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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EET

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in general, from the very beginning, i asked them to say, your life depends on it , you can't be angry at the protest, you have to accept it, that it will be a part of your life until the end, you have to, if there is something, you have to tell me , you have to find a solution to the problem and then. you will not associate any problem with the prosthesis with the prosthesis itself, but you will solve the problem itself, and this helps a lot for people to be successful in their life with the prosthesis. currently , there are 414 people on the waiting list for prosthetics. what are your options? i know what's next the group in september is coming, but how fast are you?
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can you help these people, because they also have great expectations, great hopes , this is a very philosophical question, in what sense , when they ask me, how many people will need prosthetics, how many people will you be able to help, i say yes, ask putin how many he will be wounded, and as long as this war lasts, we, on our part, will do our best. what we can, we are now forming a more focused program so that we have more volunteers coming in, so that we have space, where we could receive these people more regularly, and for more time, so that the visits were more frequent, in general, i have such a dream that we would go to...
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he, that we would have 5-10 people come every week, and what the second floor , and it’s heavier for me, it’s with my foot, no , yes, yes, now i’ll change my leg, let’s see who i have, now, during the war and after the war, it’s clear that there will be... a lot of ah amputees, both civilian and military, how would you like to be treated when seen on the street, ordinary people when they see you wearing a prosthesis, is it nice when they thank you, for example, or when they just don't pay attention, of course it's nice when people thank you, because they understand the state of ukraine, and there are people who can go... laugh , like, well
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, you don’t have a leg, and there are people like that too, you met someone like that, many times, seriously, yes, and they poked their fingers, well, this is a repeated such case, well, you faced the fact that people somehow want to show some attention, thank you, i faced this, well, it was kind of embarrassing, that is, i, for example, even the wife enters the atb there, well, there is the ladder, when he was in the stroller, he enters. in the etb, i am sitting near the etb, waiting, people start coming up , giving money, like, well, on the stroller, i say, no need, thank you very much, like в меня всё есть, like me, that is, they thought that you are us they thought that i was sitting and asking for money, but i immediately explained that i was not asking, that i was waiting for my wife, she went to the store to shop, that i physically cannot go there, i have people in the city who wear prostheses , but they always wear pants and that's just not... him
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walks like a normal person, as if on his feet , is he ashamed or just, well, i don’t even know, some people are ashamed of this, i told my parents to protest, i will not hide it, let people see, let them look, no nothing, well, that's cool, what would you like to do next, i won't answer, it's a secret, yes, you made yourself a zova logo receiver on the stump, so yeah. you could choose any design, you could choose any picture, but i chose the logo of my regiment, may i ask why? because i'm there served, i am proud of them, there are the best military men who are on fire. max, thoughts on the fact that it is now possible to trade. and not to serve did not occur
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to you, no, and when i came to the part to my comrades, when i had a vacation, i said, i say, guys, i will return to you. i will continue to serve, and the commander said to me: come on, we will wait for you, what are you laughing at now? i dream that i have my own children, and most importantly, that this war is already over and that no one dies, because there are so many people my loved ones, and my friends , and my acquaintances are also dying, it's just, well... it's like you're distracted, you're living - that is , you're trying not to remember it, but i still remembered it once there, my brother died there, this it's your first anniversary, yes, it will be tomorrow, i thought when you got married that
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you have come an incredibly long way together this year, i'm sitting here sometimes thinking, this is just the way we've gone.
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chevrons approaching victory. strength, will and endurance. passed down from father to son for centuries, and i am the one who carries it engraved cossack strength and cossack glory in the heart. i am the one who carries the glory of freedom-loving ancestors, whose unyielding will lives on to this day. i am the one who carries
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the spirit of struggle and ideas within me for centuries. one who will never bow to the enemy. i am a warrior of ukraine, indomitable and unconquered, i will defend the land given to me by god and always believe in my invincibility. i'll get there quickly, i'm already buying a ticket. one to the dnipro, please. my country will not fall to its knees, in my heart you are forever the only one, no one will lead us, 5 hryvnias from of every bus ticket go to the restoration of ukraine, we will rebuild the country together with ukrpas ua and dobrobat, join us!
