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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EET

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in chelyabinsk there is one more minus, we understand that they have a lot left, but there was, i hope, that it was really their reaction to our actions, when observers noted that the russians calmed down a little, stopped using manned operations in the south and assumed that actually then they suspended their planned operation in the vicinity of the wells, only now. are starting to renew their airstrikes around the bridge, how many combat planes do they still have, and do these events indicate that this is the right way for ours, for our troops, for our armed forces, well, they have a lot of airplanes, well, around 50 airplanes of various types were estimated there, and about the same number of helicopters, army aviation.
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just in the southern direction at the disposal of the russian federation, so three aircraft minus three is very good, but there are still enough, let's say, aircraft to bomb our positions, this is the first aspect and the second aspect there, one should not think that after , how they lost three planes at once su-34, and then another su-30, just a couple of days later they again had losses, then they will absolutely refuse to use aviation and they will... refuse to use corrected aerial bombs, they will do it, they will just find a way , how can they do it in such a way that they don't come under the fire of our air defense, so one way or another, one way or another they will use it, for today, answering the second part of your question, it is the right, right move, that is, destroying the planes behind of the long-range air defense system , we can guess from three times what it is, what exactly it was... the air defense system
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is the second, this is the first way, and the second way is to knock out aviation at the places of deployment , on the airfields, well, since one way or another we still have such means of anti-aircraft defense of the herbivore in a limited number, i already said that, but what remains for us is to destroy the airfields and destroy the planes in the positions, that is, destroy the carriers , if we can't beat them en masse with mogu air defense, then we can try to destroy them on the airfield. regarding the bakhmut direction , mr. denys, near bohdanivka, near ivanovsky, they are very active right now, do the russians along the front line have enough forces and reserves to behave as, say, they behave near avdiyivka, not sparing their people, abandoning them literally death, if only to advance there for those few meters every time, is there such a threat now in the direction of bahamud, well, so far it is not visible due to... what the enemy
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there would like to stop, for now they are trying to move forward, and so far they have the reserves to do so. the only thing that can be observed in certain directions is the surrender of prisoners, and to some extent, in some directions, there is a refusal of russian soldiers to launch meat assaults, that is, we see such a story, you know , when the leadership of the russian federation and the commanders, they... . their people on the local stormtrooper, that is, they are trying to push through the defense of our troops with the number of them, but at the ground level, directly these servicemen who are forced to carry out these orders, they see that there are huge losses, and they refuse, they refuse to go for this breakthrough, but so far these phenomena, they are not of such a total character, so for now we state that the pressure continues, and well, somewhere someday it will stop, because... constantly at
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this pace for several months, but for now, for now the situation is exactly like this. thank you, denis popovych, a military observer, was with us on the espresso tv channel. we're moving on and have the next guest, right? yes, ihor lapin, special agent, officer of the armed forces of ukraine and people's deputy of the eighth the convocation is already in touch with us. we welcome you. mr. igor, veteri spresso. and we congratulate you on the occasion of the epiphany. thank you. mr. igor, look, there are actually many topics to discuss with you, in particular, but i would like to start our conversation with a rather scandalous and ambiguous statement, which everyone has already begun to interpret differently, what exactly is it about, it is about a statement by united states officials , that they apparently plan to give ukraine less support in the following years, that is, the support cannot be the same as it was in the 22nd 23rd years, and
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in fact, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine has already interpreted these words and says that it is not a question of the states ceasing to help us, but of the fact that they want to help us develop our own industry. military complex, and here , you understand, i have a question for you, as for me, these are not mutually exclusive things, so we understand that the commander-in-chief of the zaluzhnye air force says that more weapons are needed, we understand what needs to be done emphasis on the domestic military industry, but on the other hand we also and we count on the support of the western allies, and here the situation turns out to be a little different, after all, the western allies push us more to be able to provide for ourselves on our own, they are ready to contribute financially, logisticians there. well, let's say this, technologically included, what is your opinion about such intentions of our allies, after all, we should direct our efforts more so that we can give advice to ourselves, as they say, a nice comment of our foreign policy department, which
