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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EET

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hurricane land - kharkiv counteroffensive. good morning to everyone who is awake at the moment and watching the telethon "edyni novini". we work for you and thank you for your trust. and we are the we ukraine channel. and in particular here in the studio of nikita mikhalov, olena chabak, we are starting this information hour. what we will talk about is creating an effective alliance that will put an end to the existence of the so-called axis of evil of the 21st century. mykhailo podolyak, adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine, made such a call, because with its military support for russia, the dprk finally showed, says, whose side she takes in this unjust and unprovoked war against ukraine. according to podalyak, the moscow regime no longer hides its true intentions and does not cover itself with myths about alleged denazification and so on. therefore, the entire civilized world must unite to confront the real threat posed by russia.
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iran, north korea. a quote follows. no disguise exists anymore. the russian federation, within the framework of its outright genocidal war , struck the territory of ukraine for the first time with the help of missiles obtained from north korea. the masks are finally removed. never before in history has the classic message of evil looked so obvious, caricaturally criminal: russia, iran, north korea. the question is whether the good forces of the pro-ukrainian coalition will be able to conclude a maximally effective alliance that will... put an end to the existence of the axis of evil of the 21st century. mykhailo podelyak, adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine. and we will talk about this possibility of creating an effective union for the future, and dmytro levus, political scientist, internationalist, will help to understand this issue. dear mr. dmytro good morning, thank you for waking up so early. mr. dmytro, there have been discussions in diplomatic circles for a long time about the fact that international institutions need transformation. in particular, we are talking about
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international unions, organizations such as the un, etc. tell me, please, about the union we just heard from mr. podoliak, what kind of union it should be and how easy it is to create it in the current conditions, when there are wars going on in the world, in particular in ukraine. well , the proposal is really absolutely logical, because otherwise, if not now, do not create a union against. against this yes axis of evil, and it really looks like, well enough, in a certain way you can say yes caricature, because after all , we all know what the north korean regime is, what the iranian dictatorship is, and here they are united around of russia, because if you compare them with such similar unions as they were before you'. yes, it did not
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cause such emotions, at least at the beginning of its journey, but if you do not unite now and do not break this news, everything will come to the point that no matter what we had to unite in a coalition already during the third real and hot third world war, so here... it seems to me absolutely logical and in principle we can say that such a union is possible, because here is the history of aid to ukraine after february 24, it is placed precisely in this context, and in itself the creation of a coalition to support ukraine with weapons, which... we know
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under the name ramshtein for short, this is one point, the development of such other options for assistance, such as the projectile coalition, as coalitions of other different plans, development quick decisions that are needed, even up to inviting ukraine to the european union. then, in principle, this indicates that yes, such mechanisms exist, they can be, and again, for example, the fact that the us proposal is not a proposal, yes, to us, the us announcement that they will convene the un security council , yes, this too, in connection with the use of north korean weapons. by the russians, this is also
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evidence of this, but you know, i really would not rely here in this particular case on international organizations, because in fact crisis. they are there, and with the mechanisms that are available, nothing can be done here, as the representative of ukraine at the un, serhiy kyslytsia, said regarding the organization of the united nations, in principle, since russia takes the place of the soviet union, so to speak ... this is how the un, the un security council works, it goes back precisely to those times when in the 45th year the winners of the second world war, and such winners who sincerely hated each other, as it was soviet russia
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is communist, also ruthless, but it was the winner, and that's exactly how it was this mechanism was created... in order to maintain the balance and to balance on the brink of war, in principle it is probably difficult to change something here, another thing, for example, what about the institutions that should not be there, well, the osce, yes, it is also an organization, which carries, here are these defects of the period, of the period when it was still... the council and there from security in europe, yes, that is why here and which does not have any mechanisms at all, and it is essentially such a platform, yes, that is why here indeed, at the moment we have to think about how to create
