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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EET

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everything burned, clothes, hats, buffs. andriy recalls that he managed to save himself by a miracle, because at first neither his comrades nor doctors gave him a chance for life. i heard the roar of the engine, i realized that they were following us. two guys came up to me, one says, look at him, there is nothing to take here, and the other tells him, well, this is our brother, we will take him anyway. has great capabilities for a protracted war, so it is too early for the ukrainians to surrender. despite the difficulties, andriy has not lost his ability to dream even today. one of his goals is to climb on the top of the mountain together with my son and the ukrainian flag, and that will be after our victory. anastasia holoshivets, viktoriya vorushchak for the espresso tv channel from vinnytsia. and that was all the news for that time. i am iryna koval, i am saying goodbye to you. until
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tomorrow, and the big broadcast continues, and it will be continued by my colleague, yuriy fizar, who will tell you a lot more interesting and relevant information, so yura, you have a word. thank you iro, for your work today in the news service, have a rest, and we will continue the information this time already from the world and i continue as usual, of course, i will talk about the following, in particular, the chancellor of germany convinces colleagues in the european union to increase aid and leave. ukraine, finland will not open its borders with russia, and russians may not vote in the elections of the president of russia abroad, about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine column. well, let me start with
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this: the former prime minister of italy mario draghi may become the new president of the european council, the financial times reported this with reference to its sources, both in italy and in brussels. at the same time, neither mr. draghi himself nor people from his entourage confirmed this information, but at least they did not deny it, although it is emphasized that those people who are familiar with ma'. dear mr. draghi, that the ex-head of the european central bank said that he does not want to work in management positions in the european union, so let's see, i will only remind you that the seat of the president of the european council has become vacant, it may become vacant after june 9, but only if if the current president, charles michel , is elected as a member of the european parliament, by the way, about the fact that he does not want...
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to be president anymore, charles michel said on sunday evening, yesterday i talked about it in the column world about ukraine, and today we already have information that they are already looking for his replacement, and this replacement for us it is extremely necessary, because, as i told yesterday, and they continue to do so today , this news, to be in the information space, that if a new president is not elected quickly, then the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, will automatically become him, and you yourself understand how bad it all is for us. let's move on, arms deliveries to ukraine are planned for... today , most of the member states of the european union are in any case too small, so i call on our allies and partners to intensify the provision of military and financial assistance, german chancellor olaf scholz said this the day before after meeting with the prime the prime minister of luxembourg luc frieden. at the same time, the head of the bundesurad called on the leaders of the eu countries to define their contribution more precisely by february 1. and added the direct
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speech of olaf scholz: "europe must demonstrate to the whole world that it continues to be with ukraine on the side of protecting freedom, international law and european values. well, estonia will continue to provide ukraine with all the necessary financial and military assistance and will allocate 0.25% of its gross domestic product for this purpose. product, the country's prime minister kaya kalas said the day before during a press conference after the regular meeting of the council on state defense. what's more, official tallinn will do it for the next four years. the head of the estonian government also says that during this time estonia will allocate 14 million euros per year for joint actions to restore ukraine. well, in general, says kaya kalas, they, we have already received an army from them.
