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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EET

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the destruction of a military facility in the crimea and sevastopol was effective, it begins with the planning and involvement of ukrainian partisans, ukrainian kulaks, who actually operate both in the crimea and in sevastopol, and this history has at least nine years of such coordination activity, now during the full-scale russian-ukrainian war, the activity of our partisan movement in sevastopol and in crimea has significantly intensified, and this is also not a secret, but of course, the details are hardly those that touch... the process in general , well, until the end of the war, it is unlikely that they will report, but what is happening is a complex approach to identify such sweet targets of the enemy, it is obvious, space intelligence is working, air reconnaissance is working, pay attention, we constantly see on the internet, in particular in the channels, are monitoring regarding the problems of crimea, based on the information that various types of radar reconnaissance boards are constantly working over the waters of the black sea and over the waters of ukraine, which border. from the black sea on
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the territory of romania, bulgaria, moldova, accordingly, radio-technical intelligence on the movement of enemy forces and assets in crimea and sevastopol is carried out, but of course, the most effective and efficient development is intelligence, directly on the territory of crimea and sevastopol, and such activity exists and it is precisely this that is decisive during decision-making, for which purposes damage should be inflicted, we partially know about this information. from the message of the ukrainian intelligence, mr. yusaf from time to time reports that, well, for example, before launching a missile attack on the dry docks, where the big amphibious ship minsk and the submarine rostov-nadanu were located at that time, this is the dry dock of the sevmor plant in sevastopol, accordingly , our werewolves first worked there, who made sure that these two combat units of the russian black sea fleet were present at the plant, well then the rocket did its wonderful work. and these
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two combat units are unlikely to ever join the ranks of the russian black sea fleet. and this is great news, because it started such a serious tradition. inflict damage directly in the main bay or on the territory of the main base of the russian black sea fleet, sevastopol. i am sure that there will be more in the future, and paying attention to such loud and nervous statements of the goalie there, rozvazhaev, surnamed kolobok, to me. it seems that he is so nervous for a reason, because he understands that sevastopol is the territory of responsibility , putin will directly ask him where the most powerful russian air defense in the world is located and should operate on the territory of sevastopol, if ukrainian drones and missiles constantly visit of this city will be carried out damage to military facilities. by the way, pay attention, unlike the missile terror that the russian army every time commits, targeting objects on the territory of our
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country that have nothing to do with the ukrainian defense forces, our forces act absolutely rationally, balanced, with jubilee accuracy , destroy precisely military facilities, facilities of military infrastructure, as well as enterprises of the russian defense-industrial complex, because in fact this is a completely rational approach, we have literally stubbornly insufficient resources, so we have to use them exclusively on the objects on which the combat ambivalence of the occupying army depends, and this is an absolutely pragmatic, rational approach, which in the end will pay off, because the more the enemy will lose directly to the base point at factories, bases, arsenals and warehouses , the less that rags fly to our land. ladyslav, i want to ask you a somewhat personal question, but i think the answer will be interesting to everyone, we have many military experts, many people who pretend to be... military experts, i have
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trust in very few people, including you, regarding crimea, especially since you, well , you are from crimea yourself, and you know everything there and served there, please tell me what is your methodology for assessing what is happening, my god, we we understand that war is a lie, another name for war is a lie, and the enemy uses lies to the fullest, as well as telegram channels and those vindictivenesses that you mentioned. and their other propaganda there is, well, probably some methodology by which you evaluate, and when you tell us about what you think happened, is happening, as simple as i want, maybe you can learn something from such an informative analysis, well, i think that it will be somewhat interesting for our viewers, who are also intelligent viewers who want to understand everything, not an expert, but at least there well, as
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a person, it's hard to hang a nook on the boat, so the first thing we need to understand is that war is not black and white, war is distinct. and accordingly, in order to understand the level of awareness and verification of these or other sources of information, we must look at their activity in a certain such prolonged period why because often densely, even respectable and well-known telegram channels do their dirty work, they spread about 60% of true information like the german fascist army did at one time. talking about the activities of the wehrmacht at the front, and 40% was false information that created relevant informational narratives and created a corresponding mood both directly in the society of hitler's germany at that time and in
