quality, newer? eh, no, the enemy has already repeatedly transferred means, as well as forces , that is, equipment, in particular air defense and aviation from distant directions to the ukrainian front line and, well, including the capital regions, so yes, all that is being destroyed, even far from the ukrainian border, this is something that will not reach the ukrainian border, and from this point of view it is... a really difficult operation, it is clear that russia is a state that is saturated special services , various protected means and measures, and each such successful operation is such a certain marker of quality, planning, organization and implementation, and this was a unique case, as they say, just
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, well, on budanov's birthday, as they say, a unique good gift , or will this now be scheduled work? well, planned work, it was and continues, and we remember similar operations with bombers and fighters at other enemy airfields, and of course it is nice when it coincides with the day the birth of the commander, but the work of ukrainian intelligence and special services continues on holidays and weekends, and will continue in the future. actually, it is very interesting to combine all this into some kind of complex, we have already heard a lot from our experts that... chambers should burn, explode deep in the territory of russia in large quantities, starting from murmonsk, ending with bam, about which we have already we have heard a little bit about things and we know whether we really have the ability to provide scorched earth in certain moments and on their territories, or whether it is still
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simply only in the plans, and the 24th year will not be yet that year regarding burnt land. the task is not worth it, because the ukrainian security and defense forces work exclusively on the military facilities of the aggressor state, in contrast to the russian barbarians, who purposefully attack ukrainian civilian infrastructure, civilian facilities, and this is the main goal of their attacks, and in the past year of missile strikes and what we are witnessing now, we really have different potentials and we cannot afford to waste uh... our forces and means to destroy some conventional clothing factory or just a parking lot cars, instead, other more complicated, more... qualified work is being carried out, which has its own results, and it will definitely be continued, because these military targets, like all the objects involved in the genocidal war of the russians against the ukrainians, are legitimate
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targets , and destroying them throughout the territory of the aggressor state, we protect our own citizens and civilians and defenders. mr. andriy, the telegraph wrote today that the russians are planning an offensive in the kupinsky direction, we discussed it and our experts corroborated it. that's right it is quite possible, it looks like it will happen, but they also added that before christmas, before their christmas, which is celebrated on the seventh of january , they are planning some new massive missile attacks on ukraine, can you confirm or deny , tell us something about it, what people wait? er, the final, final date and hour of the next missile attack is very difficult to predict. and we can state that the enemy has not abandoned this practice and still has a certain reserve for the implementation of this kind, including mass attacks. with
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however, ukraine counters this by strengthening its own anti-aircraft missile defense and taking other measures, including on the territory of the aggressor state, but it is clear that such a risk exists, and every air alarm, it is not educational in ukraine, must be responded to. ugh , i still wanted to, but i’m still going back to my thesis, because yesterday i listened to various military men who said that it was necessary to expand the actual menu of strikes or sabotage on the territory of the country, the aggressors, and they were called, in particular, logistical, railway moves, i.e. it is meant nodes, the railway is key in the logistics of supplying the russian army. and energy nodes that are close to it, because part of the russian railway is fed by those energy substations, whether this is in
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the plans of our gur, or it could be a task, i don’t know there sso, sbu, and you don’t put such in your plans, well, if we analyze the active measures in the temporarily occupied territories, then yes, this includes logistics centers. er, nodes, railway, by which the enemy ensures the supply of means, manpower and equipment, er, if we introduce the language about the the territory of the aggressor state, the so-called russian federation, well, purely from the asint analytics, i.e. from open sources, we see that something is happening with them there too, with these transport hubs, we will not officially comment on it, but it is clear that the work in this direction is also being conducted, mr. andriy, we have what... one minute, i ask you to reveal a little more secrets about crimea, what was liquidated there today, i can't tell much, preliminary intelligence and
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data collection is ongoing and there will definitely be official statements and of the armed forces, the air force, the work of the ukrainian security and defense forces continues and is successful, that is, there are hits on targets, this can be stated. thanks for sharing the captives, but there is an announcement that another one may be happening soon. what can you say about this, whether there will be the same number, or whether it will be possible for more prisoners to be brought home? such large-scale exchanges are frequent and regular, unfortunately, it is hardly to be expected, but the main thing here is to demonstrate dynamics, and ukraine is working on this, indeed many of our defenders and defenders are waiting to return home, as well as civilian hostages and civilian prisoners, the negotiations are ongoing and they are taking place, let's say, in an intensive mode, so there is every reason to believe that there will be news in the coming weeks. thank you, mr. andriy, andriy yusov, representative of the gur of the ministry of defense of ukraine was in touch with us.
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and here is a message from our neighbors from our poles that they are going to continue the ban on the export of ukrainian products. let me remind you that these strikes, these blockades at the border, continue there and... more than 3,00 trucks remain blocked at the border. now we are going for a short break, it remains with espresso. the news will continue on air. attention, an incredible novelty from razpak tv. super warm and very comfortable alaska stayle boots. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska stayle boots have a universal design and. practical black color, so will fit both men and women, sizes 36 to 46, so get two pairs at once, for yourself and to your husband, oven zippers
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