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a coalition against this axis of evil, and she actually took place, and we can also mention that somewhere with... behind this so obvious, obvious allied relations, where there are already iranian drones and a north korean ballistic missile, and there is also the people's republic of china, yes, which in in principle, it provides the economic support of this axis and the formation, well, the attempt to clearly form... its influence on the world in the form of brics, although in fact , in my opinion, it is possible to exaggerate the influence of this organization, but this, well, let's say this, the intentions are obvious, well,
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as far as i'm concerned, the potential of the free world, he is much greater, and the understanding that , for example, international institutions... do not work, including because of the position of ukraine, about which ukraine and through its representatives and the president of ukraine zelenskyi spoke about this on this podium and proposed a peace formula, yes, but here is this understanding, i think that it is coming, and the desire to reform international institutions, but still, rather everything, apart from this, it is also about necessity. existence of concerted actions precisely in order to break this coalition. mr. dmitri, but regarding the understanding of our coalition, well, that's why that there is a coalition of good, we also call it ramshtein , there is a coalition of evil, we have listed the participants , russia, iran, the dprk, at least, well, i don’t know
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what to call it, maybe based on russian toponyms, let’s call it that, aunt or, well, what they have power there, and this coalition of evil, it... already seems to be transferring ballistic weapons to the russian federation, which this country, well, where it will use, it is clear that shelling our territories, and the incentive is, in your opinion, it will be essential for the coalition of the good, so that they don't mush there, for example, around taurus or around the ban on the use of foreign weapons on the territory of the russian federation, will it not become an incentive, because what we hear are not official reports, there is often a lot of it either... the washington post, or the wall street journal, or politicians from referring to his unnamed sources, says that yes, as if they are already giving permission to be used on the territory of russia. we don't see official statements, we don't see them because they're afraid, we don't see them because we don't want to, or we don't see them because they won't say anything about it officially. i think it's officially about
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they will not say it, if we speak briefly, rather about it, and we, well, and in principle, it is probably logical, why, because, by the way... the actions of using western weapons in the occupied crimea in principle they too, well , not so not. it was announced, yes, why, because after all, everyone remembers what russia's statements were before that, but it turned out that russia's statements are empty chatter, yes, in this regard, that's why it one point, regarding this in general, whether such an incentive will happen. i think that it has already become with it
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an incentive, and such a factor, a stimulus that affects more on more, on greater actions, and there is activity, and of course, that all this is imposed on internal crises and on er such illusions that it is possible to manage. escalation or the illusion that it is possible to negotiate with moscow, that is, or in general, outright fear, which, after all, did not go anywhere, that is, these, well, there are many of these factors, yes, in fact, if you mention them here, but i think that here it is again moscow is already changing the order by this very thing. moreover, that the order to which they were accustomed, and again, it
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had been a long enough time, that is, for a certain time, moscow did not dare, yes, because after all, there were such people, they had been talking about it for a long time, but before this, it was not, in the same way, by the way, like iran, by the way, until now, as far as i remember, he has not recognized that it is his. shaheeds are flying, so i think that iran did not recognize because, in principle, moscow is toxic enough for it, yes, in this regard, but i think that yes, this is a change in the situation in general, and this is how it will affect, another thing is how fast, fast there will be these decisions, mr. dmitry, there is still very important information, it concerns the funds of the russian federation, they are needed for ukraine, we will add information about this, then
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you will have a question: the loss of foreign assets will be the most painful loss for russia, so they must be transferred to ukraine as soon as possible , volodymyr zelenskyy stated this, the president noted that the leadership of the aggressor country is indifferent to the lives of its citizens, however, it gravitates towards funds, and the world should quickly implement a plan to withdraw these funds and transfer them to... the restoration of our state - added zelensky. i urge the partners to move quickly to create an appropriate legal framework. this year, we should achieve tangible progress in the issue of using frozen russian assets for the benefit of ukraine. we strongly rely on the leadership of the group of seven towards this goal. volodymyr zelenskyi, president of ukraine. social networks x. mr. dmytro, what do you think? this year it will be possible to return these funds to ukrainian accounts.
