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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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will not approve of such a thing, so here only a compromise is possible, neither side here can achieve everything they want. look , yesterday, well, actually yesterday morning , we found out about it, speaker mike johnson said it on the night from sunday to monday kyiv time, he said that in an interview with cbs, that he now has before the administration , both he and his colleagues in joe biden's administration have a major question regarding support for ukraine, and we need to be open-minded, he says. about where taxpayers' money goes, on that they are spent and how they will be controlled. as i understand it, joe biden's administration has repeatedly said that they are willing to cooperate on this issue, and mike johnson is now asking similar questions. how long can this last? well, look, it's, it's, i think it's him saying that to the general public to save face, actually, the administration has already said that. that it
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reports to congress, sends reports on every dollar spent on aid to ukraine, very detailed reports, and most of them available even online for everyone, i.e. they can be found there on the relevant websites of the administration and congress, i.e., that’s all, all these are all beautiful words there, in fact , a group of auditors is already working permanently in kyiv at the united states embassy, ​​there are... inspectors general here a special group works in all the relevant departments, which monitors whether all the weapons that are supplied to ukraine, whether they end up in the army, or, god forbid, that some weapons do not end up in the wrong place, and there is no such case not was, that is, i would say that these are still conversations in order to explain why they don't approve of it, to... explain to those people
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who are not interested in those details. actually, these are all the reports, they, even i say that the ones that are the ones that are not classified, they can just be found online, any person can find them and just read them, and this kind of delay on the part of the republicans can be kind of such pressure on the joe biden administration, such a demand: stop sticking to trump? it is, i would say it is is... well, you know, domestic politics, because we're going to have an election in november, so the campaign is already underway, and i think the republicans have this goal of showing joe biden and his administration, well, they're not they can't do that, they can't do that, that's where they have a failure, that's where they have a failure, but to show them in such a light, to earn advantages for themselves. for the elections, i think
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that, above all, these are internal, internal political, well, to put it mildly, things that are not unpleasant, because in my opinion such things as help helping ukraine and helping israel, like helping taiwan, helping the democracies that are fighting the totally black forces, that are fighting the dictatorships that want to destroy these democracies, that, that should be number one for both american parties, and it should be out of the question when it becomes, well, it becomes a sort of hostage, this issue becomes a hostage of some internal political things, it's just unpleasant, i would say, very, very cynical and unpleasant, for me as an american citizen, it's just that - mr. igor, we have very little time, literally a minute and a half started talking about trump , please tell me what his prospects are, given
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the fact that today he has, maybe he is already in court, he was in court, there was a hearing just this morning in court, it ended about 45 minutes ago, i i had the opportunity to listen to him a little bit, he didn't speak there, he just sat there, well, it was an audio broadcast of the court, and the court, the court of appeals considered , that is, his appeal regarding his immunity, that he, as the president, can do whatever he wants, and for him it can't be anything, well... his lawyers there, they proved it this theory that he, as the president, fulfills his duties, no matter what he does, it means that he has immunity, he, this immunity, therefore, is canceled only if he was convicted as a result of the impeachment process, well, accordingly, the deputy special prosecutor smith , he broke down these arguments, he said that well, if then, if the president has immunity, then he can... and order, let's say, the assassination
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of his political opponent, sell secrets to a foreign state, take bribes, and he then there will be nothing for it if you molest to the position of lawyers. in one word, it can be summed up like this, there will be more, there will be more , yes, thank you very much, mr. igor , for participating in today's broadcast, we talked about what is happening in the united states of america, and in particular about washington's help and support for ukraine in our just struggle against russian aggression. well, now we move from the political component to the military. kovai, let's talk about what is happening in the fields, and a lot of other things. serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency. sergey, congratulations, word to you i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers. today, in our one column, we will talk about germany's readiness to open
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new defense enterprises in ukraine, about the state of affairs on the front line and about mobilization, and whether the enemy is really already using those new jets. shahed, about all this in a moment. i'll start with the good news. unlike the usa, where there is still a pause in the unblocking of military aid for ukraine, germany is showing activity both in the supply of armed military equipment and in the expansion of projects on the territory of our state. german defense. the ffg flensburger farzerbau company in western ukraine is building a repair center for the restoration of a number of samples of german weapons and equipment that are already in use by the armed forces of ukraine. perhaps it should have been kept a secret,