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aid for 500 million euros, for which this small country is extremely grateful. hungary will lift its veto on the allocation of money by the european union to ukraine, but on one condition, if the european council reviews this aid every year, politico journalists reported with reference to their own sources in brussels and budapest. experts believe that this will allow viktor orban to blackmail the leadership of the european union every year blocking selection. aid to ukraine, if decisions unfavorable to him are adopted in brussels. let me remind you that in mid-december last year, hungary vetoed the increase in the eu budget for 2024-27, including 50 billion euros for macro-financial
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assistance to ukraine. well, there is also information related to hungary, the leader of this country, continued the national consultations on how to support, how to treat the support of ukraine in general, and he continued these consultations, which should have ended, should have ended already, but will continue until 17 in january of last year, the leadership of this country, our neighbor, put this issue of support for ukraine up for national discussion, they want to know the opinion of ordinary citizens of the country, well, i think they are just dragging this issue out. finland's eastern border, i.e. the border with russia, which is more than 1,000 km long, will remain closed. this was announced today by the minister of internal affairs of the country maria rantanen. according to her, the government decided not to open
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checkpoints on the border with ukraine after january 14 a terrorist country, and explaining such a decision, the minister said, in particular, quote: "of course, i cannot disclose intelligence information, but..." it seems that there have been no changes in russia's activities at all, so there is a very real risk that that russia will continue to engage in similar activities if the border is opened. you may have a question, what kind of activities can russia do? and until now, she simply drove migrants from european and asian countries to the border with finland, convincing them that they could light. to cross it in order to get to one of the countries of the european union, as the minister says, if the borders are opened, then this shelter, which has developed now, will disappear, and migrants will continue to go to the border en masse. the president of ukraine
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, volodymyr zelenskyi, will go to, or at least may go to, the world economic forum in davos, switzerland, this was first reported today in the columns of swiss newspapers. edition, and then it was confirmed by the president of the world economic forum, bergen brenda. according to the published information preparations for the trip are in full swing. currently, it is known for certain that the fourth meeting regarding the so-called ukrainian peace formula will be held in davos on sunday, the day before the start. three have already taken place, one took place in malta, in united, i'm sorry, in saudi arabia. saudi arabia and luxembourg. well, let's wait. a few days left. all countries of the world must strongly defend the goals and principles of the united nations charter, jointly defend the basic norms of international relations, and moreover, they must play a constructive role in the settlement
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global and regional crises. such a statement was made today by china's foreign minister one. according to him, the world should be equal and orderly. and yes. and his short quote: every country has its place in the global multi-level system and can play a proper role there, that's the end of the quote. however, it is not entirely clear, at least to me, how beijing is going to do all this and at the same time deepen strategic cooperation with russia, as mr. wang also said today. and he also wants, offered at least try to settle the world's debts. again , he continues to call the russian war in ukraine a crisis, with the help of cooperation with russia, with the country that started this crisis, well, the war in ukraine, which continues it further, well, that is why such statements from the kingdom of heaven, well, they are somewhat impressive, well, that
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's putting it mildly, well, in conclusion, the decision has not been made yet, but in the consulates general of russia in the territory of unfriendly countries. countries will not open polling stations for the presidential elections scheduled for march 15-17 this year, about this was reported by the propagandists of the russian edition of the newspaper. with reference to sources in diplomatic circles, while, according to the information received, the number of countries in which there will be no polling stations is significant. the reason for such a possible step is explained by the newspaper's sources as security considerations and a reduction in the number of consular employees. i will remind you that the list of so-called unfriendly countries, the so-called list includes 49 countries, and if... everyone understood that there are no security considerations, there is no question of any security considerations, it is said that in 49
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countries, well, not all, in most of them , those who do not want to support putin simply will not be able to support putin, if these polling stations are not opened. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more in this column, but our broadcast continues. and so we continue with an interesting interview, our journalists have prepared it for you, they have been waiting for almost two years. ostap rishitnyk, a military, sanitary instructor, after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russian horde into ukraine, ended up in polon at the ilyich factory in he was able to return to mariupol only at the beginning of january. home, then espresso broadcasts an interview with his wife, olga reshitnyk.
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let's see. greetings to all viewers of the tv channel. my name is khrystyna porubiy and we tell the stories of soldiers released from captivity. at the beginning of january, there was one of the largest exchanges since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , 203 soldiers returned home, among them 225 men and five women, and today we have the opportunity to speak with the wife of one of those who returned home, ostap reshitnyka, he is from the lviv region, today we have olga rashitnyk in the studio, olga, i congratulate you, tell me some of your first emotions, how did you find out that your husband was coming home, good afternoon, studio, actually, it was first of all a call from special services how it happens in general, the very first emotions, that is, i did not believe that it was really so
