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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EET

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behind the forest, the forest, the sun is playing , it is playing sleepily in the mornings and evenings, the generous girl was generous , she was generous, she was giving people happiness, she was giving , she was generous, she was generous, she was generous, she was giving people happiness yes... even in the darkest and most terrible times , christmas knocks on every home, and we ukrainians know that the greatest holiday is will and victory. a holiday is when you can hug the ones you love, it's when they stand shoulder to shoulder against each other. inspire the earth, this is
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when the sky is lit not with phosphorus bombs, but with stars, this is when everyone is at home, and when at home even your house, when the strength of the family fills us with the spirit of indomitability and great love, a happy and victorious year, dear ukraine, christ was born, let us praise him. the sun laughs at us from the sky, the light pours down, cheers up every work, the holiday is coming, and may god give us all happiness. the holiday is coming and people are greeted, may
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god give us all happiness, we have waited for the holiday, children of angels, a generous evening, a new year. let's sing, glorify the sky, god grant us all happiness, let's sing, heaven, glorify, grant us, god, happiness for all, happiness to all, may god, happiness to all, grant us happiness to all, to all, may god grant happiness,
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to all, grant us happiness to all, give us sincere luck, and warm hearts, dear god, save, unite the family, our native ukraine, our god happiness to all, unite the family, native ukraine, give us all happiness, wars, storms that destroy dreams, will soon disappear forever, we will have sons, and our family will start. and i will be, and you will be
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, i will have sons, and i will be zealous, and you will be, give happiness to everyone, god give happiness to everyone, give us all happiness, give happiness to everyone, god give happiness. forgive us, give us all happiness.
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the just to see. god give happiness to all, give us happiness to all, give happiness to all, god give happiness to all, give us happiness to all, give us happiness to all, give us happiness.
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1:07 am
there are discounts on deflu, 20% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. 93 separate mechanized brigade cold ravine, has an urgent need for drones of the office, to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of the living and non-living forces of the occupier, to bring the victory that the whole of ukraine is waiting for, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes,
1:08 am
hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative radio liberty project. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to catch up. economic news and sports news for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast in winter, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening with an espresso.
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the saturday political club program is on the air, i welcome you, dear viewers, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov, as always we talk about the main events of this week, and we begin our conversation with the security situation, we remind you that ukraine is defending itself against the russian federation on an insanely long front, and there is aggravation in several points, literally the last week. was marked by frenzied shelling from the russian federation, one of them recognized as the largest
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combined fire with the use of aeroballistic weapons, almost there for some unconscious period of military history. in addition, today you and i are in this program and at this very time in pokrovsk they are dismantling the rubble of a building in which 11 people are known to have died, including five children. and russia continues to terrorize the civilian population, about all this, and not only , of course, with taras zhovtenko, an expert on international security at the democratic initiatives foundation, a candidate of political sciences and a member of the public council at the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. congratulations, glory to ukraine. i congratulate you, the hero of glory. congratulations, mr. taras. so let's start with what the real security situation looks like in the country, especially today there was a pretty important report, i think in the new york times, that the number of missiles that we... are getting from the united states for patriot batteries can to decrease significantly, i just don't understand
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whether it is because there are no missiles or because they are so expensive, this also needs to be clarified, but in any case, to what extent it will create real problems for the ukrainian of air defense, if we take into account that the patriot is not standing everywhere, and ballistic missiles are flying everywhere, but in fact, in the medium term, this will not create any tangible problems for us for the reason that part of the supplies are still... continued from the side of the united states of america, plus the white house still has about 4 billion dollars in special funds, there you need a separate authorization from the congress to get this money, this is not a question of those 60 billion for ukraine for 24 years, which was discussed at the end of last year, and it is obvious that this discussion will also be continued in the near future, because the situation there is now such that the question of financing military aid to ukraine and israel, in addition to... that this is a question of strategic, strategic american foreign policy, they are also
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tied by the administration of president biden to the issue of the annual budget of the united states in general, and since the united states is currently living on a temporary budget, the term of which expires on january 19, then by january 19, well, at least it should to go through several rounds of negotiations on what is already a serious, normal annual budget, because this is the second ... interim budget since december of '23 that the united states continues to live by in order to avoid a shutdown, which is to say, in the coming weeks, i think that the american legislators and the white house will definitely return to the issue of, well, such a serious strategic financing of ukraine, they will be forced to solve these issues, since this is a question of the annual budget, and regarding the patriot systems, there is another interesting one the fact is, back in november, the end of november , the beginning of december of the 23rd year. e washington agreed with tokyo, with japanese allies
