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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EET

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air alarm throughout the territory of ukraine, we are working from shelter and you are in safe places on the espresso news air, khrystyna porobiy works in the studio. russian terrorists attacked ukraine with two suicide bombers last night, air defense forces shot down bodies in mykolaiv and khmelnytskyi regions. the drones were flying from russian primorsky akhtarsk. the armed forces of ukraine hit the saka airfield in the occupied crimea, the commander of the air forces reported. he wrote that it was possible to destroy the enemy's control post, and the public telegram published a video explosions as noted by the spokeswoman of the southern command, nataliya humenyuk, this had a powerful effect on the defense system of the peninsula. the russians are trying to quickly reformat their forces. also, local residents reported that they heard at least five explosions at night near yevpatoria, they say the sounds shook the walls of the houses. at the same time, the russian ministry of defense. reported that it shot down five
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drones over the western part of the black sea, as usual, without casualties or consequences. one person died, five others were injured last day in the kherson region. the enemy shelled the populated areas of the region and the regional center more than a hundred times, - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. they fired from mortars, hails, tanks and aircraft. in residential quarters and businesses in the kherson district. during the night , the russians shelled the city of pokrovsk in donetsk region twice, hitting a building and a fire broke out there. the garage and cars were also on fire, - informed the head of the region , vadym filashkin. previously , there were no people under the rubble, but the data on the victims and the scale the attacks are still being clarified. instead, it is known about an injured resident in krasnohor.
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at night, the russian occupiers hit kupyansk with rocket launchers for salvo fire, damaging a residential building. rescuers pulled out a 61-year-old woman from under the rubble. the victim suffered a foot injury and was taken to the hospital. enemy shells also damaged the lyceum building in the city. the head of the region oleg synygubov informed. in general, the russians shelled the region during the day. more than 15 settlements, in particular gatishche and bochkove, chuguyiv district, as well as two-year-old senkivka and petropalivka in kupyan district. four ukrainians were injured in a fire in the polish city of olecko, where a hotel where more than 150 ukrainian refugees lived caught fire. according to local rescuers, the fire started on the second floor, almost three dozen people.
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were evacuated with the help of fire ladders, the rest were able to go out on their own, since the hotel is now unsuitable for ukrainians to live in, they were temporarily placed in a nearby sports hall. according to the ukrainian consulate in gdansk, the victims refused hospitalization. during a raid in the belgorod region of russia, ukrainian spies seriously injured a high-ranking occupier, - said the head of the main... intelligence department of ukraine, kyrylo bodanov. he did not give the last name, but noted that a helicopter had arrived to evacuate the wounded to the hospital. let me remind you that the day before, gur published a video of another raid by ukrainian special forces on the territory of the russian federation. scouts replaced the only road used by the invaders in the border khaiburinsky district. in addition that they attacked the russian platoon stronghold with mortars and small arms. at that
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time , active engineering work was being carried out at the russian positions, because they were waiting for an inspection from moscow. fraudsters began to use the exchange of prisoners that took place the other day for profit. the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war warns about this. they say that profiles of allegedly released prisoners appeared on social networks. from the fake pages of hackers, as if on behalf of the oboros. promise to provide information about those soldiers whom they saw in captivity, and then ask for money under various pretexts. the headquarters urged not to trust such reports, but to use only official information. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine: 62 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. intense fighting took place near avdiivka and maria. in donetsk region, our
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defenders there repelled several dozen attacks, in kherson the enemy does not stop trying to knock out our units from their occupied positions, tried to storm 13 times. unsuccessfully forces defense forces continue measures to expand the bridgehead. the occupiers launched five rocket and 25 air strikes, launched more than 30 attacks from rocket salvo systems on the positions of our troops and populated areas. the ukrainian defense forces struck the areas of concentration of enemy personnel five times from the air, and also hit two enemy control points. it won't even heal them. jordanian water, another 800 russian invaders were eliminated by the armed forces of ukraine in the last day, so almost 364 thousand occupiers who died since the beginning full-scale invasion, will never have a chance to dive into the pit. also
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yesterday, the defense forces burned seven enemy tanks, 16 armored fighting vehicles and 13 artists. in addition, they landed one and a half dozen of their drones, several air defense systems and a jet system. volley fire, the data added by the general staff are indicative. the european commission is preparing an alternative aid package for ukraine. they are working on a backup option in case the eu countries fail to approve a four-year support program for kyiv worth 50 billion euros during the february 1 summit. about this said the head of the european commission, ursula funderlajen. she did not disclose the details of the alternative package, but... noted that at the end of december, brussels transferred 1.5 billion aid to ukraine, so at the beginning of the year there will be money to support our country. the ban on the import of ukrainian products to poland will be in effect indefinitely,
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the country's minister of agriculture czeslaw sekerskyi said at a press conference on january 4. on this day, polish farms and farmers renewed the blocking of freight traffic. with poland to ukraine, at the shagyny medica checkpoint. our film crew visited the place. from 9 a.m. on january 4, polish farmers resumed their protest at the border at the medike szegyny checkpoint. according to roman kondruw, the leader of the polish protesters, only three trucks per hour will be allowed through. the strikers promise not to detain vehicles with humanitarian aid and... perishable goods, and the reasons for the action are called the opening of borders, which flooded subcarpathia with grain from ukraine, as well as the fact that polish carriers were left without work. how long did we stand? three days, but it
