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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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but in this situation, you see, the problem is that hamas relies on the support of the population, that this whole program of hatred and destruction of israel is supported by the vast majority of residents of the gaza strip. therefore, when they say: "you know, the israeli military , we will destroy hamas, we will provide security ourselves, and there will be a palestinian administration, i think this is an unlikely option for the simple reason that if there is a population, it does not understand how it is there will be a population when this population wants to live with its own problems, and not with the problems of destruction israel, we don't know that, but we talked to you about the united arab emirates, if you look closely at the gas sector and the united arab emirates, it's roughly the same territory, well, in the gas sector, it has better climatic conditions conditions, ports, in 2005 the last israeli soldier left this territory, it came under full palestinian self-government, unlike on the other side of the river, and with
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the obvious desire of the west and the global south to help them with money, in principle there could have been new emirates to envy israel, the palestinians can live like this, there is not even a state, but there are just ports, gardens, trade, education, a university, everyone was ready to give any amount of money. what was the money used by the population of the gas sector, to turn their sector into a springboard for attacks on israel, and people voted for it, because they voted in the parliamentary elections of almost the entire population of the sector, on the west bank of the jordan river there was still such a branch, but in gas there was clear support for hamas, hamas, take your pick us and we will destroy israel, vote for us and we will do everything possible to destroy israel, they fulfill their campaign promises. well, this is the choice of society
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, in parallel, it’s true, they also destroy a large part of the residents, like the gas sector, residents become shahedi, we know all this logic, well, what are you going to do, huh, and that’s what the people of tirana say, that’s what they say in the gas sector, that’s what everyone they say, he became a shahedim perfectly, moreover, there is no need to thank the leadership of ham for the fact that it provides such an opportunity, money flows of money where do the families of terrorists go? suicide bombers, every mother wants to have a suicide bomber in her family, because there will be a lot of money that can be used for other children. and you and how to solve it, i don’t know, i don’t see any, i don’t see any political preconditions for ending the russian-ukrainian war, just as i don’t see any political conditions for ending the conflict in the gas sector, then there you can even at a certain time to achieve some kind of military success, but since such is the mood of the population, that is how the population of the sector. gas they want to destroy
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israel, how does the population of russia want to destroy ukraine? there is no chance to end it, we have to learn to live with it, as it is already a question for both ukrainians and israelis, how they will be able to cope with it, whether they will be able to , for how long they will be able to cope with it, but this is such a real conflict, there are conflicts that end at the negotiating table, don't sit down at the negotiating table with hamas, you've already been at the table with him , talked several times in a row, agreed. about the truce, about this, about that, about allowing gaza residents to work in israel, then these residents of gaza, together with hamas militants , killed those who gave them work, who treated their children with their own money, imported gas from the gas sector to the israeli hospital, all this was already fine, let's negotiate again, the same with putin, we can with him come to an agreement, i can't imagine how from the western point of view, i mean the world about the truce, and... there comes
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a point where we find out that he decides that he doesn't need a truce anymore, and again will start attacking us, well, this is the reality we live in, so here, frankly, i am i think that this is not a matter of destroying a specific leader of hamas, but you remarked about the request, yes, the society of people, the request for violence, the request for violence, when you want to kill your opponent more than to do your own business, your life. they will want the lives of their children more than our deaths, this is a famous aphorism, i am not sure that this aphorism is suitable for a country like iran, for example, what do you think, by the way, on this account, because despite the fact that iran is such a pillar of the same, one of the half
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forces of evil, things are still happening there indicate that many people in this country would not like the path that has been chosen. its leadership, and literally on january 3 there was a big attack, in particular, on the procession to the cemetery where ksm suleimani is buried, this is a general who, on the fourth anniversary, it seems, of his death, in 2020, he was eliminated, and he was a very influential person who could , probably due to the influence of arguing only with the leaders of the number two state in the country, such an iranian beri, if... consider stalin's toluhomani, in a word, what kind of incident was it, in your opinion, or it is connected with resistance, yes , with the use of violence, because it is 84 dead people, er, and this is, in my opinion, the largest act
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of violence with frequency, since the 70s, in fact, since the 80s, 80s, yes, you understand what the problem is, iran, the islamic revolution. this is a typical bolshevik revolution, which is maintained by force, because as a general bolshevik audience, the party seized power in the country, it intimidated its opponents, it conquered the army, it created effective secret services, and we do not know how long all this could last, if not for the second world war war. ugh, because, as you understand, in the soviet union too, there were still a lot of people who hated everyone, and... they were killing, they just were, only 303-4 years had passed since the bolshevik coup, and since then , how the bolsheviks completely established their power, it was only there for no more than 20 years, then there was the second world war, and it
