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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is the velikiy eter program, my name is vasyl zima, and for the next hour and 47 minutes, i and my colleagues will talk with you about the most important things to sum up the day and highlight. well, we will start with the announcement of the collection of the tv channel. calls to join the gathering for kamikaze drones for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar. these wars have been actively protecting ukraine since 2014 on all the hottest destinations, these are donetsk airports, ilovaisk, battles for sumy region, kharkiv region, soledar and bakhmut. currently, the defenders need kamikaji drones in large numbers, in sufficient numbers they can stop almost any enemy offensive with manpower and armored vehicles in a matter of minutes. where there is no drone wing, the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost. let's clip the wings of the enemy
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and strengthen the wings of our army , we need 5 million hryvnias for this, and i believe that we will be able to close this collection, like all the others before it, and i join mykola in the conversation knyazhyvskyi, people's deputy of ukraine , mr. mykola, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, we actually have three topics that are urgent that we want to discuss, but i will start anyway, probably with this bill on mobilization, i read the statement of the people's deputy just a few hours ago oleksiy goncharenko, who says that the committee of the verkhovna rada recognized the government law. the draft on the mobilization of corruption, there are also alternatives, after all, when they will be brought to the hall and i, which one of them, or there should be some other compromise invented bill, which would be realistic and not just accepted, but which would be effective in this difficult time, taking into account all the risks. you know, i keep saying that everything we have going on with these mobilization bills is like a theater of the absurd, the military says they are short of men, obviously for some reason.
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in the fact that there are not enough of them, obviously we need to call up more people, at the same time, when we call up a larger number of people, the economy suffers, this must also be understood, because there is no one to work in the enterprise, in the national economy, these people are not will pay taxes, these taxes will not go, they will not go to obtain the ukrainian army, and the ukrainian army , by the way, is obtained from our taxes, we receive weapons as aid and we receive aid for the social sphere, the sphere of culture, and we pay for the army ourselves, and therefore , it is very important that the economy works. therefore , the algorithm should be completely different, the president should be the leader in this process, as the supreme commander, should cooperate closely with the government, especially with those ministries responsible for economy, with the ministry of justice, because there were complaints about this draft law, that he and lubinets spoke about it, the ombudsman, that it did not meet the norms regarding human rights, and now it does not meet the corruption norms, the head of the committee radina did not explain what this was about ... by us, but they said that there really
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are such objections, and the representatives of the general staff there said that they agree with this, that the law needs to be finalized, and society has been hammering on this discussion for a very long time, and time is running out, we are scaring people, that's why that we immediately offered people such a law, that people started fleeing ukraine as much as possible, instead of offering something that would encourage people to go to the army, instead of offering a strong and effective law. but one that would not violate human rights , nothing was done about it, the law was imperfect, and this is all a broad discussion, there is nothing good in it, it seems to me that the president should have gathered representatives of factions, and specialized committees, and the government , ministry of defense, ministry of economy, other ministries justice and the general staff, to discuss together everything that is necessary and, in principle , jointly pass a high-quality, good bill, but then the question arises that they would be responsible for it, it is clear that someone will not like it.
