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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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weapons and compare it with what we started doing there in the 23rd, well, it is not, let's say this , regarding the words of chancellor olav scholz, well, in general , i would like to say that, in fact, almost half of the military aid that comes from the european union, it comes precisely from germany, the germans have also begun to actively deploy their military-industrial complex, and of course we would like other european countries to follow their example... and it is nice that germany, of which we still had a lot in the 22nd year, let's say so, questions, for today in the european union is the leader in aid to ukraine, namely military aid. by the way, here i will mention zaluzhny, who said that he was, in principle, satisfied with the pace of deliveries and what happened last year, then the newspaper telegraf wrote that russian troops are allegedly planning a new large-scale offensive on kharkiv region on january 15. if we talk about russia's plans. this
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winter, because again the assessments are different, someone says that there are means for this, someone sees such movements, someone does not, but in general, what can russia plan for this winter, or really can such a large-scale offensive take place , including in kharkiv oblast? let me explain to you in numbers that when it was the beginning of february 24, 22, russia intervened from the north, starting from kharkiv oblast, ending with kyiv oblast, approximately groups of 60-7,50 thousand personnel, plus equipment, at the moment in the northern on the borders of ukraine, this border with belarus, the border with russia, there are approximately 18-19 thousand personnel, despite the fact that the line of defense and the line of preparation for a possible offensive of russia from the north, well, it is completely without comparison to what we had.
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at the beginning of the 22nd year, that is, it is not the mannerheim line yet, but it is already a very serious series of defensive fortifications, so the forces and means of the russians in order to really make a new offensive there, well, they simply do not exist, will press along the entire front line , where they already have a certain, well, let's put it this way, undercutting, including due to the simply insane losses in equipment and manpower that they suffered at... the end of the 23rd year, so they, if they even have will be formed, they are formed in them new reserves, new corps, new , let's say, new army formations, they will throw them first of all in avdiyivka, bakhmut, kupyansk, the south of the zaporizhzhia region, the left bank of the kherson region, this is now a priority for them, the group that is now on our borders, including around kharkiv oblast, it's just...
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well, it's not enough, it will break down in a few days without any results through our defense fortifications, but again , such an informational attack by the russians is not bad , first of all, the task for for us to start moving our troops, so that we could not concentrate them on also key necessary directions. mr. andrii, summarizing this topic and taking into account the words of... mr. kuleba that there are no proposals from the western allies of any push to start negotiations with russia, freezing the war, and russia at the moment in order to group there , well, we need this time of conditional freezing, can this be the topic of this year, in fact, the russians now in principle, well, in any case, any stoppage of active hostilities would certainly be on the hand, especially now, when, as i have already said, they have begun to... transfer the economy to
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military lines, that is, large funds, large resources are invested in the military industry, they have reached certain rates of production and supply to the army, they have reached certain rates of mobilization, of course, what they are now , let's say, what they have achieved is what they are losing now on the territory of ukraine, but just imagine that if they manage to achieve a certain stop, a truce. and this flywheel of a military vehicle, it is already untwisted, so russia is literally there even well not after a year, but after six months, he can field a very large and powerful army. thank you, mr. andrii, for joining our morning stream. andriy krameru, military expert, reserve officer of the armed forces of ukraine, we talked globally about the situation at the front. this is liberty morning, i thank you all for joining, if you just joined then...
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i'll tell you what we're going to talk about next. several draft laws on mobilization have already been submitted to the parliament, meanwhile, in the specialized committee, deputies are actively working on the government's draft law. he on'. there will be significant revisions and contains great corruption risks, people's deputies say. when will the bills be considered in the parliament? orban can lead the european council if the current president leaves office to participate in the elections to the european parliament, as reuters wrote, there are many tools if there is political will to avoid viktor orban, said charles michel. but is there political will for this in the eu and what are orbán's chances of occupying such a position? if you watch us on youtube, be sure to ask questions to the speakers of our morning show just under this stream, we watch, these questions are important, we voice them, and also do not forget to support this video of this channel by liking and subscribing to the radio liberty channel. but
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the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs believes that the theoretical chairmanship of the ukrainian- hungarian prime minister viktor orban in the european council will not have a negative impact on ukraine. he announced this on the air of the telethon. minister dmytro kuleba, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, said that the european union still has six months to elect the successor to the current head of the european council, charles michel, and he, i will remind you, decided to run in the elections to the european parliament this year, and therefore will leave his post early. dmytro koleba said that even if orban becomes the head of the european council, ukraine will survive, because hungary will still preside over the european union in the second half of this year. in orban, to the word from. reacted to his possible presidency of the european council due to the resignation of charles michel, the spokesman of the hungarian government, zoltankovich on the x network is a former twitter, called everyone interested in the possible appointment of orbán to strategic calm.
