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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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it is for the labor, for the labor hours needed to produce a weapon or some type of ammunition there, well , about 30% of the cost of production, they are very low, well , 5%, relatively speaking, of the cost of some final product , it's robo work, so it's actually a very regulated field, there's no excess profits there, if the company is working honestly and there's no corrupt... er price gouging for some of the weapons and ammunition related products there, and what's more, you have to understand that if we are talking about the private sector, well, the military industry does not exist in the private sector public funding, no subsidies , no direct investment, public or private, in fact, almost all, almost all of this profit that is made, it is reinvested in... to increase
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capacity, but i know examples of companies that simply 100% of this profit reinvested in new production facilities in the relocation of enterprises, which is evidently necessary from the point of view of our, well, such a security situation in terms of missile attacks, and even if this is not something so sky-high and it is not some kind of deal, it is a business that works. in a highly regulated regulatory field with very small percentages of profits, which are reinvested in ukraine to have more weapons, so that our armed forces can receive more shells, more mortars, more armored vehicles, more other types of ammunition, more means of radio-electronic warfare and intelligence , more, more , more, more, that's why this situation with the dsu, it was so blatant, because... that actually we
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interpret it, well, as sabotage against the defense-industrial complex of ukraine, because it should be noted that this audit dosu, he did not apply exclusively to private enterprises, no, in fact, the entire military industry of ukraine, both state and private, was under attack, for some reason deciding, despite the existence of the law on defense procurement, despite the existence of relevant cabinet resolutions. of ministers, dasu took out of context only one resolution of the cabinet of ministers 335 and said that all the profits of the entire ukrainian military industry for the 22nd year are losses of the state budget, and therefore all companies, there company directors, corresponding officials, should be in prison, if it is a loss to the state budget, then what, well, it's prison further, and it was a very interesting example of how our military-industrial complex could simply stand up, you know, in one week, due to searches , through criminal. proceedings due to some legal
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proceedings, and also due to the possible reluctance of even some owners to continue this work, because if you have a choice, you know, very much we live in reality, they often do not understand, unfortunately, in which situation our citizens are at risk and tense, there is our the military-industrial complex, well, everyone works in three shifts, yes, it's a 24-hour job, it's... it's the threat of missile attacks, and i have to say, well, people are dying, no matter how effective our air defense is, no matter how much we strengthen it , unfortunately, there are examples , well, when, we heard the last example, it ’s emtak production, when missile strikes are carried out, people die there, well, this is a huge production process, this is a huge industry, on which it directly depends survival of our state, survival.
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there is enough enough time left that now the situation looks like now, now we , on behalf of the association, this is our association, and the union of employers of ukraine, and the union of light industry, we are together with the ministry of defense, and i thank the ministry of defense for once again a constructive, very very sober position, a draft resolution to the cabinet of ministers was developed in order to resolve this issue, it must be said that this issue for the future, that is, for the 23rd year, has already been resolved, that is, the relevant norms , changes were made there, and now, well, if making a profit is you can't write off losses to the state budget, well, but for the 22nd year there remains this problem, if a resolution of the cabinet of ministers was developed, it was submitted before the new year for consideration by the cabinet of ministers, now we are waiting for an answer. the decision
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of the prime minister to bring this resolution, which will settle this critical issue, to the meeting of the cabinet of ministers, of course on our behalf. industry on behalf of the military-industrial complex, we call on the prime minister to bring it to the attention of the cabinet of ministers as soon as possible. mr. serhiu, thank you very much for these explanations, they are important in the context of the situation surrounding these inspections of navodi, the enterprise is part of navodi, and i will remind our viewers that it was serhiy vysotskyi, deputy head of the public organization national association of the defense industry of ukraine for strategic communications. we see that there is potential... in private enterprises, but such things created by the audit service really undermine this potential and create risks, we hope that the prime minister will still decide to adopt a resolution, which will stop these illogical actions on the part of
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the auditing service. and then we will talk about specific samples of military equipment and weapons, which are created by creative teams, private companies, using drones as an example. of the backfire complex, but about it after the advertising and information block. nothing has worked yet, not yet, constipation, oh , normolact, dear, take normolact, normolact eliminates constipation, normalizes the work of the intestines, restores the amount of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, everything worked out, normolact and everything will work out, special performance of the legendary guru. on january 8, the stage of the lviv opera, tickets on