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you know, everything seems to be fine, nothing is wrong happened, and i would like to ask, and we will develop this production at what cost, well, that is, when they say that they are already reducing, if we... to the united states, then they gave us assistance in the form of grants, that is, non-refundable assistance , if we look at the aid of the european community, then the lion's share of it still goes as loans, so cheap, so long, but loans, that is, a loan, i am interested in these stories, what then is the essence of the budapest memorandum and the guarantees of our inviolability of our territorial integrity, and in this context i consider the situation with regard to ukraine to be toothless, because in fact... well, you know, i do not belong to the category of traitors, but will ukraine drag out the war against china, of course not. and does china today give russia high-tech equipment for their military-industrial complex? it depends on whether ukraine will drag out the war against russia, whose
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ally is north korea, which supplies it with long-range, medium- range missiles. well, with the help of which we can knock down ballistics, only one thing, with the help patriot. will they give us the opportunity to release patriot missiles and patriot installations on the territory of ukraine, that is, will they give us technologies and so on? well, of course not. next, will ukraine drag out the war against russia, north korea, partly china and iran, which supplies shaheds and again ballistic missiles, which is what the intelligence report is about. of course not, because we don't have that many patriots. to close the sky over ukraine from ballistics, we need, well, well, i don't know, there are specialists. they say 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, i don't know how many of those installations there are, but the fact is that one shot of a patriot costs 2 million us dollars, and i 'm sorry, but how are we going to buy them, if we have to buy them, well, like israel has an ally, the united
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states, but nevertheless, the united states of israel does not have weapons they give it, and they sell it to him, israel of course has its own production, but can we establish the production of our military-industrial complex in the volumes that we need now during the war, when half of the state budget of ukraine is subsidized by us on the part of the western partners, well , let's be realistic, that's why of course, you know, the statement of the foreign policy department in this context looks a little bit wild, even strange, or there are no specialists at all who would formulate the correct statement, in diplomatic language, maybe it's true, i'm not a diplomat, i'm a military person, but on the other hand, it's time to get dirty. poke the nose of our western partners in this context, because what is different today is the black sea fleet of the russian federation, which blocks us from the black sea, conditionally from the blockers from poland, who , contrary to the agreement signed with the european association, contrary to our agreements, where ukraine
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undertook obligations, and the european union undertook obligations, nevertheless, we are blockaded by ukraine, will we pull out trade with the help of the blockade of polish ports. by the way, the marginal pro-russian mood, no, the farmers joined now, well, zelenskyi told us, wait, it should get warmer soon, well, it’s been three months, but there’s no sign of any warmth, by the way, it’s already freezing outside, therefore, of course, all these other things need to be discussed in a complex way, but i consider this to be a real sale of ukraine in this case to the russian occupiers, and the issue of democratic values , unfortunately, there are many substitute countries. the word price, the price is equivalent to money, because if we don’t bomb, relatively speaking, the ports of novorossiysk, and we can get our weapons there, in principle, with drones, well , i won’t say that much, but at the very least we
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we can sink russian tankers that are carrying despite the sanctions and transshipment of oil from the black sea through greek tankers, they continue to circumvent the sanctions and trade with western europe, i am something, to be honest, but for me now, you know, it looks a little wild, as for a military person, as a politician, of course, i can say yes, politically correct. surely something else has to come out or happen , or is it possible that they want to deceive the russians, but as a military man who hears every day from his comrades that there is a shortage of shells, and we will not launch shells, well, first of all, there is a very there are many algorithms and reasons why we will not launch them, i am not even talking about treason among the leadership of the state of ukraine, the defense industry and everything else, in general, that is, we will not wage a financial and economic war against five countries, if... although