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but markus faber, a member of the german defense committee, has already announced this. according to him, he only remembered. about one more sample of weapons, these are leopard 1a5 tanks, this is a slightly newer version than what we currently see on our screen, leopard 1 a5 tanks are already are used by our military, and in particular it is worth mentioning that this german company ffg, by the way, has somewhere in its arsenal about 99 leopard tanks and they are already partially transferred. to our armed forces of ukraine, but we understand that all these weapons are badly needed on the front line, various models, we hope that the repair enterprises of foreign countries will also be deployed on our land, in order to have more opportunities for to
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destroy our enemy, then we will talk about what is happening on the front line, and first of all, i will mention again about bakhmud around... which the enemy is now trying to play the situation in his favor, after our armed forces, in particular, liberated such settlements as klishchiivka and andriivka, now the enemy is attacking these areas of the front there , the enemy is also trying to attack north of bakhmut in the direction of bohdanivka, ivanivskyi, and after all these , well, there were short pauses, now the russian air force and artillery were activated there, but... what is happening right now on this part of the front, we will talk with ours guest, we are currently in contact with yuriy syrotyuk, junior sergeant, grenade launcher of the fifth separate kyiv assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. yuriy, i am glad to see and hear, i have not seen you for a while, i congratulate the company, glory
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to ukraine, christ was born , we praise him, i would like to talk with you first of all about certain things, about certain worldview things, but yes... anyway, let's start with what is happening in your area of ​​responsibility, because you know better than anyone, anyone who else, your fifth, separate kyiv assault brigade, now, like me i understand, together with other brigades, i am responsible for the protection of both klishchiivka and ivanivskyi, there were reports that there was a sort of pause there a couple of days ago, now the enemy has intensified hostilities again, what is happening right now? in our direction, it is difficult to remember when there was a pause, until may of last year, the enemy was advancing, in may of last year , we seized the initiative, began to advance, pushed the enemy away from ivanivskyi , repelled the klishchiivka, together with the 80th airborne
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brigade, we, on the right flank , the third assault brigade retook andriivka, that is, we they tried to develop success and bypass... from the south of bakhmut, they tried to get to the settlement, they succeeded, it was like a global war for landings, five landings were completed, on the sixth landing. if a skirmish began, which is still going on there, that is, the enemy is trying to move in our direction, the enemy succeeded in part, when he gathered considerable strength of his manpower, in part to dislodge the defense forces from the gardens of bakhmut, the enemy tried to continue the success, advance towards ivanivskyi, having failed, tries to advance in the shackles of the ticks on capturing, capturing the heights... chiivkas are there, not even landings, but the remains of landings, but we also had a problem with this, that it can be
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recaptured, it is impossible to gain a foothold there, and the enemy has the same problem. i believe that we have now made a rational decision to maintain a reasonable defense, that is, it is better for the enemy to run in open terrain, at a time when the front is saturated with drones, kamikaze drones, reconnaissance drones, drops, because the situation changed significantly when a significant... significant part of the functions of assault infantry are now played by fpv drones, and drones with drops, that allows a significant part of the reconnaissance activities of our intelligence service to be carried out by drones, reconnaissance drones, both night and day, the war is happening live, so it seems to me that now it is more rational and wiser to maintain an active defense, especially since the dominant heights are behind us, and ivar time finds. on the brook in donetsk at a height, and behind ivanivsky , the dominant heights are behind us and pincers are being forged,
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for now we hold the dominant heights, unfortunately, due to the pause in the supply of weapons by our western allies, such a political pause both in the united states and in the european union, the enemy thought that he would use the psychological psychological factor at this moment, because unfortunately, sometimes there are in connection with... with a long logistical knee, sometimes there are delays in the supply of ammunition, especially foreign production, unfortunately, it has become less than we would like, than it was even in the summer, and therefore it seems to me that now it is rational to keep the defense, moreover, i will note that the units are now saturated with units of unmanned aircraft complexes, guys have already learned to use both night drones and daytime drones, as we are very bothered by enemy drones, and skids, and drones, kamikazes, so most of the day we have
