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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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took place in june 2023, but unfortunately i don't know the exact date of her disappearance, because diana lived in the village of verhnyotoretske in pokrovsky district, which was occupied at the beginning of the war. therefore, any information about the girl's possible whereabouts is important. if you happen to have it, call the magnolia child tracing service hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. or write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for the 17-year-old serhiy samoilov, who also disappeared in the donetsk region in the city of mariupol. his mother said that on the very first day of the war, life in the city became unbearable and the situation rapidly worsened with each passing hour. the family hid in the basement from the bombings, but shelling was far from the only problem for the residents of mariupol.
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there was no internet, light, or water, we even drank technical water from a technical tap, then the whole family ate everything, he didn’t drink, he couldn’t eat, to be honest, it was very difficult at all. the stores were all ransacked, there was no lift, nothing, we just sat there, that's what we wanted, despite all the horrors, what bothered the 15-year-old boy the most. lack of internet, that is why the guy wanted to leave mariupol , he was very interested in computers , he studied programs there, tried to develop them, created servers, and why did he actually leave home, yes, because there was no connection or internet at home anymore, it’s understandable , there was no water there, there were already problems with food, he was going to go in the direction of pokrovsk. sergey planned to go to my mother's acquaintance in pokrovsk, which is also donets. the region is approximately
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200 km from mariupol, and the boy's family did not dare to leave the house, so serhiy left alone, it happened on march 6 at 4:00 pm, my grandmother and i did not let him go, because there was a lot of shooting around, and to be honest, we already then there was absolutely nothing to eat and drink, it was very scary, he took a backpack with him, there was a computer in it, he dressed the way young people dress,
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and now he is in the territory under the control of ukraine, he is doing everything possible from his side, to find serhiy. in particular, he turned to the office of the public prosecutor. i understand that they want to contact that party, yes, and find out if there is any information on that side, because a lot of children were being transported to russian territory at that time, so now they will contact that party. it is possible that the boy was taken to russia, but it is possible that he is still somewhere in donetsk region, so i am contacting the residents. temporarily occupied territory, who may see this program on social networks. look carefully at the photo child, if anyone knows where serhiy might be now, don't delay. dial the short number of the magnolia child tracing service 11630 from any mobile operator. calls to the hotline from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if suddenly there is no connection, write to the chat bot of the child tracing service in telegram. any information is important. we
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have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and let us know, and we'll get it up and running all possible mechanisms for punishing the criminal. stopcrime ua. there are 20% discounts on bronkhi pred in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are 15% discounts on strength detox at psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of air time, two hours. your time,
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we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, sergey zgurets is with us, and what the world lives on, and now about what happened in the world, more details will follow. to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elinia chechenii, for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also chairman. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, it 's 6:13 p.m. and the tv channel is broadcasting live. the big broadcast continues, today yuri fizer and i and my colleagues have prepared for you the most important things at the moment, in particular, serhii zgurets will talk about the military component of our fight against the russian aggressor, oleksandr morshevka, as always, will tell in detail all the most important things from the world of money, the inimitable lina chechenina, our art viewer will tell about how ukrainian culture survives during the war, of course i will tell you. i will tell my part about what happened during the past day in the world, and the highlight of our broadcast today will be natalka didenka, who will tell us about what to expect from the weather in the next day, and maybe she will also look a little ahead, we will see, well well, it's all waiting for
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you for the next, well, about two hours, so make yourself comfortable and we 'll start, but... i'll start with this , the collection is in progress, the espresso channel invites you to join to the collection of kamikat drones for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar. these soldiers have been actively protecting ukraine since 2014 in the hottest areas. this is the battle for the donetsk ilovaisk airport. battles for sumy region and kharkiv region. solodar and bakhmut in donetsk region. currently, the defenders need kamikaji drones in sufficient quantity, they can in ... minutes stop almost any offensive and any assault actions of the enemy, equipment, manpower, where there is no wing of a drone, the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost. on your screens you have seen the qr code and
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financial information that you can drop your donations on, again, you drop them to secure our. soldiers fighting for our future. well, let's begin, the enemy continues to actively shell ukrainian regions, in particular dnipropetrovsk region, during the past day it came under fire, after midnight the russians shelled marganets, in dnipropetrovsk region, the enemy hit the city with heavy artillery, five high-rise buildings and two auto. the head of the region, serhii lysak, said the dead and fortunately, there are no wounded, but the shelling continues, and in more detail about what happened today in the region, i want to talk to