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rules of a warm country: healthy care. thank you for adjusting the heater and making sure the temperature is adequate without wasting money on the wind. let's defeat winter together, chevrons that bring victory, strength, will and perseverance. passed down from father to son for centuries, and i am the one who carries cossack strength and cossack glory buried in my heart, i am the one who carries the glory
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of freedom-loving ancestors, whose unyielding will lives and to this day, i am the one. who for centuries carries within himself the spirit of struggle and ideas, the one who will never bow down to the enemy, i fear ukraine, indomitable. and unconquered, i will defend the land given to me by god and always believe in my invincibility. greetings, friend, i am marichka padelka, tv presenter and mother of three children. i 'm sorry i don't know your name, i'd like to know what you did before the full-scale war, what coffee you drank and what you dreamed about. but i know something else: one day you went to protect what is dear to you and to everyone
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us, our ukraine. my husband is also at the front, and i understand what difficult trials the war forces to go through every day. your wound hurts me, i really want you to get well, and the least i can do for that is to share my blood. i do it a lot. and with a single note. thank you, hero. hospitals need donated blood every day. one donor can save three lives. donate blood, save the hero. national telethon, single news. continues we have a big discussion ahead of us tonight. yes, as always, we are waiting this time, a little. raise your head and look ahead and plan where we are going, today there is already a reason and
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necessity to say that we should look ahead not for one year, not for one month, but the voiced figure of 5 years, does ukraine have a strategy for how to live after the war years, let 's remind our viewers what actually prompted us to this discussion, now the topic, and then how we got to it, because the topic is so big and so large-scale that we invited... our favorite experts, which now they will help us make the first sketches of what our economy will be like, what our medicine will be like, what our infrastructure facilities will be like, we need to do something, what our education will be like, will we be able to earn for ourselves, as we said a long time ago, and so on exactly what you started talking about, because we already had a direct hint from the united states that we should count on ourselves, well, we actually started from the statement that the japanese response, by the way of the press, is a big question, why it appeared just now? that the russian dictator vladimir putin allegedly warned the chinese leader sidzempin that russia's war against
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ukraine could last at least 5 years, reports the japanese publication nick asia, and according to the publication, putin voiced such a warning during a visit to sizen pinya, sizen pinya went to moscow in march of the 23rd year, so why did she wait to see the world, why about this? they said, when everyone was expecting a ukrainian counteroffensive, why did it appear now, that putin is going to fight mr years, we will talk about all this with our experts, let's yes, let's introduce our guests, actually oleksandr mosienko, smallpox expert, oleksandr, congratulations, congratulations, andriy dligach, doctor of economic sciences, professor of taras shevchenko knu, director of advanted grow, congratulations , we are glad to see, and volodymyr fosenko, a political expert, congratulations, congratulations, let's try briefly at the beginning of our conversation, you are all experts. from completely different fields, but victory can only be achieved if all these fields work together, otherwise, well, one foot, the other
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will never drag out, let's try to generalize the vision of what ukraine should be like in the next 5 years so that we not only withstand this exhaustion, which putin is talking about, that 5 years of war, and we will win for sure, because there will be no one to fight with, so that this does not happen, so that after 5 years we can talk about the fact that we can guarantee ourselves 10, 20, 50... years of peace for our children, mr. alexander, let's start with you, yes, i think that everything starts anyway the military component, well, what should i say, first of all, they are always exhausted both sides in the war, the question is who has a more reliable rear, and whose is more stable, now we are seeing, by the way, very interesting things actually, because pay attention, all this talk about north korean weapons, about iranian, they actually reveal very... very many aspects of the fact that russia is far away and not ready for five years of war in such
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a regime, that is, you understand that i would like this article by nekkei eisha, by the way, the japanese are quite well informed sources, i would, i would believe it, as far as china is concerned, they know a lot, and the new york times article, remember, where putin is looking for ways to a truce because he needs them, because he understands that he needs to accumulate. weapons, accumulate resources and then again continue the actions, and we have now entered, that is what our next 5 years depend on how we hold on for the next six months, i will explain why. the question is that now russia is trying to convince everyone that there are no options, ukraine will lose, you look at the array of publications, how many things have appeared, there are so many apocalyptic predictions, like cnn, that by 2000 , until june 2024, ukraine will survive without american weapons, etc., etc., and why we should remain without american weapons, who
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said this, and a lot of moments, that is , it seems to me that we have now entered this period when... russia is exerting maximum pressure and wants to demonstrate that it is winning, and not only to the west, but also to ukraine. you understand that everything that is happening now, and it is important to get out of these six months, firstly, at the front, it is clear, to repel enemy attacks, because they are massed, and i assume that the aggressor will have certain tactical successes, it must be understood that they will be able to advance somewhere as a result of this offensive in the east, but nothing fatal will happen. second,... moment, we must use all the opportunities that are currently available in cooperation with the united states and with europe in building joint defense projects, the defense industry, this is simply what needs to be done. the third point is the discussions, which now i see there are pros and cons, on the one hand a plus,