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, that japan would sell to the united states of america, well, a fairly decent batch of interceptor missiles and patriot systems, and these missiles would be intended for ukraine. that is, it is obvious that the white house predicted that this winter, russian terrorists will try to attack ukrainian civil and energy infrastructure as much as possible, and ukrainian defenders need to have. a certain margin of safety, in the first place first, what concerns the interceptor missiles for these anti-aircraft missile systems, and accordingly, an agreement was reached with japan that these missiles will be supplied first to the united states of america, and then to ukraine, well, because there are certain internal mechanisms that do not yet allow the japanese government to directly sell weapons to ukraine, which is at war, but these agreements have been reached and it is clear that there is already a mechanism ... how they will be implemented, uh, mr. taras, throughout 2023, when ukraine was preparing its own
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offensive, in particular in the south, and we appealed to our partners to provide us with the necessary for this, in particular, weapons, remember this long catavasia with the provision of tanks and so on and so on, our partners constantly emphasized that the help that we will give you will concentrate around your abilities abilities to protect the sky. shoot down russian missiles that attack your infrastructure and so on and so forth. then many had the impression that our partners, let's say, want to provide on... air defense systems instead of providing us with offensive weapons. now, again, new york times analysts emphasize, in principle, the same thing, these attacks that happened in recent weeks, even more acutely emphasize ukraine's urgent need for air defense. this means that for
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the time being, we are putting some punctuation mark on offensive weapons, hopefully not a full stop. well, we see that our american partners. so far they put three dots, given that they have a discussion regarding the provision of offensive weapons to ukraine, well, it will now be maximally electrified by this presidential election campaign, which is about to begin, and it is clear that against this background, well , for the biden administration, especially considering that the issue is strategic financing of ukraine in the 24th year, it is still in limbo, but let's say something as concrete as possible about the fact that the white house is taking another step. forward and in addition to defensive weapons makes a strategic decision about what should be built up the supply of offensive weapons to ukraine , well, these are also additional domestic political risks, which i think the administration of president biden will not take yet, but in this contrast, very interesting statements from our european partners, as well as from the european allies of the united states, well , i will start with the statement of the ministry of foreign
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affairs of france, as a result of which there was a big fire in the swamps, and here is the foreign ministry of france about... the situation in belgorod, the situation in belgorod, and the current one was commented as follows, that it is an absolute right of ukraine for self-defense, strike on the territory of russia and neutralize the russian military potential on the territory of the russian federation, which russia uses in order to continue waging an aggressive war on the territory of ukraine, that is, we see that such statements continued to be appropriate too, with almost similar content the statement of mr. borel, the top diplomat of the european union and our others. allies in europe on the eastern european flank of nato, yes, our northern european allies also voiced almost the same opinions. we we see that against this background, our european allies can actually be a little ahead of the united states of america, after all , they have been doing this since 22, because if we look, for example, at what weapons great britain has provided us with, then we will see
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that britain is the first gave very serious samples of weapons, which were such game-changers. on the battlefield, those who change the rules. the british were the first to give us the tanks, the british were the first to give us the storm shadow cruise missiles, and finally the french then gave us the scalps, right? the americans with the atakams still cannot decide yes or no, so to speak. therefore, i think that the european allies will now use this impasse in the middle of the united states of america in order to, well, let's say, to have additional leadership positions in support of ukraine, and in the end ... to implement this vision that is shared by many in fact, european countries that european security should primarily depend on european states and that this rather difficult dependence of europe on states in terms of ensuring security with this something must be done and europe in this context must be more autonomous, well , this is a chance for our european allies
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to demonstrate this not only by statements but also in practice, well, in the end we will see, i think that our european allies have every chance to... ... you have greater autonomy in terms of ensuring your own security and in terms of supporting ukraine in countering the russian threat, without the more proactive position of the states that everyone is used to. well, on the other hand, i don't know how sensational mr. taras's reaction can be western countries to strike at belgorod, because they kept saying, well, you can hit the territory of russia, just not with our missiles, just not with our weapons. the question arises, do you even expect this position to ever change? changes in such a position, and this position may gradually change, but we see that our european allies, they are making it so that it is not the position that changes, but the situation that changes, because well, we even see this not only with our european allies, but and in washington, so those statements that sound about that ukraine should establish its own
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weapons production, and it is obvious that it will be weapons production based on western technologies and western licenses. and it will ultimately be the same western weapons, only produced in ukraine, and it is obvious that these weapons, which will already be produced in ukraine, and will not be delivered from factories there in germany, in the united states of america, or in france or in britain, here are these restrictions, they will no longer be distributed, that is, the west will simply maintain this position and will have the opportunity to further speak from these positions and say: well, you see that western-made weapons do not hit the territory of russia, but that ukraine has learned to produce the same weapons itself. well, these are already ukrainian weapons, we cannot regulate these issues here, because ukraine is a sovereign state, it is fighting for its own independence for its own survival, and therefore the weapons that they produce, they can use them. absolutely as they see fit. and the fact that our western partners are aiming at exactly what to develop primarily ukrainian military-industrial complex, it is clear that this is not some short-term