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changed everything, as you understand, the soviet union has already left the second world war, so to speak, completely reformatted, this is unity in the fight against the aggressor, the fact that many people. remained abroad of the soviet union from those who lived in the occupied territories, well, that was another story, let's not talk about it, iran exists in such a state without there, they tried to make such an analogue of the second world war, the war with iraq, precisely for this, uh, but it's still not true, the iranian dictatorship has existed without war in this form for how many years in 1979, and of course this... the dissatisfaction that exists in the youth, that exists in the people who there remained in it such whims of internal migration, and their children they don't want to be visible in immigration anymore, there are many radical groups, both anti-islamist and left-wing, the same party, the people
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's party of iran, the former communist party, was not completely destroyed, there is also the iranian mujahideen, all this exists, they just exist like this , that we do not see this, but we see that... there can be any explosion of discontent, as it happened recently, which can only be suppressed by force, only by force, plus internal conflicts, it must be understood that iranian clans among themselves are at odds with each other the top of the islamic republic, and let's say now, when it comes to ayatollah khameneni is in dire straits, and there is always the question of who will be his successor. let's say the current president raisi, or the former president ravsanjania, ugh, who is considered a much more cautious, moderate person, on whose side will be the islamic revolutionary guard corps, who will be supported by the army, then these people may want to kill each other,
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using their own some opportunities, their own connections with the special service of the opposition, and this is a complicated story, but again, why us we are surprised by this, well, let me remind you again that... we don't know much about what happened in the soviet union, but when we look carefully at recent studies, we understand that there was internal party opposition there, that until the 41st year, what they were preparing, fighting with stalin in the system itself, well, that's true, but stalin shot almost all the members of the politburo during lenin's time, not just because he considered them competitors, enemies and so on, the same thing is happening here . so in this respect iran does not look, iran looks stable, only as long as its power apparatus is stable, because iran is basically just a violent state in which you can feel more or less normal as long as you fully comply with the norms and respect the power of the government and its
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moral, so to speak, uh, guidelines about of your behavior, then it's not just about... that you don't speak out against the authorities, you still have to wear a scarf properly, so why did you mention kirkorov for some reason? well, i will say that this is the orthodox taliban. okay, and by the way, you know that putin, we know this famous story, how did putin understand what the system of power in russia should look like, it was after a visit to tehran, he met with ayatala khamenei, he realized that ayatala khamenei is not the president of the country, the national leader, the supreme leader, putin was called after that national leader, and it was after this that he decided to abandon the model he inherited from yeltsin, when he was there for only two terms as president, now he will be the prime minister, and medvedev will be the president, we have a democratic republic here, we are here
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we change places, well, in iran , ayatollah amenen does not change places with anyone, because he is a faqih for life, ugh, and so is putin, he is the national leader, it is the same as the supreme leader of the islamic republic of iran, russia is copying iran, it is iran, and that is why the role of patriarch kirill is such, that is why everyone walks with banners. back and forth, that is why they expel, by the way, from the russian church in iran those priests who say that fighting is a sin, they forbid him to serve, this is absolutely a remake, if they say that putin recreates the stalinist regime, no, he recreates regimes, he likes it, and right under his nose, well, that's right, and our constant column: my attempts to quarrel portnikov with the polish... family, that's what you said last time, it happens every time i try to start a conversation about
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what is happening at our border is actually a joke, but while we are talking, information has appeared that the minister of agriculture and rural development cheslav sikerskyi and subcarpathian voivode tereza kubasgul have signed an agreement with farmers blocking the border with ukraine at the point shehyny medica's pass, which farmers receive in return, on their, on their demands , there are subsidies for... corn in the amount of 1 million zlotys, an increase in lending by 2.5 billion zlotys, maintaining the amount of the agricultural tax at the level of 2023, well, ukrainians are exhaling and these farmers are waiting for the border to be unlocked, and not scoundrels? i have nothing against their conditions, and then you will accuse me of scolding you, no, why are they blocking our border, we would go block the apartment of this minister of agriculture or on... the carpathian voivodeship or some other border, why are they blocking the border
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of this country, which is at war, there are many borders in poland, they could block the border from the kaliningrad region, if they feel like it, or with anyone, or not only the border, i don't know, there are many opportunities to block something, it has always been in poland, i would say, the poles are the most, i would say such vagabonds. regarding their protest actions, in them, they created solidarity, why on our cordo, here we are, well yes, now fulfill, these conditions apply to us, no , it does not apply to us, they just decided that this place is sick, and if you go there, you can blackmail your own country, not us, you know that, as this american senator told zelensky, who is that there was one of our friends in the congress who said: "why, we are thinking about the border with mexico, by the way, and you are all right, we support you, we are
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the best friends of ukraine, we just need to put pressure on biden, you there's no point here, here the farmers say, you're pointless here, we're here now we'll just get subsidies, we want money, and you sit there without fuel, without goods, what's wrong with us, we get money and we'll be, lazy people didn't give up, and it has nothing to do with the polish people, but you just recognize it. the behavior of certain groups of people who just want to be paid money to allow children and women who are effectively under economic blockade not to die here from lack of necessary goods, but the fact that now the polish government is actually uh to meet and satisfy these demands indicates that the previous government, in fact, obviously had its own motives for not suppressing these requests.