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our colleague in brussels, olena abramovych, will tell you how high orban's chances are to take the position of head of the european council. news from the president of the european council, charles michel, that he is leaving his post. brussels jumped in unexpectedly. he announced his decision at the party meeting, said that he will run for the european parliament in the european elections that will be held this summer. his chances of being elected are high, so immediately after after the elections, he will have another position. at the same time, it is then that hungary takes over the presidency of the eu council, and it is the hungarian prime minister who could temporarily occupy the position of president of the european council. however, michel assured that there is no need to worry about it. because the european union has the tools and enough time to elect a new interim leader, and i quote: to avoid viktor orbán, said michel, and he promised to remain in office and conduct an election campaign in parallel until the issue of electing a new president of the european council
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will not be closed, that is, until the end of the european elections. i have worked hard and will continue to do so until the last day of my european role. we know. that this summer , after the june elections, it will be time for a democratic transition. after the elections , the european commission will also have a chance to pass the baton to a new team. european agreements do provide that the presidency can be re-elected by the leader of the country that will hold the six-month presidency of the eu council. however, this usually applies to situations with the sudden death or illness of the current president, - analysts explain. and this is not the right option, because michel announced his retirement from practice. in six months, time is enough. moreover, the procedure for approving a new candidacy is not too complicated, that is, the consent of not 27 member states is required, but a sufficiently qualified majority with the participation of the strongest economies, and brussels is determined to use this
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option. first of all, the danger of orbán becoming the president of the council is zero. the reason is that... the vast majority of member states, almost all except hungary, or perhaps all but hungary and slovakia are at the moment united to elect someone else. the probability of the transfer of power to orbán is extremely low, and everyone understands this , the public would not understand this, if viktor orbán suddenly appeared in front of the tv cameras and started speaking on behalf of the eu, people would be rightly confused about what the hell is going on. the other candidate, who will be appointed for six months in the coming months, will most likely occupy this position full-time later, but for this it is necessary that the european elections be held first. according to with procedures, precisely after the european elections, in the fall of 2024 , new heads of european institutions should be elected. the candidates have not yet been named, but they say that they will choose a unequivocally pro-european and
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pro-ukrainian politician, because this is what the majority of voters want, according to polls. one of the candidates for the president of the european council, according to analysts, may be kaya kalas, the prime minister. secretary general of nato, this is what she very actively demonstrated when she went to paris, praising, for example, macron. others saw in her the possibility of becoming the next high representative of the eu foreign policy, who will head the european external action service, but it is too early to say. i mean, her positioning herself for the position of secretary general of nato, of course, happened earlier. who will be more important, hungary, which will preside over the eu council, or the new interim president of the european council, in the second half of this year. european. the rules say that the president, because it is he or she, in fact, who should shape the agenda for summits, that is,
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meetings of leaders of countries, members of the european union, and the presidency, which rotates from country to country every six months and is held by hungary, gives the power to shape the agenda only for meetings at a lower level, i.e. at ministerial level. hungarian prime minister viktor orban opposes military aid to ukraine, insists on quick peace negotiations with russia and promises. to block kyiv's path to membership in the european union, so he will most likely sabotage all aid to kyiv in the second half of this year, and even under such conditions, analysts say, the interim president of the eu council can intervene in the process and force even the ministers to include the necessary issues in the agenda, which is why the eu leaders will now make every effort to appoint a new interim president of the council of the european union. olena abramovich, marek hajduk. radio svoboda, brussels. whether approaches are changing in
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the european union, in the usa, we will discuss further. ruslan osypenko, diplomat, international expert, joined our broadcast. congratulations, mr. ruslan, thank you for joining. good morning, congratulations. if there will be political will, then it is possible to avoid orbán as the president of the european council - said charles michel. is this will political? i think that there is, after the historic decision that was made in december, when this... decision actually gave a signal to moscow that its spheres of influence will not be reckoned with, i mean the green light, regarding the start of negotiations for ukraine , after this decision, i think there will be political will to prevent orbán from leading the remaining 26 heads of european countries, because well he has a certain reputation, which he actually flew. on the undermining of the solidarity of the european union, let's say so, directly, openly, and therefore this person, well, how will
