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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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through the sumy checkpoint, this is the only checkpoint from the enemy’s territory now, or go along the big ring through europe, there through the crimea, georgia, there are only such options, unfortunately, how much will such a trip cost, it’s probably not 3 kopecks, yes, yes, yes, it really costs differently there, well, people told me. what about getting to soum, which is about uah 10,000, they also write that a mine exploded and one of the russian military officers was killed, i mean army colonel arman ospanov, the russian media write, referring to them , the publication most informs and writes that according to data... on january 6, a colonel
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blew up near the village of ospanov, a cossack camp or a camp, i don’t know, of the oleshki community on the left bank, so far the general staff of the armed forces has not officially confirmed this information , here, but we hope that she, that she will be verified, and this is the head of the armored service of the airborne forces of the russian federation. yes, well, i honestly cannot confirm or deny this information that our guys are constantly working on the left bank, they continue to gain a bridgehead, now of course it is still cold, it is difficult , but the guys are standing, what is the matter with this , this, this general, i cannot deny or say that this is true, sir, oleksandr,
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i wanted to ask you again, because people are still discussing this humorous number, which was shown by tv channel 1+1 on new year's eve , performed and created by the 95th quarter, about an apparently displaced woman, a refugee, from skadovsk, who does not speak ukrainian well, and so it... looks like according to the creators of the 95th quarter, it is quite funny that people on are they talking about it in kherson oblast? well, of course, people are outraged, they think that here we have people who love ukraine, let them not cooperate with the enemy, they communicate in ukrainian, and it is very common now, of course, before this... gosh, they were like that
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we have a more russian-speaking region, but people try to speak only in its state language, and this is logical, because we were attacked by an enemy, as we speak, this is the least we can do, what really is probably inappropriate there ah... such a joke , or whatever it is to call it, is not inappropriate, but whatever do it, we understand that everything happens , unfortunately, we have much more important topics and problems right now, first of all helping to win this war and helping our military, well , actually, if we are talking about skadovsk, what news from there or something from... that is heard
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, well, the situation is approximately the same there, the only thing is more or less with the light, and the situation is like that of the iniche community, russians are constantly moving there, redeploying, slightly increasing their contingent, as far as we know, it is closer to shore, they worry about the movement or counteroffensive of our troops on to the left bank, that's why there... ah, somewhere they - well, they are strengthening their positions, but yes, well , this passportization continues, why is it unknown, what does it give, so far no one is preparing for the elections, especially, i think that it is not particularly necessary for them. and by the way, about this passportization, which will be asked very briefly, the center of national resistance.
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also about the fact that in russia there, in the temporarily occupied territories, this means the territories , another such service has been launched, i am in russia, where, in particular, the doctor's appointment is transferred, also online only for those who... have a passport russian and at the same time it is suggested to apply online again for a passport, which is how they try to force, in particular, young people to switch to russian passports. well, to be honest, about medical care, even with a russian passport, it is very difficult to say that they do something, that whether you have a passport or not, you still do not receive secondary care there, you cannot go to bed for treatment. and there very rarely an ambulance can come to you, even when you take out a single insurance there the policy, as they call it there, he, and it seems that with him everything should be good for you there, but still you can’t
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carry out an operation, all the same and you can only carry it out for a lot of money in the crimea, so in relation to there some improvement, don't know, not sure what it... gives. mr. oleksandr, thank you for the conversation. oleksandr tolokonnikov, the head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration, was in touch with us to talk about what is happening in the kherson region. now let's move to kharkiv oblast, kharkiv district council deputy bohdan kachuk is in touch with us, we will ask how the night passed, what the morning is like in kharkiv and in the region. mr. bohdan, good morning, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, is everything quiet and peaceful. yes, today the night passed quietly and peacefully, and i have the impression that i personally and many of the residents of kharkiv finally got some sleep, because at night there was, let's say, an alarm, sirens went off, but there was no shelling of the city, and that is why it is like this ,
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probably in the new year, the first or second day when or night when we did not hear explosions on the territory of the city. this is the reality like kharkiv survived yesterday's mass shelling, what were the consequences in the end, the results , let's say, it was loud, but they survived, well, let's say, comparatively better than what happened before the shelling, because then they ransacked residential, residential neighborhoods , this is all the footage you have seen, and my house was damaged, and others. that is, there was such material damage , windows were broken, the neighborhood was damaged, so it was difficult, now they hit the industrial part of the city, i will not name which companies were affected there, but it was damaged, without casualties, well, there was
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a person injured, but no one was killed, besides, one rocket dug up someone's garden there once again, let's say that. there were snakes hit in the region, in general , there were three such attempts to attack kharkiv during the day, they were released over or kharkiv oblast, and even flew into the region, they released from two to six missiles of the s-300 type at a time, that is why such a day was tense, but well, everything went more or less without major losses, how is the city functioning now during these shellings, which have intensified again, do you notice that it is possible people are packing their things somewhere again and leaving for somewhere calmer, where you can sleep like a human being, and not twitch from the fact that every time you hear an air alarm?