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in fact, both of these functions are important precisely in this matter, let's talk about mobilization, because the word mobilization became the word of the year in ukraine, according to the myslovo dictionary, even the counteroffensive was not so much talked about as about mobilization, especially in recent days, especially in december, when for... it was about the draft law about mobilization, in fact until today, although such important discussions in the committee have been going on for several days, we do not know exactly what this future law can provide, what the scheme will be, and in particular what concerns men abroad, because we saw that they were worried , the germans said that they would not extradite anyone, in warsaw there are queues at consulates with documents, and there are actually a lot of such stories. well, what can i say, will we reach the borders of 1991 on
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the shoulders of those who joined the military ranks on the 22nd, in the lines of military commanders and so on, we won't get there and we won't explain why, because our shoulders will end before we get there, and this is a fact, why today they talk more about mobilization than they talked about a counteroffensive, because the counteroffensive was publicized by the state, the single marathon was publicized, and the president was publicized. and everyone who is not lazy, and when something went wrong, they now quietly kept quiet about it, at the same time they begin to shift the alleged blame to the military, that we didn't attack like that, didn't counterattack like that, and in general , we didn't fight like that, this is the first moment, second moment, the emotion of fear is absent in our media, we have bukovel, we have concerts , we have a boho restaurant, the emotion of fear has disappeared, the fear of being destroyed, so the question of fight or die has stopped sounding today. in general, in the information space, in addition to the patriotic youtube channels there, well, yours and a few more, but in fact
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the only marathon that consumes billions of taxpayers’ hryvnias is shaping the situation for us, or rather, it has been shaping the situation for 2-3 weeks until today, for the russians everything will be over, two or three volleys, they have everything will end, crimea in the summer, there in the spring, the end of the war in the crimea in the summer in yalta, far from budanoma, press conferences are given out, well... what was formed, this situation turned out, and the situation turned out, the so-called boutique operation began, which now everyone criticized because men are allegedly thrown there, detained illegally, and so on, this also happens , by the way, i am not saying that this does not exist, and here is the question of the ineffectiveness of the legislation, so finally, finally, the deputies decided to deal with this question, but who would deal with this issue, according to the law of ukraine on mobilization, first of all, this is a clean answer. the range of president zelenskyi as the supreme commander, because it is in this law, in the fourth article
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, it is written that he is responsible for mobilization, in the 11th article it is written that he organizes, that he determines the quantity, there the quality, when the mobilization, when the mobilization takes place, it is he , the president, zelensky, recused himself from fulfilling his constitutional duties, according to the law, according to the constitution, in in the context of state management and directly... the mobilization of this thesis, he certainly did not want to lose electoral ratings, because, well, statesmen think for the state, and populists think for elections and for ratings, so by removing himself, he blamed it on whom, those, who doesn't care , who doesn't care, well, the weakest link is the government, the government wrote a bill, then the minister of economy marchenko and then the minister of finance marchenko come out and say, but you know, in our country, let the military show where to get money for 500 00, well , first of all, not military. order quantity soldiers, the military is fighting with what is available, all
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organizational issues regarding mobilization , supply and economy must be carried out by the parliament, the government, well, accordingly, those who were hired for this job, but the same marchenko already put his approval on the government bill, which they introduced , further, i did not understand the position of the ministry of internal affairs, which is laying down its bones, would rather not go to war, and the same klymenko, who... began to hide behind volunteers who were drafted into the national guard, these are the so-called units of people there, a predator and so on, well, i don't know from what ages the legion of freedom became police officers, well , we know. that these units fight precisely in the national guard, which were simply drafted there, but this is not the system of the ministry of internal affairs, which in our country had more than 367 thousand personnel before the start of the war, that is, of course there are border guards and those who are in the trenches and those who at the customs post of sheghini, rava ruska and ustilukh, for example, there are also firefighters there who are needed to
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put out fires, but i emphasize once again, we have hundreds of thousands of policemen, they are those who took an oath to serve for... to protect, under the same under the umbrella of the ministry of internal affairs, evasive people in the form of young pensioners of the ministry of internal affairs, who should be on a special account, nevertheless, they are not on the mobilization, not on the special account, because they put what zelensky played on the piano with all those accounts, they too for some reason they are not mobilizing, and now such a dilemma is emerging that an industrious person comes to the security and defense committee and says: people, if you do not solve this issue, dear deputies, then go and fight yourself. and this is a very cool thesis, because in critical times parliamentarians and the president should take responsibility responsibility, including for unpopular decisions, because the unsettled legislation leads to the busik operation and to the inflammation of society. therefore , we can discuss a lot of such things with you now, but we need a law and we need to put
