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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EET

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the essence of nuclear warheads, they are working on increasing their effectiveness, that is , using different types, and well, if something new is being developed, then perhaps there is not enough power, but from the last one, i would like to remind you that the zircon missile is ship-based, but they can to apply modernizations not only on ships, but also... in a complex, that is, they do, as a rule, universally, so, well, it’s like iskander, for example, on operational-tactical missile launcher systems, launchers launch iskander cruise missiles in form, iskander m is a ballistic, and modernized iskander is used from mig-31k aircraft in order to speed. this
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iskander, well, in this case , which is called a dagger, was hypersonic, that is, it does not appear like that, it does not reach five sounds of the speed of swings of the so-called, but if it is not, if not , if it is hypersonic, and when they are launched, it could be on the 31st , then it becomes gives this this criterion of five swings and quickly. is becoming more and more a difficult target for anti-missile defense means, that's why they worked, putin did everything at the beginning of last year, if you remember, the show set a task for the captain of the ship and so on, these are new missiles that have a hypersonic, very real purpose, are not added by something, but by themselves, and this is a problem, and we need to develop our own, work together with... these are allied
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military-industrial enterprises of the complex for the production of occupied missile complexes with the ability to destroy, including zircon , which has a very high speed, this is not a ballistic missile, but a missile that is on ships and not only, they plan to distribute it, that is, here is a problem of this kind on perspective, but i want to say by existing. and we can see from these last two airstrikes, they have in their arsenal, unfortunately, a rather wide range of weapons that they can use, and taking into account their number , they still have the opportunity to a few of them quickly, well, since the view is going on.
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spends these missiles, then the probability is already decreasing further, there are three or four strikes, they are able to deliver with the missiles they still have, although - they have intact reserves , taking into account what they are positioning, that are fighting not so much with ukraine, but actually with the nato countries that are helping ukraine, in general, more than fifty countries are helping ukraine in this war, so eh... should be kept, well, the same air x101, x555, which are launched from air platforms from strategic bombers, that means they keep the resource of all these bombers, because the tu-95 ms are old, and they are not produced, they need to be maintained, and the tu22, m3 there are in the same condition, so they still have to find spare parts, that is, there are problems here.
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they are relatively not new, and therefore they try to save this strategic resource, strategic bombers, is a component of the so-called nuclear triad, which includes submarines with missiles, nuclear warheads, mines, missiles and strategic bombers, so for decision-making. such an approach is complex, that what and how much comes out of the tasks, comes out of putin's ambition for the current time, and then these strikes are formed by special structures that are exposed by international and our investigative correspondents, there are photos, there is this center in them, which deals with planning all the shots, so they still have to answer. before
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ukrainians and the world community for their actions of this kind, violation of laws. mr. general, you know, you definitely know and remember this story of 1990. in 1990, when ukraine was in debt for 275 million dollars, these were gas debts, ukraine signed an agreement with the russian federation on the transfer to russia of eight tu-160 bombers, three tu-95 ms bombers, and the missiles that went to cover this debt, there are more than 500 missiles, part, we know that part of the bombers here are 20... about which you they mentioned, got to russia as a result of the division of the black sea fleet, but this is all that was transferred by the ukrainian state to russia at that time, including 575 kh-55 missiles, it is returning to us again, but it is already
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returning in the form of weapons with which we are killed , they are trying to kill, well, at least the serial numbers that were in the annexes to this agreement on the transfer of missiles were found on... fragments of missiles that then fell on our heads, what do you think, what did ukraine lose then, or was it it was advisable to do it then, but after 25 years, it became clear that russia is an enemy that uses these weapons against us, and no matter what ukraine has, if it still does not surrender all these positions, would we now have other opportunities, including for a response. on the territory of the russian federation? it is clear that ukraine would have a lower russian strike potential , you listed these planes, of course, i remember it, and missiles, and before that they were the first to suppress tactical nuclear weapons, precisely
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the tactical nuclear weapons that we would have adventure, provided the wrong missiles in mine installations, the strategy that was aimed there at... the americans and so on, and the prices were like that there, and the same americans and others there helped them , transferred a little money only to destroy these mines, missiles and so on, no more than that, because now we clearly see that even bill clinton admitted that everything was not the right steps, but in relation to our politicians, that it was a strategic-level transmission error. uh, nuclear weapons are the most tactical, that's why they took them from us, so that if we didn't have them such potentials of such a possibility of protection, and then a strategy that would be inappropriate for us, it is simply expensive and it was necessary to receive and fight for these funds, what