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the countries that fought germany. a very versatile approach that allowed having quite so balanced and. a brand name, let's say , a name, to use this name to promote relevant information, this is exactly how i act now when i investigate the activities, including russian, of some from-publics, there are outright liars, there are those who work exclusively for the needs of the russian eps, whether in the execution of the russian, the russian ministry of assassinations or the russian general staff, or perhaps the fsb or other special forces. of the russian federation, there is the same activity of the ukrainian special services, which have their own information narratives, thorough the research of the mass of information that they will spread allows us to understand where there are lies, and where, and where there may be some grains of true
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information, you are absolutely right, in terms of the fact that war is a path of deception, and here we must be as responsible as possible , consuming the same'. any information must be verified, confirmed by several sources of information independent of each other, because otherwise it will seem that this is information that is designed to create in us such a, uh, such a, such a catch, regarding those or other information that directly needs an organizer, therefore the consumption of information is responsible, and besides, you absolutely rightly noted, i am a crimean. i have the opportunity to find out directly from the residents of crimea certain details of what is happening, how it is happening, if the information about the explosions in feadosia or yesterday's explosions in the equator and in sevastopol first came to me from the residents of these settlements, then i can understand where
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exactly , when exactly that incident happened, and then as much as possible, of course, the residents there they inform me, well, who do i keep in touch with, what exactly from... it is clear that the russians are blocking, they are not giving the local residents the opportunity to approach the cities where the cotton happened, a lot of restrictions and a lot of controls, and in general, this is an anti-ukrainian story history in the crimean society, well , there should be less of yours in the information space, therefore my sources of information act as carefully and carefully as possible in order to expose myself once more to the activities of the so-called crimean smersh. but it is possible with the help of interpolation of information from different sources make appropriate balanced conclusions. regarding moderation, we understand how filigree the approach to probably one of the main acts of the struggle for ukrainian crimea,
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the destruction of the kerch bridge, should be. mr. vladyslav, you talked about it, and i would like to now, well, go a little deeper into this issue, as far as time allows, well, we understand. that ukraine has scalps, and our air force works with these missiles, we have evidence, in particular from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, that atakams have already been successfully used in ukraine. but at the same time, many say that the issue of the kerch bridge can be solved exclusively by the german tauros, and even though it is essentially a brother or sister, as you like, that's it. actually produced by the same mbda company, but it has a peculiarity of a concrete-blasting combat unit, which, judging by everything, will be able to overcome this construction, which was built completely unnecessarily, as was correctly said
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in crimea, or indeed only taurus, because political signals even the most conservative are not happy about providing us with this missile. more in germany, representatives of the bundestag are already saying that it must be given, but the government is still holding back, and the spokesman for the german federal government, steffen. nebeshreit said just this week that we strongly condemn the actions of the russian army and the order of russian president putin regarding the massive attacks on ukraine, but the tauruses are not ready to give yet. in fact, this is a very serious problem, because it seems to me that absolutely all conscious, i emphasize conscious german politicians understand that if putin takes over ukraine, poland will be next, then germany, because putin dreams of restoring moscow's rule. in the borders then even before the 91st year of the so-called warsaw pact,
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according to those conditions, the eastern part of the now united germany with its capital in berlin was under the control of muscovy, and in this sense i am surprised by the anti-ukrainian position of the same robert fitso, the prime minister of slovakia or the same viktor orbán, the prime minister of hungary, because it seems that these officials have forgotten when er... the boot of a soviet soldier trampled their land, the land of the country whose leaders they are, but i understand that there may be certain backstories that force fizo and orbán to behave exactly the way they do, so it is not worth counting on their support for now, but it is worth turning to all the conscious countries of the world, for the sake of uniting, to support the same evil aggression that is currently being created and produced by the russian federation and its leader vladimir putin, therefore, in any case, work is being done to convince our
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german partners to transfer the same tauruses and to convince our american partners in terms of transmitting attacks with a warhead of a high-explosive type fragment and the ability to give a distance of up to 300 km, and the result of this activity is worth continuing to implement this case. it is obvious that we have a lot of work ahead of us and... it is equally obvious that we have something to reproach ourselves with, because the war has actually been going on for 10 years, have we done everything to fully restore our missile factory industry, in order for us to have our own samples of the same taurs or atakows or create our own unique sperm like modernized neptunes, so as not to reproach us, our western partners, but to have our own missile strike capabilities. because the issue of the combat mission of the ukrainian army, this, it is