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dmytrochko, dmytro bychkov, acting chairman of the nikopol district council. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, good evening, heroin glory. mr. dmytro, well, tell me, please, which one. now the situation after these shellings, i ask to tell only what can be told on the air. unfortunately, the enemy has been shelling for a very long time. manganets and rural communities of the nikopol district, this terror continues every day, night and day, the enemy is pounding around the zaporozhye nuclear power station without a break, and the problem is, of course , that these shellings take place after takeoff until 10 in the area of ​​10 seconds, and of course these shellings can catch a person, even when he is walking at a hundred on the street when she goes to the store or to the pharmacy, that's why these attacks are such a constant situation. and what is the life of the nikopol region, and today was not an exception, today, on the day the enemy launched attacks
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from drones and artillery of the city of nikopol and nikopol district, i can say that we are still waiting for final information from the head of the regional state administration about the consequences of this hostile attack on nikopol district, but i can say that despite such... and the defense forces , local self-government bodies, state authorities, local residents, enterprises, all those people who continue to live, work and help the nikopol margion to survive and live in these difficult times of war. mr. dmytro, you can clarify, look, because this morning and after all, during the day there was information about the shelling of only marganets, as i understood from what you said, shelling after shelling was inflicted all over nikopolshchyna, yes they are. are hitting different parts of the region, i will say that we traditionally have all these results, that
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the head of the regional state administration will be suitable in the evening, when after all, because the region is large and the option takes place in different parts, and then we see the full picture of these shellings, what we see, what we hear, we will say, it will be summed up in the evening, it was in margani at night, during today's day there were corresponding attacks on the nikopol region and they took place in different... mr. dmytro, well, there was also information that the enemy is actively shelling the coastal areas, or are the residents being resettled there? yes , traditionally, people, unfortunately, suffer the most in the nikopol region, who live in the coastal zone, and it is really a lot of people who just get hit, and during those shellings, they are, unfortunately, both killed and wounded, just people lose houses at some point, simply a person cannot not to be at home and then we all help these
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people so that people have some kind of suitable temporary housing while it is being rebuilt, so i can say that people are moving out who wish to do so at the moment, but i can say that if we we are talking about the resettlement of the residents of nikopol , there is no such trend today, on the contrary , we note that a certain part of people are returning home, because it happens in different ways, some did not find themselves abroad, some still returned to enter deceased parents, someone still works in those territories and has a corresponding job in the territory of nikopol, because you know, home is home, and of course it attracts a lot of people, despite the fact that there is a war in our country, people are trying to adapt and to live in such realities, mr. dmytro, you said: about the state helping to restore the houses of those people, the houses that were damaged as a result of shelling, and what do you
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mean, after all, it is not you who mean, but what is it about, when talking about the restoration of buildings that hurt? well, there are appropriate compensation programs that people receive, but when there is shelling, the most important thing is that representatives of the critical infrastructure of the ministry of emergency situations provide emergency assistance to people in order to put out the fire, close the windows, the roof, well, that is, everything. what is necessary in order for people to at least have the appropriate protection from the destruction that occurred, well, of course there are already different programs, because depending on the damage, this is determined in order to help the person accordingly, because, well, you can say , that there are a lot of such cases that you are currently showing on the air, this is, unfortunately, everyday life that exists today in the territory of the nikopol... region, because these shellings occur constantly, and the enemy hits not only the private sector,
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high-rise buildings, into critical infrastructure, that is, it is just terror of the nikopol region, and at any moment these shellings can take place in any part of the nikopol region, and especially in that coastal area, which they target the most. look, one more question for you, as far as i understand, people whose houses were damaged by shelling are being given temporary housing now. but with some people, again, as far as i understand, perhaps, the houses may not be subject to restoration, and what in this case? well, i can say here, of course, when it comes to compensation. a person usually receives, then he can, well, with these funds, he can use them either for restoration, or make some other appropriate decisions, so in principle here , depending on the damage to the property, the person makes a decision accordingly and by local self-government bodies, which help in this case, but we can, of course, understand that,
