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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EET

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and in principle, we gave all the reasons for this , well, listen, what are you talking about about the 14th year, let's talk about today, which series was the most popular last year and was the most, so to speak, scored in google searches in ukrainian , what russian series is the word kid, this is the whole answer to everything about freedoms, to telethons, to the entire cultural program, to the 95th quarter, to everything, this is the answer clear and clear, and while the population will watch... kid, moreover , people who in general, well, it seems, should not, this, this is a different localization, different, in principle , everything else, yes, they still watch, but as long as they watch, the russians will not let go of us, and the more we try to understand them by the fact that we are in their information spaces constantly, so with all these experts, all russian influencers, series, product, intelligentsia, ballet, literature. and so on, but until then they
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will always be with us, i am sure of this, so to speak, this is the task, this history, the whole meaning of russia in the imperial version that exists from the time of peter, yes, which was laid, unfortunately, by our compatriots, yes, from the kyivomil academy, the whole meaning is staying in the same state with kyiv, you understand, this is a hesitation, we have to finish simply. mr. volodymyr, if you invest in 20 seconds, it will be fine. very briefly, well , first of all, we must stop the russians militarily, prevent them from winning the war, and preferably win this war for us. secondly, to demonstrate our own success story, the success of european ukraine. this will be the most effective influence. thank you. thank you. volodymyr fesenko, andrii smolii and oleksiy holobutskyi were guests of our program today. thank you, gentlemen. let me remind you that during the program we conducted
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a survey, we asked you, friends, whether it is necessary to resume broadcasts of meetings of the verkhovna rada of ukraine during martial law, 91% yes, 9% no. this is the verdict program today, i say goodbye to you, the program was conducted by serhii rudenko, goodbye.
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events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, news. the tape informs about them, but there is little to know, what is happening must be understood. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. congratulations, this
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is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel , together with beraber, in which we talk about the problems of the occupied crimean peninsula, and the topic of crimea was actually widely distributed in the infospace this week, probably the most and most effectively, all this happened on january 4. about 15 hours, the armed forces of ukraine hit the command post of the russian occupation forces near sev. fields this was reported by the strapkom of the armed forces of ukraine. and a little bit from the commander of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine mykola oleschuk. on january 2 , the ministry of lies of the russian federation reported that a bunker containing deputy commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny and nine other generals of the armed forces of ukraine had been hit by russian missiles. well , he sends his greetings to the occupiers in crimea, mr. mykola. i expect the same from enemy propaganda epic report from sevastopol and yevpatoria on january 4 and thank you again. to the pilots of the air force
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and to all those who planned the operation for impeccable combat work, lieutenant general oleschuk. well, we understand that it was january 4 that turned out not to be the case for crimea... with that day, and although the ministry of defense of the russian federation reports on the downing of 100-500 thousand of all possible drone missiles, drones, by the way, also flew into crimea. there are some details related to the defeat in the sevastopol area by ok pivden. nataliya humeniuk reports that it was not only the command post was hit, but the invaders' defense system was seriously damaged, not just one command post. powerful combat work took place over the past day, this is not the first damage, and we are actually talking about the destruction of the living force of the occupiers, possibly with high-ranking officers in the number of up to 23 people, this is only what they ofrekords admit. well , let's see how it will turn out in the end,
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greetings to everyone, i congratulate our viewers in the temporarily occupied crimea with the fact that ukraine does not forget about crimea, and these new year's... and post-new year's fireworks, they continue , they continue rhythmically, methodically, the ukrainian army and command do not leave the occupiers alone, and the occupiers react to this in such a way, well , a little perverted, lying, i think that if they are just woken up there at night, they will simply start lying automatically, but still, in the end, we will find out what happened there, there was even information that gerashima was there... well, they are not, you know , so that we buy into it, they started, they are fakes, bye things our viewers have too you know, they usually, well, not usually, but it often happens that they throw out fakes that can be picked up by the average ukrainian