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was the real price, but the political will of the leader at that time was not enough. they gathered the military and said that the military supports the position, because ukraine, one of the first states that renounced it in the interests of peace in the whole world, and here at the front lines, with such, let's say, ideology, with such an informational argumentation of this event , but all this comes back to us with great losses and the blood of our military, civilians now. because of course these were mistakes both in terms of nuclear weapons and strategic ones, well, and then by selling out everything that security issues were left to the whole state for the final issues of some kind of role, that is, which starts on
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this kind of path sooner and later turns into tragedies, well, what we have now has not been brought to the ultimate tragedy. but before a difficult exam, it is clear, and therefore it is necessary to draw conclusions, which means to work in this sense with our allies, with the leadership the country, the most important thing for itself within the country, is to clearly define that the issue of security must always remain ahead of everything, and then all the rest of the derivative, there will be no security, no... the economy will help there, everything else, we will not solve the social issue, and in general the issue, so it will depend on whether the state will exist, because a war, especially with such a country, which is the country of the russian aggressor, has
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such consequences for us, and the enemy sets precisely such goals, that is, to destroy the state and destroy our people. thank you, mr. general conversation, it was... ihor romanenko, retired lieutenant general of the armed forces of ukraine. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms. live, please like this video so that it can be trended on youtube and facebook, and take part in our poll, today we are asking you if the military should go into politics, yes no, please vote on youtube, everything is quite simple, two options, or please leave your comments under this video, if you are sitting and watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone, phone and vote, yes 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382 all calls to these are free and to these
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numbers are free. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. next , we have the people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine, valentyn nalyvaichenko. mr. valentin, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you on the new year. thank you very much, sir valentine. with the new achievements of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense. today in chelyabinsk, russia , an su-34 tactical bomber burned down at the shagol airfield, it is a special operation of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, and it is about the fact that this aircraft belonged to the aviation regiment of the 21st mixed aviation division of the aerospace forces of the armed forces of russia federations, and of course, as they write... the russians are clarifying the reasons for the plane's ignition, what will you say, mr. valentin, about the special operations that we
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that we can and do on the territory of the russian federation, as far as they can be extended and to the extent that the losses of the enemy can be scaled, these are extremely painful losses of the enemy of russia, since they occur precisely on the territory of russia, and at fairly remote airfields. roma in this case are quite distant from ukraine, but the most important thing is that for us, for our victory , in order to stop the terrorist missile attack on ukraine, kyiv, kharkiv and all other cities, it is long time for us to destroy, especially such bombers, fighters, which are the su-34, by the way, these are still soviet in 90% of the years it appeared, it is like the su-34, and i congratulate our scouts who simply burned it,
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burned it, and besides, here you are , mr. sergey, you very correctly point out that it is the mixed division of the tra-ta-ta, air forces of the aggressor country, but it is mixed precisely because many planes are destroyed by our armed forces, and further non-combat losses, that is, these russian missile, terrorist fighters fall. or on the territory of russia, and the third factor is when it is finally possible to either burn them or destroy them, through the special operations of our military scouts, these are all the components of our victory. i think that , firstly, it is very important, and secondly, it is very healthy, it demotivates and demoralizes the enemy inside, inside russia itself and... one more thing for our tv viewers, planes like the suv-34 are nothing and will never be able to to replace,
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since this is one of the last soviet developments of a fighter-bomber, where two, by the way, pilots are expected, and this is a rather serious combat machine, its destruction, you know, drags like minimum order, today, mr. valentin, the minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba stated in an interview with cnn that ukraine is confident in... further military support from western countries and there is no alternative in case of its termination. let's listen to what mr. kuleba said. we don't have plan b. we are sure of plan a. ukraine will always struggle with the resources it has. and, as nato secretary general rightly said, what is given to ukraine is not charity. it is an investment in the defense of nato, as well as in the protection of the prosperity of the american people. mr. valentin, it has already appeared information that ukraine and nato
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will hold a nato council, and this council will be devoted to the air defense of ukraine, we survived two massive enemy attacks on december 29 and january 2, do you already know about the plans that ukraine is going to bring to the ukraine nato council, in addition to air defense, then... because obviously we can also be talking about long-range missiles, yesterday the minister of foreign affairs of poland radislaw sikorski said that it is necessary to provide ukraine with these long-range weapons, because without strikes on military facilities located on territory of the russian federation, it is impossible to defeat the enemy. yes, i confirm, and i also confirm that the ukraine-nato council will be held at the beginning of next week. and we, ukraine, have formulated and are submitting to this meeting of the ukraine-nato council a request for the first,
