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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboda life, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions, the espresso team continues to work for you, now. we will be in touch with serhiy dobryak, the head of the pokrovsky military administration, we already have mr. serhiy, we see him, we congratulate you mr. serhiy, on the espresso airwaves, glory to ukraine, congratulations, glory to the heroes. mr. serhiy, there is tragic news from pokrovsk, we know that until now, you are most likely me please correct me if i'm wrong, rescue work is ongoing, so the rubble is probably still being sorted out, what is the latest information from the place of the tide. which we know
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took place in the city of pokrovsk and the village of rivne, there were also many victims among children, so please let us know what is known as of now, as of now we have found two two people, three three people have not yet been found, this have one of the boys and two children, the work continues, even today, maybe tomorrow will continue, regarding the wounded, the wounded... we have seven for this, after this shelling, two severe, very severe, they were delivered to mechnikovo by the sana aviation, two of medium, medium severity in our clinical hospital in petrovsk, three are already being treated on an outpatient basis, regarding injuries, we currently have six buildings of private houses were almost destroyed, 198 private houses were damaged. and
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25 high-rise buildings were damaged, well, the work continues, we are restoring, people were provided with both medical and psychological assistance , a mobile emergency unit was also deployed at the scene, we are working, mr. serhiy, if talk about the condition of the victims, how severe the injuries were to people who miraculously survived after such a thing. of a serious blow , well, of medium severity, all are stable, almost all of them have been stabilized, so we will not guess, but the miracle will be before the amendment, but what about those who died, if the actual figure is 12 people, so died as of now, and also half of them are children, what is the age of those children, if known. it is known, look,
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you said that, for two communities, but exactly, this community is the marnograd military administration, i am responsible for pokrovsk military administration and under pokrovsky otg, so we have two, two children, two boys, 15-17 years old. ugh, tell me, please, and you already mentioned the number of those premises and houses that were affected, how actively people are now sending applications, yes, applying for help. to restore their homes in some way, and in fact, so that they can somehow promptly restore them, yes, we already have more than 300 applications for the contact center, we have already restored six roofs with 38 teams working, those who can score on their own windows, to localize such small, let's say, damage, we distribute construction material, and people do it themselves, well , let's say, we see, it's still snowing, frost, so that
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we can localize these consequences as quickly as possible. and mr. sergey, if we look at the deep state map, we understand that pokrovsk is very close to the hottest spot on our front right now, this is the city of avdiyivka, and we understand that pokrovsk is probably the city where wounded soldiers are very often evacuated, and it is possible civilian population that still remains in residents of avdiiv, if so, then if you can share this information, can you tell us how many there are actually evacuated? yes, indeed , we are more or less a remote place, we are 40 km from the front line, but i will tell you, during the beginning of the large-scale war, we already had 53 rocket attacks, 29 people died and 223 were injured, in our the city now has an evacuation center, well, we... are
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a regional evacuation hub, people from avdiivka, well, from the front line, avdiivka, maryanka, ughledar, are evacuated through us, we are here for them. let's go we board the train to zhytomyr together with the regional military administration, because the vacation work commission works as a regional military administration, this commission, and recently, we understand that the situation in avdiivka is worsening there as well, well, in fact, they are the russian occupiers pushing from all directions, or the last sometimes you observe some revival in relation to the evacuated people, or the situation is the same as it usually is, approximately, so in zavdiivki people are slowly driving them away every day. and from which other cities people are also active now they are trying to move to your place actively, i already said that marinka bugledarka means marinka krasnogovka that direction, what about
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the humanitarian situation in the city? that i hear me, so i say what is the current humanitarian situation in the city regarding the supply of these or that. i will not talk about an alternative source of water supply, the heat supply is working, the gas supply is working fully, we are currently restoring at the site of the shelling, there are currently 25 houses without gas supply, i think that on... by the end of this day, we will have already restored with gas workers, that is, humanitarian, let's say this, the component in the cities is at a high level, but as for access to medicines, i