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perspective, but nevertheless, well, if, the more we build up our own capacity, even just collect, yes , some western models of weapons on the territory of ukraine, here we are the germans are already being helped by zavodal, so announced about its launch in the near future, it is clear that there will be a minimum of open information there. but nevertheless, here are these weapons, they will already be ukrainian weapons, and it is obvious that, for example, the same marders or leopards are potentially gathered on the territory of ukraine, with our factory capabilities, yes, capacities, they can absolutely cross the border of the russian federation, our western partners will only welcome this, and while we are talking about our ability to shoot down russian missiles, we cannot ignore the latest features of the attacks, some from rockets used by russia were produced literally in the last quarter of 2023, the russians also used weapons kindly given to them by the evil spirit, as
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they say, north korea, which allegedly now also has something to do, they are shelling the sea and the border areas with south korea. in a word, what are the prospects for the fact that we will more often see shooting down and, unfortunately, landing on the territory of our country, precisely the weapons of such a campaign. not russian, but the practice of how moscow agreed with tigran, unfortunately, shows that with all the possibilities to also agree with pyongyang that north korea supplies its weapons samples to the russian terrorist army, unfortunately, this is the reality with which we have to to deal with, that is, we understand that on the one hand, the russian military and political leadership is doing this, as they say, not from an easy life, yes, that is, it is obvious that their military-industrial complex is not coping. with the level of expenditure and ammunition and missiles, and losses of equipment on the battlefield, yes, but nevertheless, and they are also forced to run with an outstretched hand, and to north korea, and to iran,
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but nevertheless, that the fact that these countries agree to help russia, and the fact that russia will receive samples of weapons and a corresponding amount, of course, which is not which could fully satisfy the russian generals, yes, because otherwise, well, they just asked someone for all this. but nevertheless, it will significantly help the russian command to stay afloat and continue to fight the way they are used to fighting, primarily based on quantity and not on quality, because if we are talking about north korea itself, then after all to ballistic missiles in, the comrade supplied the russian federation with artillery shells and shells for jet systems volley fire, it is true there they said that the quality of these projectiles was so-so, and even there there was a certain small... batch of these projectiles that fell into the hands of the armed forces of ukraine, and we , too, from our side could look at these products, the northern korean technological miracles, and to make sure that in fact
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there is no quality there, and somewhere around a third of these shells, well, they simply either break in the barrels or fly to the wrong place, but despite the fact that north korea in general put first million, and then another 500,000 of those shells, so even if you reject a third of those 500,00, that would still be a million shells. additional ones that the russian artillery received, and this is the same million shells that we did not receive from the european union, which were also promised to us under a separate program until march 24th, so, unfortunately, the fact that the russians still manage to agree on these here are additional supplies of weapons from iran from north korea, this will in principle allow the russian command, well, somewhere on some at such an average minimum level, but continue to conduct this aggressive military campaign based on... quantitative indicators not only in meat, yes in personnel and in these meat assaults, but unfortunately also in those strike systems that the russians use and against our military, and against our,
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unfortunately, civilian targets as well. thank you, mr. tarasa, taras zhovtenko, international security expert of the democratic initiative foundation, candidate of political sciences, member of the public council at the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, we were on the phone, we will now take a break for a few minutes, but please don't switch. there are 20% discounts on citrik in psylszynyk fam and oschad pharmacies. there are 20% discounts on fkalor in podorozhnyk fam and oschad pharmacies. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is a shipping district, kherson has benefited from its inclusion.
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we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl winter's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests. studio events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day
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with the help of a telephone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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we continue the saturday political club program, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. we will immediately add our next guest for the conversation, igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university. already in touch with us. mr. igor, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, friends, i congratulate all the viewers. you know lately sir igor, the discussion surrounding the possibility of transferring russian assets to ukraine, which are currently frozen in the west, has intensified, and the question arises as to how realistic this conversation is at all, or it may simply be an element of pressure on moscow, well, based on the fact that there are reports that that it is already being discussed at the level of consultations between the g7 countries and the european union, i think it is serious, and by the way.
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in the united states there is one, at least one very famous lawyer, professor of constitutional law, and professor at harvard university, laurence tribe, he's written several articles about it, and he 's argued on television that it's possible because sovereign russian assets, they're not private property that's protected, say in the united states by the constitution, and the state can't... confiscate without a court verdict, and since these are sovereign assets, it is justified by the fact that if russia is an aggressor state that carried out armed aggression, committed war crimes and does not want to compensate the victim of aggression for all losses, and even then it is quite possible to confiscate these assets on the benefit of ukraine in this case, well, this is
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his point of view. you and i are not lawyers, but i think this is serious and this is actually being discussed. in general, if we are talking about the decision of the united states to provide aid to ukraine, israel, and taiwan, the actual negotiations for concessions are continuing in order to move this decision from a standstill, but at what stage are these negotiations? i tried to find some. news about this, the latest news, they date from december, although it said, that the senators, even during the holidays, during the vacations that they went on, they continue to consult, there is a group of six senators, three democrats and three republicans, who are negotiating a compromise that will not stand...


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