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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EET

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let's go, and that's why, in fact, i think it will be felt quite quickly, why, because after all, firstly, there is already a partial adaptation to the situation, and secondly, any improvement, it will also only allow to expand the possibilities , which are there, so i hope that in the coming months they, square months, let's say, a month, will already show a good result, huh, mr. ivan, we are grateful to you for this morning, important conversation. we are always glad to see you on the air, ivan uz, chief consultant of the national institute of strategic studies, candidate of economics of science then there is no strike by the russian federation that will not go unanswered. the aggressor will surely pay for his cruelty. according to volodymyr zelenskyi, ukraine is working on strengthening its defense every day and every minute. we can hear the full address of the president now. i wish you good health, dear ukrainian men and women. a long
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day today, many meetings, we are planning important international events next week, we are preparing new lines of cooperation with partners, in particular regarding drones, to strengthen our capabilities in the use of drones and in countermeasures against russian drones, in the strengthening of rep, means of radio-electronic warfare, held a meeting on security guarantees, this is one of our key priorities. relevant bilateral work with partners continues. and today we determined what results we should achieve in the near future, held meetings with the defense bloc of the government, this is the ministry of technology, the minister of defense, the teams of the ministries, the key is providing our soldiers with weapons and military equipment, constant supply, constant production with a clear tendency to increase our production and shells and equipment in ukraine and together with our partners,
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we are working as hard as possible so that this year our defense and security forces can base a significant part of their actions on our ukrainian production, and so that the enemy feels the real power of ukrainian weapons. such a feeling is already forming now, there are many accurate things done by ukrainian weapons and fewer and fewer peaceful nights for the occupier, but it should be on... our ukrainian strength even more, and it will be for every manifestation of russian terror, for every attempt by russia increase your pressure on our state, on our people, our positions, will be our adequate response. a rescue operation is currently underway in pokrovsk, donetsk region and pokrovsk district after a russian missile strike. s-300 missiles involved are necessary. the equipment
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of the state emergency service of ukraine dismantles the debris. as of this time, it is known about the death of more than 10 people, among them children. unfortunately, my condolences to all those who have lost loved ones. the blow of the russians was simply on ordinary residential buildings, on private houses. all the wounded are given the necessary assistance. and russia should feel always, to feel that none of... such strikes will pass without consequences for the terrorist state, we have to ensure this by our strength with our own defense and political capabilities. one more thing: i want, as always , to celebrate our soldiers on the front lines, each and everyone who is on combat posts, combat missions, who is currently fighting, everyone who helps, volunteers, trains, everyone who works to save. every wounded person,
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i express my utmost gratitude to all of them, and i would especially like to mention today the ukrainian border guards, who, together with all the soldiers of the defense forces and security forces are fighting at the front and protecting our state, our independence, and who have shown themselves extremely effectively in these weeks, and before the new year, and now. kharkiv and kramatorsk border detachments. thank you, warriors, for your strength. in particular, staff sergeant valery bugor and captain ivan taran, battles in the bakhmut direction, mariyansky direction, zhytomyr border detachment, in particular senior sergeant oleksiy shlapakov, thank you for your courage and accuracy, soldiers of the steel border brigade, kupyansky direction, very intense battles and very important results of our boys, soldier mykhailo savchenko, junior sergeant bohdan. and senior sergeant yevhen
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gladkov, well done, glory to all who fight, glory to all who add their strength to the strength of our state. glory to ukraine! chevrons approaching victory. strength, will and indomitability were passed down from father to son for centuries, and i am the one who brought the cossack strength and cossack glory engraved on my heart, i am the one who carries the glory of freedom-loving ancestors, whose unyielding will lives
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on to this day, i am the one who for centuries, carries in i have the spirit of struggle and ideas, the one who will never... bow before the enemy, i am a warrior of ukraine, indomitable and unconquered, i will defend the land given to me by god and always believe in my invincibility. finding yourself in new circumstances is a challenge that thousands of defenders are overcoming. to help them in this process, the state created a grant program. for veterans and their family members, which is implemented by the ministry of economy of ukraine. applying for a veteran's grant is easy and convenient through action. apply and receive up to uah 1 million per starting or developing your own business.