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and it seems to me that all the same they look not at the army, as our winners, whom everyone needs to provide for, but at society in general, as at voters who, and some of them are those who do not want to serve in the army , and because of that, of course, such problems arise with this draft law, and others are afraid to say, that you don't have to serve everyone, there are people who need work in the rear, because if you take, i don't know, a talented it guy there and make him an attack aircraft, then probably from... from them it will be like that and that's very good , but some of them will not be able to be stormtroopers, but they could help in it in the same army, yes , but for this you need to approach everything intelligently, and not do campaign work, well , here according to the law on mobilization there are two more nuances, the first is in the office the president rejected the initiative of the adviser to the head of the president's office, who suggested that those men who have a certain level of salary there and pay a certain amount of taxes should not be touched, well, they said that no, it will not be like that, so everyone, everyone is equal, well , again, it is difficult for me to judge ... before
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that involved in the process and bear no responsibility for it, but and again to evaluate it yes or no, i perfectly understand that very many people could draw certificates that they will pay taxes there 14, hryvnias, whenever they do not pay them. when big bankers, bank managers were in divisions, and these units were commanded by people who worked as security guards in these banks, because they had more military experience, and war is exactly what unites society, it is obvious that here one should start not with the one who earns more, but with those who are needed more to ensure the functioning of the economy, to ensure the functioning of the country, because the country continues to exist, and even that country, those people who are not at the front, in principle, they are also fighting, because the whole nation is fighting, it is clear that those , who are these heroes at the front, they fight with weapons in their hands, but the work of others is also needed, but not all of them, but there are those who, excuse me, do nothing in the rear
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and do not bring any benefit to the country, and do not go to the front, shying away from mobilization, but you need to work with these people and convince them by personal example , that... protecting the country is everyone's business, so actually, someone should take responsibility, should it be the verkhovna rada in this, in this matter, we have the supreme commander, the president, of course, it is his responsibility to organize this process, we have a government it is certainly the responsibility of the government , and of all ministries and departments, and obviously the military, and the military does not need to avoid it either, it is actually the responsibility of the whole society and each of us, so here it cannot be transferred to someone, and the first one who does not must... invest, this is the first person in the state. as i finish this topic, i will say the words of roman kostenko, the heroic defender of mykolaiv, the colonel of the security service of the people's deputy of ukraine, who said that mr. president should understand that it is his the last deadline, when he will understand this and start acting as a person who now has to save this country, well, again, this is a debatable
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issue, this is the opinion of roman kostenko, maybe not the last deadline, but even then other decisions will begin, when you understand, that you no longer work for the rating, because you will now work for the state, and again, what does the rating mean, what do we know? when we will have elections, we now need to save the country and save the lives of our fellow citizens, now not about ratings at all, because you can now make an unpopular decision, but then thanks to this decision, when we win, there will be elections, we will become the biggest hero, no one knows where this path to success is, but it is obvious that the path to success for every politician is only if the country is preserved and the country is successful, because if there is no country, who will need your ratings? well, actually another important topic is... the blocking of checkpoints on the border between ukraine and poland, according to the head of the state border service, the border is currently blocked at three checkpoints, there are 200 trucks waiting in line at the polish border
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ukrainian goods, but with others, well, but there is supposedly an agreement between the government and the farmers that these steps of the doctor will not unblock the checkpoint. farmers blocked the border with claims that have nothing to do with ukraine, it's complete chaos, uh, just like the blocking of roads and institutions is happening in germany, it's obvious that destabilization of europe and isolation of ukraine is beneficial for russia. the fact that only one crossing point has been unblocked is of course good, but the main blockade continues further, where these transporters, so to speak, block, and obviously, the polish state should bring order to this, and our state should too. would like to put things in order and turn to nato, because this is a matter of our national security, i talked about it a lot, but unfortunately, beyond the talks, things do not go well, everyone promises, as in the issue of mobilization, but everyone is afraid to take on poland, which is our closest ally, is also responsible, we are very grateful to them, they