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society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict from... every weekday from 8pm to 10pm for espresso. 93 separate mechanized brigade cold yar is in dire need of fp drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. for the approaching victory, which is waiting for. all of ukraine. glory to ukraine. glory be to the heroes. we continue our program on war and weapons. and then we will talk about the project, which is unique in a certain way, because
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we have a significant number of drones that are used in the armed forces, there are within 70 different types and models, there are strike, reconnaissance drones. for strike drones there are a certain number of different munitions that are created according to the specifics of each type, but here is the team , which we will now talk about further, it started from its own concept of using shocks in drones, and this is how the unmanned shock complex called backfire appeared, and now we are joined by artem sherbakivskyi, this is the operator unmanned aerial vehicle of the combined squad of evil birds and actually one of the members of this team, which... is this quite an interesting complex, mr. artem, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, congratulations, i would like you to tell our viewers in a little more detail what it is backfire, because they probably forgot something, we talked with you about six months ago, and i think during that time, maybe
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the complex has changed, but i would like you to tell such general things, or our viewers would have an idea about what we will continue to talk, yes, of course, it has... changed a bit, we are not standing still, we are constantly improving, backfire is an aircraft-type uav, that is, an aircraft of about 3.2 m. to understand the dimensions, it flies now at a distance a little more than 50 km in one direction, and it carries a useful load of 5.5 kg already six months ago it was 3.8 to 4 kg, now it is already 5.5, in principle the uniqueness is well... we did not invent anything beyond our capabilities,
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so to speak, we simply combined good solutions and packed them in a very stable case, stable in plan like an airplane, that's why it turns out to be effective for us. uh , there are already more, i think, for today at this moment, probably about 200 sorties, and the plane works constantly, well, it is not alone, of course, sometimes the enemy shoots down, well, any weapon can be destroyed, our the plane is the same, sometimes it is shot down, but this much harder. for example, the enemy cannot
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silence it with a rebo, radio-electronic warfare, it is also quite problematic to shoot it down with some kind of missile, because it does not have a thermal trace, for example, ah, they usually shoot it down with a large caliber, these are zushki, or - kpvt, for example, too, well i.e. you you do not say the main nuance of the complex is that, in fact, it ensures the destruction of the enemy with ammunition that is dropped from this complex, but it goes according to the programmed coordinates and rep complexes, the enemy simply cannot be suppressed, this is the main feature of your development , as i understand it, yes, because there is nothing to suffocate there, he flew, he has a mission, he bombed and returned, well, from the latest interesting videos, which also began to circulate on enemy channels, this is when our plane, so to speak, makes
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a cluster bombing, it's about 18, at that time we dropped 18 vogs, a very impressive video, on light non-armored vehicles, that is, on cars. uh, and it was in the deep, uh, in the enemy depth, so to speak, then i 'll beat you up a little, here we are about this video there was some controversy on the eve of our program, because there are literally 6 seconds where cluster munitions are unloaded, but now we have this video, maybe we will show it there in the context of our conversation, but what made me smile there was the reaction of the enemies, here i found a reaction to to the enemy... in the public, what was written, in russian, there, the armed forces of ukraine
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for the first time used a new drone with the ability to drop a large amount of cluster munitions, the ukrainian backfire drone, the angry birds unit dropped a large amount of munitions on the positions of the rsfsr in the svo zone. we hope that in the near future our drones will be engaged in the development of similar machines. begs the question, what's got them so worried, can they do it again and what's the performance of the bekwair strikes now, you said about 200 sorties, are there any other good targets other than what we saw in this short video with the cluster munitions, so there is damage to the enemy’s reb, there is damage to enemy complexes... in air defense, short-range,
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that is, the work is ongoing, effective, and, as you can see, from the enemy’s public, they, they used to laugh, now they are already thinking about what to do with it, well , we will see in time, if everything goes as planned and... the troops will be fed up with our complex to a large extent, then it will become a serious problem for them, when and... . there will be thousands of them, and by the way, regarding the order, if we don’t say too much, that is , are the ministry of defense, the ministry of statistics ordering now, or as before, most importantly, let’s say this, well, due to the initiative of your team , the production of these complexes is increasing, which is now situation, and the order is quite voluminous, well
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that's right say well and in fact , do the capacities of your team now allow us to satisfy this order, which i think will be more and more, it will be good, do you need to expand the capacities, or do you need money, so to speak, in order to buy something there, to expand the team of manufacturers , as this component is currently being resolved, of course , funding is also needed for new developments, because in addition to... uh, this aircraft, we also have a number of promising uh, promising weapons uh, and uh, in principle, we are following a slightly non-standard path in terms of production a-a we want to do, so to speak