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primary, additional missiles for knocking down dew. it doesn't matter, but the type of weapons that russia issued, especially on december 29 and january 2 on the territory of ukraine, such a request has already been formed by us and will be sent to nato member countries, which are 31 countries, so that they help us urgently. it is very important, and for our dear tv viewers, it is possible, today the most important information is that first... germany has already today confirmed and is transferring to our armed forces additional anti-missile systems and missiles such as those for the german iirst systems, by the way, it has transferred an additional skynex system, which is a system that destroys drones more successfully, including with the use
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of artificial intelligence programs, we need such skynex systems now more, even if compared with ... artillery or with armor, armored vehicles, this is what is needed now for protection of lviv, kyiv, kharkiv, odesa and almost all cities of ukraine, and skynet is a more modern anti-drone system. one more thing: germany, the first of the nato member countries, even before the meeting of the ukraine-nato council, also transfers additional missiles to the patriot systems, that is , those that are so powerful and, unfortunately, sometimes with such , you know, unpleasant, perhaps, especially for kyivans. and other cities that hear such anti-aircraft systems with unpleasant waves, but this is the most powerful and most serious system for destroying russian terrorist daggers, which are the most dangerous for any ukrainian city and for ukrainian civilians. i think that these first steps of germany confirm my words and confirm our request to
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the ukraine-nato council for such additional missiles. in summary, rockets should be enough. for ukrainian air defense systems, the requests of our military abroad have been formed, and this is correct, i congratulate our armed forces and especially the general staff , now it should be noted, which very quickly formulated specific types of missiles, their the amount and where and when we need them, this is exactly what will be needed now for this ukraine-nato council next week in order to quickly... scatter, distribute to those countries that can quickly hand them over to us, and we quickly got them bring it to ukraine and transfer it to the equipment, armaments, that's right now on your screen, such systems as patriot and others around our cities, to protect our cities and villages. mr. valentin, and yet, is it possible to win the war in russia without
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using long-range missiles that would hit on the territory of the russian federation , what is this question, question number one, question number one, my friend, and i confirm that first of all, we in ukraine are on the way out, we need to make, finalize and syrian launch a missile at a distance of 700 km as soon as possible and so on , our own ukrainian, so we need them, we are working hard on this right now, after all, if not germany, then maybe some other country that is a member of nato, such... missiles as taurus with a range of 300-400-500 km, after all, to provide our armed forces, because these are not just missiles that fly in, but which break through and destroy, even underground bunkers, even protected by concrete, russian military bases, especially places
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where missiles such as dagger, caliber and others are stored, they are stored in warehouses, but these warehouses... thanks to the work of our armed forces, we know , especially in the russian regions close to us, we simply do not have enough , our armed forces did not have enough missiles that could penetrate the concrete defense, finish off and detonate the accumulation of these terrorist missiles, and such missiles as taurus, i repeat, yes we will strive, i think that the beginning of this year is the beginning of a positive decision for... our armed forces in obtaining such missiles, we will also work very much with the french and with our other partners to obtain their such long-range missiles that work. and even today they worked in, unfortunately, the ukrainian crimea, unfortunately, because we strike on our territory, but we destroy the bases of the occupiers, and this, i
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think, is also a formula for victory for our armed forces, to get, use and destroy occupied warehouses and accumulation of missiles whether warships. mr. valentin, the new year has begun, but the decision on further financing and financial assistance. ukraine in the amount of 61 billion dollars has not yet been approved by the congress of the united states of america. the united states of america is forced to stop military support for ukraine until congress approves a new aid package, national security council strategic communications coordinator john kirby said at a white house briefing. let's hear what kirby had to say. we will do our best to continue our support. country, but from a point in terms of the types of weapons systems we could provide and the frequency with which we provided them every two weeks, those opportunities ended on december 27th when we released our
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last package for the year that we had funding for. mr. valentin, is this, in particular, related to these massive strikes by the russian federation, that putin is counting on the fact that the congress of the united states of america will not pass this year. or, shall we say, in the time between when they stopped funding and before funding resumed, that he would have time to hit the territory of ukraine and in ukraine, the ukrainian air defense forces will not have the same missiles for the patriots, for example, and in this way, but in this interval he will use it to destroy our infrastructure. first of all, i answer that the russian strikes are nothing else, especially on december 29, january 2, the last of those inflicted by russia and the putin regime, this