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help us a lot in european integration, and on the way to nato, and in obtaining weapons, here they are behaving absolutely poorly and childishly, no appreciating the fact that, in fact, ukraine protects poland in the first place. and to bleed ukraine, whose economy is already bled, with war and constant bombing of the civilian population, at such a time to continue to block the border with incomprehensible, incomprehensible demands, it certainly looks shameful. well, there is also the statement of polish european commissioner janusz wojciechowski, who threatens to block duty-free trade between ukraine and the eu. well, explain what powers he has for this, can he really initiate, at least such, such a decision? it the second issue is that... our government should have strong negotiating groups that would defend the interests of our farmers, for example, that would defend the interests of our people who produce products in ukraine in other industries and spheres, yes, because the entry into the european of the union is a very complex process of difficult negotiations, and he already, he is a polish politician,
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he protects the interests of polish farmers there, and he talks about it, and what do our politicians say, where is their position, who is conducting these negotiations, what does society know about it , nothing, zero, therefore... this is rather a consequence of our inaction. it is also interesting here, information appeared somewhere on saturday and even with photo evidence that it is being built at an active pace and 3,000 workers are involved , hundreds of pieces of equipment, if it is dozens, well, i don’t remember exactly, i think hundreds, from bucharest to the ukrainian border, then to ensure that there were roads to the black sea ports, the romanians actively took up this matter in order to actually help ukraine bypass poland, hungary, slovakia, which have its certain problems and to give access to the black fight, how promising it is, such a story and what it shows from the point of view of the romanians, well, i'll just remind you. to our viewers, mr. mykola knows this for sure, he remembers it very well, at one time we had quite significant conflicts with
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romania during the time of leonid kuchma due to the division of the black sea shelf, plus who should belong to the snake island, and then , somehow, the decision was , somewhere we made concessions, well, now we see, they are going to, well, somewhere to meet us, maybe, well, no, they just they are doing the right thing, they are protecting their economy, they understand that they will receive funds from this transit, and their ports will be busy, and they are taking advantage of the short-sightedness of politicians in... our other neighbors, who for the sake of pr, and sometimes maybe under the influence of russian intelligence and russian special services are blocking ukraine , on the contrary, they are opening it up and want to do business on it, we should only welcome it, thank them and congratulate them, but this is also not a useless story, it is beneficial to them, well, our other neighbors should understand this, that always there will be someone to whom it is profitable to act according to justice, but not to carry out any instructions of the russian agents or not to carry out their plans. well, yes, indeed , you know, and in the second world war certain companies
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made money by selling weapons to the soviet union, but again they did not help to defeat fascism, nazism, yes, so please make money here, but so that it would give us the possibility to fight and continue, to continue this this war, and the fact that the war is quite threatening for europe, today was the statement of the minister of defense, if not i am wrong, of the swedish kingdom , who said that the swedes should be ready for war, and sweden can meet the war face to face, there is the island of gotland, which... the russians have been claiming for a long time and are provoking near this island of gotland, this is a vivid example the fact that sweden understands this, why some others do not, for me this is a question, as well as the question why they still do not understand in ukraine that the existence of the moscow church on our territory is a threat to us, there was a night vigil in the lavra, headed by metropolitan onufriy, a russian propagandists said that there is a russian church in kyiv, i will translate it into ukrainian immediately, because there is a russian church in kyiv. yes , she is persecuted, she is not heard, but she is waiting for her time, that is how i showed the picture from
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the kievchav lavra, and please, but this church already prohibits it, but no, well, somehow it is not there, we accepted it in the first reading is a poor government project, we are currently working on it in the committee to make it at least a little effective, taking some norms from the project where i was a co-author of 8221 on banning the activities of the russian church in ukraine, but the authorities, you see, they are so... shouted that that's it, we will expel everyone from the lavra, well, it's good that the russian navels left the upper lavra, but they remained in the lavra in many buildings, in many cathedrals, etc. they rule there, then they poison, they poison our national security, you can say so, and the authorities do nothing about it, well, they probably still think about the election and that the russian popes will thank them and call to vote for them, but think it is necessary to talk about the victory and the fact that the fifth column in the country it shouldn't be, well, i'm just reading the story , not... lonely priests in one or another parish, once again commemorated kirill