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because we are entering 2024 and there is a certain intrigue, we don't know if there will be an offensive this year, no... there will be an offensive this year, and there is a certain plus in this, because you are talking about our offensive, yes, about our, and we, and this, and this is a plus , you understand, we are not talking about the fact that now, now, now we will go to takmak and take it, and russia at this time is building mine barriers and everything, after all, is preserved, we remember the kharkiv offensive, and the kherson offensive, they didn't talk about it, they didn't talk about it, and no, they talked about kherson, they talked about it, but the downside of this, you see, is that it's not was perceived as an absence at all. great, the enemy's attacks will be repelled, but that's what russia is trying to play on demoralization, that it's trying to defeat us without a fight for 5 years, it's obvious, well, look, they're doing everything for this, but that's what they left for help, this is evidence that there are problems, but how can we
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take advantage of this and convince our partners, because two options are on the table now, i am almost convinced, the first is the option to let ukraine hold on and not fall, well that is, to give us a resource to repel attacks, and the enemy is exhausted, that's all, but you understand what the problem is for us, and for russia it's half the trouble, they are standing on our territory, ugh, we have to knock them out, that is, the task is more difficult for us, even now, if they stop, and they will stop at some stage, they will wait for an answer from us, what will that answer be? and here then the second option, here is this criterion with missiles, which is now north korea, it is very good that it came out, because it will be an indicator of how the united states will react, and the europeans, for example, i, for example, do not really understand, why did the germans react like that, when we needed tauruses in order to, excuse me, finish off a lot of the enemy's forces in the crimea,
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ugh, but now it said after the attacks on ukraine that they say. it is necessary to provide ukraine with taurus, god forbid, the question of who, the question of who , you understand, that is, but you understand very well that in war tempo is important, if this tempo is lost, any weapon , it loses, so that’s it, it seems to me , the most key issues that exist today, to hold out from these six months and then go into strategy, of course, because as i it seems i don't know, either our partners are not telling us or they haven't made a final decision. about what the war should look like, victory, a ukrainian victory, whether to let ukraine win completely, or to give at some stage and say let's go, because you understand, these are all games, they could have been stopped long ago from the north, which that 's the most important thing for now, and now the most important thing is that we should go out in this situation and impose our
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strategy, in particular on the battlefield, that's the most important thing, our plan, which is our military plan for today? how to implement it, that's the key thing, because we are now hearing about the fact that we have a defense strategy to destroy the enemy's resources, yes, now we will not tell the whole conversation there in one minute, because again, from the press conference of the president, and from at the press conference of zaluzhnogo, it was said that there will be a war, our ability to even receive our army will depend on how we can finance them, so the question, mr. andriy, is for you, how can we survive not only these six months, but how can we survive these 5 years and get out of them alive. strongly, therefore that we understand that our partners act very slowly, thank god, systematically, but we talk about the fact that we will help you so that you are finally both economically strong and defensively strong. and technologically, well, they don't melt so easily. do we have a 5 year strategy? no, do we have papers about any
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strategic intentions? many, many, we had a lot of historical documents, but documents are not yet a strategy, a strategy is first of all a consolidation, an idea, a clear understanding of what we will do, that is, an idea, an idea and a union, what we have do, how should we approach this? now, when i listen, i remember my strategy teachers, my grandparents, we collected mushrooms in the forest near kiev, ugh , i walked half a day with my grandmother, half a day with my grandfather, my grandfather walked like this, we see, everything we see, we cut, we move on, we capture a lot of territory, grandma's strategy, you see a mushroom, don't focus on it, look with your eyes, the other will automatically cut this one. grandma's strategy always gave better crops, better ones. what does it mean? we have to look at several steps forward. unfortunately, ukraine is always in
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a position of survival. we are writing strategic documents, but we are constantly concentrating, let's survive these six months. because of this, we actually spit on what we have to build. well, was it clear that we need to build our military industry, our defense-industrial, industrial. back in 2014, absolutely, why is business not allowed to do this, why, why, with all the understanding that it is necessary to go underground, and it has been talked about for 10 years, but it has not happened, why? because let's then let's come sometime, sometime then, not now , so the first thing we need to do in the economic sphere is to think several steps ahead, in order for us to maintain this budget, pensioners, the army, we need to have twice as much savings. so what should be the priority now to squeeze the business that remains, because now we need to survive, well, let's survive now, and tomorrow we will die, because there will be no business and there will be no one
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to squeeze tomorrow, accordingly, what needs to be done, liberal reforms, while our international partners help us, us in the end, it is necessary to concentrate on rapid economic growth, on having more export-oriented businesses here, on reaching more investments here, when i went to the president with ideas: "let's make the donetsk region a food security zone of qatar, let's do more in 2019 , just clarify which president, well , it doesn’t matter which of them, because in fact the last two of them went with these ideas, let’s have more chinese business in ukraine, don’t be afraid of it, logistics, in logistics, in warehouses, let's..." we will finally give the american business the opportunity titanium, uranium, all this can be done here in ukraine, amazon wanted to place a logistics complex in energorada,