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readers of social networks, yes, and then they deny it and say, you see, you lied there, but we don't, we'll wait to see what's actually there. was, i have my doubts about gerasim, he is the chief of the general staff of the terrorist russian army, but the fact that something so bad happened there for the command, and also for, as far as ms. humenyuk understood, for the anti-aircraft forces, the enemy, that's for sure, well let's see, let's wait for official information, come on, in addition to waiting for official information, let's try to remember in general what is in that area, and about which... item and about what level of defense of the crimean peninsula we can talk about. vladyslav seleznyo, military expert, spokesperson of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from 2014 to 2017. it shows every time. let's recall the statement of the american general ben hodges, who
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is convinced that we can liberate kryl in a fairly short period of time and with relatively small efforts, but for that we need to systematically and methodically attack the enemy's military forces. in sevastopol , and by the way, there are about 232 of them there , well, first of all, we have to destroy the same kherchen bridge, with the help of which the enemy carries out the logistics of its occupation contingent, respectively, in the temporarily occupied crimea, this is exactly what our force is doing now defense, although it is obvious that we lack the resources to implement that plan, because the same venhojes is convinced that in order for us to be as effective, we need german-swedish missiles... and we need attack systems from american manufacturers from the combat unit of high-explosive warheads and capable of a distance of up to 300 km. unfortunately, we do not have such missiles yet, but we have a knack for zeal and development from domestic manufacturers, who from time
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to time welcome to crimea. by the way, regarding the insiders, regarding last night, it was better not only in the sevastopol area, the boom was quite noticeable in the novofederivka area. the summer resort of saka, not far from the town of the same name, saka itself was quite loud in yevpatoria, as for the information about the destruction of 23 russian high-ranking officials there, i , like mr. ayder, treat this information with great caution, because often the russian psoshniks throw all kinds of nonsense at us, and we want to receive at least some pleasant news from the front, if we have to react to this stupid thing, and then to find out that this is... this is a delusion of the russian propagandists of chipmunks, and in this way the overheated ukrainian society receives such a report and stops believing in the bully at all, so i agree with mr. ayder, we have to wait for official reports on the consequences of missile and drone attacks on enemy military targets,
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but nevertheless we must understand that there were attacks and they were active, the arrival was recorded, including by independent researchers, in particular, residents of the same sevastopol in area 5 km. there is one of the command posts of the russian black sea fleet, the arrival was recorded not far from yevpatori, there is the village of uyutno, there is one of the air defense units of the russian occupation army. it is not known about their consequences, but the fact that ambulances were moving in that direction , and several units, this means that there were fewer wounded there, what about other losses, we will find out, i think, later, uh , mr. vladyslav, if we talk about this is actually damage to the defense system in crimea for the occupiers, as nataliya humenyuk remarked, this is about them. air defense, anti-missile defense, or, let's say, more combined, can we look at it, and how much
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time can we have to take advantage with this backlash, until the russians pulled up additional air defense systems with the logistical chains available to them to replace the possibly destroyed ones, you ask a very relevant question, because in fact the ukrainian system that counteracts... on the other hand, it always carefully prepares for such attacks, conducts reconnaissance and reconnaissance of the area, including due to the activities of ukrainian werewolves and ukrainian partisans who operate in sevastopol, as well as in crimea peninsula, then finding out exactly where the key elements of the enemy's anti-aircraft defense are located, it is precisely on them that the damage is carried out, either by drones or missiles, sometimes this damage is combined in order to... the more and the more effective the enemy's air defense system, of course , that the enemy still
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has certain resources in order to pull additional elements of the same air defense systems into the holes in their defense as soon as possible, but even if they tighten those elements, the popo system is not perfect, for example in the area in feodosia, the russians have deployed a complex of modern c400 air defense systems, which should protect all military facilities, both on the territory of feodosia and in its surroundings, but we remember the wonderful battle that took place in the waters of the feodosia seaport, as a result of which the large landing ship novocherkas turned into a pile of scrap metal. it's obvious that the enemy's effective anti-aircraft system didn't work if our stormshadows and scalps went where they were supposed to go. i think that there will be more and more such cases in the future, because precisely through such activity we can systematically and methodically transform. ashes, the entire enemy military potential, yes, i understand that there is a lot of work ahead, but the fact that