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the basis for posing the key question, whether there will be ukraine tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, whether it will happen that putin's army , having broken the resistance of the ukrainian army, will destroy ukraine as a state and destroy every ukrainian, ukrainian as component, the community of peoples of the world, because it is precisely such alarmist plans that putin's cronies and putin himself will spread every time. his henchmen, and therefore in we have no other way than to look for opportunities to increase the volume of our own defense production to strengthen the ukrainian army, including through processes related to mobilization. the only issue that, in my opinion , is not properly organized to some extent is the issue of communication, communication between the ukrainian society and the ukrainian authorities, because obviously, there is no such dialogue. we have such problems, despair, overheated expectations, disappointment, it creates such a negative
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information space, when only at the expense of large-scale missile attacks we remember that we must unite, we must stick together, because otherwise putin will destroy us all one by one. ugh. thank you, vladyslav, for the inclusion, we really appreciate it. we really appreciate this analytics. vladyslav selezny, military expert, spokesperson of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. from 2014 to the 17th year, well, they report, once again, thanks to our movement, and also, in particular, in crimea, that yevpatoria still has a minus radar station, and this cannot help but please us, in fact, from now on we let's talk about what concerns crimea in the humanitarian aspect, what stirred up ukrainians on new year 's eve, and what, as far as i was concerned, was a little overlooked, but now it is re-emerging about the problems of reintegration in the future of the temporarily occupied... island with oleg saakyan, political scientist, manager platform single coordination center, already in a few moments. hello,
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this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bahmu. and we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 a.m. events, events that are happening right now and affect ours. life, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. we are continuing our
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joint project, the joint project of the atr tv channel and spresso, together beraber, we are talking about the temporarily occupied crimea, and actually, many ukrainians were upset by the jokes of the 95th quarter on new year's eve, which related to the residents of the occupied skadovsk in the kherson region and their efforts to speak the ukrainian language, well, this story is here. a lot of attention, but in my opinion undeservedly little attention was attracted by another simply shameful , but in my opinion much more traditional, because it is 10 years of occupation, a story about jokes about crimea, in the diesel show, oh my god, what kind of garbage is this, you don't know, but it's actually very popular, it's a top comedy show, right now
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i don't know if they, by the way, with a quarter somewhere around, that's how it appears on the tv channel. can't remember which one, well, it doesn't really matter , it's a really top comedy show, as much as we pretend now that we don't want to know anything about it, we're just avoiding, i don't know, i'm not profiting, ayder, we do not have , as a journalist with you, the right to avoid this history altogether, in which, unfortunately, in which the ukrainian people live, it is huge, it is very interesting, in a word, how they seem to have boundaries. those of the temporarily occupied crimea. in new year's issue of dieselshow mocked the indigenous inhabitants of the peninsula, who have been under russian occupation for 10 years. in their number , ukrainian humorists duplicate the narrative of russian propaganda, which broadcasts that ukrainians in crimea unanimously supported the annexation. according to the story of the number, ukrainians burned
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their ukrainian passports and tore up hryvnias, destroying the vyshyvanka in 2014, and when the armed forces come. ukrainians, it's like a look into the future, are considering how to quickly change their shoes. dedzel shows crimeans as hypocrites who rehearse the phrase to of the ukrainian military, dear, how we have been waiting for you for a long time. crimean tatars are called a nomadic people without passports in the number. the characters of the issue speak the language of the occupiers with a characteristic russian accent, and in more detail, i suggest you watch the breakdown on detector media, thanks to colleagues from this publication for ... they are working on cleaning our infospace and such, well, i have a couple of words about this, i really haven't heard anything about this diesel show, but i want to say, these are unacceptable things, this is racism, and mine and throw nomadic, foreign people, crimea on their own land, in crimea, and in principle, no matter how much time and
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inspiration i have, there is simply no time to deal with other matters, i would file a lawsuit against them in court, i urge you to let it be heard in the information space, maybe be the prosecutor's office of crimea, or there may be other authorities, there may be the security service of ukraine, pay attention to attempts to sow discord, make slander against ukrainians and crimeans who are under occupation against their own will, and they do a lot, we just know that if these until they don't know what ours are not doing people are there then let them find out, i think that they deserve absolutely the same gate, as well as in a good sense, as well as these people, by the way, the actress vacationed there in the crimea in the 17th and 19th years, well, it has been since quarter 9, yes, well, you know that, this is a quarter, not a quarter, these are just specific people who have no conscience and also, well,