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let's say, people try to make such intermediate repairs, because of course there may be such people... that of course, when a person has repaired , and it flew again, so of course, as a rule, why it is not there , the windows are blocked with plywood, boards and all other windows that have blown away, because no one risks putting a plastic window or a normal window, because the arrivals and these moments can happen again, and the last one for you the question for today, mr. dmytro, what about the water supply after the destruction of the kakhovskaya dam... the construction of the water pipeline from the dnipro to your two cities, marganets and nikopol, has begun, what is the current situation with this? the state continues the implementation of the project for the construction of a water pipeline, which should restore the supply of centralized drinking water to the residents of the nikopol region. today
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, each community has its own history, in some places the centralized drinking water supply has been fully restored. in some territories there is only technical drinking water character in the tap, in some territories water is only a sub-recognition, because there are no technical possibilities to get technical water today, that is why we are all waiting for the implementation of the state project, and for now everyone is helping to get out as much as possible depending on the situation, we are very grateful to all funds , which help with containers, help with supply water, a water carrier. who work in the territory of the nikopol region and help to alleviate the situation with water for the residents of the nikopol region. mr. dmytro, i thank you very much for participation in the program, thank you for telling about the latest happenings in your region, it was dmytro bychko, the acting chairman of the nikopol district council, and in particular, i will emphasize again, he talked about how
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what is happening in nikopolshchyna after today's shelling, in particular marganets. well...from that, let's move on to our next guest and talk a little bit about politics, how the world, in particular the united states of america, continues to help us resist russian aggression, and i'm connected with igor eisenberg, professor new york university. mr. igor, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, mr. yuri, i congratulate you and all the viewers. thank you for joining, it should be. there is a lot to talk about with you, i hope that we will have time to talk about it all in the time allotted to us. look, on sunday evening, well , actually, even everyone read about it on monday morning, information appeared that in the american congress , republicans and democrats agreed on funding, on the restoration of funding government, and in this way they avoided a shutdown,
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that is, they saw, they know how to negotiate, but the financing of ukraine. the $51 billion, of course, does not depend in any way on the agreement that happened on sunday, although, on the other hand, i want to ask you, maybe it depends on this, maybe we see on this agreement between the democrats and the republicans on sunday, it's such a good a sign for the fact that financial aid to ukraine will also be unblocked? i think it depends i think so i agree with you that it's a good sign because it means that after all they, they can come to an agreement, although... i have to say that when speaker johnson and senate majority leader schumer on sunday, they announced that they had reached this agreement on the budget, even on the budget for the entire fiscal year, not the interim budget, there were immediately several far-right republicans the house of representatives said that it was unacceptable to them, that they would never
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support it, because it would still be difficult there, and speaker johnson. it will be difficult, because he has to balance between his far-right part of his faction, which against everything votes against everything and does not accept anything, and the rest of his faction, and the fact that he cannot pass the budget, in fact, he cannot pass anything through the house, if it does not have bipartisan support, because the republicans have a majority in the house of representatives, it symbolic, in fact, it's three... seats, and from february there will be two, because one of the republicans, he's leaving the congress, and regarding aid agreements. about this second bill, one of the senators who is conducting these negotiations, there is such a group of six senators, three republicans and three democrats, senator langworth of oklahoma, he
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also said just yesterday that there would be progress if they would release that immigration compromise that they came up with so that, let's say, the house of... could make some proposals so that people can see what they have achieved, that is, this is a positive sign, and that they are agreeing on the general budget, and that they have progress in negotiations to unblock the bill on aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. mr. igor, look, and now, to close this issue, to the republicans. in particular, those pro-trump minority in the republican caucus, in the house of representatives, in particular, besides the questions about
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the southern border to the joe biden administration, are there any questions? yes, and you know, i would call this the issue of the southern border, because joe biden has already requested 14 billion more in the proposal for these additional allocations, where there is aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. to strengthen security at the border, they do not approve of all this together, in that including border security, because the right -wing republicans demand that the migration law be changed as a condition for the approval of this bill, which includes aid to ukraine, but these far-right groups, of course, have they have a requirement to... to cut spending very much, to cut government spending as much as possible, to cut spending on or eliminate certain social programs and
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so on, and they can't do that because it's just never going to pass the senate , any budget must be approved in the same wording, one and the same wording by both houses, the senate will never approve such a thing, so here here... only a compromise is possible here, neither side here can achieve everything they want. look , yesterday, well, actually yesterday morning , we found out about it, speaker mike johnson said it on the night from sunday to monday kyiv time, he said that in an interview with cbs, that he now has before the administration , and he and his colleagues in the administration of joe biden, regarding the support of ukraine, there is a main issue, we need to be open and talk about where the taxpayers' money is going, what it is spent on and how it will be controlled, as far as i understand, the joe biden administration has repeatedly
