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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EET

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but it seems, it seems that there is this progress, that is, already some things society stops arranging, and society is ready, well, to simply defend its dignity, because it is pathetic, eh, and you know why i wonder what when, if you look, if you look at previous editions, let's say quarter 95, it was sold out at the palace of ukraine, as i understand it. yes, there you can see a lot of people's deputies of different denominations, there you can see the former president, the former prosecutor general, and everyone liked it, and everyone found it very funny, yes, to those people who are criticizing it now , that is, obviously there is really some, some kind of hack , i want to ask you about the new culture of ukrainian stand-up, i don't know if you are watching it, i am trying to... still monitor and see if
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you like it looks more decolonized , first of all, and whether it looks closer to russian or western american stand-up, let's say, well, no doubt, that 's a completely different story, i'm not a fan of stand-up, yes, but i think that this is a movement in the right direction, it is without doubt what works. according to western models , there are definitely several, several levels, which, in fact, are why i like it, that is , you can disagree with some specific jokes, you can talk about some inaccuracies, uh, one way or another, but there are several things, first of all, well, usually , it is still a much more intellectual thing than, than a diesel show or a quarter, well... but because
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when there, you know, serhii bychkov jokes about postmodern khinkali, well, you should at least understand, if , you have to be a little bit more intellectually savvy, the second thing is that very often the right messages are sewn here and there, yes, if you look at the same anton tymoshenko, others after all, that is, there are... a lot of correct things are sewn into this humor whether it is about ukrainization, or about the relationship with the armed forces of ukraine, or, oh god, forgive me, about aristovych, and that is, this humor is already being used as a tool for spreading some, well, in my opinion, correct things, besides, well, i don’t see, well, maybe i lucky, maybe it is somewhere, but here are these...
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vulgar national stereotypes, well , i don’t see it there, and it’s very important, that is, they can slip through something somewhere, but this is not the basis, but in these older generation of humorous shows, this is often the basis, and almost the main feature , so it seems to me that well, stand-up is a qualitative step, a leap even forward compared to what else we grew up on, i know that you often... in central europe, yes, in particular in the czech republic, or you tried to compare us, let's say if you take a segment of not very clever humor, yes stupid humor, in other countries it is also there, yes, i know that it is in america, i know that it is like that in europe too, let's say, in central europe, have you tried to compare, our humor is below the plinth with their humor? do they really differ from
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us in this self-deprecation, yes or no? well, the humor below the plinth is really the same everywhere, so the point is that, for example , the same czechs, they often laugh at themselves in general , they have a very developed humor culture, but they also laugh like that in american stand-up what what what in our country, even in our country, we would probably lose consciousness there. from that , but there is a difference of context, yes, that is, there are things that , when you click on e, these are some national-language issues in ukraine, well, it is completely different than in the same czech republic, and you can laugh at some inflections, or differences, dialect differences there, well , no doubt, yes, yes, well, of course, that when you watch czech stand-up there, if this stand-up takes place in prague, then they will make fun of brno if it happens. in
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bryno, then they will make noise from prague, like as soon as you can and you can't, it's normal, but the difference is exactly this, this context, because we just, just come out, we just. we become with this monolithic community, and when you pull out some such things that, well, throw in enmity, just throw in, it's a very stupid approach, it's a harmful approach, and this, in the conditions of war, it's, well, it's just on the verge of some hostile activity, now i want to ask you about humor in times of disasters, i was in kyiv... the year the chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster occurred, and i remember what they said when the ukrainians responded to the chernobyl explosion with an explosion of humor, i remember there were a lot of anecdotes, various such
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humorous pieces, just a wave, a whole wave, and humor during the war, is it possible, what, what examples do we have of humor during the war , and where are the red lines? i'm sure that humor is undoubtedly necessary, because it, well, it very often has some kind of therapeutic effect, the same stand-ups from time to time to rewatch or read something, but even this, that is, it's normal that ukrainians joke, because, well, it's just necessary somehow keep a healthy sense of humor, and if you look at this is all that happens strictly with a serious face, well, you can really go crazy, that's why humor is needed. but the fact is that, in my deep conviction, and this applies not only to humor, in the principle of cultural activity, especially when it comes to the general public, the main principle should be to do no harm, that is, we must understand that there is, that we live in