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, how we learned to restrain ourselves, well, that is , we did not expect something immediately, so somehow in the first such emotions, they were even on the a shock, just a shock that we are still recovering from still not recovered because somehow yes, you have two children, yes, how did they survive? is this separation from your father because your husband was in captivity for almost two years, how, what were the emotions of the children? eh, my daughter , she was also shocked, she was happy, that is, she laughed, my son had radically different emotions, he cried, he cried all evening until he heard his father’s voice, and the daughter was walking, saying, well, why are you crying, well that is, dad is already thirsty, dad is already in ukraine, why are you crying, on the contrary, you are rejoicing? must, and then when they are already heard the father's voice, they had radically different emotions, that is, when it was possible to contact
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the husband, in fact, this period of waiting for a call, it lasted from 6 o'clock in the afternoon until almost 112 in the evening, it was such a long period that when we already heard this call, everyone who was near me was at home. there were tears, emotions, it was a shock, well, that is, but we were glad to finally hear his voice. how did the children survive these almost two years of separation? i tried to distance them a little from it, that is, not to involve them completely in it all those emotions, i tried to somehow distract them so that they would not experience this whole situation so deeply. you have a 13-year-old daughter yustyna and a 9-year-old son lukyan. and
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now let's hear how they met, how they communicated with their father, this first call after the capture, we will now listen to yustyna roschitnyk. tell us how you found out that your father has already been released from captivity, that your father is returning home, what were your first impressions, first emotions? well, the sbu called my mother and said that... he is in ukraine, eh, and my mother was not at home then, she went to the store, and then she calls me somewhere around 6:00 p.m., and says that dad is at home, well, i had some mixed emotions, because i... was in shock, well, at first i cried a little, but it was from happiness, and then i didn't feel any such emotions until the moment he called us, with my father, i was already talking, so tell me what they talked about, the first conversation, video or by phone, well, at first he just called on the phone, well, we
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just talked , what, what we did during this time on... he was not there, how are things with us there, or everything healthy, and said that they missed each other , we managed to communicate via video, so he called us, well, we showed him what we had new there, he also showed us, told us everything, it was yustyna rositnyk, daughter osta peresetnyk, who was released the day before from russian captivity, please tell us about your husband? who was he at the front, when did he go to war and why was it important for him to go to war? well, in fact, he has been in the military since 2009, and when in the 14th year all this started situations that continue to this day, well, every year until today, he went on rotations, they provided assistance to the military, they carried out,
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well, that is, all kinds of processing, that is, they ensured first of all... let's say, the safety of our own people , they were engaged in the treatment of premises, that is , from rodents from all kinds of things, well, all these are the types of work that the sanitary services are engaged in, this is also, later, he was a driver, as the sanitary ones of all services, which also provided help to the military and directly to the same to medics, because there is no medic without a driver either. can't do anything, he fulfilled all his duties that were entrusted to him, that were needed, he helped as much as he could. how did he explain his decision, why is it important for him to join the armed forces of ukraine? he always said, who, if not me, how did his family accept such an act? well, we didn't
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mind very much because it was his calling. he wanted to go there, he rushed there, he said, that is, that i want to be with the boys, that is , i am also needed there, so we strongly and objected to this, how did the war start in 2014, this period until 2022, before full-scale war, what operations was your husband involved in, how was his life during this time period, where was he, they were regularly rotated, how rule. to military hospitals, they with military medics, with hospitals, they provided all the help that was needed, where, where he was in some, you can some points, it was different points, it was mariupol, and there was, i even i can't remember, because it's so much all kinds of information, and severodonetsk,
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well, that is, a lot of eastern regions, both above and below, well, that is, wherever they were needed, everywhere they were. you know, many soldiers, those who have been fighting since 2014, they predicted somewhere that there will be such a full-scale invasion, there will be a big war, that russia will not leave ukraine, that's how, that's how simple it is. tell me, did the man foresee this somewhere, or maybe he was preparing some family for that, in fact, we did not talk about such a topic with him, and i think that er, well, i will not say, because i really do not know this, but he was going on rotation on february 18. without saying anything like that, he went just as an emergency of his rotation, on which he went before that, on february 18, 2022, he went to mariupol, so he went on a rotation to mariupol, this is the 555th mariupol hospital, how long was the man at connection then, how long was the connection,
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did you manage to talk to him, how often did you communicate with him, in fact. there was no such possibility of communication, somehow it was on the 24th, it all started, on the 26th, i personally spoke with him, it was literally a few minutes, and it was very short, then his daughter heard him on march 1, he asked how they were, what they were doing, and after such a complete connection that we heard his voice was lost, there were several messages. from the beginning of march until april 3rd, and the last message was april 3rd, alive and well, and after that we never heard anything, nothing... knew, we walked, waited, hoped, we still have to wait a little longer, he will call, he, well, that is, and when one evening, i don't remember exactly if it was 30 or