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the current government, it is also in a pre-election state, we are all the time too , i think, and how will this government be able to make all these decisions when it has local elections soon, then there will be presidential elections, and also elections to the european parliament, if you all the time you are in an election situation. then you 're always dealing with blackmail, huh, and this, this is a question that we could absolutely calmly ask all the politicians of modern europe and the united states of america, whoever you want be, politicians or statesmen, if your goal is to win the election, well, then you are doing everything right, great, you will definitely win, if your goal is to win the war with russia, to prevent its intensification, and you are ready to sacrifice your
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power mandates, you will have to make unpopular decisions, by the way, this is what we say all the time... to our own leadership, the same can be said to the united states and the countries of the european union. if you do not want the russian federation to occupy the former soviet republics and strengthen to capabilities of the soviet union, we sometimes say that it is already the soviet union, which is not true. the soviet union had a gross national product comparable to that of the united states of america. ugh. and therefore he could look like a threat. now it is. the threat is not russia and china, but if russia pulls everything together, its mobilization potential will increase. in ukraine, 25-30 million people live there now, in uzbekistan 40 million live, there are 35, these are big numbers, this is not a joke, if russia transforms,
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returns to the year 91, then the west with such russia will have to take into account much more seriously. than with the current russian federation, and this is what putin wants, who sees these numbers, these opportunities, and he is acting absolutely competently in terms of returning to these scales, if we talk about his appetites, and why does the west not notice this, why we all the time i explain that why we should win in this confrontation, not because russia will reach uzhgorod and attack poland, no, it will not be necessary to attack. will vote for the right politician who will say what we have negotiate with moscow, if it is already here, if it is so strong, this is what can happen, a political revolution can happen without any attack in central europe and beyond, and that is why i want to call on all politicians to make responsible decisions if they do not want to live in such a strange world, khrystyna, thank you, khrystyna yatskiv,
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vitaly portnikov and the saturday political club, see you soon, this is the best for you. turn on well - this is when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and the universe of cinema is around, then, oh, what is needed, megogo, turn it on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports, there are discounts. citramon darnytsia, 10% in travel pharmacies for you and save money. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, which is actually happening on the front. what are
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the estimated losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield? our successes, the international community, and what moscow is lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what the russian occupiers are whispering about behind the commanders' backs. news, summaries of the week - this is a review of only important events, significant and reliable events. these are analytics, fact-checking, professional comments. about this and much more in today's issue. about important things, simple. language available to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio and this is the summary of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso.
