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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EET

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we will find out who will be the guest of the studio already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. 17 in ukraine, iryna koval in the studio and bring to your attention the most important events at this time. greetings to all viewers. the child is at home. a 12-year-old boy was returned to ukraine from the temporarily occupied kherson region. this was reported in the office of the commissioner for human rights. the boy lived with his grandmother and mother, but she died in the summer of 2022. the boys threatened to take her away from her grandmother and place her in a nursery school home, as he was left without a legal representative.
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his older sister, who lives in the kirovohrad region, asked to take the child to the ukrainian side, and already on january 1, the grandmother and grandson finally found themselves safe in the territory controlled by ukraine. the return was carried out by the joint efforts of the office of the ombudsman and the ukrainian network for the rights of the child. a step towards liberation. the armed forces of ukraine destroyed a half-built railway bridge in the nearby village of granitne. temporarily occupied mariupol, were also destroyed fuel tanks and engineering transport, it was reported in the mariupol city council. the muscovites tried to shoot down the flying rockets and without success, our soldiers managed to establish the location of new air defense batteries in this area. let me remind you that the bridge was part of the invaders' plan to build a railway from russia to the city of maria.
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has always been considered the leading industrial region of ukraine, however, few people know that entrepreneurs from various european countries are behind its successful development and development. let's see the history of european industrial heritage on ukrainian lands. russia argued for the start of hostilities in donbas by the fact that it was during the soviet regime that the rapid development of the region began, but in fact the birth of the industrial region began. after european capital entered there. the british started large enterprises in donbas as early as 1865, and then other representatives of european countries joined. the english came first, the famous hughes, with his hughes, and he was a pioneer, before that too there were enterprises and entrepreneurs, but there were none of such a scale as the novorossiysk society... at that time there were none, then
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the french came, then, when the belgians saw the success of the french, they all came running. the european bonds found by mr. dmytro completely debunk the kremlin myth that the region's industry was created by the ussr. kostyantynivka was built by three belgian families in the absolute steppe, and it was a metallurgical enterprise, it was a glass enterprise. chemical enterprise, and by the way, kostyantynivka was one of the most successful at that moment, here, because they produced unique things, and they were least affected by the world crisis. the kryvyi rih-dnieper and donetsk industrial regions were built by people who came with knowledge, opportunities and capital, they were looking for a new platform, better than ukraine could ever have. imagine:
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coal on the left bank, ore on the right, factories were connected and the process started. it was a unique process in which we directly participated as, as ukrainian lands, we were not an independent state, but they were our lands, our people, our, our heritage , our ore, our coal, which they mined in a civilized way, which vandals, reds, then took it away from us... 100 years of development were taken away from us, and millions of human lives were taken away, it's just tear-jerking. at that time, in addition to industrial enterprises , the ekaterinen railway was also being built, in its project it included a bridge that connected the two banks of the dnieper. this all happened in 1884, and in fact from that moment this industrial region began, which was then...
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in the 19th year, the russians vilely stole from europeans and here, well, by simply issuing a decree that in... provided for the expropriation of capital, enterprises, banks and bank accounts and the whole world, everything that could be stolen, the bolsheviks diligently did it all. by train , the bolsheviks took 200 families of belgians and frenchmen to murmansk, from there they reached norway, and then each went to his own home. for a long time, belgium, for example, did not recognize it. soviet union, because in addition to being robbed in this way, many people were actually offended because they invested all their life, all their knowledge, strength
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in ukrainian enterprises, in the network, in the latest technologies, in development, there were also many european investors. poles, lithuanians, czechs, they were engaged not only in big business, but also in small ones: breweries, restaurants, salons. it made little sense to bring something over time from europe , there, for example, the same sports equipment , we started to produce it, we learned, changed, went through these technologies at all levels, and in the end we were ready to join the european union already in the 18th year. during the soviet era authorities the progressive industry of donbas gradually degraded, and now russia is erasing the once powerful industrial region of ukraine from the face of the earth. tetyana golonova, andriy versyuk, espresso tv channel. i invite you to join the collection of the tv channel, this time
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we need funds for a car for the tankers of the assault guard, who are fighting for our independence on the eastern flank. machines on the front line help both to fight and to save. in conditions of roadlessness and constant shelling , the service life of front-line vehicles is short, so they need to be quickly purchased and sent to our soldiers thanks to your donations , we already have uah 178 in our account. our goal is 250. join us, because every hryvnia of yours is important. they made repairs and stole state funds. law enforcement officers exposed a criminal organization in the dnipropetrovsk region. the construction company concluded a contract with the ministry of defense for the renovation of the canteen in the military town. during the work, the participants recorded incorrect amounts of materials for repair. the total amount of damages reaches almost 4 million hryvnias. during the search of the apartments of the perpetrators in
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zaporizhzhia, kyiv and brovary, law enforcement officers seized vehicles and equipment in the amount of 2 million hryvnias. in conjunction. the united states of america launched a rocket for the month with ukrainian flags and a map on board, among other things , there is also one lunar bitcoin and a capsule containing more than 185 thousand messages from children from all over the world. according to the plan, the lunar rover with scientific equipment should land on the earth's satellite in february. if the mission is successful, it will be the first american spacecraft to reach the lunar surface since 1972. such was the news at that time, we will see you at 6 p.m.