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well, in some cases, people leave, yes , i know about it, but it is not much and not massively, the majority stays in... kharkiv, some left for the new year holidays there to the carpathians or somewhere to relatives, that is, it was, but well , the majority of kharkiv residents stayed in place, this kind of life is becoming the norm for us, it has already become the norm because of this, because of this war, that's why the city he lives and works normally, as far as communal, let's say, various structures are concerned, now it's -17 outside. it was somewhere the same temperature in the morning, but what can i say, the system works, there is no defrosting, ah, heat is supplied, the water is cold, the electricity did not go out this year, everything is working , the roads are being cleaned, but one problem is that ,
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that it was raining, let's say, it was so icy a few days ago and the crust froze, let's say a few centimeters there, and with these... well, it's hard to fight, this morning there is a brigade of boys, craftsmen around the young and will excuse the llamas there to break this ice, because it is impossible not to move. nothing to do about it, well, it’s difficult, so in general, the city solves its own domestic issues, in this regard, everything is more or less normal, well, in comparison with the same, with the same belohorod people’s republic, which is next to others from we have the impression that it is not so much that we are shelling there, as that they are defrosting themselves there , evacuating something, that is, i open their tapes there, i read a telegram and i... i understand, kharkiv there or kharkiv here, who attacked whom , and it seems that they are there, their main
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topic is who is leaving belgorod, where, old oskol is there, ksenia sobchak is there, everyone is working together on the issue of evacuation, they are scared there, they want to leave somewhere , they are given some kind of state assistance in this, well, well, this is the situation, and many of them are going to leave there, what is the trend, or is it so sporadic somehow? well, i don’t know why they brought this ksenia sabchak there, but she wrote there about 600 families that she plans there, or there are places to take them, well, there are hundreds of people who leave for other cities, there and kursk, voronezh, i don't remember what other cities they wrote there, but they also leave with their own transport, there are some programs there, theirs is regional, i don't know what it's called, the state administration or the governor. or what is it, they take it out, this shebekino does the same thing,
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belgorod, and well, like in pubs, they are there, let’s say, we, they do everything, but they have no understanding of what is happening, for what reason they go, that is, they themselves are silent about it, the government is silent, well, that’s what happened, they have to leave, because here we have missiles for some kind of shelling, who is shooting, what are they shooting at, is this a response to their shelling of the city... this, this does not concern them, it somehow lives its own life, and we are evacuating here, it is not clear from what by ourselves, well, such is the reality behind the looking glass in russia , mr. bohdan, and who is not among them who say , stop this svo already, let 's somehow live normally with that ukraine, because we have no life here in belgorod in the belgorod region, no, i understand that , in the near future and not... it will be, well, this is an authoritarian country and with such according to the permanent traditions
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of slavery, where the official is the head and the man, as they say in our country, is the cog, yes, i was the one who said the cog, well, it is from the same list, so i do not hope for any revolutions or rallies there , none of this will happen , they will do what they are ordered by their führer and will be the mayor. will suffer and fall under mobilization, die at the front, but they will not draw any conclusions from this, well, but -17 in the kharkiv region, this means that for the russians you can press a button, send missiles and definitely shoot at cover, well, i think so, what kind of logic do they have to shoot at critical infrastructure and make the ukrainians freeze, or are they preparing? to such scenarios? well, they are getting ready, there was a meeting there, it seems like two
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days ago, our military administration held a meeting there about preparing for possible shelling at low temperatures, so it was there on the question of invincibility points, which must work around the clock, it was a question of checking what what what is lacking in these points is indomitability, it is a critical infrastructure, a generator. well, let's say 17° , it wasn't just today, it's been several days , the temperature is dropping, so far the system is holding, there are no such failures, i hope it will be the same with shelling, well, last year we were less prepared , and it was more difficult, and nevertheless we survived that winter, i hope that it will be this winter as well, it all depends. of course, from the number of shellings, from where they will fall, but i think that we have already