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draw attention to themselves with russian jokes, they remind me a lot of something like such ukrainophobes. anecdotes that very often sounded there in various places, i heard it a lot when i lived in russia, but in ukraine is currently at war, well, it’s simple, it ’s simple, i apologize, yes, the most interesting thing is that the reaction to skadovsk in the kherson region was more vivid than to crimea, well, probably, after all, the term of occupation here decides something, i would i wanted to add to our conversation oleg sahakyan, a political scientist, the head of the unified coordination... center platform, he is in touch with us oleg, congratulations, glory to ukraine, unfortunately, we cannot hear oleg, here in the studio, at least, congratulations, i'm glad see and hear very mutually, well, here we are discussing the peculiarities of monopolists of humor on ukrainian television, not only skadovska got, but also the residents of the temporarily occupied crimea, who
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have been under occupation for 10 years, i don't know if there is any reflection on this, olezh, then please be very brief, instead, i would like to talk about those steps in the direction of the future reintegration of the temporarily occupied crimea, because in fact the personnel initiatives that appear in... look quite optimistic, but will they be enough? please. well, i think that this is actually a step into the topic of reintegration, because one of the key areas, which reintegration should take place - it is about meanings, it is about our perception of the situation, placing all the dots above and, and, unfortunately, this has not been done to a sufficient extent. and then low-grade humor, of course, which is one of the first to react to it, and it manifests these stereotypes in such a grotesque, peak form, and ... with a brachomoristic taste, it turns from irony or self-irony into making fun of some difficult moments of our
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existence with the fact that to extract the very essence from the air, turns into simply playing on shameful stereotypes and instead of irony in humiliation, but it also occurs in other places, reacting to this situation with the quarter and with kadovsk. i published a photo of a diary, which, for example, i saw in 2016, just in a kyiv supermarket, where in some strange way national costumes are distributed on the map only in the west of ukraine and in sumy region, one in donetsk region, luhansk region, crimea, kherson, dnipro, zaporizhzhia, and further down the list, it turns out that there were either naked people, or there are no costumes, or you and i do not know the thesis about what we called ourselves, i remember the history textbook. which were released in ukraine and how the activists from donetsk then raised an e -hevalta because the following was written, well , i almost quote:
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euromaidan was launched in all regions of ukraine, except for donetsk, luhansk and crimea. let me remind you that i don't know the exact date in crimea and donetsk, but i know the participants of the euromaidan there, and in donetsk he left exactly at the same moment, and to be precise, even an hour earlier than he gathered. in kyiv and stood from the first day, not to mention the movement of resistance to the occupation, which since march gathered up to 10 thousand people under the ukrainian flag, but it was written in the textbook of the history of ukraine, and then i can still go to the quarter with the diesel show, demonstrating how in ukraine we still live russian myths about the events, which we all witnessed in real life as society were, and still are, these narratives that were abandoned by the enemies, in particular the thesis of the separatists, in general. who and what are the separatists, this is a completely different phenomenon than what we have with collaborators who acted in the interests of russia, because what is being fought for
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a separatist, he fights for his own and for himself, and what did those who collaborated fight for in crimea, in the east, for russia, for secession to russia, not for their own and not for centuries, having their own identity and so on, so if we talk about reintegration, then... the part of the software, i.e. the soft elements are worldview , there are still serious problems in ukraine, although work is being carried out in crimea, i would say, even better than in the east, there is a representative office here the president of the republic of crimea is really doing quite serious and good work, let's see how far the institutions are will be able to implement it, here i have some points of skepticism, next to that the personnel potential is being formed, and here i can also note the policy in the east, since the flagships... in fact, for the newly supervised territories, the practice of implementation and the personnel reserve and priority plans for the implementation of their activities by the bodies authorities in the newly occupied territories were and are kharkiv region and
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zaporizhzhia, which actually were one of the first to start producing these mechanisms at the state level, there is a resolution of the relevant cabinet of ministers, which is quite amorous, it does not give prioritization, but nevertheless , creates a legal framework within which the military administrations can then act and already create... specific and effective applied plans, which they did in kharkiv oblast, zaporizhzhia, i know that such a process exists in other regions as well , but in these two two regions, they were the flagships and worked out their work in quite detail, which then became an example for others, that is, in this category, if we talk about the reaction right here and now at the time of deoccupation of the primary steps, then we have good precedents, if we talk about the long vision, then crimea itself, but coming back comprehensively, the topic of deoccupation and reintegration after the war. this is not only about priority measures, it is a very systematic, long process, which should contain various components, starting from the world government, ending with economic, demographic, managerial, personnel, etc.