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is such a schizophrenic terrorist reaction to the fact that the armed forces of ukraine on the battlefield do not give the enemy a single chance for the smallest victory, either before the new year or before the new year, and now maybe before the quasi -elections. this proves one thing, that including such russian ipso information all over the world, they drove away despair, paid crazy money to their agents, how everything disappeared, how ukraine can’t do anything, well , so what, and the ukrainian armed forces gave them on the pizza and they don't let it go, on the contrary they beat and destroy the occupier on ukrainian soil, that's why these were such reactions, you know, even if they were terrorist, but connected precisely because russia... can't and doesn't and won't be able to to give results at the front on the battlefield. friend, congressmen and senators in the usa have already resumed their work today. 50
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republicans, senators, and congressmen from the state of texas traveled to the border with mexico, visited, and looked at where and how the strengthening and construction of the wall against illegal migrants should be done, and so on and so forth. i bring all this up just for the sake of the next, the main body for the review and approval of the supplementary budget, and next week 110 billion, we have a very bad sound, please excuse me, mr. valentine, now our editors you they will over-dial, because we have a very terrible connection. really friends, we are live on the channel and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on our
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youtube and facebook platforms, please don't forget to like this video, no save money, each of your likes is a promotion of this video in the trends of youtube or facebook, and in addition, take part in our survey, which we conduct on... our social networks and on tv, it sounds like, should the military go in politics on youtube, i can already see that the ratio is: 73% of the respondents say yes, no, 27. if you watch us on tv, then call and dial the number 0800 211 381, if you think that the military should go into politics, if not, 0.800 211 382, ​​we have recovered. communication with valentyn nalivaichenko, mr. nalivaichenko, once again , please, good evening, once again, i don't know what was said last time, but allow me
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to repeat it, if even. so it is very important for us, and i, and other people's deputies, who knows and can work with congressmen and senators, we are right there at work time and they, thank god, are back at work, we are convincing that next week everything, they still voted for the additional allocation of 61 billion defense aid to ukraine, as well as to israel and taiwan, which in the aggregate will mean 100... 10 billion from the united states to strengthen the defense of the lands, the lands of those countries that are subjected to aggression, we are for the aggression of russia, israel is a terrorist camp of hamas, and taiwan is to strengthen the defense, including the defense system on this island , but coming back to us, 61 billion, we have not changed the request, and the wishes, and the request to the american congress, and i remain optimistic and convinced that we can... and
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should work with american partners, these were our key partners last year and will remain this year in support of the armed forces. the only thing i can do is remove this russian propaganda about the alleged elections in america, which will not be for ukraine? no it is not. there is a clear understanding among both democrats and republicans in congress that by supporting the armed forces of ukraine, congress the usa supports from behind. world , pan-european security , as it stops the aggressor putin, as it helps us to stop him, our armed forces to destroy the potential of the aggressor before they resort to further aggressions, either against other european countries or nato member states. mr. valentin, today the verkhovna rada of ukraine held a meeting of the committee on national security and defense, which
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discussed the issue of the government law. the project on mobilization, which came to the parliament on december 25, 2023, from the fact that it is known that valery zaluzhny, minister of defense rustem umyerov was present at the committee hearings, and there is information received from modern sources that what did zaluzhny say? zaluzhny spoke out against the appointment to the ar'. and prisoners and those on trial, but he said that, literally quoting the edition of zaluzhny, i need people, the russians have already called up 400 thousand and for june they are preparing several hundred thousand more to 400 thousand, who should i fight with or turn to the world and ask for people there , or leave, fight if not provided. how are you evaluate the prospect of the adoption of this draft law, because even before it
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was officially presented... it was put in the verkhovna rada, and i don’t know, probably the minister of defense will present it, or the supreme commander, zelensky, there was a very violent reaction to this draft law, as you assess what can remain in this bill, what will be removed from this bill, and what the mobilization of 2024 in ukraine should be, we must, the verkhovna rada must reassure all ukrainians, first and foremost. that during the war, the war continues, no one will and will not allow the constitutional rights of citizens to property, to bank accounts, to family ties and so on and so forth to be violated. this bill will be removed, it is a government bill, so it is not professional even at the start. second, today during the committee meeting , it really lasted more than 2.5 hours, and it is very good that both the commander-in-chief, general
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zaluzhnyi, and the minister of defense appeared. umirov, and chief of the general staff shaptala, and all three military specialists did not submit a request for the vision and wishes of whom, the armed forces and the ministry defense of ukraine. there will definitely be a response from the entire ukrainian government, from the entire ukrainian society, and this should reassure people, we will support and do everything possible to ensure that the armed forces, our defenders have the opportunity, and here it is very important for... let me explain very briefly, to our armed forces, our defenders had the opportunity firstly for rotation, secondly for training, this is for those conscripts who will be called up further as part of the general mobilization, but for training, mastering weapons, mastering military tactics and possibilities of conducting hostilities.


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