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privatization is important for industry because it is the creation of the new from the old. look, the state has inactive industrial sites, so it sells them to an entrepreneur who will create a new production on their base. and at the same time jobs, profits and benefits of privatization from the state property fund of ukraine. we have, we care, we develop. after massive rocket attacks on ukrainian cities , the european union is sure that russia does not seek peace. in response to the kremlin's terror, european countries are taking unprecedented measures steps such as the norwegian government allowing direct selling. arms of kyiv. before that, norway had a ban on trading with countries where the war is ongoing. it existed since 1959. our colleague, anna grishina, will tell you all the details. the mass attack on ukrainian cities forced europe even
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during the christmas holidays to consider how to help ukraine with weapons. a number of eu countries have already announced the first important strategic decisions of this year. "norway will sell arms and defense products directly to ukraine," the government decided. for more than 60 years, the northernmost country in europe had banned the supply of ammunition to war-torn areas. an exception was made for ukraine in oslo. from now on , norwegian private companies, after appropriate verification, will be able to obtain an export license from the local ministry of foreign affairs for direct arms sales to ukraine. in emergency security. situation that has arisen as a result of russia's aggressive war, it is extremely important for us to continue supporting ukraine. we must plan for the possibility that an illegal war of aggression may continue. espen bart eide, minister of foreign affairs of norway. until now, all aid to ukraine with weapons
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was a donation and had to go through all circles of the state bureaucracy. and now the ukrainian government can turn to the arms manufacturer and buy exactly what it wants, not what ... norway considers a priority, and this saves you a lot of time. since the beginning of the great war in ukraine, norway has supported our country militarily and financially, from its own reserves it has transferred 400 units of anti-tank weapons, 22 self-propelled howitzers, high-precision hellfire multi-purpose missiles and over $1 billion in civilian aid. in an interview with we ukraine, a norwegian professor specializing in security and defense, karsten fries explained. that with oslo's decision on direct trade, kyiv gets full access to the goods of the local defense industry. your government can now check if there is an innovative manufacturer in the market. i would like to point out that the norwegian defense industry is really big, and this is important. it does not produce a complete platform,
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such as tanks, but produces weapons, missiles, machine guns. and from now on it's all up to you available at the same time, the eu countries seek to increase the production of munitions to a year already in the spring, as much as they promised to transfer to ukraine by march. in brussels, it was previously stated that the stockpiles of weapons are running out due to deliveries to kyiv. and the other day, the british edition of the telegraph reported. nato countries ordered about a thousand missiles for patriot air defense. the production contract was signed by germany, romania, the netherlands and spain. the munitions will cost $5.5 billion and will be entirely manufactured in europe. zmi claims that part of the alliance will be transferred armed forces russia, according to western intelligence , is already releasing 1.5 million projectiles a year from the conveyor. factories produce weapons in three shifts, and europe is still asleep, even one million
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is not enough now. f-16 fighters of the air defense system are what ukraine needs right now. in the near future, ukraine is preparing to receive more than fifty f-16 fighters from the netherlands and denmark. france is going to join the training of ukrainian pilots, more than doubles the production of artillery shells finland to not only strengthen. its defense capability, but also to transfer some weapons to ukraine, because, as the head of the european council , charles michel, pointed out, russia obviously does not seek peace. in response to increased shelling by the russians of peaceful ukrainian cities, the ukraine nato council will hold an extraordinary meeting at the level of ambassadors next week. it was initiated by kyiv, the ukrainian foreign ministry reported. the key issue of the meeting will be the increase of supplies for ukraine, air defense systems. get yourself together and ukraine has full information