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he lead people who treat solidarity as an asset in this such a turbulent time, let's say this, of geopolitical shifts, so i don't think well, the probability is extremely small that orbán will be given the opportunity to lead the european council, i think that the will will be found, and the head of the european council will be elected on a permanent, permanent, permanent basis... they will agree, they will succeed, but hungary will preside in the second half of this year, will it somehow affect ukraine's potential, let's say, and help ukraine in general? yes, i think that it will affect and will affect in a negative way, because it is precisely at this time that the definition of the framework of the negotiations will fall, where the principles, content and criteria set that ukraine must achieve when conducting accession negotiations will be determined. it seems to me that the european union and certainly orbán will continue to pursue
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this kremlin policy of stopping progress ukraine in the direction of european structures , so yes, he will obstruct and fulfill such a political order, let's say, in order to stop ukraine on the way to the european union, because the main task was to prevent the kremlin from preventing ukraine from leaving the sphere of influence of russia and to move into the sphere of influence of europe. in this sense, this year will be decisive for the european union, because on the one hand hungary with its presidency and with an obvious position in relation to ukraine. on the other hand, we see that, well, at least there publicly, olaf scholz, he has changed his public rhetoric quite a bit over the past two years, he is now saying and calling for an increase in the supply of weapons to ukraine, and in fact, these may also be signs of internal political pressure inside. countries and still write that he is under pressure regarding the transfer of taurus missiles to kyiv there, and
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there is still a possible request from voters, because there is a survey that almost 2/3 of germans would like the chancellor to leave this position, his place taken by the current minister boris pistorius, then all these changes in germany, for example, country, which is the largest partner and supplier, donor for ukraine after the usa, can they somehow influence all these processes in general in the european union? in fact, the situation will change not only in germany, in general, the situation will change within the european union and on the external circuit, on international platforms, because the 24th year will really be decisive. we see, this is an election year and there will be a change of political elites both in europe and in the united states of america and in most european countries, elections will be held, and therefore will this mainstream course to support ukraine and to help ukraine win, not just survive, but win, but this is an important, important
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thing, and we will see after the update, when the european parliament will be re-elected, when it will be.. . the european commission is formed, a new president of the european council will be appointed, a new president of the united states will be elected, we will see a new geopolitical configuration in 24, and what it will be, well, we will see, and therefore this year is really decisive in this regard, it is so broken a year of confrontation between, let's say, two blocs of personalist regimes, where we see, we observe a trend of intensification of cooperation within this bloc and changes. in this democratic alliance, the euro-atlantic alliance, because trends are changing within this alliance as well, the realization came that it is impossible to negotiate with russia, it cannot be simply weakened, russia must be defeated. if we talk about the role of the eu and the role of the usa, what is happening here in general,
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can berlin take the first place in on the list of donors for ukraine, because we know from... the news that there was an agreement on federal spending that will help avoid a shutdown, but currently aid to ukraine and israel is left out of the budget agreements, what is happening with aid to ukraine in the us? from what i saw, for the first time the european union was more decisive than the united states of america, that is , such an identity of the european union appeared, they took a number of historic decisions and made a number of historic statements that put them in the position of leader. positions while in the united in the states, there is a debate and a political struggle between democrats and republicans. the europeans said yes to the enlargement, the europeans said yes to bringing about, let's say, internal reforms in the european union, which were on hold, and the europeans began to prepare, let's be frank, for war, they launched their military-industrial complex, that is, we
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saw the leadership positions of the european union, who will be inside the european union, take the leadership positions, let's see, germany, germany, france, can the alliance other countries, but in general the european union realized that it is necessary to maintain solidarity and to help ukraine. in the united states , we see that they are guided by the decisions made in the european union, we see delegations from europe who came from britain and europeans who come to the united states and say that this is a defining historical moment, and we must support ukraine, and i i see that... sometimes they are leaning towards the fact that aid will be provided to ukraine after all, because they have signed the budget, there are already such signals, well, i am watching, at least signals that republicans and democrats have agreed, for example, there will be no shutdown on the budget, and this will allow the government to work rhythmically and give time for negotiations, inter-party negotiations regarding the ukrainian, israeli,