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survived half a winter, there is still a little left, well, and let these next half-winters be warm, even if with a thermometer that shows -17, but i mean warm in relation to each other, well, let the russians be hot there so that they don't have to evacuate from belgorod. i think that they should understand that there should be some kind of sanitary zone at least 50 km from kharkiv, where they can sleep peacefully and function and live there. yes, only 50 km is not enough, i think that in this bilhorodsk, kursk, there, who else is there, rostov region, this is what i like better, if there were neither the military here, nor theirs there, let's say, nothing, this would be more -less for ukraine's sanitary zone, and security guarantees that we are currently looking for somewhere there, and this would be a security guarantee, more stable and moscow, so that there would be a lake, i understood the idea in general,
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well, we will plant the hills there, so thank you pagdan, thank you, i wish you a peaceful day. bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, was in touch with us. we will take a short break, come back and continue our roll call, we will ask how the dnipropetrovsk region survived the shelling and what that night was like. stay with us. nothing has worked out yet, not yet, zakrep. at, normolact honey, take normolact. normolact eliminates constipation. normalizes intestinal function, restores the amount of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. everything worked out, normolact and everything will work out. there are discounts on fkalkalor of 20% in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety. melama b6 will help to cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to a full
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take three sets at once, for only uah 999. set of rabela with a discount, call! vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. that many have become like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko , from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts,
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inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your... opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with sergey rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. dear friends, we return, continue our roll call, now let's move to dnipropetrovsk region, kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council , is in touch with us. katerina, congratulations. what was the night like, what is the morning like and what are the consequences of yesterday's shelling of the dnipropetrovsk region? yes, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. well, today's night, compared to the past, was more or less peaceful for us, only
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manganets of the nikopol district was shelled tonight, unfortunately there were no people killed or injured, but high-rise buildings and cars were damaged, well there as usual, it's just artillery and hail, that's why, unfortunately, no one is surprised here, but if... we talk about last night and in general a difficult day for our region, then such a massive rocket attack on our region, well, they were, but it's also one of the most densely populated, because it's really in three settlements in three districts of the region, well, it's just something very interesting, which was so activated, it's even hard to say, now the consequences, the liquidation of the consequences, are ongoing. already in the communal plan, and of course, the treatment of the injured, especially the wounded, continues. in wounded, if we say, well, what about
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the kryvorizhsky district, what about novomoskovsk, yesterday, if we talk about the injured, then it is a medium severity condition, now, it is generally fragmentary damage, it is glass, or other moments that got through the explosive. or the shelling of people itself, and if we talk about communal moments, then in the case of people who were hit by windows, windows, windows, etc., communal workers and volunteers are helping on their own, so far, to quickly resolve these moments, but what about people who are more severe consequences for apartments, then, of course, they are resettled and applications for financial assistance and payments from local budgets are accepted. ms. kateryna, what is the weather like now in dnipropetrovsk oblast? yes, this
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is another painful issue, well, not only in our region, but also the weather causes its consequences, the weather now is basically the same as yesterday, so it is not hot, cold, frosty and really traffic. collapse, this is, if we are talking about the city of dnipro, but if we are talking about the region, then, unfortunately, at present, more than 350 settlements of the region are still without of light, the elimination of these consequences of bad weather is already underway, utility workers are working constantly, but technically it is not possible to fix everything yet, because the power lines are really very damaged and... well, we really hope that by this evening, this percentage of the population points will be significantly reduced, and what news from around