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about the situation on the borders with russia and belarus, the defense forces are preparing an appropriate response to the actions of the enemy. thus, in the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, they commented on the report about the probable offensive of russia in the kharkiv region. the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine report that the enemy is trying to storm in the kupien direction, but the russians are not making any progress in this direction. so ask. the situation in the most difficult points of the front. later in the plot. shot. the bakhmut direction remains one of the hottest points on the battle line. here are shots from the vault attack uavs as part of the 92nd separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. with the first drop, the unit hits the invaders and destroys a group of invaders near bakhmut. our soldiers repulse enemy attacks near andriyivka, kordyumivka, and klishchiivka. tick and as it was, it remains for the enemy such a sacred place
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, where they are ready to put any number of their men, if only to advance 100 m there, so the battles really continue there constantly, especially this wedge, which the enemy is trying to drive a little north of the village, constantly, constantly we see that they do not stop there. near bakhmut , the russians press on bohdanivka and try to break through to ivanovsky. the activity of enemy aviation decreased, instead , the occupiers significantly increased the use of artillery and attack drones. the enemy is trying to concentrate its efforts north of bakhmut in the direction of bohdanivka, which is on the shortest way to the temporary ravine, to the exit to the siver channel. donets donbas. to the west of the city. here and there
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the enemy tries to carry out small assaults, but without the involvement of serious, let's say, the forces, exclusively, probably probing whether there are any changes in our defense. after a few days of relative decrease in activity, the occupation troops became more active along the entire front line in the avdiyivka area. the russians are storming the city. since last october and the defense forces are repelling the enemy. two russian tanks ignite like matches after dropping our troops in the railway area east of stepovoy. this is the work of the 25th assault battalion of the 47th brigade in the avdiiv direction. enemy attacks continue in the area of ​​novobakhmutivka and coke chemical plant. the russians are trying to break through to the outskirts of the city. there are attacks on the village of novomykhaivka. positions of the armed forces. enemies storm both from the northern part of the village and from the south. and again, the russian occupiers
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became more active in the maryan direction. there , in the maryinka pobeda and novomykhaivka districts , 15 attacks were repelled, which is almost twice as many as usual. the enemy inflicts shelling and airstrikes on a daily basis. settlements of donetsk region came under artillery and mortar fire. the russians raze them to the ground every day and every night and destroy everything they can get the enemy does not stop trying to surround avdiivka and suffers significant losses. in the press center of the defense forces of the tavria direction , they say that the occupiers refuse to engage in meat assaults. fixed from the conditions of the personnel to participate in assaults, the crews of various armored vehicles sabotage their participation in offensive actions in various ways, they know that the chance of survival is small, because tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, and other armored vehicles are struck by our soldiers, if not the first ones.
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the russians continue to advance in the kupyan direction. occupiers are storming nearby positions senkiv village. in the direction of kupyansk , seven enemy attacks were repulsed, this is near the settlement of synkivka, the enemy is trying to advance here to capture this settlement in order to further narrow the offensive on the city of kupyansk. i would like to remind you that during the previous occupation by the enemy, the logistical supply of the enemy group of troops was carried out through this city, our defender managed to eliminate 69 resolute fighters in this direction and destroy 14 units. military equipment, including one bmp-2. we see that during three months of success in this direction the enemy there is no our defenders showed a new video showing the destruction of another enemy column advancing in the kuplyansk direction. nowadays, the activity of the invaders has decreased. the armed forces push back
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the occupiers. this is reported in kharkiv ova. commenting on the information that russia is preparing a second offensive. in kharkiv, they say, at the moment, the concentration of russian military units on the border has not been recorded, our military is restraining the enemy. marina smalova we are ukraine marathon the only news. the defense forces of ukraine narrowed the russian positions radar stations at the tsakin airfield and an ammunition depot near hryshinny in the donetsk region. this is evidenced by the relevant satellite images. with a well-aimed blow, the armed forces of ukraine destroyed the ammunition depot of the occupiers, as well as the poshko. objects of air defense and radar of the enemy. the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine is collecting detailed data on the losses of russians. let me remind you that on the night of january 6, the ukrainian armed forces attacked the russian saka airfield in the temporarily annexed crimea. and even earlier, and precisely on january 4, ukrainian troops hit