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, franchising, well, such a fornetti from armaments. when anyone with some finances and understanding of production will be able to produce our complexes at their capacity, that is, it will provide us with saturation and there will be no specific point for the enemy who can destroy it and destroy production, well then it means that you have to prepare perfect package documentation, write down all technological cycles, make such a grozbuk there in digital form, which is transferred, well, to your partner, and where, conditionally saying, he will be able to repeat it, for now i think that this will be such a first experience, then at what stage with this first experience are you now, and there are just a few agreements
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on production at other capacities, in principle, we are working on it, there is an understanding, how to do it, how to scale, because uh, most of our team, ah, and civilians that we have, and military personnel, military personnel, ah, they, with an interesting background in business, in various fields, and in in principle, we don't have any new uh... solutions, we just we transfer our former civilian experience to the military industry, it is clear, and then another component mentioned essentially how then these new teams that receive this complex, from the point of view of its use, is it difficult from the point of view of preparing there calculation for programming
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for launching there for the formation of a combat unit, like this component, no, it is not a component. it is quite easy to use, you can learn it in a week, plus another week of flying under the guidance of instructors and you are ready to use, it is not difficult in itself, but in the future we plan more to make it simpler at the expense of a row. a number of new software that will simplify the use, that is, there will be a number of buttons, a take-off point, an ammunition drop point, a landing point and everything, he put
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it on the screen, it will make the route for you, take into account the altitude, take into account the weather. at the moment of the mission, and it will fly already according to the coordinate, that is, we are going to that, in principle, one of the concepts of all our developments, ideally, this is the maximum easy-to-use weapon, there is one of the developments, it is no longer a secret, we are talking about it said, this will be a chip for guidance for any fpvdron, which will lower the input threshold. precisely in the kamikaze copter for pilots, there will be target acquisition, pressing one button and it... that is, it will be a module that can be used in all our fpv drones, as i understand it, and this is precisely this
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terminal stage, the final stage, which is the most difficult, which, in fact, well, then the entire russian trench rap will be removed, because if there is such an extension, then it means that we will deprive it of this potential, what are there now he is trying to create there, it looks like this, you have noticed it quite correctly. exactly, and when to expect this fundamental breakthrough solution? it is already there, it is already on the chip, we are already testing it, here again, the issue of additional funding, because in principle, our team has come to the point that we do not plan to produce. er, any of our solutions, we want to bring them to the final sample,
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so to speak, already in the factory and pass it on to others for production, ah, this enables us, we do not concentrate on the production ones some capacities of the production organization, and this makes it possible. to scale quickly and effectively, that is, but i'm just going to digest the information about this module right now, it's actually a very necessary and revolutionary solution, because it can really now, well , multiply the efficiency of using our fpv drones, and this means that if we are heard , and we will probably write some news about this after that, because it is extremely important and that our brave1 there is the ministry of strategy and industry, the ministry of defense, because if there really are such developments, then it is necessary as quickly as possible to put into practice and scaling and use on the battlefield, so i would like you to emphasize once again that
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you have such a solution, that indeed it is already so close to the practical level of character, eh, this solution is already yes, it is almost ready, well, it is ready, we still need to test it in... conditions and in principle it will be possible to run it, the only question is that most likely we will not be able to install this chip, get permission for operation or put it on weapons, because it is a component, it is not, well, there is none delivery mechanism, that is , most likely, other drone manufacturers will be able to purchase it, put... their own drones and put their drones into service and receive permission for operation, that is, this is the model. well, we have the administration
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of unmanned complexes, which a new administration was created there, i think that they are headed by quite adequate people, i think that in principle you should talk to them there, because everyone understands how important it is, i hope that it will be supported by the general staff and the ministry. of the defense of ukraine, we also hope for that , well, of course, here we are leaning a little on our bureaucracy, but without this, unfortunately, it is not possible, i like the new trends that the minister of defense has begun to implement, panuyerov, i hope that bureaucratic will decrease in the army not only in terms of new weapons, in general in terms of the use and document circulation in
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the troops, this is an important reform that should help us, and here is an almost extreme question, have you had contacts with foreign manufacturers of unmanned systems, is there a need in cooperation with some... border companies, in order to solve the problems that your company is currently solving there, or are you still able to rely on your own strength? yes, we had contacts, quite interesting, but due to our experience, in many areas we are already ahead of other countries, for example, the french, we are with them... they have their own aircraft there, a uav bomber, and when we asked, how did you decide about...