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we know that the ministry of justice is working on this issue. ukrainian lawyers are doing everything possible to get these funds, that's why that russia should be punished, in addition to criminal consequences, there should also be financial ones. the president did not express himself carefully enough, in this regard, he said that there is noticeable progress this year and... it is logical, why, because i, for example, also believe that the process here is complex and revealing, you know , that after all, uh, this is really, well, a difficult question because of the legal nuances, because of course, everyone lives in a legal world, and, really, this is... the decision, why is it difficult, because it has to be flawless with from the point of view of jurisprudence, because it
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after all, it is worth it, and this is one of those things , well, private property, property is what the modern world is based on, and just like that , take it, arrest it, and then even just take it away, hand it over to ukraine, of course, what’s the point no one will leave, but... i think that there will be really great progress, at least, why? because this, this issue, it was activated by the united states of america. and what's more, there is a process of legal legalization in different countries, because there are also national laws, which too it must be taken into account that a certain public opinion was created for this, and such declarative
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decisions were made, for example, at the level of the european parliament and the council. europe , yes, that is, it was talked about and certain statements were made , yes, that is, the whole process is going on, well, and it is clear , again, why the united states activates this issue, because these are the funds that then they will not have to find , actually, yes, that is , finding an alternative for... those funds that would otherwise have to be provided to them themselves, yes, that is, in conditions when we see that politically it is difficult, not because the fact that someone there does not want ukraine's support, but simply that it becomes such an object for bargaining,
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this help, then yes, this is what is happening, so yes, i think that... this year, since the process has started much more actively and discussed and not at the highest level, and the issue has become absolutely acceptable for most countries, by the way , for the sme group, i think that the issue will have positive dynamics at least, and maybe we will see a solution this year. mr. dmytro. we thank you for contacting us and for your professional comments. we remind the audience that it was dmytro levus, political scientist, international. now we will move to economic topics. at the beginning of 2024 , inflation in ukraine will remain at a low level. however, in general, the rate of price growth will accelerate in a year. the inflation survey
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was released in the mine of the economy, and the growth of consumer prices in ukraine has now slowed down, they say in november. last year, this figure was just over 5%, the lowest level since december 2020. the department explained the low inflation with the timely receipt of international money aid, as well as the resumption of production of certain products and sufficient volumes of these same products on the domestic market. and what awaits us in 2024 with prices and not only, we will understand further, we will be contacted by ivan us, the chief consultant of the national institute. of strategic studies, candidate of economic sciences. mr. ivan, we are glad to see you live. congratulations, i congratulate you, in return, i am glad to see you and i congratulate all tv viewers. mr. ivan, now about the financial, yes, prospects of the year that has already come, and in particular what awaits ukrainians in the near future. but before that, i will ask,
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please tell me, the main revenues to the budget of ukraine, is it still international aid, from which we are overwhelmingly in favor... or not? yes, unfortunately, so far our budget is very critically dependent on international aid, and we can see even from the draft budget for the current year that, in fact, a significant part of our expenses is precisely the expected aid, and here, as i remind you, 1.8 trillion - this is the expected income and 3.4 is the expenditure of our budget, that is, a very... significant difference, however these are, unfortunately, the realities of the time, which i hope will be resolved in the future, but we all understand the state of the country and the economy, and therefore for now the role of international aid is very, very significant, and even here, as the head of the national bank mr. pyshnyi said , not so much
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the help itself, but the rhythmicity and income, there are still questions here. as they say, again, mr. pishny also said that the national bank has a plan b for this case, because the economy started to work faster last year, business activity increased, but this same plan b - this is a lifeline, relatively speaking, for the short-term perspective, but in the case of irregularity of incomes, we probably what, you correct me now, but we will enter the external borrowing market, so with bonds, it is possible to burn our... reserves gold and currency, and how long can we do this, well, what is the maximum rhythmicity that is threatening, or rather, it is not the rhythmicity that is threatening there 3 months 2 how long should we not receive help so that we do not feel very well, in fact reserves have increased a little for the last period, that is, here the state was able
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to accumulate certain resources, another issue is that i agree that rhythm is very important , but you know, so far i would not say that we have very significant problems precisely in the context of the fact that no one it doesn't help now, because i'll remind you that there was a visit... of the former prime minister of great britain , mr. cameron, and now the minister of foreign affairs to the usa, where he noted that they understand that the usa has internal political problems, that the eu it is also necessary to agree with 27 countries, all decisions, therefore for certain period of time, at the beginning of the current year, two european countries that are not part of the eu, actually great britain and norway, they will be able to provide to ukraine. appropriate financial assistance, so it still cannot be said that we do not have it, another question is what will happen, if it does not come from the usa and the eu, with this assistance,