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information day of the tv channel in rozpala. well, thanks to irina koval, we will pick up the baton and inform you about the most important things. so, they gave up on going. to prevent the mobilization of men with high salaries. this was announced by the first deputy head of the verkhovna rada committee on tax and customs policy, people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak. well , there is also a comment from anastasia radina, the head of the committee of the verkhovna rada on anti-corruption policy. and she declares that her committee saw corruption risks in the government bill on mobilization, accordingly the committee came to the conclusion that mobilization, that mobilization. is needed in ukraine, but some provisions of the corresponding draft law have corruption risks, which radina herself did not clarify and promised to provide this information later, writes ukrainska pravda, and she also added that representatives of the ministry of defense and the general staff were present at the meeting, they agreed with the committee's conclusion and promised to eliminate
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the shortcomings. yes, thank you marta, so what, let's now move on to the operational situation in our regions, so information from the head of the commissar , general zaluzhnyi. in the morning, the russian federation released 59 missiles and 26 uavs were shot down, not all enemy missiles that could not be shot down reached their targets. the russians used winged, winged aviation, ballistic, and anti-aircraft missiles. guided missiles and attack uavs. ballistic missiles were aimed at kharkiv, dnipropetrovsk, zaporizhzhia and khmelnytskyi regions. well, what about zaporizhzhia? dmytro kyrylchuk is in touch with us, deputy of the zaporozhye city council, volunteer. glory to ukraine, mr. dmytro. glory to heroes. consequences of shelling in zaporozhye, what is the situation as of now, at 5:11 p.m. yes, mr. antin, indeed today. the damned enemy struck precisely at the city of zaporizhia, including it, and it
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already happened, as reported today by the head of the regional military administration there, this is exactly what happened when there were five explosions, and this was exactly the attack by the s-400 systems, reshek, yes and iskander m rockets also struck . as a result, it was destroyed right there, one might say led. number of cars, yes there, the number of them there, after all, there are about ten, you can say, yes, at the same time, 16 high-rise buildings were damaged as a result of this hit, and fortunately, these hits were near the houses, let's note, and also six private houses were damaged, precisely precisely the windows were broken, the roof and windows were also broken there, as of now... these rescue operations have already been completed,
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it is also worth noting that, unfortunately, some of the victims here are alive, but only five people , while we note that the man received serious injuries and is now in this serious condition in a hospital, as reported by the head of ova, there are even amputations, and for what these damned rascals and all of them will definitely be held accountable. and i will repeat myself for now, the consequences have already been eliminated there, communal services continue to work, yes, but in general , people have already been helped, and despite this still very difficult weather, and the weather conditions, the situation is really good now there under control. mr. dmitry, let's hope that the man who suffered serious injuries as a result of the attack, he will still recover, and the doctors will make every effort to... so that he recovers, but i want you to clarify the situation not only in the city, but also in the region.