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the command post of the russian occupation troops already near sevastopol. now we are adding serhiy brodchuk to the conversation, this is the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, a military expert, our congratulations, mr. serhiy, good morning, glory to ukraine , glory to the armed forces, congratulations colleagues, good, glory to the heroes, mr. serhiy, considering what elena just said said what was done to the enemy in the territory of crimea temporarily occupied and annexed by russia, and how, for how long , they now have gaps and weakening in the defense of the peninsula, as a minimum, and in... more globally, if you look at the defense of the black sea region, as a maximum? well, i think that we have to look at this situation as a continuation of the stage of demilitarization of the temporarily occupied crimea, this is firstly, and secondly, we perfectly understand that such work, the combat work of the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces, it will continued, just as we are talking about the destruction of command posts,
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that is, so that the enemy loses the relevant control elements of the military forces on the territory of crimea . we understand very well that it is not only the land component, and above all the infrastructure of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, and of course we are talking about the destruction and logistics, and now we can already see that we have moved to the stage of the destruction of the military aviation infrastructure, so far the infrastructure, i think, then in time there will also be the destruction of the enemy's aviation, if we are talking about saki, for example, then this base, this airfield, has long been known as a suitable object. first as part of the former soviet union and the former soviet army, then the armed forces of ukraine, and actually after of the temporary occupation, all these objects were annexed by the russian federation, this airfield is very actively used precisely so that russia has a certain point and eyes precisely in the direction of air defense and on
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the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, well , if we take naval aviation, aviation of the black sea fleet russian federation. then these are threats from this airfield directly and for our southern regions, in particular the odesa region, because those aircraft, for example, su-30 esm, which are based or used with the help of this airfield in sacks, they can carry the well-known kh-59 or kh-31 missiles on board, which are exactly what threaten the southern regions of our country, odesa in particular. i said this and yesterday, for example, five times in odesa there was an air alert signal, three times during these alerts, it was precisely connected with the actions of tactical aviation. there were just threats that the enemy could launch these missiles, which i mentioned, first of all the kh-31 in order to destroy our infrastructure, so it is clear that such
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strikes reduce operational capabilities of the crimean air defense, well, they actually reduce the operational capabilities of enemy aviation in the future, of course, that there is a lot of work, but it is important. mr. serhiy, we admire you. by our military, not only us, but also researchers of the institute for the study of war, they analyze everything that has been happening in crimea recently, and what they say is that ukrainian missiles and drones penetrate through the russian air defense system and easily hit targets on the territory of our temporarily annexed crimea . mr. serhiu, what we are observing now, it can in general, change the schedule on the front line, not only crimea, the situation in the east of ukraine, in zaporizhzhia, on the south. direction, i think so, because crimea, it is clear, is such a huge military hub, well, we remember that the enemy called even the temporarily occupied
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ukrainian peninsula a kind of aircraft carrier, which is fully protected, has the base of the black sea fleet, a huge concentration of personnel the composition of the land component, i said about it, and actually the military infrastructure of the temporarily occupied crimea. she works both on the zaporizhzhia direction and on kherson, in particular, because of the defeat on the territory of crimea, of course, it is the deterioration of logistics, accordingly, i have already said, well, the fact that crimea is becoming less protected, and the process of deoccupation of the ukrainian peninsula itself is approaching, of course, will change and - it is quite significant situation at the front in the southern areas, i still have a long way to go before that.