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our system operators, our rocket operators approach this work with the utmost care and quality, which is given in signs, demonstrates decent results, is obvious, well and the russian propagandists, here i again agree with mr. ayder, they protect every time and the movie opens their mouths, so it is not worth paying attention to their statements of any kind, the authorities. please tell me, did you remember the so-called the novocherkas submarine is a new submarine of the russian black sea fleet, please tell me, you are monitoring 100% of these channels of theirs, they are, after all, officially, semi-officially, there unofficially somewhere in the inkors, they recognized such losses of personnel, well , that is, the fact that it is completely destroyed this ship, it's... difficult to understand, but as for the personnel, what did they say last week? well, first of all, we have to understand that
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there is no anarchy among the russian warlords, huh, and that they don't talk about their independence there, they are absolutely clear units of the same information front of the russian occupation army, so they act in synchronization, coordinated with the general military command or the fsb leadership, so you should not count on the fact that they... will raise hype about the fact that many members of the same novocherkassk allegedly died, but the fact that in the public there, in particular in feodosia , calls are beginning to be heard, help to find the person who allegedly disappeared during the explosion on the large landing ship, now more are appearing, and the fact that at least a third of the crew from e, which had a regular strength of 83 people, was on that ship, it is obvious, maybe even more, because this... the norm applies to a third of the personnel in peacetime conditions, now the war, the war is raging, including on the territory
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of the crimea, and therefore, rather than on board, there were much more personal belongings, and why such a large number of missing persons? i think that they simply physically evaporated due to the incredible boom that happened, including during the secondary detonation, because we do we remember that it was in the vicinity of the novocherkassk deployment site for quite a long time, what happened there? at first you talked about 200 shaheds, i don't believe in such information, it's sad at the level of reports, but nevertheless, i think, most likely, there was regular ammunition there, in particular rockets for rszzo. like a city , which is installed as a full-time combat unit on this large landing ship, in addition, there was a set of reserves of artillery ammunition, maybe some property with explosive filling was still stored in the holds, in any case, it exploded brightly, powerfully, well and again, we remember that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the enemy had at least 12
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vdc, vdc, which should have created such a powerful grouping to conduct a naval attack, in the equatorial region of the black and azov seas. the operation on the coast of ades did not work out, already three of those 12 vdk remained forever at the bottom of the black sea, well, someone there, like the minsk vdk is located near the dry dock in sevastopol, of the two remaining ones are old ships, and the level of linomamonto, that is , as effective combat units, they are by no means there are seven left, well, i think he will come. time and for those seven ships, which are at different levels of combat readiness, that they will also head to their flagship, the missile cruiser moscow, because they are headed there. ugh, so vladyslav, after all, the memont crap is, it's a very valuable thing, in the scientific market for research, i think it's worth a lot
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more than any ship, a wrecked ship of the black sea fleet, and i want to , you know, ask about what, you remembered recently about the crimean partisans, generally on yours opinion, or maybe you know, well, only what is not a secret, but how the guidance takes place on these targets, because we understand for sure that our missiles are not hitting us that many missiles, and opportunities, unfortunately, so far , ours hit where they know for sure that there is something or someone there, yes, this is the work of partisans, people who gather our people there. collect information that is transmitted, this is, to a satellite, some pictures that are transmitted to us by western intelligence online, or whatever, how it happens, how so, that is, the hidden part of these operations, what can it look like? therefore, the question is that in order for any