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to be in shelters, because if earlier during the day we had to be in shelter and at night we could be there dig trenches to raise a bull, then now the enemy carried the line with night drops, with typical vision sights, the enemy actively reacts to any typical traces, to which i lead that now, if the enemy continued to offer this ruthless manpower exchange tactic, they no harm at all. of their infantry, throw them on these thoughtless meat assaults, in our case , it seems to me that it is reasonable to do what we are doing, to occupy, occupy strategic defense and competently knock out the enemy, especially since all positions, all places are shot , we know well, all the routes of the enemy's advance, we see them, the positions are shot, only the bull was enough, so on our, on our site, we know that the enemy has concentrated a very large... offensive forces, but exactly where is he trying to advance to us along the route from bakhmut to
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ivanovske, from bakhmut along the fields to ivanovske in the direction of klishchiivka, well , the enemy has no serious successes, there are no enemies, the more so i say , as it seems to me that as long as we have well-placed fire equipment, as long as they are well protected, then this tactic will give us more -e pluses, because it seems that putin is now burning his infantry for some political purposes. and very soon it will turn out that he will also lack manpower, because they are not eternal, but it is obvious that putin will not conduct a large mobilization before the presidential elections in russia, so i hope that these with thoughtless meat assaults, the enemy will simply exhaust himself and will not achieve any, not only strategic, but also tactical results, at least once again i will note that everything is calm on our part of the front, of course one can feel the psychological tension, because the 17th month of the brigade he is in the first place without any exit, without any exit. well, but on the other hand, we already know the terrain, approaches, wastes, ways of advancing the enemy so well that
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, in fact, it comes at a very high price, not that here any landing, any bush or remnants, kicks from those landings that are left around here, mr. yuriy, i would then like to move on to a slightly different topic related to mobilization, today the committee, the parliamentary committee on defense was supposed to discuss the bill, or the bills postponed it to tomorrow. day, what i 'm afraid of, i'm afraid that this would happen, well, there was no delay in extremely urgent decisions that are directly related to the formation of our reserves and replenishment. of our brigades, you, as a parliamentarian in the past, have considerable experience in creating various bills, you have there 10 laws were adopted on the basis of your initiatives, how do you perceive this whole story with this draft law now from the front line, are there any things that should be announced on your part, in order
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to avoid such excessive, not so much politicization , and some things that why... well, do not create quick decision-making about the urgent need of which everyone understands, well , it is obvious that political logic is at work, someone is probably afraid of losing political points, not getting political dividends, that is, some stupid political games have started, but it is necessary to understand that if there is no ukraine, then there will be no politics, no politicians, no parliaments, we, look at... the war depends on two factors, not only on what we do, but on what the enemy does: is the enemy going to stop the war, is he not going, is the enemy building up his mobilization potential, coming , conducting covert mobilization, attracting mercenaries, increasing service in the contract, conducting, accordingly, we have no choice to do it or not to do it, we have a choice, a choice
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fight or surrender, in case we let's stop fighting then the enemy will definitely, taking advantage of the successes in ukraine, go further, and no army in the world will be able to fight with russia like we do, and therefore the west must understand that now the question is whether the military supply of ukraine, these are all the pauses, they lead to witnessing the death of ukrainian soldiers, our mobilization potential is eternal, we cannot wage a linear war with russia, we cannot send the same number of people... we cannot send the same number of people to embrace, that is, we must learn to fight asymmetrically, please, preferably more high-tech, preferably having finally received the same weapon , at least the one used by the enemy, because the enemy has been carrying out massive missile attacks on ukraine without orders for two years, our allies are thinking of giving us medium -range missiles or not, but it
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is very simple here in ukraine too, or men will join the defense of ukraine. army, or then the russian army, without asking them, will forcefully mobilize and drive them to embrace. here, of course, the state has not been finalized in a certain way, because on the one hand, having created, i believe, a good state propaganda system, through the so-called single news, when the ukrainian society was convinced that we are able to withstand and even win and very quickly bathe in crimea, the state did not use that mobilization potential, when convincing that everything is fine with us. from a military point of view, and this is probably correct, because it is better to be, better, better to fight optimistically, than to be in a gloomy mood, but on the other hand , it was necessary to apply more actively the measures to encourage people to join the army, contract service, we have only one successful i had a case seems to be the offensive guard, when even many of my acquaintances called and said that they