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taiwanese issue, let's say, and the politics of migration policy in the united states america, that is, i think that until... and help will also come from europe and the united states. mr. ruslan, thank you for joining. ruslan osypenko, diplomat, international expert, was our guest, we talked about supporting ukraine in the eu and the usa. and further let's talk about the announced topic, about changes to the law on mobilization, certain norms of the draft law on mobilization, which are currently being considered in parliamentary committees, may contain corruption risks, we came to such a conclusion. on anti-corruption policy, the head of the nardepka committee, anastasia radina, wrote about this on facebook, and according to her, plans to impose on local self-government bodies the obligation to ensure the arrival of conscripts in the military, to clearly define in what terms and under what conditions, should be abandoned tcc conditions can initiate the entry of conscripts into the register of debtors with further restriction and disposal
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of property, as well as remove the right of special commissions at their own discretion to grant citizens deferments from being sent to the base. military service i will remind you that this week the members of the national security committee promise to finish the consideration of the government bill on mobilization. in the meantime, another bill on mobilization was registered in the verkhovna rada, it became the fourth, saying that there is another bill, and these are alternatives to the government bill. thus, currently five draft laws have been registered in the parliament, as reported by yaroslav zheleznyak. the first main one is from the government, and we will mainly talk today. a lot about him, and then we will connect the people's deputy of ukraine solomi bobrovska to the conversation, and ms. solomia, i congratulate you, you are just right, which is very important for our conversation, member. to the committee on security, defense and intelligence, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, congratulations, good morning, glory to the heroes, you see, a difficult reaction, and i i understand that the deputies are currently
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working a lot on this in the committee, society all wants answers to these questions, which arise every day, if we talk now about deadlines, whether today or tomorrow, the government bill will already be considered in the parliament, to which yes a lot of attention is focused, you know, there really is such a thing, there is such a wish, there are such... tasks, probably, in order to put such a bill in the coming days of voting, the only thing we must understand is that this bill needs significant revision, all five days when the committee met, and today we continue to meet, there is a question of discussion on virtually every article, we have comments on every other one, they are either technically of a legal nature, or on the very content of these articles, the only thing i want to emphasize.. . that there are still changes to this bill, there are also changes to the code, another bill, to the code on administrative offenses and to the criminal code, where actually a lot of
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unpleasant things and an increase in fines, as well as an increase in criminal liability are laid down, and it will definitely go in conjunction with this government bill, we, for example, the voice faction, and i personally will be categorically against such increases and tightening of the nuts, and the permission of the national police, for example, to detain a person from three hours to... three days with the need to find out whether there are personal data, is a person on the register, because we know how it happens, and we know these very frequent thefts from the streets of people, which are illegal, and for this , unfortunately, the employees of the tsc are not responsible, therefore, besides all this, such things are far from acceptable, and i believe that they do not work for ukrainian society, because ukrainian society very often understands either direct or b -motivation itself... ideological in the first place, rather than twisting, coercion, when the demand in society is huge for trust and justice . you discussed these points, which are so critical, during the meeting in the committee
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there with umerov and zaluzhny, as well as with the speaker of the parliament, which are the most acute, let's say, the discussions were and echoed, what exactly were the proposals, and how fundamentally they were for tamov and zaluzhnyi, so that this particular government bill was adopted? well, look , first of all, i would not touch the military here, there is a need for the military, they calculate the need, they calculate the number and give it to the ministry of defense, the ministry of defense has to work out a policy or a scheme, an implementation, how to get this number of people that is needed armed forces or defense forces in general, starting from the study of the legislation, the ministry of defense actually develops mechanisms and methods, and therefore i would here the commander-in-chief and general the headquarters at the moment is simply from the series. or to the side, and the question to the ministry of defense was heard from absolutely all ministries, that is , firstly, from all representatives of the committees, from the ombudsman, there are huge comments
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that regarding the limitation of constitutional rights, which cannot even be violated during actions of martial law, and these changes, we are also waiting for these proposals from mr. lubinets, but of course what is most triggering, sensitive for society, is the issue of the possibility of postponement for people with... very often the vlk has wrong conclusions and trust in the government is absolutely low, and the level of corruption is absolutely quite high, and the second issue that worries and interests everyone the most is the question of demobilization, because 36 months for people who have already had a brc for about 20 months or 15 or 12 it is simply not acceptable not impossible very difficult. and the question is simply trivial to survive for these 36 months, these are obvious things and it became such a stone for discussion, one of the most important ones