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about the fact that the work is purposeful, the work is not random, and highly professional, from the side it seems so easy, but believe me that the preparation for these operations, it this is done by the armed forces of ukraine . mr. sergey, in this vein, one more clarification , and in your opinion, at least such opinions are heard among military experts, if the russians understand that they are no longer dangerous in crimea, this is the only reason why they remain there, if there is a risk for the fleet, and this risk will be daily, they will simply leave it, there is no other point in being on the territory of the annexed crimea. well, today the territory of the annexed crimea, i already said about what is used to perform combat. tasks, operational tasks of the enemy in the kherson, zaporizhzhia direction, so of course they will hold on to crimea as much as possible, here is already the task of the armed forces of ukraine, and this is our commanders, leaders,
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know, see, and this kind of work, i will say once again, using examples sak, she continues, they perfectly understand that this hub must close this bottle, cork it, especially with wines, crimea is very closely connected and let it be preserved, but it is preserved already without... with enemy objects, how the enemy will leave the temporarily occupied crimea, now i will not make such predictions, there are many options , one of the options was shown by the cruiser moscow, and what are the actions of the enemy in the metric part of ukraine, that is, in the kherson region, the dnipro grouping, this is their so-called, here the saturation, if i am not mistaken, continues with manpower and equipment, absolutely true, and if we take the situation to the beginning with... the creation of ukrainian bridgeheads on the left bank, then since that time the enemy has strengthened and personal composition, there was an increase in the occupation group by more
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than 10,000, and we say the same thing about the equipment, precisely about crimea, why do i say that this operation is also for the kherson region, it is in crimea that there is a group defense of crimea, there, as far as i know, at least two divisions of enemy motorized rifles are being formed, they can be used primarily in the kherson direction and strengthen the dnipro grouping, and in fact we perfectly understand why the pea clings with its claws to crimea and the left bank, because this will have a key effect on the course of the entire war, it is clear, that is why supplies go through the crimea, the dnipro is increasing its numbers, they now use less equipment during assaults, because it burns very successfully with our artillery. they help, including aerial reconnaissance units, which are very active with fpv drones , but there are enough personnel, the attacks are continuous, the past day showed
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18... there were 18 assaults, that is, quite a lot, why are there enough personnel, they don’t count them, cannon meat, that is, the situation in in this regard, there is no variable, everything goes with the crimea first of all. mr. serhiy, literally there is a minute left for us to talk about the black sea region, about the black sea i wanted to ask about the presence of caliber missile carriers in the black sea and a potential salvo in the area of ​​40 calibers, only a storm in the sea. in your opinion, does it interfere with calibers en masse, as the russians used to use them before, or is there something else? well , there are different types of storms, including in the form of appropriate means of fire impression, just as these storms are then used as scalpel including, of course, of course not only weather conditions and not so much weather conditions, we are talking about those actions that take place on the black sea, in my opinion,
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on the part of the ukrainian... armed forces, on the part of the defense forces, they carry still of an offensive nature, and last year showed that it was precisely such actions that led to the fact that the enemy was pushed to the corresponding borders, and look where the missile carriers are mainly located, in novorossiya, and there will be a continuation of the topic, i have no doubt about it, mr. serhiy, thank you for your comments, for who were with us at this early hour, serhii bratchuk, spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south, military expert. yes, please. now pay attention to the alarm map, the nikopol community, this is dnipropetrovsk region and marganetska too, there is a threat of artillery shelling there, luhansk region, the autonomous republic of crimea, the threat of missile strikes, pay attention to this, the rest of the territory is calm, as soon as the information is updated in the news marathon, you about you will find out quickly. olena chabak, i'm nikita mikhalov, thank you. take care of yourself and until new meetings. chevrons,
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that the victory is approaching, i will arrive quickly, i am already buying a ticket, one to the dnipro, please, thank you, my country will not fall to its knees, my... uah 5 from each bus ticket goes to the restoration of ukraine. we will rebuild the country together with ukrpas ua and dobrobat. get involved. privatization is important for ukrainians, because it is the creation of something new from the old. look, the state has old property that does not generate income, so it sells it to an entrepreneur who wants to create something new. this is how new businesses, jobs and profits appear.
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privatization from the state fund. property of ukraine. we have, we care, we develop. author's documentary project of myroslava barchuk. there has not been a larger-scale war in europe since 1945. this whole story with russia is a story of genocides of various kinds. the russian world is a sadomasochistic world where there is only one model of communication, it is the communication of violence. russian fascism can be called quite legitimate.
6:00 am
the stomachs of ukrainians and slovaks are troubled, we still have laundry on our youth, we will have a dream of fate, our wallets will change. like cross-country in the sun satanuim and we are brothers on our side, you hate your body...


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