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gundyaev, quoted his statements, christmas, well, because russians celebrated christmas, it was yesterday, so yesterday they had christmas , and it's surprising, these priests, at the same time in russia, a priest who condemned the so-called svo, this is a moscow priest who spoke out against the war, he was removed from performing his duties as a church priest, that's the relationship, and i females the question is such a topic interesting, but simply about the prospect of a decision on the creation of a committee on nato issues in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, have you heard something about it, because i talked about it with mr. stefanchuk, i do not see such a need, we have questions, we have a committee of international affairs, we have a committee on european integration, we have a committee on national security and defense, the creation of committees does not improve their work, it is obvious that it is only the allocation of certain funds for certain positions, or whatever i know how to explain it i don't see any of... the point of doing this, because the question is what this committee will do, we have, for example, a humanitarian committee, in
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which i work, and we deal with the laws that regulate the activities of mass media, and they once artificially created a committee on issues of freedom of speech, which is not responsible for anything, where are there three deputies who do not bear any responsibility and in principle do not carry out any work in the committee, but the committee exists, it is a waste, an unnecessary waste of budget funds with an unclear purpose , maybe pr for someone. who plans this lead, and interestingly, sociological studies have given us such information that the majority of ukrainians are in favor of resuming broadcasts of supreme meetings. council of ukraine, on the one hand, i understand that there is some kind of security situation here, that the enemies should not know when the meeting is taking place, on the other hand, i understand that there may still be people in the council who can report, if anyone is interested, when meetings are held there, well , look, a huge number of these so-called hopezahists work there, in each of them, each of them has a minimum of four assistants there and a little over 30
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freelance assistants there, you see, and all these people also know when the meeting is taking place, so to say that no one knows when in... this meeting , it's funny, the broadcasts are not made simply so that you can make unpopular decisions, not only unpopular, but sometimes absurd, and so that people do not see the way in which these decisions are made, so that later in the telethon, without giving the word of the opposition, to manipulate public opinion, is the only reason in the absence of a broadcast, there is no other, and finally, starting this week, the good news came yesterday in the evening, that allegedly the republicans and democrats agreed on their issues, on their bills, which are internally, internally party important for them on the eve of the presidential elections and these primaries will be held, and there is a probability that a positive decision will be made on the allocation of aid to ukraine, in your opinion, how long will it be possible to wait until the middle, well, almost the middle of january, until february, and can there be any other separate
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our partners have a question, have they actually made up their minds about ukraine, everything is clear to them, the only question is... when will they agree among themselves on the allocation of this money? i think so. ukraine is supported by both the democrats and the majority of the republicans, and this issue is in their inter-political agreement about their american domestic affairs, unfortunately, ukraine has become a hostage of these affairs, but i believe that the united states will remain our greatest ally and everything will be fine. well, the politician's opinion is also interesting, because again, what scarecrows are spreading that this can happen, people don't understand how it, legally it can happen or it can not happen. charles michel, the head of the european council, can be elected as a member of the european parliament and thus leave the position of head of the european council, viktor orbán, the prime minister of hungary, can take his place, because hungary will preside over the european council. in the eurocouncil they say that we will somehow try to avoid this, how big a threat it can be, is this collegial body, it cannot depend only on the will of orbán alone, it does not depend, that is, if
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they will not all be able to agree among themselves, which is very unlikely, then some temporary term. until they come to an agreement, orban will perform these duties, but i think they will, i see no reason why they should not come to an agreement. thank you very much for participating, thank you for your professional comments, mykola knyazhytskyi, people 's deputy of ukraine was in touch with us, and now i will offer you a story, and after that i will give the floor to serhiy zgurts, today by the way, a lot of very important and interesting information. amputation of legs, numerical contusions, loss of sight and shrapnel wounds, our next story about the infantryman andrii melnyk with the call sign drome, and from the first day onward. during the invasion, the man defended the homeland, defended the land in the driver's direction, and now he is undergoing rehabilitation and waiting for the decision of the military medical commission, every day he remembers the story of his own rescue. leg amputated, torn , right arm, finger hanging off, everything gutted, broken, er, contusion, until now, almost