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operation to infect a military facility in crimea and sevastopol to be effective, it begins with ukrainian planning and involvement. for the ukrainian kulaks who are actually active in the crimea and in sevastopol, and this history has already, well , at least nine years of such coordination and such activity, now during the full-scale russian-ukrainian war, the activity of our partisan movement in sevastopol and in crimea became significantly more active, and this is also not a secret, but of course the details are hardly those that are relevant to that process in general, well, they are unlikely to be reported until the end of the war, but what is happening... this is a complex approach to identifying enemy such own goals, it is obvious, space intelligence is working , air reconnaissance is working, pay attention, we constantly see on the internet, in particular, in the channels that are monitoring the problems of crimea, according to the information that various types of radar intelligence are constantly working over the waters of the black sea and over the waters of ukraine bordering the black sea on
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the territory of romania, bulgaria, and moldova, respectively. technical intelligence, movement, operation of enemy forces and means in crimea and sevastopol, but of course, the most effective and efficient development is intelligence, directly on the territory of crimea and sevastopol, and such activity exists, and it is precisely this that is decisive when making a decision, for what purposes it is necessary to inflict damage, we partially know about this information from the report of ukrainian intelligence, mr. yusaf reports from time to time about the fact that, well, for example, before launching a missile attack on the dry docks, where the large amphibious assault ship minsk and the submarine rostov nadanu were located at the time, this is the dry dock, the sevmor of the plant in sevastopol, respectively, first worked out there are our werewolves, who made sure that these two combat units of the russian black sea fleet are present at the plant, well, then the rocket did its wonderful job and these two
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combat units are unlikely to ever join the ranks of the russian black sea fleet in the world fleet... great news, because it started such a serious tradition of inflicting damage directly in the main bay or on the territory of the main base of the russian black sea fleet, sevastopol. i am sure that there will be more, and paying attention to such loud and nervous statements of the goalie there, rozvazaev, surnamed kolobok, it seems to me that he is so nervous for a reason, because he understands that sevastopol is a territory of responsibility. putin will directly ask him where the most powerful propaganda in the world is russian air defense should operate on the territory of sevastopol if ukrainian drones and missiles constantly visit it. cities and attack military facilities, by the way, please note that unlike the missile terror that the russian army perpetrates every time, hitting facilities on
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the territory of our country that have nothing to do with the ukrainian defense forces, our forces they act absolutely rationally, measuredly, with jewel-like accuracy, they destroy precisely military objects, objects of military infrastructure, as well as enterprises of the russian defense and industrial complex, because in fact this is a completely rational approach, we literally have very few, so we have to use them exclusively for objects that depend on the combat mission of the russian occupation army, and this is a completely pragmatic rational approach, which in the end will give us a sign, because the more the enemy loses directly at the base point at factories, bases, arsenals and warehouses, the less rags will fly to our land. vladyslav, i want to ask you a little... such a personal question, but i think everyone will be interested in the answer. we have many military experts, many people who pretend to be military experts, i have
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confidence in very few, including you, regarding crimea, especially since you are from, well, you are from crimea yourself, and you know everything, there and served there, please tell me, what is your methodology for assessing what is going on, god? we understand that war is a lie, others, another name for war is a lie, yes, and the enemy uses lies to the fullest, so do telegram channels, and these vincors that you mentioned, and their other propaganda there, there are well, probably some kind of methodology by which you evaluate, and when you tell us about what you think happened, happens, as simply as i want, you can learn something from such an analysis. yes, informative, and i think that it will be somewhat interesting for our viewers, who are also intelligent viewers who want to understand everything, not as an expert, but
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at least as a person, who, well, there is noodles on the difficult navi to hang, so the first thing we need to understand is that war is not black and white, war is multi-colored, and accordingly for that, in order to understand the level of awareness and verification of those... or other sources of information, we have to look at their activities , well, in such a certain prolonged period, why? because often densely, even respectable and well-known telegram channels do their dirty work, they do what the german fascist army did at one time, they spread about 60% true information, talking about the activities of the wehrmacht at the front, and 40% was detailed information. which creates relevant information narratives and has created relevant the mood in both directly in the society