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things in order as soon as possible, because i see that everyone has already run for the elections, yulia tymoshenko came out and started saying: "oh, you know, we need to raise the salary in twice, well, just as she said before the last election that she would reduce the price of gas by two times, dmytro lobinets, the shoemaker, said: "no, no, no, people's rights are violated there, we cannot limit people's rights." what the hell - that is, alimony workers who do not pay alimony, we were able to vote together with lubentz at the last convocation and deprive them of certain rights, and today, at the threat of national security, having such the right according to the european convention on human rights to restrict citizens in certain rights in the event of this threat. it turns out that lubinets has already run for election for the future of kolomoiskyi, and you know, these populists have already got him oh sea, you said populists well, because to make unpopular decisions, despite the fact that the elections are now in some kind of cosmic perspective in
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our country, still everyone is afraid, and you highlighted it very well, thank you very much for the conversation, for your professional comment. ihor lapin, special officer, officer of the armed forces of ukraine and people's deputy of the eighth convocation. we're going for a short break, then we'll be back, stay with the espresso. there are discounts on optina, 15% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. a special performance by the legendary band: dead rooster with an orchestra at the lviv opera with a christmas program. on january 8 , tickets to the stage of the lviv opera are available on the website of the organizer bigshoweua, information partners are espresso tv channel and radio fm halychyna. live sound. there are 20% discounts on anticataral in
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psyllium pam and oskad pharmacies. the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kolotny yar has an urgent need for fivi drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the loss of living and non-living forces to the occupiers in order to bring the victory that ukraine is waiting for closer. glory to ukraine. glory be to the heroes. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how does the international community evaluate our successes, and what moscow is lying about. from the stream of news
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coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the tweet is closely monitoring whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what, and about what? the russian occupiers are hanging around behind the backs of the commanders. news, summaries of the week - this is a review of only important events, significant and reliable events. these are analytics, fact-checking, professionals comments about this and much more in today's issue. about important things, in simple language, available to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news reports about them. however, it is not enough to know what is happening, one must... understand, antin borkovskyi and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at
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10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. we welcome everyone who watches us and thank you for watching what you are doing, thank you for donating to the armed forces of ukraine, on our page you can always find all the data about the various fees going on. please support them. now we will talk with tetyana katrychenko, executive director of the go media initiative for human rights. congratulations , ms. tatiana. congratulations. and we will talk
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about the terrible crime committed by the russians almost a year and a half ago in olenivka, in the temporarily occupied donetsk region. then they set off an explosion, an explosion in the premises of the colonies in the building where ukrainian prisoners of war were kept. at that time, 193 servicemen were there in baraka, since then 23 servicemen were returned to ukrainian territory controlled by kyiv, unfortunately, most of them, nothing is known about their fate , we have no contact with them. mrs. tetyana, why is this whole process going so hard, the un failed to get there at all, it failed to arrange anything, find out anything, unfold. in this place, or in any one structure of the organization, at least to someone was it possible to establish as many facts as possible, find out the surnames and names of everyone and, accordingly
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, contribute to the process so that more or fewer of our defenders, our military , could be returned home? er, well, this is a very complex issue, in fact, er, this press conference, which was held recently in... the ukrinform of the families of the families of the wounded in olenivka , it was dedicated to reminding in general about this event, about the explosion, about the terrorist attack , which happened from july 28 to 29, 2022, and to say that, in fact, they do not see of the results of the investigation, that ukrainian society and the international community are not too interested in the investigation, but... they themselves can actually find out very little what happened to their relatives and where they are now, at the time of the explosion in baraka,