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doesn't even mean that there was a strike, there is something else, there is one customs officer on the polish side. and the entire customs office is jammed. we carry out our activities at the checkpoint on the ukrainian side from... we cannot confirm what is happening on the territory of poland, because even those drivers who enter ukraine have their, well, different versions, some say that everything at the same time, they carry out out-of-order passage of perishable goods and goods of a humanitarian nature, others inform us that they pass in the order of the general queue. according to oleksandra kuchkovska, spokeswoman of the lviv border patrol, at the checkpoint you can observe the accumulation of trucks trying to get to ukraine. today , the largest number of these trucks is right in front of the medic shagini checkpoint, it is about six hundred. from december 24 to january 4, while the poles were suspending the holiday strike,
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at the shegin medical checkpoint, the average state border per day for entry into ukraine about three hundred trucks were crossing. previously. the current protest will last until february 3, however, the protesters emphasize that they will block the border until the polish government signs a guarantee that their demands will be met. the number of victims of the earthquake in japan exceeded one hundred, almost half a thousand people were injured, and more than two hundred are considered missing, prime minister fumio kishida informed. search and rescue operations continue in several cities. in which the self-defense forces of japan are involved. outages continue in the affected region supply of electricity and water supply, a shortage of fuel was formed. let me remind you that on the first day of the new year, japan was shaken by a powerful earthquake with a magnitude of almost 8 points. after that, a series of repeated
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aftershocks occurred during the day, more than a hundred of them were recorded in 12 hours. the exact scale of destruction and damage from the natural disaster is still being established. we will see you at 11 o'clock, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, my colleagues will continue the conversation, don't hesitate. stay with the team espresso. "the christmas carol in gosul oblast, it is unique
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, i can say that there is no such carol anywhere, the carolers have it, well, not too much, but a strict selection, it is terribly exhausting, tiring, but that is our mission, we are like the apostles, we are going to announce the birth of jesus christ".
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the first tree that will appear there will be a birch, a birch is a pioneer tree , it is a tree that leads all other trees with it, you approach the birch and say: "you are a birch, a birch, you have such a general notebook with carols , there is, some say, and this is my notebook grandfather, you approach the second birch tree, he also has it, and they collected these notebooks, printed the texts, the book is ready to be printed on the basis of the notebooks
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of these birches . oh, from the sky, a milestone to the earth, and god grant it. during the soviet union, it was forbidden , it was even about this, it was a gathering somewhere, where they used to go on horseback, you know, in the mountains, not close to the road, they used to carol at a quiet place, it was forbidden, it was in the summer months, and then when it warmed up a little , they already allowed religion openly , you could also go to church, and even then they started there , there was one in the village, there were two, you approach the house,
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and you walk under the house, and when you walk under the house, it is as if you make greetings for the house and for those people who live there in that house, we will turn the secrets away, and we will turn them all on the side and return them, sunday morning the sun is shining , the swallow is in the ribbon, the nest is howling, the nest was killed, she chirped, she told the truth.
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we thank our commander-in-chief , commander-in-chief, chairman. but if only the guests in front of the house don’t accept you, then you danced, yes, the landlord comes out, he gives us some time to hang on the cross, he gives money, he can treat you, he you went to another house, and i’m sorry, be healthy, be healthy, thoughtful
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guards, naked in ... pats, we came to you to carol, and we were still flying in the whirlwind, the crops from the field have already been harvested, christ was born, we will recognize, to jesus christ, give the glory, the christmas children honestly. a woman pulls a cart at home, that's how it used to be, that 's how life was, but now everything is a little different and we had such cases when women went caroling at home, then from home to the house to the church from
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the church to the church yard to the whole village and back to the house so that the alpha and omega are the beginning and the end where they started there and we return. in our village, each village has its own carol party or carol band, unfortunately, this is not everywhere, in fact, in every village there is already this carol, to a greater or lesser degree, but it is already there, i think that... it will recover with time, children they go caroling, it's very cool, there are doorknockers, these are the smallest children, there are shepherdesses, and there are also kings, they are with crowns they are walking, already with turbans, three different types, mykola was sitting at the head of the table , his chair was bowed, slozenka, how do you three walk,
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well done, great, roslanochka, thank you, doresenko, thank you, pa-pa, pa-pa! well, of course , first of all they go to their relatives, neighbors, godparents, well, to each other, as well as to the family, the host, so that they wait for a year, this is one, so that they wait for a year, this is one. every caroling party is its duty to go to every house, even to a house where no one lives, to carol so that life is restored there, we hear you now, all good people, may god's help always be with you , may god bless you every day, every hour, let trouble perish, be healthy together with your children, let there be no sadness and sorrow between you, thin and alert, may