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how am i worse than other people, those who struggle? why do i need a country in which there will be no freedom? kateryna, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine. he has been in the army for about four years. first worked as a specialist in moral and psychological support, and now covers the work of the military at the front. the task of the press officer is to show the truth of what is happening, that is , through the eyes of the press officer, the whole world sees those horrors and those evils. which russia is doing on the territory of ukraine. kateryna joined the army in 2021, although the desire arose much earlier. the woman was preparing to become a physical education teacher. and the basics of health, then the revolution of dignity began and plans changed, since then she went to the military hospital several times, but they did not take her. i i'm young, i'm healthy, i thought i was a physically
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strong, intelligent woman, and why can't i help the state, why, well, if i can't do something, then i'll learn it, in the 17th year, i think, i came again already to another. to the military commander, and they told me there: well, if you were still an officer, maybe you would have become a deputy from the mpz, then there was no mpz, but it seems that it was called differently there, i say, you want an officer, it’s not a question at all , i say, i will come to you next time as an officer, kateryna kept her promise anyway signed a contract with the armed forces of ukraine, became deputy for moral and psychological affairs. provision of one of the divisions. at that time, the brigade was already performing tasks in the combat zone. we drove there for 40 to 50 km to a point where
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a mobile fire group was stationed in order to work with personnel. but to be honest, i didn't like it very much, it doesn't match my character, it doesn't match any of my ambitions. so kateryna transferred to... another position and started working in the press service of the 30th separate of the mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, covered events in the svitodar arc and in pakhmut. i was very comfortable, because every day we didn't have a single day, not until february 24, not after the 22nd, when we stayed at home, maybe some sunday, but it was still work with materials, we were constantly leaving. .. we talked, these are very cool people, soldiers, officers, sergeants, each person is such a pearl, a pearl that shines, you just
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need to open the shell and look. at the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, the brigade had already been there for seven months in the war zone. kateryna was just waiting for the rotation. these were the positions of the blizgorlovka at the may election. i was lucky. journalists of one of the tv channels there, because there was heavy shelling there, even before february 24, it was the month of january, the russians were mercilessly hitting the houses of civilians, but they were simply destroying, and also killing people, a couple of days later, it was the month of january, i i'm going to that position again, i'm taking journalists, because there was another hit in a civilian house, and they're leaving... already when a full-scale invasion took place 24
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in february, everyone ran, gathered their things, hid, handed something over, i held the dog close to my heart so that, god forbid, he didn't run away, so that nothing would happen to him, the dog, a camera and a laptop. then the woman felt the threat of a great war. we filmed assaults there, i don’t know, tanks were shooting with direct fire, i even filmed it, it was near the test site, you can hear it there from the first shots, i put the phone on the ground, stood, waited for the tank to work, and i worked there in literally three minutes aviation, tanks worked out, worked out hello, our equipment worked, that is, everything happened completely in these three minutes. kateryna participated. in the kharkiv counteroffensive recorded the consequences of crimes committed by russian troops on ukrainian territory. and now we have arrived at the position of the invincible second army of the world and
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will get to know their best guns. this is how they look powerfully, powerfully standing and rotting in the ukrainian land. we left for the units, we simply filmed while the metal was still red-hot in... escaping from the tank, that is , it was just following the tracks, we filmed as the equipment is burning, we still saw the warm bodies of smelly russians there, it is very, very beautifully executed, it is a very cool and powerful operation of the defense forces, that is, it is a resource, it is people, it is equipment and it is information, it is... powerful, it is very cool , that is, we really, we really didn't even expect it ourselves, that was what impressed us the most in the counterattack, the overall picture. er
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, where the russian military was stationed for a certain time, there they put up a mirror, put up, attached to the boxes of weapons a portrait of a woman with bare breasts, put up a toilet paper, something they had was russian, something they had stolen, that is, the building itself, and they also kept old propaganda newspapers with them. important at the front, because the woman is convinced that the work of the brigade's press officers allows them to be the first to see, to cover combat operations and the consequences of russian actions, and they convey information to the whole world. inclining to the transparency of the media, we take a conventional foreign publication.
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we look at the situation, if the situation allows them to be brought directly to the position, we bring the journalists directly to the position, they they film the events that are happening there, they take comments from our boys and girls, and they show the world that this is really happening, the world should know, the world should support us. khrystyna parobiy, espresso tv channel. there are 10% discounts on lyzak in psylsnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. it is a good tradition to carol with the picardy terc during the christmas holidays. tickets on the concert ua website.
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thatcher's reforms that laid the foundation for prosperity. state many years ahead. she was the prime minister who truly eradicated socialism from the system. the modern world is sorely lacking in leaders of the caliber of margaret thatcher. it is all the more interesting to take another look at the extraordinary life and times of this formidable woman. come back if you want. the lady only goes forward. documentary tape "thatcher". only forward. january 7 at 10:10 and 22:00 at espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present the project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who make sense of and comment on the most relevant social discussions. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, guests.
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special proper names with myroslava barchuk sunday 17:10 at espresso. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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