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understand that there are no problems with this either now, there are no problems, three hospitals are working , the hospital is working, and a clinical hospital, on the basis of a clinical hospital we have a sweeping the center, which... remained the only one in the region , so everything is fine, i wanted to clarify with you, mr. serhiy, about the so-called pochekuns, zhduns, as the people say, whether there are such cases when you have to catch someone who corrects blows and or, for example, this strike that took place on january 7 pokrovsk, when we had such terrible consequences, he was also corrected by someone, is there any information about this, well, the relevant services, the security service, deal with this. our management works at the highest level , that is why it has already implemented a sufficiently large number of such, as you said, beggars, i think that they will comment themselves, i heard you, i would also like to clarify the situation regarding the fact
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that, well, in general, speaking about the last period, how actively it is now flying towards you and what the enemy is... using, mostly this is, i understand, artillery shelling, are there other types, no , there is not enough artillery in our city, but for the new year there were four shellings, four, it is mainly an izkander missile, an s-300 missile, and the death anti-aircraft missile, well or tornado s. and if we talk about the past 23rd year, in principle, what was the average intensity of shelling, it happens to you every day. or is it with some other two per month, two, at least two per month rocket attacks, so massive, ugh, so you understand, then there was a shelling, but it came to us four rockets in one shelling, and if we are talking about some, well, as i understand it, not
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massed, but some kind of unaimed, perhaps chaotic strikes somewhere, i will tell you that all 53 shellings are chaotic terrorist attacks. strikes on exclusively civilian infrastructure, residential buildings, there are no others here, you understand, this is simply the murder of our residents, citizens of ukraine, a cynical murder, er, it is difficult to disagree with you, mr. serhiy, serhiy dobryak, the head of the pokrovsky military administration, was from we are in touch and actually informed us about the operational situation in the city and its surroundings, we know that on january 7, the russians hit the pokrovsk community and... the village of rivne, there are, unfortunately, many dead and many of them children. now we will take a short break, after that we will return to the espresso studio, we have a lot to discuss, our next guest will be valery chaley, so all the talks that are happening now are international, we will speak together with valery, mr. valery,
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the espresso information marathon continues, unfortunately, tragic news has arrived, another ukrainian pilot is already on shields a 23-year-old pilot of the 114th tactical aviation brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, vladyslav zalitovskyi, callsign bluelmet, was killed during a combat mission. you have probably seen these videos from the ukrainian mi-29 blue helmet pilot, which he regularly published on his social networks. his real name is vladyslav zalistovsky and, unfortunately, he died during a combat mission. this is what the brothers say, actually, vladyslav, the pilot zalistovsky was only 23 years old, he graduated from the flight faculty of kharkiv ivan kozhedub national university of the air force in 2021 during a full-scale invasion had dozens of sorties. well , the public also notes that he was originally from malin, zhytomyr region, was a mig 20 fighter pilot. eternal memory and eternal glory. but we are adding
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valery chaly, a diplomat and extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015 and 2019, to our ether. mr. valery, welcome to espresso. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. so this week congress is about to begin its new session, and lawmakers are expected to continue negotiations on an immigration reform deal that would allow ... approval of president joe biden's request for aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. do you think there will finally be a consensus and whether the congressmen will have time to make a decision by the end of this month, or before? next month, because we understand that we need this help very much, and as soon as possible. i have already said, more than once, that it is a wrong approach to think daily, the decision will be by the end of january, the beginning of february, everything that is happening now is what can prepare or not that decision, and
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you and i here will not rush anything for today, the only thing i can say is positive ... in because they have made progress in the plan to avoid the shutdown, that is, they have four laws by january 19, the fact that they have to agree on the budget, that is, their budget is not adopted by one law, as in ukraine, but if i am not mistaken, by 12 laws, four by january 19 and eight more until february 2, and if they are now negotiating, this means that the possibility is unlocked from the next budget year, which is already underway in america, to provide support, there is 300 million indicated in the defense budget for the 24th year, that is, this is something that can be opened in the near future for additional expenses. as for the package for 61.4 billion, i emphasize once again, there is no need to guess about this decision, we
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will know only somewhere at the end of january. mr. valery, look, in recent days... ukrainians have been shaken by information about a statement regarding a possible reduction in support in the following years and the fact that ukraine will have to develop its internal, domestic military industry more, and we understand that the united states does not refuse to help ukraine, this was even emphasized in the ministry of foreign affairs, and they interpreted this statement and explained that it would not mean that the states stop helping us, but what do you think, is such cooperation and such a new one. format of cooperation, it will be more effective than the one we had until now, that is, when the united states sent us certain weapons from its warehouses, and we received them accordingly and in this way could provide themselves with certain ammunition, will this format be able to change some global approach to the conduct of hostilities,