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it grow, thick mountain, may it pass you by , let rye and wheat give birth well, all kinds of grain, all kinds... and let our ukraine prosper, christ gives birth to it. carols are created to this day, we do not just sing the old carols, as it was 100 years ago or 100 years ago, no, we sing as it is today, and all the heritage of the carols, which is thousands of years old, which is naturally pre-christian, we gave to jesus, and living in the mountains, living in this beauty that is in us, well, we couldn't just be different, maybe because we were a little isolated from the world, besides, we were very passionate, and we can't just sit down at the table to eat, we want everything to be beautiful, besides, in addition to being passionate, we are also freedom-loving, we don't really give in to foreign cultures, foreign authorities and just live our lives, you are all cows, because
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we are already let's go preserving one's culture is a great effort of the soul, and the hutsuls are such people very creative and very persistent, they did not give in to this, because they thought that if we give it up, then who are we? honestly , let's consider you daughters from the hryvnia. let's take the mountain, let's turn the silver coins in our hands, and let's have light feet, let's tread lightly. oh, cheerleaders, all the polonins, all the polonins, wide fields, wide
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fields, blue seas, daughter's circle, these are god's words, like ukrainian, our native language, we are christmas carolers, pay attention honestly. 10% in pharmacies plantain pam and savings. a good tradition during the christmas holidays. caroling together with the picardy terc, tickets for on the concert ua website, mediapartner spreso tv.
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the spirit of christmas will definitely come to your city. picardy tertia. good health to good people. live sound. there are discounts on citramon darnytsia, 10% at travel pharmacies and save money. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. on saturdays at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat on sundays at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid z anton borkovsky on espresso. channel
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espresso and ukrainian pen present the project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. we will find out exactly what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and who will be the guest of the studio. already this sunday, the topics will definitely be relevant, the guests - special, proper names with myroslava barchuk: sunday 17:10 at espresso. this is a truly intriguing film, a film about the life and career of the former women prime ministers of great britain. where there is disorder, we will bring harmony. where there are errors, we will bring the truth. margaret thatcher, the iron lady. did everyone love her or support her reforms? i don't admire her intellectual method of not being able to think she could be wrong.
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but there is no doubt that it was thatcher's reforms that laid the foundations for the welfare of the state for many years to come. she was the prime minister who truly eradicated socialism from the system. today's world is sorely lacking in quality leaders margaret thatcher, all the more interesting to take another look at the extraordinary life and times of this game. come back if you want. the lady only goes forward. thatcher documentary. only forward. january 7 at 10:10 and 22:00 at espresso. 93 separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of an opvidron. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces. the occupier for the approach of victory, for which the whole of ukraine is waiting. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory.
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our discos have left, please don't get up in their place. now here will come to your attention, it is reported that none other than the passengers are present, i don't know how to meet them, what do you think? do you think it is necessary? nothing will happen if you wave the flag, why did you meet again.
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i have been coming to milan since i was 15 years old, i love this business very much, partly i live abroad, but i always come on holidays and especially to melanka, this event, you can say, somehow brings me back home, god, help me, guys, as presenters, in milanka you can see everything, both past and present, there can be a reflection here and political processes, and historical processes.
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sometimes people prepare for melanka in a month, in one and a half, this is when someone knows that he does not have a mask, he has to make a mask himself, that is if it needs to be glued, painted, but there are people who start preparing for melanka in three the days after christmas, on the 10th, they already start doing melanka, 10, 11, 12, these are such active days, there are people who also take a vacation for this day, for this time.
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the second was more numerous, it was polish, and after that there was jewish, we had 500 of there are no more jews, always the same characters, but traditionally for us they were jews, there was a man, a lady, there was a hutsul, a hutsul, these masks, i created such miracles that people remembered this mask and me for a very long time mask
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when i came from kolomyia, i was studying in kolomyia . melancholy, there were such political attitudes that allowed there. well, my brother and i they started and made the first mask, he did it on my face, so i did it for him, which came out like this, in short, this mask lasted for one year, the second one was fine, nothing, and over time, after that, colleagues made a mask for that one, yes, and they started doing it that way , well yes, but tell me that in the union you went to milanka, you didn’t go, that somehow it was forbidden then, you couldn’t, but people went and maybe more actively and more, and now when they can, as a rule many
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people want to go to... watch not in milanka, but milanka, well, but you need this theater, this fairy tale to create for someone so that people could see, so that suppressed our traditions during the soviet era, they banned all this, but you all know the saying that the forbidden fruit is always sweeter, and then people with more, let's say, enthusiasm, with they wanted to be more than us. of this action, there were raids from the kosiv district police department , reinforcements from other district departments to disperse it, and there were such cases when they came by uaz, that's how the melanka gathered, then everything was masked and turned over in your clothes police, this mask is about 20 years old, if i'm not mistaken, it's the 89th. there are already
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more like that.


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