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we understand that the army of the russian federation launched 96 strikes on the cities and villages of the zaporizhzhia region in the past day, at least this is what the official statistics show, what is the nature of these strikes, and in principle, also, if you can inform us, please let us know whether there is a result of these dead people were affected by the blows, and what are the consequences of such attacks? fortunately, keynote. we see that there are no reports of casualties from all these strikes, but there are reports of the destruction of 22 houses there, and there are also other buildings there, that as a result of these strikes over the past day, it is stated here that there were indeed 96 shellings and that 22 settlements were attacked by snipers, let's note that these are artillery shells, mainly those settlements that often suffer from snipers, they... continued their, so to speak, planned work, and this is about the gulyai
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field, about richov, yes, where he gets exactly there their artillery was created there, so they are trying to do it there, yes, this is artillery shelling, of course, and no one canceled the bepla attacks either, they are striking again on malynivka, on the same orikhov, and on others populated areas, and of course the anti-aircraft missile defense system too... how often it works for the rashists, two settlements there, novoivanivka, including malatak machka, suffered these blows, all this is happening against the background of the fact that the rashists are trying to repeat their counter-offensives all the time return some actions there, they are trying their positions, and this is in particular in the area of ​​the robot, where they do not stop trying to carry out an offensive there, despite the weather, but thanks to our... glorious armed forces of ukraine, yes, they manage to restrain this russian onslaught and this nature of shelling
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, yes, what here it is not only about the weather, here it is true that it is only thanks to our defenders, yes , what if before that the trend there was already under 200, yes more than 150 shellings per day, for this day we see that it was 96, it is thanks to our to the defenders, ugh, mr. dmytro, allow me one more time, while we still have time with you, i would like your information, because you are obviously closer there. and what is the situation at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, lately it has not been discussed much in the media, yes, but we understand that the situation there is difficult, and you, as a person who is closer to this strategic object, what... can you tell us tell about the current situation that is currently happening at this power plant? well , let's note one thing here that the situation is not simple, and it is not predictable, because really from the moment when the mission of magate will not be allowed stopped, so to speak, yes, because these processes are taking place and currently this is typical, which is not allowed by experts from the same
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magatet, the mission that is there to monitor everything up to the turbine halls right there, yes to the roof. uh, these reactor halls and to some of the technical premises of the power units, and this is a blatant and , well, you know, predicted situation, because the terror over the station employees, who, in particular , during this whole time, refused to sign all their there are contracts with the so-called rosat there, terror over and bullying over the employees keep asking what exactly is going on there in the plan... you know there is some movement of the military presence there, and we know that a long time ago they turned the station into a military base, with which they, in particular, often plan their operations there, go around nikopol there , and on the opposite bank, throughout this area, it is difficult to predict what the consequences will be and what their actions at the station may lead to, thank you, thank you, dmytro kyrylchuk,
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deputy of the zaporozhye city council, was in touch with us, well, antin and i are already today we wish you all the best. because today our slot is already coming to an end, however, tomorrow in this studio we will see each other again, so be careful, respond to the air raid signals, well, let's just say, our colleagues will pick up the baton, so now we will watch interviews of our colleagues with metro linartovych, let's watch it together. kratle contains natural components that take good care of your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes heart rate contractions, increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are 10% discounts on lyzak in
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the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict is with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm at espresso. dmytro linartovych is an honored actor of professional voice acting in theater and cinema. he was born into a family of artists, and dmitry is also an actor in the theater of war. for the last two years, he served at the front in the airborne assault troops troops he saw the real hell of war with his own eyes. dmitry, tell me, please, in which areas of the front did you have to fight during these almost two years? in the kherson direction, in bakhmut itself and in soledar itself, here is the kherson direction, which is also alarming,
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dangerous, active, and there are many movements there during the fighting, but more and more such ambushes, holding objects, trench history were carried out there bakhmuti, we already made assaults from... such fortifications, somehow we were lucky, we got out with our reconnaissance platoon, well almost without such, without losses, but in saledar, where we were already taken into a ring and we were paratroopers shoulder to shoulder with border guards, there were already shots fired, and there the idea was that i received a heavy explosive mine , that was a wound and a contusion, this is the last point, it was the most... solidar, this is the scariest moment you had in the war, right? there is no fear in war, why, well, it
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's subjective about me, you know, there and there, there is like a circuit breaker, there, for example, there is a blockade of feelings, there is black and white, and well, it's natural, a person happens, or, for example, you you catch such boyish-wolf courage and forward, forward maroon beret. then in this case it was such that go ahead, go ahead, you just live, there is no time for this fear, why, because the military will be there, you don't buy, for example, cartridges in the store, you connect, you fixed the rpska, you they are talking, somewhere there he ate a piece of some food from a knife, swallowed it, somewhere he fell into the stomach, somewhere he took a sip of some liquid, and then there was such a movement, and even, even... moments i felt, for example, here i was in there is still a hole in the tankard in the soledar shot back, they drove there , they raked out the whole thing, and i could feel how