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well, in principle, if we are talking about such a plan, how quickly can it be implemented? i will not comment on what concerns the military affairs, or even the military-industrial complex, which is largely a closed topic, but we definitely understand that we need to do it, to develop it in the medium term, obviously, and there are no alternatives here. there should also be joining the system of joint defense and of security, the fact that in the future... in principle , our goal is to join nato, but our internal capabilities are also strong, these capabilities, you see, they should not depend on fluctuations in external turbulence, this turbulence will increase, so of course it is obvious, that we need to develop our unmanned aerial vehicles, and our shells, and our ammunition and our
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missiles, without this, well, just nowhere, and... in the future, maybe our aviation, because we had these opportunities, and it is obvious that it should be done, but i believe that in in the short term, this is not a solution to the problem, because the enemy, russia, is the same , they, you see, despite the fact that they had much more reserves and still have them from soviet times, they still and despite the fact that they threw money for production. arms, they are still looking for the same missiles in north korea and in iran, that is, we see that starting production, well, we know that this is such a matter of 5 years, well, in war conditions, it is reduced by a factor of two, but it is still takes time, it is firstly, secondly, i am not
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sure that we after large-scale war, all partners will rush to help. to make new types of weapons, it’s competition, it ’s a very cynical, tough world, so right now there is a window of opportunity to get such licenses, such permits and to do it as much as possible, well, and i emphasize once again, this will not replace the current rapid supply of weapons to ukraine, such as air defense systems , and the same missiles, atakams taurus, we have them now, well, right now, when needed in the coming months. directly we will not do in such a quantity as needed, so these things go in parallel tracks, and it is necessary to develop this industry, the measure of its development will be substitution. what we are currently receiving from partners. mr. valery, you already mentioned that russia, in addition to developing its own military-industrial complex, is also trying to get western missiles, well, as in the benches,
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western, i can’t say, western, just foreign missiles, in fact, china is helping, iran helps, north korea helps, and we understand that we find ourselves in a rather difficult situation when russia is already starting to use some foreign missiles, and here i have i have a question for you, maybe we are not finalizing something somewhere, maybe we are not working sufficiently with those countries that can be of greater benefit to us and not only rely on, for example, the united states as the main ally and the eu, but also work with some others, perhaps continents, perhaps such states, with which ukraine currently does not work enough. well, first of all, let's be honest, where we get results, it's not just our efforts. and this is also the help of the same united states, others countries, if you want to take, for example, soviet-style projectiles that were needed
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and were in a certain shortage, then there are several countries in the world where you can get it, and the russians know it, and we know it, so in principle the struggle is on very serious, if we talk about some kind of political support, well, yes, changes are happening, many elections are taking place, well, look... argentina, for example, has been there since january 1, joining russia, china, india, brics, and now the president is on december 29 the newly elected said: "no, i don't want to, we will get closer to the usa." perhaps such moments should be immediately looked for, where changes are taking place, where there may be a change of position, because in principle, in all the main countries of the world , these two years have been active, and i will also remind you, after all, this work has been going on since 2014 ... was carried out constantly, starting with the acquisition of lithuanian weapons, the first, i thank them for this, and then javelins, american anti-tank weapons, and then we expanded this activity,
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fortunately, the same germans and french are acting in a completely different way, therefore, in principle , production in european countries is required, armed, if it were now i would quickly reach it. therefore, the question would then be removed, and you are correct in saying that none of the western countries, if we are talking about the usa, canada, europe, are not giving anything to russia now, moreover, they are imposing sanctions, that is, we are talking about the fact that there are countries , who are such pariahs of the world, and they are identified, they are russia 's allies, these are countries that are identified in the usa as countries that sponsor terrorism, and therefore they can be controlled, well, you can put pressure on them, but we do not have... the ability to actually put pressure on the north korea, there is a situation for people catastrophic, but they all throw arms, the same thing will happen in russia now,
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dictatorial regimes, they survive at the expense of soldiers at the expense of militarization, so there will be a serious struggle of regimes, and this is a total war, it will be a war as countries, not just there are some armed forces. available, that is, a new period is just beginning, and for this period, unfortunately, we were not prepared in the way that our enemies were, so now, if we talk about our actions with partners, we must first show our readiness and activity, and then they will be, well, forced to in essence, to do this, because this is the very protection of european security, well, let's be honest, it will not be possible with the resources we have, they will not be able to do it, and i am convinced that sooner or later it will finally come to mind, not only the military