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are giving the offensive guard because they will be taught, they will be equipped with modern weapons and so on and so on, then the state failed, but once again... based on that situation, that we did not choose this war and putin will not stop, no matter what we do, and that putin is conducting mobilization measures, we should conduct mobilization measures, if only in order to prepare that part of ukrainians who, for one reason or another, did not take participation in the first phase war for our own defense, believe me, now we are mobilized, moreover, we want to trust the ukrainian military and political leadership that now we will not fight with meat assaults, we will not send... our infantry, that we will protect the soldiers, moreover, there they promise a wide training course, er, the boys will be mobilized and arrive in combat brigades, where there is combat experience, where we are very careful with recruits, we teach them, we don’t throw them to the front, that is, there is no need to be afraid, but there must be awareness, there are certain civic duties,
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and now ukraine needs additional involvement of men. manpower to the defense forces of ukraine for various reasons, if a part of society shouts, let the guys rest, rest, that is, we who are without a way out are in order, then in order for us to rest, we need someone to replace us, for what, for that we need people , someone is sick, someone is getting old, reaching the critical age of 60, someone is injured, there are cases of deaths, but i want to say that, for example, my unit, which is in was with black people. last year in all in hot spots, he regularly performed in the malthouse, in the bahmut, he performed an extremely important task, and well, this is always the first line , always, we have one dead person during all this time. maybe because we had built the system that way, that we ourselves learned, that we took care of our own safety, maybe because of this , but this war is an example of the fact that we should not be afraid that everyone will die, everyone
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will die, everyone they will become cripples there, right now russia is simply straining its forces at the front as much as possible, it seems to me that they are exhaling, they think that this is all we have is hanging on by a needle because they think that the ukrainians will be afraid that the west will stop helping, and russia is actively ... despite its own losses, but i will repeat it again, very soon we will see that russia will also be exhausted, and when in we will have a window of opportunity to counterattack, if we have the necessary number and the necessary types of weapons, then we will even need a fresh force that can do it, so we need to stop playing political games, you are right, there is nothing to delay here , it is a given, it is necessary to do it, it must be done calmly , it’s just necessary, well, me... i get the impression that people, men, are starting to be scared, that is , they are being scared, i don’t know that they will die there immediately, that they will be thrown into battle right away, in fact, now it is no longer the case that men
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are thrown from the wheels, we fired four horns, lay down under a tank on goncharivsk, near goncharivskyi and went on a pickup truck to the war , studying our american grenade launcher, now if everything was completely different, now the professionalization of the ukrainian army has increased. and every recruit gets a good tower , everyone is taught to survive, moreover, i will note once again that now a significant part of the functions of the assault infantry are being taken over by kamikaze drones, automated robotic systems have appeared on the front, that is, machine gunners, some machine gunners are no longer working from a trench, and works from shelters through remote controls controlling automated fire injection systems, that is, now if... the situation is psychologically difficult, because it is winter, the third year of the war, it is not clear how everything will end, someone was preparing to run a hundred meters, but it turned out that you have to run 100 km, a supermarathon, but
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in reality there is no catastrophic situation, there is, you just need to reconfigure society and every man should understand the same society, because i see sometimes it disgusts me to read on the internet that i will not go there, let the deputies go, there why should i go, the state didn't give me anything, it's like... it's the civic duty of every citizen, regardless of what the government is doing, what it did, what it didn't do, to stand up for the defense of its homeland, now this it can be done and must be done in a proper , non-urgent, calm mode, we must remove that stupid tension, this is not february 22, when men in kyiv took a kalashnikov assault rifle from a car and four horns, and they did not know where they were going and thought, that the russian tanks would stop, they believed in it, now if everything was much more. more planned and calmer, so it’s just necessary to return it all to a calm course, it is necessary, i don’t know how to work with the population, so that they realize that this is not a ticket to immediate
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death, well, it is necessary for politicians to stop to play in politics, but the function of statesmen has been returned, that is, now it is about preserving the state, but russia thinks that it will press now and we will break, it simply does not take into account the factor that the spring which is bent strongly, it will ... loosen, and when there will be a moment when they will be exhausted, and we will be ready to disperse, we just need trained professionals, if only to save the existing brigades, well , believe me, we have learned to fight well, we are doing everything well, but psychologically it is even difficult without withdrawal, to be without any rotation the 18th month at the front, there must be some element of justice here, and here the state, in addition to, well, the only thing i will note is that it seems to me that very little work is done with encouragement. that is, some system of coercion, intimidation, i.e. the whip system, was used, gingerbread is also needed here. even after the end of active hostilities, we