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will great britain and norway, as well as our other partner countries, be able to like japan, to give us enough funds, there are some risks here, but, you know, given that, the fact that as many have said, and even political circles in both america and... in europe they say that now support for ukraine is not so much, not only, or rather, help to ukraine, but an investment in the security of the countries of europe itself, in the perspective of the united states of america, and this factor, i think, will allow us to get it, and therefore returning to the statement of the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, mr. koleba, that we do not have a plan b, well, you know, i would never tell the truth that there is no plan b, but i would say that we have confidence that our plan is. - this means that we will find arguments that will allow us to convince ukraine's partners help the country with money. ugh. mr. ivan, in order for the economy to work,
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not only funds are needed, but also people, human hands that will work for this economy. we have certain problems with this, after february 24 , 2022, we experienced a huge migration crisis, experts call it the biggest since the second world war. the government hopes that this... thing more ukrainians will return and predict and give different figures, from one million to two million, but the vast majority of ukrainians who left, got a job, arranged their life, arranged their own conditions for living already there. please tell me whether this return will happen this year, and if not, is there a chance to attract these working ukrainian migrants who left after february 24. moreover, of course , it will be very, very difficult to return the migrants, and you know, once one of
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the co-owners of the monobank, mr. horochovsky , said that he was talking to his polish colleagues when he said the phrase that we will have to return the migrants, for which he received the answer is not the fact that we will return them to you so easily, at the same time, you know, yes, many of our migrants have settled down, but... on the other hand, we hear other stories, there from germany, for example, when through, let's say , a tougher attitude, that is , not that much, but still, compared to the previous one to our migrants, people have a desire to return home, just because, you know, it's one thing to be treated very well, it's another matter, when you feel that there is a certain weariness about you, and that… will affect the fact that citizens will return to ukraine simply because, as they say, where you were born, you agreed there, nevertheless, finding labor resources
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is a very big challenge for the country, and it will be during the war as well, because we understand that when there is a full-scale war in the country, people will not want to return to the country, and by the way, after the end of the war, this does not mean that people will immediately return to ukraine, but we will see what will be the attitude towards them in the countries europe, where are they are, and if it continues to deteriorate, it will contribute to, if it were not cynically customary, people will be forced to return to ukraine, so we will watch the development of events, uh, and for now, while we watch the development of events here, let's say so about the mundane and close to everyone, we talked at the beginning of our conversation with you about the fact that we will also talk about prices during the 24th year. the forecast of the national bank on the speed of price growth, to what extent do you think it is realistic, that the growth will not be fast, but
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in such a way as to stimulate... the economy, like, will grow, but not much, the product is there a utility for businesses, or something else? well, you know, unfortunately, we have a tendency when prices are constantly rising, and it does not even depend on the war, that is, if we recall the whole history, prices have constantly risen, but so far , the experience of almost two years of war shows that in ukraine galloping inflation did not occur, that is, at a very fast pace, and this is already a plus, as far as it will be possible to hold back, well... for now, let's say, a basis for succeeding within the limits, let's say so, well, not that for good inflation, but at least such that it does not create too much of a burden on the economy, it seems to me, so far, that it will be possible to get it precisely within these frameworks, so it is good, but we will really look further, because you know, and there is more the seasonal factor, when the season is sure to grow something, everyone reacts to this growth, then the season passes. prices
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return to the previous level and it turns out that no particular growth was noticeable, but due to the fact that we simply moved to the next stage, this is also a plus, therefore, so far it is possible to stay in a certain corridor, and there are definitely, because of what i am emphasizing, there are a lot of factors that unfortunately affect us and they are not additional to peacetime, because of this one hundred percent it is not possible... to be sure of everything, but at least for now it seems that this forecast of the ministry of economy will be met. mr. ivan, finally, a small clarification, did i understand you correctly, since in the states they measure the bigmak index there, yes, we have our own borscht set, there will be no such a significant price increase for our consumers, who will turn on telethons in the morning and see what will happen to dairy products, what will happen to
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agricultural products. well, in particular, what concerns the new harvest , of course, that is , there are no grounds for such a sharp increase in prices, because you know more, many people here have already said that something is being blocked in poland and ukraine is not receiving the goods that are important to us, which we import, but on the other hand we see that romania is building a road at a fast pace, ie in fact, now romania is taking over these transport corridors, that is, they are taking advantage of the fact that the way polish farmers and polish transporters are behaving, they say, well, you know, poland may not be the most reliable route for the supply of goods, but romania can replace poland in this regard, and this will mean that in fact ukraine will simply redirect the flows through romania and thus there will be no shortage of goods, which are necessary to maintain a normal primarily price situation in the country, and therefore
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no ... special, which i said , peaks neochiku, let's say so, and therefore, in fact , i think that it will be felt quite quickly, why, because after all, firstly, there is already a partial adaptation to the situation, secondly, any improvement, it will also allow only to expand the opportunities that are available, so i hope that in the coming months they, not the square of the moon, let's go, the month will already show a good result, ugh, mr. ivan, we are grateful to you for this morning, important conversation, always glad to see you on the air, ivan uz, chief consultant of the national institute of strategic studies, candidate of economics of science next, about no strike by the russian federation that will not remain unanswered. the aggressor will surely pay for his cruelty. according to volodymyr zelenskyi, ukraine is working on strengthening its defense every day and every minute. full appeal.


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