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can you imagine how important it would be for the air defense system to be in saturated ukraine was her, why, why wasn't it done, because we don't look several steps ahead and finally liberalize the economy so that there are investments both internal and external and the economy grows. and this is one step, and the other step is to change the social attitude towards understanding and what justice is and what the state should give you, the state should not take care of you, you should learn to take care of yourself, of children's education, of health, of military training, you should learn all this, then in we will have a strong society and a strong state , mr. volodymyr, as always , domestic politics is the easiest for you, domestic politics, by the way, i will start with foreign politics, because now in our current conditions, in conditions where so far more than half of the budget
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is financed by our partners, military support to a much greater extent also at the expense of our partners, and with all that, yes, there is already a certain strategy, and the development of our defense and industry, but again in cooperation with partners, and here too, in order to develop money needed from whom? from our partners, at least at the first stage, defense technologies to a large extent, the more so as i understand that it is precisely about western weapons, about air defense systems, about missiles for them and so on, so that we produce them, and that is why i think , which is key an element of our strategizing, joint strategizing, i just don't see another way out now, and if with the european union, in principle, we see this kind of interaction, and there is already a certain strategy that is defined by the european union and on... this is our integration, negotiations on joining the eu, current problems will also be solved here in parallel, in particular what is happening with the poles, this
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transport crisis is also meant, and... because here we have to find compromises, and in the end, it is not only about the economy , but also about creation of the european security system, in particular about funding, about 50 billion euros for four years, here is precisely a strategy that is more complicated with the united states, because of the election campaign, because of the current acute conflicts, and therefore here we already see a certain logic of connected with the fact that, rather, the structuring of this strategy, it... should be for a year in 2024, while biden, and in principle , current problems can be solved, in any case , the inertia of the support that was there before, but starting from the 25th year, we have to produce both plan b, and plan b, plan a, plan b and plan c, if biden stays, or trump, or god forbid a crisis arises in the usa, here are different options, strategies for these
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development scenarios. it's a similar situation with domestic politics, because let's wait, we 'll put domestic politics aside for now, you touched on the subject of the united states, what 's going on there, and we have someone to talk to about it now. in fact, our colleague is on the direct line now, this is olga koshelenko, olya, thank you for joining in, i think you have already heard about plan a and plan b. tell me, please, what are the statements that are being heard today, in particular the last few days from washington, which are related to... the reduction of support to ukraine, in particular financial. hello everyone, colleagues, i understand that we are all people deeply traumatized by the war, and we see threats everywhere, but still, here is the latest statement of the state department, which has spread in the ukrainian media, that ukraine, in ukraine, they are going to reduce aid , that it will not be at the level of 2022-23, nevertheless, i would encourage you to listen to the entire
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statement in full detail, and... not only that triggers us, and matthew miller, the spokesman for the state department, in particular said there that the united states traditionally will support ukraine as long as it is needed, and that its ultimate goal is to make ukraine stand firmly on its feet, so that it can produce own weapons, and i will remind you that it was for this purpose that in december of last year , a forum of defense industries was held here in washington, where representatives of the defense business defense. industry of the united states and ukraine jointly discussed plans, there were the representatives, literally, the leaders of the defense enterprises of ukraine and the united states, were government officials, and together they discussed how they could set up cooperation, so that using american licenses, american technologies, american developments, but ukrainian capacities, ukrainian workers, together
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to produce weapons that will... for the ukrainian market, well, maybe in the future it will help ukraine to take its place in the world arms market, therefore miller added in his statement that this is not now, that is, ultimately their goal is to make ukraine really stand on its own two feet and produce its own weapons, but right now, as he emphasized, they need help from congress, and that's why they're waiting for a decision from congress, so it's not now . and it is not necessary to take it so literally that as soon as treason everything is lost and we are merged, well, i don't see it at all. olya, how is the situation developing around the congress, when they are supposed to meet again on january 8, and what are the prospects for the adoption of this deferred aid for of ukraine and how the negotiations between democrats and republicans and the search for a compromise regarding ukrainian aid and border issues are already ongoing. well, yes, is this dialogue going, or has it not stopped? no, max, dialogue. did not stop,
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the fact is that congress returns to work on january 8, but it should not be expected that they will immediately return to consideration of the ukraine issue from the first day. i will remind you that everything now rests on the question of the south american border, and the situation here is very interesting. the day before, the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, together with the 60-4 republicans, made such a, you know, how it is also accepted in ukraine, an away meeting, an away session to the south. the american border at the eagle pass crossing, and they did a large-scale pr campaign there, where they showed that the situation is terrible, really critically, the situation has worsened at this border in recent weeks, i would say somewhere in the last month, because illegal immigrants also understand, that this is a window of opportunity for them.


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