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of hitler's germany at that time and also in the countries that fought germany, a very universal approach that allowed, having such a balanced and branded, let's say , name, to use this name to promote relevant informational . kids, that's exactly how i act now when i investigate the activities, including russian, of some zeta publics, there are outright liars, there are those who work exclusively for the needs of the russian epso, whether it is in the execution of russian, russian secret assassinations or of the russian general staff, or possibly the fsb or other special services of the russian federation, there is the same activity of the ukrainian special services, which have own information narratives, a careful study of the mass of information that they will spread, allow you to understand where there are lies, and where, and where there may be some grains of true
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information, you are absolutely right, in terms of the fact that war is a path of deception, and here we must be as responsible as possible when consuming the same information, any information must be verified, confirmed by several independent, secondary sources of information, because otherwise it will seem that this is information that is designed to create such a, uh, such, such an echo in us, regarding those or other information that the organizers directly need, therefore responsible consumption of information, well and besides, you absolutely rightly noted, i am a crimean, i have the opportunity to find out directly from the residents of crimea certain details of what is happening, how it is happening. if the information about the explosions in feadosi or yesterday in equator and in sevastopol, i received it first from the mouse of these settlements, then i can
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understand. where exactly, when exactly, it happened, and then as much as possible, of course, the residents there inform me, well, with whom do i keep in touch, what exactly happened and where exactly it happened, it is clear that the russians are blocking, they do not give the opportunity local residents when approaching those places where the cotton happened, a lot of restrictions and a lot of controls, and in general, this is the history of anti-ukrainian hysteria in the crimean society. that there should be a place in the information space, that is why my sources of information operate as much as possible carefully and balancedly, so as not to expose yourself once more to the activities of the so-called crimean smersh, but with the help of comparing information from different sources , you can draw appropriate balanced conclusions. regarding moderation, we understand how filigree the approach to what is probably one of
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the main acts of struggle should be. for the ukrainian crimea, the destruction of the kerch bridge, mr. vladyslav , you talked about it, and i would like now, well, to go a little deeper into the whole issue, as far as time allows, well, we understand that ukraine has scalps, and our air force operate with these missiles, we have evidence, in particular from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, that atakams have already been successfully used in ukraine, but at the same time there are many. it says that the issue of the kerch bridge can be solved exclusively by the german tauros, and although it is essentially a brother or sister, as you like, of this scalp, actually produced by the same company, mbda, but it has a special feature, a concrete-breaking combat unit, which, judging by everything, will be able to overcome this construction,
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built completely unnecessarily, as it was right. it is said in crimea, is it really only taurus, because the political signals about providing us with this missile are not yet pleasing, even the most conservative in germany, the representatives of the bundestag are already saying, yes, it should be given, but the government is holding back for now, and the spokesman for the german federal government, steffen gebeshreit literally this week stated that we strongly condemn the actions of the russian army and the orders of the russian president ... and putin regarding the massive attacks on ukraine, but the tauruses are not ready to give yet? in fact, it is very a serious problem , because it seems to me that absolutely all conscious, i emphasize conscious german politicians understand that if putin seizes ukraine, poland will be next, then germany, because putin dreams of restoring muscovy's dominance in the borders, then even before 91 of the so-called
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warsaw treaty, in accordance with those. conditions, the eastern part of the now united germany with its capital in berlin was under the control of muscovy, and in this sense i am surprised by the anti-ukrainian position of the same robert fitso, the prime minister of slovakia or that viktor orbán himself, the prime minister of hungary, because it seems that these officials forgot when a soviet soldier trampled on their land, the land of a country whose leaders... are not, but i understand that there may be certain backstories that force fico and orban behave exactly the way they behave , so it is not worth counting on their support for now, but it is worth turning to all the conscious countries of the world, in order to unite and support the same evil aggression that the russian federation is currently creating and producing her leader vladimir putin, therefore, in any case, work on what... and to convince our
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german partners about the transfer of the same and.


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