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the reb problem, they shrugged their shoulders, yes, we don't have such a problem, of course, because they have never faced it, it's supposedly somewhere in africa to bomb rebels, some terrorists, who do not have the same weapons as our enemy, this is one task, because objectively we are fighting with one of the strongest... armies in the world, and this must be recognized, eh, and that is why our experience is unique, unfortunately. and on the subject, let's go back to your backfire , with which we started the conversation, as i understand it, it will still transform, it will probably be a little bigger, it already carries more cargo, it will probably have different options for combat equipment, although we already see that there are already these solutions, and
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probably you will... work on increasing the accuracy of hitting, and all these requirements will probably be implemented there in version 2.0 or maybe something else, yes , first of all there is a version of k2, which i said, which flies further and carries more, we are already working over the k3 version, there will be even more interesting characteristics until i announce them. uh, well, the team is constantly working, there are other variants of the bpa aircraft type, that is, we are not standing still, we are working both on the backfire and on other developments, and well, because the front dictates the conditions, and we have to move on, on , we can't stop, mr. artem, thank you very
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much for the... inclusion for the work that you're doing for the armed forces, because what you said is really encouraging, because these solutions , in my opinion, are extremely important , so thank you once again to your team, and i will remind our viewers that this was artem scherbakivskyi, the operator of the uav of the combined squad of evil birds, as well as a member of the team that developed the attack drone backfire, we see that this the drone is now being transformed into more powerful versions, there will be new modifications, but we see that also on... and separate technological solutions, because relatively speaking, the appearance of these software elements for fpv drones, why is it important, because actually now the operator of the fpv drone, a person who endures significant emotional stress during the execution of a combat mission, there are four or five missions per day, this is actually a qualitative limitation, because then it becomes difficult for the operator to really hit the target under the influence of enemy fire, if the fpv
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drone is at the terminal stage, i.e. at the end it can capture the target and destroy it by itself enemy object, then this means that the burden on the operator is reduced, and on the other hand, i repeat, this story with the trench reb, now the enemy is trying to saturate the front edges with various means of combating drones, primarily with fpv drones, we see and relatively speaking , that on certain russian tanks there are such green boxes where the suppression systems are located. from drones, but these modules that cherbakivsky is talking about, in principle, they are now being developed by several more teams, i’ll tell you the truth, they actually really zero out the possibilities of the russian rebbe, are extremely interested in this happening as soon as possible, i think that the military leaders will understand the significance of this step and support the initiatives of the team currently represented by artem scherbakivskyi, so these were the main conclusions of this military
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program of ours, where on the one hand we see.. .the potential of private companies with certain bureaucratic restrictions due to the actions of certain government bodies, in particular dasu and really breakthrough solutions that can be implemented by private companies to strengthen the potential in various areas, ranging from unmanned complexes and final other directions. stay tuned to the spresso channel, there will be many more interesting things to come. 2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all viewers and we begin our program with the situation in different regions of our country.
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the number of injuries due to a rocket attack in novomoskovsk


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