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even the neurons were dying, how my skull was being squeezed, there was a contusion, a landmine, i felt these processes slowed down, like now here, here, here, here, everything is for me the end, you know, is coming, there is no fear, you just worry here and now, what is happening, you were injured there. so explosively severe and bleeding contusion, this fragment flew into my cerebellum there, professor bobrov, i thank him, took it, cut the head, took it out, sewed it up, then there are injuries, fragments, lumps, there is this part all over my back, the left too, my arm, my arm was like a whip, i was even pulled out of the armored car, and i was injected with morphine, all tactical medicine, i already communicated here in civilian clothes. in life he says: you can’t do that, what are you doing, well , i had to be pricked, because i was already pricked at zero, because the heart vessel was systolic, so that it was, well, so that the blood clots did not
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break, so that the overexcitement was like this, you understand , remember that we are on god given earth, we will never be broken, we are victorious, glory to ukraine! it is interesting to understand this fracture of your personality, a person who is from a family, yes, directly related to cinematography, who studied to be an actor, and at some point you completely changed everything, can you remember the moment that happened, that triggered that you said to yourself that yes, i will go to fight, i will seriously go to fight, so... what changed? well , imagine that since 1993 i have worked in the theater of the armed forces of ukraine, and in this theater
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of the armed forces of ukraine since 1919. in the third year, i traveled to military units, i flew to the crimea on an amphibious transport plane , we transported scenery in the sky, landed, we performed among the marines, among the coast guard, mechanized brigades, in the landing brigades, well, we gave speeches, then, when the trouble happened in the 14th year, it was again , that's all, it's all a logical pattern and a continuation of the fact that, well, the horde, it never stops, it... cut, stop and actively act, then i started my performances even more, for this the guitar, the instrument helped me, i started author's write texts about people in the military profession, i communicated with them and i have the right, because i spent a lot of time in hospitals, and just like you, there is a man sitting in a wheelchair with no legs, a handsome military man, and we communicate with him, and this is also for me, this also prompted me
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to make a decision. a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine. i first joined the teroboron voluntarily. i didn't know how it would turn out, i didn't know what would happen next. i just did the act for myself in the sense that my land is a threat to it. need protection, and people like me, conscious ukrainians, citizens of ukraine, thousands, that's all of us. volunteered to join the army, despite their profession, despite some of their inner convictions, they went there, and when kyiv was cleared, i was first in the territorial defense, then in one battalion, and then it was not enough for me, i am one of those people who probably cannot , you know, to sit quietly with folded hands, and i,
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i wanted all this... to bring the matter to a logical conclusion, and the only logical conclusion is our victory, the clearing of our of the sacred land given by god to ukraine, and i went to the airborne assault troops, there was a preliminary selection, so i passed, well, let’s say , as the actors say a creative competition, only the military has a combat creative selection, and after that i was drafted into the airborne assault troops through the zhytomyr military headquarters, i got into the 199th training center, where the armed forces of ukraine gave a full package , you understand, and also the military accounting specialty of a scout, which is night shooting, working in twos and fours, camouflage, topography, and all that in brotherhood in spirit to the military, paratroopers are resilient people, as you understand, so every morning we recited the oath of a paratrooper in the ranks, and we also had moral training.
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morally strong-willed and physically, of course, many people came off the course due to the protrusion of the spine, some with bad health, some could not stand it, because a paratrooper has to carry an rps, an unloading suspension system, a bulletproof vest, various suspensions, a shoulder bag a paratrooper, i will arm myself, well, everything and everything, and then , in the end, my comrades and whoever wounded, and after that, i... got into the 46th airborne assault brigade, as i received, completed this course completely, that is, i completely changed my, let's say, profession, although i am a profession, when there is permission, i still work, but i completely became a soldier in this time of war anxiety, in the hope that young people will not have to, after all, we are fighting for the sake of children, yes, for the sake of posterity, he will no longer have to absorb all this and touch this whole thing , that's it friends. soledar
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let's bring it to the fore brother. bc. on sleep. everything will be ukraine. tell our viewers a little about your acting career, when it began. what happened to you on this way. well , in general, i am a spoiled kalach in that sense, there is a boarding school, a communal apartment, a street with... a port, the army, the first border service there, well, you understand that i am a spoiled kalach, in one word, and besides, i am also lived behind the scenes, grew up , because my parents are actors, natalya viktorivna zabolotna, she is an actress of the young spectator theater, kostyantyn linartovych, film director, screenwriter, film director, godfather ukrainian dubbing, well, i worked and lived in such an atmosphere, and we always had a spirit, so to
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speak, of a show. this is the spirit of free-thinking.


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