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and if we talk about awareness of the need for this and, in general, the ability of the ukrainian state to reintegrate, then i will give only one example from kyiv, when they say that de-occupation is about what is there, about reintegration there, no, it is about us, about the ability of the ukrainian state to reintegrate, to reintegrate, we have not had such experience in history for a long time, the only experience of the colonization of ukraine and the reintegration of chova is actually the east, far away. of the russian empire, where ukrainians immigrated, created a green wedge, other wedges , and actually built from scratch, or built with restoring what was destroyed there, inside ukraine, the russians know how, they enter the territory quite quickly, as they know how, with a dictatorship, barbaric, through destruction, etc., master the territories, but in us this experience is forgotten, we have a monument to lenin in kiev, where the pedestal remains, and the anniversary will soon be here. 10
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years since ukraine did not master these few square meters of occupied territories, they were occupied, however, the place is empty, it is strange, and as a result a monument of what, this is a monument of the inability of the ukrainian state to redevelop even public spaces that have already been vacated , which are already occupied, and which are located in the very heart of the state, it seemed that nothing should prevent them from doing this, it was only recently removed. again discussion, and what is in place? there is nothing in place, and now the youth or someone is meeting here, and as they say, shall we meet near what, the bedside tables by the lenin monument, near the lenin memorial, or near what? there is not even a name for it, accordingly, this indicates how much this issue is a priority for the ukrainian state, how much it is capable of dealing with it. oleg, thank you very much, i hope that we will be able
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to expand the horizons of this extremely important topic already in our next programs, oleg sahakyan, political scientist, manager platform, the unified coordination center was in touch with us. well, choch saal, it was very interesting, actually a very long conversation, maybe on this topic, maybe we will invite oleg there for the next programs and we will talk, for sure. well, it's time to say goodbye to our viewers, we continue our monitoring and such analytical work regarding crimea, during the next week and... we will meet next saturday, thank you, this is beraber together, a joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel, ayderzhdaye with khrystyna yatskiv for you . welcome to the espresso channel. government of ukraine
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plans to increase this year. the production capacity of the domestic defense-industrial complex has increased six times compared to the 23rd year. increasing the capabilities of the defense industry should scale the production of long-range missile systems, drones, shells, armored vehicles and other systems for our military. currently, according to the ministry of strategic industries, ukraine's defense-industrial complex includes 500 enterprises, which employ 300,000 workers. however... it should be understood that currently four out of five companies actually belong to our opc private, and this component develops primarily at the expense of the initiative of managers and collectives of enterprises that create the necessary weapons for our army and defense forces. so we will talk about the possibilities of private companies, how their potential was realized last year, what are the plans for the current year, in
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the next edition of our magazine. programs about war and weapons and in general on and in general by companies and on the example of specific samples of weapons and equipment. my name is serhii zguryts, i am the director of the defense express company together with the espresso channel, now seeks to cover the most relevant events in the life of our army and the defense-industrial complex. and now we are joined by serhiy vysotskyi, deputy head of the public organization national association of the defense industry of ukraine for strategic communication. sir i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you, yes, i congratulate you, mr. sergey, i congratulate you, dear tv viewers, i am glad to see you and to hear you too, you have been working in this position for some time, i think that you have familiarized yourself in detail with the capabilities of those companies that today are part of your association, and we would like you to tell our viewers what the current capacity and...


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