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in europe, you already see, announced in germany , and now in sweden, yesterday there was a statement that war could come, war could come to nato countries, so let's make sure it doesn't come to nato countries, now concentrate efforts, well that's our call, it is constantly heard, but you know, when it comes, then... then they happen some changes, i am sure that we are overestimating that the enemy has everything so good there, yes, they do it faster than us, it must be admitted, they are rearranging it on military rails, but also for us, in principle, it is time to learn to act efficiently and quickly . mr. valery, look, it’s just that when i spoke about the sunset and the presence of the sunset in russian missiles, i meant that after all... there are earthly parts in certain russian missiles, and, for example, 77 such parts found in a dagger, the same one that
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the russian occupiers produced today, and... that's for sure shows that the 12th package of sanctions is not effective enough, perhaps it should not be measured by the number of introduced packages, but perhaps it is still worth it for our allies and partners to insist on the implementation of these sanctions, so that russia cannot bypass third countries to supply the , which she can then use to rivet missiles. well, this is all correct, and it seems that we are talking about the fact that the sanctions are in effect, then the control of the sanctions, so that such cases... do not happen, because really these components are already in newly produced missiles , not what was there before, it is very difficult to control , because what is a washing machine, what are some household appliances, there are also microcircuits, also chips that can be taken, expensive, of course, but that's all it can be done in this way, you know, at one time a long time ago in
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the soviet union, eh... japan, which did not have a treaty with the soviet union and still does not have a treaty on the cessation of war with russia, bought broken glass containers, that is, simply glass, which was as waste and purchased, turns out to be needed not glass, but those wooden boxes, which were packed, were of very high quality, they made furniture from these boxes, so of course there are such roundabout maneuvers... and now there are a lot of such decisions, what should be done? well, ideally one should conduct an embargo, in principle , russian aggression, the un charter provides for a response to such actions, war and aggression, precisely by conducting an embargo, i.e. a complete ban on trade, but you know that it is impossible to conduct this because russia blocks , china will not agree, well, then we should possibly unite
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by countries, by countries... stein , the western countries should introduce this embargo, so it is easier to control the embargo than these partial things, but you know, there is business, there is business , the same american one, which, well, as they call it, requires critical , well, for example , they have an international space station, they are still operating it together with the russians, well, well, you understand, i.e., how to control if some projects receive supplies, while others do not, by the way, we themselves. until recently, they also took part in this and launched missiles there, that's it it seems to go along parallel paths , so here is the explanation that here we are, here we are dancing, here we are not dancing, unfortunately, it does not work, a full embargo, mr. valery, we have one and a half minutes, i would also like your reaction to the fact that the usa is calling for radbes the un because of the new missiles in russia's arsenal, and do you think that certain
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restrictions can be introduced at this un security council, for example konter, which has already started supplying russia with ballistic missiles, well, so that something could be decided by the security council, i haven't thought about it for a long time. it's not unrealistic, too different interests, well, warring parties, that is, what solutions can there be, even, even this is the issue of north korea, where it was really possible to bring china's position closer together, yes, with the united states, well, everything revolves around russia, so... the issue is very difficult, here is not only the issue of north korea, there is the issue of the placement of bases and nuclear weapons by the russians on the territory of belarus, there are many issues of the destruction of the non-proliferation system, the destruction of all systems, i.e. ukraine was first bent, we did all this at first, we gave away weapons, then they attack us, and now suddenly it's gone, they wonder, what happened that
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such problems have gone. what happened is that you allowed the fact that you attacked a country that was scattered, scattered and divided, and now it will go, now this chain in the world will go very strong, so i don't expect anything from retbez, in fact, mr. valery, thank you, we have to finish , valery chalilei, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states in 2015 and 2019, was in touch with us, it was already time for news for espresso, editorial news and our host iryna koval have already prepared the most operative and freshest information for you, so iro, i give you the floor, and tell me what will be in this issue. thank you marta, in just a moment i will tell you about the situation in different regions of our country, after the morning shelling and not only, wait.


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