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there were 193 servicemen, all of them were , all of them belonged to the azov regiment, some of them were unknown to each other, during the explosion and immediately after, due to the lack of medical assistance, more than 50 ukrainian servicemen died, all the others were wounded, they received cuts and wounds of various degrees difficulties, some were later in hospitals, and some also remained in olenivka. it is important to understand that the russian federation returned, according to our calculations , 23 servicemen who were at the time of the explosion in olenivka in... it is in this battle that the russian federation also returned the bodies of the dead servicemen, we cannot say the exact number of the dead even now,
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because they still remain several bodies are not identified. all other servicemen are currently either in the occupied territories or in russian territory federation, also in polonia, despite the fact that they received significant. and became witnesses of this terrible explosion, about the vast majority of servicemen about their location in ukraine, their relatives do not know. ms. tetyana, look, we understand that the situation is now as follows: the investigation of the terrorist attack in olenivka as such is almost stopped, because no organization was able to get to the place, and no one... names the reasons why exactly, because it is russia that does not give to do this, and we understand that the families of those prisoners of war, who witnessed this terrorist attack in olenivka.
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probably, in one and a half years of this investigation , better results were expected, at least some progress in this case, and here i have a question, whether people are really not giving up now, given the passivity of international organizations, and whether our state can somehow help to move this issue from dead center? well, this explosion, this terrorist attack, this is not a mass murder of ukrainian servicemen, it was the most... it was blatant, probably during this full-scale invasion, when at one moment, so many servicemen died , but this is far from the only episode in this war when servicemen died, and in general tragic episodes that have not yet been investigated, which have not yet been investigated, we understand that this is the issue of the investigation of the crime in olenivka,
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it is a marker, because... it attracted a lot of attention both by the international community and at the national level, and therefore both relatives and society should expect certain results. the investigation is being conducted from the first, from the first day, as it became known about this explosion of the security service of ukraine, supervision is carried out by the office of the general prosecutor. we cannot say that the investigation is stopped, but it is actually ongoing, just that the investigative bodies are constantly. they say that they are limited in their capabilities , there is no access to the crime scene, there is no access to other, perhaps more modern research tools there, they are trying to find them, as for those responsible, the prosecutor general's office announced several suspicions to the leaders of the deer colony , this
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these... did not relate directly and only to the explosion in july 22, but they related to the entire period of detention of all servicemen and civilians on the territory of olenivka, but it was precisely these surnames, which were named, which, to which suspicions were announced, precisely these people, they were also involved in the probable and probable were involved in these you'. since the witnesses we interviewed said that after the explosion and before the explosion, they saw exactly these people on the site near the barracks, they did not provide and did not allow others to provide medical assistance to the ozov residents, who were very traumatized, so i think that we also think that the investigation is still ongoing suspicions ahead, but
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of course society and a relative. waiting for such as the result of the investigation, yes, the un commission that you mentioned earlier, it was also disbanded exactly a year ago in january 2023, and the reason for the disbandment was precisely the impossibility of access to the site of the explosion, at the moment there is no talk of what could be some other commission has been formed because we understand that all the evidence, well the vast majority of the evidence has already been... destroyed there on the spot, maybe the un, by the way, which until recently, well a few months ago, declared that the shelling of this colony was not carried out from the territory controlled by ukraine, but from the territory precisely controlled by the russian federation, they admitted it, they admitted it, they determined it by satellite pictures, ms. tatyana can actually be one of the arguments when
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it comes to punishing the guilty for this crime, right? thank you for participating in our etar, for doing this work. tetyana katrychenko, executive director of age, media initiative for rights a person marta and i also say goodbye to you on this, take care of yourself, have a peaceful and safe evening. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. russians wounded a resident of kharkiv region. it's morning.


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