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said that they willing to cooperate on this matter, and then mike johnson asks similar questions, how long can this take? well look, that's it, i think that's what he said to the general public to save face, actually the administration has already said that it twists to... to congress sends reports on every dollar spent on aid to ukraine, very detailed reports, and most of them are even available online, for everyone, that is , they can be found there on the appropriate websites of the administration and congress, that is, that's it these are all beautiful words, in fact, there is already a group of auditors permanently working in kyiv at the united states embassy, ​​there are general inspectors here in... all the relevant departments, there is a special group that monitors whether all the weapons that are supplied to ukraine, does she get into the army, or
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so that, god forbid, some weapon does not get somewhere where it should go, and there was not a single such case, that is, i would say that these are all such conversations in order to explain , that's why they don't approve of it, so explain to those people who don't... don't get into it, aren't interested in such details, in fact, these are all the reports, they, even i say that those are some of them that are not secret, they're just can be found online, any person can find them and simply read them, and this is a drag on the side republicans can be a kind of pressure on the administration of joe biden, and such a demand: stop clinging to trump? it's, i would say it's, well, it's, you know , domestic politics, because we 're going to have an election in november, so we're already on the campaign trail, and i think
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the republicans have this...a goal to show joe biden and his administration, well, they 're not him, they can't do that, they can't do that, that 's where they fail, that's where they fail, to show them in such a light, to make money advantages for the elections, i think that , above all, these are internal, domestic political, well, to put it mildly, things that are not unpleasant, because in my opinion such things as aid to ukraine. and helping israel, helping taiwan, helping the democracies that are fighting the totally black forces that are afraid, that are fighting the dictatorships that want to destroy these democracies, that should be number one for both american parties, and it should be out of the question when it it becomes , it becomes some sort of hostage, this question becomes
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a hostage of some internal. political things, it's just unpleasant, i would say, very, very cynical, and also unpleasant, for me, as an american citizen, it's just that mr. igor, we have very little time, i literally started talking about trump for one and a half minutes, tell me, please , and what are his prospects , taking into account the fact that he has today, perhaps he is already in court, he was in court, there was a session just this morning in court, it ended about 45 minutes ago, i had the opportunity to listen to him a little, he there on... performed, he just sat there, that's it there was an audio broadcast from the court, and the court, the appellate court, was considering, that is, his appeal regarding his immunity, that he as the president can do whatever he wants, and he can't get anything for it, well, his lawyers there, they proved this the theory that he, as the president, fulfills his duties, no matter what he does, then he has immunity, he, this immunity, therefore, is canceled
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only if he has been convicted. as a result of the impeachment process, well, and accordingly , deputy special prosecutor smith was there, he broke down these arguments, he said that, well, that then, if the president has immunity, then he can order, say, the assassination of his political opponent, sell secrets to a foreign state, take bribes, he will have nothing for it, if you accept the position of trump's lawyers, that's it. when there will be a decision is not yet known, in one word it can be summed up like this: it will continue, it will continue, yes, thank you very much, mr. igor , for participating in today's broadcast, we talked about what is happening in the united states of america, and in particular regarding aid and washington's support of ukraine in our just fight against russian aggression. well, now we are moving from the political component to the military one. we talk about what
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is happening in the fields, and a lot of other things. serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency. serhii, congratulations, you have a word. i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers. today, in our column, we will talk about germany's readiness to open new defense enterprises in ukraine, about the state of affairs on the front line and about mobilization, and whether the enemy is really already using those new jets shahed, more on that in a moment. i'll start with the good news: unlike the usa, where there is still a pause in the unblocking of military aid for ukraine, germany is showing activity both in the supply of military equipment and in the expansion of projects on the territory of our state. german defense company ffg. in
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the west of ukraine is building a repair center for the restoration of a number of samples of german weapons and equipment, which is already used by the armed forces of ukraine. perhaps it should have been kept secret, but a committee member from of german defense, markus faber. according to him, he remembered only one of them. current weapons are leopard 1 a5 tanks, this is a slightly newer version than what we see on our screen now, leopard 1 a5 tanks are already used by our military and, in particular, it is worth mentioning that this german company ffg has about 99 leopard tanks in its arsenal and they are already partly...


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