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a year already, soon, soon it will be a year since the injury, never once ... i did not catch myself on the thought that i do not hiss, do not ring. andriy melnyk, with the call sign drone , an infantryman of the 59th brigade, a man who, before the start of the full-scale invasion , repaired cars together with his brother, some of them were transferred to the front, and on february 24, the 37-year-old man, without waiting for a summons, went to the military headquarters in the morning. i go for the independence of my country because i want prosperity in this country. i... want my family to be happy here, for my son to plan his life here and not set himself the goal of moving somewhere abroad. andriy, together with his own brother, defended in the east of ukraine, in avdiivka, and during another deployment on a combat mission in january of last year, the car of the man and his brothers was blown up by a mine. while waiting for the evacuation,
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the boys were lying in the middle of the field, and the russians continued to fire at them and... we had 15 people, it's just that i was the least lucky, because that mine literally exploded at my feet, it made a big funnel , a hole in the floor of our bmp, i fell in there, the guys even pulled me out, my brother helped me, he reeled me in and said, lie down, we were all very badly burned in... everything burned, clothes, hats, buffs. andriy recalls that he managed to save himself by a miracle, because at first neither his comrades nor doctors gave him a chance for life. i heard the roar of the engine , i realized that they were coming after us , two guys came up to me, one said, look at him , there is nothing to take here, and the other said to him,
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well, he is our brother, we will take him anyway, a military man says that the russian army has great capabilities for a protracted war, so it is too early for the ukrainians to give up, despite the difficulties, andriy has not lost the ability to dream and today, one of his goals is to climb to the top of the mountain. with his son and the ukrainian flag, but that will be after our victory. anastasia holoshivets, viktoriya vorushchak for the espresso tv channel from vinnytsia. thanks to our indomitable soldiers, eternal memory to those who died, thanks to those who continue to fight and recovery to those who are currently in rehabilitation, who are being treated and of course to those doctors who rehabilitate and treat our soldiers and families who are waiting and supporting, only together, we are able to defeat such an enemy as... the russian federation, so what there on the fronts in the war with the aggressor, with russia, serhiy sgurets, director of the defense-express agency and host of the column, will tell us the military results of the day.
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serhii, congratulations, two words please, congratulations to you, vasyl, congratulations to our viewers, today in our column we will talk about the specifics of the enemy’s missile attack this night, about the search for asymmetric solutions on the front line and about what the united states wants , so that we make more weapons ourselves, but what it takes to do that, we'll talk about that in a moment. on the night of january 8 the russian federation carried out another missile attack on the country and the difference from the enemy attacks on december 29 and january 2 was a larger number of missiles flying along a ballistic trajectory. in total, the enemy this time used 25... five ballistic or quasi-ballistic missiles, while targets such as daggers, kh-22 missiles, iskander m ballistic missiles and missiles from the s-300 or s-400 complexes,
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our air defense can shoot down with only patriot or sumpty systems which aren't really enough to cover the entire area countries with the same density. so this time, the enemy tried not to hit the entire kyiv region, where the patriots, in particular, are stationed, as was the case last time, but in the kharkiv, dnipropetrovsk, zaporizhzhya and khmelnytskyi regions, that is, where there is no cover for the patriots. so the ballistic missiles of the enemy were not shot down, although, as the air force command reported, not all of the enemy missiles that were not shot down reached their targets. as for the kha-101 cruise missiles, this time the enemy launched fewer of them than in... previous attacks only 24, 18 of these dwarf missiles were destroyed, as were all eight shahed-136 anti-aircraft missiles. it can be assumed
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that the enemy will continue to combine different approaches to strike and in the air space there will continue to be a confrontation between means of attack and means of defense, and the success of our air forces will depend on the most effective... unification of forces, means and skills air defense system calculations using the most optimal countermeasure algorithms, and these algorithms need to be improved to fight already against ballistic missile carriers and on the territory of the russian federation, it can actually strengthen our capabilities to ensure that fewer ballistic missiles reach our cities in the territory of ukraine, or rather these algorithms or tactics. the countermeasures of the enemy, they are now being worked out in the sky, at sea and on land, and now, when we talk about combat operations on the ground, it is a contact line somewhere at 850 km, then here the enemy bets,
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first of all, on a quantitative advantage in manpower , and we in response talk about the need for mobilization, that's true, but mobilization is that not so much an increase in the number of infantry or stormtroopers in the trenches, because the way... for the exchange of manpower, when we have to pay for the cheapest resources of the russian federation with our most expensive people, then this is not our scenario at all. it is necessary to think about how not to allow the enemy to profit from a numerical advantage on the battlefield. and now we will talk about how our military proposes to improve these asymmetric approaches from the ukrainian side in order to... eliminate the advantage of the enemy, now we are waiting for our guest, and in the meantime i will remind about other important things that relate to the situation on the front line, rather.