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a community uh, well, a very, very sick community, yes, that is at war, where, where. there are an awful lot of these red lines, and it's normal, yes, that is, we are leading a war for survival, and thousands and thousands of people are traumatized in very different ways, this should be the main principle when you, relatively speaking, a comedian who is preparing some number, some product, you should go around it from all sides and think whether won't it hit someone? too much, yes, and this is exactly how it should be evaluated, in fact, i personally have a problem with these and these humorous shows that we are talking about, that there is a complete lack of understanding of any ethics and understanding of the context in which you create it
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this humor, and you read the comments under it on youtube actually under these sketches, where people don't understand, people say what and what? like this, it gives us an opportunity not to go as a kokucha , sorry, we give it an opportunity, it absolutely does not humiliate us, and it’s cool for us and that’s all, and well , thousands of people write, support these actors, there is such, there is such, well, i have, you know , always when people ask me about history or culture, what to do, i always have a disappointing, disappointing answer, only a slow enlightenment, well, there is none here, so to speak. these ways, it just has to be overcome step by step step by step, but on the other hand, you see, we can talk about some theories, such as theories of colonialism, post-colonial traumas, and so on and so on, but when you
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turn on, you turn on this new year's issue of the quarter, and there to the melody of the falcons, singing about the patron's shit, well... it's not that it's not funny, it's just disgusting, but it's just in a vacuum, well, it's, it's, uh, it's not funny, i just think the problem is that, if the melody of the falcons means nothing to a person, yes, if it is not his cultural code, yes, then he will never understand that a person for whom it is a cultural code, yes, whether it is, or there, say, holodomorje sacred. it wouldn't occur to me to simply say senior holodomor absolutely and lo and behold, it seems to me that this is a problem that is very difficult to solve, because we have to accept the fact that there are several socio-cultural groups of people in ukraine, they are now under rockets, of course they are more
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connected to each other , but one way or another, people are actually brought up in different cultures, so do you see the expediency in this sense. that there should be some, or the state can interfere in it, can anyone do it, let's be honest, yes, ban, disallow, censor or. how, how should the state behave? and , well, you see, we are basically in a difficult situation, despite all the vicissitudes of democracy, yes, the classics rightly said that democracy has many flaws, but nothing better has yet been invented, and this is really true, on the other hand on the one hand, we are in a state of war, so we must understand that certain restrictions, they have the right to exist, i think that culture, that is, to prohibit any of this in in principle, a very ungrateful thing, that is, it is unlikely to work, especially in the 21st
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century with all digital tools. i am convinced that the state should intervene at the moment when, well, we can really talk about, for example, inciting national or ethnic enmity, yes, that is, where this fine line, the criminal code, etc. already begins. when, when we really see that these jokes can lead to direct tension between certain communities that make up the ukrainian people, so sorry, i now i will add that in the diesel show, there is also a new year's scene, where they say the phrase tatars are a quagmire people without passports, that is , it shouldn't be, there at all. they also have a skit about how the people in crimea actually are, how
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they are preparing to meet the armed forces of ukraine, and there they teach the ukrainian language, as if all the traitors are saying that, and this, again, it’s about a total lack of ethics, because when you 're sitting on a couch in kyiv and you're writing this script and that, drinking beer, and you're writing about people who are under occupation, well... somewhere, this red light should just light up, the one that will tell you, well, stop, that, that is, it is very often, er, very often, this is a question of ethics, just so that these people understand that, well, this is not possible, this is simply not you can, even if you think it's funny, you and i are talking right now, i'm thinking right now that you and i, maybe these are the rare occasions when on television... we say the word colonialism or postcolonialism, in general ukraine was somehow
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treated very shyly, so about this, and we did not speak in the village in this context, about our cultural heritage, mental trauma, and so on, you wrote immediately after this scandal with this 95th quarter and the new year's their their this skit, you wrote your own post about the fact that this... is a revelation, yes you wrote colonialism, the inertia of colonialism, the inertia of colonialism, can we talk about why this is the inertia of colonialism, how it manifests itself in other cultural images, and whether it is necessary to talk to a mass audience at all, or it's no no no for no for no too complicated matters for people, i am sure that yes, i know that there are people who do not... actually agree there with the colonized situation of ukraine for centuries, but i insist that in particular in the cultural