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on april 31, one evening before going to bed, i was writing on the russian telegram channel , and i saw his photo there, well, it was a photo with the inscription that they raised, they did the right thing, surrendered their weapons , raised their hands, and so i saw that he was in prisoners, first of all it was a call from the military unit to the commander, that so-and-so information appeared, and from that moment the process was launched, that is, we began to look for various exits, volunteers, documents , all special services, a million calls, a million messages, a lot of all kinds information, encountered various moments, there were a lot of such moments of despair, in which i wanted to pour it all out. because we have a lot of special services, well, i understand that this is their job, there is information that they cannot divulge, everywhere we did not turn,
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everywhere there were the same answers, be patient, we are doing our best, but we are like family , it was difficult, this period of unknown when we didn't know anything, this period of waiting, and finally we waited for the long-awaited call, very long-awaited message that he is finally in ukraine. the man was captured in mariupol from the ilyich plant, right? yes, did these first people talk at all, the first month, yes, when there was still contact with him, did the man tell something, what was the situation at the factory then, uh, when they were already at the factory, contact with him there was no, the last communication is complete, it was on march 1, when we heard it, then in the middle of march, as we all know, an aerial bomb was dropped. to this hospital and after that full contact with him was lost, they were among the bankers at the lych plant, so someone there somewhere got closer, then he wrote
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to his relatives, that is, that so and so, such and such a situation, that is, you did not even know what happened to your husband, we knew, we found out later that he was wounded, during captivity, it's been almost two years, so you found out in april that he was already in captivity, was there any... communication with the husband, was there any correspondence, none, nothing, where did you get the information, information about him, unfortunately, there was no information, that is, all that was in russian telegram channels, some, yes , yes, we didn’t find him on any videos anymore, and how do the situations of relatives who recorded videos there get, no, no information, except for this photo, which we saw in april until the month of january in... wasn't there, when there was hope for an exchange? there was always hope, we always waited , i'll tell you the truth, i didn't entertain myself with such thoughts
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to avoid disappointment again, we just learned to live with the fact that we still need to wait a little, be patient a little, er, so, i'll tell you, really , hope appeared when this list of... 300 people was posted on the network, that these people went through all the procedures, but it was perceived as another information dump, a type of misinformation, because hoping for some logic and some actual adequacy, well, unfortunately , it was not possible, because there was a lot of misinformation, but they were happy with this, that taking into account the entire number of prisoners that there is, and he got into the list of these 300 people, so... it is still no wonder, and hope appeared even more, finally, at least he is somewhere it appeared that indeed, maybe soon something will become clear, and it turned out that we
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did not wait for a long time after that, how long has it been since it was made public, it has been approximately two weeks, how is the man feeling now and when will you be able to see him , he is now in a pretty good condition, he is glad that he can finally hear the children. that he can hear their laughter, their voice, says: i'm doing my best to get home as soon as possible, to hug you all as soon as possible, says: i missed you so much, i knew that you waiting for me, i knew personally before me that you would do everything for me to come back, so we are also happy to wait for him at home, you already know when you will be able to see, some tell you yes, unfortunately we don't know anything yet . because it all depends on his state of health, that's why it's nonsense, it can wait, we already know that he's here, that's why there's a connection, there's communication, that's why those
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few days or weeks are already... you can wait for. we wish you to meet as soon as possible and be a whole family again. i will remind you that today we talked with ostap's wife reshetnyk, who was released from russian captivity in early january by olga reshetnyk. we are waiting and hoping for each of our military men, who are now, unfortunately, in russian boot shops. thanks for being with us today, stay with espresso. there are discounts on citramon darnytsia - 10% in the pharmacies of prysnyk you and ochsadno, there are discounts on lyzak 10% at pharmacies pryssynyk, pam and ochsadno. 93
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separate. mechanized brigade cold ravine is in dire need of fivi drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier to approach the victory for which the whole of ukraine is waiting. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes.
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well, it's time to talk about money on our broadcast. during the war , well, who knows this best than my friend oleksandr moshchevka, i congratulate you, oleksandr, i congratulate you, thank you for your word, i congratulate the audience, in the next few minutes i will talk about the situation in the power system, also that on the ukrainian-polish border and important we are discussing the resolution, the cabin has canceled the moratorium on disconnection of utility services and the charging of fines to the population, what does this mean, the details will be told by the expert, wait, shut up i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is
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a column about money during the war. therefore , the polish border will no longer be the largest transit crossing into the countries of the european union. this was announced by the vice-president of the association of international motor carriers, volodymyr balin. ukraine is currently looking for other routes, in particular through hungary, slovakia and romania. it is really necessary to do this, because we see that the situation on... the ukrainian-polish border is quite difficult, the problem remains. let's listen to the direct speech of the expert. on the territory of romania the existing road network is being expanded in order to increase the flow of trucks, in particular the reforts of constanta. and i clearly understand that for romanians this is a priority for the development of their economy. and by the way, there are more than a thousand cars now.


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