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, and of course, there was a lot of talk about the role local self-government bodies, state authorities, because there is a position that it should be a contribution to mobilization, but not provision, for example, of delivering a person to collection points or to tsc, a separate role of the national police, which will be together with tsc. for example, detaining a person and exactly what i'm talking about, because these are unacceptable things for us, as for me, and once again the legalization of people's credit cards from the street, and it seems to me that this is exactly the way we intimidate people and do not motivate and stimulate them to mobilization, and, of course, the issue of certain limitations opportunities, provided that if you are abroad, you do not register, and you want to extend the documents, for example, the validity of your documents, yes the validity period, but do not want to register for the military, we understand that the avoidance of many people begins. for such procedures, even if it is necessary to extend the documents and mechanisms for the delivery of a person to ukraine, firstly, and there are none, b - this is unrealistic, thirdly, the question is whether we
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scare people away in this way. well, the main thing, the main canvas and the main such denominator, i would say, is what the resource on request military, where more than 400 thousand mobilizations are needed, it is not in principle in the state, this and that are unlikely, so we have to look for other ways and ways to meet such needs. ms. solomi, regarding the fact that the government draft law may contain corruption risks, the committee on anti-corruption policy considers, in your opinion, what exactly are the corruption risks here. may be, should they be removed, perhaps, again, this question is also for you and your colleagues so acute and fundamental that these to get rid of risks, well, i think that probably the state committee on anti-corruption policy first of all talked about the possibility of booking conscripts for heads of local self-government bodies, that is , for example, for city heads, and here the question is discretion, there it is a very broad story, who can the heads of city councils book, we
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are against this norm, because we understand that the risk here is just huge, secondly, this is a question, for example, when i talk about ensuring the delivery of people and docks, and this should be done by local self-government bodies, well, it is difficult to imagine, because for this there is no , who will be delivered, how will they be delivered, what kind of delivery is this, is that some transport body, which should deliver, which way, that is, one story, when you, when you provide delivery or delivery of summonses. uh, and you help the tsc, another story, when you go together with the national police and the tsc, as a representative of, i don’t know, the executive committee, you do certain things, and the question is, who do you go to, yes, what do you go with, you, us we know examples when they target a business, a specific business, in the regions, regions, and where people are taken from factories, i don’t even just comment on sales, and, namely, from factories that produce something, and often this can be done, or it is permissible, it can be done with the assistance of,
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for example, the same organs of assistance in the feet are locally self-generating, so i think that it is primarily about this. mrs. solomi, as a deputy of the specialized committee, do you now, after all these discussions with your colleagues and with representatives of the government, do you have any points that you definitely understand that they will not be in this the government bill, if it gets there already for consideration and voting in the verkhovna rada, what is so blatant, well, that definitely cannot be allowed and the deputies will not allow it just this. we will deal with this and see what will be in the final bill after three or four days, and the scream that i mentioned, well, for me there is a painful issue of demobilization and the amount of time for demobilization, this is the third group of disabilities, this is the issue of the role of local self-government bodies and this issue of another draft law, where there is a law enforcement committee profile about increasing the administrative offense of responsibility and
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criminal, i believe that these things. is unacceptable, especially the last two. ms. solomi, and finally, very briefly, such blatant points about the operational restrictions of people who have not registered with the tsc there, and who have fines, real estate, cars there, something else, it really can be, even there documents, updating documents or something else, can it remain in the bill? well, actually, ours spoke about it, in particular spoke, commented a lot bootman, and i believe, and this was also becoming, by the way, also on the last day, the biggest such... stumbling block, that such things should not be allowed, well, now it is being discussed, we do not know how the factions will behave , how much pressure will there be from the president's office to vote on this and in what form will it be voted on, so the final decision will be made only later today, we will definitely follow it, it is of great interest to ukrainians, it is clear why solomiya bobrovska, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the committee security, defense and intelligence of ukraine, we talked about the government draft law on changes in mobilization. that's how
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this rank stream was... thank you for being with us, subscribe, put favorites so you don't miss the next streams, my name is katya nekrech, and i'll see you tomorrow. greetings, kateryna shiropoyas is working in the studio at the time of news in etheresus. the number of victims due to yesterday's rocket attack on khmelnytskyi region has increased to three. during the rescue work , another dead elderly man was found. there was no contact with him since yesterday. the man was supposed to be at the facility. two more people injured, - said the mayor
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oleksandr semchyshyn. liquidation. the consequences of the attack in the city are over.


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