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understanding whether there is actually this stalemate, the stalemate situation that valery zaluzhnyi spoke about at one time, commenting on the development of the fact that the two sides have reached the maximum technological level on both sides, and just a couple of days ago there was such a large publication in the policy magazine, where these scenarios were evaluated. and where one of the authors, who is a representative of the british institute of russia, which is engaged in researching the problems of the ukrainian-russian war, made several important conclusions, and they are that, first of all, there is no stalemate now, because both moscow and kyiv are now in such a corresponding pursuit of restoring offensive combat power, and in a conflict
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of this scale, time is of the essence, and in fact, everything will depend on who, in the first half of the 24th year, will ensure the accumulation of material resources more now, who will prepare reserves better and more, and who will inflict more damage on the enemy on the front line, actually these three factors will be certain way to determine the situation on the front line, and when we talk about what the most probable scenarios can be there, then... in particular, russia's experts assume that, on the one hand, one version is that ros-ukraine will have all the opportunities to resume offensive operations, will ensure the degradation of russian military strength and power to such a level that it will be possible to talk about some negotiations there with better leverage on russia to impose a truly durable peace, and the other option is when delays in the supply of weapons... and preparation
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personnel will be slow enough, and this will actually negatively affect ukraine's ability to operate in a war of attrition. on the basis of these two scenarios , russia first of all identified the main directions of strengthening ukrainian military power, which could affect the situation on the battlefield. first of all, this is an improvement in the training of personnel, because the 20th campaign of the third year showed that the time for personnel training was insufficient, the main emphasis was placed on training primarily at the individual level, while as there was simply no time left for the coordination of brigades, so it is suggested that an important component of attention to the preparation of reserves should also be directed to improving the effectiveness of interaction both within the brigades themselves and between brigades. the second component,
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of course, concerns promotion. the supply of the necessary samples of weapons and , above all, ammunition, because the situation with, above all , ammunition for artillery will be of decisive importance, because such examples are given that during the hostilities in the south, during our counter-offensive actions, under due to the supply of a significant amount of ammunition, the ratio was such that the ukrainian units fired about 700 ammunition per day, while the russians could use up to 500, and it was this certain quantitative difference that enabled the ukrainian side to carry out the first offensive actions, secondly, to destroy a significant number of both the enemy's enemy force and the actual personnel who were trying to hold the defense from the enemy side, this was during the offensive actions, and now the situation is somewhat
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different, when our there... military leaders they talk about the fact that we have a certain lack of ammunition, so what does this mean in practice, according to the data provided by representatives of the british institute of russia, in fact , the situation now is such that the ratio is sometimes 200 shots from the ukrainian side per day, up to 10 thousands of shots from the enemy's side, that is, now we see that at will the enemy sometimes has a significant advantage in artillery, this of course... affects the nature of combat operations on the front line, the question arises, what potential is there today in the united states in the european countries to provide us with ammunition for at least the 24th year. here, the statistics are such that british experts provide data that, in general, ukraine needs at least 200,000 ammunition per month, or relatively speaking, 2.4
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million per... er, the whole year against.


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