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need a large army, we need a lot of professional experience, so we need to work more actively to attract and recruit people with certain specialties, certain technical specialties, certain skills, not all of whom will climb into the trenches, because the further it moves war, the less a soldier is at the front, he will move away from the front line, at least... because i will point out once again, for that landing, for which we fought for six months near klishchiivka, where not a single stump remained, there no infantry can be there, neither ours nor russian, it can be captured, it cannot be held , kamikaze drones, cluster munitions knock out anyone who goes there in a couple of minutes, mr. yuri, thank you very much for your clear and important explanations, i think that our citizens and our politicians will hear them, thank you and to your brothers who... have been holding our positions near bakhmut for the 18th month, holding back the enemy. let me remind you that it was yuriy syrotyuk, a senior grenade launcher of the fifth separate
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kyiv assault brigade. armed forces of ukraine. and further to another topic , to the technological topic, there were reports that it seems that the enemy has already started using these modernized or new unmanned drones, shaheds, there was information from the air force that there is no confirmation yet, but we, let's get on with this topic let's take a closer look , ivan is joining us now kirichevsky, an expert of our information and consulting company. i am glad to see and hear you, good evening, we are glad to each other, we only have four minutes, unfortunately , we have left, i would like you to tell our viewers what exactly this shahed rocket can do, is it really already a serial model, what are the threats it can be from him and what we can compensate for these threats, a concise description can be given like this, it is
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possible in principle. the first case of the use of this jet shahed 238 during the entire existence of this aircraft, for the first time was presented in the fall of this year and in the morning, the characteristics of this aircraft are not even known for sure , it can only be roughly estimated that the flight speed of up to 600 km/h is claimed, the approximate dimensions of this propeller shached, that is, approximately 3 m wingspan and 2 m, the length of the fuselage, the equipment of the warhead is unknown. there is only known that, let's say, a jet engine that can stand on this shaheed jet, it costs more than 50 00 dollars, which in principle creates the first problem that a tri-active shahet cannot be as massive as a propeller, why are the air forces now making such a careful lie that they cannot confirm, well, let's say, when there is some complete reference sample, well, then the wreckage of the aircraft can be compared with new samples and say yes , this was definitely shot down, but it turns out that we are the first who
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can deal with this jet ... so even if it seems that there are clear images in the public domain, they may not really give it an official qualification yet, in my subjective opinion, it is unlikely that the russians are here can set themselves the goal to to make such a massive air attack jet, maybe this is one of their already many numerous attempts to find something to try to wear down our air defenses, because let 's remember, they had the e-95m cheap jet drones that they used during siege of kyiv in march 2022. but the thing there is, let’s say, not bad, but the launch range is only 50 km, there were many times these x55, without nuclear equipment with mock-ups, but they can’t shoot the 55 to the end there, because these missiles, they are still are included in the nuclear triad, accordingly there, so as not to lose prestige, they cannot shoot down many x55s, there was a story with these so-called flying lawn mowers, well, that is, drones that can distract
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air defense, lantern drones. the designs apparently did not work, obviously, this could be one of the next variations on the theme of their attempts to exhaust our anti-aircraft defense, well, that is, to use jet missiles, well, but once it worked, well, it turns out , yes, here is an aircraft that has a flight speed of 600 km /h, it can hardly be shot down by anti-aircraft machine guns or automatic guns, like the zu-232 or these yugoslav outposts, but it is a jet, it gives a heat trace and can be targeted, well , any manpads with an infrared warhead, not to mention ... more complex ones systems like there, for example, these swedish or british air defense systems that we have with laser guidance, and maybe even the cheetah will be able to work on such a thing, accordingly, there will be such a certain, let's call it, competition, whether the russians will invent something like that, or our anti-aircraft guns will find a quick and effective way to shoot down jet shaheds, and the russians will have to urgently look for new wonderwaffes to introduce, well, to, let's say, wear out our air defense and not
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achieve results in this? mr. van, thank you very much for the explanation, short, but very clear and succinct, i will remind our viewers that it was ivan krichevsky, a military expert of the information and consulting company defense express, so we can talk about the fact that there is some sample of russian and ukrainian weapons anti-aircraft forces effective methods of countermeasures are now being found. these were the main results of this military era today, and more so the international. and economic news further on our big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to serhiy zgurets, it was serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency, who talked about what is happening on the front lines, what our achievements are, and now it's time for news and a word to the charming presenter irena koval.


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