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plane, well, we really were in to the colonized situation, for this, well, it is very simple a few key factors, the most typical thing and the simplest is russification, yes, planting the language of the conditional metropolis or regenam, that is, it was, well, i don’t know, who doesn’t know, you can read ivan dzyuba , and if... a century, that's all of them stories about the reunification of ukraine with russia, about the fact that the history of ukraine was actually erased by russian, history, and this is actually this culture, yes, a culture that was within the socialist framework, but again and maximally vulgarized, these are signs that that we were colonized, this is not often agreed with, because... they say that the colonizer should bring culture, well , like france or britain, it was
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the other way around, okay, but that doesn't change the fact that thanks to military force , administrative pressure, foreign elements were planted on us, well, that's it the actual language, history, culture were planted , it was, and it is quite natural that this is the inertia of colonization, it continues, it is not possible to simply... declare independence and that's it, we all changed our consciousness, because it passed into the times of independence , well, first of all, because of the difficult language situation, it passed. in my opinion, well, even before february 22, the majority did not understand the essence of our relations with russia, because this myth about friendly peoples, about the brotherhood of peoples, was so deeply embedded in the ukrainian consciousness that for many people it was simply february of the 22nd year became a revelation, although in reality, friendship of peoples has never existed,
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that is, a person who reads even a little the history of the country, and this is this primitive culture. so, that is, these are the things that entered the time of independence, took root to some extent, or rather it was strengthened by moscow, took root in the ukrainian consciousness, and it is necessary, well, it is necessary to overcome it, it seems to me that these are not difficult things in sense of explanation, yes, well, that is, you understand that you are there, well, now kyiv is more ukrainian-speaking than ever, probably, but you you understand many russian-speakers, well , they talked about this, they talked about the friendship of peoples, i think that there is no need to explain to anyone, they talked about this colonial culture, for example, about humor, and you see that, well, there is something in it i guess you know that i often ask myself if what is happening to us is actually this
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post-colonial syndrome, and actually one of the manifestations of it, which we talked about today, is in the sense of humor, but... .. is it a natural thing or is it, you are talking about evolution, but evolution is called such a cranky aunt who is not in a hurry, it is slow, and now you see this evolution under, it just accelerated, so with russian rockets, do you think it is natural that we have been progressing so slowly for 30 years, compared to others nations, post-colonial, what situation are we in? i'm afraid that we simply , in essence, did not understand the meaning of culture in the broad sense of the word, yes, this, this, unfortunately, is what has always been in moscow, but in moscow they always understood very well how it works , why the language, the way maskult works, like why history needs to be rewritten, in our country, and it seems to me that in reality there is still no such understanding, it is already
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manifesting somewhere, but at the state level, in my opinion, there is still no such understanding. that's why it's so slow, that's why, that's why it's all very, very long, that 's why russian missiles over the whole of ukraine really accelerated it, but comparing it with, for example, india, and even african countries, in india when in 1947 year, yes, and we continue to see signs, yes , that they continue to conquer this colonial heritage, i.e. in this sense. you agree that it is not really that long these 30 years that we have lived, in general yes, well, that is, we must understand that if we want to find some starting point, although it is very conditional, yes, but if according to the starting point of russian colonialism , moscow colonialism, take the pereyaslav council, 1654 , well, you can compare, yes, that is, we
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are talking about 350 years. of colonialism, and we just started fighting it 30 years ago. i am sure that it can be done faster if more was invested in it the state, if there were more resources in this, if it was some kind of, you know, strategy, there is no such thing, there are, there are some crazy enthusiasts who are trying to somehow explain it, spread it, engage in education, well, okay, we have to work, my last question, it seems to you that this is an irreversible process, because when we talk about these cultural codes and, in other words, scientists talk, neuroscientists talk about these neural connections, yes, that were formed there in us since childhood, which are associated with irony good luck, new year's eve and olivier, young parents,
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happy, some yes, happy family there and so on, that is, we have ties that are purely biological, yes. to this entire mascultiv, russian, soviet and russian heritage, and whether in this sense what is happening now, what we are going through, this decolonization by missiles, or whether in your opinion, this is not a reverse history, well, it is not possible here to be categorical, yes, but it seems to me that what i observe in some younger segment, but younger than me actually speaking, segments of culture, and this is again about that... this kind of stand-up, and, for example, those people who are listened to, well, they no longer have any of these soviet post-soviet narratives, well, because it is simply for they died out, that. it's not their culture, in that sense i remain optimistic, except, well, it's hard for me to imagine that after everything that russia