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the corner? regarding yesterday's sieges, yes, well, in principle, as i mentioned, there is such a situation here that yesterday dnipropetrovsk, dnipropetrovsk district, and kryvorizhskyi and novomoskovskii, in principle, in... moments liquidation and consequences can even be combined, because well, plus or minus , the situation is somewhat similar, if it is about kryvorizhsky, then the shopping center, which is in kryvyi rih, you know, such a direct parallel can be drawn, literally how many days ago well, about a week ago, there was a shopping center, the same shopping center almost in dnipro, and here in kryvyi rih, they seem to be targeting shopping centers as well, i don't know if it's by chance. whether it is or not, but in principle there are also fewer victims in the shopping center than in the private sector and, well
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residential sector, and the victims were treated there in a moderate condition, well, in lozovatya , unfortunately, a woman still died, and there in terms of communal consequences a little less than in kryvyi rih, but in terms of victims... more painful consequences because of the deceased, what are the moods of people, do you notice that there is an outflow, perhaps of residents from the dnipropetrovsk region, who decide to move somewhere calmer? well, i wouldn't say about the recent shelling, because frankly speaking, people who, you know, have the opportunity for something new. cheni holidays, while there were new year's holidays, some really went to, well, more, probably the western regions of ukraine, regions, to be more precise.
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well, but this is not connected, probably, with the shelling, but it is just such a more traditional story for someone, well, but there are really moods that - well, some people constantly have such moods that oh-oh-oh, we have to leave, we have to move there, relocate, well, but in general , the population is just waiting for our victory and is actively doing something for it, so, well , you can't say that everyone... there is already very much want to go somewhere, because this is our home, the dnipropetrovsk region, it is very big, the city of dnipro is very big, the same internally displaced persons, i think that we have no other option but to simply wait for our victory and do for it all. but besides that there are people who do
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everything to win and wait for it. on her own, there are people who do everything for ukraine to lose, and they do everything for this, for example, an official of ukrzaliznytsia in dnipro spied on the military echelons of the armed forces forces of ukraine, well, he doesn't do that anymore, because he was detained, what, what, what can you tell us about this story in more detail? yes , unfortunately there are also such people, not only in our region, unfortunately, well , there is not much to say about this story, except that the internal, well, the sbu and, in principle , internal bodies reported in the news and in on the public plane, personally i am there with this story, well, not really, i do not take part in the investigation, but the fact that it can be noted that there really are such, it is simply terrible that the percentage
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the people who are there... fanatics, separatists , some kind of greedy people, they exist, but it is terrible, in this particular situation, that this person is not just some pensioner or a woman who is dissatisfied with life, who is waiting for something non-ukrainian, and this is really an official a person who , well, could have caused, well, obviously very great , very great harm with this information, so well... i think that at such moments it is not normal at all, but this question is not related to the area itself, it is already a question, well, for sure of the central level of each such company as ukrzaliznytsia, to put it simply employees were checked even more closely for such moments, but it is actually very difficult to detect, because if a person is polled, well, he will definitely not say that he is a separatist, and it can be detected only by
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such... actions, well, indeed , i would like such people to be discovered before they leak information, and before, and accordingly, there are no shellings, yesterday, one of our viewers, when it became known about the shelling of novomoskovsk, said, my god, what the hell the name, when they change it, i hope of course, it's a pity that they are shelling, but i hope that the residents of this city will somehow think about the fact that it should be changed the name, i know that in novomoskovsk enameled pots are produced, which are then sold throughout ukraine and beyond in ukraine, but also abroad, well , it would be better if they changed that name already, because somehow it is as if the pots are ukrainian, and the city of novomoskovsk, well, i don’t think that this changing name will somehow stop the russians from shelling,
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it certainly won’t will stop well, we will now go on a short break, not a short one break, we will go to the news , we will watch the news now, kateryna shirokopoiv is ready to tell what has happened in ukraine and the world in the last hour. katya, i congratulate you on your word. greetings colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of bad weather in odesa and the operational situation at the front during the past day. greetings, it's news time at eter spresso, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. there is no electricity supply in seven districts of odesa oblast due to bad weather. emergency crews
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continue to recover. podilsk was the most affected.


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