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has done in the last 10 years, in the last two years, and what else, well, unfortunately, judging by everything russia will have time to do, it is difficult for me to imagine that we will return to this track of some kind of friendship, fraternities, and you know, and... things were read there in autumn evenings with poems by pushkin, because the trauma is too deep, and well, i believe that we are old enough to realize it, well , if not now, then really probably never , thank you for the conversation, radomyr mokryk , historian, cultural expert, was a guest of his own name, it seems to me that it was an important conversation about how important it is for us to get rid of the colonial heritage, self-deprecation, some such destructive, destructive humor of low quality in relation to ourselves as important to us
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to eradicate russian and soviet cultural codes from ourselves, not to look down on russian intellectuals, actually to remember who we are, and in the last few years we have seen how intelligent, powerful and cultured we are. and even the world is captivated by it. thank you for being with us, we will see you next week in the project own names. all the best. thank you. thank you. there are discounts on anticataral. 20% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. there are discounts on optino. 15% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. vasyl zema's big broadcast. this is a big one
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ether, my name is vasyl zimaye, let's get started. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. today we will discuss many important topics with you for two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us. and how the world is living now, about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, welcome please and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the honorable one. and studio andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative radio liberty project. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. weekdays at 9:00.
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we are looking for 13-year-old dianka prokopova from donetsk region. the official information about the girl's disappearance came in june 2023, and that's for sure. unfortunately, i do not know the date of her disappearance, because diana lived in the pokrovsky district in the village of verhnyotoretske, which was occupied at the beginning of the war. therefore, any
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information about possible is important. the location of the girl, if suddenly you own her, call the hotline of the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, or write to the chat bot of the child tracing service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for 17-year-old serhiy samoilov, who also disappeared in donetsk region in the city of mariupol, his mother. said that on the very first day of the war, life in the city became unbearable and the situation worsened rapidly with every hour, the family hid in the basement from the bombings, but shelling was far from the only problem residents of mariupol. there was no internet, light, water, we even drank technical water from a technical tap, then the whole family ate everything, he didn’t drink
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, we couldn’t eat, honestly... there was no connection or internet at home anymore , of course, there were already problems with water and food, he was going to go to pokrovsk. serhiy planned to go to his mother's acquaintance in pokrovsk, which is also donetsk region, about 200 km from mariupol, but the boy's family did not dare to leave the house, so serhiy left alone. it happened on march 6, at 4:00 p.m. grandma and i didn't let him go because
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we were shooting so much. around, and to be honest , we had absolutely nothing to eat or drink at that time , it was very scary, he took a backpack with him, there was a computer in it, he dressed the way young people dress, he said: seryozha, come on, i thought, he looks like around the house and he will return, and the earring left the house, when he left, i already understood that my wife and i made a mistake, we did not hold back the ego, for now only one thing is known, sergey did not get to pokrovsk so... he went home the boy has also not returned, and no one knows where he is now, but serhiy's mother still lives in mariupol and does not lose hope of finding her son. meanwhile, serhiy's father, who has been living separately for a long time and is now in the territory controlled by ukraine, is doing everything possible to find serhiy. in particular, he turned to the office of the ombudsman. i understand that they want to contact that side, and find out if there is information on that side, because a lot
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was exported. perhaps the boy was taken to russia, but it is possible that he is still there somewhere in donetsk region, so i am appealing to residents of the temporarily occupied territory who may see this program on social networks. look carefully at the photo of the child, if anyone knows where serhii may be now, do not delay, dial the short number of magnoli's child tracing service from any mobile operator. 11630. calls to the hotline from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if suddenly there is no communication, write to the chat bot of the child tracing service in telegram. any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch
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in... possible mechanisms for punishing the criminal. stopcrime ua. greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. there is no electricity supply in seven districts of odesa oblast due to bad weather. emergency crews continue to restore. podilsk was the most affected.


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